Apricot oil. Useful properties, application, calorie content, contraindications. Apricot oil for face skin: methods of application. Suitable for all skin types

If you are tired of rejuvenating treatments that traumatize your skin, want to soothe irritated skin, soften it, remove wrinkles, discover the cosmetic apricot oil for the face - a fragrant and gentle skin rejuvenation agent. Learn how to use it at home.

Delicate, juicy, fragrant apricot is known to everyone for its taste and health benefits. Cosmetic oil is produced from its bones, which is actively used in pharmacology (as a solvent for drugs), medicine (for healing wounds, inflammations, cuts, treating dry dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, burns, bedsores, trophic ulcers), cosmetology (as a remedy for face skin and hair care). Due to its rich chemical composition, rich in vitamins and minerals, apricot is a source of nutrients and an excellent anti-aging agent.

Effects of apricot oil on the skin

The rejuvenating effect of cosmetic apricot oil for the face is the result of the complex work of those substances that make up its composition. Penetrating into the skin (even if not as deeply as we would like, but still), they transform the upper layer of the dermis in their own way. As a result, fine wrinkles and foci of inflammation disappear, the texture of the skin is smoothed, its color becomes healthier and more natural. Every substance in the fragrance works to make your face more attractive.

  • Organic acids apricot kernel oil is found in large quantities: there is palmitic, palmitoleic, oleic, stearic, linoleic, linolenic acids - and all of them are very actively and for a long time already used by leading cosmetologists of the modern beauty industry for cell rejuvenation, regeneration of damaged tissues that have lost their vitality, restoration of the protective functions of the skin.
  • Tocopherol, the famous anti-aging vitamin E supports organic acids in their effect on the skin of the face: it effectively restores elasticity (forces cells to synthesize the maximum amount of elastin fibers), elasticity (collagen production also increases several times), slightly smoothes wrinkles (if they are not so deep) ).
  • Retinol, the eternal companion of tocopherol vitamin A in the composition of apricot oil has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, has soothing properties (eliminates itchy skin with rashes on the face), copes well with dryness, flaking, excessive sunburn.
  • Vitamins B, each of which is contained in a small amount in apricot kernel oil, have not so much a cosmetic as a therapeutic effect on the skin: it is they that eliminate and prevent the further occurrence of inflammation (acne, acne and other rashes on the face), tighten microcracks and damage, save pores from toxins and pollution.
  • Vitamin C, the ubiquitous vitamin C is a real salvation of the skin from vitamin deficiency, ultraviolet radiation, temperature extremes.
  • Potassium its presence in this cosmetic product provides reliable control over the level of hydration of any skin type, as it actively helps the cells to retain the required amount of moisture inside themselves.
  • Magnesium known for its positive effect on the work and general condition of blood vessels, which deliver oxygen and other nutrients to skin cells, without which they cannot function fully.

With such a rich, rich, concentrated chemical composition, apricot kernel oil for the face is an excellent cosmetic product with pronounced anti-aging properties.

If you need to hide the first age-related changes that have touched the face, or to improve the appearance of already fading skin, it is this tool that will help to do this as efficiently as possible and without damaging the outer layer of the dermis.

Apricot oil makes it soft and gentle. Several recommendations for its use at home will help make the procedure even more effective and enjoyable.

Nuances of home use

Home use of apricot oil for the face involves buying it, choosing a recipe, preparing a cosmetic product, and applying it directly to the skin. On the one hand, for those who constantly use cosmetic oils in their face care, there is nothing complicated in this procedure. On the other hand, there are a few things that beginners may not be aware of: in this case, they will be faced with unforeseen and not very pleasant circumstances that can spoil the impression of apricot kernel oil. To prevent this from happening, follow the guidelines below.

  • Purchase... Better to get it in pharmacies. Such manufacturers of this product as Aromarty (Moscow) and Galenopharm (St. Petersburg) have proven themselves well in this niche. The cost, depending on the manufacturer, can vary from 100 to 300 rubles (100 ml). The names on the jars can be not only Russian, but also Latin (Prunus armeniaca, Armeniaca vulgaris), and foreign (Apricot Kernel Oil, Oleum Armeniacae). So do not be alarmed when you see these names on the bottles - this is the apricot cosmetic oil.
  • Storage... In order for the purchased product to retain its useful properties for a long time, know how to store it correctly: in a tightly closed glass bottle of dark color, in the refrigerator (somewhere on the bottom shelf). Do not expose oil to direct sunlight or near heating appliances.
  • Contraindications . Do not use this product if you have an individual intolerance to this oil. If you have never used it before, be sure to check if you are allergic to it. To do this, you can apply a small amount of oil to one of the sensitive areas of the body (on the wrist, near the earlobe, the inner bend of the elbow) and watch the reaction. If you do not experience any unpleasant sensations (itching, redness, spots, etc.), there are no obstacles to using apricot oil as a cosmetic product for skin care.
  • Preliminary preparation . Apricot kernel oil is a basic cosmetic product, and for making homemade masks it is better to bring it to a warm state of 35–40 ° C. To do this, an enamel cup (ladle, small saucepan) must be placed in another container, already deeper, with boiling water. It takes 7-10 minutes to keep such a structure on fire. If the oil gets too hot, let it cool slightly before mixing with the other ingredients.
  • Preparation . Apricot oil is versatile, as it is combined with a wide variety of food products, herbal decoctions, other cosmetic, vegetable and essential oils. The oily consistency makes it difficult to mix the components, but it is quite possible to beat the mixture with ordinary whisks. Try to avoid the formation of lumps and too liquid consistency, as in this case the mask with apricot oil will simply drain from the face. To avoid this, always have oatmeal ready to use to give the mixture the desired consistency.
  • Application . Using your fingers or a special brush, a mask with apricot oil is applied to the previously cleansed skin strictly along the massage lines, avoiding the eye area.
  • Time of action . The product itself is completely non-aggressive, and in its pure form it can be used for a fairly long time (40-50 minutes). However, the duration of the action of masks with it is significantly shortened due to other components, among which there may be substances that irritate the skin (mustard, citrus, etc.).
  • Application frequency . If the skin requires maximum care, was in a very neglected state at the time of the start of using apricot oil, then masks with it can be done twice a week. With the prevention of the first age-related changes and a tolerable condition of the skin, one procedure per week will be enough. The course of oil rejuvenation involves 10-15 masks, after which you can take a short break for a couple of weeks and resume the sessions.

Under the regular action of apricot oil, the skin will blossom, become more well-groomed, skillfully "hide" your true age, and acquire extraordinary elasticity.

The product itself is very pleasant: divine aroma, soft texture, there is no feeling of grease. In home cosmetology, you can find a lot of recipes using apricot kernel oil, each of which will allow you to carefully and effectively care for your skin.

Recipes for masks with apricot oil

There are no specific indications for the use of apricot oil for the face, as the product is unique and can improve the condition of any skin type. Do not forget to test the prepared mixtures for the presence of allergens - and then any use of the miracle oil will meet your expectations.

  • Wipe for tone

With a cotton pad, abundantly moistened with apricot kernel oil, wipe your face before going to bed. You can do it every day.

  • Lotions for the skin around the eyes

Excellent results can be obtained by applying apricot oil around the eyes every other day at night.

  • Enrichment of other cosmetics

If you add apricot oil (3-4 drops) to a tablespoon of a cosmetic that you use regularly and that your skin is used to (this could be a cream, lotion or mask).

  • Wound healing compresses

Fold clean, new gauze in several layers, moisten in apricot oil, put it on the affected, problematic area of \u200b\u200bthe face (forehead, cheeks, chin). So you can make sure that this cosmetic oil is one of the best wound healing agents.

  • Moisturizing cream

Dried (can be fresh) chamomile flowers (1 tablespoon) pour boiling water (50 ml), leave to cool, filter. Add to the resulting infusion (5 teaspoons) butter melted in a water bath (30 g), apricot oil (1 teaspoon), heated glycerin (1 teaspoon), camphor alcohol (3 teaspoons).

  • Moisturizing mask

Beat apricot oil (1 teaspoon) with raw yolk.

  • Soothing mask

Mix apricot oil (1 tablespoon) with patchouli and blue chamomile ethers (2 drops each).

  • Purifying mask

Mix the crushed oatmeal (1 tablespoon) with warm milk and apricot oil (1 tablespoon each), honey (1 teaspoon).

  • Nourishing mask

Mix the cooled semolina porridge in milk (2 tablespoons) with apricot oil (1 tablespoon), yolk, warm honey (1 teaspoon).

  • Massage agent

For apricot oil can be used in pure form and in combination with different esters (almond, jojoba, wheat germ).

An excellent anti-aging cosmetic for aging, mature skin, apricot oil can hide true age by smoothing wrinkles and tightening facial contours. Maximum hydration and full nutrition, which it brings to the cells, affect the external, now flowering appearance of your skin. It's hard to find a nicer cosmetic skin care base oil than apricot. The results are worth trying this natural miracle of rejuvenation at home for the sake of them.

Apricot oil for the face: gentle and gentle skin rejuvenation at home

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The use of natural oils will help to get rid of defects associated with age-related changes, restore lost elasticity and a healthy complexion. They are highly effective, safe and, for the most part, affordable. One of the most sought after natural remedies is the oil obtained from apricot kernels.

Composition and useful properties of apricot oil

Apricot oil is obtained from the seeds of the fruit by cold pressing. This is the traditional way of producing all base oils, while maintaining the value of the product. The resulting oily liquid of light yellow hue has a characteristic nutty aroma.

As a result of processing apricot kernels, a pure, natural and healthy product is obtained.

A wide range of applications of the oil obtained from apricot kernels is due to its multicomponent composition. The substances contained in this product in the largest volume include:

  • saturated (palmitic and stearic) and unsaturated (oleic and linoleic) fatty acids - oleic acid has antioxidant properties, and linoleic acid improves the condition of tissues, stimulates their nutrition and activates protective functions;
  • phytosterols - launch their own regeneration processes;
  • vitamin A - fights inflammation;
  • vitamin B - provides protection from ultraviolet radiation;
  • vitamin C - helps to activate the natural protective function;
  • vitamin E - being a powerful antioxidant, it promotes the production of elastin and collagen fibers;
  • potassium and magnesium - maintain the skin hydration necessary for a healthy and attractive appearance, as well as, by activating blood flow, provide sufficient cell nutrition.

The high content of oleic (60%) and linoleic (30%) acids determines the effectiveness of the cosmetological effect of apricot oil.

Buy apricot oil only in glass containers, on the packaging of which there is a marking with a Latin name - this confirms the quality of the product. To preserve all the beneficial properties, the oil must be kept in the refrigerator and the container must be tightly closed after each use.

High-quality apricot oil is obtained from the seeds of a ripe fruit and sold in a glass container made of dark glass

Apricot oil, produced in compliance with the technology, has no contraindications for use, with the exception of individual intolerance to its components, which is quite rare. Purchasing oil from reputable retail outlets and pharmacies ensures that it is safe to use.

Video: the benefits of apricot oil

Apricot oil for face skin: methods of application

The popularity of apricot oil is due to the fact that it is a universal skin care product of any type. In addition, the product almost never causes allergic reactions. It is used as part of masks, compresses or as a cleanser. For a lasting and visible effect, all procedures with apricot oil are carried out in courses. Usually 10-15 sessions are sufficient, performed 2 to 3 times a week.

Wrinkles are a consequence of age-related changes in the dermis, when the processes of blood supply and water supply, cell renewal and removal of decay products, and the production of collagen and elastin slow down. The components that make up the apricot oil are able to reactivate these processes.

Hot compress to eliminate wrinkles

In addition to the apricot seed oil, for the compress you will need a piece of thick gauze with holes for the eyes, nose and lips and a glass of freshly prepared infusion from a handful of dry chamomile color. Procedure steps:

Hot gauze opens the pores, which facilitates better penetration of nutrients into the skin. Therefore, you do not need to wash your face after such a compress.

Caring for the skin around the eyes

A simple and effective way to care for the area around the eyes to prevent the formation of circles and wrinkles is to use apricot oil instead of a cream. Approximately 1 hour before bedtime, apply the product with gentle hammering movements and leave until completely absorbed.

Another way to treat the skin around the eyes, which provides getting rid of the so-called crow's feet, as well as circles and bags, is a compress. For the procedure, you will need a cotton pad, cut in half, and 2 tbsp. l. preheated apricot oil. Pieces of cotton wool must be soaked in a container with oil and then, squeezing slightly, apply to the skin under the eyes. The exposure time of the compress is about half an hour.

Apricot oil acts as a preventative against wrinkles and is completely safe for the skin, so it can even be used on the eye area

Anti-acne remedy

You can also get rid of acne with apricot oil. To do this, it is necessary to wipe your face several times a day with a cotton pad dipped in oil. More efficiency can be achieved by adding a few drops of tea tree ether to the apricot oil. Warm apricot oil a little before use.

Eyelash and eyebrow nutrition

To prevent nutritional deficiencies, fragility and loss of eyelashes and eyebrows, it is enough to use apricot oil as a makeup remover. For greater effectiveness, the product can be applied neat or mixed with burdock or castor oil a few hours before bedtime and left overnight.

Lip care

The delicate skin of the lips, being subjected to various external influences, quickly loses moisture and cracks. Daily care with apricot kernel oil will keep you hydrated and nourished. To keep your lips looking good, lubricate them with apricot oil several times a day. You can also prepare a special mask: mix a little butter and honey. Gently rubbing the resulting mixture, leave it for a quarter of an hour, and then rinse with water at a comfortable temperature.

To moisturize and soften the skin of the lips, it is enough to lubricate it several times a day with apricot oil.

Adding to creams

Apricot oil can be used to enrich lotions or creams for day and night use. It is enough to add 3-5 drops of a natural product to a single portion of the finished product. With apricot oil, you can prepare a homemade cream for dry and sensitive skin. This requires the following products:

  • apricot oil - 10 ml;
  • glycerin - 10 ml;
  • camphor alcohol - 15 ml;
  • chamomile color - 20 g;
  • butter - 25 g.

Chamomile color is brewed in half a glass of boiling water. Then the broth is filtered, mixed with pre-melted butter and other ingredients. The container with the cream should be kept in the refrigerator.

Adding apricot oil to a single serving of the usual cream will significantly increase its effectiveness.

Apricot oil masks

Caring procedures using masks based on apricot oil can get rid of age-related manifestations - wrinkles and loss of elasticity, as well as eliminate various defects. Here are some recipes for effective masks with apricot oil:

Combination with other oils

Combining apricot oil with similar oils (base or essential) increases the effectiveness of the cosmetic effect.

The combination of apricot oil with the following oils is considered universal:

  • almond;
  • jojoba;
  • avocado;
  • wheat germ oil.

It is recommended to add the following oils to apricot oil depending on the condition and type of skin:

Apricot oil is obtained by cold pressing apricot pits. Thanks to this method, it does not lose its many beneficial properties. This oil is an environmentally friendly product that is of natural origin.

Description of apricot oil

The apricot kernel oil is light yellow in color and has a sweet nutty smell. It has a fairly high viscosity.

Apricot oil belongs to the group of transport or base oils. These oils serve as a base for other oils to enhance their effect.

For storage, the oil is placed in a dark, cool room, tightly closing the container. It does not lose its beneficial properties throughout the year.

Apricot oil: composition and action

Apricot oil is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids and vitamins A, C, B, F, which have a beneficial effect on the entire body, as well as minerals, especially iron, cobalt and copper, which promote blood formation. It contains a significant amount of triglycerides, natural waxes, stearins, pectin substances, and enzymes.

Apricot oil has a refreshing, regenerating, healing, soothing, toning, antibacterial, antiseptic, emollient and antioxidant effect.

The advantages of the oil include the fact that it is easily and deeply absorbed without leaving greasy stains on clothes, and is able to quickly spread on the skin, making it firm and elastic.

Apricot oil is used both on its own and mixed with other vegetable oils in equal amounts.

Apricot oil for skin

Apricot oil:

    intensely nourishes, softens and moisturizes the skin;

    prevents dryness and flaking of the skin;

    stimulates the production of elastin and collagen;

    promotes the acquisition of elasticity and resilience;

    restores metabolism and water balance of the skin;

    intensively rejuvenates the body;

    increases the regenerative properties of the skin;

    smoothes not only small fresh wrinkles, but also deep old ones;

    inhibits skin aging and promotes its rejuvenation;

    tones the skin;

    prevents pore expansion;

    relieves acne and age spots;

    improves complexion, giving it a healthy appearance;

    relieves redness, skin inflammation and itching;

    tightens scratches, cracks and abrasions, heals burns;

    removes cellulite and gets rid of stretch marks;

    relieves swelling and tightens saggy skin.

Apricot oil tones and improves skin

Apricot kernel oil, unlike many others, can be used to care for any skin, including the sensitive skin of the eyelids and lips. It nourishes dry and sensitive skin, moisturizes and softens, relieves irritation and relieves flaking. For normal, oily and combination skin, the oil will provide nutrients and moisturize, tighten pores, improve complexion and relieve existing problems.

The oil will be especially useful for dry, rough and aging skin that is deficient in vitamins and moisture. It is also recommended for sensitive and problem skin. Apricot oil is also suitable for delicate baby skin. It can relieve babies from prickly heat, diaper rash and dermatitis.

Oil is also used to remove makeup. Creams are prepared on its basis.

Due to its pleasant aroma, the oil is widely used in the perfumery industry.

Face masks

Mask with vegetable oils

Apricot oil is mixed with any vegetable oil or with a mixture of oils in equal proportions, add essential oils of tea tree, lavender and lemon (a few drops each). The resulting mixture is smeared on the skin of the face and neck for half an hour.

To enhance the nourishing effect of the mask, the oil mixture should be warmed up, and the face should be wrapped with cling film and a towel for 20 minutes.

The mask is suitable for all skin types, but it is especially recommended for problem skin.

Mask to get rid of blemishes

Patchouli or chamomile oil (2 drops) is added to apricot oil (20 grams). The mask is applied to the skin for half an hour. It will remove stains and relieve fatigue.

Mask for mixed skin

Apricot kernel oil is combined with peach oil in equal proportions, lemon essential oil is added (a few drops).

If such a mask is applied to the skin every day, it will restore fat metabolism, even out the complexion, make the skin elastic and remove wrinkles.

Mask for problem skin

Stir in avocado oil, jojoba oil, wheat germ oil and almond oil. The resulting mixture is added to apricot oil. All ingredients are taken in equal amounts.

The mask is applied to the skin for 20-30 minutes.

Body masks

Cellulite Removing Mask

In apricot oil (40 grams) add juniper, orange, lemon and rosemary oil (2 drops each). The mixture is applied to problem areas and insulated. Hold for 30-40 minutes.

The mask will also help soften rough skin areas.

Oil bath

Oil (20 grams) combined with cream, honey or salt is added to the baths. You can stay in such a bath for 20 minutes.

The bath will make the skin soft, silky, give it firmness and elasticity, and tone the skin. Plus it will give you a lot of pleasure.

Apricot oil bath will give you pleasure

Apricot oil for hair

Apricot oil is ideal for hair care, especially on dry, brittle and lifeless hair.

Apricot oil:

    provide hair with nourishment and moisture;

    will accelerate the movement of blood, providing the hair follicles with additional nutrients and oxygen;

    will restore the work of the sebaceous glands and relieve hair of oily sheen;

    prevent inflammation;

    strengthens hair and eliminates brittleness;

    eliminate dull color;

    give hair elasticity, volume and shine;

    relieve dandruff;

    stop hair loss and accelerate hair growth;

    will prevent the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation.

You can add oil to shampoo and conditioner (for 100 milliliters of shampoo you need 15-20 drops of oil) to make hair soft, shiny and silky.

Hair Mask

Heated apricot oil is rubbed into the scalp and wrapped in a towel. After half an hour or an hour, wash off with shampoo.

Hair moisturizing mask

Apricot oil (20 grams) is mixed with peach or almond oil (20 grams). add sandalwood, ylang-ylang or lavender essential oil (2 drops).

Apricot kernel oil will give your hands a flawless appearance, heal superficial wounds and soften the cuticles. It will also solve the problem of brittle nails.

Apricot oil for hands and nails

Hand and nail mask

The oil is heated. Then it is rubbed into the skin of the hands, into the cuticle and applied to the nails.

Cuticle softening ointment

An ointment made from equal amounts of apricot oil and lanolin will help soften the cuticle.

Anti-flaking nail agent

Apricot oil is mixed with bergamot, ylang-ylang, patchouli, sandalwood or pine oils in equal proportions. The mixture is lubricated with nails and massaged.

Apricot oil makes nails stronger

Apricot oil for eyelashes

The oil will also be useful for eyelashes. It will nourish and moisturize, making eyelashes fluffy, long, thick and shiny.

Eyelash compresses

First you need to take cotton wool and roll rollers out of it. Then they take apricot oil (2-3 grams), drop essential oils of jasmine, sandalwood or pine into it. The prepared rollers are impregnated with the mixture. Put them on the eyelashes and cover with a film. Hold for 10-15 minutes.

You can simply apply the oil to your eyelashes at night with a brush.

Apricot oil in medicine

For prevention, in order to strengthen immunity, to nourish the body and eliminate inflammation in the body, apricot oil is taken internally.

For internal reception:

    improves the activity of the cardiovascular system;

    metabolism is normalized;

    the concentration of harmful cholesterol decreases.

Apricot oil will help prevent the development of many diseases:


    kidney disease;

    diseases of the organs of the cardiovascular system;

    diseases of the digestive tract, including gastritis and constipation;

    diseases of the nervous system;

    diseases of the thyroid gland;

    diabetes mellitus;


Also, the oil will relieve stress and depression.

Some drugs used for subcutaneous and intramuscular administration are dissolved in apricot kernel oil. It is also included in many ointments.

Oil is also instilled into the nose at the end of colds to restore the mucous membrane.

Apricot oil for massage

Apricot oil is also ideal for massage. It has a relaxing and healing effect. It is often used as a base oil because it combines well with other oils. It helps to quickly warm up the skin and is easily absorbed, contributes to the rejuvenation of the body and the acquisition of a healthy, beautiful skin color.

Healthy, well-groomed skin is the key to beauty. Cosmetic procedures using apricot oil will be an excellent remedy for youthful skin, regardless of its characteristics.

Apricot oil is an oily liquid with a pleasant aroma of apricot and nut. It has a very light and delicate texture, not sticky. The oil obtained in the process of pressing and cold pressing from the kernels of apricot kernels is an exclusively natural cosmetic product, it contains a large number of useful components:

  • Polyunsaturated fat
  • Acids - linoleic, palmitic, oleic and others
  • Minerals - potassium, magnesium
  • Vitamins - A, C, B, F

The method of production of the product ensures the safety of almost all the most valuable substances, thereby making the oil rich in unique healing and cosmetic properties.

Action on the skin

The properties of apricot kernel oil have been known for a long time. It was used by many women, and then this natural remedy for the body and face began to be widely used in cosmetology and traditional medicine recipes to get rid of wrinkles and acne. Today any girl has the opportunity to try its wonderful properties.

Product benefits

Natural components and trace elements of the oil enter the layers of the epidermis, nourish the skin and improve metabolic processes at the cellular level. Each ingredient in the oily liquid triggers chemical reactions that benefit the face:

  • Vitamin A - anti-inflammatory effect. This useful ingredient removes dryness and flaking of the skin;
  • B vitamins have a therapeutic and cosmetic effect - they cleanse pores, relieve skin inflammation and redness;
  • Vitamin E - elimination of age spots, sagging skin. This "vitamin of youth" is responsible for the firmness and elasticity of the skin;
  • Vitamin C protects against the effects of climatic factors - frost, wind, ultraviolet radiation;
  • Vitamin F - accelerates cellular regeneration, and this triggers the restoration of the epidermis: the top layer is smoothed;
  • Amino acids make the skin soft, they cleanse the cells, removing harmful toxins from them. And also perform a protective function;
  • Potassium and calcium control moisture levels by keeping the required amount of fluid in the skin cells;
  • Zinc helps in the production of elastin and collagen;

Conclusion: apricot oil tones, moisturizes and protects the skin, improves its appearance, and triggers processes that directly affect the rejuvenation of the skin.

Action on wrinkles

Unpleasant wrinkles on the skin of the face, no matter how deep or shallow, give away a woman's age. Nobody wants to become their owner. And if they appear, each lady tries to get rid of them faster, or make them less noticeable. And here a vegetable product comes to the rescue - apricot oil.

By the way, its use for wrinkles is the most common. Regular use of the oil helps to smooth out deep wrinkles and almost complete disappearance of small crow's feet.

Due to the high content of vitamin F in the oil, its use slows down the aging and fading of the skin. This component normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands, therefore, the epidermis constantly receives moisture and nutrition. And this is the first condition for the fight against wrinkles.


Cosmetologists believe that apricot kernel oil is a universal remedy, excellent for delicate care of any type of dermis. As it contains many nutrients, it is recommended even for delicate baby skin. Therefore, every woman can safely use this cosmetic product to return youth and beauty.

The product is also used for preventive purposes for all age categories.

The oil will be most effective for the following indications:

Terms of use

Apricot oil has a wide range of uses; it is used as an independent product and as part of multi-component complex nutritional masks. It is applied to the face as a night cream, tonic, oil for light facial massage, eyelid remedy, and to help with inflammation. It can be enriched with nourishing creams and gels.

For the best result, you must follow simple but mandatory rules:

Mask recipes

All masks can be divided into the following groups according to their action:

  • To restore complexion and remove age spots;
  • For moisturizing and removing wrinkles;
  • For problem skin prone to acne, acne and breakouts.

Masks that tone up

"Lemon yolk"

Apricot oil and lemon juice - grind a teaspoon each with one chicken yolk. If you are allergic to citrus fruits, lemon juice can be replaced with the same amount of parsley juice or a tablespoon of kefir.

"Sour cream and honey"

Pre-melt honey in a water bath and mix thoroughly with other nutrients.

"Blend of oils"

Mix apricot and peach oil in equal proportions (one teaspoon is enough), add a few drops of lemon and mint essential oils.

Use regularly before bed.


Mix thoroughly and apply to face.

Fruit can be replaced with the pulp of a cucumber or berries (raspberries, strawberries).

"Oatmeal honey"

Pour the flakes with warm milk and leave for a few minutes until they swell, add butter and liquid honey to the mixture.

Homemade anti-wrinkle masks

"Potato with clay"

Combine white clay (2 tablespoons) with the same amount of water, mix and add one spoonful of apricot oil and grated raw potatoes.

In winter, instead of potatoes, you can use grated apple, it will saturate the skin with vitamins.


Boil semolina porridge in milk with a consistency similar to sour cream, take 2 tablespoons of it, add a little apricot oil (a teaspoon), and a choice of any vitamin ingredient: pulp of fresh cucumber, apple, berries - 1 spoon.


Prepare a decoction of medicinal herbs (calendula, chamomile, string).

When it cools, strain and mix in equal amounts with apricot oil.


Take one spoon of apricot oil and liquid vitamin E (the same amount), combine and apply with a cotton pad on the face, neck, décolleté.

Homemade masks for acne


2 tablespoons of clay, it is better to dilute green with water until creamy and add 10 drops of apricot oil. Mix the mass and apply the nutritious composition on the face for 10 minutes. The tool works great for acne.

But with dry skin, the effect of the mask must be reduced to 5 minutes, it is important not to let the clay dry out, otherwise it will begin to "draw out" the liquid from their skin.


Mix equal proportions of jojoba and apricot oils.

The mixture is applied overnight.

"With celandine"

Grind fresh celandine herb into gruel using a blender, take 2 tablespoons of this green mass and add 5 ml of apricot kernel oil to it.

Do not apply the mask to the eye area.

Pros and cons, possible harm, contraindications

This tool has more positive properties. We can even say that it practically does not cause harm. The only exception is individual intolerance to this product.

To all the useful properties, you can add a few more advantages:

  • It is quickly absorbed into the skin;
  • Suitable for the eyelids, which cannot be said about many "chemical" creams;
  • The oil "works" effectively on problem and combination skin;
  • The product is affordable and can always be purchased at the pharmacy.

This gentle product with healing properties will make cosmetic procedures for face care not only pleasant, but also surprisingly effective: in the shortest possible time, the skin will become velvety, radiant, healthy, and therefore young and beautiful.

It not only delights the taste. On its basis, valuable oil is still being prepared - you have heard about this, right?

The product is effective for cosmetic purposes and can be used in home beauty recipes.

Its composition practically does not cause allergic reactions and deeply nourishes the skin.

But let's figure out what is good for the face of apricot oil?

Apricot oil for the face and its benefits for the skin

Brief botanical reference

Common apricot is a valuable fruit tree belonging to the pink family. Its height rarely reaches eight meters.

During the flowering period, petiolate rounded leaves are surrounded by small white or white-pink flowers.

It is from them that elliptical yellowish-red fruits are subsequently formed.

Blooming apricots in the places where they grow is an unforgettable sight, whoever saw, he will understand me.

How is apricot oil obtained?

When the fruits are ripe, seeds are removed from them.

They become a raw material for oil, the production technology of which is cold pressing.

All the power of useful properties is concentrated in it.

The active components of the product penetrate deeply into the skin and have a pronounced cosmetological effect.

The chemical composition of apricot is small and the benefits for the skin

Apricot kernel oil successfully transforms the upper layer of the epidermis due to its chemical composition.

The active ingredients and their effects on the skin are discussed below:

  • Organic acids

High concentrations of lenolenic, palmitic, stearic, linoleic acids successfully affect cells, triggering the processes of rejuvenation and regeneration.

The tissues receive a new impetus to restore vitality. This property of acids is actively used in clinical cosmetology.

  • Tocopherol

Vitamin E is no less powerful antioxidant for the skin than ascorbic acid. It provokes the production of new elastins, which increases elasticity.

After several procedures, collagen production is enhanced, which affects the smoothing of fine wrinkles.

  • Retinol

Vitamin A has a powerful anti-inflammatory and antipruritic effect, which is important for diseases of the skin of the face, pathological rashes, dryness and peeling.

This property is no less useful for the face with sunburn.

  • B-group vitamins

All substances have a complex effect and remove toxins from the skin. With regular use, the severity of acne, acne, acne decreases.

Microcracks that may arise during cosmetic manipulations quickly heal.

  • Vitamin C

Vitamin C - enhances natural defenses, saves the epidermis from loss of nutrients, vitamin deficiency, which intensifies in winter.

  • Potassium

Skin that is saturated with potassium always contains sufficient moisture and wrinkles get rid of. Such a face always looks youthful and healthy.

  • Magnesium

The substance improves the condition of blood vessels, restoring full blood flow, and hence the nutrition of cells. The use of apricot oil for the skin

Apricot oil for face - how to use

Given the chemical composition considered, it can be understood that apricot oil is effective due to its complex effects.

But especially clearly, it has a gentle and gentle anti-aging effect.

Effective recipes are discussed below. The choice of one or another method of exposure depends on which problem should be excluded.

  • Rubbing the skin

How to use rubbing, I think, is represented by many. A gauze swab is dipped into a warm oil, after which it is applied to the face.

The procedure is carried out mainly before bedtime and successfully replaces night care. Rubbing is carried out every day, at least three weeks in a row.

  • Applications and compresses

Cotton swabs soaked in the preparation are applied as medicinal applications to the area around the eyes.

The procedure takes 15 minutes and removes not only swelling and bruising, but also eliminates fine wrinkles.

Compresses are carried out in a similar way, but the agent used must be preheated.

Cosmetic dressings are applied to any problem areas, which is effective for oily skin.

Enrichment of standard care products with apricot oil

Ready-made preparations for face care - tonics, creams, lotions, masks - can be easily enhanced with three drops of ether.

The effect of the usual cosmetic remedy will increase several times.

  • Homemade cream based on apricot oil

The drug is indicated for use with dry and sensitive skin types. Most of the ingredients are available over the counter.

Ingredients Used:

  • Camphor alcohol - 15 ml.
  • Chamomile flowers - 20 g.
  • Butter - 25 g.
  • Glycerin - 10 ml.
  • Apricot oil - 10 ml.

A strong decoction is prepared on chamomile.

The cooled strained agent is mixed with melted butter and other components.

The cream is placed in the refrigerator and used as directed the next day.

Recipes for face masks with apricot oil

The following recipes are easy to prepare and effective:

  • 10 ml of apricot oil are combined with crushed yolk - this is a mixture for intensive nutrition.
  • Apricot oil with 2 drops of patchouli and chamomile ether acts as an anti-aging elixir.
  • Oatmeal is mixed with tsp honey, tbsp. milk. The mixture is applied to the face as an acne spa twice a week.

Contraindications to the use of apricot oil

In rare cases, the body exhibits individual drug intolerance.

Otherwise, no contraindications have been identified for use.

Serious dermatological skin diseases are an exception. If any, then a doctor's consultation is required.

Selection and storage of apricot oil

It is better to purchase from trusted pharmacy chains.

Oil packaging must be complete and intact.

The product is stored in a closed dark glass bottle in a regular refrigerator.

Do not allow it to overheat.

Apricot kernel oil can be bought in pharmacies, online stores of goods for creams.

The average price for 100 ml of high-quality oil can cost from 120-150 rubles.

Apricot kernel oil is an affordable, simple, but effective remedy, the anti-aging effect of which has been proven in practice.

Regular use will achieve consistent results in skin rejuvenation.

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Alena Yasneva was with you, see you soon !!!