Bloating and constipation during pregnancy what to do. Physiological causes of increased gas production. Medical treatments for severe gas during pregnancy

Increased gas formation in the intestines (flatulence) is a serious problem that can significantly disrupt the usual course of life. During pregnancy, this condition is observed mainly in the later stages, but excessive gas formation is not excluded in the first trimester. This symptom is not dangerous for the development of the fetus, although it indicates a malfunction in the digestive tract. In rare cases, excess gas discharge indicates a serious disorder that threatens the course of pregnancy.

Physiological causes of increased gas production

From the first weeks of pregnancy, an increased production of progesterone begins in the body of the expectant mother. The main task of this hormone is to reduce the tone of the uterus and prevent rejection of the fetus. The effect of progesterone extends beyond the pelvic organs. Affects the hormone and other structures, including the intestines. Muscle tone decreases, which leads to relaxation. The passage of food through the intestines slows down, it stagnates in the lumen of the colon. Against this background, flatulence develops as a result of the natural influence of progesterone.

Almost all pregnant women suffer from excess gas emission. Rarely does any expectant mother manage to avoid the appearance of unpleasant symptoms. This condition is not dangerous for the child, but it causes considerable discomfort to the woman. With the growth of the fetus, the symptoms increase, and the condition of the expectant mother worsens. All unpleasant manifestations go away on their own after childbirth. In most cases, no special treatment is required.

In the second half of pregnancy, flatulence is associated not only with the influence of progesterone, but also with other factors:

  • decreased production of pancreatic enzymes and impaired digestion of food;
  • increased putrefactive processes in the intestines;
  • pressure of the growing uterus on the bowel loops and slowing down their activity.

This explains the fact that usually increased gas formation is noticed by a woman after 16-20 weeks. In the early stages, such symptoms occur less often and are not so pronounced.

Bloating and gas formation also appear with inaccuracies in nutrition. Sweets, pastries, some fruits, vegetables and other foods provoke flatulence. Gas formation is noted when drinking strong tea and coffee, kvass, beer and other alcoholic beverages. The condition improves after normalization of nutrition.

When looking for the causes of excessive gassing, it is important to consider some points:

  • A pregnant woman's addiction to unusual foods, a sharp change in diet and overeating lead to a slowdown in the movement of food through the intestines, an increase in putrefactive processes and the appearance of gas.
  • A sedentary lifestyle, especially in the second half of gestation, interferes with the normal functioning of the digestive tract, leads to constipation and flatulence.
  • During pregnancy, many women suffer from edema, and fluid restriction is often practiced to eliminate them. This tactic does not allow to cope with the edematous syndrome, but it leads to impaired intestinal patency and increased gas production.

If unpleasant symptoms persist after the baby is born, you should see a doctor. In some cases, increased gas production indicates diseases of the digestive tract.

Pathological causes of gas formation in the intestines

It is impossible to consider all diseases accompanied by gas formation, but it is important to know the symptoms of the most common conditions. In most cases, flatulence and bloating are not the main signs of pathology, but arise against the background of other characteristic manifestations.

Flatulence in pregnant women can also be caused by neurosis or manifest after suffering stress.

Gas formation often occurs while taking various medications. During pregnancy, special attention should be paid to iron supplements for anemia - they are most often the cause of the problem.

Clinical picture

Gas formation in the intestine does not occur in isolation. This condition is almost always accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms:

  • bloating;
  • heaviness in the epigastric region;
  • stitching pains around the navel, in the lower abdomen and in its lateral parts;
  • heartburn;
  • nausea;
  • belching with air;
  • bitter taste in the mouth;
  • decreased appetite;
  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • sleep disturbance.

With the growth of the fetus, the symptoms only intensify. In the later stages, cramping pains caused by the accumulation of gas in the intestines may appear. The provoking factor of flatulence is a violation of the diet, low physical activity or stress.

Treatment of flatulence

During pregnancy, the following methods are used:


Normalizing the diet is the first thing to do when gas is forming. Compliance with a diet helps to improve the condition and sometimes allows you to do without medication.

General principles:

  • frequent fractional meals;
  • reducing the volume of portions;
  • thorough chewing of food;
  • prevention of hunger - timely snacks;
  • adherence to the meal schedule;
  • drinking a sufficient volume of liquid (1.5-2 liters per day).

Foods that increase gas formation are excluded from the diet:

  • sweets;
  • rich pastries;
  • bread made from premium flour;
  • vegetables (cabbage);
  • fruits (apples, grapes);
  • legumes (beans, peas);
  • dairy products;
  • semolina;
  • eggs;
  • soups based on strong meat and fish broths;
  • fatty meats and fish;
  • ready-made sausages, smoked meats, semi-finished products, canned food;
  • sauces: mayonnaise, ketchup;
  • hot spices;
  • drinks (black tea, coffee, kvass, beer).

The following products may be present in the daily menu:

  • boiled lean meats and fish;
  • soups from vegetables and in secondary meat broth;
  • wholemeal bread;
  • uncomfortable pastries;
  • porridge (buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, wheat);
  • dairy products;
  • boiled vegetables and herbs;
  • fruits and berries in their natural form;
  • vegetable oils;
  • drinks (weak tea, compote, jelly, fruit drink).

Physical exercise

  • yoga for pregnant women;
  • Pilates without stress on the abdominal muscles;
  • swimming;
  • water aerobics for pregnant women;
  • physiotherapy;
  • walking.

The exercise regimen should be agreed with your doctor. For some complications of pregnancy, physical activity is contraindicated.

Drug treatment

To eliminate flatulence, the following means are used:

  • drugs that reduce the formation of gases in the intestine (including herbal ones);
  • adsorbents for removing toxins;
  • enzyme preparations that improve the digestion of food in the intestines;
  • probiotics for the normalization of the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • laxatives with concomitant constipation.

The selection of medicines is carried out by a doctor, taking into account the duration of pregnancy and the severity of the woman's condition. Against the background of a correctly chosen therapy, flatulence disappears, bloating disappears, and other accompanying symptoms go away.


  • Balanced diet. It is not recommended to overeat, eat less than 2 hours before bedtime.
  • Elimination of gas-forming products from the diet.
  • Adequate drinking regime.
  • Physical activity throughout pregnancy.
  • Timely treatment of diseases of the digestive tract.
  • Limiting stress.
  • A good night's sleep, rest during the day.

Gas is not a problem to keep silent about. If you let the situation take its course, the woman's condition will only worsen. It is important to eliminate provoking factors in time in order to avoid the development of complications. When the first signs of flatulence appear, you should consult a doctor - a gynecologist or therapist.

Gas during pregnancy

Bloating and uncontrolled gas emissions are common during pregnancy. A woman feels uncomfortable from this, feels awkward, especially if this happens in front of strangers. It is easier to prevent such problems in advance than to treat them later.

In addition to the release of gases, a person may begin to be bothered by belching, his stomach begins to burst. The vast majority of symptoms occur in the first trimester of pregnancy. The reason for this is the production of progesterone in the female body. Thanks to it, the muscles of the stomach and intestines are relaxed. The digestive process is inhibited, flatulence increases, especially after a hearty dinner.

In the final trimester of pregnancy, a slowdown in the digestive process is caused by the presence of a fetus in the peritoneum. After eating, there is a feeling of discomfort from the fact that the child is pushing. A woman may experience constipation and heartburn.

Gas in early pregnancy

Gas worries a woman mainly in the early stages of pregnancy. From the very first days after conception, excessive flatulence may occur, food is not completely digested. Such symptoms are typical for most women when they are carrying a child. Changes in their physiology are associated with the secretion of the hormone progesterone in their body. In the early stages of pregnancy, a woman often feels bloating in the abdomen and involuntary discharge of gas. In the event that early pregnancy is accompanied by toxicosis, gas will also be accompanied by nausea and pain. Moreover, this will happen for a long time before the child begins to move in the mother's belly.

Gas during pregnancy in the second trimester

Most often, gas during pregnancy is released in women in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy. The reasons for this phenomenon can be as follows:

  • lack of enzymes, as a result of which the bulk of undigested food ends up in the large intestine, where it rots and ferments;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in combination with an unbalanced diet;
  • pressing the loop of the large intestine by the uterus that has expanded during pregnancy;
  • relaxation of all internal organs with progesterone released during pregnancy.

Intestinal peristalsis weakens under the influence of all of the above factors, the intestine becomes inactive.

Gas in Late Pregnancy

The release of gas in late pregnancy is directly related to relaxation of the intestinal muscles due to developing malfunctions of its functioning. By the end of pregnancy, changes in the hormonal background of women reach their further development. Progesterone, which relaxes the intestinal muscles, increases the overall duration of the digestion process, in addition, fermentation of food residues in the intestines begins.

Late stages of pregnancy are characterized by an aggravation of the general condition due to the growth of the fetus and an increase in the size of the uterus. At the same time, fetal developmental pathologies, which previously either did not appear at all or had a latent character, declare about themselves. In addition, pathologies appear that are related to the gallbladder and pancreas. Most often, in such situations, the doctor is limited to prescribing drugs, the action of which is aimed at eliminating unpleasant sensations. At the same time, no harm is done to the unborn child.

Why gas during pregnancy?

The total volume of gases in the intestines is approximately one liter. But this process is completely natural and it has nothing to do with the efficiency of the gastrointestinal tract and its general activity. It is possible to talk about the problem of an increased amount of formed gases only if the usual volume of gases increases and at the same time flatulence begins. During pregnancy, this occurs most often and there can be many reasons for this.

Gas in the intestines during pregnancy

Gas in the intestines during pregnancy can occur due to drinking a lot of carbonated water. In addition, their occurrence can be associated with the consumption of salty, fried and spicy foods, as well as a large amount of sweets. It is recommended that a pregnant woman adhere to a certain diet and completely exclude such dishes from the diet. In addition, the amount of gas in the intestines during pregnancy can be controlled by using fractional meals, which involves eating in small portions, but often enough. It makes sense to ask a specialist for advice and competently build your nutritious diet.

You should not look for the cause of increased gas production in changes in the emotional state of a woman during pregnancy. Nevertheless, certain self-regulation processes in her body can undergo changes. Increased nervous irritability, a tendency to fall into depression and excessive irritability can cause hasty and irregular food intake, which affects its digestion. In addition, changes in taste and preferences are possible. The growing uterus puts significant pressure on the intestines, as a result of which the efficiency of its work is significantly reduced.

Gas in the stomach during pregnancy

Pregnancy is often accompanied by bloating and gas in the abdomen. Despite the fact that such symptoms are quite typical and cannot be completely eliminated, they should not be unbearable. It is recommended to seek the advice of a doctor if bloating and gas in the abdomen are observed against the background of bloody discharge and problems with the functioning of the intestines.

Gas appears in the abdomen during pregnancy as a result of the fact that the digestive system is unable to cope with its functions and the food consumed by a pregnant woman throughout the day cannot be completely digested. Gas is mainly caused by eating legumes, asparagus, potatoes and cabbage. Gas may appear in the abdomen after a woman drinks a large amount of carbonated water or dairy products, as well as consumes plums and pears. For some women, these problems can be caused by eating pasta. In addition, gas in the stomach can be caused by foods that are high in fiber. This includes bran, vegetables and fruits. For this type of food, breakdown in the large intestine is considered normal.

First of all, if it is necessary to eliminate gases that occur during pregnancy, it is necessary to pay increased attention to the regulation of a nutritious diet. All types of products that can cause increased gassing must be completely eliminated from it. These include apples, corn, legumes, cabbage and sodas. Instead of traditional milk, it is recommended to use soy milk or milk that does not contain lactose. You can eat cereals and soups, as well as pre-baked or steamed fruits.

In order to avoid prolonged stagnation of gas in the abdomen, do not drink water with food. This causes air to be swallowed, which in itself leads to prolonged gas production. Chew food slowly and talk less.

In order to prevent the formation of gas during pregnancy in the abdomen, it is recommended to drink more decoctions of parsley, fennel, valerian and dill. If the gases cause excruciating sensations, it is recommended to consult a doctor to determine the necessary direction of treatment.

Stomach ache from gas during pregnancy

Gas build-up during pregnancy can cause abdominal pain. Violation of the established order of functioning of the gastrointestinal tract can be associated with hormonal changes occurring in the body. This is what most often explains the occurrence of constipation and pain in the abdomen at the beginning of pregnancy as a result of the formation and concentration of gases in it.

Abdominal pain and bloating can be associated with poor digestion of food in it. This happens after eating cottage cheese, cheese, ice cream and cocktails. Doctors and nutritionists tend to look for the cause of what is happening in poor lactose digestion. The stomach is unable to digest the sugar found in these foods and the result is bloating and pain in the abdomen.

Gas during pregnancy, what to do?

It is recommended that you contact your healthcare professional if you develop gas during pregnancy. This will help to prescribe adequate treatment in a timely manner and avoid unpleasant consequences. Methods for eliminating gas during pregnancy can vary.

How to deal with gas during pregnancy with medications

Prescribing medications for the treatment of increased gas production in pregnant women depends on the cause of what is happening and is entirely within the competence of the attending physician. Only he can prescribe for the treatment of gas formation exactly those medicines that will help to cope with the problem. In particular, if the cause of what is happening is dysbiosis, prebiotics should be prescribed for treatment.

In other situations, it is advisable to prescribe medications that can improve intestinal motility. In addition, the use of herbal medicines has a good effect. It is not recommended to use laxatives without a doctor's prescription. Not all instructions for their use contain a warning against their use by pregnant women.

How to remove gas during pregnancy with home remedies

In order to get rid of the formation of gas during pregnancy at home, you should fine-tune the nutritious diet. It is his violations that most often cause increased gas formation. This means that foods containing large amounts of coarse fiber should be eliminated from the diet. This will be the first step towards normalizing the situation.

Products that have a good carminative effect will help eliminate gases formed during pregnancy. The simplest remedies are mint decoctions. Any mint can be used, but it should not be tightly brewed. Solutions of dill, fennel and caraway have a good effect. You can use ready-made preparations, in particular, dill water is suitable for this. Before using any of the listed funds, you should consult a doctor.

Maria Sokolova

Reading time: 9 minutes


Many expectant mothers know firsthand about such an unpleasant problem as bloating. The main factor provoking flatulence during pregnancy is the changing hormonal background, which literally involves all organs and systems in the general process of restructuring the body.

The cause of bloating can be as usual inaccuracies in nutrition and daily regimen, as well as still lurking diseases, therefore, in no case can you ignore a visit to a doctor!

The main causes of flatulence in early and late pregnancy

The "culprit" of changes in hormonal levels in the body of a pregnant woman is progesterone, which acts to relax the smooth muscles of the uterus in order to preserve the pregnancy.

But the hormone progesterone also has a great effect on the muscles of the stomach and intestines, which leads to a slowdown in motility and a change in the digestive process.

The main factors that result in flatulence:

  • Lack of certain digestive enzymes in the digestive tract, which leads to poor digestion of food mass.
  • Errors in the diet of a pregnant woman.
  • Wrong choice of food and food. Flatulence can be provoked by food with an excess of carbohydrates, very coarse food with an abundance of fiber, fatty and smoked foods, a large lack of vitamins and minerals in the diet.
  • Inadequate intake of water and liquid food.
  • Diseases of the digestive tract: gastritis, colitis and enterocolitis, duodenitis, cholelithiasis, cholecystitis, peptic ulcer, hepatitis, pancreatitis, etc.
  • Dysbacteriosis.
  • The pregnancy hormone is progesterone.
  • In the second and third trimesters, bloating can cause constant pressure from the growing uterus on the intestines and digestive tract.
  • Stress, physical and mental stress.
  • Worm infestations, infectious diseases.
  • Environmental factors.
  • Incorrectly chosen clothing, squeezing the growing abdomen and chest.

Signs of bloating in a pregnant woman - when to see a doctor?

As we noted above, the cause of flatulence in the expectant mother can be chronic diseases that have appeared or become aggravated during pregnancy.

For what alarming symptoms a pregnant woman needs to see a doctor urgently?

Flatulence during pregnancy manifests itself as follows:

  1. The stomach seems to be bursting, sounds of rumbling, transfusion of food and gas bubbles are heard.
  2. The feeling of heaviness in the abdomen does not leave.
  3. Copious discharge of gases.
  4. Nausea - and not only in the morning on an empty stomach, as happens with toxicosis.
  5. Decreased appetite - a woman begins to be afraid to eat something, so as not to cause a violent reaction in the stomach again.
  6. Diarrhea may occur - or, conversely, constipation.
  7. The pregnant woman notes frequent belching, bad breath.
  8. As a result of poor digestion and constant worries about well-being, the expectant mother may experience headaches and dizziness, weakness and drowsiness, increased heart rate and surges in blood pressure.

Deterioration of general health and mood is not yet the most formidable consequences that can occur with severe and prolonged flatulence.

Serious complications can occur when enlarged bowel loops press hard on the uterus - it may arise , which is often the cause of premature termination of pregnancy and early birth.

In addition, any disturbances in digestion and appetite during pregnancy can lead to violations of intrauterine development of the child , because they will deprive him of a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals.

The expectant mother should remember: any ailments during pregnancy is a reason to see a doctor!

The most dangerous symptoms for which help should be provided immediately:

  1. Severe diarrhea and vomiting, signs of dehydration.
  2. Increased body temperature and fever.
  3. Pain in the abdomen of a different nature.
  4. Lack of appetite, severe nausea.
  5. Blood and mucus in stool.

Prevention of flatulence in a pregnant woman - adjusting the diet and regimen

The first thing to do is adjust your diet.

  • It is necessary to take food fractionally, in small portions, increasing the number of meals and reducing the volume.
  • It is better if the expectant mother takes food in a reclining position. Food must be chewed very carefully, remembering the golden rule - you must chew each portion at least 30 times.

Foods that provoke increased gas production should be excluded or sharply limited in the diet:

  1. All varieties of cabbage , especially raw. If you really want, for example, pies or soup with cabbage, then it is better to give preference to broccoli or cauliflower.
  2. R edis, daikon, radish.
  3. Eggplants and peppers in any form.
  4. All legumes including green beans, chickpeas, lentils, peas, beans, soy.
  5. Mushrooms.
  6. Fruits and berries , especially fresh apples, grapes, plums, peaches, apricots. Also, candied fruits and juices from these berries and fruits are not recommended.
  7. Corn.
  8. Peanut.
  9. Dairy products , including kefir, yoghurts, cottage cheese and fresh milk.
  10. All drinks with gas , including mineral sparkling water.
  11. Kvass.
  12. Fatty meat products, smoked meats.
  13. Yeast bread and bakery products.
  14. Sweet confectionery and sweets, chocolate.

Foods that help reduce flatulence:

  1. Rice, loose buckwheat.
  2. Low-fat meats, poultry.
  3. Whole grain bread.
  4. Boiled carrots and beets.
  5. Low-fat fish and all seafood.
  6. Green tea, compote with bird cherry.
  7. Oatmeal on the water.
  8. Steamed protein omelets.
  9. Fresh parsley, fennel, cilantro and dill to the table.

We adjust physical activity and regime:

  1. It is necessary to organize the correct daily routine, in which the night rest should be at least 9-10 hours, a couple of daily breaks for half an hour to rest, when the expectant mother can simply lie down with her legs raised.
  2. Particular attention should be paid to sufficient physical activity of the pregnant woman. so that the intestines work well. These are walks in the fresh air, and feasible, and breathing exercises every day.
  3. Shoes and clothes should be comfortable, not tight, match the gestational age. No corsets or high heels!
  4. It is very helpful to massage the abdomen after meals. stroking it around the navel clockwise. Do not press on under any circumstances!
  5. Swimming and.

Treatment of increased gas production during pregnancy - how can a doctor help?

Since we are talking about a woman expecting a baby, the treatment of flatulence, intestinal cramps and other unpleasant problems associated with increased gas production should be based on means and methods that are completely safe for the pregnant woman and the fetus.

Treatment in any case should be prescribed by a doctor! It is worth recalling that without the recommendation of a doctor, the expectant mother cannot even take herbal infusions.

Drugs for the treatment of flatulence that a doctor may prescribe:

  1. Espumisan. The drug destroys gas bubbles in the intestines and significantly relieves flatulence. A safe medicine, it is usually prescribed in a dosage of 2 capsules at bedtime.
  2. Iberogast... Carminative drug containing plant components without any chemical constituents. It has not only carminative, but also bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, choleretic properties. It must be taken on the recommendation and under the supervision of a doctor! For pregnant women, Iberogast is usually prescribed in a dosage of 20 drops before meals three times a day.
  3. Diflatil and Simethicone. It is prescribed by a doctor according to the scheme 25-30 drops after meals, 3-4 times a day.
  4. Simicop. Doctors recommend that their patients take 0.5 ml of this drug before meals.
  5. Meteospasmil. Usually 1-2 capsules are prescribed up to three times daily before meals.
  6. Sub simplex... Dosage - 30 drops with or after meals.
  7. Bifidum-bacterin, trilacg, ecoflor... These drugs are prescribed to expectant mothers to restore normal intestinal microflora.

Pregnant women are contraindicated Maalox plus, Nasigel cherry, Liquid antacid "York", Maisigel, Zeolat, Almakon.

Folk remedies for flatulence during pregnancy

Herbal decoctions and folk remedies during pregnancy should also be taken only on the recommendation of a doctor!

  1. Infusion of coriander seeds. Crush a tablespoon of seeds, pour a glass of boiling water and insist. Drink a third of a glass of infusion three times a day 15 minutes before meals.
  2. Lemon balm and chamomile tea.
  3. Infusion of the watch. Pour two teaspoons of a dry watch with a glass of boiling water, insist, strain. Drink half a glass before meals.
  4. Dill and dill water. It is recommended to season all dishes with fresh or dried dill. Dill water is prepared by pouring a tablespoon of seeds with two glasses of boiling water and infused until completely cooled. You need to drink half a glass of water before each meal.
  5. Ginger. It is recommended to add a quarter teaspoon of ginger powder or one plastic of fresh ginger to tea in the morning and in the evening. You should drink this tea after meals.
  6. Clay, nut and lemon paste. Scroll in a meat grinder 100 grams of peeled nuts (you can take pine or walnuts), one lemon with the peel. Add 50 grams of pure clay (buy at the pharmacy) to the mixture, add honey or stevia herb for a sweet taste. Mix well, store the mixture in the refrigerator. Take a teaspoon of pasta half an hour before meals in the morning and evening.

The site warns: self-medication can harm your health! Use all the presented tips only after examination and on the recommendation of a doctor!

During the carrying of a child, the woman's body undergoes transformation (metabolism changes, the endocrine system is reorganized, the secretory and motor functions of the gastrointestinal tract decrease). In this regard, the risk of exacerbation of many chronic diseases or the appearance of new pathological processes increases. One of them is bloating during pregnancy. Diagnosis of diseases during gestation is difficult due to the limited use of research methods.

Causes of bloating

Bloating during early pregnancy is usually associated with a restructuring of the endocrine system and a violation of the regime and quality of nutrition. Sometimes a woman feels a bloated bowel before she knows she is carrying a fetus.

Causes of increased gas production during pregnancy:

  • The intrauterine development of the child causes an increase in the level of progesterone, which relaxes the uterine muscles. For implantation and gestation, it is necessary that the uterus is in a calm state. The increased tone can contribute to the detachment of the embryo. However, progesterone affects not only the uterus, but also the intestinal muscles, disrupting the process of passing gas.
  • In some cases, the formation of increased gas during pregnancy can cause chronic gastrointestinal diseases (for example, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, peptic ulcer or gastritis). Dysbacteriosis can also cause flatulence.
  • Often the factors that cause bloating during pregnancy are inaccuracies in the diet or an inappropriate diet. The mother-to-be consumes unhealthy food, eats foods that are not recommended for use during pregnancy, and smokes. The abdomen can also become distended due to insufficient fluid intake by a pregnant woman.
  • In the second trimester, the factor provoking flatulence is the growing uterus. As the term increases, the uterus puts pressure on the internal organs, disrupting their functions, blood circulation, and causing discomfort. As a result, the digestive tract organs cannot fully function.
  • Lack of digestive enzymes. This factor stems from two others: nutritional disorders and hormonal changes. They disrupt the work of the pancreas, which is responsible for the production of enzymes. Food that is not sufficiently digested enters the intestines, where it causes severe bloating. The possibility of this increases if a woman has had increased gas production before.
  • Stressful situations. They affect the woman's body, her immunity and digestion and are capable of causing flatulence.
  • A predisposing factor for bloating can be overly tight clothing or clothing that squeezes the abdomen, which restricts movement and impedes blood circulation.
  • Gas during early pregnancy can be accompanied by migraine-like headaches, nausea, food and odor intolerances. At the end of the first trimester of pregnancy, the manifestations of toxicosis subside, bloating and gas in the abdomen cease to bother. In the 2nd trimester, the well-being of the expectant mother improves, the uterus is not yet so large and does not disturb the circulation of other organs. In the last trimester, the uterus is actively growing, the pressure on the digestive tract increases, the load on the kidneys increases.

Thus, flatulence can bother a woman at different periods of bearing a child. Gas formation in the intestine cannot be considered a serious pathology, but if it is accompanied by nausea, severe pain, vomiting, a general deterioration in well-being, you should be examined by a specialist in order to exclude surgical pathology.

Eating with bloating

If flatulence during pregnancy is caused by improper diet and hormonal imbalance, then it is better to try to overcome it by changing the diet.

A bloating diet excludes the following foods:

  • mushrooms, cabbage, bell peppers and eggplants, regardless of the cooking method;
  • radish and radish;
  • fresh fruits and fresh juices;
  • dried fruits;
  • corn;
  • whole milk;
  • legumes;
  • all types of fatty meat;
  • carbonated drinks.

Food rules for flatulence suggest that you need to eat often and little by little, chewing food thoroughly. You should not have a quick snack, as this leads to the swallowing of air and its accumulation in the intestines. It is better for a woman to remain calm after eating.

Other treatments

For bloating during early pregnancy, not only diet food is effective, but also some other methods of exposure.

How to get rid of gas during pregnancy:

  • Exercise for women carrying a child helps to improve the functioning of the digestive system and improve blood circulation.
  • During pregnancy, it is difficult to overestimate the benefits of walking. It helps to stay active, relieving tension and stimulating the passage of gas.
  • If the belly is swollen in the early (up to 12 weeks) stages of pregnancy, then massage can be done. It is carried out with gentle movements, stroking the pregnant belly along the intestinal loops.
  • Often, you can cause gas to pass with a warm bath or heating pad. It is important that it is not too hot. It is also good to use a bag of herbs heated in the oven for this purpose. The spasms will start to disappear in half an hour.
  • There are other methods of treating bloating. Herbalists recommend taking decoctions of medicinal herbs such as chamomile, fennel, valerian, mint. Ginger tea is able to cope with flatulence during pregnancy. But before using such funds, it is necessary to consult with a gynecologist, since herbs may also have contraindications. For example, such a poisonous plant as tansy is strictly forbidden to use as part of fees during pregnancy.

Pharmacological therapy

If the problem cannot be resolved through the use of massage, physical activity, exercise and diet, then pharmacotherapy should be sought.

Before you start getting rid of bloating during pregnancy with drugs, you should first consult with your gynecologist. Pregnancy is a period when most medicines are contraindicated.

What to do to avoid bloating during pregnancy:

  • Antifoaming agents help to get rid of gas in the stomach during pregnancy. They eliminate spasms and relax the intestinal muscles. The main component of these products is simethicone, which is completely safe to use.
  • Most often, during pregnancy, doctors prescribe the drug Espumisan to women. This is dictated by its efficiency, low cost and safety. Espumisan does not affect the fetus, in addition, it protects the intestinal mucosa.
  • For the treatment of increased gas production, the herbal preparation Iberogast is used. Its ingredients are herbal extracts and other natural ingredients. This remedy selectively relaxes the intestinal wall in tense areas and tones in others. Iberogast should only be taken with the permission of your doctor. The instruction of the drug indicates the possibility of taking the drug only if the benefits from its use outweigh the possible risk.
  • Doctors resort to the help of prokinetics and antispasmodics only if absolutely necessary, because most drugs have undesirable effects and contraindications.
  • It is also undesirable to use sorbents, since they absorb vitamins and minerals, which can cause their deficiency.
  • When carrying a child, use such safe drugs as Diflatil, Simikol, Meteospazmil. But the use of Maalox plus, Zeolat, Maisigel and Almacon should be avoided.

Throughout the entire period of pregnancy, a woman is warned of many difficulties and troubles. Someone only occasionally feels discomfort, and someone struggles with problems until the very birth. But there is not a single pregnant woman who has not at least once found herself in a delicate situation as a result of bloating during pregnancy. Gas is not a threatening condition, but a woman often feels awkward and physically uncomfortable. We will tell you in detail in this article about what causes such an eating disorder, and how to establish the normal functioning of the digestive system during pregnancy.

Flatulence is abnormal flatulence in the intestines under certain circumstances. In a significant number of women, signs of excessive bloating appear 1-1.5 weeks after conception and often become the first signal that fertilization has taken place.

Although flatulence often accompanies women throughout pregnancy and is considered quite normal, it can and should be dealt with. After all, if the condition is not controlled, then the situation can become very complicated. Then harmless gases during pregnancy can become the culprits of all kinds of complications in the process of gestation and childbirth.

The defining provocateur of flatulence in pregnant women is an unstable hormonal background, especially at the beginning of pregnancy. To preserve the embryo, eliminate the increase in uterine tone and prevent miscarriage, the woman's hormonal system intensively produces a lot of progesterone. Its task is to relax all the smooth muscles of the uterus. But due to the inability to identify only the uterus, muscle tone decreases throughout the body and in the intestines in particular. In conditions of reduced tone, intestinal peristalsis weakens, which causes gas during early pregnancy.

The cause of flatulence may not be pregnancy, but various diseases of the internal organs, which worsen after conception. Ulcer, duodenitis, cirrhosis, deficiency of pancreatic enzymes, cholelithiasis, dysbiosis and other gastrointestinal disorders prevent food from being fully digested. In a semi-digested form, it penetrates the intestines, and there it begins to ferment. This is why gas during pregnancy is so common among women. And sometimes expectant mothers did not even know about the presence of such diseases before.

Lactose deficiency can provoke chronic flatulence. If, after consuming milk and milk-based products, belching, diarrhea and bloating appear, you should check the body's response to milk fat.

Other factors provoking gases include the following:

  • Inaccuracies in the diet, long breaks between meals, poorly chewed food.
  • Overeating, "night" snacks (especially in the last weeks of pregnancy).
  • Insufficient physical activity.
  • Wearing oversized synthetic fabrics.
  • Severe fluid deficiency in the body.
  • Helminthic invasion.
  • Diseases of the vessels entering the intestines (atherosclerosis, plaques, blood clots, edema).
  • Inflammation of the mucous membrane or muscle membrane.
  • Restriction of intestinal patency (adhesions, neoplasms).
  • Bowel spasm due to stress.
  • Swallowing large amounts of air while eating.

A fast-growing uterus with a fetus can cause gas during pregnancy in the second trimester and further. It infringes on the intestines and prevents them from functioning properly. This process is accompanied not only by bloating, but also constipation, frequent belching and discomfort in the diaphragm. The woman's condition can be aggravated by taking iron preparations for anemia.

Flatulence can disturb a woman throughout the gestational period. The chances of getting acquainted with such an uncomfortable problem increase in women suffering from various intestinal disorders even before conception. After all, everyone knows the fact that pregnancy is a real catalyst for the exacerbation of chronic diseases. Therefore, long-standing diseases of the digestive tract are unlikely to keep you waiting long after pregnancy.

But also completely healthy women need to be on the alert. Obstetricians assure that even the absence of bloating during early pregnancy does not guarantee that problems will not appear as the uterus enlarges. That is, bloating can lie in wait for a woman for all 9 months.

The formation of gases is a physiological process in the body, but it is important to remember that, in addition to inconveniences, it should no longer cause any negative phenomena in the form of pain, weakness and a sharp deterioration in well-being. If such symptoms occur, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible.

Symptoms and signs of bloating during pregnancy

The appearance of gas in the abdomen, regardless of the reasons that caused it, is accompanied by certain symptoms. The woman feels physical and emotional discomfort, but her condition remains satisfactory.

For flatulence, the following symptoms are inherent:

  • In the stomach and intestines, pressure, distention, heaviness is felt.
  • Even at rest, you can hear a noise similar to a gurgling, transfusion of fluid in the abdomen.
  • Gases are often emitted.
  • Nausea and vomiting, not associated with early toxicosis.
  • Disorders of appetite.
  • Stool disorder (constipation / diarrhea).
  • Belching, heartburn, unpleasant odor.
  • The rise in blood pressure, tachycardia attacks.
  • Loss of strength, irritability.
  • Colic at the time of passing flatus.
  • Bitter or metallic aftertaste in the mouth.
  • Short-term pain in the intestines of a cramping character.

Later in pregnancy, abdominal pain and gas begin to affect a woman's well-being more strongly. In addition to the difficult situation with social adaptation due to the constant discharge of gas, a woman has serious health problems. If the causes of bloating cannot be eliminated, frequent headaches, severe weakness, and dizziness occur. The woman becomes sleepy and weak, she does not want to drink or eat. Soon shortness of breath appears and the pulse quickens, it is difficult for a pregnant woman to move, and as a result of refusal to eat, hemoglobin falls and oxygen circulation is disturbed.

Bloating and Gas in Pregnancy: Potential Risks and Complications

With irregular and moderate gas formation, a woman, apart from severe discomfort, is not in danger. But if the condition becomes chronic and cannot be corrected, serious complications may arise.

In the first trimester, such a disorder in the digestive tract can provoke hypertonicity and create a risk of miscarriage. In addition, this condition can aggravate toxicosis and dehydration. This, in turn, will cause a deficiency of substances useful for the fetus and oxygen.

At a later gestational age, a swollen intestine will further displace internal organs and press on the uterus with the baby. This can result in premature contractions and childbirth.

Important! Refusal to eat and severe psychological discomfort provoke the birth of a weakened baby with insufficient weight.

How to get rid of gas during pregnancy

Any sensations in the stomach unfamiliar to you should be the reason for a visit to the obstetrician-gynecologist. During a visit to the doctor, you will be prescribed the necessary tests and ultrasound studies to exclude possible pathologies of internal organs.

Based on the results of the examination, a suitable diet will be selected for you, and, if necessary, approved drugs that will eliminate gas in the abdomen during pregnancy.

Treatment methods depend on the causes of gas accumulation, therefore, it is unacceptable to independently solve the problem of flatulence without a doctor's examination.

The correct diet for bloating during pregnancy

In 80% of cases, the poor diet of a pregnant woman is to blame for the appearance of flatulence. The menu should be dominated by easily digestible natural products after gentle heat treatment (steamed or boiled). The diet should be divided into 5-6 meals. You need to eat slowly, chewing each bite well.

To prevent food fermentation, you should not drink food even with water. The break between a meal and the use of any liquid should be at least 40 minutes.

The group of prohibited products that increase gas formation include beans, rutabagas, peas, onions, all varieties and types of cabbage, turnips. The use of bananas, soda water, flour products, mushrooms, raisins, garlic, semi-finished products and liver is limited.

The daily menu of a woman who suffers from gas during pregnancy and a stomach ache should consist of the following products:

  • Any low-fat dairy products.
  • Small amounts of nuts and dried fruits.
  • Boiled fish and meat.
  • Herbal or green tea, dried fruit decoction.
  • Long-lasting biscuits ("Maria", "Zoological").
  • Kelp and other seafood.
  • Eggs in the form of a steam omelet and hard boiled.
  • Vegetable salads, casseroles, stews.
  • Soups in the second broth.
  • Cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal).
  • Fruits and berries and dishes based on them (fruit drinks, juices, jelly, smoothies).

Special dry starter cultures of beneficial bacteria will help speed up the process of digestion and eliminate gases during pregnancy. They can be used to make homemade yogurt and kefir, or simply stir in a glass of milk and drink in the morning.

If flatulence is accompanied by constipation, you need to drink 20 g of olive oil on an empty stomach, and throughout the day adhere to the correct drinking regime (1.5-2 liters of water per day).

Medical treatments for severe gas during pregnancy

Flatulence during pregnancy is a very uncomfortable illness and should not be tolerated. In order not to provoke stress, poor health and stress on all internal organs, it is necessary to eliminate the excessive formation of gases by all available and safe methods. Diet, adequate drinking, rest, and exercise can help relieve bloating during pregnancy, but what to do if these steps remain ineffective.

If making adjustments to the daily routine of a pregnant woman does not give a positive result, the obstetrician-gynecologist may recommend medication.

A woman in a position is allowed to take such drugs for bloating:

  • Espumisan (analogue of Bobotik) - in a minimal dose, it quickly stops gas formation, does not enter the bloodstream, and is safe for mom and baby.
  • Enterosgel (analogs of Smeta, white coal, Diosmectite) - absorbs and removes toxins, putrefaction products, harmful microorganisms from the intestines. Effective for constipation or diarrhea, dysbiosis.
  • Creon (Pancreatin, Mezim) is an enzyme preparation that accelerates the digestion of food.
  • Bebinos, children's tea "Fennel", dill tea, Iberogast are herbal preparations that relieve colic discomfort.
  • Hilak forte, Biosporin, Enterohermina, Acidophilus are prebiotics that help normalize the digestive tract and increase immunity.

Chamomile tea, infusion of peppermint and dandelion seeds have an excellent carminative effect. You need to brew such a tool in this way: 2 tsp. herbs on a cup of boiling water. You can safely drink 1-2 servings per day.

Physical activity with flatulence

During pregnancy, many women often have limited physical activity. The reason for this is the risk of termination of pregnancy in the 1st trimester, preeclampsia or excess weight at a later date, and other complications. This complicates the treatment of gas during pregnancy, so the doctor decides what to do in such a situation based on the woman's condition.

If there are no special contraindications and restrictions, it is much easier for a woman to get rid of flatulence with the help of gymnastics for pregnant women, visiting the pool, doing yoga and active walking. These activities start metabolism, tone the muscles of the intestines and create conditions for fast and complete digestion of food.

Gas in the intestines during pregnancy: prevention of the problem

If you have a predisposition to gas formation, it is better to play it safe and follow certain rules of behavior immediately after conception:

  • Always wear clothes in your size that is appropriate for your pregnancy. If the outfit squeezes the belly or chest, it will affect the functioning of the stomach.
  • Try to move a lot every day. If physical activity is banned, just walk more often in the fresh air.
  • Divide food portions into several meals and chew food for a long time.
  • Eat a healthy diet, eliminate carminative foods.
  • Try not to succumb to bouts of depression, do not be nervous, enjoy the little things.
  • Get plenty of rest (you can add naps if you want).
  • When the first symptoms of flatulence appear, consult a doctor.
  • Forget about carbonated waters, coffee, kvass for a while.
  • Avoid smoking areas.

Gassing is not a reason to be shy and silent about your problem. Don't be afraid to ask your gynecologist for help. He will help fix the problem, and you can safely enjoy your "special" position.

How to get rid of bloating. Video