Funny and exciting contests for Valentine's Day at school. Games and competitions for Valentine's Day for youth

Valentine's Day Contests- This is an essential attribute of a fun school holiday.

The main thing in such contests is, of course, humor. After all, everyone is well aware that boys and girls are often embarrassed to confess their first love even on Valentine's Day, which is why contests should be humorous in order to liberate teenagers, relieve general tension and add fun.

Competitions for young actors

Competitions in which schoolchildren will be able to show their acting talents are perfect.

For example, competition "Tell with gestures". To conduct this competition, you need to choose several pairs, each pair must be a boy and a girl. The girls are given sheets on which certain words are written, and they also explain the background of the competition.

It turns out that we are talking about the fact that the girl was closed at home by her parents, who oppose her meeting with the guy. The girl leaves the balcony and tries to convey to her lover, who is waiting for her on the street under the balcony, the information that is written on a piece of paper.

But the balcony is too high, it is impossible to hear the words, so only gestures can be used to convey information. The guy's task is to try to understand what his beloved wants to tell him.

Several pairs should play in parallel, the pair in which the guy quickly guesses what the girl tells him wins.

It turns out very fun! Before the start of the competition, the girl must show the audience the words that are written on the sheet so that they also become participants in the competition.

A young man usually cannot immediately understand what a girl is saying to him, so he offers various funny options. The success of this competition directly depends on the originality of the participants' thinking.

Also interesting and fun are competitions in which schoolchildren must play famous love stories: "Romeo and Juliet", "Othello", "Tristan and Isolde". You can come up with special outfits and decorations, as well as offer your own options for the development of events already known to all stories. The couple that earns the most applause for their performance wins.

Mini-competitions for Valentine's Day

If it turned out that there are only a few days left before the holiday, and you are just now thinking about it, then mini-competitions are suitable for you, which do not require long preparation, costumes, scenery, rehearsals.

For example, you can spend competition "Recognition". To conduct such a competition, you need to select several participants, these should be guys. Each participant should be given a piece of paper and a pen. The guys should, on a signal, start writing “I love you” on the sheets as many times as they have enough time, of course, the words should be readable. The winner is the one who manages to write the most confessions on a piece of paper.

After that, each guy can, if desired, present his handwritten confessions to his beloved.

You can also spend competition "Original declaration of love". If it's a tradition in the classroom to exchange "valentines" on Valentine's Day, then make this tradition a real show. Invite five volunteers, both boys and girls, to present their "valentine" in the most original way. The winner is the one who manages to make the most amazing confession, you can vote with applause.

Intellectual competitions for Valentine's Day

It is also possible to carry out intellectual competitions for Valentine's Day. For example, competition "Rebus". To conduct this competition, you must select several pairs and a leader. The young men must write an original short confession on the pieces of paper and give their pieces to the leader.

It is also possible to carry out "Sweet Contest" To conduct it, you need to select several pairs.

The girls are seated at the table and blindfolded. Young people "arm themselves" with sweets and begin to feed the girls. The girl must guess what kind of candy is offered to her, what kind of cake or what kind of ice cream. The couple that guesses the most sweets wins.

Traditional competitions for Valentine's Day

Traditional competitions for Valentine's Day are always interesting and fun. it Mail and Confessions Screen. Love mail can be organized in a separate class or made it schoolwide. To do this, you will need a beautiful box, converted into a mailbox, and a good competition advertisement!

To hold the "Screen of Confessions" contest, you can hang whatman papers with felt-tip pens tied to them in the classroom. The essence of the competition is that each participant can write his confessions, jokes and congratulations on the sheets. The one who makes the most original confession or wish will win.

Happy Valentine's Day to you all!

In recent years, Valentine's Day has been celebrated with pleasure in a variety of groups - among work colleagues, classmates, and even in a school class. This holiday scenario is suitable for any audience - a simple staging is within the power of even schoolchildren, and contests can be removed and added at your request.

History of Valentine's Day

In the III century. n. e. Rome was ruled by the cruel Emperor Claudius II. He was an evil and warlike man. And so, in order to strengthen his army, he issued a decree according to which men who joined the army could not marry. The cruel ruler believed that family ties make a man sentimental, soft, and this does not help him become a merciless warrior.

But no decree could interfere with love. The only hope of the lovers was a young priest, whose name was Valentine. Being a kind man, with a soft heart, he, bypassing the imperial decree, married lovers. Moreover, thanks to the fact that the church gave Valentine immunity, he helped lovers exchange letters and meet.

But everything secret becomes clear, and the emperor found out about the illegal activities of the young priest. Claudius issued a cruel decree by which he sentenced Valentine to arrest, and then to death.

And so, while in prison, Valentine fell in love with the jailer's daughter - he was so struck by her beauty and tenderness. The girl, having found out who is in prison, decided to meet with the priest and ... she herself fell in love with him.

Until the very execution of Valentine, the lovers wrote letters to each other, swore eternal love and made promises to always be together.

The execution of Valentine was scheduled for February 14, 270. On that day, the lover wrote the last letter to his beloved. There were no confessions, no promises, no oaths. And there were only two words "Your Valentine".

But no other words were needed to say goodbye. And this short note became a symbol of eternal love, fidelity and devotion and was called Valentine. And now the day of the execution of the Christian priest, oddly enough, became the holiday of all lovers.

Preparation for the holiday

Pink is considered traditional for interior decoration for Valentine's Day. You can also use white, red and its various shades (orange, maroon).

For a youth holiday, by the way there will be heart-shaped balloons, various garlands - long or short, modest or lush, multi-colored, etc. Compositions in the form of flowers are appropriate - from light fabric, corrugated paper. In general, the design of the room should create a feeling of lightness and tenderness - for this, any decorations suspended according to the principle of mobiles (on a thin thread) and swaying in air currents are suitable.

Also, when preparing, you need to stock up on prizes for the winners of competitions and various items necessary for their implementation.

Holiday script

HOST: Hello, dear guests! Today we all have gathered here to celebrate the most beautiful, most romantic, most beloved holiday - Valentine's Day!

HOST: Despite the fact that it's cold outside, the snow is blowing, it's warm and cozy here, because love lives in each of us!

HOST: Do you know why Valentine's Day is celebrated on this very day - February 14?

HOST: You don't know? Then we will show you!

A comic dramatization of the story of St. Valentine


  • Valentine (a girl disguised as a man, in a black hoodie tied with a rope and with a mustache);
  • the jailer's daughter (a thin young man dressed in a woman's dress, in a wig, with bows and bright makeup);
  • jailer (a girl in a police uniform);
  • three or four pairs of lovers, in which the role of girls is played by young men, the role of young men is played by girls;
  • emperor: a young man in a white sheet over his shoulder, a laurel wreath on his head;
  • servant: in a colored sheet over his shoulder, with a scroll in his hands.

Scene in the Imperial Palace. On the stage is a chair in which the emperor sits. Servant enters.

SERVANT (falls to his knees): Oh great emperor, things are very bad, very...

EMPEROR: What happened in my great empire?

EMPEROR (indignantly): What?! Hazing?

SERVANT (justifying himself): Hazing, your imperial majesty, is when older soldiers force the younger footcloths to wrap them and wash closets!

EMPEROR: So why do our soldiers refuse to serve?

SERVANT: Get married!

EMPEROR: And what are these married people doing?

SERVANT: And here's what - look!

Competition "Commanders". Several couples are involved. Bright crumpled papers and candy wrappers are scattered on the floor. The young men are blindfolded and given brooms and scoops in their hands. The girls stand a little further away. On a signal, they should direct the youths, shouting to them where to go and where to take revenge. The task is to collect as many pieces of paper as possible until the signal for the end of the competition sounds. The couple that did it the best wins.

EMPEROR (scratches the back of his head): Look what they invented - do not serve in the army! Well, nothing, I'll show them how to go against the authorities! (Takes paper and writes something.) I order ... Hey, servant! Read! (gives scroll)

SERVANT (reading loudly): In the name of the great Emperor Claudius II, I command! To ban from this day all weddings, and impose a fine for each date. Burn any romantic letter! Whoever disobeys will be executed!

Music is played (for example, the "Imperial March" from Star Wars), under which the emperor and the servant leave. The priest takes the stage.

PRIEST (raising his hands to the sky): Oh gods, gods! The Emperor is insane! Ban weddings, punish lovers! (To the audience): Have you heard that weddings are banned?! What to do?

A loving couple enters.

GUY: Father Valentine, the emperor forbade marriage, but we have already appointed the wedding day!

VALENTIN: My children, how can I help you? (Pauses.) I will marry you in secret!

The girl puts on a veil, the guy straightens his tie, Valentine takes the icon in his hands and begins the ceremony. The lovers quickly leave, and the priest addresses the guests:

VALENTIN: Dear guests! Are there lovers among you who want to receive Valentine's blessing? Well, I will marry you all! But you need to complete the task.

Newspaper Dance Competition. 3-4 sheets of newspaper are spread on the floor, a couple stands on each. A slow dance begins. When the music suddenly stops, each couple should fold the newspaper in half and then continue dancing. The next pause - the newspaper is folded again, and so on until the dancing couple can hold on to it.

VALENTIN: My children! Accept my blessing! (He crowns couples who approach him in turn.)

The jailer appears on the scene.

JAILER (suspiciously): Father Valentine! What were you doing here now?

VALENTIN (hides the icon): Nothing special!

JAILER: Oh yeah! And who just married a few couples? I will read your rights (takes out a piece of paper from his pocket and reads it). Father Valentin, you are under arrest, you can remain silent, you can not testify against yourself and your relatives, everything you say can be used against you in court.

The jailer puts handcuffs on Valentine, sits him on a chair and leaves. Returns with a scroll.

JAILER: Valentine, His Majesty Emperor Claudius II has made a decision: he sentences you to death on February 14, 270!

VALENTIN: Since I am destined to die for love, then I am ready to sacrifice myself.

The jailer leaves. The jailer's daughter appears.

JAILER'S DAUGHTER: Valentine! How cruel is the emperor to punish you like this!

VALENTIN (looks lovingly at the girl): No more than I punished myself!

JAILER'S DAUGHTER: Ah, Valentine, how did you punish yourself?

VALENTIN (kissing the girl's hand): On the verge of death, I not only fell in love, but received reciprocity.

Valentine and the jailer's daughter kiss. Then the girl runs away, covering her face with her hands, and sits down at the other end of the stage.

VALENTIN: My love, how are we going to communicate if you are free and I am in prison? Yes, that's right, I'll write you a letter!

Love Letter Competition. A team of boys and a team of girls are invited to the stage. They are given sheets of paper with written words.

1st sheet: Love, roasts, carrots, gifts, heart, door.

2nd sheet: Love, potatoes, window, carrots, stomach, mind.

In a given time, the teams must compose a love poem using the words written on the sheets. Then Valentine takes a piece of paper with a poem written by the young men, and the jailer's daughter takes a poem written by the girls. The lovers approach each other and tenderly read the messages.

Execution scene. They take out a stool and an ax from plywood. The jailer takes Valentine out. In the background are all the actors.

JAILER: Today, February 14, 270 AD, a priest is to be executed who violated the orders of the emperor and secretly married lovers, thereby pandering to their desire not to serve in the army. Our great emperor sentenced him to death. What can you say in your defense, Valentine?

VALENTIN: And I have nothing to justify. I did a good deed, reunited loving hearts. And now, when cruel people take my life, I will ascend to heaven and there I will make marriage unions. Remember, now and forever, marriages are made in heaven! And what God has united, it is not given to anyone to separate!

EMPEROR (terribly): You are rude to the emperor! Cut off his head!

The jailer and the servant grab Valentine, put him on his knees and put his head on the chopping block, the role of which is played by a stool, and bring an ax. Valentine's body falls.

The jailer's daughter runs up to him and takes the note from the priest's hand.

JAILER'S DAUGHTER (reads): "Your Valentine!" Just two words, but what a sense! And why words to understand each other? (shouting) I love you Valentine! (The girl takes an ax, beats herself with a butt on the head and falls).

All characters leave. Leaders come out.

HOST: Sad story. The unfortunate Valentine sacrificed himself so that the lovers could be together.

HOST: But this sad story has a continuation. Valentine after his death was canonized, and the day of his death became Valentine's Day.

LEADING: Yes, that's what morals used to be! Interestingly, and now there are people who are able to sacrifice themselves for the sake of love?

LEADING: Of course, there are, these are our guests!

The festive program continues with musical numbers and competitions.

Valentine's Day Contests

Harnessed horses. Participants are divided into pairs and stand shoulder to shoulder. The right leg of one partner and the left of the other are tied. In this position, they must "jump" to a chair that is at a certain distance from them, take the object that lies there (any), and return back. The pair that does it faster wins.

connected by one chain. Several couples are invited to participate in the game. On the floor, the leader scatters any small objects. These can be sweets, coins, pencils, etc. Before the start of the game, the host ties each pair by the legs and arms. After a signal sounds or music is turned on, couples begin to collect scattered objects. As soon as things are collected, the counting takes place. The couple with the most items wins.

famous couples. The participants are divided into two teams. The task is to recall a famous couple (literary, acting or otherwise) as quickly as possible. The host calls only one "half", and the participants - the second. The team that guesses the most pairs wins.

A list of characters (literary and historical) must be compiled in advance. Here is its possible start:

Cleopatra - Anthony
Lilya Brik - Mayakovsky
Isolde - Tristan
Lyudmila - Ruslan
Akhmatova - Gumilyov
Juliet - Romeo
Scarlett - Rhett
Desdemona - Othello
Josephine - Napoleon, etc.

"If I were a Sultan..." How many "wives" will each player manage to find? Young participants are given colored rubber bands for banknotes, and each one is of the same color. The task of the players is to "ring" as many of the girls present as possible by putting on an elastic band of their color on their wrists. You cannot wear more than one elastic band on each. The one with the most "wives" wins.

Stirlitz. This contest will help determine the most observant of the stronger sex. One girl is invited to participate. The male participants must carefully look at her and remember what she is wearing in every detail. Then the girl goes out and changes one or more details in her appearance, for example, removes her earrings and pendant, puts on a bracelet, does something with her hair, etc. The task of the young men is to determine what has changed.

Hearts. Several couples are invited to participate in the game. The young man is blindfolded, and the girl attaches hearts cut out of paper to herself. The number of hearts is the same for each pair.

At the command of the leader, the music turns on, and the young man, blindfolded, must find as many hearts as possible and pick them. The winner is the couple who managed to collect as many hearts as possible in the allotted time. The game can be repeated by blindfolding the girl.

Valentine's Day is not exactly a children's holiday, but all ages are submissive to such a wonderful feeling as love, and there is nothing wrong with a child learning to express their feelings. This holiday does not have official status, it came to us from Western countries not so long ago, but it has already managed to fall in love, and various events dedicated to Valentine's Day are held in children's institutions. As a rule, events are held in schools; in kindergartens, the practice of celebrating Valentine's Day is not so common. And at a school holiday, to make it more fun and provocative, it would be appropriate to include children's competitions for Valentine's Day in the program.

The selection contains such games and contests that require a minimum of preparation and props, for the convenience of the teacher and educator.

Well, now let's take a closer look at fun and original competitions for Valentine's Day for schoolchildren.

At the beginning of any event with competitions and relay races, children should be divided into teams. And in order to somehow identify these teams, each participant needs to attach a heart emblem to their clothes. The first competition will be dedicated to such emblems. For older children, we take a sheet of drawing paper and a heart template made of cardboard, and for kids of senior preschool and primary school age, it is better to take ready-made paper hearts so that children do not come into contact with scissors.

The essence of the competition is this - each team comes up with a design and makes emblems for itself. The older children themselves cut out hearts from whatman paper, according to the template, and then color them at their discretion, and the younger ones color the ready-made hearts. Members of the same team must have the same logo. Children coordinate the design among themselves in advance. The criteria for choosing the winners are the speed of the task, as well as the originality of the design.

After such a preparatory stage, you can directly begin to conduct children's games for Valentine's Day at school.

Collect hearts

A traditional competition, modified in accordance with the theme of Valentine's Day. Participants are given bags or buckets, their task is to collect as many paper or cardboard hearts as possible.

The competition can be held in two versions:

  • children quickly collect hearts scattered on the floor;
  • children are looking for hearts hidden in the room in advance.

The first option is more suitable for school, the second - for holding at home.

Puzzle heart

We cut a heart made of cardboard about 20 * 20 centimeters in size into several parts. The more parts, the harder it is to assemble. Here it is necessary to focus on the age of the participants. If the competition is held among kids from the lower grades, then it is enough to cut the heart into 4-5 parts, and if the participants are older children, you can make the details smaller.

You can take for the puzzle as a solid heart, or any picture cut out in the shape of a heart.

Inflate your heart

For this competition you will need balloons in the shape of a heart. Such a competition is best held among boys - it will be easier for them to inflate balloons. There can be several options for conducting:

  • who will inflate more balloons. AT this case it is worth stipulating in advance that the balls are inflated to a certain size;
  • who will inflate the biggest balloon. Here you need to take a certain time, for example, a minute, and then evaluate the result - whose ball is larger;
  • Whose balloon will burst first? Option for older kids. The balloons are inflated until they burst - whoever burst the balloon first is the winner.

Valentine's Treasure

For this Valentine's Day competition, the school will need two containers (boxes, buckets) with sand or pasta. We hide the “treasure” in containers - small sweets, small toys, valentines. The task of each team is to find as many items as possible in the allotted time. Everything that is found is given to the team members as a prize.

Hearts and arrows

Props - several paper hearts of different colors (or sizes) and the same number of paper arrows. One arrow must correspond to each heart. Hearts and arrows are mixed, and the task of the children is to find an arrow for each heart.

Find a couple

The principle is the same as in the previous competition, only the children are looking for a pair for each heart, that is, they need to prepare several pairs of hearts, for example, 2 yellow, 2 green, 2 red, etc. Hearts can also vary in size. Paper hearts are mixed before the competition, and the children are looking for a pair for each heart.

Such a children's competition for Valentine's Day at school is suitable for participants from elementary grades. It is not only fascinating, but also useful, as it will help kids consolidate their ability to distinguish colors and sizes.

The longest garland

Props - a lot of paper hearts, in which you first need to make holes. For these purposes, you can use a hole punch. You will also need ropes or thin ribbons 2-3 meters long. The task of the children is to string the hearts on a ribbon to make a garland. A certain period of time is allotted for the manufacture of a garland. There should be no gaps between hearts. The team with the longest garland wins.

Best Valentine

A creative game for Valentine's Day for schoolchildren, in which participants are given the opportunity to show their talent as an artist and designer. To play, you will need paper blanks of hearts, as well as pencils or felt-tip pens. The game can be played both in a team format and individually.

Each team or participant draws up their own Valentine, and then the jury determines the winners. At the end of the game, you can invite the children to exchange their creations.

Valentine Coloring Page

The entertainment is a bit similar to what was described above, but in this case, you will need heart-shaped coloring blanks. Children color valentines at their discretion, and on the reverse side you can write a wish. The best Valentine is chosen by voting.

In both this and the previous competition, all participants can be declared winners by awarding the same number of points.

And here are the templates for valentine coloring pages. You just need to save them to your computer and print.

Relay Valentinchikov

A mobile game in the style of Valentine's Day. There can be many variations of such a relay race. Here is some of them:

  • teams stand at the start, and a sheet of paper is attached at the finish line and there is a box with paper hearts. Each of the participants, running up to the sheet, attaches one heart and returns to the team, passing the baton. Whichever team attaches more hearts to their list wins. You can attach hearts with buttons, on double-sided tape;
  • there is a basket or a box with hearts at the finish line, each participant, having run to the finish line, takes one and runs back. The team that has the most hearts or that completes the task first wins;
  • Participants run in pairs, holding a heart-shaped balloon between them. Children must overcome the distance without losing the ball.

Hearts-arrows (tic-tac-toe)

Simple in terms of implementation, but very interesting competition for children on Valentine's Day. You will need a sheet with cells and small paper hearts and arrows. The principle of the game is the same as in tic-tac-toe - the participant who first builds a line of his pieces wins.

heart luck

A variant of the game for Valentine's Day for schoolchildren, a kind of lottery. Paper hearts are located on a large sheet of drawing paper. Numbers should be written on the back of the hearts - these will be points. Team members can open any heart by first reciting a verse, performing a song or solving a riddle (this item is at the discretion of the teacher or educator). The winner is the team that has the most points on the hearts.

And here are some more competitions and entertainment:

Lovers have been celebrating their holiday for several centuries. In our country, St. Valentine's Day was recognized relatively recently. On this day, lovers confess their feelings, give unpretentious gifts in the form of hearts (pendants, key rings, sweets, chocolate, cookies, etc.) and, of course, send out so-called valentines. Receiving a cardboard heart from a secret admirer is incredibly intriguing and makes the holiday unforgettable. If you are planning to spend this February evening in the company, prepare competitions for Valentine's Day.

Recommendations for holding a school event

Preparation for the holiday begins in advance. In the room where the celebration will take place, a thematic design is created using balloons, serpentine and other festive attributes with the image of hearts. The school script includes congratulations and love poems, and competitions are being prepared for Valentine's Day. Usually such events are held for middle and senior students. When preparing the program, take into account the interests of children, because at this age many already experience a wonderful feeling of love. Naturally, competitions for Valentine's Day for schoolchildren should not be frivolous. Start the holiday program by greeting the students, their parents and other guests of the celebration, congratulate everyone by reading thematic poems, and invite volunteers to participate in competitions. Perhaps among them there will be already held couples.

Valentine's Day Contests

Competitive tests can be presented in the form of a quiz, outdoor games, thematic tasks. If desired, you can create a semblance of a popular TV show dedicated to Valentine's Day ("One Hundred to One", "Guess the Melody", etc.). You can use the competition options below.

"What do you know about the holiday?"

All participants of the competitive program are asked questions. Each player, by answering correctly, earns winning points in the form of cardboard hearts. The winner is the one who scores the most points, he receives a prize. Questions should relate to Valentine's Day, for example, when it is celebrated, who this day is named after, where it was celebrated for the first time, and where it is forbidden, etc.

"The Flight of the Valentine"

Several couples compete among themselves in the ability to send valentines. Each pair is given a heart cut out of foil, preferably of a different color. The task is to blow on the valentine, fitting it to the recipient. The destination is the finish of the marked distance. The winner is the couple who sent a declaration of love the fastest.

"Who can remember more words"

This game will easily replace Valentine's Day contests at school, helping to develop children's attention and activity. All participants are invited to take turns naming words that are related to the wonderful feeling of love. The main condition is that these words must begin with the letters that make up the word "love".


How interesting and unusual to organize and spend Valentine's Day for schoolchildren.

Ideas and scenarios for Valentine's Day at school

Preparation for the holiday. Everyone invited to the festive evening is given a password in advance; it can be any funny word or expression on the topic of love: “Love is evil, you will love a goat”, “He loves his head, but pulls his hair”, “Eat with hunger, love from a young age”, etc. A prize can also serve as a pass to the holiday ( souvenir, gift), which is given to each participant in a particular nomination. Let's say, "The best singer", "The most mysterious and silent", "The most inaccessible", etc.

The room where the evening will take place is decorated with white and red balloons, preferably in the shape of hearts. Arrange an exhibition on a romantic theme. You can invite each class to issue a wall newspaper dedicated to the holiday. Posters with poems, aphorisms or comic statements about love are hung on the walls.

The necessary components of the holiday are the "confession board" and "love mail". For a “confession board”, whatman paper is pasted on the wall. Colored pencils or felt-tip pens are attached to it on strong threads. During the evening, any participant can come up to this “board” and write a confession or just a joke, a poem.

For “love mail”, a table is placed in the corner of the hall, on which writing paper is placed (it is advisable to take special small-format letter paper or colored sheets for notes), as well as pencils, pens, felt-tip pens. A “mailbox” (a cardboard box with a slot and the inscription “Mail”) is placed on the same table. Each participant of the holiday receives a number in the shape of a heart made of thick paper at the entrance. The number must be written with a saturated color marker so that it can be seen from afar. A small safety pin should be attached to the number to make it easy to attach to clothing. As "postmen" it is best to invite 5-7 students from the junior class for a year. All those present write notes on the tables, fold them, write the number of the addressee and put them in the mailbox. From time to time, one of the postmen pulls notes out of the box and spreads them around the hall, identifying the addressees by the numbers pinned on them. One of the postmen should be on duty at the mail desk so that no outside mailbox is opened.

We propose to organize a "Museum of Valentine and Valentina". In it, of course, first of all there should be a portrait of St. Valentine - a priest and healer. His image can be found in books.

We also offer this option: to make a collage of photographs of all the "school" Valentinov, Valentin, Valentinovich, Valentinovnas in costumes of 269. The exhibits of the "museum of lovers" can be symbolic gifts of literary lovers: "a million scarlet roses", an apple on a "silver platter", an arrow that fell next to the Frog Princess, etc.

Heart-amulets are an indispensable attribute of the holiday. They are made from cardboard, paper or fabric. On the amulet, write some aphorism, saying, a poetic line about love. They can be serious, lyrical, comic.