Video: What are they - well-groomed and unkempt women? Signs of a scruffy woman through the eyes of a man

You can have an entire wardrobe full of branded items or tons of luxury cosmetics. But if you do not pay attention to these small details, then all your efforts to look attractive will come to naught.

Like an old picture

Remember the coating in old paintings: the varnish is cracked and many lines crawl along the canvas, forming a cobweb. And, it would seem, you look at a seemingly fashionable and well-groomed woman, but an old picture comes to mind. The reason for that is her lips. Dear ladies, do not run your lips until they are chapped and chapped.

Too long and too contrasting

They appear as if suddenly, catching the most inopportune moment. But it is impossible to notice them - overgrown roots. Sometimes a black strip along the parting of a luxurious blonde can ruin the whole look.

Scrubber and nasty tips

And again, back to the hair. The hair of a well-groomed girl should never be dull, too dry or oily at the roots. Even trivial split ends can make your hairstyle look bad.

Kindergarden nails

Hands are that part of the female body that will always be in full view of everyone. Nibbled nails, protruding burrs or polish that has fallen off in places - there are many options, but all these things spoil the look of a woman.

With such a manicure, people around will think that the girl does not want to take care of herself.

Dastardly "cactus"

In recent years, women have become more indifferent to hair removal, allowing themselves to go out in people "fluffy". In addition, even stars love to show off their unshaven armpits and legs, noting that beauty is natural.

However, you must admit that hairy female legs have not yet added attractiveness to anyone, despite the popularized trend.

Rough and cracked

"Spider's feet" and children's daub

Of course, thick and voluminous eyelashes do not harm anyone. But do not overdo it with mascara and do not miss the moment when you need to stop. Otherwise, your eyelashes will resemble the legs of a spider. Another issue is casually tinted lips. The ineptness in applying makeup is always given out by a bold contour and spread lipstick.

We will refer to this point and covering up our shortcomings with foundation. Which, frankly, only become more noticeable from this.

It is difficult to meet a woman who would not strive to look well-groomed, but at the same time, each person can perceive this concept differently. To add up the big picture, it was decided to approach men using polls. As a result, it was possible to establish the signs of an unkempt woman through the eyes of a man. It has been proven that even an expensive salon look can be spoiled by seemingly insignificant at first glance details.

Unkempt women - what signs give them away?

According to the studies, it was possible to establish that men, looking at women, pay attention not only to the figure, but also to other details of her image.

5 signs of a scruffy woman:

  1. For many representatives of the strong half of humanity, it is the hair that is the favorite part of the female image, therefore, regrown roots and split ends are unacceptable. We hope you don't have to talk about dirty hair.
  2. Excessive vegetation on the body is repulsive. This applies primarily to the face, because women have never been in trend. Many girls do not remove hair from their legs in winter, which can lead to embarrassing situations.
  3. Men also pay attention to their hands, on which the skin should be smooth and in no case flaky. A sign of an unkempt and cheap woman is peeled varnish, broken nails and hangnails. It is difficult to find a man who would want to kiss such female hands.
  4. Particular attention should be paid to the face. The skin must certainly be smooth, without rashes and other problems. Men say that it is unpleasant for them to stroke a woman's face and feel not soft skin, but something like sandpaper. Makeup should be appropriate, without any overkill.
  5. Another important detail that makes a woman's look unkempt is chapped lips that cannot be hidden even with a beautiful lipstick.

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10 Signs of a Scruffy Woman All women strive to be groomed. However, often small, but very noticeable errors can ruin the whole image. Even celebrities, attending social events in expensive evening dresses, sometimes forget about the basic things that spoil the whole look. Do not repeat these mistakes in order to look well-groomed and feminine even in ordinary jeans.

1. Regrown roots of a different color

If unwashed hair can still be somehow masked with dry shampoo, then noticeably regrown roots cannot be hidden. And this is the main sign of an unkempt head. If you decide to drastically change your hair color, then make sure to regularly correct the coloring.

2. Split ends of hair

Even if you are trying hard and carefully to grow your hair, this is not a reason to go with split ends. It looks very messy, so it is better to periodically cut your hair by at least a couple of centimeters.

3. Peeled varnish

Remember the rule of a well-groomed woman: natural nails without varnish are better than polish that has fallen off in places. This rule especially applies to bright and dark colors, because such nails can ruin the most sophisticated image.If there is no time for a fresh manicure, it is better to wipe off the old polish completely.

4. Overgrown cuticles and burrs

It may seem that few people are looking at this little thing, but in fact, the overgrown cuticles and burrs are very noticeable. And this is what can ruin the overall look, even if you do a chic hairstyle and wear a beautiful dress. Try to spend time regularly with your nails.

5. Problem skin

Of course, acne and blackheads are not always a sign that a woman is not looking after herself. Sometimes this is a manifestation of any disease or disorder.

But it is impossible to give up in the fight against imperfections, since even, well-groomed skin is the standard of beauty, to which one must strive. If you have problem skin, watch your diet, do regular masks and cleanses, use the advice of a beautician.

6. Yellow teeth

Few people will say this to their faces, but the yellowish smile has never painted anyone. Remember, coffee, tea and cigarettes are the main enemies of teeth whiteness. If you cannot get rid of bad habits, then regularly do bleaching.

7. Stale makeup

Of course, everyone has long and difficult days when they don't have time to freshen up their makeup. But this is not a reason to go with a "floated" foundation, sprinkled with mascara or smudged shadows and lipstick.

Carry matting wipes with you, use an eyeshadow base, and freshen up your lipstick after meals to improve your look as quickly as possible.

8. Dry skin

Facial skin needs constant hydration. This not only slows down aging, but also gives it a healthy, well-groomed appearance. Dry, flaky skin looks untidy. Use moisturizers and nourishing creams and masks.

9. Unkempt eyebrows

Many modern women confuse beauty and style with grooming. You can wear the best designer clothes, get professional makeup and styling, but the mundane little things in life can betray your inability to take care of yourself. Grooming has nothing to do with a woman's wealth - in order to dress cleanly, have healthy hair and white teeth, a lot of finances and time are not needed, only attention and desire are important.

Today we will look at 10 signs of a scruffy girl that you don't always think about. And at this time, they betray our slovenliness, and sometimes they can alienate the interlocutor.

Peeled varnish

Women mistakenly believe that it is enough to have at least some covering of nails than to go out into society without a manicure at all. However, many abuse this unspoken rule and are ready to walk with broken nails, chipped varnish or already scratched from a kitchen brush. As a result, the bright coating, as always, pays attention to the nails, but in fact the shortcomings in the manicure are already striking. Peeling varnish of deep red, blue, green or black looks especially ugly - minor defects cannot be hidden or reanimated in a random place. Therefore, when leaving the house, do not forget to pay attention to your nails for a second - while you still have time to at least wipe off the varnish completely in a minute.

Split hair ends

Many women want to grow their hair out and don’t cut their ends for months. Even well-groomed and flavored with oils and serums, over time they begin to split, thin out, fade and look weak. And if you also dye your hair, then the fluffy "washcloth" at the end looks lifeless at all. This situation is often observed in blondes who abuse clarifiers and tonics. Women, understand that no amount of serum or emulsion will revive "dead" hair. Their action is enough for a couple of hours of visual effect, but gusts of wind or humidity will quickly nullify the "disguise". There is only one way out - cut the ends in a timely manner and do not regret the cut off a couple of centimeters. In fact, with regular end-renewal, hair grows back faster and is stronger and healthier.

Problem skin

Of course, bad skin, blackheads, acne or smallpox marks are not the woman's fault. Perhaps she has serious health problems, and doctors for a long time cannot determine the cause of the pathology - whether the food is to blame, or endocrine disorders, or maybe stress or improper facial hygiene. What can a woman do? Of course, visit a beautician at the same time as the doctors. A competent dermatologist will perform mechanical and ultrasonic cleaning, which will reduce the lesion. A medical mask, applied to open pores, and then therapy with microcurrents will allow you to fight pathogenic microorganisms directly "on the ground" - in the middle and upper layers of the dermis. This will give a quick visual effect, will cleanse the pores from sebum and blackheads, saturate the skin with moisture and nutrients, and visually rejuvenate it.

Overgrown cuticles and hangnails

If there is no time or money to visit a manicure specialist, then you need to get the hang of caring for your nails at home. Of course, not everyone can set aside an hour or two for cutting the cuticle, but once every 2 weeks you will have to try. In between, push it aside with an orange stick or spatula so that it does not build up on the nail plate. If the first "rags" of the epidermis appear in the corners of the nail, then you can carry out a gentle peeling that removes the stratum corneum. But it is not worth bringing to the formation of bleeding and painful barbs, because it is unhygienic and very ugly.

Regrown hair roots

Before you do your first hair color, evaluate your ability to maintain it every 1-2 months. It takes both money and time to visit a hairdressing salon. As a last resort, teach your girlfriend to "renew" your roots for a chocolate bar with tea. Having grown over, they look very unkempt and betray a woman's unwillingness to take care of herself in a timely manner. For those who are already painted, but busy at work, there is a way out. Now ombre is in vogue, which allows you to dye your hair, while maintaining the effect of "regrown roots". This painting can be maintained less frequently.

Yellow teeth

Well, this is an outright mess. It's one thing to have less than perfect whiteness because of your passion for coffee. But another is to flaunt with "smoky" gray or yellow enamel, and maybe maroon as a result of the abuse of red wine. Food dyes eat into the enamel tightly and regularly, no matter how you brush your teeth in the morning. Professional cleaning every 6-12 months is a must for every girl who wants to look well-groomed and attractive. It allows you to remove dense yellow plaque and hard stone that do not lend themselves to standard paste, floss or rinses.

Stale makeup

A small cosmetic bag in a purse is a must-have for a girl who is in public. If you have already decided to apply a thick layer of "plaster", then do not forget to make corrective "strokes" during the day. Leaked mascara or smeared eyebrow pencil looks especially bad, and we are completely silent about the "areola" of lipstick around the lips. Powder or matting wipes will also be appropriate, because they will eliminate the treacherous oily sheen that appears against the background of a smooth doll's face. Remember - the more decorative cosmetics you can refuse, the faster the skin will get in shape and will demonstrate your natural beauty and glow, and there will be no need to maintain it throughout the day.

Dry and dehydrated skin

Of course, this is not as unpleasant as acne or blackheads, but it also takes a blooming and youthful look from a woman. With dry skin, age spots, couperose mesh appear faster, and bruises under the eyes become more distinct. Do not forget to promptly eliminate peeling of the epidermis with a gentle scrub and nourishing emollient cream. And to get rid of dry skin and restore its natural turgor, elasticity and firmness will help the hydrogel, which intensively moisturizes and maintains the effect for several hours. It is especially important to moisturize the skin after sunburn, because UV rays dry it out and lead to the appearance of expression lines.

Overgrown legs and armpits

I don't even want to comment here. Legs are still half the trouble if you are not a fan of wearing ultra-short skirts and dresses, and also are not in a relationship with a man. But unshaven armpits are unforgivable in society in any situation where they somehow catch the eye. Most often, the hairs give us away on the beach, as well as in public transport in the summer, when women riding standing hold onto the handrails and “shine” with all their “vegetation”. Do not forget that all this is also unhygienic, leads to the multiplication of bacteria, an unpleasant odor.

Unkempt eyebrows

In the age of microblading, tattooing and dyeing eyebrows with henna or special paint, it is simply a shame to walk with overgrown eyebrows, like Brezhnev's, or "bald meadow". Whatever the fashion, it is necessary to carefully pluck out excess hairs, to maintain a neat natural shape. If your eyebrows are too sparse, then you can touch up with a pencil or natural paint, and in especially neglected cases, tattoo the missing hairs.

Taking care of yourself is important and necessary, because it makes you feel more confident and ready for any situation, be it a meeting with reputable work partners, a friend over a cup of coffee or a loved one. Of course, people in us value and love not our appearance, so it's not worth chasing a tribute to fashion and rushing to resort to serious cosmetic manipulations. But to maintain a natural well-groomed appearance, to monitor the health of the skin, teeth, nails and hair is simply necessary.

Every woman wants to be beautiful and constantly improve her appearance. On this desire, many have made fortunes for themselves, coming up with new cosmetics, clothing styles and other ways to improve. And it seems that with such a variety of choice of outfits, cosmetics, both decorative and medicinal, both cheap and expensive, it is easy to be beautiful. But it’s not that simple. Often, one small detail gives the appearance an untidy look, only one drawback immediately negates all efforts. Signs of unkempt women - what belongs to them? What is grooming? The meaning of this concept is neatness, cleanliness, elegance, some sleekness. Consider the main seven signs of a scruffy woman in order to prevent them from appearing in her appearance.

Problem skin

Acne, comedones, peeling, oily sheen ... Many women face these problems throughout their lives. However, it can be solved. The skin becomes ugly due to unhealthy diet, addictions like smoking, improper care of it. The key to beautiful skin is taking care of its condition. For every lady, the goal should be to get rid of imperfections on the face and body, and not to mask them with tinting agents. Although this type of cosmetics was created to improve the appearance and really helps to make the skin more attractive, it should not be overused. Another important point is This area of ​​the body needs the most moisture.

Bad teeth

A woman's smile is the main weapon of seduction. Yellow teeth, bad breath - these are clear signs of unkempt. Oral hygiene includes regular visits to the dentist for the prevention and treatment of dental diseases, as well as daily brushing your teeth at least 2 times a day. Nowadays there are dental floss, oral sprays, chewing gum. Stop indulging in cigarettes and overusing coffee, otherwise you will have to regularly spend money on professional cleaning. Bad breath is often caused by gastrointestinal problems, so if you have such a problem, see your doctor.

Cracked varnish

This is a clear sign of unkempt women. Especially if the varnish has a bright color. If you don’t have time to refresh your nail color regularly, then it’s better to make friends with a colorless coating. Remember: you can always correct the situation using only nail polish remover. Do not assume that artificial marigolds do not need constant care. If you know that you will not financially pull a regular correction from a professional master, then it is better not to build up your nails. In addition, you need to ensure that there are no burrs. Remember to regularly apply moisturizer to delicate skin of your hands.

Sloppy eyebrows

Don't be confused by fashion trends. Sloppy eyebrows are a clear sign of unkempt women. It has been and will always be so. Despite the fact that now it is not thin, overly plucked "strings" that are in vogue, but wide and natural eyebrows, you should still take care of them. They should have a perfect bottom line, so every 3 days you still have to pick up tweezers and get rid of unnecessary hairs. To add beauty, you can use special pencils, shadows, shape-fixing waxes.

Regrown roots

It is better not to dye your hair at all than to bring it to this careless state later. If you decide to radically change your natural color of your curls, then be prepared for the fact that about once a month you will need to update the color, as well as bring in line the regrown roots. If you do not have the time, funds or desire to complete this procedure, then it is better not to start. Signs of unkempt women are also split ends, dry or greasy hair. You can take care of the beauty of your hair using natural masks based, for example, on kefir or castor oil.

Lack of depilation

This is one of the 7 signs of a scruffy woman. And do not justify yourself by saying that it is warmer this way - this is a delusion. Excessive hair on the body is always ugly and non-sexy. There are a lot of means for removing excess hair now. Just choose the one that suits you best. Consider the fact that intimate life is not a seasonal phenomenon, so do not forget to get rid of unnecessary vegetation all the time, regardless of the season and the clothes you choose. Remember that almost all of the signs of unkempt women are based on inconsistency, irregular self-care. If you want to look beautiful, then you need to take care of yourself every day.

Unkempt outfit

Reference young ladies always think in advance what they will dress up in. Signs of unkempt women are wrinkled wardrobe items that have not been washed for a long time or unnecessarily worn out. Many justify their untidy appearance by the fact that they only meet by their clothes, see them off by their minds ... But this does not mean that you can afford to look untidy. One of the 7 signs of a scruffy woman includes wearing dirty shoes. Carry a special sponge or brush in your purse to always be able to make your clothes look proper and attractive.