Neck care (basic rules). A special approach to skin care for the neck and décolleté

Most of us women, striving to preserve youth and beauty, regularly and fanatically take care of our face skin, hair, hands. However, few remember about the skin of the neck and décolleté, and yet it is this area that gives out the woman's true age, which is especially striking against the background of the well-groomed skin of the face. Therefore, taking care of your neck and décolleté should become a daily mandatory procedure if you do not want your skin to become flabby and wrinkled at a young age.

The skin of the neck and décolleté area, in the absence of care, begins to fade very quickly. This is due to the fact that in these areas, in comparison with other areas of the skin, there is a very thin layer of subcutaneous fat. In addition, there are much fewer sebaceous glands in these areas than, for example, in the skin of the face. That is why the thin and delicate skin of the neck and décolleté area requires additional nutrition and hydration.

Meanwhile, in addition to the lack of care or its poor quality, some other factors can contribute to the premature aging of these skin areas. In particular, these include: improper posture, being in the open sun for a long time, sudden weight loss, improper posture during sleep, and many others, which we will talk about below.

So, neck and décolleté care, as well as skin care, includes cleansing, toning, moisturizing and nourishing.

It is necessary to cleanse the skin of the neck and décolleté twice a day, in the morning and in the evening. To cleanse these areas from dead cells, it is strictly forbidden to use alcohol-containing cosmetics (tonics, lotions). Cleansing creams, cosmetic milk, soft foams and herbal gels are ideal for this purpose. It is better not to use tap water; it is recommended to use mineral, boiled or well-purified water as a substitute. Ice cubes work as well. Carrying out massage with their help will improve blood circulation, increase tone, and accelerate recovery processes.

To prepare ice cubes, you can use clean drinking water, herbal teas or milk. It is necessary to massage the skin with light movements along the massage lines. Once every two weeks, you need to apply gentle scrubs to cleanse the skin and smooth its relief. It is not recommended to use a hard washcloth in the décolleté and neck area; it is better to replace it with a soft terry mitten. After cleansing, the skin of the neck and décolleté needs toning, for which it is effective to use a toner based on natural herbs and oils.

To moisturize the thin and dry skin of the neck and décolleté, use specially designed moisturizing creams or collagen serums for this area. If you do not have such a product, you can use any cream for dry or normal skin instead. Owners of oily and combination skin are not recommended to use conventional creams for this type of skin in relation to the neck and décolleté area; it is better to purchase separate products.

For these areas, it is very important to use nourishing and fortified creams. Suitable creams with extracts of green tea, avocado, apricot and almond oils, vitamins E and F, with the addition of elastin and collagen. In the daytime, with active exposure to the sun, wind and other environmental factors, it is best to apply moisturizing and protective creams (SPF at least 10) on the skin of the neck and décolleté, which not only saturate the skin with moisture, but also protect against the negative effects of ultraviolet rays. Cosmetics should be applied at least half an hour before going out into the open air. Excess cream must be removed with a soft cloth.

At night, the processes of regeneration (skin restoration) are more active, therefore, at night, very nourishing anti-aging creams or oils should be applied to the skin, which help to accelerate the process of cell renewal, as well as increase the elasticity of the skin. It is recommended to apply such funds to the skin of the neck and décolleté no later than two hours before bedtime. Also blot excess cream with a napkin.

It is necessary to use nourishing creams and serums for the neck and décolleté area from the age of thirty-five. Until this age period, skin hydration will be sufficient.

When using a cream, its application is of great importance. On the neck, the cream should be applied with patting movements in a criss-cross pattern: with the right hand, we smoothly move the hand along the left side of the neck from the collarbone to the chin, and with the left hand along the right side. On the neckline: from the center of the chest up to the collarbone and armpit.

Basic care should be supplemented with a special massage, daily exercise, and natural homemade masks according to traditional medicine recipes (once a week). By the way, it is necessary to moisturize and nourish not only the front of the neck, but also the back.

To maintain the elasticity and tone of the skin of the neck and décolleté, it is effective to use contrast dousing, alternating the use of hot and cold water. If for some reason you cannot carry out this procedure, then at least once after the end of bathing, pour a cold stream of water over only the neck.

Gymnastics for the neck.
The elasticity of the skin and its appearance largely depend on the condition of the muscles of the skin. It's no secret that exercise keeps our body in good shape. Therefore, to maintain the tone of the neck skin and preserve its youth, it is recommended to do special exercises. Exercise will not take much of your time. It is enough to devote ten to fifteen minutes to this every day.

So, directly the exercises:
Tilt your head back, relaxing your lower jaw and opening your mouth. Then you should slowly bring the lower jaw up, as if making attempts to cover the upper jaw and reach the tip of the nose. The exercise should be performed with force, straining the muscles of the chin.

Clasp your hands together and bring them under your chin. Throw your head back with some resistance (as if you are not allowed to do this).

The chest is straightened, the fingers are on the shoulders. Pull the neck up with force, while pressing the shoulders down with your fingers. Inhale, count to ten, and exhale.

Then relax your shoulders and lower your arms "at the seams". We lower the head to the chest, and begin circular rolls, first to the left, then to the right.

Lower your shoulders. Turn your head to the right and touch your chin to your shoulder without raising your shoulders. Then do the exercise for the left side. Perform the exercise four or five times for each side.

The next exercise is similar to the previous one, only the shoulder should be touched with the ear.

Stretch your neck forward and at the same time raise your chin up, then move your neck back and press your chin.

Bend your arms at the elbows and put them on the table. Clasp your fingers into the "lock" and lower your chin on them. With your hands, lift your chin up while resisting the chin. Then lower your hands with your chin, making resistance with your hands.

Clench your hands into fists and place them on top of each other. You should rest your chin on your fists and try to lower your head, while resisting your hands.

Pulls her lips with a tube and actively pronounce the sounds A, O, I, U, Y.

Lower the corners of the mouth downward, straining the neck muscles for a few seconds, and then relax the muscles.

We put our palms on the forehead and try to overcome the resistance of the hands, lowering our head down.

With a pencil in your mouth, draw circles and ovals in the air.

Put your hands on your shoulders. Make circular movements back and forth ten times.

Put your hands behind your head, and hold while trying to tilt it back.

To relieve fatigue, muscle tension, and relieve pain in the neck, it is recommended to massage the neck. It is best done before bed.

Neck massage to maintain skin firmness.
Sit up straight, put your palms on your neck, Stroke the neck with gentle movements from the center to the back.

Press your palms on the back of the neck and make stroking movements in the direction from the hair roots to the spine.

The head is tilted down. Lower the index and middle fingers to the fossa under the seventh vertebra (the place where the neck passes into the back) and rotate several times first along and then counterclockwise. Then you need to go down to the next hole and repeat the rotation.

Fill a heating pad or cellophane bag with water, put it in the freezer for half an hour, and then use it for massage. Do circular rotations from bottom to top for two to three minutes. After that, lightly rub the skin of the neck with a cotton towel until warmth appears.

To prevent the appearance of a double chin after applying the cream, it is necessary to tap with the back of your hand under the chin with light patting movements. You can also carry out such a massage a couple of times a week: prepare a solution of three salt spoons of sea salt and two glasses of boiled water. Then moisten a terry towel in the resulting liquid and tap it under the chin with patting movements, holding the ends.

Salon treatments for the neck and décolleté area.
Professional neck and décolleté skin care in beauty salons is recommended for women over thirty. It is during this period that the skin needs to correct age-related changes. Prevention will no longer help. Such procedures can be part of a comprehensive body care (massage, peeling). In addition, there are also separate procedures, the purpose of which is the restoration and regeneration of the epidermis.

Various masks and wraps using professional cosmetics are effective. Unlike ordinary cosmetics that we use at home, professional products contain much more active substances, which causes a more pronounced effect. The most useful components are considered to be elastin, vitamins, collagen, brown algae, and minerals. The mask is applied to the neck and décolleté for twenty minutes and then washed off.

Express masks with a lifting effect deserve special attention, which allow you to give the skin freshness, radiance and elasticity in one procedure. Due to the presence of caffeine, plant extracts and aminophylline in the composition of such masks, they help to activate blood circulation, as a result of which the skin is supplied with the necessary nutrients. For the most pronounced result, the procedure is done more than once.

Another common salon treatment for the neck and décolleté area is a fruit wrap. For the procedure, pureed fresh fruits are used in combination with milk, honey or extracts of exotic plants. The resulting fruit mixture is applied to the skin of the neck and décolleté for twenty minutes, a film or a special thermal blanket is applied over the mask in order to obtain a more pronounced effect. Before the procedure, the skin is cleansed. And after it is carried out, a light massage is done.

Also, in the care of these areas of the skin, it is effective to carry out a course of mesotherapy. The essence of this procedure is the introduction of homeopathic, vitamin or anti-aging preparations by means of injections under the skin. There are a huge number of cocktails today. For each client, the cosmetologist selects an individual cocktail, taking into account the state of the epidermis and the tasks set. The most popular are cocktails with hyaluronic acid, vitamins and collagen, or plant extracts in combination with minerals.

If this procedure does not suit you for any reason, you can use mesotherapy without injection, where oils and serums saturated with special elements are used. The procedure is carried out in two stages: first, oil (serum) is applied to the skin, after which a special apparatus with a nozzle is used, through which oxygen is supplied to ensure the penetration of beneficial substances into the deep layers of the skin. Three days later, as the metabolic processes in the cells become more active, the skin becomes noticeably younger (wrinkles are smoothed out) and takes on a fresh look. The effect of such a procedure lasts for two weeks. Further, such mesotherapy is recommended to be carried out once a month.

Factors contributing to the early aging of the skin of the neck and décolleté.
Improper posture, walking with the head constantly "lowered" provokes the appearance of early signs of aging. Therefore, it is important to always monitor your posture, straighten your shoulders, keep your head straight and not press it against your chest.

The pillow you use to sleep also matters. If you didn't know, then a high pillow can cause the development of a double chin. Constant slouching can lead to the same problem.

Smoking, excess weight, frequent visits to tanning salons also lead to premature aging of the skin in this area (and not only!). Therefore, the elimination of all these factors from your life is the right step on the path to youth and beauty.

Take care of yourself, do not be lazy. Try to find at least a little time for yourself. Your skin will respond to you with gratitude and a radiant look.

Our age becomes noticeable first of all on the skin of the neck and décolleté. And no matter what makeup tricks a woman uses on her face, if she neglects skin care in these important areas, it will not help her look younger.

On the neck and décolleté, the skin is rather thin in structure and devoid of subcutaneous fat. Therefore, it dehydrates faster and loses its elasticity and, of course, needs constant hydration and nutrition.

We first see the first changes in the shallow cervical folds that appear after 30 years. Then the network of wrinkles grows, the skin in the décolleté area becomes drier and flabby, sagging skin forms in the neck and chin area.

But it will not be a disaster for you if you take timely measures to prevent skin aging. The main condition is regular care of the neck and décolleté. When caring for your face, you should not forget about these delicate areas: twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, carry out cleansing, toning, etc.

4 daily steps to take care of your neck and décolleté

  • Step 1: In the morning, cleanse your neck and décolleté with a cleansing gel or milk, matched to your skin type. If you take a morning shower, then shower gel is enough. It will be very helpful to prepare homemade natural lotions for cleansing.
  • Step 2: Tone the skin in these areas: use ice, frozen with the addition of herbal infusions. Wipe the skin along the massage lines, when the moisture is absorbed, dab your neck and décolleté with a paper towel.
  • Step 3: Apply moisturizer all over the neck and décolleté area.
  • Step 4: In the evening, after removing make-up, repeat the procedure for cleansing and toning the skin and apply a nourishing night cream. Apply compresses, light exfoliation and nourishing treatments 1-2 times a week.

How to make a compress for the neck

You can use two types of compresses: contrasting and nourishing. The purpose of the first compress is to protonate the skin and increase blood circulation by changing temperatures. The second goal is to moisturize and nourish the skin with beneficial substances. You can alternate between these simple procedures.

For contrast compress you will need two small terry towels and a container for cold and hot water. Make infusions of chamomile, sage, calendula, or mint herbs and add them to hot water. Place ice cubes in cold filtered water. Alternately, after 1-2 minutes, apply a well-wrung hot towel, and then a cold one, on the neck and décolleté area. Repeat the shift 5-6 times and finish with a cold compress.

Note that if your skin is excessively dry and prone to irritation, it is best to use cold compresses with aloe juice. To tighten the skin on the neck, perform a cycle of contrast procedures with sea salt (1 tablespoon of salt per ½ liter of water).

For nourishing compresses Prepare: A cotton or linen napkin sized to cover the neck and décolleté, waxed paper (baking paper is fine) and a terrycloth towel. You can take honey, butter, yolk, potatoes and other natural products as a nutritional composition in such compresses.

Soak a napkin with a warm nutrient composition, place it on the neckline and cover it with paper first and then with a towel. Keep the compress on your skin for up to 30 minutes. Then carefully remove the napkin and rinse the skin with water, herbal decoction or wipe with aloe juice.

4 compositions for compresses:

  • Honey composition: composition, mix 1 teaspoon of honey, 1 chicken yolk and 1 tablespoon of butter or cream.
  • Oil composition: slightly warmed oil (olive, linseed or almond) is used.
  • Ingredients with potatoes and glycerin: boil 1-2 pieces of potatoes in their skins, peel and mash; add 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil and glycerin to the puree.
  • Milk-chamomile composition: Pour about ½ a pack of dry chamomile with a glass of milk and boil for a few minutes. This compress is great for sluggish, stretched neck skin.

We cleanse the skin of the neck with natural peels and lotions

To cleanse the delicate skin on the neck and décolleté, it is good to use light peels... They gently exfoliate dead cells and help new fresh cells to rise faster from deeper layers to the surface and refresh the skin.

Apply the exfoliation to these areas only along the massage lines, without stretching the skin. Perform the procedure after a hot shower or lightly steam your skin with a terry towel soaked in hot water. After exfoliation, apply a nourishing cream or nourishing mask to your face.

Try a natural coffee cleanser: Mix 1 tablespoon each of finely ground coffee and fresh cream. Instead of coffee, you can take natural cocoa powder - it is also very aromatic, and most importantly, healthy.

Freshly squeezed juices of citrus fruits have good cleansing properties: lemon, orange and grapefruit. Squeeze out the juice and apply it on the neck and décolleté for 1-2 hours with a cotton pad. If your skin is too dry and sensitive, dilute the juice with boiled water 1: 1. After the procedure, rinse your skin with cool water.

To cleanse the skin in the neck and décolleté area, you can prepare natural lotions for future use and store them in the refrigerator, for this a small amount of vodka is introduced into the composition.

Here are some simple recipes:

  • Take fresh chicken yolk and mix with the juice of 1 lemon, add ½ cup of cream and 1 tablespoon of vodka. Wipe your neck and décolleté skin daily with this miraculous lotion and you will see that the skin becomes youthful and taut.
  • Prepare a homemade cucumber lotion: grate a fresh cucumber, pour about 30-40 grams of vodka into the gruel and leave for 10 days in a cool, dark place. Use to cleanse your skin daily, morning and evening.

Homemade creams and masks for the neck

For home care, you can prepare effective creams and masks. They will help you protect your neck, chin and décolleté from aging.

Anti-wrinkle neck mask. Mix one beaten egg white with 1 tablespoon of flaxseed or olive oil and add 2-3 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice. Apply the resulting homogeneous composition for 15-20 minutes on the neck and décolleté area with light movements, adhering to the massage lines. Then wash with cool water and don't forget about a moisturizer. A nourishing mask. Puree the boiled potatoes and add the beaten egg and a tablespoon of butter, cosmetic or vegetable, to it. While the mixture is warm, apply it to the skin and leave to absorb for 20 minutes. Then wash off with lukewarm water. Banana mask. Take ½ banana pulp and mix with 1 teaspoon of potato starch, then add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. Leave the mask on the skin for 30 minutes and rinse with warm water Mask to improve blood circulation to the skin of the neck. Take 2 tablespoons of crushed rolled oats and cover with 2 tablespoons of cream, let it swell for 8-10 minutes. Then add 2-3 tablespoons of freshly squeezed orange juice to the mixture. Keep the composition on the neck for 30-35 minutes and rinse off. Mask for aging skin of the neck. You will need 2 tablespoons of fresh cottage cheese (preferably homemade), ½ orange juice and one teaspoon of oil. Stir all ingredients thoroughly until smooth and apply the resulting mixture on the skin for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Do the procedure at night 2 times a week and your skin will noticeably freshen. You can do simple refreshing masks at least daily. Just use the peel of vegetables and fruits: cucumber, potato, avocado, banana. Apply these strips to your skin and let sit for 10 minutes. Extremely simple and cheap, but effective for nourishing and moisturizing Neck mask after 50 years. This composition perfectly nourishes and whitens age spots. For 2 tablespoons of sour cream, you need to take one chicken yolk, 1/4 lemon juice, the pulp of a small cucumber and a few drops of any essential oil (orange, lemon, ylang-ylang, patchouli). Thoroughly grind all ingredients until smooth and apply to the neck and décolleté. After 20-25 minutes of exposure, remove the remnants of the mask from the skin and wash with lukewarm and then cool water.
How to properly apply masks and creams on the neck and décolleté

The effect of the care will be only when you correctly apply the care products to the skin. It is important to follow the main lines of the massage, do not press on the skin or stretch it.

  • First spread the mask or cream over the neck area, then gently spread the composition from the middle to the sides of the neck with upward movements.
  • Work in the same way with the back of the neck, do not forget about this side, it is also prone to flabbiness.
  • Next, the nutrients are applied from the ears along the shoulder line, directing the movements from top to bottom.
  • In the decollete area, distribute the mask or cream in the direction from the center of the sternum to the sides and up to the clavicle area.
  • All hand movements should be light stroking or lightly patting.

Vodka will help you to restore youth to the neck and décolleté area! Beautician Tips:

  • How to make your neckline beautiful
  • Funds overview

Features of the skin in the décolleté area

The skin in the décolleté area, in contrast to the skin of the face and body, has a thinner fat layer, which means that it is more quickly exposed to all types of age-related changes:

  • loses firmness and elasticity;

    covered with age spots.

However, while actively caring for our face, we often forget about the neck and décolleté.

Even with oily or combination skin of the face, the skin of the décolleté can become dry and sensitive as a result of unfavorable factors and lack of proper care.

    A common problem is comedones and blackheads.

    It is not necessary to clean them mechanically in any case, because due to the peculiarities of the structure of the skin in the décolleté area, any damage turns into red spots that do not last for a long time.

    Another problem is the tendency to pigmentation.

    It is caused by the fact that the skin in the décolleté area is open in the summer and is exposed to UV radiation.

The décolleté skin is delicate, vulnerable and needs delicate care © iStock

Care for the décolleté area at different ages

It is not only the face that undergoes age-related changes, which is why it is so important to carefully care for the décolleté area.

After 30 years

During this period, age does not yet make itself felt by obvious manifestations. Yes, the first wrinkles appear on the face, but the décolleté area still looks young and all it needs is good hydration. The only things that can be annoying are clogged pores and pigmentation.

To avoid clogged pores, do not forget about exfoliation: use a delicate gommage once a week. Exfoliation helps to cope with the second problem, but for whitening it is better to use toners and masks with acids (in a low concentration).

Be sure to use photoprotective products during the summer.

After 40 years

At the age of 40, a significant slowdown in collagen production is fraught with the appearance of wrinkles in the neck and décolleté area. Remember that cleansing the skin in this delicate area should be as gentle as possible: if you like to rub your back with a hard washcloth, then it is better not to expose this area to such tests.

    Cleanse the skin in the chest area as well as the skin of the face - a mild non-alkaline agent.

    Actively feed skin of the neck and décolleté: both a face cream and a special product for this area are suitable.

After 50 years

To prolong the youthfulness of the décolleté area, use anti-age products. They usually contain:

    shock doses of antioxidants;

    components that stimulate collagen synthesis;

  • amino acids;

    moisturizing and lipid-replenishing agents.

Retinoids and vitamin C work best against visible age-related changes, such as wrinkles, but you need to be careful with them: in high concentrations, these substances can irritate photodamaged and sensitive skin. If your skin has previously reacted negatively to some cosmetic products, you should consult a beautician before using retinoids and vitamin C.

Decollete skin aging prevention - massage, gymnastics, salon treatments © iStock

Cosmetics for décolleté skin

Proper skin care with cosmetic products will help delay visible age-related changes.


The main cause of premature skin aging is dehydration. The right décolleté cream contains a lot of moisturizing ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, antioxidants (vitamins E and C) and oils.

Since the lipid layer on the décolleté is thin, don't be afraid to use nourishing creams.


Women do not like to make masks for this zone: who wants to walk with a fat layer of cream on their chest, even if there is not always time for a moisturizing procedure for the face. However, try to carve out 5-10 minutes in your decollete routine. This advice is especially helpful for older women.

The solution for those who are always in a hurry: After using the sheet face mask, apply it to the neck and décolleté. As a rule, fabric-based impregnation remains in excess.

Peels and exfoliants

Exfoliation is a necessary procedure for the skin. Up to 35 years old, soft gommages do an excellent job with this task, after which it is advisable to switch to chemical exfoliation. With the help of, for example, creams with a low percentage of acids.

Sun protection

Sunscreens are not in great demand in the city, but in vain: sun protection not only reduces the risk of melanoma, but also prolongs the youthfulness of the skin. For summer city walks in a dress with an open neckline, use products with a protection factor of at least 30, and for the beach - all 50.

Keep in mind: the skin of the shoulders, back and décolleté burns faster. If you find yourself on the beach without sunscreen, cover yourself with a handkerchief or pareo.

Include masking in your decollete skin care © iStock

Cosmetology procedures for décolleté skin care

In addition to peels and masks, beauty parlors offer other effective procedures.

Mesotherapy without injections

Injection-free mesotherapy is performed by a cosmetologist using a mesoscooter - a special device with many microneedles. The needles slightly damage the skin, causing microtrauma to it, which accelerates cell renewal and promotes the absorption of a previously applied preparation (for example, hyaluronic or peptide serum).


Plasmolifting stimulates skin regeneration, resulting in intense hydration, increasing tissue density and elasticity. For plasmolifting, blood is taken from a patient's vein, which is placed in a special centrifuge to obtain plasma. The plasma is then injected into the facial skin.

Plasmolifting is carried out in a course of 4-5 procedures 1-2 times a year, depending on the initial condition of the skin and its needs.

How to make your neckline beautiful

Regular beauty treatments and procedures by a beautician are certainly important if your goal is to keep your décolleté skin youthful for as long as possible. In addition, we can advise you on some tricks that do not require an investment of money or a lot of time.

Correct posture

Straight back - prevention of the early appearance of "venus rings" on the neck. Slouching shoulders do not add beauty at all.

Cold and hot shower

The alternation of jets of hot and cold water maintains the elasticity and tone of the skin.

Self-massage of the decollete area

You can learn massage yourself - thanks to the Internet: you don't need complicated instructions, just watch a few video tutorials on youtube.

Any massage is performed only after applying oily lotion or oil. Without them, you can etch the skin and get the opposite effect.

We offer a simple scheme for self-massage of the décolleté area.

Funds overview

    Sunscreen for face and décolleté "Expert Protection" SPF 50+ Ambre Solaire, Garnier

    The formula with UV filters and vitamin E is suitable for face and body skin, protects it from photoaging and pigmentation. Leaves no white residue.

    Toning treatment against age spots 3-in-1 SPF 50+ for face, neck and décolleté Idéal Soleil, Vichy

    The product with a non-sticky, non-greasy texture evens out skin tone, prevents age spots and reduces existing ones.

    Anti-aging multi-active fluid Rénergie Multi-Lift Ultra SPF 25, Lancôme

    The product with flax extract and sunscreen filter prevents age-related changes in the skin and cares for it: makes it more elastic and radiant, nourishes and evens out tone.

    Serum for bust and décolleté Super Bust Tense-in-Serum, Biotherm

    Improves skin tone and elasticity in the décolleté and chest area. Already after the first application, the skin becomes more elastic, after 4 weeks of use - more toned.

    Cream for face, neck and décolleté "Age Expert 45+", L'Oréal Paris

    Thanks to a complex of proretinol and retinopeptides, the product effectively fights the signs of age after 45 years: reduces wrinkles, tightens the skin, and gives elasticity.

    Complex care sculptor "Expert Age 55+", L'Oréal Paris

    It works in three directions: nourishes and revitalizes the skin, fights wrinkles, restores the lost volume to the skin, neck and décolleté. All this becomes possible due to the content of the complex of oils and phloroglucinol in the formula.

  • 1.
    How to care for your neck and décolleté?
  • 2.
    Why is neck skin aging?
  • 3.
    "Computer Neck"
  • 4.
    Cleansing the skin of the neck and décolleté
  • 5.
    Massage lines
  • 6.
    Moisturizing the décolleté and neck area
  • 7.
  • 8.
    Exercises for tightening the skin of the neck
  • 9.
    Anti-aging care for the neck and décolleté
  • 10.

Coco Chanel also said that the neck is the girl's passport, and the chest is the passport. Despite the fact that now completely different biometric data are required for paperwork, the deterioration in the appearance of the neck and décolleté strongly affects self-esteem. How to Maintain and Preserve Natural Data in Home Care?

How to care for your neck and décolleté?

The attractiveness of the neck and décolleté is determined by many factors: the condition of the skin, moisture content and the amount of collagen, the thickness of subcutaneous fat, muscle tone, posture and age.

There are a number of external factors that cause premature aging: insufficient night sleep, too high a pillow, improperly selected underwear, bad habits, sunburn, unbalanced diet, low water intake, lack of adequate physical activity, untreated diseases, inappropriate skin care. External factors worsen our natural characteristics already at a young age, but we are able to change them and remain attractive for a long time.

Why is neck skin aging?

The neck and décolleté area has its own structural features, without which it is impossible to maintain their youthfulness - age-related changes come here earlier and wear faster. The lack of proper skin care manifests itself gradually and becomes apparent by the fourth decade of life.

Cleansing with alkaline soap or sulfate-based shower gel disrupts the thin lipid mantle. There are few sebaceous glands here, the mantle does not have time to recover, which is why the skin loses moisture and dries, becomes thinner. Gradually, small, and then deep wrinkles and folds appear, which stop straightening.

In the absence of hydration and nutrition, unaesthetic changes become noticeable quite early.

The layer of subcutaneous fat is very thin in youth - with age it becomes even more thinner, and in places it hypertrophies. The skin loses its tone, stretches and sags, which is especially noticeable under the chin. The angle between the chin and neck, which is 90 degrees in youth, becomes increasingly dull due to excess skin. Deep transverse folds ("rings of Venus") or longitudinal cords ("turkey neck") appear on the neck as a result of a violation of the tone of the subcutaneous muscle.

The subcutaneous muscle of the neck - platysma - protects the blood vessels from squeezing, participates in facial expressions, and is also responsible for the aesthetic appearance of the neck. Fibers of platysma begin in the upper part of the chest, rise up under the skin of the neck and end in the lower part of the face. With age, the muscle loses its elasticity, its edges along the midline may diverge, longitudinal strands are formed, and the cervico-chin angle increases.

To stop premature aging and maintain the youthfulness of the neck and décolleté, you need competent skin care, as well as regular physical activity and stretching, which maintain correct posture and normalize lymphatic drainage, slowing down the progressive development of unwanted changes.

"Computer Neck"

Stagnation of lymph is one of the factors of premature aging and the cause of the formation of a double chin, because a "double" chin can be observed even in thin people. Most of us spend a lot of time at the computer.

To see something from the screen, a person involuntarily stretches his neck forward and remains in this position for hours. The center of gravity of the head shifts, the load on the cervical spine increases 3-4 times.

With chronic maintenance of such a posture, blood circulation and innervation deteriorate, pain and numbness in the hands, and limitation of movement in the shoulder joints may appear. Tension in the occipital region provokes pain in both the neck and head.

The aesthetic component of such a posture is the appearance of a "double" chin and sagging cheeks, since muscle spasm worsens the outflow of lymph, there is a noticeable congestive edema. Moreover, the cartilage and bones of the anterior part of the neck are displaced forward, due to which the cervico-chin angle increases and the clarity of the contours of the face and neck is lost.

To unload the cervical spine, it is necessary to properly equip the workplace (position the monitor at the height of the line of sight strictly in front of you, your elbows should lie on the table) and monitor your posture, periodically "pulling" your neck back as far as possible. You can do the following exercises. Put your hands clasped in the lock forward and, as it were, push off from them. In this case, the head and neck will take the correct position. Maintain this position for 30 seconds, relax. Repeat the exercise 2-3 times every hour spent at the computer.

Advice! Massage of the cervical-collar zone can also perfectly relax muscles and get rid of the "computer neck".

Cleansing the skin of the neck and décolleté

It's never too late to start rejuvenating neck and décolleté skin care, but by the age of thirty it is better to do it regularly. The basic rules here are similar to facial skin care, there are only a number of nuances that must be taken into account. Daily cleansing should be gentle and moisturizing.

Softness means the absence in the composition of alcohol, abrasives and the pH of the agent - neutral or slightly acidic (seven or less). The product should be suitable for all skin types, especially dry skin.

Cosmeceutical cleansers with a neutral pH, for all skin types, based on natural ingredients, remove makeup residues and other impurities, while having a very important effect - restore the hydrolipid balance, increasing the moisture content of the skin due to the components of the natural moisturizing factor (NMF) and natural softeners, creating optimal conditions for further care.

Once or twice a week, it is recommended to deeply cleanse the skin to stimulate its renewal - a non-abrasive, atraumatic peeling based on light fruit acids or enzymes. Cleansing foams are ideal for these tasks; they not only gently cleanse the skin and remove makeup, but also actively moisturize. The skin is well hydrated, "breathes" and ready for basic care.

Massage lines

When caring for the skin of the neck and décolleté, a certain technique of applying serums and creams should be used: on the front of the neck - from bottom to top, on the side - vice versa. In the neckline - movements from the center downward and on the sides - in the form of a "fan". This application of care products - along the massage lines - is optimal, as it does not stretch the skin.

Moisturizing the décolleté and neck area

If your face is prone to oily, then you should choose separate products for the care of the skin of the neck and décolleté - it is recommended to use alcohol-containing products, clay-based drying masks, anti-blackhead products, as well as hard washcloths and scrubs.

Advice! When choosing a moisturizer, pay attention to products for dry and normal skin, as the amount of sebaceous glands in the neck and décolleté area is small and natural self-moisturizing is not enough, especially with age.

Lipids secreted by the sebaceous glands affect the properties of the skin: elasticity, softness, water repellency and the amount of transepidermal water loss (loss of moisture through the skin due to diffusion or evaporation). With lipid deficiency (whether it be age-related changes or improper care), the skin becomes dry, the loss of water from its surface increases, elasticity decreases, and, as a result, wrinkles appear.

Perfect care includes nourishing and moisturizing ingredients as well as antioxidants to protect against premature aging.

Moisturizers that actively moisturize and retain moisture (hyaluronic acid, chitosan, seaweed extract, collagen), nourish (shea butter, evening primrose and rose hips), neutralize free radicals (vitamins A and E) can effectively compensate for dryness and smooth small wrinkles. ), which makes them indispensable in home care.


The top ten anti-aging cosmetic ingredients include vitamin C in a stable, fat-soluble form. It acts in a complex and slows down the aging process, smoothes wrinkles, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, helps to lighten age spots, including age and post-traumatic ones.

Vitamin C neutralizes free radicals that attack cell membranes in urban air, when smoking or sunbathing, protects against photo damage, stimulates collagen synthesis, and gives the skin a healthy tone and radiance.

Exercises for tightening the skin of the neck

Even with proper skin care, its deep structures - subcutaneously, fatty tissue and muscles - begin to sag with age. If there is no habit of walking with your head held high and doing exercises, then the subcutaneous muscle of the neck gradually shortens, dragging the skin along with it. The cervico-chin angle increases, and a "second" chin appears.

In addition, transverse folds or longitudinal cords may appear on the neck as a result of hypertonicity of the subcutaneous muscle. To stretch a tense muscle and normalize its tone, resist gravity and slow the onset of age-related changes, it is necessary to perform exercises.

Here are a couple of the most simple and effective ones.

  • Exercise to restore the "angle of youth" of smoothing the neck and reducing the double chin. Performed in a sitting position. Look straight ahead. Tilt your head back. You will feel your neck muscles stretch. Press the tip of your tongue firmly against the palate. You will feel the tension in your neck muscles. Hold the position for 5 seconds, then return to the starting position, continuing to rest your tongue against the palate. Repeat 5-10 times.

  • This exercise strengthens the chin and the front of the neck. When you do it, the expression on your face becomes quite funny, so it is better to retire. Look straight ahead. Lift your lower lip up as much as possible. Make sure the skin on the chin is wrinkled. In this case, the lower jaw is pushed forward. Without opening your mouth, try to smile - lift the corners of your mouth up. Hold the position for 5 seconds, relax - repeat 5-10 times. When your muscles get used to it, try this exercise with your tongue pressed against the palate.

Don't stop there. Increase the duration and amount of exercise over time. Do them regularly! Performing at a young age will serve as a prophylaxis, in a mature one it will help to return a graceful bend to the neck: the muscles acquire a normal tone, microcirculation and lymphatic drainage improve, and skin turgor increases.

Anti-aging care for the neck and décolleté

Collagen synthesis after 35 years of age decreases, the quality of its fibers changes, which form the skeleton of the skin, ensure its elasticity and shape. The skin is a hormone-dependent organ. With a decrease in estrogen in the blood (which can be observed not only with age - by the fifth decade of life, but also with a lack of body weight, as a result of an unbalanced regimen of rest and stress, as well as under the influence of chronic diseases), neurovegetative and microcirculatory dystonia develops.

As a result, free radicals are activated in the skin and glycation processes are enhanced (deformation of collagen and elastin fibers after glucose molecules attach to them), the synthesis of hyaluronic acid is disrupted; cells are damaged, flabbiness and wrinkles appear.

Advice! To prevent skin aging, it is useful to apply intensive masks several times a week.

They smooth and fill the skin with moisture from the inside, warm it up, stimulating the activity of fibroblasts and increasing the regeneration processes, saturate with antioxidants, restore microcirculation and fight rosacea.


In youth, the skin retains its firmness and elasticity due to the formation of its own regulatory peptides, which command the cells in the deep layers of the skin to synthesize collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid. After 35 years, fewer and fewer of these regulatory peptides are produced, so products based on laboratory-synthesized peptides that are identical to our own peptides are needed daily to prevent skin aging.

Different classes of peptides act selectively, their effect is cumulative and enhances the action of each other. In addition to the stimulating effect, peptides have another important property - they are able to extend the life span of cells by up to 30%, slowing down the processes of biological aging. Therefore, the presence of peptides in the composition of cosmetics provides the maximum rejuvenating effect in home care and slows down the manifestations of biological aging, it is only important that the peptides are contained in products in sufficient concentration.

There are several types of peptides that are effective for firming the skin, smoothing out wrinkles and eliminating sagging:

  • Palmitoyl Tripeptide-5 (Syn-Coll)

It penetrates well into the skin, activates fibroblasts for collagen synthesis, stimulates regeneration, increases elasticity, removes deep wrinkles, which makes it indispensable in anti-aging care.

  • Hexapeptide-10 (Serilesine)

It activates the synthesis of key structures of the dermo-epidermal junction, accelerates cell division, both of the upper layers of the skin and the lower layers of fibroblasts, stimulates the synthesis of structural proteins of the dermis. As a result, the density and elasticity of the skin increases, its frame is rebuilt and strengthened, the appearance is noticeably improved - the number of wrinkles decreases, and excess skin is reduced.

Peptides, along with hyaluronic acid and valuable botanicals, are found in many anti-aging skin care products. They effectively smoothen the skin, including reducing the “rings of Venus” on the neck, reducing laxity and strengthening, replenishing the skin volume lost with age, and have both a quick and pronounced cumulative effect.

  • GHK-Cu, copper-1 tripeptide

This unique peptide prevents the appearance of signs of aging, reduces the depth of wrinkles, restores the structure of the skin, accelerates healing: stimulates the synthesis of collagen, fibronectin and elastin, can restore fibroblast function and support the ability of stem cells to divide.

Metabolism slows down with age, you need to even more closely monitor nutrition, water consumption and weight. Together with adequate physical activity, sufficient sleep time and cosmetics based on hyaluronic acid and peptides, your appearance will remain youthful for many years.

Section: Body Care

They do not forget, but at the same time they forget about caring for the neck and décolleté area. And in vain. After all, caring for the neck and décolleté requires more attention than caring for the skin of the face. It is the neck that gives out the woman's age. Especially when a woman takes care of her face, hair (including making hair masks at home) and hands, but forgets about the neck and décolleté, or does not attach much importance to this.

Taking care of your neck and décolleté should be made an integral part of your life. Let's go brush your teeth and take a shower, and along with these procedures, you take care of your neck skin. In addition, this will not give you much difficulty, since you can take care of the neck and décolleté area at home, without too much straining. On the contrary, when taking care of your neck and décolleté at home becomes a habit, you will begin to get a lot of pleasure from it.

First, the very process of leaving will be more pleasant for you. And who dislikes the reverent appeal to him? So you too, the more attention and love to yourself and your body, the more inner satisfaction you will feel.

Secondly, after just two or three months you will notice a positive result of your leaving. And what could be better than a visible, tangible result from our actions. It is not for nothing that they say that artists and hairdressers are one of the happiest people, while long-livers. And all because they almost immediately see the result of their efforts.

So, let's get down to specifics. What exactly needs to be done to make your neck truly a swan's neck?

First. Straighten your shoulders, straighten your back and raise your pretty eyes from looking at the asphalt under your feet. Yes, lift your head higher, smile and start admiring the clouds, treetops, and the stars in the evening. Certainly not when you cross the carriageway.

"And why do we need to do this?" - you ask. Then, throwing your head back, you train the subcutaneous neck muscle.

And in a different position, when you slouch, hurry somewhere and keep your head almost below your shoulders, carefully examining the asphalt, this muscle is inactive! And over time, under the "load" of the pubescent head, the cervical muscle weakens, and folds and wrinkles so hateful to every woman are formed on the skin. Also, the skin under the chin begins to sag.

Again, it should be borne in mind that the skin of the neck and décolleté is thin, rather sensitive to all external influences (dry air, wind, ultraviolet light), since it practically does not have subcutaneous adipose tissue, muscle tone is reduced, blood circulates more slowly. So it is on the neck and in the décolleté that the signs of a woman's more mature age appear in the first place.

Therefore, you need daily care for your neck and décolleté at home!

In addition, some people develop fatty deposits in the chin area, a double chin. This can also be caused by the habit of sleeping on a high pillow. Therefore, it is better to sleep on a cushion or small pillow.

Some middle-aged ladies try to hide age-related changes with high collars, scarves, etc. unfortunately, such actions do not diminish the changes that occur if you do not take care of your neck and décolleté skin at home. If you try to hide from reality and do nothing to change it, this very reality is only aggravated.

So, the first thing is to straighten your shoulders, monitor your posture and not press your head against your chest. Lift your chin, smile at this wonderful world and a handsome man passing by! And don't forget to admire the clouds and stars.

Second. In the morning, while taking a shower, be sure to massage your neck and décolleté with a stream of cool water from bottom to top. Then, in the same way, from the bottom up, apply a moisturizer (at least 30 minutes should pass before going outside). You can also apply a nourishing cream if it is absorbed quickly.

These same exercises are good to do every night before bed or after you come home from work and take a shower or bath.

Before applying the cream to the neck, you need to rub it between your palms and only then apply to the décolleté and neck skin from the bottom up. In this case, apply with your right hand to the left side of the necks, and with your left hand not to the right side.

After applying the cream, you need to do a small light massage. To do this, pat the sides of the neck with the back of your palms. Likewise, pat your chin with the back of your closed fingers.

Finally, stroke your neck and chin from the bottom up.

If you decide to wipe your neck after a shower, it is better not to do this, but to let the skin absorb moisture and dry itself. But if there are urgent matters and there is no time to wait, then you need to dry your neck with a soft towel, gently blotting it. In this case, it is best to actively rub the back of the neck with a towel.

Third... Home care for the neck and décolleté includes various creams and masks.

The recipe for this cream for the care of the neck and décolleté (you can also apply this cream on the skin of the face), passed to her from her aunt. At one time, she seemed to work as a secretary in the District Party Committee and was an example of youth and grooming for the younger generation.

So, the recipe for this miraculous cream is quite simple, but the effect is amazing.

Take 100 gr. fat sour cream. The fatter the better. You can even rustic.

Mash the sour cream with one yolk.

Add 1 tsp. vodka or cologne. (Better than vodka, I did it with cologne, I didn't like the smell).

Squeeze the juice of half a lemon from the mixture and grate a small fresh cucumber. (I did it with or without a cucumber. I liked it more without a cucumber).

Let the resulting mixture steep in the refrigerator for a couple of days and start the rejuvenation course. Do not forget that the resulting cream should be stored in the refrigerator, in a sealed jar. You need to take out the cream with a separate, clean spoon so that it does not deteriorate.

This cream is also good in that it whitens the skin. Those who use it throughout their lives are relieved of the brown age spots on the face and neck that appear in people at a certain age. Since lemon and cucumber juice has bleaching properties.

Periodically, you can make a good neck mask at home. from whipped protein, 1 tbsp. tablespoons of any vegetable oil and juice of one lemon... After having massaged the skin of the neck and décolleté area with cool water, apply the mask for the neck and décolleté and keep it for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse with cool water and rub in the moisturizer.

Fourth. Of course, masks are masks, but you can't do without special exercises when caring for the neck and décolleté area. Here are exercises to help make your neck and décolleté skin smooth and firm at home.

- After having done the water treatments and applied the cream, interlace your fingers under the chin and press on it with the back of your fingers, while straining your chin and neck. Do this exercise every day, 6-7 times.

- Close the jaw tightly, then stretch the lower lip (count to 10). Repeat this 6-8 times.

The same thing, only now stretch both lips. Also count to 10 and relax your lips.

In this exercise, the subcutaneous muscle of the neck is well stretched.

- keep your head straight and push your lower jaw forward. Do 10 reps.

- Throw your head back and pull your lower lip over the upper one. In doing so, you should feel good tension at the bottom of your chin and across your neck.

Fifth. Of course, massage is a great and powerful remedy for taking care of your neck at home.

If you forget to massage your neck every day, massage your neck every 1-2 days.

- Sit up straight, straighten your shoulders and place your palms on your neck. Gently, without sudden movements and without pressure, stroke the neck from the center back. Enjoyable exercise, can be done during your lunch break or in the evening before bed.

- press your palms on the back of the neck, and stroke the neck several times from the roots of the hair to the spine.

- tilt your head down, place your index and middle fingers on the fossa under the 7th vertebra, where the neck passes into the back), and do several rotations clockwise and the same number of rotations counterclockwise. Find the next hole just below and repeat the movements.

- you can also fill a small heating pad or a small plastic bag with water, put it in the freezer for 30 minutes, after which you can massage your neck with it. Do light circular motions from bottom to top for 2-3 minutes. Then, gently rub the skin of the neck with a cotton towel until you feel warm.

Applying these little neck and décolleté care tips at home every day, you will be amazed at the change. And not only will the condition of your skin improve, but also the very attitude and attitude of your beloved towards yourself. The main motto is - don't be lazy and don't miss a day!

Best regards, Alena Morskaya.