Clarification of a relationship - a way to negotiate or an opportunity to look at the true face of a partner? Do I need to sort things out

It is known that by the behavior during family "showdowns" one can judge the deep character traits of the partner. But it turns out that even the very desire or unwillingness to enter into negotiations is a kind of test that helps spouses to better understand each other.

Who among us has not dreamed that a husband and wife would understand each other without words? In real life, from time to time, you still have to sort things out. Perhaps your family loves to discuss the situation, perhaps they consider "showdown" a senseless and useless exercise. It is most difficult to reach mutual understanding if the opinions of the spouses on this matter differ. And although the traditional script ascribes the invocative "Let's talk!" to a woman, and stubborn silence and avoidance of painful topics - to a man, in fact, everything depends not on gender, but on the character of a person - such features of him that neither you nor your partner sometimes even suspect.

As a rule, in any situation, psychologists advise to calmly discuss the problem together, but married couples are often unable to apply this advice in practice. In fact, here, as in almost any issue concerning the human soul and feelings, there is no one correct recipe for everyone. But the very moment when someone proposes to sort things out is very important and decisive. Responding to the offer to "talk", even if the negotiations did not take place, will help you understand each other's hidden feelings.

It is clear that the parties interested in each other are sitting at the negotiating table, that the moment has come when at least one of the parties can no longer postpone mutual demands, claims and wishes for the future. This is a turning point, and in which direction the conversation and relationship will go, both do not know. Therefore, negotiations are a risky undertaking. They can be compared to a household emergency. And how a person behaves in an extreme situation is very indicative.

They like to sort things out

Open people, accustomed to solving their problems on their own, believe that if something does not work out, you need to try to fix the state of affairs - to do something. In personal relationships, they strive for active interaction with loved ones.


These people are brave, they are not afraid of risk and unpredictability, they are ready to "jump into the abyss empty-handed," just not to sit on its edge in eternal anticipation.

Weak sides:

Taken to the extreme, this character trait leads to the fact that a person does not give himself time to think and wait - the slightest anxiety pushes him to action. His courage is like the fearlessness of a child who is not yet aware of the many dangers. Also, this position can be compared with the categorical nature of a teenager living under the motto "all or nothing."

Secret desires:

If one of the spouses too often starts a showdown, this suggests: - He is not looking for the truth, but wants during a conversation to make up for something that he lacks in life with a partner - for example, warmth, attention or passion. Or he is used to giving vent to sexual passions through other channels - in this case, through serious conversations or quarrels. In the course of the conversation, he calms down, because now the partner is with him and only with him, all his (her) attention is directed to the interlocutor and to the common problem. Oddly enough, in this case, even a scandal or a conversation in a raised voice brings satisfaction to the initiator of the showdown. - The partner cannot stand uncertainty, it causes him anxiety, which he cannot cope with. As a child, he clearly lacked the experience of calm, reliable love, and now he needs a lot of attention and confirmation of feelings from his spouse in order to begin to quietly calm down and trust. - Constantly reaching out for a partner, a person seeks to destroy the relationship. Often this is done unconsciously and not at all because he does not love - on the contrary, he loves too much, but cannot afford to be happy. And if he feels happiness, he does not believe that it will last long, and involuntarily brings the denouement closer: let the bad happen sooner. The agonizing expectation of the end for a person of this kind is worse than the very end (which, by the way, exists most often only in his imagination).

Avoid sorting things out

People are more closed, turned inward. They are not sure that their actions, efforts, words can really fix something. They prefer to get away from direct conversation and wait for everything to work out by itself. This may be an innate character trait, or it may arise later if the first attempts to find out the relationship with loved ones were unsuccessful and ended in a scandal or rupture.


Supporters of the policy of "avoiding conversation" are able to maintain a very difficult and even not very successful family union for a long time, sometimes for the whole life. Their tactics are justified if a moment comes when past conflicts become irrelevant and the couple gently and imperceptibly moves into another phase of the relationship.

Weak sides:

To avoid "showdowns" (which in their eyes unambiguously mean conflict), they can simply withdraw themselves from family life... To go on an important business trip, plunge headlong into work or hobbies, disappear in the country, rebuild a garage, a house for the hundredth time, start repairs, etc. - just to protect yourself from possible changes.

Secret desires:

  • People of this type may unconsciously believe that trying to sort things out means that the relationship is over. Indeed, they think, since the parties have sat down at the negotiating table, it means that they are at war. "You can't glue a broken vase" is their motto. Therefore, the peace proposal "Let's talk" is perceived by them as a signal for rupture.
  • Often, by nature, these are obedient children who are afraid to do something their own way and wait for either desire to disappear, or suddenly "adults" (circumstances, fate) will do everything for them. The ghost, advocating the arbitrariness and destruction of the strict parental figure, circles over them - whether they realize it or not. Moreover, outwardly, a spouse can be a completely successful master - after all, a career is done in different ways.
  • "Dodgers" are primarily concerned about the possible negative consequences of any changes and want to avoid them at any cost. Even at the cost of stagnation. Naturally, they prefer to wait, avoid sharp corners, wait for other people's decisions.

Now think about how your husband or wife reacts to the sentence "Let's talk!" Maybe now you understand each other better?

Who proposes to sit down at the negotiating table?

A lot can be said about relationships in a married couple by the fact who exactly offers to clarify the relationship.

Option 1: The initiator of the negotiations is not a brawler, not a bore, but the family member most concerned about happiness and well-being. It is he (she) who is more interested in her fate.

Option 2: An attempt to sort things out sometimes hides an inner desire of the initiator of the negotiations to get rid of the connection that does not satisfy him as soon as possible. Disassembly is a means to bring the break point closer. Perhaps provoke him and even look abandoned and resentful.

It is quite simple to determine the true motives: if the initiator of the negotiations tries to conduct them constructively, it means that he is determined to maintain relations, and if he persistently reduces everything to a scandal and indiscriminately blames only the partner for everything, he may feel that he does not need the relationship.

Features of national scandals

Sorting out the relationship is akin to diplomatic negotiations. This is a whole philosophy, therefore, the style of carrying out such a procedure is also influenced by the belonging of the spouses to a certain cultural and historical environment. The opposition between the West and the East is also manifested in interpersonal relations. Adherents of Western culture will try to resolve a conflict or confused situation through conversations. People close to the east would rather prefer not to interfere in the course of events, to wait for some time, and if they discuss the situation, then when it becomes a thing of the past and loses its emotional charge.


I have the same situation as Elena, I will not say that my husband always runs without a reason, but the very manner of working out what's what, it's just awful! He knows how to hook me so that I can even climb up to fight (although I’d ​​better keep quiet when he calms down, I’ll talk to him later), or bring me to tears in 5 minutes! Horror. and does not understand why me is so offended !!!

02/23/2008 02:23:14 AM, Olya

It turns out that ALL MEN are obedient children ????
"Often, by nature, these are obedient children who are afraid to do something their own way and wait for either desire to disappear, or suddenly" adults "(circumstances, fate) will do everything for them. , circling over them - whether they realize it or not. And outwardly the spouse can be quite a successful master - after all, a career is done in different ways. "

Thanks! Good article. Useful information. Helped me to understand myself and loved ones.

07/15/2003 08:49:19, Sasha

09.04.2003 14:47:22

Yes, girls, you YOURSELF decide what you want from a man and do not fool your husbands' heads - there is a desire to quarrel, then take a ticket to the nearest forest and there, in the wilderness, swear ENOUGH!

04/09/2003 14:37:39, Vasya

Yeah. And if my husband has "eclipses", when he starts slandering me just for no reason, accuses me of behaving in a wrong way, I think in the wrong way, I want to harm him, then to which class should this case be attributed? It comes to the point of absurdity simply, but he is insane and does not listen to any arguments.
And then the "eclipses" pass (after he repeatedly brings me to tears), he loves me again and calls himself a fool.

04/07/2003 11:25:30, Dasha

Hello, my situation, on the contrary, is different. My husband clings to the occasion and without reason. Moreover, he cannot speak calmly, he almost shouts in raised tones. And the child 1.8 does not bother him and during these disputes I cannot even insert a word. Moreover, he leaves quite quickly. but I still have a terrible residue.

04/06/2003 23:01:03, Elena

Many thanks! Just today I had another fight with my husband - I tried to "break through the wall of misunderstanding." Clinical case - no desire to sort things out, "maybe it will resolve itself.2. I, on the contrary, now or never, otherwise I'll just go crazy. And out of boredom I scream that at least some emotions to get from him, to no avail. So we live. It's a pity, that my husband would NEVER want to read this.

04/04/2003 12:23:58, Maria

Comment on the article "What can be found out during a showdown"

All, in all likelihood, have repeatedly pondered over the fact, in connection with which, Russian future mothers, who have excellent financial opportunities, increasingly carefully, prudently choose childbirth abroad? There are fairly straightforward, weighty, complete, decent answers to this predominant, meaningful, delicate, interesting question. This, of course, is the competence of doctors, and the rich, most modern, medical equipment, and impeccable, courteous ...

Family Psychologist Visiting a psychologist is not always effective on your own. A family psychologist can become the person who will ensure effective communication with all family members or people close to you. Quite often, resolving conflicts lies in understanding the points of view of several participants. Most of the friction in a close family circle occurs between husband and wife. Many try to avoid their marriage problems, avoid direct questions and are not ready to make contact ...

The weekend reminded me of such an increasingly progressive phenomenon as apartment "tourists". Usually these are people who are not going to buy any real estate (or are going, but in the boundless future), but purposefully asking for apartment views. They come, look and leave. If you ask them head-on, some do not hesitate to answer that they just came to see what apartments / layouts / renovations (etc.) are available. Just. They came, trampled, looked and left. What ...


Yes .. sometimes realtors also say one thing on the phone, in fact, sometimes adjacent rooms, or redevelopments are found ... and instead of spending time with the children, we go to look deliberately inappropriate options, not knowing about it.
Of the 5 apartments, where it was stated that all the rooms were isolated - 2 turned out to be with adjoining rooms ... 1 with the walls demolished between the rooms, although it was declared as isolated rooms in a three-ruble note ...

A friend asked to see an apartment with her in a house that has always interested us with its uniqueness. Nobody was going to move, they just walked. They came. The apartment is luxurious, but killed and killed many times. The documents are the same dumb. A friend's eyes are burning, she says, I want to live in this apartment. I sold mine, bought this one, has been living there for 10 years and is happy. And "to the bride" were tourists, yes.

Help from a teenage psychologist Help from a teenage psychologist is invaluable in building relationships with peers. The transitional age of a teenager is associated with difficulties in normal communication with peers and adults. If in a situation with parents or older people, especially strangers, upbringing and the traditions of communication adopted in the family play an important role, then in terms of building relationships "with equals", a real war is taking place. Do not hesitate and postpone the hike to ...

Once again, about attentiveness, about an important quality, the development of which will increase our security. Can you learn to be attentive, learn the art of concentration? The most important parameters for memory function are concentration and stability. Let us consider these and other parameters in conditions of voluntary attention and the transition to post-voluntary when performing typical types of mental work associated with memorization (reading, listening, and others). At the same time, we will try to find out whether it is possible to train these ...

Until now, it was believed that people who make loud noises during sex were not entirely sincere, but prone to exhibitionism. Scientists from the University of Leeds have proven that this is not the case. Loud sex is really a sign of great pleasure and a bright orgasm. Even if one of the partners makes loud sounds, both get more pleasure from intimate relationships. Scientists have not yet been able to find out whether loud exclamations during sex are always sincere. It is possible that women ...

And to sniff out something here, to find out, to call is generally pointless. All my life I have been with sports, and very closely, but I have never seen the clarification of the relationship between another parent and the child on the subject of how much, where and when he trained.


I will try to answer all at once)))))
1. The situation is really strange. The child came 2.5 hours earlier, because later could not lead. I saw another coach (he also works with our children, but not always) and offered to work out.
2. The parents do not sit on the bench in the foyer, we have access to the interior of the complex. It’s so customary here.
3. The child's dad does not live with us, so you will have to solve the problem yourself.
4. Regarding the payment of additional classes - this right is still not given to everyone. There are many who wish, but only a few take it (for a lot of money). And here for free, and even without the knowledge of the main coach (he is away)
Thank you all very much !!! You helped me a lot!

20.02.2013 17:17:55, The second year is a Muscovite))))

Strange situation from start to finish. How many different training sessions I am (and this is 50-60 lessons per year), I have never seen free access of parents to not their children. In most places, parents do not even have access to the territory of the sports complex beyond the dressing room. They brought the children by the specified time, the children themselves go into the locker room. After training, they change their clothes, the coach or administrator will show them to the checkpoint where the parents are waiting. There are no parents of a specific child - all that remains is to wait in the building of the complex. Outsiders have no opportunity to communicate with someone else's child without the presence of his mom-dad. And who, how much and when to train - only in the competence of the coach. He considered it necessary to appoint additional time - he has every right and is not obliged to discuss it with anyone. And to sniff out something here, to find out, to call is generally pointless. In my kitchen, indignant at the injustice of life - yes, please. But this is all from the region: "Masha was given a verse in 8 lines at the matinee, and my Petya was only in 4 lines." All my life I have been with sports, and very closely, but I have never seen the clarification of the relationship between another parent and the child on the subject of how much, where and when he trained. Sur just

02/20/2013 14:20:21, Zayushka

Life is so arranged that only with the appearance of your children do you begin to understand what exactly was not in your own childhood. What, so to speak, you were deprived of: did not see, did not try, did not experience, what did not play, etc. I was surprised to find that as a child I had not read such hit children's things as "Kid and Carlson", "Mummy-Trolls", "Crocodile Gena" and, as it turned out, many others !! Now I open them for myself .. at the age of 30, reading to my daughter. Cartoons and films based on the works ...

Prolactin is one of the hormones produced by the pituitary gland. Its main function in the female body is to ensure successful breastfeeding. Prolactin ensures the proper development of the mammary glands as well as milk production. The secretion of the hormone increases during pregnancy and lactation. One of the side effects of this hormone is inhibition of sexual arousal. Moreover, this happens in both women and men. Moreover, this effect is manifested regardless of the level in ...

The reasons for the appearance of spores, aspergillus fungi on the walls of an apartment may be different, but one should not care about these microorganisms. These formations not only spoil the appearance of the room, but also harm human health, lead to the occurrence of various diseases. That is why the first question of the owners of apartments in which mold has appeared on the walls [link-1] is how to deal with this scourge. Before starting the fight against fungal mold, you should find out the cause of it ...

I will also find out the relationship only with my husband. I can spoil the life of that lady, but in her mood She was once from another tsorona barricades, friends M and F have seen enough of such triangles ...


> what does that girl or woman have to do with it?
Oh yes, of course, it has absolutely and absolutely nothing to do with it! All so white and fluffy, and in general, she did not lie nearby. They offend the poor for nothing.
No, I understand if she was not aware that the man was married. Then it really has nothing to do with it. And if on the contrary ... It is strange to somehow shield the lady.

did not read the thread.
reasoning in theory is easy. if it is you, God forbid, it will really touch, where will they come from and negative feelings towards her.
many men, just that, are also in a hurry to break the opponent's rag like a tuzik ... why? He didn’t promise anything to the deceived husband? :) :) :)

Do I need to sort things out? or let everything flow as it flows? is it important to achieve clarity, I am about the relationship between a man and a woman! it often slips that everything needs to be put in its place, and men, in my opinion, do not like this very much, am I right?


I hate to sort things out. And I never do that. If something in the relationship doesn't suit me, I just stop taking the phone when it rings, and the relationship ends by itself. Very comfortably.
As a last resort, if you have met for a long time before, I think that a person has the right to receive an explanation, so I say: I am not satisfied with this and that. I would like this and that. You can't give it to me, so goodbye. Demonstratively and for the sake of appearance I never abandon anyone - if I have already decided, then that's it.

Yes, men really do not like it when they are trying to put them in their places.

With my husband, I regularly (and every time I regret) sort things out and cannot figure them out. After each conversation, life stands still - he literally assures that everything is in order, while behaving as before.


and the point is to constantly sort things out? I try to talk - if I can't draw a conclusion.

"With my husband, I regularly (and every time I regret) sort things out and cannot figure them out." - sounds as if you are conducting exhausting conversations for both, which have no result. All about the same thing, but is it still there?

Then change your tactics. Every case should have a purpose. And the result.

If talking doesn't help, look for other ways to understand ...

"And globally - when to sort things out - IMHO, when both have" free time ", no one is in a hurry, everyone is not hungry and not one falls asleep on the go." The main problem is that such moments rarely happen with us and it is a pity to spend them on a showdown.


with a child, definitely nizya. Immediately I drag my husband (or he me) to another room and there .... wow. True, this does not affect our sex in any way :) we must learn not to mix problems

the child goes to the shower (or to play) and tell the faithful whatever you think, without raids, you just express your point of view, sometimes you admit that he is right in essence, but not in content. Yesterday, for example, a child came from his grandmother, some kind of "wound up", snapped at everything, etc., so dad would be silent until he calms down, no, you have to argue, insist on your own, as a result I listened to their bickering all evening until I got tired of it, the child took a shower, dad had a "preventive" conversation, the rest of the evening passed peacefully :) the child was also told not to "bury himself" (without the presence of dad) ..

He is, in principle, one of those who do not particularly like to sort things out. At first I had a hard talk with my husband - there were hysteria, and tears with snot, and finding out why she is better and I am worse.


I have a similar situation, my husband left for another, has not lived at home for the third month already, at first there were also tears, requests to return, now it is a little relieved. I see him every day, we work in the same building, come home on Saturdays, together we buy groceries for the week. At our last explanation, he said that he also loved her and did not want to lose anything here, and that I would give him a month to think ... that is, this month he lives with her, and in a month he will return home, because he cannot see mine. suffering and children sorry ...... the month ends in a week .. I can't decide to take it back or kick it in the ass, I'm very afraid of a repetition of mental anguish

01/27/2019 11:31:34 AM, Julia112

You were offered to have sex, you said that you have problems and the person #### for your problems. What else do you need to explain?

01/27/2019 11:30:20, Julia112

Refrain from clarifying the relationship - how? If I am not satisfied with what he does (he goes on vacation with our son and his parents under the pretext that I am busy), and I think that "sort out the relationship", in other words, it is imperative to discuss your family life.


In my opinion, the whole point is that you still have not been able to accept and forgive that betrayal. Let's not discuss yet - why people cheat at all, this is too big and a separate topic. If you want, you can talk about her on soap. What is more important now is something else - your own personal attitude to what has already happened anyway. If you decide to keep your family, then in the first place it is you who need, as they say, to work on yourself. It is naive to expect that the husband will now constantly repent and "atone for sins." Moreover, in conditions when he probably had grounds for such an act of his. In any case, in his own understanding. On the contrary, you constantly press on him. That is not so, this is not that way. Yes, he is not a saint. But you are also a living person, and therefore you are not sinless. So it turns out that as a result, tension only builds up in the family. And therefore there are more and more grounds for mutual claims. How else can this end besides the same divorce? Vicious circle. Do you need it? If so, then it is better to get a divorce right now and not wag your nerves. If not ... then ... you need to change your behavior and your attitude. There is no other way. Difficult though. Very hard.

I believe that "to sort things out", in other words, it is imperative to discuss your family life. Only it would be better to do this without attacking or demanding, i.e. not in the form of a "claim" - "a reciprocal claim", but in the form of an almost monologue, or something ... "Listen to me please and try not to interrupt, I want to tell you, try to understand me, it's hard for me, I'm offended, I really wanted to would ", etc. To be honest, we do this on a regular basis. Of course, sometimes we break into a cry, we are all temperamental people))) Humor, irony, etc. - EXTREMELY useful tools in such conversations. But you need to firmly know your position in order not to be confused! Don't let the conversation be sidetracked, keep your line. "This is also important, we will return to this, but now is not about that, let's agree on what we started" and so on.

But you can go for broke - start a showdown and sort out the relationship. In short, I realized that now it is better to be silent, not to violate his happiness, not to "graze", not to meddle with sex: ((, not to sort things out, and at the same time be fluffy and affectionate.

But in general, yes, in such a situation I would not go, since interest in it means recognition of the seriousness of this relationship, i.e. you yourself become on the same level with her. I even found out the phone number and address, and this did not add peace of mind to me, only an extra hassle, flooded ...

For some reason, most people in our modern world believe that sort things out not worth it at all, because everything is already clear, and talking can ruin the future. There are various sayings that reflect the essence of this problem, but they are all somehow the same and do not carry any explanation.

Why actually sort things out?

Sort things out in fact, this is a rather necessary element in relationships between people, especially between loved ones, because when we swear, we are ready to blurt out to each other everything that has accumulated in our souls over the past time, and we also manage to give an orientation for the future and remember something that was not yet in sight.

Pay attention to what you might be saying to your partner in an argument, what words you might say. In ordinary life, you would not even think about it and would never dare to say something like that aloud, but in a quarrel - please. So maybe in order to prevent this from happening and need to sort things out? Maybe for this it is necessary to talk to each other and express your feelings?

When we are doing well, we don’t think badly of each other, we don’t notice shortcomings, and even if we do, we don’t attach much importance to it, because next to us is a loved one, whom we must take care of, whom we must love. and listen. But the days come when, over some little thing, a big scandal can play out. Most often this happens when one of the partners did not have a day because of a mischievous boss at work, quarrels with colleagues, clashes with friends or girlfriends, or simply because the weather is bad outside. It is on these days that we are most often subject to nagging, reproaches and so on, no, we do not do this on purpose so that the other person also has bad feelings, this is not selfishness, we do it on purpose, because we feel bad and are angry.

It is on these days that our second halves begin to feel offended, because, as it seems to them, we take our anger out on them instead of seeking solace and care. Here we get nagging, reproaches, quarrels and even scandals, which are okay, if they are simply forgotten at best, but in fact they can lead to a break in relations, which will be difficult to fix, and because of what? Due to the bad mood of one of the partners.

In fact, scandals occur due to the fact that we do not talk to each other, we do not sort things out., after all, when passions subside, we prefer to hug and forget everything, however, we do not forget our grievances, but simply put them on the back burner, which then opens again and everything breaks out. Therefore, so that this does not happen, we simply have to sort things out, discuss problems even after we have made up, because this way we will better understand our partner, we will be able to correct our actions in the future in time and, in the end, we will simply be able to improve relations. Yes, most often it happens that in the process of sorting out the relationship, people swear even more, but this does not mean that you do not need to talk to each other, it means that you simply do not know how to listen and hear each other.

Just think of what conversations with your loved one can bring you, you can tell him whatever you want, and he will listen to you and try to understand. How dear these efforts will be to you. Also, you will be able to hear your partner, you will be able to understand what exactly he wanted to tell you and convey to you, you will no longer guess and puzzle over the words he said, you can ask him what exactly he meant.

With such opportunities, you can do everything so that your personal life always blooms and that your relationship never ends.

Unfortunately, in which idyll reigns, they are very, very rare. Most often, this idyll is visible: partners are silent, not wanting to offend each other, but negativity accumulates, which ultimately leads to a breakup. Therefore, it is useful from time to time sort things out- but you need to do it right.

Probably, many are familiar with the saying "Darling scold - only amuse themselves." Psychologists believe that periodic fights not only do not harm relationships, but even have a positive effect. However, you need to be able to quarrel correctly.: ideally, after a quarrel, both partners not only reconcile, but also draw conclusions in order to prevent similar situations in the future. Therefore, you need to learn how to sort things out correctly.

A quarrel is always a victory of emotions over reason. But anyway you can't let your emotions get the best of you... In the heat of an argument, we are able to say unpleasant things that we don't really think. Therefore, try to control your words and not say what you may regret later. If you really need to somehow throw out your emotions, it is better to break the cup or plate.

Also during a quarrel, you can not get personal and hang labels on your partner, call him names. Evaluate not the personality of the partner, but his actions. For example, instead of calling him a mama's boy, you'd better say: “I hate that your mother’s opinion is always more important to you than mine,” or something like that.

Generally, to sort things out does not mean to offend... Even if the conversation is in a raised voice, we must not forget that now you are talking with a loved one who does not deserve insults from you. You may be angry with him at the moment, but you do not stop loving him from this, do you? So don't go overboard.

Is there some more a couple of "forbidden tricks" that should never be used if you want to sort things out correctly. First, never use information against your partner that he has shared with you frankly, showing trust. Secondly, remember that a quarrel is only between the two of you: you do not need to drag other people into it, say nasty things about your partner's relatives and friends.

You need to find out the relationship constructively.... Quite often, the clarification of the relationship develops according to the following scheme: shouted - made up - did not draw any conclusions and again stepped on the same rake. Clarification of the relationship is necessary not only and not so much in order to throw out the negative. It is very important to determine the cause of the quarrel and resolve the conflict that has arisen.

To do this, you need not only to express to your partner everything that does not suit you, but also to offer the desired solutions to the problem. Discuss everything and decide which of the options will suit both of you. Be prepared to compromise: in some way you will concede, in some way your partner will concede, and as a result you will stop at the option that is most acceptable for both of you.

Better yet, of course, not to bring this conflict to the fore. Most fights happen because partners are afraid or unable to talk to each other. about what they don't like. They are silent, afraid of offending their partner, but over time, irritation builds up and a scandal breaks out. But do you really think that a complaint expressed in a calm tone will offend your partner more than a loud scandal?

One more iron rule showdown: you can never sort things out in the environment of other people, acquaintances or strangers - it doesn't matter. Agree that you will not quarrel at a party, in public places, etc. Get home, and already there swear as much as you like. By the way, perhaps by this time you will have time to cool down and will be able to sort things out calmly. Also, do not quarrel in bed and in a state of alcoholic intoxication - there is nothing constructive in such quarrels.

So, the two main rules for finding out the relationship: do not be afraid to do it and keep yourself in control. But even better learn to calmly discuss with a partner everything that worries you / does not suit you, and then it will simply not come to a showdown and debriefing. Remember, mutual understanding and mutual respect are the best friends of a strong relationship.

The difference in interests, views and beliefs again resulted in a scandal. And now you are on opposite sides of the barricades, and each to the frenzy defends only his own, the only correct opinion. Are you so incompatible that a happy married life is impossible?

Of course not. But learning the technique, developing a strategy and tactics for solving problems is extremely necessary.

But it is even more important in the process of sorting out the relationship not to make mistakes that can ruin the most tender feelings. And then it will be much more difficult, if not impossible, to fix the mistakes.

So what are the most common mistakes women make when dealing with?

Men think differently

That is why even the most beloved man will never be able to become a friend. And even more so a girlfriend. A man will take your upset feelings, bad mood or desire to pop a psycho first of all at his own expense. That's why any demonstrations of dissatisfaction will be perceived as a signal that he is doing something wrong, and this greatly annoys any man. And the first, even his unconscious desire, is to stop this flow of negative energy. Here is the ground for a scandal and prepared.

Most men do not understand our emotional vulnerability and hormonal changes. Therefore, if you can say to a friend, “For some reason, I am in a disgusting mood today,” then a man may be offended by such a statement outright. How can there be a disgusting mood next to him?

Even if the bad mood is based on a quarrel with a colleague and the woman tries to explain the situation out loud and on the shelves, then her friend most likely will not need it. She will answer without going into details: “I have always said that N is a fool. Well done". After all, this is what we want to hear.

And the man, with his rationalistic thinking, will begin to figure out what and why. And it may well turn out that the woman herself is wrong. But does it really matter if only consolation was required from a man?

Taking the blame for the disgusting mood on himself, the man begins to dig into his reasons instead of hugging and assuring him of his love. And the woman does not feel any desire to senselessly sort out the unpleasant events of the past day. Hence the growing irritation, mutual misunderstanding and resentment.

Hence the conclusion - starting a conversation, say directly what you want. If there is good advice - describe the situation in detail, leaving your emotions for later. And if there is consolation and support, then just say so. The man himself can hardly guess. That's why do not start a conversation with vague phrases like "I feel bad" ... This will alert the man, he will instinctively and immediately begin to defend himself, and sometimes quite aggressively.

Third wheel

Often, to confirm her words, a woman involves a third party in an argument. And the worst thing she can do is start comparing her husband to someone else. The man is offended by the unfair comparison, the dispute becomes unconstructive and develops into a scandal.

It is even worse if beloved relatives, especially his mother, are affected by offensive comparisons. As much as it is true, family feelings will take up and the man will rush at the call of the blood to protect his relatives. The dispute immediately loses its rational grain, and claims and reproaches lead to a dead end.

Without any reasons...

often turns a blind eye to a man's shortcomings, tries not to pay attention to those of his qualities that she does not like. At first, unconsciously, and then on purpose, to smooth out the corners. But discontent and negative emotions build up become more and more painful, more and more amenable to hiding in a secret corner of the soul and threaten to break out in one not beautiful day with a scandal.

Now let's look at the situation through the eyes of a man. For a long time, the woman did not react in any way to his qualities, even affectionately called him beloved and the best. So, from his point of view, these qualities are quite acceptable, and maybe even like them.

And here for him a bolt from the blue! Yesterday everything was fine, but today the accusations with the murderous "You always do this!" But he didn’t know that the woman didn’t like it. That's why, when the negativity is already taking over, take a deep breath and start the conversation calmly, explaining what specifically you do not like and how it can be changed, that everyone was good.

And it is even better not to accumulate negative emotions in yourself, but to express them immediately, but in a calm, correct form. The lover will understand at once, the lover will not understand even a cry.

But it is the cry that all men, like women, perceive very badly. It is very easy to get a reaction opposite to the desired one by switching to insults, sarcastic remarks and shouts in a dispute. Agree that much more can be achieved from you, if not by gentle words, then at least in a restrained tone of conversation. And men, no less than women, love to be caressed and praised. Determine for yourself the line when the argument turns into a scandal, and do not cross it. This will guarantee a long and happy family life.

Ideal relationships are not common. Often, even between close people, disagreements occur when it is incredibly difficult to come to an agreement. Someone, avoiding aggravation of relations, accumulates grievances and is silent. And someone makes a scandal with the beating of everything that comes to hand.

Finding out the relationship is not the most pleasant moment in communication. And if you can't do without it, it's better to sort things out correctly. Sometimes it is simply necessary to throw out emotions, otherwise a nervous breakdown and depression are inevitable. But this does not mean that you need to scandalize for any reason. Better to learn to control yourself. Then the quarrel will not lead to a break in the relationship.

Woman, emotions and results

Women are often more emotional when arguing. It just so happened for a long time that it is a woman who is the keeper of the hearth. And she also manages to calm down the seething emotions better.

A man in the heat of a quarrel will simply leave. This does not mean that he is indifferent to what is happening. It is much easier for him to wait until his partner calms down than to calm down a woman in anger. Although, who knows how soon he wants to come back. A banal situation - the wife makes a scandal about the frequent or long absence of her husband. It is possible that everything will end with the fact that the husband will leave forever.

About the ability to stop in time

When emotions run high, it can be difficult to refrain from insults. But the cause of the quarrel will eventually be forgotten, and the offensive word dropped in the heat of the moment will be remembered for a long time. Even if the conversation is in a raised voice, do not forget that this is still a loved one who does not deserve insults.

Where exactly you shouldn't arrange a showdown

Another good tip about an argument is to never have a showdown in public. Believe me, extra eyes and ears will not help you find mutual understanding. But creating problems in the future is easy. You will make peace and forget about the quarrel, and someone will claim for a long time that you or your partner are brawlers.

Better to postpone the fight until you get home. Moreover, by that time the emotions will have cooled down, and the dispute will pass more calmly.

"Debriefing" at work

Clarifying relationships at work is a separate topic. Often, conflicts at work are not related to professional activities. Usually, domestic problems are the cause of dissatisfaction.

If you cannot avoid conflict at work, the main thing is not to succumb to provocation and not to get personal. Moreover, you shouldn't raise your voice and shout without a reason. Otherwise, the brawler's stigma can be fixed for a long time.

Defending your opinion by shouting and not listening to your partner is ineffective. Especially if the opponent is a professional brawler. A calm, convincing tone and, for example, the phrase: "Your opinion is clear to me" will allow you to easily get away from the amateur to make a scandal. He will simply not be interested in communicating with you, because you absolutely do not react in any way to all his attempts to involve you in an argument.

What is necessary to end the quarrel

The most difficult thing in a conflict situation is to finish the showdown. civilized. Leaving by slamming the door is not an option. This will only lead to a prolongation of the conflict. And such a conflict not only will not help relieve tension, but can also create many new problems.

No matter how violent the quarrel was, in the end it is important not only to make peace, but also to agree on new rules of the game. Otherwise, all your strength will be wasted, and the man will stop taking you seriously. He will think that you yourself do not know what you want and are just picking on him.

A scandal is always easy to start. But to finish it and even more so to get out of the quarrel with dignity - this is already not an easy task. Dealing with it often requires good composure and a clear understanding of your goal. Otherwise, emotions will easily take over. In this case, the chances of defending their interests in the dispute will tend to zero.

How do you personally feel about quarrels? Do you know how to manage your emotions? Do you always understand why you are getting involved in an argument? What are the most common difficulties? Share your experiences and thoughts in the comments to the article.

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