Job assignments and responsibilities. Abstract of the lesson of collective labor in the middle group of the kindergarten "Lesson of labor for Fedora

Svetlana Svibovich
Planning of work activity in the middle group.

Teach children to keep order on their own group room and on the site, put away toys, building materials, board games.

Learn to work in the garden (sowing seeds, watering, harvesting)

Encourage children to independently perform the duties of dining room attendants.

To improve the ability to independently dress, undress, teach to neatly fold and hang clothes. To educate in children the desire to always be neat, tidy.

Program content

Orders: putting things in order in their lockers, putting away toys, building materials, equipment, putting dolls' hair in order, selecting books to be repaired, arranging chairs, carrying and bringing an item at the request of an adult

Joint work: inventory to select books for repair, arrange dishes with the nanny, wipe the dust off the tables, help the teacher wash toys, together with the teacher prepare the necessary

Self service: independently dress, undress, fold clothes neatly, roll up sleeves when washing, use your own towel, consolidate the ability to use an individual handkerchief with a comb

Orders. Economic life: arrange chairs, remove dirty towels, perform the duties of dining room attendants

Orders. labor in nature: collecting bean and calendula seeds, water the plants under the guidance of a teacher. fill containers with water. collect natural material and fold it neatly

Manual work: joint repair of books, folding napkins, washing clothes for dolls together with the teacher

Orders: putting things in order group room

Joint work: wiping dust from tables and chairs, making manuals together with the teacher, providing all possible assistance

Self service: dress, undress, neatly fold clothes, roll up sleeves when washing, use your own towel.

Orders. Economic life: independently perform the duties of dining room attendants, carefully arrange bread bins, napkin holders,

Orders. labor in nature: watering indoor plants, wiping the plant with a damp sponge

Manual work: beautifully fold napkins, wash clothes for dolls together with the teacher, make bouquets together with the teacher, give the bouquet a decorative look

Program content

Orders: preparation for the lesson, spread oilcloths, distribute material, put things in order in their lockers, put away toys, building material, equipment, put dolls' hair in order, select books to be repaired, arrange chairs, carry and bring an item at the request of an adult

Joint work: wash jars for drawing, repair didactic games, boxes

Self service: independently straighten beds, carefully roll up the bedspread, dress, undress, neatly fold clothes, roll up sleeves when washing, use your own towel, consolidate the ability to use an individual handkerchief with a comb

Orders. Economic life: independently, upon request, distribute salt shakers, napkin holders, bread bins

Orders. labor in nature: caring for indoor plants, loosening the soil,

Manual work: pour bird food into the feeder, joint repair of books, folding napkins, wash clothes for dolls together with the teacher

Orders: teach to carry out individual instructions (find out, ask, offer, lay out materials for the lesson, clean up after the lesson, select the necessary toys for games at the request of the educator

Joint work: joint putting things in order in group room. wiping dust from tables and chairs, together with the teacher, make manuals, provide all possible assistance

Self service: dress, undress, neatly fold things. Roll up sleeves when washing. independently straighten the beds, carefully roll up the bedspread

Orders. Economic life: arrange beautifully toys on the shelves

Wipe dust from towel cabinets

Orders. labor in nature: sowing grain for growing green food for birds, shoveling snow to trees

Manual work: decoration of the room for the new year.

Orders: check the order in their lockers. preparing for the lesson, spreading oilcloths, distributing materials, putting away toys, building materials, equipment, putting dolls’ hair in order, selecting books to be repaired, arranging chairs, carrying and bringing an object at the request of an adult

Joint work: folding napkins, selecting books for repair, arranging dishes with the nanny, dusting tables, helping the teacher wash toys, preparing the necessary equipment for work with the teacher

Self service: to educate in children the desire to be always neat, dress, undress, wash themselves

Orders. Economic life: independently set the table, straightening the bed before going to bed.

Orders. labor in nature: cut greens for birds, pour bird food into the feeder.

Manual work: remove decorations, garlands in a box, learn to make beds, take dishes from the tables with the nanny

Program content

Orders: independent work to maintain order in group room, put away toys, building materials, equipment, put dolls' hair in order, select books to be repaired, arrange chairs, carry and bring an object at the request of an adult

Joint work: performing the duties of a duty officer under the guidance of an adult.

Self service: to teach children to monitor their appearance, dress and undress independently, wash themselves

Orders. Economic life: check the order in their lockers, help the teacher in preparing for the lesson.

Orders. labor in nature: sowing onion bulbs in the ground, watering indoor flowers, loosening the soil, sweeping paths from snow

Manual work: beautifully fold napkins, carefully fold the bedspread before going to bed, make the bed with the help of a caregiver

Orders: maintaining order in the playroom and on the site, preparing for the lesson, spreading oilcloths, distributing materials, putting things in order in their lockers, putting away toys, building materials, equipment, putting dolls' hair in order, selecting books to be repaired, arranging chairs , carry and bring the item at the request of an adult

Joint work: check the condition of books, repair together with the teacher, joint preparation for classes, distribute brushes, paints and oilcloths.

Self service: teach children to follow their appearance, dress and undress independently, fold things neatly.

Orders. Economic life: develop the ability to carry out collective assignments, try to complete as quickly as possible.

Orders. labor in nature: cut off the green feather, sweeping the veranda.

Manual work: to plant indoor flowers, watering indoor plants. soil loosening

Orders: support order in group room, on the site, in their lockers, putting things in order in group room, learn about something and report, lay out materials for the lesson, clean up after the lesson, select the necessary toys for games at the request of the teacher

Joint work: joint preparation for classes, distribute brushes, paints and oilcloths.

Self service: dress and undress independently, carefully eat thoroughly chewing food, use napkins, wash hands before and after eating.

Orders. Economic life: to develop the ability to carry out individual complete assignments (ask, find out, suggest, collect correctly).

Orders. labor in nature: preparation of soil for planting seeds, collection of dry plants (sticks, leaves).

Manual work: plant indoor flowers.

Orders: support order in group room, on the site, in their lockers. teach to carry out individual assignments (learn, ask, offer, lay out materials for the lesson, clean up after the lesson, select the necessary toys for games at the request of the educator

Joint work: joint preparation for classes, distribution of didactic material.

Self service: to dress and undress independently,

use napkins, neatly fold clothes.

Orders. Economic life: independently perform the duties of those on duty in the dining room.

Orders. labor in nature: sowing seeds in the garden (onions, seeds, beets).

Manual work: learn to clean up the training place after yourself, wash brushes, jars, put away the didactic material in place in the boxes.

Approximate list of labor assignments

Junior group

Educational tasks:

1. To form and consolidate in children an interest in work, a desire to get involved in it.

2. Teach children to work side by side without interfering with each other.

3. Maintain and develop interest in the work of peers and adults, the desire for communication and joint activities with them.

4. To educate children in diligence, obedience, the desire to fulfill the requirement of an adult.

5. To instill in children the skills to perform labor assignments, to help them develop a desire to master these skills.

Self-service, household work (2-3 children).

Lay the building material neatly on the shelf.

Arrange toys, plant beautiful dolls.

Arrange chairs for class, remove them when finished.

Take the toys to the site, and after the walk help collect them.

Arrange spoons on the table, arrange napkin holders.

Take cups, napkin holders to the dispensing table.

Undress, get dressed, help a friend untie a scarf.

Clear the path of snow.

Collect rubbish, leaves in a certain place.

Sweep the snow off the benches.

labor in nature

Water indoor plants.

Water the bed in the garden, flower garden on the site.

Feed the birds.

Sow large seeds (peas, beans, nasturtiums).

Plant onions.

Wipe dust from the leaves of large-leaved plants.

middle group

Educational tasks:

1. To educate and encourage the desire of children to help each other, to teach the ability to accept the help of their comrades.

To cultivate the ability to jointly achieve a goal without switching to a more interesting activity, a game.

3. To teach children to observe the skills of a work culture: to know and find what

what is needed for work, carefully use the objects of labor, take them to their place at the end of work and at the request of the educator.

4. To develop in children a sense of joy from jointly performed work, from joint efforts aimed at achieving a common result.

5. Strengthen the desire of children to be involved in work on their own initiative, following the example of their peers.

Household work (3-4 children).

Wipe tables and chairs with a damp cloth. Wash doll clothes.

Wipe dust off window sills with a damp cloth.

Wipe up spilled water after watering flowers.

Wash and wipe building material.

Wash toys in the group and on the site.

Tidy up the dressing rooms.

Sweep part of the site, verandas, paths.

Sweep snow from benches, playground equipment.

Collect sand uphill in the sand yard.

Collect garbage and carry it in buckets to a certain place.

labor in nature

Collect vegetables, fruits in the garden and garden.

Cut the onion with special scissors.

Loosen the earth in flower pots.

Collect natural materials for crafts.

Collect sorrel, large seeds.

Take care of a bird, a turtle (change their water, feed them, take waste to a certain place).

Bring food from the kitchen (cabbage, carrots, greens).

Senior group

Educational tasks:

1. To instill in children a stable positive attitude towards work, to consolidate interest in collective activities with peers and adults.

2. To instill in children the skills of joint goal setting and achieving its results.

3. Develop the ability to communicate with peers: discuss and plan work, evaluate the results achieved.

4. To instill a sense of justice in children in joint work; correctly distribute interesting and uninteresting work, work with children to the end.

5. To teach children to perform some tasks of the type of "joint work".

Household work.

Tidy up the closet with toys and supplies.

Wipe window sills with a damp cloth in the group room and bedroom.

Help the nanny to cover clean linen, put on pillowcases.

Water the plot in dry weather, sand in the sandy yard.

Wipe benches in your area and with kids.

Keep order in the sand yard.

Wash, dry and lay building materials.

Tidy up the garden (clear debris and stones).

Tidy toys (wash, dry, wipe).

Sweep the area, paths (from snow, sand, debris).

Wash napkins, rags used in the classroom for fine arts.

Cut flowers, arrange bouquets, decorate the room.

Wipe the cabinets in the dressing room (together with the nanny).

labor in nature

Repot indoor plants.

Sow seeds of flowers, vegetables, grow seedlings.

Plant seedlings, take care of them.

Collect food for the winter for animals, birds in kindergarten.

Weed the beds in your area and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe kids.

Gather berries and fruits in the garden.

Digging up beds (secondary digging).

Together with the teacher, change the water in the aquarium.

Manual labor

Repair books.

Prepare manuals, materials for the upcoming lesson.

Make garlands, beads, Christmas decorations.

Repair manuals, toys for role-playing games.

Participate in the design of the group, site for the holidays.

To make souvenirs, toys, decorations from natural materials.

Make garlands of colored flags to decorate the veranda, sand yard.

Appendix 6

An approximate sample of the calendar plan for educational work in the 2nd junior group.

date of The content of educational and educational work December, Wednesday 4 December, Wednesday 4 December, Wednesday 4 December, Wednesday MORNING Introduce illustrations (car care: washing, wiping the glass). Review them with willing children. Ask questions:
  • What is shown here?
  • What does the driver do?
  • Why does the driver wash the car?
  • What does the driver wash in the car?
  • What does he need for this?
Offer drivers to wash their cars after the trip. For those who wish to offer children "Help Fedora". To consolidate the ability to recognize and create an image by individual elements. Read an excerpt from K.I. Chukovsky's poem "Fedorino's grief." Distribute sets of cut dishes, explain the rules (when “gluing” the dishes, a piece of a suitable shape is searched for, tried on and only then put in place). Do the activity with one child. Instruct Pasha T., Tanya V. to water the flowers. Teach how to care for plants, to form the skills of proper watering. Demonstrate watering the flower (the spout of the watering can is at the edge of the pot). Invite the children to collect water themselves and put the watering cans in place after work. Pay attention to the approached children, how the flowers in the group have grown. Instruct Katya V. and Larisa Z. to feed the guinea pig. Learn to care for animals. Suggest where to get food, remind about the need to wash the feeder. To draw the attention of children to how the pig eats food, washes. Thank the children for taking care of the flowers and the guinea pig. To offer children who wish to use desktop building materials and small toys - nesting dolls for building. Offer to build a “room” for the nesting doll - a chair, a table, a bed, a sofa. Give a sample of the building, recall the construction methods used. Offer Olya K. the game "Wind and Snowflakes", develop speech breathing. Offer to blow on snowflakes - for a long time with a light breeze, for a short time with a strong wind. Offer Anya Z. the game "Harvesting", exercise in distinguishing three objects by size. You can suggest that you can distinguish objects by size by superimposing them on top of each other. Offer Vanya D. the game "One and many", exercise in grouping objects. Give an example of game actions. Remind the children the rule: "Played - put the toy in its place." Check the cleaning of toys before morning exercises. Carry out morning exercises (enter a set of exercises). Instruct Rustam T. and Nastya P. to place napkins and spoons on the tables. Instruct Katya B. and Alina R. to lay out oilcloths on tables for modeling. CLASSES Modeling lesson "Dishes for three bears" Program tasks:
  1. Arouse the desire to independently produce items for the game; learn to sculpt dishes with low edges by flattening and pressing, to consolidate the skill of pulling.
  2. Develop visual and tactile perception, motor skills of the hand and fingers.
  3. Cultivate a desire to help others; to cultivate a culture of activity (maintaining order in the workplace).
  4. Activate children's vocabulary: bear, bowl, roll, flatten, indent, pull, ball.
Equipment: At the educator: At children Dolls - bears oilcloth A sample of a bowl of plasticine Plasticine a napkin napkin Course of the lesson: A surprise moment (the arrival of bears) Set a task: blind a bowl for bears by pulling the edge of the disk Analyze the shape of the sample Show how the bowl is made: rolling into a ball - flattening - pressing in the middle - pulling the edge - alignment Give an installation for preparation for work (roll up sleeves, stretch plasticine, maintain order on the table) Monitor the independent work of children; remind - after work, you need to wipe your hands with a napkin and take it to the bucket Analyze children's work: on your own behalf - praise, thank for your responsiveness, on behalf of the bears - evaluate the quality of the bowls Entrust Inna M. and Vova Ch. Collect oilcloths from the tables and rub them; show the movement when wiping oilcloths. STROLL Get the kids involved in bird watching. Clarify ideas about wintering birds, fix their names (sparrow, dove, crow, bullfinch, tit). Learn to take care of birds. Questions:
  • Who lives in our area?
  • Who flies to the feeder?
  • What are these birds called?
  • What does a tit (sparrow, bullfinch, etc.) look like?
Offer to observe the habits of different birds - who bites, jumps. Fix the name "wintering birds". Have Lisa W. fill the bird feeder with food. Offer to play p / and "Sparrows and the car", develop dexterity, attention, orientation in space, exercise in loose running. Remind the rules, take the role of the leader in the 1st round. At the end of the game, note the most dexterous and attentive children. To instruct Vena I., Lena Ch. and Dima V. to clear the paths from snow. To teach them to help adults, to consolidate their skills in working with a shovel. Arrange the children along the path, show the position and direction of movement of the shovel when throwing snow onto the snow shaft. Evaluate the work of the children in front of the whole group. Offer shovels, shovels, molds for playing with snow to those who wish. Invite Lyuba K. and Galya D. to play snowballs. Exercise in throwing forward from below. Show the throwing technique, control the posture and position of the children's hands. Offer Tanya Zh. to ride down the hill. Develop the ability to maintain balance. Show the correct posture, support the hand, control the movement of the child. To offer wishing children p / and "Shaggy Dog". Develop agility, the ability to run in one direction without colliding with each other. Help choose a driver, remind the rules. To regulate the mobility of children during the game. To involve willing children in laying out patterns from colored ice floes, develop color perception, fix the names of the colors of the spectrum, exercise in drawing up a rhythmic pattern on a “strip”-track. Lay out the first trial pattern, invite the children to describe the invented pattern and lay it out. Attract children to p / and low mobility "Train", exercise in walking with a snake. Remind the rules, become the "head" of the train. Take out for a walk equipment: in a box - food for birds; molds for playing with snow; shoulder blades (4pcs), scoops (7pcs); dolls in winter clothes; toy sled; box with colored ice cubes. EVENING Put in the game corner board-printed games "Paired pictures", geometric lotto, dominoes "pets"; toys - lacing; lay out the attributes for playing in the hospital, store, draw the attention of children to them. Involve Sasha K. and Seryozha L. in the mosaic game, invite them to lay out their favorite animal. With children who want to play the word game "Edible - inedible", exercise in the classification of products and objects. Discuss what foods to eat. Use the ball to determine the turn order. Put toy tools in the play corner - a wrench, a screwdriver, a hammer. Take part in the game of “driver” with Vitya F. Help expand the plot: take on the role of a driver, drive nearby, “hear” the noise in the engine, stop, repair it: “unscrew” the nuts, repair the engine. Ask: Driver, where can I fill the car with gasoline? Make a new d / and "Cubes". Consider the game with the children, lay out 1 - 2 pictures. Offer a game to willing children, develop attentiveness, observation. Suggest how to find parts of the same picture, recall the rules for collecting pictures. To spend an evening of entertainment - a show of the puppet theater "Teremok". To amuse, to please children, to bring to an understanding of the rule - "together you can cope with any trouble."
  1. The advent of Grandma Riddles, riddles about animals
  2. Display of the table puppet theater "Teremok"
  3. Singing (to the accompaniment) "We are building a house" Music. Popatenko
  4. Round dance "Karavai".
Organize collective household work (by links) to clean the group premises. Wipe the dust on the windowsills, beautifully arrange the toys in the cabinets, wash the pallets of the plants. To form in children the skills to maintain cleanliness and order in a group, to cultivate the ability to act together. Equipment: 2 basins with warm water; 10 wash gloves, 5 wipes; 10 children's aprons; 2 oilcloths for tables. Divide the children into groups: Olesya K., Lera T., Vera F., Lena S., Sasha K. - washing plant trays, Lyuba K., Galya D., Tanya Zh., Dima V., Venya I . - wiping pallets, Sonya K., Ilya M., Tonya B., Alyosha Ts., Katya B. - wiping dust on window sills, Lena Ch., Inna M., Lisa U. - arrange toys in the closet. Create a game situation - "diligent gnomes." Explain the order of work of each link, involve children in the preparation of the workplace. Prepare children for work (roll up sleeves, put on aprons). Help the children to get the trays from under the flowers, show the methods of washing and wiping the trays, distribute the tasks in the link. Show the sequence of wiping the window sills: prepare yourself for work - wet the rag - wring it out - wipe the dust from the window to the edge of the window sill (to yourself). Monitor the work of the toy cleaning unit, remind them that they should be arranged beautifully. Involve children in cleaning equipment. Praise the “zealous gnomes” on behalf of Snow White, pay attention to the cleanliness and beauty of the room, give a motivated assessment of the work of each child .. Offer Olesya K., Olya Kh., Misha G. motor skills of the fingers. Show sample actions; fasten a button together with Misha G. With children who want to play p / and “At the bear in the forest”, develop dexterity, form orientation in space. Participate in the game "caught", suggest the words of the game. Invite Vera F. and Sveta G. to play in the nursery and "Houses", exercise in distinguishing colors. Remind the rules of the game, suggest: to compare the colors, the parts must be attached to each other. Encourage to pronounce the names of colored parts. Involve Lera T., Valya P. and Lena S. To clean toys in the group, teach them to maintain order in the environment. Praise the manifestation of independence in the actions of children. AN EVENING WALK Get the kids involved in watching the sunset. Develop aesthetic perception. Questions:
  • What is the name of the time of day when the sun goes to sleep?
  • What does the sun look like in the evening?
  • How does the sun decorate everything around?
  • What color does snow become in the sun?
  • What color is the snow in the shade?
  • What do tree branches look like against the backdrop of the setting sun?
  • Do you like your surroundings when the sun goes down?
Offer to play p / and “At the bear in the forest”, exercise in scattered running. Take the role of the leader in the first round, transfer it to the most dexterous child. Suggest the words of the game. Invite children who want to go sledding. Involve Rustam T., Nastya P., Katya B. in the p / and "Snake", consolidate the ability to walk in a given direction with a small step. Give a walking pattern, stand as a leader in a snake, walk in a straight line and zigzag. Offer shovels, scoops, molds for playing with snow, plastic silhouettes for building games with snow to those who wish. Make a “road with trees” for the sample, demonstrate techniques for working with a shovel. Involve Zhenya B. in the game "On the bridge", exercise in walking on a limited surface. Mark a path in the snow - a bridge, show the position of the legs when walking, support the child's hand. With children who want to play p / and "Mousetrap", develop dexterity and speed of movement. Remind the children of the rules of the game, select the “mice” with the “arrow”, pronounce the words of the game. Talk to the parents of Inna M., recommend children for the development of color perception - “Find a house”, “Rainbow”, “Flowers and flowers”. Take out for a walk equipment: sleds, shovels, scoops, molds, plastic silhouettes of trees.

Educational edition

Joint activities of the educator and children in the process of regime moments. Educational area: work.

Perspective plan. Age of children: 4-5 years (middle group).

To form the skills of independent and consistent performance of labor actions, observing the integrity of the labor process;

To achieve purposefulness of actions and timeliness of their implementation;

Teach children to observe the skills of a work culture;

To cultivate the ability to jointly achieve a goal, the desire to help each other;

Develop a sense of joy from the work done;

Strengthen the desire of children to be involved in work on their own initiative.

III week


Develop skills to straighten your own bed. Observe the activities of the babysitter in the bedroom. Learn sequences in actions.

Teach children to keep order on the veranda. To form skills to alternately perform a labor action (sweeping part of the veranda in turn). Watch the work of the janitor.

Continue to teach children how to care for plants in a corner of nature. Watch the teacher, how he waters, loosens the ground, wipes the pot, washes the bowl .. Develop a duty schedule in a corner of nature. Hang diagrams "can" "impossible"

Continue to teach children how to lace up their shoes and help others. Develop motor skills. Encourage the desire to help each other. Cultivate neatness and accuracy of your appearance.

Follow the culture of behavior at the table. Talk about etiquette regulations use of cutlery. Fix the rules for using a napkin. Cultivate a culture of behavior at the table.

Teach children to be on duty in the dining room. Learn to consistently perform actions (remove the fork, spoon, mug, throw away the used napkin). Observe the actions of the nanny. Develop a schedule for the canteen. Teach kids how to use it.

Raise the desire to help an adult. Help the janitor collect dry leaves on the paths of the kindergarten and take them to a certain place. Collect natural material. Make crafts from natural materials. Show the beauty of natural elements and develop imagination.

Continue to teach children to put toys away. Cultivate frugality. Encourage initiative, mutual assistance.

Continue to teach children how to take care of plants in a corner of nature (washing pallets, rubbing the leaves of large-leaved plants, watering, loosening). Cultivate love for nature.

Read literary works about work, about different professions. To arouse interest in the work of adults. Supervise the activities of the chef. Continue the skills of duty in the dining room, lay out spoons, put bread boxes, napkin holders on the table.

Teach children to sweep snow from benches and playground equipment on the site. Teach children to carefully use the objects of labor, take them to their place at the end of work.

Keep order in separate cabinets. Mark the most accurate. Build skills folding clothes and keeping it in order. Strengthen the skills to put everything in its place.

Observe the work of the janitor and help him clear the paths and playground equipment on the site from snow. Improve children's skills in using labor equipment. Continue to nurture respect for the tools of labor

Teach children to put their clothes in order after a walk (shake off the snow, help someone else shake off, put mittens and a hat to dry, hang wet pants on the door of your locker ...). To reinforce the desire of children to independently monitor and care for their clothes. Cultivate neatness and neatness in appearance. Learn to help each other.

Continue to develop skills in working in a corner of nature (loosening the earth in flower pots). Explain the necessity and correctness of this labor action. Create an emotionally positive work environment.

Read literary works, fairy tales about work. To develop children's understanding of the importance of various types of labor activity in human life. Continue to arouse children's interest in work activities and encourage desire to work.

Follow up on timely execution of orders

Continue to develop skills in caring for plants in a corner of nature. Observe older children and their ability to care for plants.

Strengthen the skills to wash, dress and undress independently, helping each other (fasten a button or lock at the back). Teach children to be independent and help each other. Learn to cope with these tasks without the help of an adult.

Continue to pay attention to children's appearance. To teach children to independently eliminate the negligence of appearance (refuel, comb their hair ...). Cultivate the desire for beauty and neatness. Arrange a beauty corner in the group: make pockets for combs.

With the help of adults, make a snow slide on the site. Form the purposefulness of actions and indicate their significance. Make a snowman on the site. Give children emotional relief and at the same time consolidate this type of activity. Pay attention to changes on the site with the appearance of a slide and a snowman.

Teach children to wipe dust from window sills, tables, chairs with a damp cloth, previously

watching how the nanny does it. Ensure that the integrity of the work process is observed and that at the end of work the children clean everything in their places. Conduct a conversation on the topic “Cleanliness is the key to health” observe the activities of the doctor.

Continue forming to develop the skills of being on duty in the dining room (to help bring the nanny lunch). Consolidate skills covering

(layoutsing cutlery, napkin holders, bread bins and cleaning from tables (remove cutlery, mugs, bread bins, napkin holders, take away dirty napkins). Watch the nanny wash the dishes. Help mom wash the dishes at home.

children's ideas about the importance of this profession. Teach children to put things in order in the book corner, to properly handle the book. Observe how the educator "repairs books", thereby causing a careful attitude towards books.

To consolidate the skills of using labor equipment in the winter. Specify its location.

Continue to develop skills for the timely execution of instructions (clear snow from the paths and playground equipment on the site).

Continue to teach children to loosen the earth in floral pots and water the flowers correctly (under the spine), based on the schemes in the corner of nature. To form teamwork skills (loosening, watering, wiping water after watering flowers, wiping leaves from dust). Cultivate a sense of common joy from the work done.

Teach children to keep the locker room clean (wipe dirty shoes on a rag). Help mom take care of shoes at home. Cultivate respect for the work of others. Continue to cultivate a caring attitude towards your things, learn to take care of them yourself.

To form the skills to help the teacher in preparing for classes (lay out sheets of paper, pencils ...). To cultivate a desire to help an adult and respect for teaching aids.

Conduct reinforcing games: “Who is the fastest?” - get dressed - undress - make his crib without the help of an adult And also "Who can do it best!?" – water the flowers – wipe the dust and water – loosen the earth in flower pots Consolidate the desire, work responsibly Encourage the winners.

Teach children how to wash play equipment (wash dolls, wash their clothes). Continue to cultivate a careful attitude to gaming equipment, focusing on its wear and tear. In d / s. to watch the work of the laundress, at home to watch how the mother washes and irons the linen.

Continue to develop skills to work in a corner of nature. Help the educator clean the animal's cage, change the bedding, take the waste to a certain place. To consolidate in the thinking of children that human labor benefits domestic animals.

Teach kids how to clean up trash. To ensure that children organize their own activities, take the initiative. Together with the children, make a box for the trash, as an incentive to bring children to order. Supervise the work of the seller.

To consolidate the skills of joint activities of the educator and children in preparation for classes (lay out and put away teaching aids), as well as to consolidate the skills of timely execution of assignments.

Help the teacher dig up and water the sand on the site, collect it up the hill, continue to teach children to work purposefully. Observe the work of adults in the garden.

Strengthen the skills to independently correct the negligence of your appearance. Hold a competition for the most beautiful and neat. Teach girls to do their own hair.

Strengthen the skills of caring for indoor plants. Monitor the independent distribution of activities among the attendants and the sequence of its implementation, observe how the teacher takes care of the plants on the site.

Help the teacher take care of outdoor plants (loose, water, weed). Continue to nurture a sense of joy from working together

To consolidate the skills of cleaning and neatly folding the gaming equipment into place. Cultivate independence and initiative in the labor process.

Guessing riddles on the topics: profession, labor equipment, as a means of attracting children to work.

Observe the activities of the carpenter in the nursery. arouse interest in the profession. Build an understanding of its importance.

It is necessary to lay in the child the desire and ability to work even from preschool age. Based on this, preschool institutions set one of the main goals of preschoolers. In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, this term is commonly understood as a system for the formation of industriousness and labor skills in each child. As well as the desire to learn to work.

The main goal of the labor education of preschool children is the formation of a careful attitude to any work and a clear idea of ​​the labor activity of adults.

In connection with this goal, the state standard identifies the following main tasks:

  1. Formation of clear ideas about adult work and the importance of work in life.
  2. Formation of knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for labor activity.
  3. Cultivate a respectful attitude to any work.

Types of work and tasks

GEF DO assumes the following:

  • self-service;
  • economic work;
  • natural labor;
  • manual labor.

For each type, certain tasks of the labor education of preschoolers can be distinguished.

Type of labor


  • learn how to take care of yourself: dress, undress according to a clear, correct algorithm, properly fold things, be able to take care of your things, shoes and toys;
  • learn to independently identify contamination and damage to clothing and correctly eliminate them, as well as find similar things from a friend and help him fix them;
  • learn to prepare for classes, meals, walks and sleep on their own.


  • continue to teach how to maintain order in the room, and in case of problems, together with the teacher, eliminate them;
  • accustom children to street work: remove garbage, clean paths from dirt, snow and sand;
  • to teach them to work independently in the canteen of the institution: cook and set tables (only those dishes that the child is able to convey, more often these are plates of bread and cheese or fruits), clean up dirty dishes and leave clean tables and rooms behind;
  • learn to independently prepare the workplace, clean up and clean up work items after class.


  • cultivate respect for the environment;
  • learn to take care of the animals that are in the preschool, namely: clean up after the animals, clean the cages and change the water in a timely manner, monitor the availability of food in the pets;
  • to educate in children the desire to help adults in the garden or garden: plant, water, remove weeds.
  • to learn to independently use the objects of manual labor in the classroom;
  • to teach kids to make simple applications, paintings, postcards, souvenirs and decorations on their own;
  • to form in children the desire to repair and restore toys, books and other items;
  • teach children to use the material used wisely and economically.

It is important to take into account that the first two types of labor activity should be formed throughout all the years of being in kindergarten, and manual labor training begins only 1-2 years before graduation from a preschool institution.

How does each type of work affect the child?

Through the formation of self-care skills, pupils develop such qualities as self-confidence, the ability to independently solve their problems and be independent of parents or other important adults.

The implementation of the tasks of economic work allows children to understand that they can improve the environment on their own and without any help. All the knowledge that the preschool educational institution will give children will play a significant role in the future.

In relation to nature, it helps children to improve their mood, self-esteem; allows you to teach children to independently grow any product, flower and perform proper care for it; develops thought processes in the child.

Teaching manual labor helps children to believe in themselves and understand that they can make a beautiful thing on their own and please not only themselves, but also their loved ones with it.

Based on the foregoing, it is worth concluding that it is very important to include all types of activities in the upbringing plan, because only thanks to this, the teacher will be able to release a person fully prepared for school and adult life from kindergarten.

Forms of organization of labor activity

For the full education of labor activity among preschoolers, the following forms should be used:

  • assignments;
  • duty roster;
  • joint work.

Let us consider in detail all aspects of each of the forms.

Orders - the most pleasant and effective and the development of labor qualities. Children really like it when they are given instructions by adults who are authoritative for them, and in order to receive praise from this person, they will try to complete the assignment well, quickly and correctly.

Orders are of three types: individual, group, general.

It is worth starting with instructions specifically for one child, and only then, at an older age, move on to group ones. In addition, at a younger age, assignments should be small and light. As the child grows, assignments should be complicated.

It is very important to always praise the child not only for successful performance, but also for the desire and desire to help. You should not assume that helping a child in an assignment will have a negative result, on the contrary, by helping the kids, you realize in them a sense of security and confidence in others.

Duty is a specific task given to several kindergarten students, requiring special responsibility. Thanks to the duty, children feel their importance for the preschool institution, responsibility for completing the task and understand that their role and active participation in the group are important. In addition, duty unites the children's team, and a common cause helps children get to know each other better.

Joint work allows kids to correctly distribute responsibilities, choose roles for each participant and be responsible for the performance of their work to the group. Labor education of preschoolers in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard is implemented through the listed forms of activity, which were chosen by experienced teachers thanks to the research.

How to properly distribute classes?

In order to realize the goal of labor education of preschoolers, it is necessary to correctly draw up an activity plan. It is very important in the selection of activities to take into account age characteristics.

It is worth noting that it is necessary to use all forms of activity and distribute them with a load appropriate for children.

Incorrect planning of labor education in accordance with the GEF DO and its outcome


The educator uses all three forms of labor activity in one day.

The tasks of labor education of preschoolers are realized to a weak extent, due to the heavy burden on children. Pupils consider themselves not individuals, but subordinates, from whom they require a lot of work.

The teacher uses one form of activity per week.

Since it is absolutely impossible to involve all children in all types of forms, labor education in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard will manifest itself only in the part of the pupils who were more involved in the activity.

The teacher incorrectly calculates the degree of difficulty of tasks.

For young children, he gives difficult tasks, and for the guys from the older group - simple and easy. This approach will cause children to have a negative attitude towards work, as it will be either very easy or too difficult for them. Moreover, this method can completely discourage the desire to work and respect human labor.

In order to avoid such mistakes, it is necessary to correctly distribute the responsibilities of children in the process of labor education.

Possible options for tasks for different ages

In order to implement the tasks of labor education of preschool children as accurately as possible, an approximate table of types of activities for each group was compiled. You can get to know her below.

Task options


The two groups are combined into one type, since the age of the kids and their capabilities are approximately the same. At this age, you can give such instructions as watering a flower from a children's watering can (only one pot, if it's a street, then one small flower bed), taking a small object from one place to another, hanging your clothes to dry. Duties and collective tasks at this age do not apply.

Labor education of preschoolers in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard in the middle group requires a little more complicated assignments. For example, water all the flowers in a group on your own, carefully hang your things, arrange toys beautifully, etc.

Acquaintance with a new form of labor activity begins - duty. The very first duty is in the dining room. Children need to ensure that everyone has cutlery, bread, cheese on the tables and carefully observe that all pupils wash their hands before eating. It is also possible to instruct the attendants to serve fruits or vegetables on the table, but not completely on the table, but 2 pieces each.

In the older group, children are already older, and their capabilities have expanded significantly. Now it is worth introducing such a type of labor education as collective work. It is recommended to start with an interesting and exciting activity. A good teamwork at this age would be to grow a flower as a group. Each of the children will distribute their responsibilities: someone monitors the watering, someone loosens the earth, and someone ensures sufficient sunlight. Thus, the teacher forms in preschoolers a sense of love and care for the environment and the ability to work in a team.


Labor education in accordance with the GEF DO in this group is intended to seriously prepare future kindergarten graduates for big changes. It will be a new stage of life - school. Therefore, it is very important to prepare an independent, educated and hardworking first grader. To do this, it is necessary to alternate all forms of labor activity. It is obligatory to carry out collective work once a week, but not for long. That is, the work must be started and completed on the same day. It can be making collages, cleaning in the corner of animals or on the street, etc.

The educator is obliged to develop the desire for work and the desire to work as much as possible.

Labor and parents

It is also important labor education of preschoolers in accordance with the GEF for parents. In addition, the result of “inoculation” of love and a good attitude to work largely depends on them.

Those rules that are present in a preschool institution should be used by parents at home. Otherwise, the mismatch of requirements can lead to a misunderstanding on the part of the child of what is required of him. The consequences of such disagreements are different: the minimum - the child will be constantly not sure whether he is doing the task correctly, the maximum - if in one place it is necessary to do this, but in another it is not necessary and it is necessary in a different way, then the child will decide that adults themselves they do not know what they expect from the baby and come up with the rules on their own. And if such requirements are just fiction, then they can not be fulfilled.

The problem of labor education of preschoolers is solved only by the joint work of parents and educator. To do this, it is necessary to arrange as often as possible where to agree on the rules, tasks and methods of raising children. Parents, in turn, must attend all meetings and take an active part in them.

Remember, only by uniting you can achieve positive results! Do not blame all the work on educators, and then teachers. Their goal is only to direct the children in the right direction, and yours is to make every effort so that the child learns.

Hygienic conditions

In order for the labor education of preschool children in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard to have a positive result, it is imperative to monitor the hygiene of children and the cleanliness of the objects with which they work.

The effectiveness of labor education of preschoolers in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard increases when work takes place in the fresh air. If children work in an institution, then it is necessary to regularly ventilate the room and monitor the cleanliness of objects.

When children are working on any craft or drawing, the room should be well lit so as not to harm children's eyesight.

Of great importance is the posture for work. It is impossible for pupils to stay in one position for more than an hour, as this is very harmful for the emerging spine.

The importance of labor education for preschoolers

A person must learn to work, as this is the only source of a prosperous existence. Hard work from an early age ensures success and prosperity in the future. Children trained to work from infancy are more independent, easily adapt to any conditions and quickly solve various kinds of problems. Diligence allows a person to gain confidence in himself and tomorrow.

The labor education of preschoolers in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard is aimed at maximizing the development of the knowledge, skills and abilities of the child, thanks to which the kindergarten pupil will be able to successfully develop further and receive the respect of relatives, friends and even strangers.


Labor education of preschoolers in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard in the tables given in the article reveals in detail the essence and problems of the formation of industriousness.

The most important thing is to start involving children in the labor process from an early age. This must be done in a playful way, but with certain requirements. Be sure to praise the child, even if something does not work out for him.

It is important to note that it is necessary to work on labor education in accordance with age characteristics, and it is important to take into account the individual capabilities of each child.

And remember, only together with parents can you fully realize the labor education of preschoolers in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard!