Touching stories of true love (8 photos). Short stories for the soul - small emotional stories with meaning

“All this happened almost three years ago... We submitted an application to the registry office. We are me and Arsen (the best guy in the whole world!). We decided to celebrate this matter. We gathered a group of friends and went to the forest for a picnic. We were so happy in those seconds that our intuition chose to remain silent about the tragic outcome of this whole story (so as not to upset us and spoil this “melody of the fairy tale”).

I hate intuition! I hate it! Her tips would have saved the life of my beloved….. We drove, sang songs, smiled, cried with happiness…. An hour later everything stopped... I woke up in a hospital room. The doctor looked at me. His look was frightened and confused. Apparently, he did not expect that I would be able to come to my senses. After about five minutes I began to remember... Some truck crashed into us... While I was remembering the details... My voice carefully whispered the name of the groom... I asked about his whereabouts, but everyone (without exception) remained silent. It was as if they were keeping some kind of unpleasant secret. I didn’t let the thought that something happened to my kitten come to me, so as not to go crazy.

He died..... Only one piece of news saved me from madness: I was pregnant and the child survived! I'm sure this is a gift from God. I will never forget my beloved!”

Second life story about Love

“How long ago was it... What a romantic platitude! The Internet introduced us. He introduced, but reality separated. He gave me a ring, we were going to get married... And then he left me. I quit without regret! How unfair and cruel this is! For two and a half years I lived the dream that everything would come back... But fate stubbornly resisted this.

I dated men in order to erase my beloved from my memory. One of my boyfriends met me in the same city where my precious ex lived. I never thought that I would meet him in this crowded metropolis. But what we least expect always happens... My boyfriend and I walked holding hands. We stopped at a traffic light, waiting for the green light. And he stood on the other side of the road... Next to him was his new passion!

Pain and trembling pierced my entire body. Pierced right through! We made eye contact, carefully pretending that we were complete strangers. However, this look did not escape my boyfriend. Naturally, he bombarded me with inquiries and questions when we returned home (we lived with him). I told you everything. Petya packed my suitcases and sent me home by train. I understand him... And he probably understands me too. But only in my own way. Thanks to him for sending me home without scandals and bruises “as a souvenir.”

There were two and a half hours left before the train departed. I found my loved one's number and called him. He immediately recognized me, but did not hang up (I thought that was exactly what would happen). He has arrived. We met in a station cafe. Then we walked around the square. My suitcase was waiting for me alone at the station. I even forgot to take it to the storage room!

My ex and I sat down on a bench by the fountain and talked for a long time. I didn’t want to look at my watch, I didn’t want to hear the sound of the rails…. He kissed me! Yes! Kissed! Many times, passionately, greedily and tenderly... I dreamed that this fairy tale would never end.

When my train was announced... He took my hands and said the most bitter words: “Forgive me! You are very good! You are the best! But we can't be together... In two months I'm getting married... Sorry it's not on you! My fiancee is pregnant. And I can never leave her. Forgive me again! Tears flowed from my eyes. It seemed that my heart was crying bitterly.

I don’t remember how I ended up in the carriage. I don’t remember how I got there... It seemed to me that I was no longer living... And the ring he gave him sparkled treacherously on his finger... Its shine was very similar to the tears that I shed during that day...

A year has passed. I couldn’t resist and looked at his VKontakte page. He was already married... They already called him dad...

“Daddy” and “happy husband” was and remains my best memory and best stranger…. And his kisses still burn my lips. Do I want to repeat the moments of a fairy tale? Now there is no. I won't let the best person become a traitor! I will enjoy the fact that he was once in my life.”

The third story is about the sad, about Love in life

"Hello! It all started so great, so romantic... I found him on the Internet, met him, fell in love with each other... Cinema, right? Only, probably, without a happy ending.

We almost never met. Somehow they quickly started living together. I liked my life together. Everything was perfect, like in heaven. And things came to an engagement. There are a few months left before the wedding... And the beloved has changed. He started shouting at me, calling me names, insulting me. He had never allowed himself to do this before. I can't believe it's him... Darling apologized, of course, but his apologies are very little for me. It would be enough if it didn't happen again! But something “came over” the beloved and the whole story repeated itself again and again. You can't imagine how much it hurts me right now! I love him to the point of complete madness! I love so much that I hate myself for the power of love. I stand at a strange crossroads... One path leads me to a break in relationships. The other (despite everything) is in the registry office. What naivety! I myself understand that people do not change. This means that my “ideal man” will not change either. But how can I live without him if he is my whole life?..

Recently I told him: “My love, for some reason you spend very little time on me.” He didn’t let me finish. He started freaking out and yelling at me loudly. This somehow alienated us even more. No, I’m not inventing any tragedy here! I just deserve attention, but he doesn’t let go of his laptop. He parts with his “toy” only when something intimate “pecks” between us. But I don’t want our relationship to be solely about sex!

I live, but I feel like my soul is dying. My dearest (closest) person does not notice this. I won’t think that he doesn’t want to notice, otherwise bitter tears will be shed. Vain tears that can’t help me in any way...”

Sad stories about Love are taken from real life. . .

Continuation. . .

My Saturday morning began not with good morning, but with a scanlal... in place of "good morning", "let's get up" in an orderly tone. It was my mother who woke me up, so to speak, she expressed her love for me. I live separately from my mother, stepfather and brother. They are in one country and I am in another. Well, I lived in peace until my mother and brother came to live with me for 2 months, of course I was very happy, because I really missed them, but almost a month has passed and I really want they went back to their place. Every day the relationship with my mother is getting worse and worse, as if I had returned to childhood!!! and my childhood was, let me tell you, not very sweet and cheerful. I will probably never forget how she beat me, criticized me and nothing I can’t forget two cases when in the evening we were setting the table and I helped her, and then I was maybe 10 years old, I was carrying a plate and accidentally dropped it and it broke, I didn’t do it on purpose, but she turned around and She hit me in the face with all her might, my lip was cracked and blood was dripping down my lips, my neck, my whole T-shirt was stained with my blood and I was even forbidden to cry, she said, “She said not to hear a sound,” and I went to my room. Dad then came up to me right after dinner and hugged me, and told her why did you do that. There was another case, I was even younger then, it was summer outside, the weather was great, and I was still a child, because I wanted to play with the girls, everyone was always allowed to do everything, but I don’t ((well, so I still went out into the street for at least an hour, but she wasn’t at home. I got carried away and forgot that I needed to run home, but then they reminded me where I should be, she quietly took me, we went home and then it started... she took the cord from the rubber jump rope and understood with the words I told you not to go anywhere!! I screamed so much mommy don’t hit me, it hurts!!! I didn’t know where to hide, I writhed in pain on the floor and crawled under sofa, she pulled me out and let's beat me again. When I recovered from the painful shock, I saw how my arms, legs, and whole body were covered in bruises and abrasions from the rope. I will never forgive her for this!! Our relationship began to improve when she began to go abroad for work, my brother and I were left to be raised by our paternal grandmother. I grew up, became independent, looked after my brother, my grandmother raised us well and we always tried to listen to her and we thank her for that. But I began to notice that the more we see each other, the more Our relationship is getting worse every day. She starts getting attached to all sorts of little things, or her brother might be staying somewhere with friends, she starts yelling at him and it gets to me, when I start to protect myself, she tells me your mouth is wicked, you don’t have the right to vote! and I’m so offended to the point of tears from the rage, so offended by words that I want to pack my things and leave the house before they fly away. It’s my joy that this is my beloved, only he will support me and give advice. He knows nothing about this, you are the first to whom I decided to write what my childhood was like. I ask you who have children, do not beat them, do not inflict physical and moral injuries on them. Because of this, my nervous system is very bad; I undergo treatment 1 or 2 times a year. I haven’t written a lot about it, but I don’t want to because that I am writing and crying out of resentment. Sorry for the mistakes.

One day I was walking through the local stores, doing some shopping, and suddenly I noticed the Cashier talking to a boy no more than 5 or 6 years old.
The cashier says: I'm sorry, but you don't have enough money to buy this doll.

Then the little boy turned to me and asked: Uncle, are you sure that I don’t have enough money?
I counted the money and answered: My dear, you don’t have enough money to buy this doll.
The little boy still held the doll in his hand.

After paying for my purchases, I approached him again and asked who he was going to give this doll to...?
My sister loved this doll very much and wanted to buy it. I would like to give it to her for her birthday! I would like to give the doll to my mom so she can pass this on to my sister when she goes to be with her!
...His eyes were sad when he told this.
My sister went to God. That's what my father told me, and said that soon my mother would also go to God, so I thought that she could take the doll with her and give it to my sister!? ….

I finished my shopping in a thoughtful and strange state. I couldn't get this boy out of my head. Then I remembered - there was an article in the local newspaper two days ago about a drunk man in a truck who hit a woman and a little girl. The little girl died instantly and the woman was in critical condition. The family must decide to turn off the machine that is keeping her alive, as the young woman is unable to recover from her coma. Is this really the family of the boy who wanted to buy a doll for his sister?

After two days, an article was published in the newspaper, which said that that young woman had died... I could not hold back my tears... I bought white roses and went to the funeral... The young girl was lying in white, in one hand there was a doll and a photo, and on one side there was a white rose.
I left in tears, and felt that my life would now change... I will never forget this boy's love for his mother and sister!!!

Please DO NOT DRIVE WHEN ALCOHOL!!! You can ruin not only your life...


We separated. That's how it happened.
What can we say when it can be equated to death.
The person has left your life - your life. And he won’t be anymore, he doesn’t want to anymore... imagine, he finds new love,
and you sit and understand that you made plans, that you loved to the ends of your hair. And he was like, don’t cry, what happened and passed, that’s how it turned out. That’s how it happened.
And it comes..

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