Closed clothing from the sun. Fabric, color and UV or how to dress for the beach season! Where blackout is applied

As the first warm days arrive, we spend more time outdoors and don’t wear less clothes - which increases the risk of UV damage to our skin. To protect your skin from the sun as efficiently as possible, you need to know exactly how ultraviolet light works and the means of protecting against it.

The shade will not save the skin from ultraviolet radiation

Many people mistakenly believe that staying in the shade can help protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation. In fact, the shade helps only slightly - according to the American dermatologist Leslie Baumann, the level of UV protection in the shade is only 5-7 SPF, which is clearly not enough to effectively protect the skin. Dermatologists recommend an SPF of 15 as the "absolute minimum", and an SPF of at least 30 for maximum skin safety.

An umbrella helps, but it can also damage

As with the shade, an umbrella on the beach can be useful, but also provide a deceptive sense of security. According to dermatologists, up to 84% of UV rays are reflected from sand and sun, reaching human skin even under the shade of a beach umbrella. That is why, even while staying on the beach under an umbrella, remember to apply sunscreen or lotion regularly - every two hours, or even more often if you are swimming or sweating.

Cosmetics can make skin vulnerable to sun damage

Cosmetics are often the cause of frequent sunburn, which increases the damage to the skin from ultraviolet radiation. For example, retinoids and salicylic acid cosmetics , retinol or glycolic acid increase the skin's sensitivity to the sun. Dermatologists recommend avoiding such cosmetics a week before spending time in the sun. If you are using these products on a regular basis, consult a dermatologist who can help you find effective sun protection products.

Medicines can also make skin more vulnerable.

Certain antibiotics, contraceptives, diuretics , antihistamines, antidepressants, and even some natural remedies can increase the risk of sunburn. To protect your skin from ultraviolet light, make sure the medications you take do not increase your skin's sensitivity to the sun.

Not all clothes are equally protected from UV radiation.

According to dermatologists, a regular white cotton T-shirt is SPF 7, while a long-sleeved dark denim shirt offers SPF 1,700 UV protection. Of course, in warm weather, the last piece of clothing that comes to mind is heavy. , tight clothing, but in fact, it is dark clothing made of dense fabrics that protects from ultraviolet radiation best of all. In addition, it should be borne in mind that wet clothing loses its protective properties.

Observe the "shadow rule"

One simple rule will help you to find out the strength of the sun's rays - the so-called "rule of the shadow". If your shade is shorter than your height, the strength and intensity of the sun's rays are highest, and it’s best not to be in direct sunlight during this time.

Don't forget about small areas

When applying sunscreen lotion or cream, most often we are limited to the largest areas of the skin - face, hands, feet, thus leaving other parts of the body unprotected, which may well suffer from sunburn. That is why you should not forget about carefully applying sunscreen to those areas that are most often ignored - the ears and the area around the ears, fingers and toes, temples. In addition, a wide-brim summer hat provides additional UV protection to the face, ears and neck. , not a baseball cap, which, by and large, only protects the nose.

The SPF index of cosmetics does not always correspond to the real protection against ultraviolet radiation.

At first glance, SPF 30 seems to be sufficient to fully protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation. In reality, however, many people simply do not apply enough sunscreen lotion to get full protection - according to the US Environmental Working Group, most people apply only a quarter of the amount of sunscreen they need. Therefore, cosmetics with SPF 100 provide protection at SPF 3.2, and cosmetics with SPF 30 - at SPF 2.3.

28 grams

How much sunscreen lotion or cream do you need to apply to maximize your skin's UV protection? To properly protect your skin, make sure to apply at least 28 grams of sunscreen to your body. The easiest way to find out the amount of cream or lotion you need is to check the remainder of the bottle: if the bottle is 150 grams, it should be empty after five applications.

Avoid Accidental Exposure

Most of us do not even think that going out to the store or sitting by the open window at work, we get an additional dose of ultraviolet radiation. Such an accidental exposure, imperceptible at first glance, is experienced by every person - according to statistics, on average, a person receives up to 14 hours of accidental exposure per week.

However, the idea that light clothing in summer is the best and saves from the sun is wrong. This was proved by scientists from the University of Catalonia.

Color matters

In particular, they believe that fans of such clothing in the summer may put themselves at risk of development in the future. Meanwhile, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), the number of skin cancer is on the rise. Every year, specialists around the world register more than 132 thousand new cases and about 2-3 million cases of other types of skin cancer.

The fact is that ultraviolet light penetrates very well through it. Especially through white and yellow fabric. What color should you choose? Experts say red and dark blue shades protect the skin better.

Scientists specially dyed pieces of cotton fabric in different colors, and then tested its ability to absorb ultraviolet light.

The matter is in the fabric

The denser the fabric, the more efficiently it protects, but at the same time it is hotter in it.

White thin pareos are the most unreliable defense.

Humidity also matters - wet cotton hardly protects from harmful rays, but silk and bamboo viscose become denser when wet.

How to tell if your clothes are reliable

If you still want to wear bright clothes, then ask why, then, sports firms produce a bunch of summer clothes in such aggressive colors? It's simple - it can be UV protected. Such things have appeared in stores relatively recently, but have become especially popular among athletes and outdoor enthusiasts.

The correct name for sun protection clothing is sun guard... But gradually it merged with a different name - rash guard(fabric that protects against abrasions, etc. in sports). Manufacturers call all sunscreen and quick-drying in one word - rashguard.
The most famous specialty fabric for protective clothing is synthetic nylon and cotton.

In addition, the labeling of the garment can be used to determine how it protects from the sun. There is UPF (Ultraviolet Protection Factor - factor of protection against ultraviolet radiation) shows how many "units" of ultraviolet radiation will pass through the fabric. For example, UPF 40 - one in 40 will go to leather, and UPF 50 - one in 50. Most are labeled 30-50 UPF.

Bleached cotton has a UPF 4. But unbleached cotton, dyed natural - for example, brown, beige and green, already has a higher indicator - from 46 to 65 UPF.

In summer, linen clothes are popular - if the dyes are synthetic, then the indicators are not very good, and natural white linen - UPF 10, dyed dark - more than 50. But silk was not lucky - UPF = 0. So if you are going on vacation, forget about silk robes. And on the beach, silk scarves will not save you from sunburn and other things, no matter how pleasant they are to the body.

But not everything is so sad, technologies do not stand still. British scientists from Belfast have developed a bracelet that is designed to help people enjoy the sun in peace and not be afraid of its rays. Many people prefer to give up sunbathing for fear of skin cancer - and remain without the important D.

The new bracelet is made of plastic and is inexpensive. It contains ink, and it disappears the moment a person receives his dose of bright rays. So the owner of the bracelet can be sure that he does not tan more than the norm. This will help balance vitamin D in the body. One bracelet is enough for a vacation for two weeks, they will be on sale in a year. The device will be released in three versions for different skin types.

Fabric, color and ultraviolet

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"Second skin" against the sun

Everyone has long known the fact that in summer it is better to throw synthetics and black dresses away, and instead put on light natural materials, which, however, is good for both body and mood. Let's try to figure out which colors and materials help to “tame” ultraviolet light.


It is believed that light colors reflect heat and ultraviolet radiation better, while dark ones, reflecting light, transmit harmful radiation itself. And, like dark, bright colors do not protect well from the “harmful” sun. We start from this, making up the palette of the summer wardrobe. Following the fashionable nowadays marine theme in clothes, we will replace blue with sky blue. An elegant beige can become a summer version of a fashionable brown, and it is better to abandon red and hot pink in favor of delicate shades of coral and tea rose. By the way, according to studies, it is the pale pink color that holds the palm in its reflective qualities, dividing it only with pure white, which in summer is generally out of competition in its protective properties.


As for the composition of the fabric, here in the summer, of course, you need to give preference to natural materials, which are distinguished by their ability to absorb and scatter ultraviolet radiation. Most synthetic materials do not allow air to pass through at all, creating a sauna effect in hot weather and increasing the risk of sunburn. But the notorious polyester, which is part of many fabrics, has good resistance to high temperatures and at the same time is able to remove excess moisture from the body, creating a temperature balance. But all these qualities protect from heat rather than from ultraviolet rays. If you really choose among artificial fabrics, then it is better to give preference to viscose, which is considered the most natural of synthetic materials.

Of course, in the open sun it is better to dress in cotton clothes. Natural cotton, hugging the body, diffuses the sun's rays. But thin silk, beloved by everyone in the summer heat, will be a rather poor sun protector. Although its texture is quite durable, silk is very sensitive to ultraviolet rays: without protecting from solar radiation, the fabric itself quickly loses its properties and wears out with prolonged exposure to the sun. The ideal option for summer will be good old flax - this material is much denser than cotton, is a very good light and heat insulator, and in addition is considered a natural antiseptic!

Additional protection

Alas, none of the most natural and durable fabric can guarantee 100% UV protection. Today materials with additional properties come to the rescue. Some Western manufacturers have begun to create specially treated so-called sunscreen clothing that only lets in a few percent of harmful rays. However, the degree of protection of clothing also differs from manufacturer to manufacturer. Each of these things is necessarily marked with a special sign, for which the UPF index (ultraviolet protection factor or UV protection factor) is used. The higher this index, the better the protection. While the recommended level of protection is 15 points, for a regular cotton T-shirt it is 5-8, and for sun-protection clothing it ranges from 15 to 50, that is, the degree of protection in this case increases 3-5 times. It is usually made of a tighter weave fabric or coated with a special substance. The degree of protection can also be increased with the help of a special composition in the form of Rit Sun Guard powder (not yet found on the domestic market) by simply placing it in the washing machine.

Solarium effect on the beach, or sunbathing under a swimsuit

Well, if on a stuffy street we strive to protect ourselves from the exhausting sun, then on the beach we are annoyed about the need to wear a swimsuit, which interferes with achieving an even tan. But, do not rush to get upset - not so long ago, a solution was found in the form of a completely new generation of swimsuits that let in up to 70% of the sun's rays and at the same time provide the skin with protection, which, according to the index already known to us, equals from 4 to 8 units. At the moment, Solar has a monopoly in the production of such swimwear.

The even tanning effect, which these wonderful swimsuits are good for, is achieved due to a special fabric with thousands of micropores, which, when stretched, allows the rays to reach the skin. In other words, this fabric visually resembles a mesh. By the way, do not forget to apply sunscreen with a slightly lower sun protection factor to the skin under such a swimsuit than the one you use for open areas. To prevent the material from showing through, all swimsuits in this series are made of fabric with a contrasting, usually small pattern, which is very handy. After all, "colorfulness" is at the same time also a fashionable trend that has replaced monochromatic materials. Such a pattern creates an optical illusion, riveting attention and preventing the eye from seeing anything through the fabric. Importantly: the effect is preserved even when wet.

Bottom line: enjoy the summer sun, but do it in moderation or in the right clothes! Well, for the rest, I advise you to forget about the measure: to have a rest - so to the fullest!

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Do you think that any clothing protects you from the sun and therefore you can not wear sunscreen under your T-shirt? Oh, how wrong you are! What protects from the sun?

Each fabric, like sunscreen, has its own sun protection factor - UPF.

High UPF clothing provides better protection than the best sunscreen. Be sure to wear it to children and people who are contraindicated in the sun.

Clothing with high UPF is needed not only in summer, but also on winter holidays, as in hot countries, but also in ski resorts.

Just because you have dark skin doesn’t mean you don’t need high UPF clothing. Your skin is less prone to UV burns, but unfortunately, even you can develop skin cancer, so you also need protection from the aggressive sun.

If your clothing does not provide a high degree of UV protection, you should apply sunscreen all over your body 30 minutes before sun exposure. This should be done even on cloudy days.

What is UPF

On clothes made from such fabric, you can find the UPF designations from 15 to 50+. The numbers indicate the degree of protection - the higher the better. For example, UPF 25 means that the fabric of the garment will allow about 1/25 (about 4%) of the available UV radiation to pass through it, UPF 50 will allow 1/50, that is, about 2%, to pass through.

All fabrics that transmit less than 2% are labeled as UPF 50+.

The countdown starts from 15, because those fabrics that transmit more ultraviolet radiation are not considered protective. So, a white cotton T-shirt would have a UPF 5.

The garment label may indicate how many washes the UPF can "withstand" - after more it will decrease.

Factors Affecting Fabric UV Permeability

  • The greater the distance between the threads in the structure of the fabric, the more it transmits sunlight and vice versa. Respectively, the best UV protection is provided by denim and thick silk.
  • Natural fabrics transmit more UV rays than synthetic fabrics. In this way nylon and polyester will provide the best UV protection. Wool and silk provide moderate protection, but still better than cotton, rayon and linen.
  • There is a misconception that light-colored clothing protects against UV rays, but this is not the case. Light colors reflect sunlight and prevent heatstroke, but not UV protection. Clothes, especially cotton, linen and viscose should be chosen in saturated dark colors - the darker the better. Optimal colors for UV protection are dark blue and deep red.
  • In one color brighter colors protect from ultraviolet radiation better, than pale shades.
  • New clothes let in less ultraviolet radiation than the old one. Because multiple washes, especially in a washing machine, lead to a loosening of the fiber structure, stretching of the fabric and washout of color. But if the fabric tends to "shrink", then a couple of washings will only improve the protective properties, since this will reduce the distance between the threads (this applies, for example, to cotton).
  • Wet fabric transmits more rays than dry fabric. Therefore, after swimming do not dry out in the sun, it is better to change into dry clothes. There is a modern fabric with UV protection even when wet.
  • Sweat moisturizes clothing and reduces its ability to trap UV radiation, but contains urocanic acid, which absorbs UV light, so that the skin itself becomes less sensitive to UV radiation.

Best summer clothes

The highest protection is provided by dense black fabric, but clothes made of such fabric are unlikely to be worn in countries with hot climates.

Black out - instant shading

Curtains and curtains are not only a beautiful window decoration and a component of interior decor, but also protect the room from sunlight, night lights and prying eyes. To provide maximum convenience and comfort, the blackout blackout fabric will help, which will be discussed in this article.

It's no surprise that Black Out technology was developed in Finland. After all, the inhabitants of this northern country most of all suffer from constant light during the summer white nights. When the largest Finnish sewing company Blackout Almedahls mastered the production of a new material, it quickly gained popularity all over the world.

The light-blocking fabric is a 100% polyester fabric made with an extremely dense double satin weave. It consists of three interconnected layers:

  1. The exterior is white and acts as a reflector.
  2. Medium provides maximum sun protection and is the thickest.
  3. The inner one performs a decorative function and can be plain or with various patterns and designs.

Such a three-layer canvas is called a dimout, and its light absorption capacity ranges from 70 to 90%. To bring this indicator closer to the maximum possible, several layers of acrylic foam are applied to the dimout, which, when solidified, forms a rubber-like surface. It is this material that is patented under the Black Out trademark.

Interesting to know! Some blackout fabrics are pre-treated with flame retardants. Most often they are used in cinemas to shade the auditorium.

The main characteristics of the material

At first glance, Black Out curtains are no different from ordinary curtains. Meanwhile, this unique material has many advantages over conventional fabrics:

  • heat insulation. The curtains will not only protect from light, but also will not let the hot summer air into the room, keeping the room cool;
  • soundproofing. The multilayer structure of the fabric absorbs various sounds, preventing the noise from the street from entering the room;
  • security. Manufacturers Black Out guarantee the material is absolutely hypoallergenic and confirm this with appropriate certificates. Therefore, such curtains can be safely hung not only in the bedroom, but also in the children's room;
  • dimensional stability. During operation and during wet heat treatment, the fabric does not shrink or wrinkle;
  • ease of maintenance. After washing, the blackout curtains can be immediately hung on the cornice, since they do not need ironing;
  • drape. This property allows you to sew from the Black Out material a wide variety of products in style, including lambrequins, frills, ties and other decorative elements;
  • wear resistance. The fabric does not fade in the sun, does not become covered with cracks and is highly resistant to mechanical damage;
  • a large number of colors and patterns.

Thanks to all of the above characteristics, blackout curtains will last much longer than conventional curtain fabrics. However, they will not lose their attractiveness and presentability.

Black out curtains for every taste

The variety of external coverings allows the use of blackout curtains in various interiors. They successfully suit both classic furnishings and loft, grunge and hi-tech styles that have been fashionable in recent years. The main types of light curtains offered by modern manufacturers are as follows:

  • classic. A win-win for the bedroom, children's room and any other room. In combination with openwork curtains made of voile, guipure or organza, Black out curtains look original and attractive;
  • Roman. These curtains are attached directly to the window and, when lifted, are collected in even horizontal folds. Made of Black out fabric, they reliably protect the room from unnecessary light. Most often, such curtains are located in living rooms and offices;
  • Japanese. For an interior in oriental or ethnic styles, panels are suitable, rigidly fixed on all sides in special frames. They look especially beautiful in panoramic window openings;
  • pleated. Such folded curtains are suitable for arched and other windows with a non-standard design. Very often they are made in double: daytime - from ordinary fabric, and night - from opaque fabric. Such windows look unusual and creative;
  • roll. Recently, these curtains are replacing metal-plastic blinds from the window materials market. Made of blackout fabric, they, unlike other canvases, do not lose their smoothness, elasticity and beautiful appearance over time.

Interesting to know! A rich palette of shades and a variety of patterns and patterns allow you to choose Black out curtains for every taste... If the required color is not found, then you can make two-layer curtains, in which the opaque fabric will be the lining, and the front will be sewn from the material you like.

Where blackout is applied

Black out curtains can be made of any fabric - from translucent to the most dense, which provides the necessary degree of protection from the sun's rays. They are successfully used in interiors of various purposes and design.

  1. Living quarters, most often bedrooms and children's rooms.
  2. Cinemas, conference rooms.
  3. Night clubs and restaurants.
  4. Medical institutions (X-ray rooms).
  5. Photolaboratories.
  6. Hotels and motels.

Theatrical artists have appreciated the opacity of blackout fabric and often use it in their decorations. In addition, the material is used in the production of advertising products, exhibition stands and other similar products.

It's important to know! Not all canvases on which the name "blackout" is written have 100% light absorption. In order not to be mistaken, when buying, you should bring the fabric to your eyes and look at the light.

Classification of fabrics Black out

There are several types of material, differing in composition, method of pretreatment and purpose. The most common are the following:

  1. Black out original. It has a three-layer satin weave, made of polyester fibers. Differs in a high degree of protection from sunlight and significant wear resistance. It is used most often at home.
  2. Black out linen. The front side of the fabric imitates linen, which makes it possible to use it for various interior draperies in the Mediterranean, antique or rustic style.
  3. Black out street. This opaque type of material undergoes preliminary impregnation and processing, due to which it has increased strength and resistance to atmospheric effects: wind, rain, snow, temperature extremes. It is used for the production of advertising posters and banners.
  4. Black out shine. The canvas has an attractive silver color and a glossy sheen. This effect is obtained by incorporating satin or metallic threads into the fabric.
  5. Black out fire stop. The material is woven from polyester fibers with a fire retardant effect. It is used in crowded places: in cinemas, exhibition halls, shopping centers, etc.

Interesting to know! This curtain fabric is made from special non-combustible polyester fibers, which do not lose their properties even after numerous washes. In the event of a fire, the Black out material prevents the flame from igniting: it smolders for a short time and then completely goes out. It is noteworthy that at the same time, toxins harmful to the human body are practically not released.

Caring for opaque fabrics

Before you start washing or cleaning products made of Black out material, you should familiarize yourself with the manufacturer's recommendations, which are applied to the tag in the form of icons. The general rules include the following provisions:

  1. You can wash the curtains by hand or in a typewriter. In this case, the water temperature should not exceed 400C.
  2. The spin should be set to no more than 400 revolutions. After that, the product must be hung to dry, avoiding places where there are heating devices.
  3. Since the fabric does not wrinkle or wrinkle, there is no need to iron.

All blackout materials are resistant to dirt, so curtains made from such fabric do not need to be washed frequently. This is usually done every six months when replacing a summer set of curtains with a winter one and vice versa.

An important fact! Black out material belongs to the category of expensive, which is not surprising, given all its advantages. Therefore, in order not to be trapped in a purchase and not to buy a fake, the fabric should be checked. If you make a cut on this material, you will clearly see its three-layer structure, as well as the black threads that make up the central layer.

Blackout curtains are a great way to instantly transform a bright room into a shaded one. In a room with such curtains, you can relax comfortably and calmly, without being distracted by the sun's rays and extraneous noise.