Ingrown toenail treatment at home. Ingrown nail. What to do when to delete. How to cure an ingrown toenail with kombucha

Very often, when wearing narrow fashion shoes, the fair sex is faced with such an unpleasant and rather painful problem as an ingrown toenail. With this disease, the big toes are most often affected.

What is an ingrown toenail?
An ingrown toenail (or onychocryptosis) is a disease in which the nail plate grows into the lateral part of the nail fold. In other words, the edge of the nail grows into the skin, while this process is combined with inflammation of the soft tissues, noticeable redness, swelling of the finger, and significant pain. In most cases, an ingrown toenail occurs on the big toe (less often on the other toes) of the leg on one side, but there are times when it occurs on both sides.

This disease is quite serious, therefore, at the first signs of an ingrown nail, measures should be taken, otherwise the process will worsen, as a result of which there will be swelling of the skin around the nail, purulent discharge will appear at the site of ingrowth, and the tumor formed against this background will begin to bleed. In this case, a rather unpleasant picture is observed: the finger becomes bluish-red, festers and hurts, while greatly increasing in size, which causes discomfort and inconvenience when walking.

Reasons for the appearance of an ingrown toenail.
In most cases, an incorrect and poor-quality pedicure contributes to the development of this disease, when you or the master cut the nail too deep at the edges. The main prerequisite for the development of this disease is considered a hereditary predisposition.

One of the possible causes of an ingrown toenail is also called the constant wearing of narrow, uncomfortable (with sharp toes) and low-quality shoes. In this case, against the background of pressure, the nail cuts into the nail roller and constantly presses on it.

Deformation of the fingers (acquired or congenital: clubfoot, flat feet, etc.) feet, fungal diseases, finger injuries can also become a fundamental factor in ingrowth. Quite often, an ingrown toenail is the result of improper growth of the nails on the toes, against the background of which the nail plate thickens and curls. Violation of blood circulation in the legs, inflammatory diseases are less common, notes still contribute to the development of this problem.

Home treatment for an ingrown toenail.
When the first signs of an ingrown toenail appear, when the signs of inflammation are not yet great, and the pain is not pronounced, it is necessary to immediately abandon narrow shoes in favor of looser ones with a wider front part, this will eliminate pressure on the toe. At every opportunity, it is advisable to walk barefoot, or use open-toed shoes.

In addition, at an early non-purulent and non-bleeding stage, it is recommended to steam the leg and try to carefully cut the ingrown edge of the nail.

Also, at an early stage of the development of the process, warm baths with chamomile infusion can be carried out. To prepare it, you need to pour six tablespoons of chamomile flowers with two liters of boiling water, close with a tight lid and leave to infuse for an hour. Then the infusion should be filtered, put on fire and heated (so that it can be tolerated). Keep your finger in this infusion until it cools. After that, you need to dry the leg with a towel and cut off the ingrown part. Apply a cotton swab dipped in brilliant green or iodine on the affected area.

To reduce pain, swelling and inflammation, you can also do warm soda baths (three times a day for ten minutes) with the addition of potassium permanganate. The treatment will soften the skin and the ingrown toenail, making it easier to remove the damaged area. After this procedure, you can apply a washed and dried plantain leaf to your finger, securing it with a bandage, and put on socks. Apply the bandage daily until complete recovery.

For more serious damage to the nail fold with a nail, topical antibiotics in the form of ointments should be used. The best option would be Vishnevsky or Ichthyolka ointment, they perfectly draw out pus, preventing the development of infection. The ointment should be applied to a thick cotton roll or a bandage folded in several layers and applied to the affected area, then wrapped with cellophane and a bandage, and put on a sock to secure the bandage. This procedure is most effective at night, because it is at this time that the leg is in a calm state for a long time. In the morning, you should remove the bandage, try to slightly cut off the ingrown tip of the nail, file the tip and reapply the bandage with ointment. If the situation does not improve, the wound festers and bleeds, you should seek medical help.

With this disease, recipes of traditional medicine can also help. To reduce pain at night, you need to put on a tight fingertip in which you put butter, put on a warm sock on top. This procedure should be done for twenty days. As soon as the pains pass, it is necessary to try to gently move the ingrown nail, go over it with a nail file and put a bandage under it. You do not need to trim the nail, let it grow along with the corners, otherwise it will constantly grow into the soft tissues of the finger.

You can also use such a folk remedy at the initial stage of the process: crush an aloe leaf and mix with twenty-five drops of water. In this solution, moisten a bandage and apply to the damaged area of ​​the finger overnight, wrap it with cellophane on top and secure with a sock. The next morning, the nail will soften and it can be filed.

And another way: take one tablespoon of chopped garlic, onion, aloe leaf, ghee and add a teaspoon of beeswax to this mass. Put the mixture on fire and cook with constant stirring for two to three minutes. Stir with a wooden spoon only. Remove the mixture from heat and cool to room temperature. Apply the mass to the damaged area with a thick layer, wrap it with a cabbage leaf (previously beaten off to give juice) and tie it with a bandage. Warm socks can be worn (optional). The procedure is carried out at night until complete recovery.

In the case of slight ingrowth, that is, with a thickening of the nail roll, the surgeon usually removes part of the nail plate, or part of the changed nail roll. In this case, due to such a surgical intervention, the manifestation of irritation and inflammation of the soft tissues of the foot is significantly reduced. A few months after such treatment, the plate completely returns to its original shape.

In the case of purulent discharge from under the nail or in case of severe deformation of the nail plate, the ingrown nail is completely removed. In this case, the wound is thoroughly cleansed of pus and anesthetic and anti-inflammatory medicine is applied. The doctor changes the dressing every day, this will continue for about a month until the nail grows back. This operation is often associated with the risk of damage to the growth zone of the nail, against the background of which the newly growing nail has an irregular shape.

Laser treatment.
The most popular, most effective and less traumatic method of treating an ingrown toenail is laser correction. The method consists in removing the ingrown part of the nail plate and the edge of the growth zone of the nail. Simultaneously with the removal, the foci of inflammation are neutralized. After laser treatment, the incidence of re-ingrowth is reduced significantly, since the edge that is inside the nail plate no longer grows.

The laser technique for treating an ingrown nail is also used in cases of ingrowth against the background of a fungal infection. In this case, the laser sterilizes the entire under the nail surface from fungal spores, and then antifungal drugs are prescribed.

Despite the obvious advantages of this technique, it still has its drawbacks. Among them, it is worth highlighting the burn of the surrounding tissue, the slow wound healing process and the long and painful recovery period.

Conservative treatment.
To prevent surgery in the case of an ingrown nail, you can use special corrective devices (plastic or metal plates, springs, staples, etc.), which, against the background of constant interaction with the nail plate, unbend its deformed part. These devices are attached to a deformed nail (can be done by a pedicure master), while they are not large, hypoallergenic, invisible and do not interfere with wearing shoes. With their help, by raising the ingrown nail, the pressure on the nail fold of the finger decreases, and inflammation and pain syndromes are also removed. And most importantly, these devices correct the growing nail plate. The nail with the plate does not need any special care. It can be coated with regular varnish.

Radio wave treatment.
Radio wave treatment is a type of surgical treatment, carried out in most cases under local anesthesia (lidocaine). During the procedure, the nail is partially trimmed from the sides with a scalpel, then the growth zone of the nail is treated with special attachments of the Surgitron device. Coagulation of tissues is carried out within six seconds. If the patient has "wild meat" (excessive formation of granulations at the edges of the wounds of the outer layers of the body in the form of fleshy tumor-like growths), it is also processed by radio waves. At the end of the procedure, the treated area is lubricated with an antiseptic solution, and then a bandage is applied, which will be removed only after four days. By this time, in most cases, the wound has already healed. In more than ninety percent of cases, the disease does not recur after treatment with this technique. The operation does not limit the patient's normal life, there is no pain, immediately after it, you can go to work only in wide and comfortable shoes.

Prevention of ingrown toenails.
To prevent the development of this problem, simple rules should be followed:

  • when visiting public places (sauna, swimming pool, bathhouse, etc.), appropriate footwear should be worn;
    never wear someone else's shoes;
  • the shoes you choose should be breathable, spacious and comfortable, that is, so that they do not press on the feet;
  • follow the rules of personal hygiene;
  • if you are doing a pedicure yourself, do not cut off the edges of the nail too much (this enhances ingrowth), but rather trust the professionals in your field.
The ideal ingrowth nail trimming technique is to trim in a straight line no deeper than the tip of the toe. For this purpose, it is better to use scissors with sharp edges. If, nevertheless, the nail is cut too short, you need to use a file and file in the corners to eliminate sharp edges.

If nothing helps with an ingrown toenail, and the pain intensifies, you should consult a specialist.

It is a painful process resulting from the cutting of the corner of the nail into the adjacent skin. In the absence of proper treatment, an infectious complication and an abscess are possible.

An ingrown toenail appears more often on the big toes, causing discomfort and pain; becomes the cause of purulent tissue inflammation. The later treatment is started, the more serious the therapeutic measures will be, up to and including amputation of the finger.

Patients with a similar problem seek medical help at a time when the site of ingrowth of the nail has already become inflamed, reddened and festering. And this happens because it is impossible to immediately determine the ingrowth of the nail - the symptoms appear with some "delay".

An ingrown toenail is more common in young children, the elderly, and those who wear tight shoes for a long time.


Ingrown toenail

An ingrown toenail is a serious and permanent problem. The problem is mostly surgical and by no means uncommon. The disease is fought with medication, surgery and folk remedies at home.

Ingrown toenail symptoms

The first sign that indicates ingrowth of the nail is redness in the nail area, swelling and pain. If the nail is subject to severe deformation, then the bending of the nail and the cutting of the ends into the roller can be seen. Then a small ulcer forms on the ingrown nail, which bleeds at the slightest damage.

Ingrown toenail treatment


To prevent surgery in the case of an ingrown nail, special corrective devices are used, which, against the background of constant interaction with the nail plate, unbend the deformed part.


  • plastic or metal plates;
  • springs;
  • staples.

These small, hypoallergenic devices are attached to the deformed nail. By raising the ingrown nail, the pressure on the nail fold of the finger decreases, and inflammation and pain are also relieved. These devices correct the growing nail plate. The nail with the plate does not need any special care.

Drug treatment


The drug is available in the form of a balm that softens the nail plate, reduces the intensity of pain, and eliminates the inflammatory process. Steam your legs until the corners of the nail appear from under the nail rollers. Then the balm is applied both to the roller and to the nail plate, 2 procedures are done a day.


The active ingredient of this product is urea, which softens the tissues and the nail itself, which makes it easier to cut the problem nail. Uroderm cream is applied to a dry nail, and a special spatula should be “tucked in” into the space between the nail plate and the roller.

After treatment with the agent, socks are put on the legs and left for 1-2 hours. You need to use Uroderm for 3 days in a row (2 procedures per day) and then cut off the ingrown nail.

Vishnevsky ointment

If an infection has joined the problem of an ingrown nail, then it will be advisable to use Vishnevsky ointment. The product is applied to the problem area under the bandage at night. As soon as the nail comes out from under the roller, the nail is cut off.

Ichthyol ointment

Ichthyol ointment destroys bacteria, eliminates pain, inflammation and swelling with redness, softens the nail plate. A closed dressing with medication is applied at night. Usually, the ingrown toenail can be trimmed off in the morning.

Ingrown toenail removal

Surgical intervention is indicated if the conservative method was not effective. Then an invasive manipulation is prescribed - partial or complete removal of the nail.

Surgical method

In the case of slight ingrowth, with a thickening of the nail roll, the surgeon removes part of the nail plate, or part of the changed nail roll. Thanks to this surgical intervention, the manifestation of inflammation of the soft tissues of the foot is reduced. A few months after this treatment, the nail plate is restored.

With purulent discharge from under the nail or with pronounced deformation of the nail plate, the ingrown nail is completely removed. In this case, the wound is thoroughly cleansed of pus and anesthetic and anti-inflammatory medicine is applied.

The doctor changes the dressing every day, usually within a month, until the nail grows back. This operation is often associated with the risk of damage to the growth zone of the nail.

Laser method

A popular, effective and less traumatic method of treating an ingrown toenail is laser correction. The method consists in removing the ingrown part of the nail plate and the edge of the growth zone of the nail.

Simultaneously with the removal, the foci of inflammation are neutralized. After laser treatment, the incidence of re-ingrowth is significantly reduced. The laser technique for treating an ingrown nail is also used against the background of a fungal infection.

Disadvantages of the method:

  • burns to surrounding tissues;
  • slow healing;
  • long and painful recovery period.

Radio wave method

Radio wave treatment is a type of surgical treatment that is more commonly used under local anesthesia (lidocaine). During the procedure, the nail is partially trimmed from the sides with a scalpel, then the growth zone of the nail is treated with special attachments of the Surgitron device.

Coagulation of tissues is done within six seconds. Excessive formation of granulations at the edges of wounds of the outer integument of the body in the form of fleshy tumor-like growths is also exposed to radio waves.

At the end of the procedure, the treated area is lubricated with an antiseptic solution, and then a bandage is applied, which will be removed only after four days.

By this time, as a rule, the wound has already healed. In 90% of cases, relapse of the disease after treatment with this method does not occur. The operation does not limit the patient's life, there is no pain.

How to treat an ingrown toenail at home

For the treatment of an ingrown nail at the initial stage, traditional medicine is used after consultation.

Aloe juice

One leaf of the plant needs to be crushed and 20-30 drops of pure water added there. After that, mix the agent until smooth. In this liquid, it is required to moisten the bandage, and then bandage the sore finger. Put cling film on top of the compress. In the morning, cut out the extra section of the plate.


It is useful to do salt baths. For this purpose, table salt is suitable. It is allowed to add 1-2 drops of iodine. This procedure helps to soften the code and make the nail plate soft. In addition, salt helps to eliminate inflammation.


Only 1 tablet of this medication is needed per liter of warm water. Thanks to the trays, the pus will go out on its own.

Vishnevsky ointment

If you apply this product at night, then in the morning the plate will already be soft.


Take a condom and fill it with softened butter. Place a condom over your sore finger. Soon the pain will pass, and it will remain to put a piece of gauze or cotton wool under the nail in the sore spot. Wrap your finger as tightly as you can and go to bed. The next morning, the ingrown toenail will not bother you.

Sawing in the middle

This method will help "trick" the growing nail. Use a file to thin the nail along the midline. First, it instantly reduces the pressure on the soft tissue on the sides of the nail plate. And secondly, filing will provoke the fact that the nail will further thicken in the center, and not from the sides.

Birch mushroom (chaga)

This folk remedy will also help against an ingrown toenail. Attach the birch mushroom with a cut to the sore nail, strap and leave overnight. This procedure will soften the nail and relieve soreness.

Fir oil

To prepare for home cutting of an ingrowing nail, fir oil lotions are used, which relieve inflammation. Tape gauze compresses soaked in fir oil to sore spots overnight. After 3-4 days, cut the nail in a straight line, lift it at the wound site and put a small gauze with fir oil there.

Onions and honey

Prepare a mixture of chopped onion and a spoonful of honey. Then spread on a gauze pad. Then give your feet a warm soda bath. After that, attach the prepared compress, wrap it with foil overnight and put on a sock. In the morning, release the ingrown edge and trim.

Ingrown toenails


Incorrectly fitted shoes

We are talking about shoes with narrow socks, which are not matched to the size. Constant pressure occurs on the nail plate, which provokes a change in the direction of nail growth.

Disordered pedicure

This factor "works" in 95% of cases of the problem under consideration, and the main mistakes during pedicure are cutting off the corner of the nail, cleaning the free part of the nail plate with nail scissors, leaving burrs and a sharp edge.

Ingrown nail stages

There are 3 stages of the disease:

Complications of an ingrown toenail

At an early stage, it is possible to treat an ingrown nail, subject to the recommendations of a dermatologist, competent nail trimming, and hygiene.

With the development of inflammation due to the ingrowth of the nail into the skin, wearing everyday shoes becomes impossible. Movement, walking cause severe pain. For patients with circulatory and metabolic disorders, such processes are dangerous, since the risk of gangrene development increases.

Unpleasant complications of the disease sometimes become damage to the bone tissue and purulent inflammation of the phalanx of the finger. With diabetes mellitus, patients face possible complications already at the first stage of ingrowth of the nail.

If untreated, develop:

  • felon;
  • phlegmon;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • abscess;
  • gangrene.

With such tissue lesions, surgery is required, and sometimes amputation. When the infection spreads, the patient loses one or more fingers, a foot, or even a limb.

Ingrown toenail prevention

To avoid getting sick, follow these rules:

How to cut your nails correctly to avoid an ingrown toenail

Ingrown toenail Q&A

Question:What is the best method for removing an ingrown nail, surgical or laser? And how do you restore it later?

Answer: Hello. After the operation, the nail is restored within a few months. When using the laser method, there are fewer relapses, but it takes longer to heal.

Question:Hello! After the pedicure, the next day, a large toenail began to hurt, although I cut out the ingrown toenail. Redness appeared, and as a result of this, a slight suppuration in the corner. I do baths with salt and warm water, I tried to look again and, if available, eliminate the nail, but my finger began to hurt even more. What to do and how to fix this problem at home?

Answer: Hello. You can read about what drugs and folk remedies are used in the article, but we recommend that you see a doctor, especially since the baths did not help you.

Question:Hello. Once I cut off the corners of the nail, and now I constantly cut and file, but when the nail grows, pain arises. I try to shove the cotton wool under the corners, sometimes it helps to align the nail, but for some reason I feel discomfort and cut it off again. I've heard about plates, but where to buy them and how to use them. Thanks.

Answer: Hello. You need an in-person consultation with a doctor who will select the appropriate method of treatment, since the use of plates and braces has contraindications.

Question:Hello! My nail is constantly growing, but not with the upper tip, and does not even have time to grow back after the previous resection. Resection of the edge of the nail was already done again with removal of the matrix in this area, but 2 weeks after the operation, the pain returned again. There is no pus, it just hurts and redness. More than a month has passed - the crust has not yet disappeared, the doctor asked not to tear it off. How long to wait for them to fall away? And is it possible to put a brace if the crusts have not yet fallen off and will they help reduce the pain?

Answer: Hello. Using plates, springs or staples reduces pressure on the nail fold of the finger, as well as relieves inflammation and pain. But when to put it - it is better to listen to the opinion of the attending physician.

Question:Hello. The nail has grown, or rather a small part of it below. It is impossible to remove it on your own, because with a certain pressure it hurts, it looks like the piece is sharp inside. Festers a little, but hydrogen peroxide gets rid of pus. I tried to grind off the nail plate with a file, but he doubted and did not finish it. Can you please tell me if this problem can be dealt with at home? I really don't want the finger to be cut.

Answer: Hello. You cannot cope with this problem on your own. And no one will cut your finger. Only the ingrown part of the nail is removed.

Question:Hello. In August 2016, part of the nail was removed due to the fact that it had grown. In June 2017, they removed again, removed the stitches, and two weeks later pains and abscesses began again. They advised me to put the brace on my finger, signed up for August 15, there were no places before. How can I relieve pain before I go for this procedure? Sometimes you just can't stand it.

Question:Hello! The child is now 11 years old. A year ago, the problem of an ingrown toenail began. As soon as the nail grows back, the inflamed toe hurts. What to do? Who should you contact with such a problem?

Answer: Hello. It is necessary to consult a dermatologist and a surgeon.

Question:Hello! After an unsuccessful pedicure, a pain in the finger appeared, came to the surgeon, he said to cut. I removed the ingrown part of the nail, the nail itself is intact. A week has passed after the removal, there was a slight pain in the finger, but the swelling and redness of the periungual ridge does not go away, it is impossible to touch, there is pain, a small amount of pus comes out and bleeds. Is this the norm, or is it something serious and you need to go to the surgeon again?

Answer: Hello. You have two problems: the resection of the nail plate performed for you was carried out in an insufficient volume; the formation of the nail matrix was not carried out in principle. And as a supplement, the ongoing conservative treatment is clearly not enough.

Question:Hello! My toenail has grown, it hurts a lot and pus has appeared. The surgeon said to cut, but in a week I will leave for another city. I do baths with salt, compress Lidocaine + Dimexide + saline, I drink Aponil tablets, I smear with iodine. Can I try to pull out this ingrown piece myself? And how long can the pain go through? ...

Answer: Hello. If there is suppuration, an incision should be made and the pus released. Local application of antibiotics is necessary. The pain will go away when the suppuration is gone. If the operation is performed on time, almost everything will heal in a week.

An ingrown toenail not only looks unaesthetic, it also brings pain and discomfort to a person.

In medicine, this disease is called onychocryptosis.

It is not worth delaying its treatment, since a focus of purulent inflammation can form on the finger.

Today we will figure out what to do if a nail has grown.

What to do if a nail has grown: causes of the disease

A nail can grow on any toe or toe, but most often it happens to the big toes. Before you get acquainted with the methods of treating onychocryptosis, you should analyze the causes that cause the disease.

1. Poorly done pedicure... Some people, when trimming their toenails, cut the sides strongly and round them carefully. Despite the beauty of such a pedicure, this cannot be done. To prevent the nail from growing into the skin, it should be squared. The edges of the nail plate must be carefully filed with a nail file.

2. Uncomfortable shoes... This is especially true of the fair sex. Wearing tight shoes that squeeze the toes hard, causes the nail to dig into the skin and form a wound. The longer a woman wears such shoes, the deeper the wound on the toe becomes. Good footwear should always be appropriate for the size of your feet, be comfortable and made from quality materials. Before purchasing shoes, you need to carefully die out and be sure to try to walk around the room.

3. Unusual shape of the nail plate... Constant ingrowth of the nail can be caused by its problematic form, which is either inherited or appears as a result of flat feet. A proper pedicure will help prevent ingrowths.

4. Sudden weight gain... Rapid weight gain can occur during pregnancy or due to medical conditions and lead to ingrown toenails.

5. Trauma can also cause deformation of the foot and changes in the shape of the nail.

6. Often toenails do not grow properly due to fungal diseases of the feet... They thicken significantly, curl and grow into the skin.

What to do if a nail has grown: effective medical methods

It is imperative to treat an ingrown nail, since the pathology will most likely develop further, accompanied by acute pain. Over time, the inflammatory process can develop into a chronic one. The wound under the nail will bleed, which can cause infection. Therefore, it is advisable to start treatment immediately.

Medical treatments for ingrown toenails

Modern clinics offer the following treatments for onychocryptosis:


Radio wave method;

Laser correction of the nail plate;

Ortonixia - correction of nail growth using special plates and braces.

Surgical treatment is prescribed in difficult cases when the disease is in an advanced form and it can no longer be cured by more conservative methods. Partial or complete removal of the nail plate is carried out using a scalpel. This method allows you to get rid of pathology and prevent bone suppuration. Meanwhile, healing takes a long time: until a new nail grows back. Treatment of an ingrown toenail with an operating method does not guarantee that the disease will not recur again.

The radio wave method involves the removal of an ingrown nail as a result of exposure to high-frequency radio waves. This method is painless, quick healing and low trauma.

Often, when asked what to do if a nail has grown, doctors recommend laser correction. The method allows you to get rid of the problem without completely removing the entire plate and without damaging the germ zone. With the help of a laser, a part of the nail bed affected by granulations is removed, and the ingrown nail itself is directly removed. The disadvantage of this method of treatment is the healing time.

A new method of defect correction - orthonyxia - deserves special attention. A special plate is attached to the nail using special glue. It is made of medical steel. The duration of treatment depends on the individual case and can last from several weeks to 6 months. The corrective method is the most painless. However, it cannot be used in advanced cases.

What to do if a nail has grown in: folk remedies and medicines

Folk remedies can be used only for mild symptoms. We are talking about cases when there is no acute pain and inflammatory processes. Ingrown toenail treatment consists of two stages:

1. Releasing the corner of the nail that has grown into the finger. To achieve the result, you need to carry out daily procedures for a course of up to three weeks. During this time, the corner of the nail will grow back to a safe length.

The following recipes will help you at this stage of treatment.

A bath of soda solution. For 3 liters of warm water, take 1 tablespoon of baking soda. The ingrown nail should be soaked in the solution for 20 minutes. Then, with a gentle movement, try to pull the edge of the nail outward. Perhaps this will happen after the second or third procedure. Next, you need to take a piece of thick paper or plastic and slowly bring it under the edge of the freed nail. In this position, it is necessary to fix the nail at night with a plaster or gauze.

Sea salt bath. You can use such a bath only in cases where there is no open wound or inflammation on the finger affected by the ingrown nail. For one liter of warm water, you should take 5 tablespoons of salt. The bath has an excellent antiseptic effect.

Butter. After the soda bath, apply a piece of oil to the nail. Then cover with a napkin and plastic wrap. We bandage the problem finger. After a day, remove the bandage and steam the nail again in a soda bath. Carefully lift the edge of the corner of the nail and fit a small piece of a cotton pad soaked in butter under it. Put a small piece of oil on top of the nail again and bandage it.

Scarlet Faith. We clean the leaf of the medicinal plant from thorns and skin. We dilute the crushed mass with a small amount of boiled water. We spread the mass on a piece of fabric and cover the ingrown nail with it. Cover the top of the finger with foil and bandage it. Leave the bandage on overnight. Sutra try to bring the edge of the nail plate outward.

Fir oil. The tool perfectly softens the nail and rough skin on the affected finger. Compresses should be done at night for a week.

Honey and onion compress. Take a medium onion, peel and grind in a blender. We mix the mass with 1 tablespoon of honey. After the soda bath, we apply a compress to the problem nail, wrap it with foil on top and bandage it overnight. In the morning, try to pull the edge of the nail outward.

2. Giving the nail plate a safe length and correct shape. Once you have managed to free some of the nail, you do not need to cut it off. The procedure for soaking an ingrown nail in a soda solution should be repeated without stopping for two weeks. During this time, the nail will have time to properly grow, while its corners are leveled. Every day after the bath with a nail file, cut a small groove (up to 3 mm wide) along the top layer in the center of the plate. It is not necessary to completely cut the nail. After a while, the groove will overgrow.

Medicines for the treatment of an ingrown toenail

To stop the inflammation on the finger, you can use antiseptic ointments. Topical antibiotics are especially helpful:


Vishnevsky ointment;

Ichthyol ointment.

These medications have a healing effect, help remove bacteria and prevent infection and wound festering.

Apply the chosen product to a bandage and apply to the affected area on your finger. Then cover with a gauze bandage.

What to do if a nail has grown: prevention

Choose comfortable and loose shoes;

Always practice good personal hygiene;

Do your pedicure correctly;

Treat orthopedic, fungal and infectious diseases of the feet in time;

Protect your feet from bruises and treat any injuries in a timely manner.

Your footwear should be spacious, its heel should not exceed 4 cm. Care for your feet requires constant care: treatment with moisturizing cosmetics and oils, prevention of infection, timely treatment of cracks and calluses.

Trim your nails in a straight line with straight nail scissors. The length of the nail should be at least as high as the tip of the toe. If you accidentally cut a corner of the plate, then file its sharp edge with a special file.

To prevent inflammation, you need to periodically do foot baths. For this procedure, infusions of a string, St. John's wort, sage, calendula and chamomile are ideal. For 2 liters of boiling water, you need to take 6 tablespoons of herbs. Insist under a closed lid for an hour.

Now you know what to do if a nail has grown. Effective treatment methods will help get rid of an unpleasant disease, and expert advice will help prevent pathology.

Following fashion trends, there is no time to think about what effect tight tight shoes or synthetic fabrics have on health. Often this leads to the occurrence of fungal infections or pathologies of the nail plates. Such troubles include and which not only looks unaesthetic, but also delivers serious discomfort. Therefore, the question of how to treat an ingrown toenail at home always remains relevant. Moreover, there are several ways to eliminate the problem without surgery.

Ingrown toenail: folk remedies for its treatment

The causes of the pathology of the nail plate are most often fungal infections that destroy it. In this case, there is a change in the direction of its growth. In such cases, it will certainly be necessary to treat the fungus after removing the ingrown part of the nail. Wearing tight and tight shoes, heredity and unprofessional pedicure also lead to deformation of the nail plate and a change in the direction of its growth. But whatever situations entail this phenomenon, you need to start acting as early as possible. So how to treat an ingrown toenail at home?

Treatment is carried out depending on the stage of the disease. The first time does not cause much discomfort. However, an abscess and purulent lesion of soft tissues located around the problem area can form very quickly. Therefore, proceed to the procedures immediately, since advanced forms require serious and long-term treatment with antibiotics. There is a simple but effective remedy for an ingrown toenail.

First, the legs must be steamed in a bath. For five liters of hot water, put salt, iodine and soda in proportions of 4: 1: 2 tablespoons, respectively. Keep the feet in the solution until the water cools completely. The use of such a composition for the bath will not only soften the nail and tissues, but also disinfect the wound, besides, after the bath, the pain will subside somewhat.

Next, we need glycerin oil (you can replace it with butter). The softened nail should be gently lifted in the place where it has grown, and a small cotton swab, abundantly saturated with oil, should be placed under it. On top of the nail plate, also make an application of oil, wrap it all with cellophane and leave it overnight. The procedures should be carried out until the nail plate is completely restored. Memorize this simple recipe and then you will know how to treat an ingrown toenail at home.

You can go the other way to fix the problem. After the bath, carefully grind the nail parallel to the ingrowth border until it opens with a book. Apply applications with oil daily until the ingrown part of the nail comes out of the soft tissue on its own.

So that you no longer have the question of how to treat an ingrown nail at home, take preventive measures. This is the timely treatment of various infections of the foot and nails, adherence to hygiene rules, wearing comfortable shoes and hosiery made from natural fabrics. Only have a pedicure done by a specialist!

The number of sources used in this article:. You will find a list of them at the bottom of the page.

People who have had an ingrown toenail on the big toe know firsthand the pain it causes. An ingrown toenail is an ingrowth of the nail plate into the soft tissue of the finger. Most often, the toenail grows on the big toe, but sometimes it happens with the nails on other toes. In addition, there is always the possibility of introducing infection into the inflammation focus. If you have this trouble, then read this article to learn how to properly treat the infection and how to prevent the condition from worsening. If you do everything right, your legs will be healthy again!


Part 1


    Soak your ingrown toenail in the water. To reduce pain and swelling, immerse your leg with the ingrown toenail in warm water for 10-15 minutes. Fill your bath with warm or hot water and add 1 to 2 tablespoons of Epsom salts. Dip your foot into the water and relax. Then dry your foot dry.

    Lift your nail up. To relieve the pressure of the nail on the tissue, doctors sometimes advise lifting it up. This is done by pushing a small piece of cotton wool or thick thread under your fingernail so that it doesn't press hard on your skin.

    Use an antibacterial ointment. An antibacterial ointment should be applied if the nail becomes infected. Dry your leg completely before applying the ointment. Apply a thick layer of antibacterial cream to the inflamed area. Then apply a gauze bandage. This will prevent dirt from entering the wound.

    Talk to your doctor (orthopedist). Ingrown toenails, especially those with an infection, should not be treated at home. Consult a podiatrist or surgeon. If you have a severe infection, you may need to remove your nail. You don't have to worry, this procedure is performed under local anesthesia.

    Do not rub your nail with charcoal. Some people also claim that charcoal rubbing on the nail will help clear up the infection. Charcoal will not relieve inflammation, it will only make it worse. Only an antibiotic ointment or dressing should be applied to the nail.

  • Do not squeeze pus out of an ingrown toenail. This can lead to more infection.
  • Do not try to remove an ingrown toenail with your teeth. This is unhygienic and can damage your teeth and nails.
  • Soak your ingrown toenail in water and antibacterial soap. This will help prevent infection. Do not try to remove an ingrown toenail with your teeth, as this can aggravate the situation, increasing the likelihood of infection.
  • Bandage the sore thumb with a bandage.


  • Toe problems may indicate diabetes.
  • If you have diabetes, talk to your doctor if the infection persists.
  • Infections can be very life-threatening. They can cause sepsis, blood poisoning, gangrene, and so on. To treat them, you will need surgery or even amputation.
  • If you have an immune system disorder, talk to your doctor if the infection persists.

Article Information

This article was co-authored by Chris M. Matsko, MD, our regular contributor. The regular contributors to wikiHow work closely with our editors to ensure that articles are as accurate and complete as possible.

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