The palms of the hands are cracking. Dry hands: causes of dry skin and proper care. Temperature and mechanical effects on the skin of the hands

Hands are the main working tool of a person. If the skin is cracking on the palms, then this is a problem not only of health, but also of one's own life support. Timely identification of the cause will help stop the pathological process in time and remove painful sensations.

Peeling, redness and cracks on the hands are a lot of inconvenience. Soreness can be so severe that the simplest actions become impossible. If wounds and limited mobility begin to appear, see a dermatologist to determine the cause.

Why does the skin crack on the palms

Why do cracks appear on the skin:

  1. Adverse environmental influences. Cold, heat, dry air from central heating and temperature changes negatively affect the delicate integuments.
  2. Hard tap water.
  3. The action of aggressive household detergents. They dry out the skin and wash away the protective layer of fat.
  4. Lack of vitamins, most often retinol and tocopherol.
  5. Chemical, thermal or sunburn.
  6. Various dermatitis, including neurodermatitis and allergies.
  7. Long-term antibiotic treatment.
  8. Fungus, eczema, allergies.

All these reasons are of different nature, they are solved in different ways. It is important to consult a dermatologist, otherwise the wrong measures can aggravate the problem.

What to do if the skin of the palms is cracked

Skin problems are most often a symptom, and not an independent disease. Do not heavily lubricate your hands with cream or oil. In some cases, this leads to a worsening of the condition. Only proceed with treatment when directed by your doctor.

Solutions for cracked palms:

  1. If the reason is dry air, cold or heat, lubricate your palms with intensive moisturizing cream. Hang wet sheets on batteries or buy a humidifier. Wear sunscreen in summer.
  2. Wear gloves when doing homework. This will protect the skin from overdrying with water, the action of aggressive detergents and prevent contact dermatitis.
  3. Take supplemental vitamin complexes in late winter and spring.
  4. If the dermatitis is caused by increased stress, take sedatives prescribed by your doctor and avoid stressful situations.
  5. Skin fungus is difficult to treat. Follow all the instructions of the dermatologist and additionally protect the skin from negative external influences.

The treatment of the palms can take a long time, it is important not to interrupt it.

In autumn and winter, people suffer from cracking of the skin of the hands and feet. Changes are often provoked by a negative impact on the integument of cold, wind and other factors.

But sometimes it has to be noted that such symptoms are not associated with such processes. Therefore, palms and heels begin to peel off even in summer.

When detecting signs, it is important to see a dermatologist who will determine why the skin is cracking. Problems can be hidden inside, so you can only deal with them comprehensively.

The causes of cracks

At first glance, even a doctor cannot easily determine why the skin on the fingers, feet and other parts of a person's limbs is cracking. But it can be noted that the influence is various negative factors. They lead to the fact that the skin is mechanically damaged or subjected to chemical "torture".

Sometimes the processes that affect the state of the integument are hidden inside the body. Therefore, it is important to study not only the external roots of the problem.

Cracks in the palms appear under the influence of cold, wind and water

Internal reasons

The reasons why the skin cracks can lie inside the body. These are considered pathologies of the chronic type.

Sometimes the symptoms may disappear for a while. But with an exacerbation of the underlying disease, negative changes appear again.

Cracking skin can be observed not only in the palms, but also in the feet, heels and face. It is important for patients to have individualized therapy. It aims to eliminate the underlying disease.

Among the main internal causes of dryness and cracks in the skin on the body, there are:

  • hormonal changes;
  • an allergic reaction to food irritants, contact agents;
  • lack of vitamins in the body;
  • fungal infection;
  • eczema;
  • psoriasis.

With the last two pathologies of the chronic type, large areas of integument are affected. Dry skin itches a lot, which is why there is a high probability of injury to the epidermis, penetration of harmful microorganisms and the development of an inflammatory process.

People with diabetes can also suffer from the disease. Often, strong and deep cracks appear on the heels. If the treatment is not started in a timely manner, then the formations at the time of walking are erased to blood. The problem is aggravated if a person is overweight.

External factors

The skin on the elbows, palms and other parts of the body peels off under the influence of:

  • severe frosts;
  • wind;
  • ultraviolet rays.

All these factors lead to excessive drying of the integument, due to which there is a lack of moisture. This process can be observed especially sharply on the elbow and knee bends, the back of the hands.

Cold plays a major role in crack formation

The maximum impact is found in low temperatures. Dehydration occurs much faster. Also, a similar effect is obtained with sudden changes, washing hands in hard and cold water, being in areas of high humidity.

If a person has an increased sensitivity of the integument, then negative changes can be observed with frequent washing of hands with soap. Skin can respond by peeling to chemical irritants found in cosmetics.

How to eliminate flaking and cracks?

If the skin on the fingers is cracking, then only a doctor should prescribe treatment. It evaluates all causes of symptoms. It is important to describe the situation to the doctor in as much detail as possible in order to determine the picture easier.

To eliminate unpleasant signs, it is important to carry out complex therapy.

It is necessary to exclude the negative influence of factors that provoked the appearance of flaky skin. Without this step, the therapy will give a positive result temporarily, until repeated exposure occurs.

The essence of the treatment lies in the use of healing ointments, taking pills. Also, special attention is paid to the correct composition of the diet, the intake of vitamin complexes.

Nutrition and vitamins

If the skin on the palms, legs and face cracks, it can be assumed that the body lacks useful vitamins. Fat-soluble elements E and A play a special role.

To make up for the shortage in a natural way, you will need to introduce into the diet of an adult and a child:

  • vegetables (tomatoes, carrots, bell peppers);
  • cottage cheese;
  • nuts;
  • liver;
  • beef;
  • beans.

Cereals, dairy and plant products are also considered useful. It is imperative to use olive, flax and sunflower oils when preparing dishes.

Similar symptoms are observed with a deficiency of vitamins P and C, PP, B. To prevent the spread of peeling, it is necessary to drink a complex of vitamins.

When the skin dries out, it must be lubricated with formulations with glycerin.

Hygiene procedures

It is important to follow certain rules of hygiene so that no cracks appear on the surface of the skin of the hands.

It is necessary to reduce the contact of the integument with water and household chemicals. It is important to use rubber gloves when doing household chores. It is also best to temporarily stop painting your fingernails and toenails.

Before going to bed, you can lubricate the skin with glycerin or cream with a substance in the composition. For maximum effect, wear cotton gloves on top.

You can only wash your hands with gentle means. Baby or bath soap is great.

You can make hand baths with herbal decoctions. After that, the skin, including between the fingers, needs to be lubricated with baby cream.

Drug treatment

A special cream or ointment can help deal with cracked skin. These must be purchased at the pharmacy. The doctor should select the drug depending on the reasons for the appearance of peeling and the degree of damage to the skin.

The doctor should choose a remedy for treatment, depending on the cause of the appearance of peeling and cracks

The drugs stop the process of tissue destruction. They also help to heal existing wounds.

  • The treatment is carried out in a comprehensive manner. Depanthenol or Radevit is applied in several approaches every day. If the lesions are more serious, the doctor prescribes Solcoseryl, Actovegin.
  • The composition of Depanthenol and Bepanten contains vitamin B. It promotes the healing of cracks in the skin. Disinfection of wounds occurs thanks to Chlorhexidine. You can use the formulations up to four times a day. They must be applied in a thin layer.
  • In the composition of Radevit there are vitamins A, E, D. The tool has an emollient, regenerating and anti-inflammatory effect. After application, the protective functions of the skin are enhanced. You need to use the tool in the morning and evening.
  • It is allowed to use Pantoderm several times a day. The ointment has a metabolic, regenerating effect. It also normalizes tissue trophism, after which the affected integuments recover faster.
  • Eplan will help to cope not only with dryness, but also with itchy skin. It tightens cracks, creating a thin film on the surface of the integument. As a result, the possibility of penetration of harmful bacteria into wounds is excluded. It is necessary to apply the composition twice a day.
  • Aevit capsules are prescribed if a person has a lack of vitamins E and A. To achieve the maximum effect, it is necessary to drink one tablet per day. The course of treatment is at least 20 and no more than 40 days.

Cracking of the skin can cause severe pain. To prevent this, you need to visit a doctor as soon as possible.

The appearance of cracks in the hands is a fairly common problem that both men and women have to face. When they occur, a person experiences a feeling of dryness, tightness, burning, pain and a feeling of awkwardness in front of others, since this part of our body is always visible and helps us to perform many actions. That is why we always want the skin of our hands to be healthy, beautiful and well-groomed.

Cracks appearing on the cracks can be different in their severity and depth. Some of them go away on their own and quickly, while others deliver uncomfortable sensations and pain, sometimes bleed and take a long time to heal. Cracks on the hands can appear at any time of the year, but they are most often observed in the cold seasons, in winter and autumn. There are many reasons for their formation: from external factors to malfunctions in the functioning of our body.

Why does the skin on the hands crack? How to get rid of this problem? We will answer these questions for you in our article. Knowing the cause of cracks on your hands and following some simple rules, you can get rid of this problem and prevent it from reoccurring.

The causes of cracks on the skin of the hands

One of the reasons for the formation of cracks in the skin of the hands can be psoriasis.

The main reason for the appearance of dryness and cracking of the skin of the hands is a weak protective skin barrier, which is not able to withstand the negative factors affecting the skin. It consists of proteins and oils, i.e. substances that protect the skin from drying out and create a protective film over it. The level of their production largely depends on genetic or internal factors.

The reasons for the destruction of the external protective barrier of the skin of the hands, its subsequent drying out and cracking can be the following external factors:

  • cold air (the most aggressive factor);
  • overheating in the sun;
  • wind;
  • a sharp drop in temperature;
  • dry air;
  • contact with hot, cold or hard water (especially prolonged and frequent);
  • contact with aggressive chemicals: soap, washing powders, cleaning agents, paint, cement, plaster, wallpaper glue, etc .;
  • contact with earth, ash, chalk and other moisture-absorbing media and substances;
  • the use of substandard and expired skin care products.

Under the influence of the above-described external factors, cracks are located on the surface of the hands. In such cases, injuries to the palms, between the fingers, or at their tips are rare.

The causes of dry skin of the hands and the appearance of cracks on it can be the following internal disorders:

  • infectious and non-infectious skin diseases: fungal infections, ichthyosis, palmar-plantar psoriasis, etc.;
  • hormonal disorders leading to;
  • endocrine diseases:,;
  • allergic reactions;
  • insufficient intake of vitamins and minerals due to malnutrition;
  • diseases of the digestive tract, accompanied by incomplete absorption of nutrients;
  • Reiter's syndrome;
  • violations of the water-salt balance;
  • age-related changes.

When exposed to internal causes, cracks in the hands appear on the surface of the palms, in the interdigital region or on the tips of the fingers. Subsequently, they can spread to other areas.

Determining the cause of the appearance of cracks in the hands largely influences the further tactics of treating this problem. In all cases, the cause of such damage to the skin of the hands must be eliminated.

You can get rid of the influence of external influences on your own. In such cases, subsequent treatment of cracks will be to prevent their reappearance and use moisturizing, nourishing and wound healing agents for hand care.

With the influence of internal factors, it is necessary to consult a doctor and undergo a comprehensive examination, which will help establish a diagnosis and determine a treatment plan for the underlying disease.

An appeal to a specialist should also take place if there is a suspicion of skin disease or the appearance of deep, painful and bleeding cracks that do not heal for a long time. In such cases, self-medication not only does not bring the desired relief, but also causes harm, exacerbating the problem.

How to get rid of dry and cracked skin on your hands at home?

When in contact with detergents, rubber gloves must be worn to protect hands.

To eliminate the influence of negative external factors on the skin of the hands, it is necessary to begin to observe the following rules:

  1. Always wear rubber or protective cotton gloves when in contact with chemicals, soil, ash, etc.
  2. Do not wash your hands with too hot or too cold water.
  3. Use only high quality mild soap to wash your hands.
  4. Apply moisturizing and nourishing creams to the skin of your hands (especially after exposure to external negative factors).
  5. Choose the right hand care products and choose only high-quality products.
  6. In the cold season, wear warm gloves or mittens and use protective creams.
  7. Apply sunscreen before sunbathing.
  8. Normalize your diet and include in your daily diet a sufficient amount of foods that are rich in B vitamins, vitamins A, P, C and E.
  9. Install a water filter if the tap water is hard.
  10. Use an indoor humidifier.

What to do for faster healing of cracks?

When deep and painful cracks appear, dermatologists recommend adhering to these rules:

  1. "Seal" the crack with BF-6 glue (you can buy it at the pharmacy). To do this, you need to wash and dry your hands and apply a few drops of glue to the damage. Let it dry.
  2. No other treatment should be carried out for 5-7 days.
  3. After a week, you can use the care products for dry and prone to cracking skin of the hands.

How to properly wash your hands if you are prone to cracking?

Proper hand washing can help relieve many hand skin problems such as dryness, peeling and cracking. Use only warm water and mild soap for washing. After that, hands should be gently dried with a soft towel and immediately apply a moisturizer or nourishing cream on them.

People who, due to their professional activities, have to wash their hands many times, need to replace traditional washing by treating the skin with special disinfecting gels or wipes. Although many of these products contain alcohol, their effect on the skin is much milder than soap and water.

How to choose the right hand moisturizer?

The pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry offers the consumer a variety of hand moisturizers. In order not to get lost among such a wide range, it should be remembered that only two types of ingredients can cope with the tasks of softening and moisturizing the skin. The composition of the "correct" cream should include:

  1. Emollients. They act as a lubricant for the surface layer of the skin and make it soft, smooth and supple. That is why the cream must include at least one of these ingredients: glycerin stearate, jojoba oil, lanolin, propylene glycol, isopropyl palmitate or squalene.
  2. Moisturizers. They, as it were, attract water from the environment to the outer layer of the skin of the hands and save it from drying out. A quality cream should contain one of the following components: hyaluronic acid, lactic acid, sorbitol, glycerin, urea or propylene glycol.

For drier, rough, and prone to bleeding cracks, choose a thicker hand care product. The composition of such creams should include the following components:

  • petrolatum;
  • Shea Butter;
  • beeswax;
  • cacao butter;
  • dimethicone.

These thick moisturizers should be applied during the day in the usual way, and before going to bed, lubricate your hands with a thicker layer of a care product and wear cotton gloves, leaving them until morning.

  • Lipikar;
  • Cutibaza;
  • Atopiclair;
  • HIDRADERM Sesvalia (Sesderma);
  • Bepanten ointment;
  • Remederm silver;
  • Locobase Repair;
  • La Roche Posay Iso-Urea MD Baume Psoriasis et al.

When choosing creams that promote healing of cracked hands, you should choose products that include:

  • lanolin and D-panthenol;
  • vitamins A, F and E;
  • extracts: propolis, plantain, black pine, chamomile, avocado, coltsfoot, grape seed, Siberian larch;
  • essential oils: mint, Siberian fir, chamomile, white fir, lemon, tea tree;
  • oils: avocado, peanut, sea buckthorn, calendula, jojoba, olive tree, carrot, almond.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine suggests using various baths, masks and ointments to treat cracks in the hands. In most cases, these remedies are effective and significantly improve the condition of the skin on the hands. Before using them, you should make sure that there are no allergic reactions to the components of the folk recipe.

Flaxseed hand bath

Pour 500 ml of boiling water over two tablespoons of flax seeds and simmer over low heat for about 5 minutes. Let the broth brew for half an hour. Strain and add heavy cream. Dip your hands in the resulting solution and hold them there for 10-15 minutes. Dry the skin and apply a moisturizer. Such baths can be carried out daily.

Lilac oil mask

To prepare the oil, fill a clean and dry glass container to the brim with lilac flowers and pour olive oil over them. Insist in a dark place for about three weeks, shaking occasionally. Strain the oil, warm it up, moisten napkins with it and wrap your hands for 20-30 minutes. The procedure can be performed several times a week.

The same healing oil can be prepared from the flowers of the white lily.

Banana, sea buckthorn oil and honey mask

Mash the pulp of a banana and add a teaspoon each of honey and sea buckthorn oil. Mix and apply to clean hands. Keep the mask for about 40 minutes. Wash off with warm water and apply moisturizer to your hands. The procedure can be performed several times a week.

Raw potato and milk mask

Grate the potato tuber and add a little fat milk to the gruel. Apply the mixture to your hands and put on cotton gloves. After 2 hours, rinse with warm water and apply a moisturizer. The procedure can be performed several times a week.

Propolis ointment

Heat 50 g of petroleum jelly in a water bath and add 10 g of propolis to it. Heat for about 10 minutes more, stirring constantly. Apply the resulting ointment to the cracks several times a day.

The tactics of treating cracks in the hands will depend on the reasons that caused their appearance and the severity of the damage. If a disease is detected that can cause such damage to the skin, the patient will be prescribed a course of therapy for the underlying ailment.

If the appearance of cracks was caused, then the patient is recommended to normalize his diet and take vitamin preparations and vitamin-mineral complexes. It is better to entrust the choice of such funds to the doctor, since only he can choose the right drug for the patient, calculate the dose and determine the duration of treatment.

During treatment, the patient needs to minimize the impact of negative external factors that can aggravate the condition of the skin of the hands. Such comprehensive measures will help to quickly get rid of damage.

For faster healing of cracks, the patient is recommended to use agents for local treatment. Their choice depends on the degree of damage to the skin and the underlying disease that caused the appearance of cracks.

Beautiful and well-groomed skin of hands is a dignity not only for women. For a man, the appearance of the hands also plays an important role. The resulting cracks in the palms, which are chronic in nature, limit the professional capabilities of any person. In addition, deep cracks are painful.

Causes of cracks in the palms

In addition to the fact that the cracks on the hands are quite painful, they limit a person's capabilities - it is impossible to fully perform manual work. Such defects of the palms interfere even in everyday life, since the hand becomes constrained. Cracks can lead to bacterial infections and even infections.

Cracks in the palms can be caused by both adverse external factors and non-infectious or fungal diseases. External factors include :

Prolonged sun exposure. Prolonged agricultural work in sunny and windy weather causes dry hands.

Household chemicals. Frequent hand washing, contact with detergents and cleaning agents, washing hands with antibacterial soap - the combination of these factors leads to the fact that the skin is dry, its elasticity decreases.

Cold. Wind, frost, and in addition contact with ice or cold water. This is a ready-made scenario for future palm skin problems.

Allergy. The body's response to external factors. External irritants can include allergens and thermal factors, as well as chemicals. During the period of exacerbation of seasonal allergies, problems with the skin on the palms are also possible.

Among diseases... during the course of which cracking of the skin of the palms occurs, two most common in medical practice should be distinguished:

Dry eczema of the hands. Skin disease of an inflammatory nature. May be acute or chronic. Its manifestation is possible both due to external (chemical or thermal) and internal (diseases of internal organs, nervous or endocrine system) factors. The main signs are skin redness with increasing itching. Then bubbles appear filled with liquid. The skin cracks after the bubbles burst. Among the types of eczema, there is a professional one that occurs in workers in hazardous industries.

Dermatitis of the palms. The main cause of the onset of the disease is the high sensitivity of the skin of the palms to contact with irritants - allergens. An allergic reaction can be either immediate or delayed. In acute dermatitis, erosions appear that do not heal for a long time, cracks appear in their place.

Treatment of cracked palms

The appearance of cracks in the palms can accompany bleeding. If timely treatment is not followed, the wounds may become deeper. Therefore, a dermatologist's examination is necessary. Self-treatment in this case may be ineffective, and the loss of time will lead to an aggravation of the problem.

In addition to being examined by a doctor, tests will be prescribed, possibly including biochemistry. After receiving the result, a specialist prescribes treatment, which includes ointments, a complex of vitamins and fish oil. The rest of the drugs are prescribed depending on the etiology (causes) of the disease.

In the treatment of eczema of the hands, complex treatment with antihistamines (antiallergic) drugs, vitamin therapy and desensitizing (administration of small doses of drugs in order to reduce sensitivity to allergens) therapy is carried out. These appointments are combined with ointments that are applied alternately in the morning and evening. One of the main requirements for a successful cure is finding the patient under the supervision of a dermatologist to be able to identify the symptoms of the course of the disease.

When treating the underlying disease that causes cracks in the palms, recipes of traditional medicine will not be superfluous. Among them are trays in chamomile broth or potato broth with the addition of starch and vegetable oil. A mixture of milk, starch and glycerin is very effective for healing cracks. Cedar nut oil is also used to make lotions.

≫ More information

At times, the skin of the hands does not look too tidy. It dries up and cracks. What are the reasons for this phenomenon and how to get rid of it? Let's figure it out.

The skin of the hands begins to dry out for various reasons. Consider the internal and external groups of factors, as well as the causes of local and seasonal dryness of the skin.

Internal and external factors

A group of external causes is formed under the influence of external factors. Internal causes of dryness are due to the characteristics of the body and human health.

External factorsInternal factors
dry air;
constant use of too hot or too cold water;
low temperatures outside;
long exposure to direct sunlight;
improper hand care
irregular hand care
lack of water in the body;
improper functioning of the digestive system;
imbalance in hormonal levels;
impaired metabolism;
mental disorders;
the use of antibiotics for longer than the period indicated in the annotation to the drug;
vitamin deficiency (especially lack of A and E)
skin diseases in the hands;
lack of a food intake regimen;
presence of bad habits
aging of the body;
a tendency to peel off from birth

Peeling around nails, between fingers and palms, after childbirth and seasonally

  • the epidermis on the palms of the hands dries, primarily due to a lack of fluid. With severe peeling, a provoking factor can be a skin disease, as well as the use of strong chemical detergents;
  • dryness of the skin around the nails is due to a lack of nutrition in the outer layer, it does not have enough care products;

Attention: if cracks occur around the nails, treatment should be started immediately. Damage to the skin can penetrate dangerous bacteria and infections and provoke blood poisoning and other dangerous diseases.

  • after childbirth, the skin dries up as a result of a change in hormonal levels, the production of estrogen in the blood sharply decreases, as well as due to vitamin deficiency during breastfeeding;
  • the skin between the fingers cracks as a result of the use of strong detergents, when the hormonal background changes and in the presence of a fungus;

  • dry skin in spring and autumn occurs as a result of seasonal vitamin deficiencies and a sharp change in temperature.

Causes of Cracked Skin

Cracks, like dry skin, occur for similar reasons. First of all, cracks appear due to exposure to cold. Strong cooling narrows the vessels located near the upper layers of the epidermis, blood flows to the cells worse, they begin to receive less nutrition, and eventually dry out. In this case, you should limit the ingress of moisture, chemicals on the skin, grease the cracks with a fat cream and use gloves when doing household work.

Another factor that provokes the occurrence of cracks on the hands is improper washing. You should never wash your hands under ice water, the normal temperature should be around 40 degrees. It is also undesirable to use hot water. Strongly acidic cleansers destroy the upper layers of the skin. Remains of moisture also have a negative effect, so it is recommended to wipe your hands well after washing until they are completely dry. Washing hands should not be supercooled, this will also provoke the appearance of cracks.

Iron deficiency anemia causes cracked hands. This disease is determined after donating blood for hemoglobin analysis. Due to its low level, the skin on the hands cracks. Before the analysis, iron deficiency anemia is determined by the desire to eat chalk, by brittle nails, shortness of breath, weakness, severe fatigue, headaches and pallor of the skin.

What to do with dry skin?

At the first symptoms of dry hands, you should definitely take measures to eliminate it. This can be done with the help of pharmacy products as well as traditional medicine methods. The most popular medicines and prescriptions are presented below.

Important: with severe dryness of the skin of the hands, when no means help, you should contact a beautician or dermatologist.

Pharmacy products

Pharmacy remedies for the treatment of dry skin of the hands include multivitamin complexes and ointments:

Vitamin complexesOintments
Neutrovitan. The drug mainly contains vitamin B. The course of treatment is 2-4 weeks, 4 capsules per day;
Vitrum beauty. Regular intake of this vitamin complex improves the condition of the skin, nails, hair, the drug removes toxins from the body. The course of treatment is a month, you should take 3 capsules a day.
Cosmetics alphabet. The medicinal product contains a complex of useful microelements. Copes with vitamin deficiency and mineral deficiencies. The course of treatment is a month, it is recommended to take 1 tablet three times a day with an interval of 4 hours.
Supradin Rosh. Broad spectrum multivitamins. Restores skin, mucous membranes. Should be taken for at least 30 days. It is recommended to take one tablet a day.
Borough Plus. Ointment with a universal spectrum of action. Cleans the skin, normalizes the sebaceous glands, nourishes and removes peeling.
Radevit. Fights inflammation, restores the upper layers of the epidermis. Normalizes metabolic processes, moisturizes and increases elasticity. Contains vitamins A, D and E.
Bepanten. The composition contains panthenolic acid, restores the skin, intensively copes with dryness.
Neutrogenia. The ointment effectively copes with dryness, does not allow moisture to evaporate from the epidermis. It is quickly absorbed, comfortable to use.
A chatterbox of salicylic ointment and glycerin. Buy salicylic ointment and glycerin, mix in equal proportions and apply several times a day, you can add different oils for greater effectiveness.

Folk recipes

Traditional medicine recipes involve the use of various masks and hand baths:

Recipes for masks and lotionsBath recipes
mix honey with oatmeal and let it brew. Apply to hands for half an hour. After the procedure, wash off and lubricate your hands with ointment;
mix egg white and lemon juice in equal proportions. Lubricate your palms and hold for half an hour. Wash off, moisturize the skin with a cream;
mix glycerin and honey 2: 1, add a little flour to thicken. Apply the mask to your fingertips for half an hour. Instead of glycerin, you can use any oil, only it should be kept all night. Rinse off after the procedure;
Chicken yolk (1 pc.) Mix with a tablespoon of natural yogurt and 2 teaspoons of strong green tea leaves, rub the mask into the skin, leave for 20 minutes, and then rinse. After the procedure, apply a pharmacy product;
mix half a tablespoon of honey with olive oil, add 2 teaspoons of lemon juice. Apply to the skin of the hands, soak for 15 minutes, rinse;
take a tablespoon of natural cottage cheese, mix with half a peeled tomato, apply the mixture on your hands for 30 minutes, then rinse, lubricate the skin with a pharmacy ointment;
in melted beeswax (2 tsp) add 2 teaspoons of flax oil and 2 teaspoons of honey, let cool, then rub into your hands.
dilute sea salt in water and keep your hands in this solution for about 10 minutes, after the procedure, lubricate the skin with a nourishing cream or ointment;
in a liter of warm water, dilute a few tablespoons of vegetable or essential oil, keep your hands in it for about 10-15 minutes, after the procedure, grease your hands with cream;
boil oatmeal with plenty of water, drain the broth, keep your hands in it for about 20 minutes, rinse with warm water and soften with cream;
brew chamomile flowers, add a few tablespoons of olive oil to the broth. Keep your hands in the bath for about 10 minutes. Rinse, grease with cream;
use store products for paraffin baths, follow the instructions.

Cosmetic preparations

Creams that deal with dryness of the epidermis:

  • Hydroactive. Triple effect cream, restores the epidermis of the hands, improves the condition of the nail plates;
  • Velours. It moisturizes the epidermis well, protects against adverse environmental factors, heals minor damage. Contains chamomile, glycerin and vitamin E;
  • Salon Spa. Moisturizes the skin, smoothes fine wrinkles. It contains kelp and silk extract. Removes peeling and lethargy, intensively nourishes;
  • Dr. Sante. Gentle care for dry hands. After use, it does not leave a sticky feeling, is comfortable to use, intensively nourishes;
  • Homemade recipes. The composition contains peach oil, royal jelly. Effectively eliminates inflammation, fights against age-related skin changes, retains moisture in the epidermis and does not allow it to evaporate;
  • Handson. Deep nourishment and effective hydration. Contains herbal ingredients.

Interview with a specialist

Cosmetologist Olga Metelskaya will talk about an effective remedy for chapped and dry hands epidermis:

Prevention of cracking and dryness

  • keeping hands clean and washing properly, thoroughly wiping off moisture;
  • daily rubbing in moisturizing and nourishing creams with glycerin and paraffins;
  • the use of gloves when doing household chores;
  • in winter, mandatory wearing of mittens, hypothermia (frostbite of the skin) is not allowed;
  • daily use of at least 2 liters of water;
  • do not wipe hands stained with paint with chemical solvents;
  • do not use detergents with high acidity;
  • the use of multivitamin complexes;
  • adjusting the diet and day;
  • it is recommended as a preventive measure to carry out therapeutic baths once a week;
  • healthy sleep is very important for the health of the epidermis of the hands;
  • it is advisable to use a humidifier at home.

Dry and cracked hands are common. A high-quality caring complex and the use of drugs will help to cope with them. In order to avoid such problems, it is better to carry out preventive measures. With especially severe peeling and cracks, when not a single remedy helps, you should contact a dermatologist or cosmetologist, they will help determine the causes and choose the right treatment.