Vamp woman - who is she? Image and character traits. The image of a vamp woman. Hair and hairstyle of a vamp woman

A keen mind is an integral part of the image of a femme fatale, and you will not be able to become a vamp woman if you do not engage in pumping your own intelligence to the level of "Goddess". It is important to remember the following: the image of a superficial woman, "the beauty of what a fool" can also work, but it does not attract men as much as the image of an intellectual. Because you want to conquer a vamp woman, but you don't need to conquer a silly woman. She must be hidden from decent society. At the same time, the sense of humor should also be at its best, because an intelligent woman who is serious like a tombstone is more reminiscent of a strict teacher for a man than a woman at whose feet one wants to throw her life.

The vamp woman is confident

You know that self-esteem must be adequate: both overestimated and underestimated are equally harmful. And if it seems to you that the femme fatale is a young lady with high self-esteem, arrogant and unapproachable, you are deeply mistaken. The vamp woman knows how to create this image. But she assesses herself quite adequately.

The vamp woman always looks appropriate.

The replicated image of a vamp woman - a curvy, bright brunette in a revealing dress and high heels - has nothing to do with reality. A vamp woman can look whatever you want, but there is a caveat: she always looks appropriate. Everywhere. Some people think that this is a rare gift, but in fact it can be learned with some effort. And you don't have to hire a style consultant: once you dive into the topic completely, you realize that creating the perfect look is not as difficult as it seems at first. Provided, of course, that everything is in order with the previous item. If not, do your self-esteem first.

The vamp woman knows how to listen

People love to talk. Even more people like to talk about themselves, loved ones. But few people like to listen to this, because any listener wants to quickly tell that with him (beloved, yeah) everything is the same, or, on the contrary, is completely different. That is, there are very few good listeners, and this, frankly, saves us. Because a person who knows how to listen to us automatically seems to us as someone who can be trusted with the most intimate. This is exactly what the femme fatale can do.


Vamp woman can speak

More precisely, she knows how to say exactly what they want to hear from her, and so that no one would guess about it. She is a subtle psychologist, a person who knows how to completely subdue a person with one phrase and do with him what she wants. Because that's all, he already unconditionally believes her. This is more difficult to learn. But it is possible. Especially if you have already learned to listen to people.

The vamp woman is a skilled manipulator

Actually, it is enough to learn how to listen and speak correctly in order to successfully manipulate anyone. But in order to become a real femme fatale, you will have to seriously immerse yourself in the world of psychological literature. A real femme fatale did not do this, of course, but only because she was used to carefully observing people and analyzing their words, actions and even emotions. This path is a little more difficult. Because you hardly really want to know everything about people. So it's better to read the works of Eric Berne, William James, and of old Freud, of course, where without him. To start.

The vamp woman knows how to concede

Yes, the femme fatale is not at all the maiden who always achieves what she wants. This is a woman who knows how to give in. Do you know why? Because she does not intend to achieve anything at all: no, no, just think! And this easy attitude attracts people to her, like a magnet. Because everyone wants to be needed by someone. And when people understand that the vamp woman doesn't really need them, they immediately need to foist themselves on her on a silver platter. With all the giblets. Do you dare?

The vamp woman knows how to say "No"

Many women have certain problems with this word: what if I will offend with refusal? What if I hurt myself with this? And how would something not work out, huh? The vamp woman does not hesitate or hesitate. No means no.

The vamp woman is outspoken

There is no topic that the femme fatale cannot speak frankly. And, mind you, frankness in her case is not at all a soul to plow: there are simply no taboo topics for her. But, since most people have these very forbidden topics, it seems to them that it was for them that the femme fatale opened the veil of the most intimate. A very simple trick. The main thing is not to blush and not stumble over "forbidden" words.

The vamp woman knows how to be herself

Is always. In any situation. In any environment and alone with yourself too. And this is the hardest skill. But, if you master the previous 9, you can do it.

Watch out - vamp! Her sexuality is a trap, her body is a weapon, her lover is sacrificed. The type of woman that makes you feel hot and cold. If you fall in love with her, you will have a hard time.

Is she beautiful? Is she sexy? Does it shine and sparkle? She beckons, beckons, flatter. Is she passion embodied, but as self-confident as a queen? Here's my advice to you: feet in hand - and run away from her. And as quickly as possible. A stunning creature with a burning gaze, a wasp waist and a trendy, defiant "outfit" - all of this is enough to end you. First, you will be conquered according to all the rules of art, and then you will be given a turn from the gate at the most interesting place. She hits without missing.

When Tony saw Barbara for the first time, he was instantly distraught. “She's the spitting image of Carmen! - he cried. "She's sensuality itself."

When Barbara, with a dim, languid gaze, took off Tony's gray flannel trousers, he thought he was about to explode. Needless to say, what happened to Tony when Barbara was like "Wait a minute!" she bared her legs, wandered her gaze over her hips and ran her tongue over her wet lips. Ah, Tony, leave your fervent dreams! Barbara just started all this, in order to finally tell you: "Perhaps that's enough." When she finally drives you crazy with her calling mouth to kiss, she will simply throw you out like a potato.

Cora treated Ulrich the same way. And she played all the keys of feminine charm. She fooled Ulrich with long, slender legs, hip play and indifferent but skillful shamelessness. With her behavior, Cora plunged Ulrich into wild dreams. Sometimes he thought Cora was in love with him. Delusion. Cora is in love, above all, with her ability to seduce. She needs a relationship with a man only in order to break them off at the right moment.

What is behind the haze of a dream woman? Inferiority complex. A man-hater, if sexy and attractive, has an unconscious desire to avenge supposed male privileges. The erotic façade hides a deep hatred for the man she thinks he is in a better position.

In addition, he has what she does not have: a penis. Mother Nature has provided you with a 15 cm unit - this is the reason why the enterprise of this siren always ends in failure. This is nothing more than a symbolic castration. You are a man, but a woman will not allow you what you are capable of and why you are attacking her. And now your dream woman deprives you of potency.

For what is only superficially mentioned here, it is probably the injuries sustained in early childhood that are to blame. When a mother or father makes her daughter feel like she is “just” a girl, it can be painfully felt as a disadvantage and later result in an inability to have a normal relationship.

A woman with sexual envy will never surrender herself to a man, because by doing so she would recognize male superiority. Instead, she avenges the perceived advantage: first seduces, and then castrates with refusal. Now she has brought him into the same state in which she sees herself: powerless, because without a member.

And now the most difficult question: why are there suddenly so many such women? Answer: they have always been in order, both in reality and in myth. Proud, independent Carmen belongs to them as well as Salome or Cleopatra. But Marlene Dietrich or Greta Garbo can also be enlisted in the ranks of man-hating women. Yet it is no coincidence that castrating women are multiplying again right now.

If you fall in love with a femme fatale, don't be careless. Whether she is as feminine as you like, you still measure her by male standards. This, of course, is the easiest of all, but then it will destroy something that you value more in yourself: male potency. And if she behaves with maximum sensuality, this is tactics: she offers what you especially covet, and leaves you to starve with an outstretched hand.

And only if you endure the castrating blow in the stomach, the femme fatale is able to surrender. You need to be a superman with super potency, then she will not feel humiliated.

Stay in the game, but do not show how deep you have taken the bait. The only thing that will throw the femme fatale off balance is the double statement: "You interest me," but "You do not excite me." If you feel that you cannot withstand such stress, it is better to pay attention to someone else. It may not be easy at first, but you will avoid heavy shocks. The femme fatale must be treated as cunningly as possible: she never fulfills her promises ...

Many representatives of the fairer sex are not at all such and firmly hold the men around them in their own arms. They will not quarrel with their husband over trifles, without a reason to blame the children and be interested in gossip about others. It is not for them to engage in scams or scandal. These persons are at the highest stage of development and are completely unlike anyone else. Vamp woman what is it and what type of women this designation is inherent in the fair sex, we will try to figure it out together.

Vamp woman what is it in real life

What really stands out such women - they have a really strong charisma, or is this the same femme fatale.

It takes a lot of talent to find one. But nevertheless, there are still some differences that will give out that very fateful person in the crowd:

The characteristic image of a vamp woman

  • unearthly beauty,
  • exquisite perfume,
  • style of behavior,
  • special position of the body,
  • exquisite walking style comparable to a graceful panther,
  • maddening look.

What separates a vamp woman from an ordinary woman

The most outstanding feature of such a lady is her ability to “keep the brand” under any circumstances.

  • She will never bare her own soul in front of those around her and will not show what thoughts really hover in her smart head.
  • Her breathtaking "I" amazes relatives, friends, colleagues and lovers.
  • The special atmosphere hovering around such women is mysterious for everyone around them, without exception. And rarely does anyone manage to solve it.
  • That is why their life path is colored by loneliness and inaccessibility.

What drives the lady vamp's feelings

Fatal ladies always have the most tender feelings for their beloved. This circumstance does not serve as proof of their deprivation of attention, affection and care of others. You just need to stop lovingly treat your own person and lose the shine emitted by your eyes, all the enchanting enchanting mystery will immediately dissipate.

Therefore, the entire life path of such a lady is built on a cult of love for herself. This attitude should be constantly nurtured and cherished, nurturing the inner "I", reinforcing it with constantly unquenchable feelings. Thus, the likelihood of becoming a simple woman is excluded.

How to increase self-esteem and self-confidence in a woman

Among the erroneous opinions include the assumption that love for one's own "I" is calculated by the number of conquered male hearts or the presence of expensive clothes and first-class means of caring for their appearance.

Everything is much simpler. It is enough to constantly repeat to yourself that you do not need to be careless about your own states and sensations, and start acting. Absolutely elementary things are capable of creating a fatal beauty out of you, an unsurpassed Woman with a Capital Letter.

How to Boost Self-Esteem and Self-Confidence Exercise

Small little things will allow you to start loving yourself:

  • Put aside household chores and soak up a little fragrant water. To do this, use essential oil, foam, aroma candles with your favorite scent.
  • A glass of the best wine will come in handy.
  • Before going to bed, spray the room with perfume with a subtle and exciting scent. The path of the perfume bottle no longer gathers dust on the bedside table. The corresponding case has already arrived.
  • Place a gorgeous bouquet or just one flower on the table in the bedroom. He will delight the eye and direct thoughts in the right direction, raising your spirits.
  • Learn a well-known truth: how others treat you depends a lot on how you treat yourself.
  • Just love yourself. Do not attribute this to idle nonsense or an ordinary woman's whim. And in no case do not let your friends think so.

Vamp woman what are these women and how to become her

You can often observe how an elegant woman confidently walks in high heels, dressed in breathtaking outerwear, her head is adorned with an exquisite hat, and her face leaves much to be desired. This moment completely crosses out all the pleasant sensations that are created at first glance. And further communication with her will alienate the interlocutors. Men even from the inner circle will be afraid to continue their acquaintance and prefer to keep their distance.

Find out more why men are afraid of these women:

Why women are attracted to men

  • Appearance. The vamp woman has the ability to present her face in a special way. It radiates calmness and serenity, and sometimes even some coldness. Such ladies in nothing, even facial expressions, will not give out the feelings that take possession of them. And no circumstances will force them to show that she is uncomfortable or that she has inner experiences.
  • Voice. Special notes in the voice that pierce the very heart. Success in the field of love promises those ladies who have a low, softly vibrating tone of voice. Most often they are surrounded by an impenetrable crowd of admirers and admirers. On a subconscious level, trust in them is higher than in those who have a high and thin voice.

What female voice do men like

Oddly enough, it is this magical timbre that plays an important role in the seductive effect on others.

  • The stronger sex ascribes a certain secret and charm to the owners of a low voice. In addition, they are more exciting in terms of sexual connotations.
  • If you are not naturally given such an intriguing voice with a touch of cold, do not despair. It is not at all difficult to produce what we need on our own.

How to learn a sexy voice

In order to become that dream of a thousand men and captivate in one word, do the following:

  • Record a short text with your own voice on the recorder for any reason.
  • At the same time, say the same text several times: in one breath and slowly, squat and high, indifferent and emotionally.
  • Choose the right intonation that sounds beautiful, deep and intriguing.
  • The resulting reference should not interfere with your vocal cords. Now all that remains is to learn how to use it skillfully.

Vamp woman style

The lady of perfection has not only ingenuity, wisdom, the ability to apply tactical techniques in a timely manner, but she is also beautiful in appearance. This is not only about skillfully chosen makeup, manicure and hairstyle, but also about demeanor. However, it is not difficult to acquire such skills; any person who seeks to show herself exclusively from her best side can cope with this.

How to attract men

Name Purchase recommendations

graceful manners

Getting into the car
  • Do not try to open the door of a car you are going to get into on your own.
  • This must be done by the driver or your partner.
  • Even if they are unable to figure out that this is on the list of necessary manners, wait until the last.
  • You’re a vamp lady, and that’s a lot.
  • Position yourself gracefully in the cabin, do not bend your head and avoid stooping.
  • Sit sideways, then gently tucking your legs into the salon.
  • Exactly in the same order, you should also leave the salon.

Remember the grace of the panther and match it.

Make sure that all your actions are natural, do not fuss.

  • Your relaxedness and freedom of movement will cause others to assume that you feel calm in the interior of an expensive car.
  • However, avoid being overly pretentious.
  • This behavior will be awkward and funny.
Gait The most common problem that beautiful ladies often cannot cope with is gait.
  • In femme fatale, she is light, graceful, unique and refined.
  • This is their trump card.
  • With the help of such a light and relaxed weapon, they fight on the spot.
  • That is why you should learn all these invaluable movements.
  • This gait is in itself unforgettable and beautiful.
  • It also allows, full of dignity, to be noticed by a much larger number of people, including males.
  • Its owner appears before her entourage not only famous for her beauty, but also as a progressive lady, keeping pace with the times, surrounded by material well-being.

So, forget about the habit of lowering your eyes, stooping your shoulders, making shuffling movements with your legs when walking and swinging your arms intensively.

  • Yes, it takes a fair amount of patience and focus.
  • But the royal tread is guaranteed to you.

Good to know about women's secrets:

How to learn to walk beautifully

It is within your power to change the way you walk in a certain way to attract admiring glances from your surroundings. The main thing is to want.

  • At the very beginning, you have to learn how to maintain the correct body posture.
  • To do this, you will need to perform a simple exercise several times a day. Lean against the wall to ensure that it fully touches the surface of your neck and back.
  • Stay in this position for some time so that the body will remember the required position.
  • All muscles, without exception, should be tense at this moment.
  • Now try to stay in all public places in the same way.
  • Ultimately, this will become a habit with you, and there will be no need to constantly monitor your posture.

How beautiful it is to walk in heels

  • Eliminate the movement of your hands when walking,
  • Give up the habit of keeping your hands in your pockets
  • Listen to the sound of your heels, it shouldn't be too strong,
  • Don't bend your legs too much.

All of the above movements, when viewed from the side, are quite comical and cause a smile. To get rid of them, you should put on high-heeled shoes at home, put a stack of your favorite books on your head and start pacing the room. By adhering to these tips, you will ensure that the ability to gracefully walk will be easily mastered by you.

How to choose the right lipstick

Every woman uses a variety of cosmetics to complete her look. Lipstick is one such essential attribute. This peculiar sail of sensuality allows you to flutter along the waves of life, introducing a certain amount of intrigue and temptation.

What kind of vamp woman prefers makeup

As you already understood the vamp woman what it is, keep in mind that in the handbag of the fatal beauty there will never be a non-aromatic or "tasteless" lipstick. It should only be of high quality and in exquisite packaging. Such a case will not be ashamed to get it in public. It will work great for the "image" and indicate the sense of style of his mistress.

Important points to consider when choosing cosmetic products:

  • Avoid buying lipstick in a tray on the street or in the market.
  • All products must be exclusively branded, purchased in appropriate stores.
  • Be sure to use a lip liner. With its help, you can give sensuality and expressiveness to your appearance. Also, the pencil will prevent possible blurry lines left by lipstick.
  • The tone of the chosen pencil should be different from the lipstick used. Choose it with brighter and more saturated colors.
  • Do not use a sharpened or too dull pencil. You will not be able to outline the perfect contour and make the lips more attractive.
  • When applying lipstick, the main thing is not to go too far. Remember about her ability to gather in the corners of her lips, which does not look very aesthetically pleasing.
  • Remove the lipstick with a cotton swab after soaking it in cream or appropriate liquid.
  • Keep your lipstick with you at all times. Even when you decide to visit the sauna or pool. Her help will come in very handy when you want to transform your appearance.

How to choose the right lipstick

Colour Lipstick tone
Blue, gray, blue, green A pinkish shade with a light beige tinge, as well as a muted lilac color with lilac outlines.
Which lipstick suits brunettes with brown eyes
  • The lipstick is red or brown.
  • It will add more expressiveness to the appearance and emphasize the lips.
  • Purple, lilac or pink does not work.
Light Dull lipstick, slightly muted in tone.
  • Ideal - the same lipstick tone.
  • Disagreement is not allowed due to the great moodiness of the red color.
Dark Vibrant colors that can enhance the look for a more expressive face.

It is interesting to know what the magical drawings on the skin mean:

Vamp woman what is it or cold woman

This type of women can be characterized as a subtype of the psychological vampire.

This type of behavior is quite common in many families.

Let's consider a specific example.

  • A sweet family conversation on a cozy evening smoothly flows into the need to enjoy sexual games with her husband.
  • However, the woman does not pay attention to his molestation at all, developing into the final active phase.
  • Everything is supported by evil phrases: “Your thoughts are hovering exclusively in a sexual direction! A lovely family evening totally ruined! "
  • It is quite obvious that the cozy atmosphere will develop into a loud scandal.
  • Periodic repetition of this situation suggests that the husband eventually abandons his thoughts.

How women manipulate a man

For several days or weeks, he does not make any attempts to intimacy.

The woman's behavior also changes: a slight distraction, an affectionate attitude, a half-naked image around the room. The spouse mistakenly believes that this is a signal for action. But, when there are new attempts at reconciliation, familiar phrases sound again, indicating an animal need for sexual play, and ending in conflict.

Most likely, provocative inclinations cease to properly influence the husband. And this makes a woman turn to him with kisses and affectionate words, entailing a more tender and warm relationship. But, as a result of intimacy again does not happen because of the catchphrase: "You are an irrepressible animal experiencing a constant desire for intimacy!"

As a way out, the husband can take the advice of friends and start extramarital affairs on the side. As you know, everything soon becomes clear, provoking another conflict situation with the favorite phrase: "I assumed that you only need sex!"

Find out more why a woman refuses sex:

Psychological techniques of cold women

The psychological vampirism that the Cold Woman is endowed with pushes her to actions that do not correspond to an ordinary person. First, she uses affectionate methods of influencing her victim. And then he tries to drink energy out of it. How does the discharge take place? Why aren't energy impulses targeting sex pleasure?

What energy vampires eat

The thing is that this type is fueled by a scandal that is its counterpart. Provision from the point of view of anatomy and physiology for him is practically no different from sexual satisfaction. Note that its effects are almost identical to intimacy:

  • change in rhythm,
  • rapid breathing
  • heart beats harder
  • increased sweat separation,
  • motor reactions are more pronounced,
  • getting emotional relaxation,
  • stress relief.

Vamp woman in bed

The data of statistical responses indicate that people who keep their emotions to themselves are more susceptible to serious diseases. Therefore, there is absolutely no need to drag a woman into bed to determine her sexual mood. It will be enough to observe her need to scandalize. Conflicts arising in public places have the following background:

85% are provoked by sexually dissatisfied individuals,

15% - flare up for objective reasons.

Secrets of female arousal:

What attracts men to cold women

A reasonable question arises: why do men not abandon sexually unawakened women? Most likely, this state of affairs still suits both. The wife most often gives up and makes concessions to her husband. However, incitement and quarreling have a negative effect on sexual relations. Dissatisfaction in bed suggests another spread of the fire of conflict on the part of the woman. Although, as you might guess, she herself is the cause of inadequate sex. At the same time, she does not see the point in changing her spouse. Being married is more prestigious than being alone. After a divorce, you will have to look for a new victim and bring her to impotence. And why carry out unnecessary body movements when the job is practically done? The spouse also does not seek to get a stamp in the passport for divorce. Reduced potency is too painful for the psychological state. And in the existing version of the family, at least sometimes, he still gets something. In addition, it is not customary for us to turn to sex therapists to resolve a problem.

Psychological vampirism how not to fall into the trap

It is difficult to underestimate the consequences of such psychological vampirism. In reality, only psychotherapists can help in these cases. But the victims are accustomed to contacting specialists of a different profile, which does not bring the expected results at all.

"Leave me alone, you idiot" - a psychological game of the Cold Woman

The techniques used by psychological vampires are often framed as intractable alternatives.

Vamp woman what is it about intimacy

Let's say you're going on a picnic. The femme fatale can stipulate that she agrees to have a fun time, if you do not take unnecessary liberties. Be careful, this is actually a trap! In the absence of any inclinations on your part to an intimate channel, all your acquaintances will be notified that you did not even try to kiss her. And when the atmosphere at the picnic becomes conducive to sex, you can be stopped by the phrase: "We had an agreement - no" nonsense "!" Therefore, for a young person, the best option to avoid misunderstandings and not act as a victim may be the refusal of the alleged pleasure walk. The easiest way to do this is to dial a phone number half an hour before the expected fees.

Many psychologists call this method of psychological influence simply "Dynamo".

How cold women flirt

There are two known options for the possible development of the event.

Name Method of exposure
Meaningless flirting
  • The lady is trying in every possible way to demonstrate her admiration for the gentleman, orienting him towards possible availability.
  • A period of courtship begins, accompanied by compliments and gifts.
  • But the next hope that he will be invited for a cup of coffee is shattered by the phrase: "All the best, thanks for the surprises, I enjoyed spending time with you."

The discouragement of a man in a certain way affects the fatal beauty.

So she gets pleasure in a slightly perverted form.

  • Access to the premises has been obtained, but the case does not reach the bed option.
  • Provocations continue, and at the most crucial moment the gentleman finds himself outside the house.
Fake request for help Finally, the intimacy that has taken place brings satisfaction to both.

But in the end, the lady breaks down to screams for help, claiming that she was raped. As a result, the lawsuit gives her a certain material benefit.

If you fell in love with a vampire woman

You should learn to understand whether the feelings experienced are really love, or if these are all the maneuvers of a vampire. Then competent actions will even allow you to get satisfaction from the admiring glances thrown at you, and the emotional state will remain normal.

How to conquer a woman

Do not seek to escort such a fatal milady to her dwelling place. And, if you did go, then do not start asking for a cup of coffee. And, when asked, do not go straight to an energetic attack. Naturally, she will tell common acquaintances that you are impotent. But do not worry what short-sighted people will think of you, and the wise will ignore these statements, as they are busy with their own lives. It will be enough to be sure that everything in your intimate life is within the normal range.

Recently, representatives of the stronger sex have also begun to use this type of psychological game. But the male version is somewhat different from the female one. Cavaliers do not praise their companions in life, but scold them. Of course, a single woman will be pleased to know that the young man she is interested in is not entirely happy in family life. But more often than not, this is still a sexual game used as a weapon by lovely ladies.

Interesting information where they are meeting now:

How to recognize a vamp woman

Determining whether vampires exist in real life is very difficult. For example, in Cold Women, the initial symptoms appear closer to adolescence. Think back to the first co-op sandbox games. The boy expects to receive praise, or even a kiss, for a sand cake made together. And in response he hears accusations that he is dirty and dirty. But didn't the girl's request become facts that thus influenced his appearance?

Learn more about vampires:

Psychological vampirism since childhood

Psychological contradictions do not allow you to get full-fledged feelings from a person of the opposite sex. The little girl had already received the "message" she needed, but did not develop the continuation of the relationship, but threw away the acquired energy in order to prick the boy. In the end, she herself was left without a sense of satisfaction. And so it happens that in real life, principles always triumph over needs. And the latter, in turn, remain dissatisfied. You shouldn't expect good things from this behavior.

Quite often it happens that vampirism, from a psychological point of view, damages the health of its owner.

How to protect yourself from an energy vampire:

Women's complexes and how to deal with them

Consider one story as an example.

The girl was brought up in a family where the rules were too strict. Therefore, the words "must not" and "must" she mastered perfectly well.

At the age of fifteen, a guy approached her at a disco. After the evening spent, he went to see her off. However, on the threshold of the house he tried to touch her breasts. With displeasure, she forbade him to do this, and there was a scandal. Over the next day, the girl felt an incomprehensible pain in her heart and consulted a doctor. The specialist examined her, made the appropriate appointments, and soon all the symptoms disappeared without a trace.

What prompted you to get rid of heart pain so quickly?

Oddly enough, the doctor touched the chest, although the gentleman tried to do this.

After talking with her peers, the girl realized that she should be a little more compliant.

And at the next acquaintance, she was no longer so categorical. However, the guy allowed himself even more advanced caresses - in the abdomen. The girl's indignation knew no bounds, so she again quarreled with the chosen one.

The next day, she again had incomprehensible pains in the upper abdomen. Again, going to the doctor and the appropriate examinations did their job, the discomfort evaporated.

We can say that the girl tried to satisfy her needs in a legal way. But the chosen one no longer wanted to hear anything about her.

The girlfriends again tried to give practical advice regarding a more loyal attitude towards the caress of the opposite sex. But another guy he liked tried to go even further and make caresses in the intimate area. Naturally, for this he received a slap in the face and angry statements after. Once again there was a visit to the doctor with diarrhea that appeared. Examination, examination, appropriate appointments ... But the obsessive fear now pursued this girl constantly. She had to drop out of school, she could not travel long distances due to a progressive illness.

How to please a vamp woman

The above examples make it possible to understand the factors that form the signs of a Cold Woman, even without directly entering into an intimate relationship. Therefore, the answer to the question of whether vampires exist in real life is ready.

  • Yes, and they are quite sexy in appearance and are notorious flirts. Their society is represented in an abundant number of cavaliers, who disappear, however, after marriage.
  • Some Cold Women block their need for direct sexual contact so much that they do not understand why their boyfriend needs intimacy.

In public, you get the impression that you are in front of an ideal married couple. The wife constantly hugs her husband tenderly, sits on his lap, whispers tender words in his ear. And only he alone understands that all this is a show that has nothing to do with reality.

However, the most effective way to neutralize a psychological vampire is to avoid scandals.

It is during moments of conflict that such a person can receive complete perverse emotional satisfaction, saturating herself with the "juices" drunk from her partner and not giving him anything in return.

Rare cases of clinical observations show that contact between the husband of the Cold Woman and the psychotherapist is still possible. But at such moments it is very difficult to convince him that you should try to completely restrain yourself, not allowing sex and avoiding scandals. The absence of the latter suggests that the vamp lady will eventually remain dissatisfied and will begin to take the initiative herself. But this will already be a different model of the family, based on love and mutual understanding. And, of course, the most ideal way out and the solution to all problems will be the full awareness of a vamp woman what it is, her unbalanced inclinations and an independent appeal to a specialist.

The "vamp" style of clothing is simply created for confident, sexy and self-sufficient women. If you choose this style for yourself, be prepared to pay close attention to men and condemnation of some women. After all, this style presupposes some relaxedness and a challenge to modesty.

A bit of history

Vapm style. Fatal Beauty

The "vamp" style appeared after the release of the aimless Bram Stoker "Count Dracula". The novel of the same name, screened in Hollywood, formed the very image of a bold, mysterious and bright woman who became the basis of this style.

The very name "vamp" comes from the word "vampire". When creating an image in this style, be guided by the usual image of a vampire - sensually bright lips on pale skin, frank beauty and sexuality, even aggressiveness.

Vamp clothing

The femme fatale wardrobe has all the elements of the dress, from a blouse and trousers to a dress. The only distinguishing feature is the "vamp" style does not tolerate loose silhouettes that hide forms.

Choosing the color of the decoration, stop at the black, which vampires love so much, red - symbolizing blood and passion, deep purple. Aggressiveness and self-confidence will help create a leopard print.


The length of the dress can be of any kind - mini, midi, maxi. The main thing is a tight-fitting silhouette that fully emphasizes the figure.

A deep neckline, maximum open arms, a fairly large cut - all this will suitably emphasize your relaxedness and sensuality, which means that it is perfect for a vamp-style look.

A short leather dress with bare shoulders or back is also your choice.


The classic pencil skirt, which has come into fashion today, is also suitable for creating a fatal beauty. And so that the image does not become boring and strict, choose the option with a large slit that reveals the leg.

Vamp style. Fatal Beauty

With the help of a skirt, you can adjust the features of the figure. So, a high waist will visually lengthen the legs, and a wide belt will accentuate a thin waist.

Buses and tops

Nothing looks so frank as beautiful lacy underwear hidden by the thin fabric of a light blouse. These are the styles chosen by "vamp" women.

Vamp style. Fatal Beauty

For summer, light tops with thin straps, with a revealing neckline or corsets instead of a top will be a good option.


Consider the choice of trousers more carefully. In no case should they hide your beautiful legs and hips, which means they should literally be in shape. Satin pants or black skinny jeans will look good.

Vamp style. Fatal Beauty

Vamp makeup

Remembering the image of a vampire, we do makeup. Bright lips on a very pale face, whose skin contrasts with bright lipstick and black-accented eyes.

Vamp style. Fatal Beauty

Be careful when making up your eyes, we don't need an excessive gothic look, so just emphasize your eyes with black color and make spectacular, black eyelashes.

When choosing a lipstick, stop at rich or rich shades. Red, scarlet, cherry, burgundy will be perfect.


Long legs and make you more feminine shoes with high heels or stiletto heels. But what it will be - closed shoes or sandals - does not matter.

In the cold season, your choice is high stocking boots that emphasize the ankle.

Vamp hairstyle

The "vamp" style has no restrictions on the choice of hairstyle. Large curls or short hair, straight loose hair or a strict collected hairstyle - all this is acceptable. The main thing is that it should be in harmony with the outfit.

Vamp accessories

Eye-catching accessories will help complement the "vamp" style. What to choose:

  • Jewelry - made of precious metal or with large stones.
  • Small bag or clutch. It is possible with a splash of gold and silver.
  • Gloves with fur, satin.
  • Necessarily beautiful lacy lingerie and stockings.

For the first time, the image of a vamp woman, a fatal seductress and seducer of men, was presented on the screen by actress Teda Bara. Since then, this style has become popular. Usually women who choose it are confident and beautiful. They love to draw attention to themselves. It is believed that the vamp style will not suit romantic modest natures. After all, this is not just creating an image with the help of clothes and accessories, but character and special energy. Vamp women are smart and bold natures. An important task of using this style is to create the effect of mystery, so that others will certainly want to solve the riddle.
Vamp wardrobe essentials

The dress

It can be either short or ankle-length. The tight-fitting silhouette and deep neckline will make the dress interesting even in the absence of prints and decorations on it. It is good if it opens your back or arms. A high slit on the side of a long dress will create an impression of mystery. If it is short, then you should give preference to models made of expensive fabrics or leather.

Pencil skirt

Now it is a popular piece in the office style of clothing. However, a pencil skirt is also appropriate for a vamp woman. There must be a cut on it. So the skirt not only seductively opens the legs, but also more comfortable to wear. High-waisted models visually lengthen the legs. A wide belt can emphasize a thin waist. A must-have addition to a pencil skirt is elegant high-heeled shoes. A classic model made of genuine leather will look good.

Sheer blouse

This piece of clothing can be combined with both trousers and a pencil skirt. Beautiful underwear is required under a translucent blouse. Barely visible from under the thin material, it excites even more than the most revealing outfits. It is better to choose a blouse in white or red. These colors are the most versatile. In addition, red symbolizes passion, while white allows for strong contrast with other shades.

Black pants

They should be selected based on the type of figure. But for the vamp style, tight-fitting skinny pants are considered the most suitable model. They can be with folds or pockets, but always satin.


In vamp style, it is used instead of a top. The classic version of the corset with a lacing at the back and an insert that hides the body underneath can be decorated with pleats or bows. The narrow waist in it, combined with wide hips, looks very sexy.

Vamp style: makeup, accessories, hairstyle

Basic wardrobe details can vary. The main thing is to follow the general principles. In addition, a vamp woman is always luxurious, so her clothes should be made of expensive natural materials. If possible, then it is worth to sew exclusive models. They will perfectly fit the figure. The main colors in a vamp wardrobe are black, red, silver, gold. White and various shades are also allowed. The leopard print fits well into the image.

Makeup should be expressive. The emphasis must be placed either on the eyes or on the lips. Lipstick shades: from burgundy to bright red and scarlet. At the same time, the skin should be pale, creating a contrast with the lips.

Vamp woman hairstyle- this is a short haircut and curls. Long hair allows you to try different styling options. Therefore, do not rush to make a fashionable haircut.

Complete the look in vamp style is possible with accessories. Gloves with fur, a boa, clutches decorated with sequins, small handbags - all this will well complement a luxurious outfit. Jewelry should be chosen catchy, with large stones. Don't forget about linen. It must also be expensive and beautiful.

Vamp woman shoes always on high heels or thin graceful stiletto heels. Stocking boots are a great option for cool weather. When it's warm, you can stay on open shoes.

Leighton Meester in a leather, tight dress with a cutout and open arms
Megan Fox in a white dress and Rosie Huntington-Whiteley in a chic red dress with a slit