Lesson on the prevention of computer addiction Topic: Internet addiction. Prevention of computer addiction in adolescents

Family and Children

Computers have rapidly taken root in the life of a modern person. Today it has become customary to see that a person interacts with a computer all the time - at work, at home, in a car and even on an airplane. Gradually, the computer becomes an integral part of the life of not only an adult, but also a child.

Many parents believe that it is better to let the child sit at home at the computer in front of their eyes than to walk with bad company. Thus, the child gets free and unlimited access to the computer. Along with the advent of computers, computer games appeared, which immediately found a lot of fans among children and adults.

To date, computer technology has reached such a level of development that allows you to create very realistic games with good graphics, color and sound design, which entails an increase in the number of people fanatically addicted to computer games - gamers.

Indeed, computer games have become an exciting pastime for many preschoolers, schoolchildren, students and adults. Preschoolers are sometimes no longer interested in ordinary toys, as they used to be, they strive to get home faster, because the cherished game awaits them there. It happens that schoolchildren skip classes only because they spent the whole night in front of the screen and did not have time to prepare for lessons that become less important than the level of the game passed. And during recess at school, now one of the most pressing topics is the topic of computer games.

What lies at the heart of the passion for computer games?

Researchers believe that the need for play as such is inherent in a person throughout his life. In the process of playing, an unconscious cognitive need is satisfied, as a result of which the child gets pleasure. A certain place in the series of computer games is occupied by non-role logic and educational games. Children's perception is arranged in such a way that associations and games are needed to memorize and assimilate information. If you use computer games within reasonable limits (no more than 1 hour a day with breaks every 15-20 minutes for a child 6-9 years old) and not to the detriment of other aspects of the child's life, then they can bring a positive result: they will teach children to count, the alphabet, will strengthen concentration of attention, improve mental operations, decision-making processes, will contribute to the formation of artistic imagination, will help develop responsiveness.

At the same time, a child who prefers only computer games to all other entertainments and hobbies, even if developing ones, is at risk of many serious problems. Studies have shown that if a child under 10 is addicted to a computer, then this can slow down his development, both physical and mental. Sitting at a favorite computer toy, such a child begins to lead a lifestyle that is not typical of this age, excluding the necessary physical activity, the development of a wide range of emotional reactions, knowledge of the world around, the formation of communication skills in communication and in ordinary children's games with peers. There is no doubt that up to 10-11 years of age for the development of children it is much more useful to go in for sports, outdoor games, music, drawing, go hiking, rollerblading, ice skating, skiing, cycling. It should also be borne in mind that it is difficult for children to observe the "measure" in the game, because their self-regulation processes are not yet sufficiently formed, which means that it is difficult for them to limit the time they play on the computer, take breaks in time, and monitor their diet.

Many electronic games imply not only the solution of logical problems, but also a certain emotional load, which, in fact, underlies most cases of pathological attachment to games. Electronic games differ significantly in genre and content. The least dangerous are the so-called arcade games, with simple graphics and sound. These games, as a rule, "kill time", they cannot arouse long-term affection. Another thing is role-playing games, during which the player "transforms" into the hero he controls and plunges headlong into his world. In such games, the sense of reality can be very strong and hold the attention of the player for a long time.

The most dangerous are "shooters", which are characterized by a very primitive plot based on violence. Such games can negatively affect the child's psyche and cause him to be overly aggressive. Analyzing the problem of computer enthusiasm, researchers pay special attention to the fact that children sometimes get so used to a computer game that they become much more interested in the virtual (fictional) world of the game than in real life. There are interesting tasks in this world, the failure of which does not lead to any negative consequences: to bad grades, to censure from parents, to self-disappointment, etc. Moreover, the mistake made can be corrected by repeated replay of this or that moment of the game.

Factors contributing to a child's addiction to a computer game:

Having your own world, into which no one has access but himself;

Lack of responsibility;

Realism of processes and complete abstraction from the surrounding world;

The ability to correct any error by multiple attempts;

The ability to independently make any (within the game) decisions, regardless of what they may lead to.

According to Russian psychologists, from 10 to 14% of people playing computer games acquire pathological dependence on them. Teenagers are especially susceptible to this. The concept of "computer addiction" appeared in the 90s of the last century. It is characterized by an obsessive desire to escape from everyday worries and problems into virtual reality, thereby improving their emotional well-being. Experts attribute this type of addiction to severe emotional disorders, specific emotional "addiction".

Currently, there are two main psychological mechanisms for the formation of dependence on role-playing computer games: the need to escape from reality and to accept the role of another. They always work at the same time, but one of them can surpass the other in the power of influence on the formation of addiction. Both mechanisms are based on the process of compensating for negative life experiences, and therefore, there is reason to assume that they will not work if a person is completely satisfied with his life, does not have chronic psychological problems and considers his life to be happy and productive. However, there are very few such people, so most people can be considered potentially predisposed to the formation of psychological dependence on role-playing computer games.

Children's computer addiction is further enhanced by global networks, where the child no longer plays with a computer, but with millions of living people whom he does not identify by printed texts. The web is also a sublimate of role-playing games. Here the "player" invents his own character, that is, himself, posing as a real one, invented by thousands of interlocutors.

The "player" no longer acts according to the laws described by programmers and designers, but according to the rules invented by him. Awareness of the infinity of network space, impunity and a huge number of participants in the process constantly pushes the child, adolescent to create and describe their own rules of behavior, to make decisions that, in general, have no relation to real life.

Signs of computer addiction:

When parents ask to be distracted from playing on the computer, the child demonstrates acute emotional protest;

The child is irritated when forced to be distracted;

The child cannot plan the ending of the game on the computer;

The child constantly asks for money to update the computer software and purchase new games;

The child forgets about household chores and homework;

The child's daily regimen, diet and sleep regimen is lost, he ceases to take care of his own health;

To constantly keep himself awake, the child begins to abuse coffee and other energy drinks;

Eating takes place without interrupting the game on the computer;

Feeling emotionally uplifted while playing on the computer;

Limiting communication to constant discussion of computer topics with others;

Impatience, anticipation and planning ahead of time for your return to the computer.

The appearance of such signs may be accompanied by disturbances in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, pain in the spine, shoulder blades, and wrists. In addition, regular eye irritation can contribute to headaches and vision problems. Insomnia and nervous exhaustion often develop.

How to prevent the development of computer addiction in children?

The parenting style that prevails in the family has an important influence on the personality of the child. Research by psychologists has shown that inharmonious parenting styles are more often used in families of children and adolescents with computer addiction. In these families, a chaotic level of adaptation prevails. This means that family members in problem or conflict situations are not able to constructively solve emerging problems. All family members are distanced from each other. So, for example, each of them has their own interests, which are not consistent with the interests of other family members, so it is difficult for them to make joint decisions. In addition, they are characterized by ineffective communication, which can manifest itself in inadequate mutual perception of each other by family members and their own family as a whole, in the presence of many topics "closed" for discussion, etc. All this leads to the formation of communication and personal problems in the child, the illusory solution of which becomes possible, in particular, in virtual reality, that is, it increases the risk of developing computer addiction. Parents from these families were also found to have a high degree of family anxiety, expressed in family tension. This means that fulfilling family responsibilities is an overwhelming task for them. With this state of affairs in the family, emotional contacts between family members are weakened, mistrust arises in each other, which leads to the development of an unfavorable emotional atmosphere in the family.

Interestingly, children in these families rated their parents' behavior as inconsistent, hostile, and directive, which characterizes an authoritarian, contradictory, and emotionally rejecting parenting style. Authoritarian relationships exclude closeness with children, so there is rarely a feeling of attachment between them and their parents, which leads to suspicion, constant alertness, and even hostility towards others. With a contradictory style of upbringing, one of the important basic needs of the individual is not satisfied - the need for stability and orderliness of the world around him. The unpredictability of parental reactions deprives the child of a sense of stability and provokes increased anxiety, uncertainty, impulsivity, and even social maladjustment in difficult situations.

In contrast to this, experts have found that the best relationships between children and adolescents with their parents are usually formed when the parents adhere to a democratic style of upbringing. The democratic style ("authoritative", "cooperation") is characterized by the fact that parents encourage personal responsibility and independence of their children in accordance with their age capabilities. Children are included in the discussion of family problems, participate in decision-making, listen to and discuss the opinions and advice of parents. Parents demand meaningful behavior from their children and try to help them by being sensitive to their needs. At the same time, parents show firmness, care about fairness and consistent adherence to discipline, which forms responsible social behavior.

This style is most conducive to the education of independence, activity, initiative and responsibility. In this case, the child's behavior is directed consistently and at the same time flexibly and rationally:

The parent always explains the reasons for his claims and encourages their discussion with the teenager;

Power is used only when necessary;

Both obedience and independence are valued in a child;

The parent sets the rules and firmly enforces them, but does not consider himself infallible;

He listens to the opinions of the child, but does not proceed only from his desires.

In addition, emotional relationships in the family play an important integrative role, thanks to which family members feel like one community and feel warm and supported by each other.

1. Build family relationships based on the principles of honesty and the ability to admit mistakes.

2. Do not insult the child and his social circle.

3. Be a friend and helper to your child.

4. Make sure that the child can confide in you at all times and under any circumstances.

5. Do not be afraid to show your feelings to a child if you are upset about the current "computer" situation. Then he will see in you not an enemy, but a loved one who also needs care.

6. If suddenly there is a conflict, which is expressed in an orderly tone on your part about stopping work at the computer, then you should not bargain with the child, you must clearly state your position and explain it.

7. It is always necessary to stipulate the time of the child's play on the computer and strictly adhere to this framework. The amount of time should be chosen based on the age characteristics of the child. For example, it is not recommended to allow a child to access the computer under the age of 5; it is worth encouraging his knowledge of the world without the mediation of electronics. From the age of 6, the child can begin to get acquainted with the computer (15-20 minutes a day). For a teenager 10-12 years old, preferably no more than two hours a day and not in a row, but for 15-20 minutes with breaks.

9. It is necessary to instill in the child an interest in active games and physical exercises, so that he feels the joy of it.

10. It is necessary to ensure that playing on the computer does not replace real communication with peers, friends and family.

11. It is necessary to conduct a discussion of games with the child, choose educational games.

12. Do not shield the child from the computer at all, since this is an integral part of the future in which the child will live.

Yulia Prorekhina, social educator GBUSO MO "Klimovsk center of social assistance to families and children" Harmony "

· To acquaint social educators with the concept of "computer addiction";

· Consider the mechanism of the emergence of computer addiction in adolescents;

· Teach to identify signs of psychological dependence on a computer;

· To classify computer games according to the degree of danger.



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Technology for the prevention of computer addiction in adolescents. Group consultation for social educators Prepared by: E.V. Izmailova one

The goal is to present to social educators the technologies of primary prevention of computer addiction. Objectives: to acquaint social educators with the concept of "computer addiction"; consider the mechanism of the emergence of computer addiction in adolescents; teach to identify signs of psychological dependence on a computer; to classify computer games according to the degree of danger. to present the technologies developed by the authors for the primary prevention of computer addiction. 2

Addictive behavior (from the English Addiction - addiction, addiction) is characterized by the desire to escape from reality by artificially changing their mental state in a chemical or non-chemical way. Classification of addictions (Ts. P. Korolenko and NV Dmitrieva): I. Non-chemical addictions: pathological addiction to gambling (gambling); computer addiction; sexual addiction (homosexuality, lesbianism, perversion); workaholism; addiction to spending money; relationship addiction (pathological habit to a certain type of relationship); urgent addictions (the habit of being in a state of constant lack of time). II. Intermediate forms of addiction: food addiction: A) anorexia nervosa F 50.0; B) bulimia nervosa F 50.2. III. Chemical addictions F 10-F19: addiction to alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, opiates, cannabinoids, hallucinogens, solvents, tranquilizers, barbiturates. 3

What is computer addiction? The term "computer addiction" itself appeared in 1990, when the development of computer technology gained a frantic pace. Psychologists call computer addiction a kind of emotional addiction, very similar to alcohol and drug addiction. She provokes the child to immerse himself in his fictional world, to believe in his own legend about himself and so get along with her that it becomes almost impossible to exist normally in the real world. This disease can be said to lead to a split personality 4

How is addiction formed? Every person's brain is equipped with a pleasure center. If the virtualist is pulled away from the computer for 2 hours or more, he, like an alcoholic suffering from a hangover, experiences withdrawal symptoms. 5

MAIN TYPES OF COMPUTER DEPENDENCE Internet addiction (setegolism) Computer game addiction (cyberdiction) 6

Causes of computer addiction Lack of communication with peers and people who are significant for the child Lack of attention from parents Lack of self-confidence and self-confidence, shyness, complexes and difficulties in communication The child's desire to be "like everyone else" his peers The child's lack of hobbies or hobbies, any other attachments not connected with a computer The tendency of adolescents to quickly "absorb" everything new and interesting The formation of a child's computer addiction is often associated with the peculiarities of upbringing and relationships in the family 7

Stages of development of computer addiction Stage of easy infatuation. After a child (teenager) has played a computer game once, he begins to "feel the taste", he begins to like computer graphics, sound, the very fact of imitation of real life or some fantastic stories. He enjoys playing a computer game, which is accompanied by positive emotions. The specificity of this stage is that the need to play computer games is situational rather than systematic. A stable, constant need for play at this stage has not yet been formed; play is not a significant value for a person. Enthusiasm stage. A fact that testifies to the transition of a person to this stage of the formation of dependence is the appearance in the hierarchy of needs of a new need - to play computer games. The game at this stage takes on a systematic character. If a person does not have permanent access to a computer, i.e. satisfaction of the need is frustrated, quite active actions are possible to eliminate frustrating circumstances. eight

The stage of addiction. This stage is characterized by a shift in the need for play into the zone of the most important needs, which is characterized by a change in self-esteem and self-awareness. Addiction can manifest itself in one of two forms: socialized or individualized. The socialized form of gambling addiction is distinguished by the maintenance of social contacts (although mainly with the same gambling fans). These teenagers love to play together, to play with each other using a computer network. Game motivation is mostly competitive in nature. This form of addiction is less harmful in its influence on the human psyche, since the social environment, although consisting of the same fans, still, as a rule, does not allow the teenager to completely break away from reality, "go" into the virtual world and bring himself to the somatic and mental disorders. An individualized form of addiction is an extreme form of addiction, when not only the worldview is disturbed, but also the interaction with the outside world. The main function of the psyche is violated: it begins to reflect not the impact of the objective world, but virtual reality. Such adolescents play alone for a long time, their need for play is on the same level with basic physiological needs. For them, a computer game is a kind of drug. If for some time they “do not take the dose,” then they begin to feel dissatisfaction, experience negative emotions, and become depressed. If this stage of a teenager is prolonged, and he is not able to switch to another on his own, then he needs the help of specialists. 9

Attachment stage. This stage is characterized by the extinction of human play activity. A teenager’s relationship with a computer can be compared to a loose but tightly sewn button. That is, a person already "keeps his distance" from the computer, but he cannot completely get rid of psychological dependence on computer games. This is the longest of all stages - it can last a lifetime, depending on the rate at which the attachment decays. 10

Common signs of addiction: neglect of important things in life due to addictive behavior destruction of the relationship of the addicted person with significant people irritation or frustration in relation to people who matter to him or her secretiveness or irritability when people criticize this behavior feelings of guilt or anxiety about this behavior, unsuccessful attempts reduce time spent playing 11

Symptoms of psychological dependence on PC X Feeling good or euphoric at the computer Lying to family members about their activities at the computer Increasing the amount of time spent at the computer Feeling empty, depressed, irritated when not at the computer Inability to stop Neglecting family and friends Problems with work or study 12

Symptoms of Physical dependence on PC Carpal tunnel syndrome (tunnel damage to the nerve trunks of the arm associated with prolonged muscle strain) Irregular eating, skipping meals Migraine-type headaches Back pain Dry eyes Neglect of personal hygiene Sleep disorders, sleep changes 13

the dangers of computer addiction A computer is the main object for communication In the process of playing, or being on the Internet, the child loses control over the time The child can show aggression, if he is deprived of his access to computer games Permissiveness and ease of achieving goals in games can affect the child's confidence that and in real life, you can “start over” the game. Due to neglect of food, a deficiency of vitamins and minerals may occur. Continuous presence in front of the monitor can cause visual impairment, decreased immunity, headaches, fatigue, insomnia. distracts them with requests. Often these adults are themselves addicted to PCs and the Internet 14

Computer games according to the degree of danger can be classified as follows 1. Role-playing computer games. They provide the most opportunities for realizing the need to accept a role and escape from reality. In turn, they are divided: Games with the "eyes" of a computer hero. Very quickly there is an identification with the hero, full entry into the role; immersion in the virtual reality of the game is the most dangerous. Games with a view from the outside on "their" computer hero. They are sometimes called "quests". Here, too, there is an identification with a computer character, although not so pronounced. Nevertheless, the defeat or death of "his" character can be experienced by the player almost like his own. Strategy games. They are also "leadership": the player can act as a commander of special forces, commander-in-chief of armies, or even the Creator. The role is not specified specifically, but is imagined by the player himself, and there is no character on the screen. People who have a good imagination have more chances to go into such a game "headlong". Many researchers write that such games develop systems thinking; others believe that gamblers who prefer this type of game thus fulfill their need for domination and power. 15

2. Non-role-playing computer games. The player does not assume the role of a computer character, that is, the formation of addiction and the influence of games on a person's personality are not so pronounced. Main motivations: the excitement of achieving the goal, "passing" the game and / or gaining points. Arcade. These games are not demanding on resources, usually have a weak linear plot. The main thing in arcades is to move quickly, shoot and collect various prizes, driving a computer character or a vehicle. These games are harmless in most cases. If they cause mental dependence, then short-term. Puzzles (chess, checkers, backgammon). The main motivation in such games is to prove your superiority over the computer. Games for reaction speed. This includes all games in which the player needs to be agile and responsive. They differ from arcades in that they either have no plot at all, or are abstract and have nothing to do with real life. Motivation based on passion, the need to "pass" the game, to score more points, can form a completely stable mental dependence of a person on this type of games. Traditional gambling. This includes computer versions of card games, roulettes, and simulators of slot machines. The mechanisms for the formation of dependence on these computer games and their real counterparts are similar. sixteen

According to a survey conducted by the State Research Center for Social and Forensic Psychiatry named after V. V.P. Serbian, the main forms of activity of underage Internet users were distributed as follows. * Data in the table are presented in%. More than 1000 people took part in the survey. 17

Diagnostics of computer addiction: Method for diagnosing Internet addiction by V. Loskutova (Russian-language adaptation of the Kimberly Young questionnaire); Criteria for the diagnosis of computer addiction (Ivan Goldberg, 1996); Criteria for the diagnosis of computer addiction (Maressa Hecht Orzack, 1999); Method of screening diagnostics of computer addiction (L. N. Yurieva, T. Yu. Bolbot, 2005). The study of the possibility of the emergence of computer and gambling addiction among minors should include: a study of the presence of accentuations of the character of a teenager's personality (Leonhard's method); a study of parent-child relationships (Analysis of Eidemiller's family relationships) Questionnaires and tests to determine the Internet, game addiction, dependence on a mobile phone, on audio stimuli (Tucker test, Sheffield's questionnaire, Kulakov's Internet addiction test); tests for the determination of addiction in a minor (test for Internet addiction by Nikitina and Egorova); psychoprophylactic conversations and observation. eighteen

Prevention of computer addiction - prevention of the development of pathological use of computers. It is carried out in four main directions and presents: firstly, extensive educational work among young people, secondly, sanitary and hygienic education of the population, thirdly, public events for working with computer technologies, and fourthly, administrative and legislative measures. Primary prevention is aimed at improving the mental adaptation of students, their interpersonal relationships, at familiarization with the signs of the development of computer addiction and its possible consequences 19

Technologies for primary prevention of computer addiction 20

A step-by-step system for correcting computer-dependent behavior The goal of therapy: increasing self-esteem and the level of self-awareness, increasing control over impulses, increasing the stability of interpersonal relationships, social adaptation. Therapy objectives: 1. Identification of existing problems and problematic situations; 2. Identification of obsessive thoughts and sensations that lead to computer-dependent behavior. Psychotherapeutic remedies for correction 21

Strategies for preventing the development of computer addiction (for parents): 1. Set a positive personal example. It is important that words do not diverge from deeds. And if the father allows his son to play at the computer for no more than an hour a day, then he himself should not play for three or four hours. 2. Limit the time of working with a computer, explaining that a computer is not a right, but a privilege, so communication with it is subject to parental control. It is impossible to strongly prohibit working on a computer. If a child is prone to computer addiction, he can spend two hours at the computer on a weekday and three hours on a weekend. Necessarily intermittently. 3. Suggest other ways to spend your time. You can make a list of things to do in your free time. It is advisable that the list includes joint activities (going to the cinema, to nature, playing chess, etc.). 4. Use the computer as an element of effective education, as a reward (for example, for homework done correctly and on time, cleaning the apartment, etc.). 5. Pay attention to the games children play, as some of them can cause insomnia, irritability, aggressiveness, and specific fears. 6. Discuss games with your child. Give preference to educational games. It is extremely important to teach a child to be critical of computer games, to show that this is a very small part of the available entertainment, that life is much more diverse, that play cannot replace communication. 7. In cases where parents cannot cope with the problem on their own, contact psychologists and specialized centers. 22

Tips for parents Comfort and convenience at work 23

Gymnastics for the eyes 24

PC addiction through the eyes of children 25

My eyes are tired of the screen, But again I stare at the monitor. Ask why I need it, Yes, I understand, too much ... But I have no strength to come off, I'm like a zombie at the PC ... We are all like passengers in NETA Stuck, give us a kick. An incurable contagion, Damn this Internet. We are in anticipation of ecstasy, We have nothing sweeter. But it cannot go on like this, After all, there must be a limit to everything. Health is dearer to us, friends, There are still a lot of different things to do. 26

Conclusion: Computer addiction is a manifestation of addictive behavior. It is proved that from 5% to 14% of Internet users suffer from computer addiction. Moreover, the number of addicts is growing in direct proportion to the increase in Internet access and speed. Literature data and experience in the treatment of patients with computer addiction suggest that the key to success is the identification of individuals at risk among PC users, and qualified preventive and corrective work with them at the initial (preclinical) stage of addiction formation. 27

Sources Yuriev, L. N. Computer addiction: formation, diagnosis, correction and prevention: Monograph / L. N. Yuryeva, T. Yu. Bolbot. - Dnepropetrovsk: Thresholds, 2006 .-- 196 p. http://www.pokrov-forum.ru/science/zdorovie/izdanie/profil_zavis_povedenia/txt/2_2.php http://www.oko-photo.ru/topics/society/254 http://trasluz.ru/ articlepsy / internetmania 28

Computer-game addiction and its prevention.

Target: to draw the attention of parents to the problem of "computer-game addiction" in children.

This year I was able to hear a disturbing story about a sixth-grader boy whose parents during the summer holidays noticed that their son does not go for a walk, as he did last year, but spends all his time playing computer games. They began to distract him, limit the game, prevent him from playing on the computer, he began to use the phone. The family went to Voronezh to relax, have fun, from the boy's side - a historical reaction. They stopped giving a phone to the school, so he asked his classmates to play. Left home once, did not spend the night - protest against the ban. We turned to psychologists in Voronezh, but they could not help. Now parents are trying to distract the boy by visiting the skating rink, swimming pool, being with him as often as possible, but this is impossible, because work. Now they hope to send him to a cadet school. In the meantime, the parents were left alone with their misfortune, in which no one can help them.

This story was not told to me firsthand, but its essence suggests that at the present time such a misfortune can touch each of us. My graduate, excellent student, fifth-grader, since September, has not let go of the phone. Children talk in the classroom constantly on the phone under the desk. For the first half of the year I dropped out of the honors pupils. I talked with her sternly, edifyingly, but the use of the telephone still continues.

Therefore, today I am talking with you on this topic. Our first-graders do not bring cars to school, but immediately after the call they take out computer games or telephones. True, after I heard the story, I began to categorically forbid using them at school.

The modern world is built on the basis of computer electronic systems that have penetrated virtually all spheres of human activity. The main element of the man-made development of mankind is the computer. It is this device that today solves an infinite number of tasks set by man. It is already much more difficult to find a job for those who do not know computer literacy, so a person learns to work with a computer from an early age.

But, computer-gambling addiction over the past decade has acquired the scale of a global epidemic. It forms much faster than any other traditional addiction: smoking, drugs, alcohol, gambling. The formation of a child's computer addiction is often associated with the peculiarities of upbringing and relationships in the family.

Signs of computer addiction in children:

The child does not do homework, sits at the game for hours, does not tear.

Prefers computer games to communication

There are no other hobbies besides computer games

The total time spent playing exceeds the time of doing homework, walking, or other hobbies.

Computer addiction symptoms

Although the term "computer addiction" is still not internationally recognized, there are a number of diagnostic criteria that help determine the presence of a pathological addiction in relation to working with a computer. The symptoms of computer addiction can be of two types: mental and physical.

Mental signs of computer addiction, in general, are similar to the mental signs of addictions of another type. The most common mental signs of computer addiction are "loss of control" over the time spent at the computer, failure to fulfill promises made to oneself or others with regard to reducing the time spent at the computer, deliberate understatement or lies regarding the time spent at the computer, loss of interest in social life and external mind, justification of their own behavior and addictions. Important symptoms of computer addiction are mixed feelings of joy and guilt while working at the computer, as well as irritable behavior that appears if, for some reason, the duration of working at the computer decreases.

Physical signs of computer addiction are less specific, and, as a rule, are caused by prolonged stay at the computer. Some of these symptoms can occur in people who do not suffer from computer addiction at all, but who have to spend a long time at the computer. Physical signs of computer addiction are represented by eye disorders (visual impairment, display syndrome, dry eye syndrome), musculoskeletal system (curvature of the spine, posture disorders), digestive system (malnutrition, chronic constipation, hemorrhoids).

The main reasons for computer addiction can be:

  • Lack of communication with peers and people who matter to the child
  • Lack of parental attention
  • Lack of confidence in oneself and one's strengths, shyness, complexes and difficulties in communication
  • The tendency of adolescents to quickly "absorb" everything new, interesting
  • The child's desire to be "like everyone else" his peers, to follow their hobbies, to keep up
  • The child has no hobbies or hobbies, any other attachments not related to the computer

Who is more addicted to games on the computer?

  • Children of those parents who most often are not at home
  • Children of wealthy parents or workaholics who are constantly busy
  • As the psychologist Anatoly Klivnik notes, the most addicted and, at the same time, undesirable age is 12-15 years
  • There are up to 10 boys per addicted teenage girl, this is due to the fact that the adolescent crisis is more difficult for boys, and there are many times less computer games for girls

Prevention of addiction to computer games

  • Personal example of parents, if you allow your child to play for some time a day, then you yourself should not sit at the computer for more time.
  • List of joint activities, games, developing street competitions. Everything should be planned so that there is no free minute.
  • Use the computer as a reward, for effective education, as a reward.
  • It is important to clearly control the games that the child plays. You need to know what the game is and monitor any deviations in the child's behavior after he has played the game. Irritability, agitation, insomnia may occur. All this indicates that either the play time has been exceeded, or the play is not suitable for the child.
  • Give preference to educational games and sites. Discuss with your child those games that you think would be more useful for him to play.
  • Treatment with the "beauty" of reality: to get to know the world, museums, theaters, parks, travel, communication with interesting interlocutors.
  • Installation of special network filters that allow you to control and limit the child's communication with the computer.

It's important to know

  • It is impossible to abruptly take away or prohibit computer games for a child who is already involved.
  • It is worth doing this consistently, it is better to prepare together with a psychologist
  • You can take various tests on the Internet to assess your child's computer addiction and yourself.
  • Psychologists tend to argue that any computer addiction is temporary. But is it worth waiting for this "saturation", especially when it comes to children.
  • Not all games are bad for the psyche, some contribute to the development of cognitive and moral qualities. Here the decisive factor is which games are chosen.

Grow your kids healthy! Remain parents who care about the fate and health of their children.


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Prevention of computer addiction in the family

A computer and other information devices - for example, a mobile phone, a tablet - have long become a part of the life of a modern person. These technical means have significantly changed the entire social environment. On the one hand, this made it possible to simplify the life of a modern person, including a child. On the other hand, many new problems have emerged, including the computer and Internet addiction of children and adolescents. Unfortunately, easy access to a wide variety of information can prevent a child from developing creativity, intelligence, the ability to build deep relationships and overcome difficulties, as well as negatively affect moral development.

Let's see how parents can organize a child's life so that technical means help him develop, but do not own it. In other words, what can be done in the family to reduce the risk of computer and Internet addiction.

The phrase "computer addiction" describes a number of dependencies that are considered separately in world practice. Thus, addiction to computer games (gaming), Internet addiction (setegolism), cybersex addiction (painful addiction to sexual behavior through the use of computer technology) and some others are distinguished. We will dwell on the first two types in detail, and by the phrase "computer addiction" we will mean gaming and networkholism. Today, these concepts have not yet been included in medical reference books, but such a possibility is constantly discussed, there are corresponding clinics and scientific works.

The human brain, systematically getting into a certain situation, adapts to it. Computer games, vivid films, and other "media products" evoke various strong emotions in a person, on which he may become addicted over time. Children and adolescents whose brains develop due to age are especially vulnerable to this addiction.

There are 7 family factors that contribute to the emergence and development of a younger student, adolescent, gaming and networkholism.

  1. Low moral standards of the family. It is unlikely that in a family where swearing, drunkenness, lies, violence are constant, where adultery and others are encountered, a child will grow up free from addictive behavior. Attention to oneself and keeping oneself from vice is the personal basis of independent behavior. A teenager develops morally when he is clearly aware of the morally acceptable boundaries of his behavior, and personal example is the most important factor in upbringing.
  2. Unfavorable emotional environment in the family . Constant conflicts, rudeness and rudeness in the family, emotional depression, lack of regular emotionally attractive leisure time in the family - all this forms in adolescents a persistent negative attitude towards the family, and with prolonged exposure - increased or high anxiety and fears. Therefore, adolescents rush to the virtual world, where they at least temporarily get the desired emotions. On virtual characters, teenagers can take out the aggression that has arisen in real situations.
  3. Lack of trusting relationships with parents. A trusting relationship with parents gives the child, adolescent the opportunity to calmly comprehend the current events, make it possible to draw conclusions and learn how to better manage oneself. It is good if parents can, at least partially, together with a teenager, master the positive possibilities of information technology.
  4. Parental control strategies that do not match the age characteristics of children. This prevents young people from strengthening their independence. For example, systematic preparation of lessons by a child with parents is acceptable in 1st grade, but usually harmful in 5th grade. As a result, it is difficult for a teenager who does not know how to organize his activities (in particular, his behavior in time and his attention) to keep his informational passions under control.
  5. Early teaching of a child to a computer, TV, mobile phone. It is important that a preschool child first develops creative abilities, social skills, and only then, from 7-8 years old, the skills of using electronic means. The preschooler needs to be taught to play real, not virtual games. Then he will acquire the ability to embody the images invented by him, and not to manipulate the ready-made ones. The trilogy of books by L. Petrushevskaya about the piglet Peter is devoted to this problem. The child's creativity must be realized in the creation of images in the game - otherwise it will be difficult for the child to be successful at school, and in advanced cases the problems may be more serious. Unfortunately, according to the experience of our Center, the virtual game is increasingly replacing the real one. As a result, in the future the child becomes more vulnerable to manipulation himself, his intellectual level decreases, it is more difficult for the child to communicate.
  6. Inability to interest a child or teenager in life in the real world (by the parents themselves or through other people). This is important for children of different ages, but especially true for adolescents who, due to their age characteristics, tend to go beyond the family environment. The teenager needs a place where he can stay for a long time and learn to meet his needs in a morally acceptable way. Such environments can be institutions of additional education, significant hobbies (subject to their competent leadership), school electives in subjects of interest to a teenager. The teenager's lack of fulfillment is one of the reasons for computer addiction. Today, the situation is complicated by the fact that the environment that reinforces the addiction is, among other things, a significant group for the adolescent (for example, in the case of addiction to massively multiplayer online games or from social networks). If a teenager has joined this environment, you need to help him keep track of the time and content of the games.
  7. 7. Lack of parental supervision over the time of the games and the presence of the child on the Internet, the subject of the sites he visits. Leads to the fact that the child can become involved in unwanted information, become a member of communities that encourage his destructive behavior; also prevents the child from learning to control his hobbies. There are norms for the child's working time at the computer. In Russia, as in some other countries of the world, there is a system of restrictive ratings for media products. In particular, before the age of 12, films and games based on detailed violence must be completely excluded. At the same time, this factor is not the main one, it is only part of the conditions that help a young person to manage himself.

Do you know what time it is

Does your child spend at the computer?

Specialists of the Moscow State

Center for psychological, medical and social support "Vera" developed

norms of the child's work at the computer:


Maximum continuous working time

Maximum running time per day

Maximum frequency per week

The concept of "work" includes school computer science lessons, and homework, and entertainment. Often, the child spends time at the computer when the parents are not at home. Therefore, you can track this time using special programs, for example, Kaspersky Internet Security. Information on the installation and use of such programs can be found on the websites of their manufacturers; many programs have telephone technical support services, their phone numbers can be found on the same sites.

An example of parental control in the programKaspersky Internet Security

How to prevent development

computer addiction in adolescents?

Information channel management:

  1. Determine how much time your son or daughter spends in front of the screen;
  2. Establish parental control, gradually bring time to normal;
  3. Remember that by restricting the child's access to a computer or tablet, you must provide an equivalent substitute (for example, arrange a joint walk, go to a museum, etc.)
  4. Limit access to games and films with a high content of violence (focus on ratings: +6, +12, +16, +18);
  5. Know how to be an advanced computer user, the Internet;
  6. Eliminate or at least reduce manifestations of addictive behavior on your part (tobacco, TV shows, etc.), if necessary, seek help yourself;
  7. Involve your child in using useful programs and sites;
  8. Check if the child is already addicted using the Kulakov questionnaire for parents; if so, consult a specialist;

Development of the emotional-volitional sphere:

  1. Help track and analyze your actions, thoughts, emotions;
  2. Teach you to be aware of your needs, set goals and achieve them, organize time (for example, with the help of MA Lukashenko's book “Time management of children and adolescents: a book by advanced parents”);
  3. Provide physical activity (at least 2 hours a day);
  4. Develop musical tastes, familiarize yourself with classical music;
  5. Encourage creative problem solving.

Social development:

  1. Create conditions for your child (teenager) to find a peer group that would help him develop;
  2. Find an institution of additional education (work) for a child (teenager), help him find it himself;
  3. For the middle and older teenager (13-17 years old), create conditions for self-determination (for example, introduce him to professionals, attend open days together);
  4. Become a member of the parenting community, organize together parenting activities.

If necessary, contact the specialists! (teachers, psychologists, psychotherapists, psychiatrists)

Additional information on the problem

computer addiction:

website of projects of the Internet Development Fund "Children of Russia Online" http://detionline.com/;

Help Line "Children of Russia Online" (for children and adults, from 9 to 18 Moscow time) 8-800-25-00-125;

Public organization "League of Safe Internet" http://ligainternet.ru/encyclopedia-of-security/;

Psychiatrist Kantuev O.I. Computer addiction treatment http://www.kantuev.ru/igrovaya/;

Doctor-psychotherapist, medical psychologist Kulakov S.A. Child Internet Addiction Test for Parents.

http : //psspb.blogspot.ru/search/label/Computer dependency

The material was prepared by the teacher-psychologist V.I.

Computer addiction prevention program for adolescents

Belenko Larisa Yurievna

"Prevention of computer addiction

among students of grades 5-11 MBOU secondary school №25 "

Soon there will only be two groups of people left:

those who control computers,

and those controlled by computers.

Try to get into the first one.

(American management specialist)

Relevance of implementation:

The rapid development of ICT technologies in recent years has left a certain imprint on the development of the personality of a modern student. Along with the positive effect of computerization, it should be noted the negative consequences of this process, which affects the physical and psychological health of children and adolescents. One of them is computer addiction. Psychologists classify this bad habit as a kind of emotional "addiction" caused by technical means.

The main causes of computer addiction in adolescents:

1. The very first and most important is the lack of self-control skills in a teenager. Subsequently, having become an adult, he also will not be able to control himself, limit himself, “slow down”.

2. Lack or lack of communication and warm emotional relationships in the family.

3. The child's lack of serious hobbies, interests, hobbies, attachments not related to the computer.

4. Child's inability to establish desirable contacts with others, lack of friends.

5. Lack of control on the part of parents, lack of control over personal time, inability to organize their leisure time.
6. Stormy correspondence (more than 20 messages a day) also contributes to the emergence of addiction, since the time in the correspondence flies unnoticed, although it does not convey emotions and feelings.

Signs of computer addiction:

    Significantly improved mood from working at the computer

    Unwillingness to break away from work or play on the computer

    If you take the patient away from the computer, he or she gets irritated, even shows some aggression towards you.

    Failure to plan to finish work or play on the computer

    Neglecting household chores in favor of a computer

    Disregarding personal hygiene and sleep in favor of a computer

    When communicating with others, information of any conversation on a computer topic

    Fall in academic performance

    Problems in communication, frequent conflicts

    A teenager hides from others how much time he spends on the Internet, what sites he visits

The project is aimed at the formation and development of the information culture of schoolchildren and the value attitude towards their health, the formation of the ability to rationally use the tools and technical means of information technology in the education system and meaningful leisure.


Formation of information culture and prevention of computer addiction in schoolchildren within the framework of the school-wide concept of creating a unified information educational environment.


    To improve the ICT competence of teachers, parents and students

    To develop a system of measures for the formation of the information culture of the student

    Carrying out activities aimed at the formation of skills to use a computer, multimedia resources and Internet resources in a system of education and meaningful leisure time rationally and safely for health

    Organization of interesting, useful leisure, the formation of the value of a healthy and safe lifestyle

The project for the prevention of computer addiction among students is designed for an academic year.First stage (September - October) - preparatory(diagnostic),second phase (November - April) practical (formative), third stage (May) - generalizing (stage of evaluating the results and reflection).

    The project is being implemented through activities aimed at creating conditions for the prevention of computer addiction, at organizing educational and informational work in this direction, at developing a system of educational activities and additional education at school.

    The project envisagesmonitoring the results of work at the intermediate and final stages of the project. In addition, it is envisaged to ensure the necessary corrective work associated with the difficulties and risks of the project.

Program participants: additional education teachers, social and psychological service, subject teachers, student self-government activists, students, parents.

event title

Form of the event

Purpose of the event


1. Diagnostic stage

Poll, questionnaire

Individual, group

Diagnostics of interests and types of activities of students outside school hours


Students 5-11 grades,

psychologist, teachers,



Conducting a survey "Games in my life"


Reveal the degree of passion for virtual games

Social teacher

Students 5-11 grades,


2. Formative stage

Involving students in extracurricular activities


Organization of extracurricular employment of schoolchildren in circles, sports sections

Class teachers, teachers of additional education

Educators, students

During a year

Engaging parents in combating computer addiction


Organization of work of the parent club. Thematic speech at the parent meeting “The child and the computer. Dangerous edge "

Class teachers



Cinema "Look at the World Around"


To form and develop the need for an active lifestyle, in live communication, the ability to see the surrounding reality

Class teachers

Students 5-11 grades,



Board Game Festival


Popularization of the board game as an alternative to virtual and network

Psychologist Social teacher

Students 5-11 grades,


Training "Live communication"


Organization of round tables, discussion of events in the sports world, in the world of culture, film industry, etc.


Students 5-11 years old,



Conducting a cycle of sports events


Formation and inculcation of an active lifestyle of students, carrying out various events in the culture of food, sports. Developing self-discipline

Additional education teachers

Students of grades 5-11, teachers

3. The stage of evaluating the results and reflection

Questionnaire "Live to a hundred"


Revealing the degree of value attitude towards one's health and self-development

Students 5-11 grades,


Conducting a survey "Games that children play"


Reveal the degree of demand for board games

Students 5-11 grades,


Conducting surveys, questionnaires, interviews


Re-diagnostics of students' interests and activities outside school hours. Individual conversations with students who find it difficult to get rid of computer addiction


Students 5-11 grades,




Expected results and ways of evaluating them.

The implementation of this project will allow:

Effectively organize the activities of the teaching staff within the information and educational environment of the school;

To create conditions for the formation of a value-based attitude towards their health among schoolchildren;

Create conditions for building a personal safe information space for a student.

Requirements for the main executors of the program

Project Implementation Management is responsible for the following requirements:

    ensuring that the goals and results of the project are consistent with the overall goals of the school;

    development of an optimal organizational structure for project implementation management;

    improving the efficiency of all target groups;

    ensuring timely control over the effectiveness of project implementation.

Project implementation management presupposes:

    management of people (influencing the behavior and actions of people, adjusting their activities aimed at achieving the goal).

Forms of work: collective, group, individual.

    activity management (performing analysis and planning functions);

    creation of a system for monitoring the effectiveness and efficiency of the project.