Increasing the pension for hazardous production. Conditions for early appointment. Categories of workers in hazardous industries

The preferential hazardous pension since 2019, the latest news about the transition period, which results in an increase in the retirement period, shocked Russians. After all, the innovations introduced by the authorities next year provide that women will reach retirement age 8 years later, and men 5 years later.

At the same time, senior officials of the Pension Fund do not tire of assuring that the right to a preferential pension will remain for all categories of citizens. However, the benefit bar will be shifted in line with the general increase in the retirement age.

The changes introduced will not affect the following categories:

  1. workers who are employed in industries with harmful working conditions;
  2. women with many children;
  3. guardians of disabled children;
  4. Chernobyl victims;
  5. a number of other categories.

Legal regulation

The right of citizens to take a well-deserved rest ahead of schedule is enshrined in Federal Law No. 400, which was adopted on 28.12.2013. In Art. 30 of this normative act sets out an exhaustive list of industries in which an employee gets the opportunity to retire before reaching the established age. These industries include:

  • extraction of minerals using mining and underground works;
  • metallurgical production of ferrous and non-ferrous metals;
  • manufacture of gunpowder, ammunition and other explosives;
  • technological processing of mined coal, shale, oil and gas;
  • chemical production;
  • manufacture of electronic devices and related equipment;
  • production of building materials;
  • cellulose industry;
  • production of sheet glass and various products from it, earthenware and porcelain products;
  • nuclear power;
  • other types of hazardous and harmful industries according to the list.

This approach of the state is explained by the fact that production processes in these sectors of the country's national economy are associated with:

  1. harmful and difficult working conditions;
  2. special danger;
  3. high probability of injury;
  4. gas pollution of production;
  5. the presence of a radiation background;
  6. increased noise level,
  7. insufficient lighting.

All these factors with a high degree of probability can contribute to the occurrence of occupational diseases, and also lead to disability in full or in part.

Conditions for early retirement

With regard to professions that involve hazardous and harmful working conditions, the preferential hazardous pension, starting next year, will continue to be regulated by the Federal Law on insurance pensions. It clearly indicates the conditions under which it is possible for the employee to leave for a well-deserved rest and the accrual of earned pension payments.

The innovations regarding the pension reform, which will be introduced from 2019, will not affect the circumstances giving the right to early retirement. However, the main condition must be met - the employer is obliged to make monthly contributions to the Pension Fund of Russia in accordance with the additional tariffication, provided that dangerous professions are provided for at his enterprise.

Concessional accruals are formed from contributions, giving the right to a preference from the state. In this case, three main conditions must be met:

  • The employee reaches a certain age, which gives the right to receive an early retirement pension. This indicator depends on which list of professions it belongs to - in list No. 1 or No. 2. This list was approved by Decree No. 10 of the USSR Council of Ministers in 1991.
  • Development of the required insurance experience and, as a result, obtaining at least 30 points of the pension coefficient.
  • Availability of the required minimum preferential length of service.

It is important to know that when an employee reaches the required total length of service, with half of the preferential one, the age of retirement will decrease for each year that will be worked in the preferential profession.

Documents for registration of a pension

To obtain a well-deserved rest in 2019, an employee who had harmful working conditions must submit an application to the Pension Fund. The following documents must be attached to it:

  1. a copy of the national passport confirming the citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  2. a copy of the completed work book together with a certificate from the employer confirming work activity in difficult working conditions;
  3. a certificate from the employer indicating the period when the employee was involved in the labor process with harmful conditions.

Persons liable for military service provide a military ID. In addition, additional papers may be required. Such as:

  • medical certificate on the establishment of a disability group;
  • a copy of the certificate of marriage or divorce;
  • birth documents of children;
  • a copy of the diploma of education;
  • as well as others - at the request of the FIU specialists.

All papers are submitted by the future pensioner personally to the territorial division of the Pension Fund at the place of his permanent or temporary registration. If this procedure is entrusted to an authorized person, then his powers must be confirmed by a notarized power of attorney.

The law provides an opportunity for an employee to send documents by mail. However, in this case, the signature of the applicant, as well as a copy of each document, must be certified by a notary.

The online service of the official website of the Pension Fund of Russia has the ability to submit all papers for registration of a pension in electronic form. To do this, you first need to register on the website, enter your account and complete all documents electronically.

It is important to understand that the beginning of pension payments will be calculated from the date when the documents were received by the Pension Fund. If additional papers are required, this date will not change.

When submitting documents, you must also indicate the preferred method of receiving a pension. This could be:

  1. crediting money to a current or card pension account in a banking institution;
  2. delivery of payments using the Russian Post;
  3. delivery of pensions by other organizations that have acquired the right to deliver payments to pensioners at their place of residence.

Latest news

Over the past several years, the question of the need to raise the retirement age has been actively discussed in the corridors of power. This was explained by the demographic catastrophe in which Russia found itself after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Ordinary citizens did not believe to the last in the seriousness of the authorities' intentions to raise the retirement age. That is, to bring its indicator closer to European standards. At the same time, keeping silent that in the countries of Western Europe the unemployed receive an allowance, the size of which our pensioners never dreamed of.

In order to somehow disguise this issue, they decided to abolish preferential pensions, replacing it with compensation payments. Moreover, these costs are borne by the employer. And this, in turn, presupposes the departure of wages into the shadows.

The assurances of representatives of the Pension Fund that the right of preferential registration of a well-deserved rest for the categories of workers who are entitled to it is preserved, does not stand up to criticism. After all, the age limit for beneficiaries will be shifted in direct proportion to the general increase in the retirement age for all categories of workers.

So, from 2019, all preferential categories will enter the transition period, as a result of which the period for retirement will be shifted upward:

  • for women - for eight years;
  • for men - by five.

Such changes will apply even to citizens who have worked in the difficult conditions of the Far North and in regions equated to them, will now be able to receive their well-deserved pension only at 58 and 60 years, respectively. In fact, it will look like this:

  1. those who have earned the required seniority in 2019 will retire in 2020;
  2. those who have earned work experience in 2020 will go on vacation in 2022.

And so, until 2026, until the benefit is postponed until 2034.

According to the legislation in Russia, men can become a pensioner upon reaching the age of 60, women with the onset of 55 years of age.

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What it is?

Early registration of a preferential hazard pension is possible if a person's labor activity took place in conditions that have an adverse effect on health.

It is paid from the Pension Fund, to which the employer deducts additional contributions for employees whose jobs are recognized as harmful or dangerous. To determine the harmful factors of production and the degree of their impact on workers at the enterprise, a special assessment of working conditions is carried out.

Normative base

The norms and rules for calculating a hazardous pension are laid down in the laws of Russia, the main of which are No. 400-ФЗ dated December 28, 2013. and No. 426-FZ dated December 28, 2013.

The list of harmful and dangerous professions was approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR of January 26, 1991 N 10.

Who is it for?

A preferential pension is issued to persons who are at risk of losing their ability to work and acquiring occupational diseases during work.

The reason may be a special danger during the performance of work, increased injuries, an increased level of gas pollution, poor lighting, noise at the workplace, and radiation.

Such professions and positions for the establishment of preferential length of service are combined into lists.

Lists of professions No. 1, No. 2

Lists are used when calculating pensions for citizens working in such sectors of the economy as:

  • mining;
  • metallurgy;
  • by-product coke production;
  • gas processing and oil refining industry;
  • chemical industry;
  • production of explosives;
  • electrical engineering;
  • healthcare;
  • polygraphy;
  • transport;
  • Atomic industry.

Professions list number 1 recognized as especially harmful and especially severe. It includes workers in hot shops, people working underground.

In the list No. 2 many professions are repeated. It is distinguished by working conditions that are less hazardous to human health.

For the welder

Depending on the industry, the profession of a welder is included in both lists.

So, welders of refractory metals working in metallurgy, and plastic welders who process fluoroplastic in electrical engineering, receive benefits on the basis of list No. 1. Thermite welders, resistance welders are included in the list # 2.

When assigning a pension, attention is paid to the exact coincidence of the name of the position code in the list and in all documents of the employee reflecting his labor activity.

These include:

  • personalized accounting documents.

X-ray laboratory assistant

Medical professionals working with X-ray equipment can retire at the age according to the list # 1.

These are doctors and nurses in X-ray operating rooms, angiographic and fluorographic rooms. These include X-ray technicians working with radioactive substances.

It is important to note that only X-ray technicians who perform their duties under the conditions reflected in list No. 1 can receive early retirement benefits.

For example, doctors who work with magnetic resonance therapy devices cannot apply for a preferential pension, since there is no X-ray irradiation at their workplace.

For physicians

Medical workers who have benefits when applying for a pension are listed in list No. 2.

These are medical personnel working in tuberculosis and infectious diseases hospitals, leper colony, psychiatric hospitals, chemotherapy rooms.

For women

In Russia, women can apply for a pension at the age of 55.

If the work took place in the conditions and in the professions included in list No. 1, the retirement age is reduced to 45 years. If a woman's profession is included in list No. 2, she can apply for a pension when she reaches 50 years of age.

In the north

The right to retire five years earlier than ordinary citizens is granted to persons who have worked for 15 years in the Far North.

In areas equated to it, for registration of a preferential pension, work experience must be at least 20 years.

Preferential hazardous pension in 2019

The accrual of pension payments for citizens applying for a harmful pension in 2019 will be made according to the same method as in 2019.

The minimum work experience will be 8 years, the minimum pension coefficient is 11.5. In 2019, the cost of the PKI will be 78.28 rubles, the amount of the fixed payment is 4801.11 rubles.

Terms of appointment

For the onset of the right to receive a preferential pension, a certain total length of service and work experience in a preferential profession, included in lists No. 1 and No. 2, must be developed.

Men Women
List # 1
Total work experience of the employee (years) 20 15
10 7,5
Age reached (years) 50 45
List No. 2
Total work experience of the employee (years) 25 20
Work experience in a preferential profession (years) 12,5 10
Age reached (years) 55 50

With an incomplete experience in a preferential profession (less than half of the above), a decrease in the retirement age occurs:

  • according to list No. 1- for one year for each full year worked in a preferential profession;
  • according to list No. 2- for one year for men for every two and a half years worked in a preferential profession;
  • according to list No. 2- one year for women for every two years worked in a preferential profession.

How to register?

You can get advice on how a pension is drawn up with specialists from the Pension Fund a few months before the retirement age. They will explain the procedure for registration and make a list of documents that need to be collected.

A future pensioner will need to prepare a passport, work book, military ID, pension certificate (SNILS), 60 months before 2002, a certificate confirming the special nature of the work.

To clarify individual issues, employees of the RF Pension Fund have the right to request other documents. A citizen has three months to collect and provide them. If he meets this deadline, the pension will be paid from the date of application.

Within 10 days, the application is pending at the fund, which makes a decision on the appointment of pension payments or refusal.

If it is not possible to confirm the length of service in hazardous professions, the fund may refuse to pay the hazard pension.

Exit order

When the retirement age is reached, the employee can work with the employer or continue to work.

If a citizen has made a decision on, he has the right not to notify the employer about this two weeks in advance. The contract is terminated from the date indicated by the employee in the application.

In the event of the liquidation of the enterprise or the reduction of staff, it is possible that no more than two years remain before reaching the retirement age.

In addition to age, several important conditions must be met:

  • employees must be dismissed due to staff redundancy or liquidation of the enterprise;
  • a citizen must be registered with the employment authorities, there are no suitable vacancies for his employment;
  • the citizen has sufficient work experience to calculate pension payments.

How to calculate?

In order to find out the size of your future pension, you need to understand how the pension benefit is calculated.

To calculate the pension, the formula is used:

SP = IPK x SIPK x K + FV x K, where

SP - the amount of the pension;

IPK is the individual coefficient of a pensioner (IPK).

PKI depends on and is calculated by the formula:

PC = SV / SVmax x 10, where

  • SV - insurance premiums paid by the employer for the year;
  • CBmax - 16% of the maximum base for assessing contributions (changes annually).
  • SIPK - the cost of the IPK changes annually and from February 1, 2019 is the amount of 78.28 rubles.
  • K - premium coefficients depend on the number of years for which the application for a pension has been postponed;
  • FV - a fixed payment is from February 1, 2019. the amount of 4805.11 rubles.

Calculation example

The employee reaches retirement age on March 1, 2019. His monthly salary was 25,000 rubles.

We calculate the PKI:

  • The salary for the year was 300,000 rubles. At a rate of 16%, the amount of insurance premiums is 48,000 rubles.
  • For a year, a citizen will gain IPK 48000/140160 * 10 = 3.42 points.
  • From the beginning of 2019 until March 1, 2019. IPC will accumulate up to 7.41 points.
  • Points for the period up to 2019 are calculated by dividing the insurance part of the pension by the value of one point in 2019. Suppose in our example they were 70 points.
  • The total number of IPC points is 7.41 + 70 = 77.41.

Points are added for periods of compulsory military service, for the time of caring for a child, a disabled person, an elderly relative.

As a result, the insurance pension will be equal to 77.41 * 78.28 + 4805.11 = 10864.76 rubles.

Indexing and recalculation

As the inflation rate rises, the state indexes the pensions of non-working pensioners.

The pensions of citizens who continue to work are currently not indexed. But in the event of their dismissal, the size of pension payments will be increased by all missed indexations.

The recalculation of the amount of the accrued pension is carried out in connection with the circumstances that have arisen or new changes in legislation.

When the disability group of a pensioner is changed, when contributions from the employer for a working pensioner are received, pensions are recalculated by the employees of the Pension Fund independently from August 1.

In other cases, recalculation requires an application to the PF. The pension will be recalculated from the month after the month of filing the application.

Payment procedure and terms

The payment of the harmful pension, like all others, occurs in the current month. The method of receipt is chosen by the pensioner himself.

The pension can be transferred to a bank account, delivered by the Russian Post or another organization.


Why is this pension so small?

The amount of the pension depends on the official salary, IPC points and bonus ratios.

By retiring early, the employee does not have time to accumulate a large number of points. The premium coefficients for calculating early retirement pension are lower than for old-age pension. All this leads to a decrease in hazardous pension payments.

Do you plan to cancel it?

The abolition of the harmful pension is not planned. Requirements for the administration of enterprises are being tightened.

The introduction of a mandatory assessment of working conditions will strengthen control over the state of workplaces. Collecting additional pension contributions will allow you to accumulate funds for the payment of harmful pensions.

Will they add?

Every citizen of the Russian Federation, upon reaching a certain age limit, can count on monthly payments from the state. This type of security is called “insurance pension”. But there are some professions that are recognized by the state as harmful to human health. According to statistics, more than 40% of enterprises in the Russian Federation have hazardous working conditions. Their employees have the right to take advantage of early retirement and receive their pension due to harm at work. This is legally spelled out in the Federal Law of December 28. 2019 No. 400-FZ.

What industries are considered harmful?

The harmful pension in 2019, as before, is a preferential payment from the state for persons who have a certain length of service at work with harmful, dangerous or difficult conditions.

Article 30 of Law No. 400-FZ specifies a list of categories of workers who are entitled to early pension payments due to occupational hazards.

“All derivatives of the labor process in which a person rotates and which affects his health and his ability to work,” - such a definition of work in harmful conditions is given by regulatory legal acts. They can be accompanied by the severity of the employee's performance of their duties, danger, and an increased degree of injury. This also includes professions that can negatively affect human health, contribute to the development of chronic ailments, and complete disability.

The list of industries that are considered harmful includes works that have the following components:

  • dustiness, a strong indicator of humidity and air pollution;
  • high-rise or underground work;
  • overestimated radiation indicators;
  • loud noise;
  • moving mechanisms;
  • chemical and bacteriological substances, etc.

To implement the provisions set out in Art. 30 of the Federal Law No. 400-FZ, in July 2019 the Resolution No. 665 was adopted. The types of work, as well as the production, working in which, upon reaching a certain length of service, can count on early retirement, are clearly outlined here. A complete list of categories is contained in Lists No. 1 and No. 2, approved back in January 1991 by Resolution No. 10 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR. The main differences between these lists are that the first does not imply the possibility of summing up the length of service in other professions with harmful conditions. But list number 2 makes it possible to add work experience in production from list number 1 and number 2 to determine the right to preferential pension benefits for harm.

Conditions for calculating a harmful pension in 2019

In order for the hazardous pension to be accrued in 2019, and the employee can go on a well-deserved rest, it is not enough just to work in such a production.

First of all, it is important that the working conditions are assessed, and therefore they are identified as harmful to the health of workers. For this, a special commission is created at the enterprise, which must include a person responsible for labor protection in this production and representatives of a specialized organization. Together they measure and identify potentially unsafe and harmful factors. After receiving the acts, the employer prepares a declaration to the labor inspectorate to determine the hazard class. Then the enterprise must make payments to the Pension Fund at certain rates.

In the future, the employer is obliged to carry out certification of the workplace. If this does not happen, and the necessary contributions to the Pension Fund are not made, then the employees may have problems with the registration of a preferential pension for harm.

If we talk about the conditions that are determined for the employee, then they are grouped into three main categories:

  • a certain age of a person;
  • general work experience;
  • the presence of a privileged experience.

The right to early retirement, according to List No. 1, is reserved for men who have reached 50 years of age and at the same time have a total work experience of at least 20 years, including 10 years of preferential work experience. For women, this period is 45 years with a total work experience of 15 years, 7.5 of which are in hazardous work.

Men aged 55, who have worked for 25 years, have the right to calculate a hazardous pension in 2019 according to List No. 2, 12.5 of which were given to work in hazardous production. For women, this age threshold is 50 years, as well as 20 and 10 years of experience, respectively.

Early retirement due to harmful conditions is drawn up and appointed from the date of application, but not earlier than the onset of the necessary factors for this.

An employee who is applying for a hazardous pension must come to the PF department with a corresponding statement and a package of documents:

  • passport;
  • confirmation of seniority in positions with harmful conditions.

In order to prove the fact of having the required length of service, a work record book may not be enough. You may need certificates from production, which concretize the specifics of the work, cards of working hours, etc. You can clarify the full list from the employees of the PF or in the personnel department of the enterprise.

Calculation of the individual coefficient and indexation of the hazardous pension in 2019

The basis for determining the amount of such pension accruals is the employee's income. The calculation of the size of the harmful pension in 2019 is described in Federal Law No. 400-FZ by multiplying two values:

  • the cost of one pension coefficient;
  • individual pension coefficient.

The first indicator is determined by the Government annually. Therefore, its size is taken the one that is relevant on the day the payments are calculated. So, for all persons who retired due to harmfulness, starting from 02/01/2018, this indicator is 78.28 rubles.

The individual coefficient consists of two components added together:

  • parts of the social pension as of the end of 2019;
  • the pension coefficient of annual insurance contributions to the Pension Fund starting from 2019.

The individual coefficient is determined for each employee individually.

The indexation of harmful pensions in 2019 is carried out on a general basis.

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, citizens working in places of production of heavy industry, who are busy with harmful and dangerous activities, claim additional privileges from the state. These include early accruals for pension benefits.

"Harmful" refers to working conditions under which an employee has a high chance of getting injured of any severity, causing irreparable harm to health or dying. This is any environment in the course of interaction with which irreversible physiological changes in the employee's organism occur.

Harmful retirement - list of professions

Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 10 approved a changeable list of professions, the production of which is associated with harm to human health. The list is divided into two levels:

  • List # 1 defines the types of activities with a critical level of danger. The "first grid" includes underground labor, with highly hazardous substances, etc .;
  • List # 2 identifies activities with difficult working conditions. The "second grid" includes drivers of various vehicles, workers in the fishing industry, etc.

A feature of summing the length of service in the first and second lists is that when calculating the length of service according to the first grid, the period of work according to list No. 2 or any others is not added to it. And when calculating the length of service according to the list No. 2, the incomplete experience of the first grid is taken into account.

What documents are needed to apply for a preferential hazardous pension in 2018?

Application for calculating harm benefits can be carried out both directly and through an authorized representative. According to the regulated procedure, the following documents are submitted to the regional office:

  • Completed application form;
  • Passport or other registration document;
  • A document justifying the right to receive benefits;
  • A document that confirms compulsory pension insurance;
  • Additional documents that the Pension Fund may require.

Electronic submission of documents is possible. If disputable situations arise in determining the right to accrue benefits, additional documents must be submitted to the Pension Fund within 30 days.

Early retirement due to harm - list 1 and 2

The legislation determines that for early retirement after working in enterprises with hazardous working conditions, there is no need to work out a whole life. Depending on the belonging of the profession to the list No. 1 or No. 2 and the gender of the employee, the length of service required in each case is established.

To leave early and receive the appropriate benefits for preferential security, a citizen is required to apply with the established package of documents to the regional Pension Fund. There, within 10 days (or 30 in case of additional proceedings), the fact of early assignment of preferential conditions will be established.

An early pension, similar to a regular one, is assigned from the date of application, but cannot begin before the emergence of such a right. But, unlike the usual one, it is assigned before the onset of retirement age. According to the first grid, the accrual of benefits is possible from:

  • for men - 55 years old;
  • for women - 50 years.

According to the second grid, the accrual of benefits is possible from:

  • for men over 50;
  • for women from 45 years old.

Seniority for retirement in Russia under the new law for harmfulness?

In cases where citizens have been involved in hard or dangerous work during their life, as defined at the legislative level by lists 1 and 2, they are entitled to special preferential conditions. To obtain such, it is necessary to have the insurance and special experience of such activities established by the Law. The following standards of experience are assigned to the production, suitable for the list No. 1:

  • For women: have a general work experience of 15 years or more, of which 7.5 years or more - work that is life-threatening;
  • For men: total work experience from 20 years, from 10 years - hazardous production.

To receive the well-deserved benefits of hard work according to the list No. 2, a single general work experience is determined for all - 25 years. The length of service associated with heavy production differs:

  • Women - 10 years old;
  • Male - 12 and a half.

Recalculation of the pension of those who left for harm from the list 1 to 2

In connection with the introduction of changes to the first grid of professions associated with a critical hazard, it becomes necessary to recalculate the preferential payments. The calculation of the new amount of charges is made according to the formula fixed by Federal Law No. 400:


  • SPK - pension accrual;
  • IPK - pension coefficient;
  • SPK - the cost of one IPK, which in 2018 is 78.28 rubles.

A fixed payment is added to the insurance pension for harm, which currently amounts to 4805.11 rubles. The work experience of a person who has left the list No. 1 is equal to No. 2, with all the conditions of early exit established by legislation.