Application in the development of fine motor skills. Development of a child’s personality through applications. What is the relevance of applications?

The influence of visual arts on a child’s development is not limited to the aesthetic side. Visual activity, as we know, is multifaceted, and each type of it is capable of having a certain impact. In this article we will look at the application, which also plays a significant role in the process of educating and educating preschool children, contributing to the formation of many personal qualities, aesthetic and mental capabilities of children.

The role of applications in the education of preschool children

The importance of applique classes for the harmonious and comprehensive development of children has been proven both scientifically and historically.

  • Summarizing many years of teaching experience, we can identify the following parameters on which the application has a positive impact:
  • development of artistic taste
  • formation of artistic and graphic skills
  • formation of aesthetic perception of the surrounding world
  • development of imagination, creativity, spatial perception and fantasy
  • education of spectator culture
  • formation of knowledge about world artistic culture

development of fine motor skills

Junior preschool age You can introduce children to applique classes starting from 2-3 years of age.

  • . During these years, children demonstrate an incredible willingness to do whatever adults encourage them to do, and children love to take part and take action. It is important to encourage such activity in the child, giving it a creative character. This period is very fertile for the development of children's independence. In terms of practicing appliqué, a 2-3 year old child can do the following:
  • be aware of the qualities and properties of paper - it can be smooth or rough, thick or soft, shiny or matte, multi-colored, it can be cut or crumpled, rolled and torn
  • gain first knowledge about the tools that are necessary for applique practice (scissors, glue, brush, etc.)
  • respond emotionally to an adult’s offer to take part in creating crafts
  • be interested in basic operations with paper
  • strive to carry out these actions independently

At the age of 2-3 years, children can make semi-volume and “mosaic” object applications, using them to depict the simplest phenomena of the world around them. These can be fruits, vegetables, twigs with berries or flowers. Made on colored paper and placed in a frame, such a bright applique will delight the child’s eye. It can be used to decorate the interior of a children's room!

Of course, at this stage of the child’s development, he performs the application with the help of an adult, performing only individual actions. But this helps the child get an idea of ​​this type of visual activity as the ability to create a drawing using paper and scissors. Only an adult can convey to the child knowledge about the functions of tools, show how to use this or that material, and help him master the specifics of working with it.

Individual actions of the child are included in the full process of creating an application. For example, you can instruct your child to crumple the paper into a ball, roll it into a ball, etc., gradually complicating the task. In this way, the child prepares for more meaningful participation in the process of working on a craft. At first, the baby does not clearly perceive color or shape, and does not conceive the final image. But it is quite possible for a three-year-old child to be given more difficult tasks.

  • Make patterns on square, rectangular or triangular paper by folding them from geometric shapes
  • Make simple objects from ready-made shapes (for example, a snowman, a house or a Christmas tree)
  • Learn to use scissors, cut paper along the fold (first narrow, then wider strips, requiring several strokes)
  • Learn how to apply glue to paper parts using a brush
  • Be conscious of the order in which you apply the appliqué (first of all, you need to lay out a pattern or object, then glue each part sequentially)

Secondary preschool

Children aged 4-5 years are able to perform the following actions that need to be taught to them:

  • Cut out parts for the applique from different materials (paper or fabric), including along the contour
  • Create applications using dry leaves
  • Place parts on round shapes (rosette, circle or oval)

The content of crafts is enriched, children become more familiar with the surrounding world, nature, folk art, as well as the details used for appliqué.

The baby’s hand acts more confidently, so the child becomes capable of other cutting methods. A preschooler can round the corners of a rectangle, getting a circle or oval, cut straight corners, getting a trapezoid, or cut a square diagonally, getting triangles. You can already use ready-made stencils (in the shape of flowers, mushrooms, etc.)

A child who has learned to use scissors can cut out parts not only from paper, but also from fabric (cotton, drape). Such crafts are more varied in use. Children 4-5 years old also learn to create applications from plant leaves, alternating them in size, shape, color, symmetrically placing them on cardboard of one geometric shape or another. It should be remembered that the leaf of the plant cannot be smeared with glue in the same way as paper or fabric (along the contour with a brush) - it will crumble. The brush here moves from the index finger on the left hand to the edges of the sheet. New materials are provided to the child - seeds or twigs. For example, when depicting a butterfly, the abdomen can be drawn or made from a leaf, eyes can be drawn or seeds can be glued on.

Senior preschool

At this age (5-6 years), preschoolers master symmetrical, multi-layer and silhouette cutting, as well as weaving and tearing, learn to sew fabric parts, creating not only flat, but also semi-volume crafts (placing cotton wool between the part and the base).

The content of crafts continues to expand. Complex patterns are created from plant and geometric shapes, and a larger number of details are used. Thematic multilayer crafts are made from fabric, paper, dry leaves (they are considered the most difficult type of applique). Here the sequence of arrangement of forms is strictly defined. First, the general background is created (sea, land, sky), then background, middle, and foreground objects are added (all in sequence). Preschoolers aged 5-6 years can already try to make a sketch in pencil before starting to work directly on the application.

By teaching preschoolers various methods of applique from a variety of materials, you create the basis for the child’s creative self-expression.

Brightly colored paper is the most affordable and popular material for preschoolers. To work with it, you need to stock up on special simple equipment in advance - this is the paper itself for the background and elements, a brush, glue, scissors, clean napkins. The paper that will be used as a background must have a high density, and its color is selected depending on the idea of ​​​​the future image. For example, if you want to paint flowers, it is better to do it on green paper, a boat on blue paper, birds on blue paper, etc. For individual elements of the application, elastic, elastic paper of rich colors is suitable.

The scissors that the child works with should have rounded tips. The scissors are stored in special stands with the handles facing up. Teach your child to be careful when working with scissors - this is not a toy, you should not swing them, you should always carefully put them back in place.

The brushes are selected in different sizes, since the applique elements also come in different sizes – small and large. If one craft combines large and small parts, it is obvious that you will need two brushes. For large surfaces, use flat wide brushes. Explain to your child and show him that after use, the brush must be thoroughly rinsed in warm water, dried, and then placed in a special stand, placing the brush with the nap facing up. While working, the brush can be placed on a horizontal surface.

The details of the craft can be glued using homemade glue - flour or potato. Accordingly, you will need wheat or potato flour. Pour a glass of water over it and heat it over low heat, stirring occasionally, without bringing it to a boil. Wait until the paste is thick and transparent, then remove from heat, cool and pour into a ceramic or porcelain container.

To work, you will also need a clean mat on which the child will smear the parts with glue - it can be just white paper, which you will change periodically.

Working on paper applications using the listed tools helps the child acquire useful skills and abilities, develop manual and instrumental actions.

When choosing paper for work, pay attention to its elasticity. Parts should not break. Cracks on the folds will significantly reduce the aesthetic effect and make the child feel dissatisfied with the craft. Choose paper that is elastic and flexible, which lends itself well to processing and does not require additional effort when folding.

Fabric applications

A common type of decorative and applied art is embroidery, the varieties of which include, in particular, fabric appliqué. Fabric appliqué involves attaching elements from another fabric to one piece of fabric, either with glue or by sewing. Such crafts can be plot-based, subject-based, both single-color and multi-colored. Fabric crafts require certain skills, because cutting fabric is more difficult than paper; its edges crumble, which makes work difficult.

Made from natural material

Craftsmen from Ukraine, Moldova, and Belarus have long used straw as an ornamental material, making toys, rugs and even bags from it, decorating frames and boxes with it. Straw appliqués look incredibly attractive, pleasing to the eye with a golden tint thanks to the glossy surface of the straw and its longitudinally located fibers, capable of reflecting light in a certain position. By placing the straw at different angles, you can achieve a unique golden shine. Crafts made from straw will serve as an excellent element of the interior, and souvenirs made from straw will become a pleasant gift. An object applique made from straw is quite within the capabilities of children of senior preschool age. Choose rectangular elements to simplify the work - a square (house), triangle (roof or Christmas tree, sail on a boat), half a circle (mushroom cap), etc.

Preschool children are quite capable of working with natural materials - it is interesting, exciting, allows them to become familiar with nature, develop thinking, creativity, artistic taste, observation, and imagination.

Applications made from poplar fluff can look absolutely amazing - they are graceful, airy and delicate. They also come in subject and plot forms, like other types of appliqué. It should be remembered that in this case it is easier to work with fewer parts, the sizes of which, in turn, are quite large. You can depict animals with fluffy fur (kittens, hares), chicks (ducklings, chicks) or plants with the appropriate texture (dandelions). Birch groves or winter landscapes are suitable for subject application. Decorative applications made from poplar fluff - patterns and ornaments - look original and unusual.

What is the relevance of the application

The application is very relevant when working with children. After all, a child’s first impressions of the size of objects, their shapes and location in space are formed using tactile-motor perception. Therefore, from childhood, children need to pay due attention to the development of fine motor skills. This helps solve several problems at once. Firstly, it promotes the development of intelligence in children, and secondly, it prepares the child to more quickly master the skill of writing. Application in the development of motor skills allows the child to learn to perform subtle and precise movements of the fingers, and the work of the thinking and speech centers of the brain directly depends on this. It is very important to develop the child’s manual skills at an early age, to form the mechanisms that are necessary for the child’s accumulation of practical experience, as well as for mastering writing in the future.

Organization of appliqué classes

With good organization of applique classes, a person’s fine motor skills will develop much faster. To do this, certain conditions must be met. The first thing you need is to create a developmental environment, secondly, to select special methods and finally, thirdly, to select the most effective techniques when working with the application.

Goals when working with the application

As with any other work, we set a goal for ourselves, and when doing appliqué, we need to clearly know what we want to achieve. And the goal is simple - it is necessary to activate passive and active movements of the fingers, learn to develop a positive attitude when working with the application (and not only), to show our emotional attitude towards what we received as a result of our activities.

Develop the ability to complete a task according to a chosen model, develop the ability to navigate well on a plane, and activate your vocabulary. Develop spatial orientation and visual attention, finger dexterity.

Tasks when working with the application

Everyone may have their own, but, in my opinion, any task should include the following:

  1. To develop the ability to perform precise movements with the fingers and hand, the ability to coordinate the work of our hand with visual perception.
  2. Develop creativity, imagination and activity.
  3. Develop attention, thinking, memory, speech, eye, as well as cognitive interest.
  4. Train hand muscles and teach dexterous handling of various materials.
  5. Cultivate perseverance, goodwill, accuracy, and the ability to work individually and in a team.

The applique can be made from various materials. It can be paper, plasticine, straw, wood, beads, fabric, etc. But, the napkin application has a particularly positive effect on the development of fine motor skills of the hands. When working with paper napkins, we constantly crumple them into lumps with our fingertips. This is necessary in order to fill the contours of the drawing. We glue these lumps to certain places. The work can be carried out both individually and collectively. Collective works made with napkin appliqué are distinguished by their artistic taste and colorfulness. Those who do this application with great pleasure and receive satisfaction from the work done with their own hands. Over time, the fingers become more dexterous, and the completed applications become more complex. Seeing the success that a person has achieved and his finished work, there is no limit to joy, especially for a child, pride and admiration for his work.

Karagandy kalasynyn bіlіm bolіmі

121 “Ainalayyn” bobek- bakshasy ҚМКК

Department of Education of the city of Karaganda

KGKP No. 121 I\with “Ainalayyn”

Performed by a teacher of category II

Davydova E.N.

Topic: “Application possibilities”

G. Karaganda


Consultation for educators

"Application Possibilities"

Preschool childhood is an age stage that decisively determines the further development of a person. It is generally accepted that this is the period of the birth of the individual, the initial revelation of the child’s creative powers, the formation of the foundations of individuality

Children should live in a world of beauty, games, fairy tales, music, drawing, fantasy, and creativity. (V. A. Sukhomlinsky)


1.History of the application

2. The essence and significance of the application for the development of the child

3.Goals and objectives of the application

4. Types of applique, material for applique

5. Features of methods and techniques for teaching children applications

1. Application -from lat. applicatio - application.

The application was born a long time ago. It appeared as a way to decorate clothes and shoes, household utensils and tools, and the interior of your home.

Perhaps the first impetus for the appearance of appliqué was the need to sew skins for clothing, and the first stitch told a person that they could not only connect parts of clothing, but also decorate it. Parts cut from these materials began to be attached to clothing. This is how the application appeared.

The subject matter included animals, birds, people themselves, fantastic monsters, beautiful flowers and plants, scenes of hunting and everyday life.

Different peoples use a wide variety of materials for applique: Tuvans, for example, when decorating a horse saddle, combine leather with the golden-yellow bark of steppe shrubs in the applique, which creates a play of light and shade and volume that is unique in its originality and beauty.

For many centuries, appliqué has been widely used and widespread not only in Asia, but also in Europe: Italy, Spain, Germany, France. The appliqué achieved great popularity during the times of chivalry. Wars and tournaments led to the appearance of family signs - coats of arms. Coats of arms should be clearly visible on both sides, which led to the development of appliqué embroidery.

Fabric applique has been replaced by paper applique. It is associated with the beginning of paper production. Black silhouettes cut out of paper were considered the youngest type of appliqué.

The art of silhouette has been revived in France. This is where the name silhouette itself appeared. At the court of King Louis XVwas the Minister of Finance, Etienne Silhouette. Due to the circumstances, he had to resign; he had no choice but to cut out his favorite pictures from black paper. This is how a new hobby emerged – cutting out silhouettes. Black silhouette art began to be used as decoration in the homes of Russian nobles.

Tolstoy's silhouettes are distinguished by high artistic skill and are executed with jewelry finesse. Often the artist resorts to such technical techniques as slits and pricking in the image of water and tree foliage

The Soviet artist E.E. dedicated her talent to this rare art. Lebedeva. She was interested in paper cutting as a child, while still studying at the gymnasium.

In ornaments and applications by E.E. Lebedeva - motives of the nature of the middle zone, where she was born and lived almost all her life. On her appliques you can see openwork night violets, bouquets of lilies of the valley with ferns, linden trees, bird cherry branches, birds on branches, squirrels, doves, and ornaments.
Famous artists from foreign countries paid attention to the applications.

The applications of the French painter Henri Matisse are interesting and original.

Color plays the main role. Matisse believed that colors should support each other and not destroy each other. He argued that colors that can be used to depict objects and natural phenomena, in themselves, completely independent of these objects, have the power to influence the feelings of viewers.

In each application he took 4-5 tones, but selected them in such a way as to express the essence of decorativeness and richness of color as such.
Evoking individual figures and shapes, changing colors and shapes, Matisse created a number of colorful decorative works: the mythological image of Icarus, the character of the fairy tale by C. Perrault “Little Red Riding Hood” - the Wolf, the symbolic image of “Fate”, a memory of the island of Haiti.

Patterned paper cuttings - vitinyanki - have long been famous in Ukraine and Belarus. These are simple decorations cut from colored paper that have clear, purely grammatical shapes. The easiest way to cut is to fold the paper in half. Trees, vases, birds were cut out of paper folded in half, and round dances were cut out of paper folded several times.

Girls and women were most often interested in this, working with scissors without prior drawing.

Even paintings with simple plots were created from paper, depicting birds, animals, fish, plants, and architectural structures. The clippings were pasted on walls, windows, and in the walls.

The concept of “appliqué” includes methods of creating works of art from materials that differ in their properties and texture, united by the similarity of the execution technique. Each material has its own characteristics, which have a decisive influence on the application technique. For example, paper, straw, dried plants, birch bark are attached to the background with various adhesives; poplar fluff is placed on velvet paper.

Applique is the simplest and most accessible way to create artwork, which preserves the realistic basis of the image itself. This makes it possible to widely use applique not only for design purposes, but also in creating paintings, panels, ornaments, etc.

Appliqué is one of the types of visual arts based on cutting, overlaying various shapes and fixing them on another material, taken as the background; the simplest and most accessible way to create artwork.

The main features of the application aresilhouette, flat generalized interpretation of the image, locality of large color spots.

The application can be substantive, consisting of individual images; plot, reflecting a set of actions and events; decorative, including ornaments and patterns that can be used to decorate various objects.

one of the types of visual techniques based on cutting out various shapes and gluing, sewing them on another material taken as a background. Various materials are used for applique: straw, birch bark, fabric, leather, fur, poplar fluff, paper.

Applique is a popular and effective decoration for any clothing: blouses, skirts, sweaters and evening dresses. They are a distinctive feature of children's clothing. They look very attractive on aprons, potholders, napkins, tablecloths, pillows, rugs, etc. Can also be used when repairing clothing, hiding additional seams, defects, inserts or loops.

Applique is a way of creating ornaments or artistic images by applying them to paper, fabric, etc. various materials.

2. In preschool At age, the process of cognition in a child occurs in an emotional and practical way. Every preschooler is a little explorer, discovering the world around him with joy and surprise. The child strives to be active, and it is important not to let this desire fade away and to promote his further development. The more complete and varied a child’s activity is, the more significant it is for the child and corresponds to his nature, the more successful his development is, the more potential opportunities and first creative manifestations are realized.

One of the closest and most natural types of activity for a preschool child is visual activity. Visual activities in kindergarten are an effective means of understanding reality. This activity helps the development and formation of visual perceptions, imagination, spatial concepts, memory, feelings and other mental processes. Such personality traits as perseverance, focus, accuracy, and hard work are formed.

In the process of visual activity, preschoolers acquire a whole range of graphic and pictorial skills and abilities, learn to analyze objects and phenomena of the surrounding world. This activity is important for the development of fine motor skills of the fingers, their muscles, and coordination of movements.

3. Job with various materials, in various artistic techniques, it expands the child’s capabilities, develops a sense of color, harmony, imaginative space, imaginative thinking, and creative abilities.

Fine the activity is of great importance in solving the problems of aesthetic education, since by its nature it is an artistic activity, and in particular, appliqué influences the comprehensive development and education of a preschooler.

- Mental education - the stock of knowledge is gradually expanding based on ideas about the various forms and spatial position of objects in the surrounding world, various sizes, and a variety of shades of colors. Mental operations analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization are formed. Children's speech develops, their vocabulary is enriched, coherent speech is formed, figurative, coherent speech develops. When conducting classes, favorable conditions are created for the formation of such personality qualities as inquisitiveness, initiative, mental activity, and independence.

- Sensory educated ie - direct, sensitive acquaintance with objects and phenomena, with their properties and qualities.

- Moral education - visual activity (application) should be used to instill in children a love for everything that is best and fair. Moral and volitional qualities are brought up: to finish what is started, to study with concentration and purpose, to help a friend, to overcome difficulties, etc.

- Labor education - mental and physical activity are combined here. The ability to cut, handle scissors, use a brush and glue requires a certain amount of physical strength and labor skills. The formation of hard work is facilitated by the participation of children in preparing for classes and cleaning up after them.

- Aesthetic education - sense of color - when an aesthetic feeling arises from the perception of beautiful color combinations. The sense of rhythm arises when, first of all, the rhythmic harmony of an object and the rhythmic arrangement of its parts are perceived. A sense of proportion - constructive integrity - is developed when perceiving various buildings. Gradually, children develop artistic taste.

. The following tasks are solved in application training:

Create a decorative pattern from various geometric shapes and plant (leaf, flower) details, placing them in a certain rhythm on a cardboard or fabric base of various shapes;

Compose images of an object from separate parts; depict a plot;

Master various techniques for obtaining parts for appliqué from different materials: cutting with different techniques, tearing, weaving; as well as gluing and sewing techniques;

Form feelings of color and their shades, master skills, create harmonious color combinations;

Form a sense of form, proportions, composition.

Currently, teachers of preschool educational institutions use techniques for teaching children applications, namely:

1. Compose a decorative pattern from various paper geometric shapes and plant (leaf, flower) details, placing them in a certain rhythm on a cardboard base.

2. Compose image of an object made of colored paper from separate parts; depict the plot.

3. Master using various techniques for obtaining parts for appliqué from paper: cutting out using different techniques, tearing, weaving; as well as the technique of attaching them to the base.

4. Compose image of an object (plot) using the origami technique.

4.The application can be:

- subject, consisting of individual images (leaf, branch, tree, bird, flower, animal, person, etc.);

- plot , displaying certain events;

- decorative, including ornaments and patterns that can be used to decorate various objects.

Broken applique.

This method is good for conveying the texture of an image (fluffy chicken, curly cloud). In this case, we tear the paper into pieces and make an image from them. Children 5-7 years old can complicate the technique: not just tear pieces of paper as best they can, but pluck or tear off the outline drawing. Cutting appliqué is very useful for developing fine motor skills and creative thinking.

Overlay applique.

This technique allows you to obtain a multi-color image. We conceive an image and consistently create it, overlaying and gluing parts in layers so that each subsequent detail is smaller in size than the previous one.

Modular application (mosaic).

With this technique, an image is created by gluing many identical shapes. Cut out circles, squares, triangles, or simply torn pieces of paper can be used as the basis for a modular applique.

Symmetrical applique.

For symmetrical images, fold the blank - a square or rectangle of paper of the required size - in half, hold it by the fold, and cut out half of the image.

Ribbon applique.

This method allows you to get not one or two, but many identical images, scattered or interconnected. To make a ribbon applique, you need to take a wide sheet of paper, fold it like an accordion and cut out the image.

Silhouette applique.

This method is accessible to children who are good with scissors. They will be able to cut out complex silhouettes using a drawn or imaginary outline.


Quilling (English quilling - from the word quill (bird feather)), also paper rolling - the art of making flat or three-dimensional compositions from long and narrow strips of paper twisted into spirals.


Trimming is one of the types of paper crafts. This technique can be attributed to both the applique method and the type of quilling. With the help of trimming you can create amazing three-dimensional paintings, mosaics, panels, decorative interior elements, postcards. This technique is quite popular; interest in it is explained by the unusual “fluffiness” effect and the easy way to perform it.


Collage (from the French collage - gluing) is a technical technique in the fine arts, which consists in creating paintings or graphic works by gluing onto any base objects and materials that differ from the base in color and texture. A collage is also a name for a work made entirely in this technique. Collage is used mainly to obtain the effect of surprise from the combination of dissimilar materials, as well as for the sake of the emotional richness and poignancy of the work..


Origami (Japanese: “folded paper”) is a type of decorative and applied art; the ancient art of paper folding. Classic origami is folded from a square sheet of paper and requires the use of one sheet of paper without the use of glue or scissors.

Application from napkins.

Napkins are a very interesting material for children's creativity. You can make various crafts from them. This type of creativity has a number of advantages: - the ability to create masterpieces without scissors; - development of fine motor skills of small hands; - development of tactile perception using paper of different textures; - ample opportunities for creativity.

Corrugated paper.

Corrugated paper is one of the types of so-called craft paper. Compared to regular paper, it appeared relatively recently. It is very soft, delicate and pleasant to the touch. Children love the gorgeous colors and they enjoy working with her in art activities. This is an excellent decorative and craft material that allows you to create scenery, colorful toys, original garlands and magnificent bouquets, costumes, which can be an excellent holiday gift.

Fabric applique.

Fabric applique is a type of sewing. Appliqué embroidery involves attaching pieces of other fabric to a specific fabric background. Fabric appliques are strengthened either by sewing or gluing. Fabric appliqué can be substantive, narrative or decorative; single-color, two-color and multi-color.

Making fabric appliqué requires certain skills. First, you need to be able to cut fabric (fabric is more difficult to cut than paper); Secondly. The edges of the fabric can fray and make work difficult.

Cereal applique.

For very young children it is useful to develop fine motor skills. Touching objects with your fingers and learning to make pinch movements is, of course, important. But for children over a year old, it is interesting to see the result of their work right away. Cereal application becomes the most attractive for them in this regard. With cereal you can create different crafts with kids. To do this, semolina, rice, and millet are painted in different colors using gouache and water.

Straw applique.

Straw appliqués are extremely attractive and have a golden shimmer to them. This happens because the straw has a glossy surface and longitudinally arranged fibers. These fibers reflect light maximally only in a certain position. Composed of shapes at different angles relative to the light. The applique conveys a unique game: it shines like gold. These can be paintings, ornamental stripes, bookmarks, boxes, frames.

Application from dried plants.

Currently, application of flowers, grass, leaves, the so-called floristry, has become widely popular. Working with natural materials is quite accessible to students and preschool children. Communicating with nature is exciting, interesting and useful. It develops creativity, thinking, observation, and hard work.

Activities with natural materials help to develop in children a love for their native nature and a caring attitude towards it. They are also useful because the collection and preparation of natural material takes place in the air.

Volume applique

Almost all children like crafts made from colored paper; you can make appliques and three-dimensional crafts

5. The objectives and content of application training are specified taking into account the accumulation of experience and development of the child. Introduction to the application begins with the first junior group.At the age of 2-3 years Children have a pronounced emotional response to an offer to do something, to participate in something, the child shows a readiness to act. And the main task of an adult is to support this activity.

The tasks to be solved at this age are elementary:

Teach actions with paper (tear, crumple, roll, cut), help children see in paper a material that can be transformed and has its own properties and qualities: soft, dense, smooth, rough, shiny, matte; paper of different colors, wrinkles, tears, cuts differently, rustles;

Develop emotional responsiveness to an adult’s offer to do something, a willingness to participate with him in the creation of basic artistic crafts;

Give kids an idea of ​​the necessary tools and equipment for appliqué: scissors, brush, glue, oilcloth;

Develop interest, an emotionally positive attitude towards basic actions with paper, and the desire to carry them out independently;

Develop aesthetic perception and feelings: recognize the resulting image, admire, rejoice “following” adults.

Children's actions with paper gradually become more complex. In the fourth year of a child’s life, more complex tasks are set:

Teach children to make patterns from geometric shapes on a strip, square, rectangle, isosceles triangle;

Teach preschoolers to compose simple objects from ready-made shapes (a Christmas tree, a house, a snowman...), and elementary plots from familiar objects (a train with trailers...);

Learn to hold scissors correctly, cut narrow strips along the fold, and then wider ones; teach the technique of smearing paper parts with glue: along the contour, outlining its edges with a brush with glue;

To form in children a conscious attitude to the order in which work is performed: first lay out the pattern (object, plot) on a sheet of paper, and then take and stick each detail one by one;

Cultivate artistic taste.

In the middle group, more complex problems are solved:

Learn to cut out parts for appliqué from different materials (paper, fabric) in simple ways - cut, cut, cut along the contour;

Involve children in creating appliques from dry leaves, adjust the methods of gluing leaves to the base;

Enrich the content of the applications, ensuring that children become more familiar with the natural world, objects of folk art, etc., as well as the variety of details used (geometric and plant forms);

Learn to place parts on rounded shapes: oval, circle, rosette.

In senior preschool At this age, children master more complex cutting techniques - symmetrical, silhouette, multi-layered, as well as tearing and weaving techniques. They can combine techniques. Children learn new ways of attaching parts: sewing them to fabric. The content of the application is expanding. Children create more complex decorative patterns. Subject applications with a large number of details become more complex.

Systematic teaching of children in a variety of ways to apply from various materials creates the basis for the creative expression of a preschooler in independent activities.

The relationship of the application with other areas and activities.

The application is closely relatedwith design, with artistic, manual labor - this is a type of artistic activity, since the child creates not just useful, but beautiful, expressive objects and things. Design can be made from paper, as well as using sewing.

The application is closely related tomathematics, geometric shapes, sizes, quantities and counts are fixed and oriented on a sheet of paper.

The application is associated withspeech development , as children’s vocabulary is replenished, coherent speech develops. Associated withdrawing, sculpting - colors and shapes are fixed, imagination develops.

By creating beautiful applications with their own hands and seeing the result of their work, children experience positive emotions. Working with paper and other materials gives children the opportunity to show patience, perseverance, imagination and taste. Children enjoy decorating the group room with their works and giving them to their parents and friends.


1. G.G. Grigoriev “Visual activities of preschool children”: Publishing center “Academy”, Moscow. 1997.

2. Under. edited by T.S. Komarova “Methodology of visual activity and design”: “Enlightenment” - Moscow. 1985

3. M.A. Gusakova “Applique”: Moscow, “Enlightenment”. 1982

4. N.P. Sakulina, T.S. Komarova “Art activities in kindergarten”: Moscow, “Enlightenment”. 1982

5. Z.A. Pogateeva “Applique classes in kindergarten”: Moscow, “Enlightenment”. 1988

6. Under. edited by N.P. Sakulina “Methods of teaching drawing, modeling and application in kindergarten”: Moscow, “Prosveshchenie”. 1971.

7. Internet media

8. “Volume application in kindergarten” I.V. Novikova.2011 Publishing house

"Development Academy"

9. “Applique in kindergarten” A.A. Gribovskaya.

No matter how your baby grows up - a calm quiet person or a nimble fidget - there is a type of activity that can work wonders. This is an application. During the lesson, which any mother can do, the child’s eyes light up: he sees how a real masterpiece is created from under his fingers. Believe me, children really enjoy this pastime.

Application is..?

Applique is a type of creative activity during which various shapes are cut out and glued to a base (usually paper or cardboard).

The most common materials for applique are colored paper, cardboard and fabric. However, for this purpose you can successfully use tree bark, dried leaves, pine needles, straw, twigs, feathers, grass, moss, eggshells, yarn, cotton wool, shells and pebbles, beads, plastic bottle caps and many different materials .

The application gives children...

Applique is one of children's favorite types of visual arts. While doing applique, your baby will be busy. The process itself and its result will bring a lot of pleasure to the child. Children are pleased with the bright color of the paper, the successful rhythmic arrangement of the figures, and the cutting and pasting technique is of great interest to them. Such activities significantly bring parents and children closer together.

Paper applique for children can be a very interesting and educational activity. The baby develops and improves fine motor skills, which has the best effect on the child’s mental development. During the lesson, the child develops artistic imagination and aesthetic taste, as well as design thinking. Sixthly, applique classes develop abstract and object thinking, and even speech.

Application is closely related to sensory perception and cognitive activity, which also has a huge impact on the development of children’s mental and creative abilities. The development of sensory perception is facilitated by paper processing operations: bending, cutting, tearing and tearing, gluing.


Application is one of the most accessible and understandable types of children's creativity. In reality, making an applique is not difficult; you can prepare it in a few minutes or during a lesson with your child. We recommend that you pick up colored cardboard or paper, scissors, paste or PVA glue. Cut out various shapes and images: circles, ovals, leaves of various shapes, apples, pears, cars, animals, etc.

As soon as the material is ready, you can start studying. But an indispensable condition is that you and your child must be in a good mood. To begin, invite your child to stretch his palms and fingers. Finger games or the following exercises can help you here.

  • "Funny Splashes" - shaking and relaxing the hands in different rhythms, simulating the splashing of water drops.
  • "Fingers are tapping" - tapping fingers simultaneously or one by one on any hard surface.
  • "Find out the subject" - the child is asked to use his fingers to “guess” objects and toys with pronounced details.
  • "Fingers say hello" - the tip of the thumb of the right hand touches the tips of the index, middle, ring and little fingers in turn.
  • "The Hasty Bug" - fingers move quickly along the surface of the table. These exercises develop the fine muscles of the fingers and create a good mood.

If your wish is not shared by your baby, do not be upset. And, each time, take into account the child’s mood and desire. At first, applique classes should not last longer than 15 minutes.


Probably every mother intuitively understands what is allowed and what is not allowed when practicing appliqué with children. However, it would be useful to recall the following:

  • prepare a workplace for the child: it should be clean and comfortable;
  • while working, do not allow your child to put glue in his mouth or spread it anywhere;
  • make sure that the baby does not play with scissors, but uses them for their intended purpose (he must understand that this is not a toy, because if he doesn’t get hurt this time, he may do it in your absence).

Try making an applique at home with your child:

There are so many types of applications for children that it is difficult to talk about them all in one article. However, let us list

main ones:

☺ From napkins: draw the outline of the picture on a sheet of paper or cardboard; finely tear the napkin; roll up lumps of napkins together; Pour paste or PVA glue into a shallow container. Let the child take a ball from a napkin and dip it in glue and stick it on the image, trying to stick the ball to the ball. The result is a voluminous and beautiful picture.

☺ Tear applique: in this case we tear the paper into pieces and make an image from them.

☺ Overlay applique: This technique allows you to create a multi-color image. Conceiving an image and consistently creating it, overlaying and gluing details in layers so that each subsequent detail is smaller in size than the previous one.

☺ Three-dimensional applique made of colored paper is a type of crafts with children that does not require training, special tools or any special skills. In order to make a beautiful volumetric applique you will need scissors, glue, colored paper and the desire to make a beautiful craft. Children engaged in volumetric appliqué increase their level of attention, patience and perseverance, and also develop hand motor skills.

☺ Application from seeds and cereals: in this case you will need seeds (watermelon or pumpkin), cereals, pencil, cardboard, PVA glue. We make a drawing on the cardboard using a pencil, then coat the drawing with PVA glue and sprinkle with cereal or seeds. Applications made from cereals give your child a lot of pleasant tactile sensations.

☺ Application can be made using other materials:

bark, pine needles, straw, feathers, twigs, grass, moss, matches, yarn, cotton wool, plasticine, shells, pebbles, dry berries, beads and rhinestones, eggshells, foil.

Give free rein to your imagination and you will have many ideas for applications, wonderful crafts and a lot of positive emotions for you and your

Spend your leisure time with your child.

Imagine and create!

I wish you creative success!

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1 Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Kindergarten 20 “Golden Key” Educator: Anna Arturovna Aidinyan Work experience 1.5 years Topic “Non-traditional application as a means of developing creative abilities in preschool children” year Children of the younger age group from 3 to 4 years 1

2 Self-education Topic “Non-traditional applique as a means of developing creative abilities in preschool children” Purpose: To study the features of using non-traditional materials in appliqué techniques for preschool children. Objectives: -Mastering methods of using non-traditional materials in appliqué techniques, improving propaganda among parents; -Carrying out systematic work with children; -Develop cognitive activity in the process of using non-traditional materials in applications. Studying the topic Application (from the Latin applicatio application) - creating artistic images by gluing, sewing onto fabric or paper multi-colored pieces of any material; image, pattern created in this way. The type of activity called “application” has been known for a long time. From time immemorial, women have been engaged in various types of needlework in their free time. The desire of women to decorate themselves and their homes served as an impetus for invention and invention. It is difficult to say exactly when this or that type of needlework originated, since textile products from those times have hardly survived. But we can say for sure that the application (or sewing) of various scraps of fabric, leather and other materials, as well as the gluing of all kinds of materials, such as cereals, seeds, nut shells, eggshells, and any natural materials, came to us from the East and Byzantium . The oldest appliqué, dating back to 980 BC. was found in Egypt. And in Scythian burial mounds (100 BC - 200 AD) fragments of quilts with applique elements were discovered. Different peoples make appliqué from a wide variety of materials. They made appliqués from birch bark, felt, fabric, leather and paper. Over the years, various types of appliques have changed, following their era, fashion trends and the advent of modern materials. Various dyes and varnishes began to be used, which made it possible to extend the life of products. 2

3 Applique (from Latin applicatio application) - creating artistic images by gluing, sewing onto fabric or paper multi-colored pieces of any material; image, pattern created in this way. For applique, you can use a variety of materials: paper, fabric, threads, shells and pebbles, and even the most ordinary cereal. Applique is one of the most favorite activities of children. Kids like to cut something out of paper or fabric, glue it, paint it and end up with a handmade creation. Previously, it was believed that the application was not available for children in the second or third year of life. This activity involves working with small planar images and shapes, mastering the ability to compose a whole image from parts, mastering the skills of smearing, gluing, etc. The activity, in general, is really not easy. But not easy does not mean useless. Scientists have studied the optimal capabilities of children in the first years of life. The results of observations and experiments convincingly prove that exercises with ready-made planar shapes and images provide a qualitative leap in the diversified development of a child. It has been established that children of this age have unique capabilities. Through specially targeted influences, it is possible to achieve a very high level of development and earlier formation of a particular brain function. Any creative activity, in particular appliqué, is of great importance for the mental development of children; the stock of knowledge expands based on ideas about the various forms and spatial position of objects in the surrounding world, various sizes, and a variety of shades of colors. When making an applique product, it is important to draw children’s attention to the variability of shapes, colors (ripe unripe berries, plants at different times of the year), different spatial positions of objects and parts (a bird sits, flies, pecks grains; a fish swims in different directions, etc. .). By doing appliqué, children learn different materials (paper, cereal, clay, shells, etc.), become familiar with their properties, expressive capabilities, and acquire skills in working with them. Children also acquire experience working with certain tools of human activity (pencil, glue, brush, paint, scissors). All these activities contribute to the mental development of children. To create an applique, you need to apply effort, carry out labor actions, master the skills of sculpting, cutting, drawing an object of one shape or another structure, as well as master the skills of handling scissors, a pencil and a brush, glue and plasticine. Proper use of these materials and tools requires a certain amount of physical effort and labor skills. The assimilation of skills and abilities is associated with the development of such volitional personality traits as attention, perseverance, and endurance. Children are taught the ability to work hard and achieve the desired result. So, the application: Develops artistic imagination and aesthetic taste. It often develops constructive thinking; while working, the child needs to assemble a whole from parts. Develops fine motor skills and tactile sensations, especially if other materials are used in addition to paper: fabric, cereals, dried flowers, straws. Helps to learn colors and shapes. Introduces children to the concept of technology: in order to get a result, it is necessary to perform a sequence of various actions: cut out parts, smear glue on paper, sprinkle cereal, smear plasticine, etc. Here are some non-traditional appliqué techniques that can be used with children. 3

4 Reverse applique This is a reverse applique. It is performed on a smooth and transparent surface of plastic or glass, and its reverse side becomes the front side. The most important thing is to make a good clear drawing on paper, which is placed under the inverted lid. To prevent it from moving, it must be attached to the lid with two peas of white plasticine. The outline of the future design is laid out with black plasticine, and the open areas are sequentially filled with colored plasticine. Turned over with the smooth side facing you, the product makes an amazing design for a painting or panel. After finishing, the application is covered with a circle of colored cardboard. This application can be done using several methods: with laying out a contour of flagella, with a mosaic of plasticine balls. It is recommended to carry out such activities with children aged 3 years and older. Mosaic Another very exciting way to create creative works is to make a mosaic from cut out or torn pieces of paper, multi-colored eggshells. It is done in two ways: from separately cut multi-colored small shapes (squares, triangles, trapezoidal parts, stripes) and by cutting several layers of the base in a patterned form, then changing the parts according to color in the background slots and fastening them with glue. Think over the drawing, mark it with a pencil outline and, having previously smeared the surface with glue, fill the drawing with the color that you need to create your idea. Appliques made of cotton wool and poplar fluff Appliques made of poplar fluff are monochromatic, they resemble grisaille (a decorative type of painting done in different shades of one color, usually gray). When choosing themes for appliqués made of poplar fluff, you must keep in mind that it is easier to work if there are few details and if they are not small. It is better to choose animals, birds, and plants with a fluffy texture. For example: bunnies, kittens, ducklings, chicks, plush toys, dandelion heads. It is easier to make applications from black and white drawings and contrasting photographs. In the plot application, winter landscapes, birch groves, fish in an aquarium are successful. Using appliqués made of cotton wool or poplar fluff, you can make fluffy, voluminous animals, snow, depict the fluff of plants, and clouds; the scope for imagination is very wide. From small cotton balls you can make a poodle and a lamb, from thinned and torn pieces of cotton wool you can make clouds, from cotton pads you can make chickens and flowers, snowmen. Remember that cotton wool can be tinted with watercolors or gouache, and then the scope for creativity and imagination will increase several times. 4

5 Confetti application Description of work: 1. Draw, for example, the outline of a butterfly. 2. Invite the child to apply glue over the entire surface of the drawing with a brush, or if he does not have the skill to work with it, then with a sponge. 3. Let the confetti sprinkle heavily over the entire piece of paper. 4. Shake off the excess from the sheet of paper (you can simply turn the sheet upside down). 5. Together, be surprised by the butterfly that appears in front of you. As you understand, you can work with this technique with children of any age. Application from paralon Paralon is painted with paint. Then they tear it into small pieces. Foam rubber can be replaced with green paper or cotton balls. After that, draw on paper with a simple pencil what you or the children want to do. Lubricate with glue and glue foam rubber. You can not draw, for example, a tree with a pencil, but let the child use his imagination or put the tree together using glue from pieces all at once. Application from duct tape Invite the children to make an applique using duct tape. For example, a road for cars. Show how to use duct tape and safety scissors. And fantasize again! An unusual way of drawing can be obtained if you paint an application made from electrical tape with paints, and after the paint has dried, carefully remove the electrical tape from the drawing. Using this unconventional painting technique, you can paint both abstract and ordinary paintings. Application from sand or salt Working with sand is a pleasure, and the finished paintings turn out simply gorgeous. Kits for appliqués made of colored sand are sold in any office supply store or in children's art departments. But you can try to make colored sand with your own hands. Children of any age enjoy playing with sand: pouring it, choosing colors, leveling it, and most importantly, shaking it off. Why not, at least occasionally, meet them halfway? And, if, in addition, you allow the children to paint sand or salt with you, it will give them incredible pleasure! Sand or salt application can be started with children aged 2-2.5 years. To begin with, choose simple applications with a small number of details, gradually complicating the design and increasing the number of small details. “sprinkling” technique and “pressing” technique Applique from cereals “sprinkling” is an applique from cereals made on the basis of a contour drawing (template). 1. Draw with a simple pencil on colored cardboard or find an image with a clear outline (contour drawing) and print it on colored paper. Which drawing is suitable? 5

6 Fruits or vegetables, stylized flowers, animals and birds, any picture with sufficiently large details that is interesting and understandable to the baby. 2. Any cereal will do. For the first time, it is better to make the simplest application, from one type of cereal. For example, millet chicken. In this case, completely cover the design with PVA glue and sprinkle with millet (we press the millet a little with our fingers to help it stick better). The cereal should lie in one layer. The eye can be made from buckwheat, the beak and paws can be simply drawn (or made from beans, as in the photo). To preserve the cereal layer, the applique can be additionally coated with glue on top. Then you can move on to applications from different cereals. The principle is simple: for each detail we use a material of a different color or texture. First we smear one part with glue, cover it with cereal, then another, etc. For example, clouds are made well from rice, the sun from millet, the sky from semolina, and the earth from oatmeal and beans. If necessary, the cereal can be painted (with gouache or watercolor) Methods of painting cereals Scatter the millet on a wide plate, take a brush, dip it in gouache with water and paint it. Then carefully pour the cereal onto cellophane in a thin layer and dry. Such grains get your hands dirty when working, but the applique turns out bright and unique. Pour the rice into several cups, add water and gouache of different colors to each container to form a thick solution. Leave overnight. In the morning, pour out the water and scatter the cereal into plastic bags to dry thoroughly. It is most convenient to store in small jars of baby food, vitamins or baby plasticine. Painting rice this way does not stain the child’s hands, but the colors are less saturated. It is more practical to mix semolina with powdered colored chalk. “Indentation” technique 1. We will need a blank: a color drawing or the simplest paper applique. In the photo, a paper applique of a tree silhouette glued to colored cardboard is used as a blank. 2. Then we apply plasticine circles, carefully leveling the edges. 3. We invite the child to decorate the circles with cereals (or coffee beans, nuts, seeds, etc.) and press them into plasticine. 4. We also make a tree trunk. Apply brown plasticine, forming the silhouette of a tree. If the tree is winter, you can sprinkle the plasticine trunk with coarse salt, and then press the salt crystals into the plasticine. Fluffy applique Applique made from rolled napkins is a simple and accessible form of creativity for any age that promotes the development of children’s fine motor skills. To work, you will need paper napkins of various colors, a contour drawing of the future application (for this it is convenient to print children’s coloring books on printer paper), PVA glue, and colored cardboard as the basis for the application. 6

7 The napkins are cut into equal squares, then each square is rolled into a ball using your fingers. The resulting balls are glued according to the pattern using PVA glue. First, the appliqué is done on printer paper on which the design is printed. The finished application must dry well, after which the design is cut out and pasted onto the background - colored cardboard. The final finishing of the panel depends on the author’s imagination: depending on the theme, the work can be decorated with natural materials, threads, shells, shavings, etc. Individual details of the composition can be made from colored paper - plain or velvet. 3D application Three-dimensional 3D graphics are intended for depicting three-dimensional objects. Three-dimensional graphics is a virtual, imaginary three-dimensional space that is displayed on a flat, two-dimensional surface of a display or sheet of paper. The essence of a 3D image: we see several layers superimposed on each other in a certain sequence, existing on their own and created separately from each other. But still, 3D images are not the full volume of an object at 360 degrees. And not even a semi-volume image of an object is just an illusion of an object depicted using several limited planes. Differences between 3D and volume applique: Multi-layering. The difference between the layers is in shape and quantity. The number of layers is at least 3. The layers are not in contact with each other. The effect of an object of "depth" or "bulge". Model 3D planar model. Lack of glue (presence of double-sided tape). When working on applications in 3D technique, it is necessary to highlight some rules for the sequence of application work: Determine the number of objects that will be highlighted in layers (different objects must be at different levels). Cut out the first layer of the object and stick it unchanged to the base using single-sided tape. Cut out the second layer of the object, changing the size and shape (each subsequent layer should differ from the previous one in a smaller size). Glue the second layer onto the first, shifting it by 1 mm (up, down, left, right as you wish). Cut out the third and fourth layers and paste them similarly to the second layer (there must be at least three layers). The part of the object that needs to be given the greatest convexity should be the smallest size. Sequence of execution: Determine the number of objects that will be highlighted in layers. Cut out the first layer of the object and stick it unchanged to the base using single-sided tape. Cut out the second layer of the object, changing the size and shape. 7

8 Glue the second layer onto the first, shifting it to the side by 1 mm (up, down, left, right as you wish). Cut out the third and fourth layers and paste them in the same way as the second layer. The part of the object that needs to be given the greatest convexity should be the smallest size. Thus, non-traditional types of appliqué in preschool institutions are one of the most rarely practiced types of visual activity. At the same time, non-traditional appliqué techniques contain colossal educational reserves and enormous pedagogical opportunities, which influence the artistic, aesthetic and figurative-spatial perception of the world by preschool children, and the development of creativity in preschoolers. September-October Work plan A variety of non-traditional materials for appliqué Working with colored tape Getting to know the materials, accumulating the materials themselves. Observations of the process of working with various materials. Conversations: “Fluffy cotton wool”; "New items from the trash can"; “How we create interesting paintings” Communications: a story about the difference between working with non-traditional materials and working with paper. Reading fiction on the topic. Making riddles. Artistic creativity: Application made of colored tape “Autumn Birch Tree”; "Mushroom hedgehog"; "Flowers in a flowerbed"; “Decorative panel of autumn leaves”; “Gifts of Autumn” D/I “Find out by touch”; "What's extra"; "What's in my basket?" View a multimedia presentation. GCD “Methods of working with colored tape”; Making crafts. game “Choose the right color” Exhibition of applicative crafts made from colored tape. 8

9 November-December “Magic threads” “Working with different types of threads using the applique technique” Looking at illustrations, albums, watching filmstrips, “Fun lessons” Observing the process of working with threads using the applique technique. Reading: fiction and educational literature on the topic. Making riddles. Artistic creativity: applications: “Furry animal”; “Grey bunny, where were you running?”; "Once Upon a Time There Was a Tiger"; "Penguin on an Ice Floe"; "Bunny in a winter coat." D/I “Magic Ball”; “Riddles and answers”; "Who's furry?" Speech logical tasks “What did the hedgehog talk about”; “Who winters where” Making albums “Domestic and wild animals” Making models together with parents: “Animals of our forests”, “Animals of hot countries” Exhibition of crafts “Pets” January-March “World of pasta” “Use of pasta in appliqué technique” Examination of photo illustrations depicting finished works. Observation of the process of working with pasta using the appliqué technique. Conversations: “What types of pasta are there?” “What else can you use pasta for?” "Our friends are products." Reading fiction. Making riddles. Speech logical task “Where did the pasta come from?” Dramatization “Funny Pasta” Artistic creativity. Applications: “Swallows in flight”, “Bullfinches”; "The Singing Nightingale"; “The rooks have arrived” Making crafts. 9

10 Quiz “Our friends are products.” Making the album "Birds" Exhibition of children's works April - May "Living shell" "Working with eggshells" Examination of photo illustrations depicting finished works. Observation of the process of working with eggshells using the appliqué technique. Conversations: "Where did the shell come from?" Experiments with eggshells. Didactic game “Living and inanimate nature” Making riddles: “Indoor flower”; “Turtle”; “Vase with flowers” ​​Making albums “Flowers in our room”. Approximate results (reflection): Having carried out work in this area, using the method of observing and assessing the quality of the work performed, it is planned to analyze the data and determine the degree of interest of children in working with the proposed materials. Based on the conclusions made, plan further work on this topic.

11 This program was compiled taking into account: 1. “Program of artistic education and development of children 2-7 years old” / author I. A. Lykova. 2. Shvaiko G.S. Visual arts classes in kindergarten: senior group. Program, notes. M.: Humanitarian Publishing House. VLADOS center, 2003, 160 pp., ill. 3. Dronova T. N. Artistic creativity of children 2-7 years old: Method. manual for educators: Enlightenment, p. : ill. 4. Visual arts classes Collective creativity / ed. A. A. Gribovskaya. -M: Sphere shopping center, p. (Together with children) Literature: 1. Gusakova M. A. Application: A manual for teachers of preschool education - M.: Education, Karakulova O. “We draw” with tape!” // Hoop Kvach N.V. Development of imaginative thinking and graphic skills in children 5-7 years old: A manual for teachers of preschool institutions. - M.: Humanit ed. VLADOS Center, Preschool Educator 1/ Arapova S. V. Teaching fine arts. Integration of artistic and logical. St. Petersburg : KARO (Modernization of General Education). 6. Korchikova O. V. Decorative and applied arts in preschool institutions (series “Your Child’s World”). Rostov N/A: Phoenix, Non-traditional techniques and materials, planning, lesson notes. / Ed. R. G. Kazakova. M.: Sphere shopping center, (series “Together with children”). eleven

12 12

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Master class for teachers and parents “Non-traditional drawing techniques as a means of developing children’s creative abilities” “Non-traditional drawing techniques as a means of developing creative abilities

Artistic creativity in the summer. Summer is the best time of the year! This is a sea of ​​sun, light, warmth... This is a time of joy. Summer is an amazing and fertile time when children can walk and run to their heart's content.

MBDOU "Kindergarten 7" Adopted at a meeting of the teachers' council Minutes U from /U * Approved by: head. MBDOU 7 _S.P. Shulyak Club program “Skillful Hands” Teacher apt. categories: Arkhipova I.Yu. 207-208 Explanatory

A long-term plan for working with children on non-traditional drawing techniques. A long-term plan for working with children on non-traditional drawing in the 2nd junior group. Topic Program content Drawing with a finger or cotton wool

Municipal budgetary institution of additional education Center for technical creativity of children and youth of the urban district of the city of Neftekamsk of the Republic of Bashkortostan Lesson notes “Applique in

State budgetary preschool educational institution Kindergarten 41 of a general educational type in the Kalininsky district of St. Petersburg “Non-traditional drawing techniques as a means of developing basic

Educator, MBDOU “Child Development Center - d/s 30 “Solnyshko”, Vyazniki Shornikova Galina Vladimirovna Highest category Work experience 23 years Preschool childhood is an important period in a child’s life. Exactly

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten 18" Club "Skillful Hands" in the senior group. Head teacher of the First qualification category Shirokova Larisa Anatolyevna

1 Objectives of the program: Educational: - provide basic theoretical knowledge on fine arts, including the basics of perspective, symmetry, composition, color science; - develop skills to use

Department of Education of the Administration of the Tonkin District of the Nizhny Novgorod Region Municipal budgetary educational institution for additional education of children House of Children's Creativity Master class Creation

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten "Rodnichok" s. Bykov Consultation for teachers on non-traditional drawing techniques Topic: “Drawing with children 3-7 years old using the poking method”

Design activity in kindergarten Performed by the teacher of MBDOU “Kindergarten 35” Dudikova Zhanna Yuryevna. 1 slide Screensaver 2 slide Children's design a new artistic and productive activity that is understood

Summary of the lesson on the topic “Make a figure from a square” association “Artistic design and modeling” Completed by additional education teacher Artamonova E.V. Necklace 2016 Subject:


Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Kindergarten 17 “Romashka”, Varlamovo village Using non-standard equipment to develop children’s creativity in art classes

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution of the city of Nizhnevartovsk, kindergarten 29 “Yolochka” Report on the topic: “Plasticineography as a means of developing artistic creativity in preschool children

DEVELOPING CREATIVITY IN CHILDREN AT HOME NON-TRADITIONAL WAYS OF DRAWING Prepared by teacher Krolikova D.Sh., September 2018 A child’s drawing is an indicator of his psychological development. Drawing, child

Center for the development of fine motor skills “Dexterous fingers” Manufacturers: Gorban Nina Alekseevna (Teacher of the highest qualification category), Shashkova Valentina Vasilyevna (Teacher of the first qualification category

State budgetary preschool educational institution of a combined type 73 Primorsky district of St. Petersburg Abstract of Continuing educational activities on the topic: “Vase with fruit”

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution, a general developmental kindergarten with priority implementation of activities in one of the areas of child development 4 “Zvezdochka” CLUB

Explanatory note The club program is designed for children 7-10 years old. Duration of classes: 1 hour 15 minutes. Work in the circle is planned so that it does not duplicate the program material in the visual arts.

S. Rozhdestveno 2017 Event location: Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten 30 combined type" p. Rozhdestveno, Gatchina district, Leningrad region. Project type:

Finger Country THEMATIC PLANNING for March-June 2017 Children's club "Backpack" Classes of the "Finger Country" club, MALISH studio, are aimed at developing fine motor skills of the hands. Level of development of small

State budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten 14 of general developmental type with priority implementation of activities for the artistic and aesthetic development of children in Krasnogvardeisky

Project on the use of different materials in art activities “Goldfish”. Author of the project O.N. Kiseleva, teacher of MKDOU 63 “Fairy Tale” Project duration short-term (November 2014) Project type

GBOU School 2045 GKP bldg. 1804a Summary of direct educational activities on artistic and aesthetic development “Umka” Completed by: Additional education teacher: Kuznetsova L.G. Moscow