Summary of a game lesson in the nursery group “Getting to know each other.” Notes for a lesson in kindergarten for a nursery group visiting the breeze Notes for a nursery group

Yulia Bakhvalova
Summary of an open lesson for the nursery group “Wonderful Fishes”

Lesson summary for the nursery group" Wonderful fish"

Target: give elementary mathematical representations - “one”, “many”, “small”, “big”; fix the primary colors - red, yellow, green, blue; form stable ideas about size, color, quantity; promote the development of cognitive activity in children; enrich their understanding of the world around them; evoke positive emotions from the work done.

Tasks: practice identifying colors, identifying objects by color, master figurative and playful movements.

Vocabulary work: activate the dictionary "one", "many", "small", "large".

Materials: colored hoops, colored paper fish(red, yellow, green, blue, fish template made of white paper, multi-colored small circles for “scales” fish.

Progress of the lesson

Educator: "Guys, before we start our game, let's say hello to our guests"

Children: " Hello!"

Educator: “And now I’ll say hello to your palms.” A tactile exercise is being performed.” Open palms" - the teacher runs his fingers over open every child's palm sentencing:

"Hello, palms."

Today you and I will turn from little children into little fish. Let's try? Our fish swim underwater. How they swim (Children, repeating after the teacher, imitate the movements of swimming fish, and at this time the teacher’s assistants create a “wave” over the children, shaking the thin fabric with light movements.

"Well done to us fish, we had a good swim, now sit down and see what happens next. "The teacher lays out colored hoops on the floor (red, yellow, green, blue) and brings in a tray many different fish made of colored paper. "Guys, one big fish swam to visit us. The rest small fish, here they are (shows fish in a tray) - we have a lot of them. Look attentively: How many big fish are there?"

Children: " One"

Educator: "How many small fish do we have?"

Children: " A lot of"

Educator: "Now let's see what color our little ones are fish(explanation children: this red fish, this is yellow, etc.)" You and I need to make sure that every fish swam into her hoop

(show that red fish must swim into the red hoop, the green one into the green hoop.) Children take one from the teacher fish and carry it into a hoop of a suitable color. At the end of the game, we consider how correctly the children completed the task.

Educator: "While you and I were playing here, our big fish sad: She is so good and brilliant, but her sister turned out to be not very beautiful. Look, here she is!

(the teacher shows the children a template fish from plain white paper).

Guys, let's decorate this one fish and make her a multi-colored outfit (Template fish lightly smeared with glue and children glue pre-prepared “scales” - small circles cut out of colored paper).

"How happy I was fish! That's how beautiful and elegant she has become now!

Well done, thank you! Fish ours will now float out to sea, and you will get multi-colored fireworks from them. Are you ready for the fireworks? (the teacher throws light balls from the basket, which fall on top of the children).

Children say goodbye to fish and our guests.

Prepared by Bakhvalova Yu. S. teacher of MBDOU No. 20


Publications on the topic:

"Kolobok" Summary of an open lesson in a nursery group on sensory education“Kolobok” Summary of an open lesson in a nursery group on sensory education. Teacher of MBDOU No. 43 “Thumbelina” Samvilyan.

Synopsis of a physical education lesson based on the additional “Healthy” program for children in the nursery group Instructor for FC GBDOU kindergarten No. 62 Primorsky district of St. Petersburg, Paranyak S. I. Lesson notes based on an additional general developmental program.

Summary of educational activities for children of the nursery group “Oh, you grimy girl!” Lesson on speech development in a nursery group. “Oh, you dirty girl!” Integration of educational areas: “Cognitive development”,.

Summary of educational activities for children of the nursery, junior group I “Ryaba Hen” Abstract of the educational activity for children of the nursery, junior group I “Ryaba Hen”. Goal: To develop speech and fine motor skills in children. Objectives: Teach children.

Summary of an open lesson for the senior group “Our mood” Topic: “Our mood” Goal: Develop the ability to understand your mood and the mood of other people; develop communication skills and expand.

Summary of an open lesson for the senior group “Visiting the Martians” Summary of an open lesson for the senior group “Visiting the Martians.” Target. Continue to improve physical level functionality.

  1. Improving breathing function, the ability to act in a team, and respond to a signal.
  2. Coordination of movements, mastering the concepts of “left”, “right”, “up”, “down”, the formation of rhythmic deep breathing.
  3. Restoration of nasal breathing, formation of rhythmic exhalation and its deepening.
  4. General strengthening of the leg muscles, cultivating patience, developing reaction speed, increasing emotional tone.
  5. Development of thinking, intelligence, attention.

Materials for kindergarten classes

  • paper plums in a glass - according to the number of children,
  • napkin,
  • fan,
  • transparent cups filled with water - according to the number of children,
  • straws - according to the number of children,
  • toy dog,
  • recording or live music.

Progress of classes in kindergarten

Educator: — Guys, look how many guests have come to us. Let's say hello to the guests.

Children: - Hello.

Educator: — The guests came to see how we were doing. Do you want to go visit the wind? The sultans will help us with this.

There are plumes in a vase on the table.

Educator: - Come to the table. These are the sultans. How many plumes do you see?

Children: - A lot of.

Educator: - And now everyone will take one plume. Let's blow on them softly. We'll get a little breeze. Tell me, how does the breeze sound?

Children: - Shhhh.

Educator: - How does the little breeze make noise: quiet or loud?

Children: - Quiet noise.

Educator: Now let's blow hard on the plumes. What kind of wind was it?

Children: - Strong wind.

Educator: — How does a strong wind make noise?

Children: - Shhhh (loudly). It makes a loud noise.

Educator: - Now put the plumes in the vase. And let's tell a poem about the wind.

The wind blows in our faces
The tree swayed
The wind is quieter, quieter, quieter
The tree is getting higher and higher.

Educator: - Well done boys! Look, the train has arrived. Sit down quickly, let's go visit the wind.

Children stand behind the teacher.

Poem "Steam Locomotive"

The locomotive whistled
And he drove the trailers
Choo-choo, choo-choo,
I'll rock them far.

Children imitate the sound of a train whistle and the sound of wheels.

Educator: - Here we are. Stop "Veterok".

There is a fan covered with a napkin on the table.

Educator: - Children, look, this is a fan. What is this?

Children: - Fan.

Educator: - Look what the fan has. He has wings. When the fan is turned on, the wings begin to spin and then wind is created. Let's get a look.

Children with a teacher watch the operation of the fan.

Educator: - How do the wings spin?

Children: - Fast.

Educator: — When the fan is running, it becomes cool. That's why it's turned on when it's hot.

The teacher checks how the children have mastered the material and asks questions: - What is the name of the device? When is it turned on? Why is it included?

Game "Wind"

I am a strong wind, I fly, I fly wherever I want (arms down, inhale through the nose):
I want to whistle to the left (they blow to the left),
I can blow to the right (they blow to the right),
I can blow up into the clouds (they blow up),
In the meantime, I will disperse the clouds (circular movements with my hands).

Educator: - Let's look again at how the fan works.

Game "Bubbles"

The teacher turns on the fan to minimum mode.

Educator: — The breeze, who lives in the fan, wants to play the game “Bubbles” with you. Do you want to play?

On the table for each child there is a transparent glass with water and a straw.

Educator: - Come on in, sit down at the table, let's play. We will blow into the glass through a straw. Look how I'll blow. I inhale air through my nose and exhale it through my mouth through a straw.

The teacher shows all the actions that he listed.

Educator: - That's how many bubbles I got. Now try it.

Children blow into straws. The teacher praises the children.

Educator: “Now it’s time for us to go back to kindergarten.” Just how are we going to go back? Who will help us?

There is a toy dog ​​in the corner.

Educator: - Look who it is?

Children: - Dog.

Educator: -What is the dog doing?

Children: - Asleep.

Educator: - Let's wake her up. Maybe she can help us find our way to kindergarten.

Poem "Shaggy Dog"

Here sits our dog Barbos
He buried his nose in his paws
He sits very quietly
Is he either dozing or sleeping?
Let's go to him and wake him up
And let's see what happens?

Types of children's activities: cognitive-research, productive, gaming.


  • Fix the name of the primary colors, the concept of one-many, and size.
  • Develop children's spoken language.
  • Cultivate a caring attitude towards toys.
  • To cultivate responsiveness in children, to encourage them to help those who need it.

Planned results: take part in games, drawing, look at pictures with interest; be able to, following the teacher’s verbal instructions, find objects by name, color, size.

Organized educational activities

The teacher reads a postcard to the children: “The nesting dolls invited us to visit.”

- “Do you like to visit?”

“Yes,” the children answer.

The teacher explains to the children the rules of behavior when visiting. He says that people don’t go to visit empty-handed, but bring treats. When entering the house, you need to politely say “Hello, how are you?”

Then the teacher invites the boys to take the girls by the hands and hit the road. “Our road lies through a forest clearing.”

Educator - “Children, what time of year is it now?”

“Spring,” the guys answer.

Educator - “The sun is shining brightly, a warm breeze is blowing, birds are singing songs, the snow has melted and streams are running. Look, there is also a stream flowing on our green lawn.”

Educator - “Children, who do you see near the stream? A bear cub, a fox and a squirrel are sitting on one bank of the stream. And on the other side there is one hedgehog.”

Educator - “Children, how many animals are there? One or many."

The teacher invites the children to look at the animals, stroke them, and draw the children’s attention to their fur coats.

Teacher - “Hedgehog, why are you alone, why don’t you go to your friends?”

Educator - “Children, he is afraid to cross the stream, he does not know how to swim. Let's help him."

Educator - “What can we do for him?”

Children - "Bridge".

Educator - “What is the bridge made of?”

The teacher offers the children sticks of different lengths and different colors. Children pick up sticks to make a bridge. The color of the sticks is called.

The teacher asks the children: “Which sticks are longer, red or green?”

Only if one of the children cannot cope with the task on their own, the teacher can show and tell how to make a bridge.

Near the tree stump, someone is crying quietly. This is a bunny. He has a sore paw. The children come up to him, feel sorry for him, console him, and bandage his paw with the teacher. They remember that the bunny loves carrots and treat him.

Educator - “Who knows a poem about a bunny, let’s tell it.”

The owner abandoned the bunny,

A bunny was left in the rain

I couldn’t get off the bench

I was completely wet.

The bunny thanks the children, says that they are kind, caring and affectionate, and offers to play the game “The Little White Bunny Is Sitting.”

After the game, taking the bunny with them, the children move on.

Here is the nesting doll's house. Matryoshka greets children warmly. She's wearing a beautiful outfit.

Educator - “Hello, matryoshka, how beautiful you are!”

Matryoshka - “Hello guys, I’m Dasha, a matryoshka doll, I live in this house and really like to welcome guests. I’m very happy with them.”

Educator - “Children, let’s give the nesting doll a nursery rhyme, she will listen to it.”

Children read a nursery rhyme.

"Dasha - Dasha"

Dasha, Dasha, little

Dasha remote

Walk down the path

Stomp your foot, Dasha.

Teacher - “We brought you a treat.”

Matryoshka - “And I don’t live alone, I have little sisters - not big ones.”

Educator - “All the nesting dolls are different in size and dressed in different sundresses.

Children name the colors of clothes, note that all nesting dolls are different in size, there are many of them.

Educator - “Now let’s dance with the nesting dolls”

We are funny nesting dolls -

Okay, okay!

We have boots on our feet.

Okay, okay!

We wear colorful sundresses.

Okay, okay!

We look like sisters.

Okay, okay!


Children receive a silhouette image of a matryoshka doll, which shows a face and hands. The teacher suggests decorating the matryoshka sundress with patterns: strokes, dots, lines.

UDC 373.23
B B K 74.102
K26 N. A. Karpukhina
Lesson notes for the nursery group of a kindergarten. Practical guide for educators and methodologists of preschool educational institutions. - Voronezh:
IP Lakotsenin S. S., 2010 - 208 p.
ISBN 978-5-98225-086-5
The proposed lesson notes are recommended for use
for work on the programs “Education and training of children in kindergarten”
(Vasilieva M.A., new edition), “Childhood” (Russian State Pedagogical University named after Herzen), “Development
(team of authors led by L.A. Wenger) and others.
The book is recommended for use by methodologists and educators.
kindergarten students, parents and tutors.
ISBN 978-5-98225-086-5 Г^^ло "
B B K 74.102
Other publications of this publication in any form,
in whole or in parts, are illegal
and are prosecuted
© Karpukhina N. A., author, 2010
© IP Lakotsenin S.S., publisher, 2010
Signed for publication on 08/25/10. Newsprint paper. Format 60x84 1/16. Printing of-
net Volume 13 p.l. Circulation 5,000 copies. Order No. 3745.
Editor-in-chief S. S. Lakotsenin. Executive editor Yu. A. Krapivin.
Proofreader A. N. Taltynova. Layout by A. Naydenov
IP Lakotsenin S.S.: Voronezh, st. South Moravian, 156
Printed by the OJSC Order of the Badge of Honor "Smolensk Regional Printing House"
named after V.I. Smirnov." 214000, Smolensk, prospect. Yu. Gagarina, 2.

Preface 3
A newborn is a mystery. Nobody
doesn't know what will come of it. He can
become a genius and enrich the world if for
favorable conditions will be created for him
viya. But all the promising makings
will remain in vain if parents, educated
tel, doctors will not help to open them.
Look for a friend in your child, learn
put his interests above all else.
Because in the end everything is best
in life is done for the child.
Professor M. Korshunov
During the 2nd year of life, significant changes occur in the child’s body, both in physical and neuropsychic development. .
The most characteristic features of the behavior of a child of this age are high motor activity, emotionality, great interest in the environment, a great need for frequent communication with adults and high learning ability.
How a child will develop when he gets older, what his relationships with people around him will be, largely depends on whether adults will have to develop and continue what has already been brought up in the baby, or whether there is a need to re-educate and change unwanted forms of behavior.
Early age is literally Start. The child is just entering the world of relationships, he is inexperienced and very trusting.
Our task is to help him maintain this trust, to fall in love with those who tirelessly care for him, to create a cheerful, cheerful mood - all this is necessary for comprehensive and harmonious development in subsequent years. At the age of up to 2 years, the state of his health is decisive for the correct, comprehensive development of the child.
A healthy child, if he is raised correctly, is emotional, eats with appetite, and is active. To do this, it is necessary to create in the child, as A.S. Makarenko said, “a habit of a certain hour,” i.e. correctly organize the daily routine - play activities, sleep, nutrition, walking, targeted activities should replace each other in the most appropriate sequence.

Preface 4
The daily routine organizes children's behavior, creates a feeling of well-being in children, and introduces rhythm into the functioning of the nervous system.
When it is performed, conditioned reflexes are developed for a while.
Thanks to this, the body is, as it were, prepared in advance for this or that activity. Proper implementation of routine processes is a necessary condition not only for the full physical development of children, but also for their cheerful mood, good appetite, and restful and deep sleep.
When carrying out regime processes, it is necessary to comply with the principle sequences And gradualism.
Principle sequences The idea is that adults should instill in children from early childhood the skill of performing certain actions in a certain order. For example, before going to bed, you need to collect all the toys, before eating, be sure to wash your hands, etc.
Principle gradualism consists of gradually involving children in small groups in performing one or another routine process; the younger the child, the smaller the group. This is explained by the physiological characteristics of children of the 2nd year of life: they do not know how to wait for a long time, they begin to be capricious if crowding appears, and they quickly get tired of the monotony of actions.
In implementing the principles sequence and post-
foaminess Certain rules must be followed:
1. Each of the regime processes must pass only
in the background of the game.
2. When conducting regime processes, it is necessary to use an individual-personal model of education.
3. Implementation of the principles sequence and gradual
ness provides for the unity of requirements on the part of adults both in a preschool institution and at home.
The methodology for conducting regime processes involves the use of mandatory techniques:
1. Creating a pre-set in children for this
2. The implementation of one or another regime process must
proceed without fuss, without causing discomfort to the kids.
3. When carrying out any regime process in a child,
cannot build confidence that everything will work out, he will be able to
t.thick. action to the end, if he tries.

Types of activities
Expansion of orientation in the surrounding world and development of speech
3 2. Speech development
2 3. Classes with didactic material
2 4. Exercises with building materials
1 5. Musical lesson
Duration of classes is 10-15 minutes, with a subgroup of children of 8-12 people.
For all types of activities, approximate long-term plans and lesson notes for the year are presented.
Preface 5
4. An adult should definitely rejoice in the success of the kids and
Praise them more often for any new achievements.
In order to systematically influence the comprehensive development of children at this age, special classes are held in which children are taught to listen, monitor what the adult is doing and showing, and are encouraged to imitate his words and actions, and carry out the teacher’s tasks.
We present to your attention a list of basic activities for children of the second year of life according to Education, training and
development in kindergarten under the new edition of V.M. Vasilyeva.

,10 The child and the world around him
Child and the world around

for children 2 years of age
1. “Visiting children” phenomena of social life:
family, culture of behavior
2. “Okay, okay” inanimate nature: sand properties
3. “Leaves are falling” living nature:
vegetable world
4. “Our toys” object world:
toys - color, shape
5. “The path to the bunny’s phenomenon of social life: the hut” city
6. “Cockerel cockerel” inanimate nature: Sun
7. “Wonderful bag” wildlife: vegetables fruits
8. “Who lives next to us? » subject world:
purpose of objects
9. “Who lives in the house? » phenomena of social life:
10. “Hummocks, hummocks, smooth inanimate nature: the soil
11. “To the forest to see friends!” Live nature: wild animals
12. “Room for Katya” object world:
furniture - name, color
13. “On the path into the winter forest” phenomena of social life:
14. “Doll Katya is walking” inanimate nature:
seasons - winter
15. “Our true friends” wildlife: winter quarters for animals
16. “Toys in places” object world:
purpose of objects

Long-term planning for the year 7
17. “How we play together” phenomena of social life:
18. “Snowflakes are flying” inanimate nature: properties of snow
19. “Little Christmas tree” wildlife:
evergreen herringbone
20. “Masha the Confused” object world: cloth
21. “Capricious Bear” phenomena of social life:
culture of behavior
22. “The doll is cold!” inanimate nature: signs of winter
23. “Teddy bear on the hill” wildlife:
plants, animals
24. “What will you drive?” subject world: transport
25. “What will we give Tanya? » phenomena of social life:
26. “Let’s dress Katya for a walk” inanimate nature:
seasons - spring
27. “Where is my mom?” Live nature:
animals and their babies
28. “Let’s feed Katya” subject block: dishes
29. “We are mother’s helpers” phenomenon of social life:
30. “Come out, my friend, wildlife: plants
to the green meadow"
31. “Yellow, fluffy” wildlife: poultry
32. “Toys for Misha, object world: toys
and Mishutki"
In May, classes can be held to consolidate children’s knowledge about the world around them, practicing the skills of observation, research, and curiosity.

,10 The child and the world around him
Child and the world around
Lesson cycle
Lesson No. 1
Visiting the children
Program content: Introduce children to the basic ethics of greeting, develop communication skills in relation to adults and peers, and develop cultural communication skills.
Material: screen; doll, bear, bunny, dog - toys.
Progress of the lesson
The teacher draws the children’s attention to the weather outside the window: leaves are falling, children are going to kindergarten. There is a knock on the door, the Tanya doll appears from behind the screen and conducts a dialogue with the teacher:
- I am the doll Tanya. I came to the kids. I want to say hello to them
(greets the children and gives them green leaves).
The teacher invites all children to greet them.
Then another knock is heard and other toys appear one by one from behind the screen: a bear, a bunny, a dog. They don't know where they are and don't know how to say hello.
The teacher explains to the toys where they ended up and invites the children to teach the animals to say hello. The animals thank the children and give them leaves: red, yellow.
At the end of the lesson, the teacher draws attention to the fact that many guests have come to them and calls them: Tanya doll, bear, bunny, dog. They all look at the leaves together and say: “Autumn has come. The leaves are falling. The leaves are different - yellow and red."
Lesson No. 2
Okay, okay
Program content: To acquaint children with the properties of sand, develop attentiveness and finger motor skills, cultivate accuracy and mutual assistance during the game.

September 9
Material: molds for sand, container with water, sand, planks, Tanya doll.
Progress of the lesson
The teacher draws the children’s attention to the fact that the doll Tanya will soon come to visit, she needs to be treated to pies and offers to prepare pies.
The children sit in a semicircle on chairs, the teacher takes sand and sand molds and tries to make a pie, but the pie doesn’t work, the sand crumbles. He takes water, pours sand, the children examine the wet sand and possible options for making pies from different molds.
The teacher explains why the pies are made. Next, he invites the children to make their own pie using molds from the sand set.
Oh, okay, okay,
Let's bake pancakes
We will invite Tanyusha,
We'll treat you to some pies.
The Tanya doll comes in, examines the prepared pies, and thanks the children.
Lesson No. 3
Leaves are falling
Program content: Introduce children to the colors of autumn leaves, compare leaves by size: large, small, cultivate a love of nature, develop cognitive interest.
Material: autumn leaves: green, yellow, red - large and small.

Progress of the lesson
The teacher suggests approaching the carpet, on which there is a basket with leaves of different colors and sizes. Children look at colored leaves with the teacher: red, yellow and green.

,10 The child and the world around him
Then it is carried out outdoor game “Leaves are falling”- children spin around with the leaves to the music, and at the teacher’s signal they squat with the leaves.
The teacher asks the children questions:
- What kind of leaf do you have, yellow? (yellow leaf)
- What kind of leaf do you have, red? (red)
At the end of the lesson, children lay out an autumn pattern on the carpet
- a large and a small leaf and once again admire and examine the leaves.
Lesson No. 4
Our toys
Program content: Help to find toys, identify them by size, name them, develop spatial orientation, and develop forms of careful handling of toys.
Material: set of toys: bear - big and small, bunny - big and small.
Progress of the lesson
The teacher draws the children’s attention to the sounds of an approaching car; a large car with a large bear drives in.
The teacher says:
- Look who came to us? (bear)
- What a big bear, he wants to play with the little bear, let's help him find it.
Together with the children they find a teddy bear in the group room. Held outdoor game “Find the bear”. Work with large and small bunnies is carried out in the same way. Children find a little bunny.
At the end of the lesson, an active game is played, where the teacher puts “bear” and “bunny” hats on two children, all the children dance and jump to a tambourine, start to run away at a signal, and the “bunny” and “bear” catch up with them. The role of a “bunny” or “bear” can be played by a teacher.

September 11
Lesson No. 5
Path to the bunny's hut
Program content: To promote the development of visual perception of a moving object, coordination of movements, give the concept and name “Path to the hut.” Cultivate accuracy when performing a task.
Material: bricks of the same color, a bunny toy, Christmas trees, trees, a house from a tabletop theater.
Progress of the lesson
The teacher draws the children’s attention to a forest clearing with a hut, the children look at it: “So many fir trees and trees, but here is a hut. Who lives in this hut? A little bunny appears and cries bitterly; he does not know how to get to his hut in the forest. The teacher invites the children to help the bunny build a path to the hut out of bricks. Together with the teacher, the children lay out a path of bricks towards the hut. Then the teacher invites the children to lead the bunny along the path to the hut, saying: “top-top.”
IN At the end of the lesson, the bunny thanks the children and under-
visual game “Bunny, dance.” Children dance and jump to the tambourine with the bunny.
Lesson No. 6
Cockerel cockerel
Program content: Introduce children to time concepts: morning, develop imaginative thinking. Develop cultural and hygienic skills.
Material: Tanya doll; a crib, a comb, a towel, soap, a basin of water, a toy cockerel.
Progress of the lesson
The teacher and children examine the crib and the sleeping doll
Tanya. The voice of a cockerel is heard: “Ku-ka-re-ku!” The teacher conducts a dialogue with the cockerel:

,10 The child and the world around him
Cockerel, cockerel!
Golden comb!
Oil head,
Silk beard,
Why do you get up early?
Don't you let Katya sleep?
The cockerel answers:
It's time for everyone to get up
And Tanechka and Vanechka,
And to all the kids!
The teacher and the children lift the Tanya doll, dress her, comb her hair, and wash her. Tanya says to everyone: “Good morning!”
At the end of the lesson, the children play with the Tanya doll and the cockerel, and the teacher reminds that the cockerel wakes up all the children in the morning, all the children get up and say: “Good morning!” The cockerel leaves and says to all the children: “Goodbye.”
Lesson No. 7
Wonderful pouch
Program content: To consolidate children’s knowledge in naming fruits: pear, apple, banana; recognize them in the picture.
Cultivate a love for nature.
Material: replicas of fruits: pear, apple, banana; wonderful bag, Tanya doll, cut cards with images of fruits
(2 parts).
Progress of the lesson
The teacher and children look at the nature of autumn through the window: leaves are falling, the breeze is blowing, children are dressed in jackets, coats, hats, boots. There is a knock on the door, and a Tanya doll comes in with a wonderful bag containing fruit. The children greet the doll and the a game
"Guess what it is?" Doll Tanya takes out an apple and asks the children: “What is this? “If the children find it difficult to name, the teacher helps them.
- Apple.
- Is the apple red? (red)
- And what's that? (pear)

September 13
- Is the pear green? (green)
- And what's that? (banana)
- Is the banana yellow? (yellow)
IN at the end of the lesson didactic game “Collect cards”
teen." Children first collect a picture following the example of the teacher, then independently.
Lesson No. 8
Who lives next to us?
Program content: To develop in the child the skill of correlating his actions with a simple (consisting of one task) verbal instruction, not supported by a gesture or other auxiliary means, to give an idea of ​​how a chicken moves and pecks grains. Cultivate care for others and love for animals.

Svetlana Baizan
Summary of a lesson on speech development of children in the nursery group in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard “Visiting Mishutka”

Educator: Baizan S.V.

Chernogorsk, Republic of Khakassia.

MADOU d/s "Goldfish"

Lesson notes for the nursery group according to the Federal State Educational Standard: "IN visiting Mishutka"

Target: Create conditions for development of speech activity in children.


1. Contribute development of speech hearing, stimulate speech development through development fine motor skills and tactile sensations.

2. Contribute development communication skills. Involve children into communication.

3. Enrich the vocabulary with names denoting parts of the body. Learn correlate word and expressive movement.

Progress of the lesson:

Do you want to go on a trip today? How will we travel or fly?

Children go on a trip with their teacher on a steam locomotive or airplane (optional children) . Here we are. Where have we ended up? (In the forest). What animals live in the forest? Who's waiting for us behind the tree? Bear. Let's say hello to him and tell him our names. Children say hello and say their names. - Look, what does the bear have? (eyes) Do you have eyes? The bear has - (point to the nose) children offer an answer. Where is your nose? And the bear also has (pointing to ears)- we are waiting for an answer children. Where are your ears? (etc.) (children show body parts).

Teddy bear wants to play, shall we play with him?

Logorhythmic game "Bear".

A clubfooted bear is walking through the forest.

He collects cones and sings songs.

The cone bounced straight into the bear's forehead.

The bear got angry and stomped his foot!

(children perform movements in according to the text) .

Mishutka I collected so many cones in the basket, look! (accidentally spill pine cones on the carpet). Oh! The cones all fell apart! Let's collect them so that the bear doesn't get upset about it. Take the cones and put them in the basket. What kind of bumps do we have? (answers children - hard bumps, prickly, big, small)

Let's do it for Teddy bears gift. How can we do it treat? (Answers children - honey; berry; And. etc.)

Artistic creativity. Drawing berries for Teddy bears.

Children draw treats for Teddy bears.

Reflection while drawing. Having flown on a trip, where did we end up? (in the forest); Who did we meet in the forest?; And what Teddy bear gave us? What will we treat him with?

Next time we'll go again guests to Mishka? (answers children)

Publications on the topic:

Summary of an open lesson for the nursery group “Wonderful Fishes” Summary of the lesson in the nursery group “Wonderful fish” Purpose: to give elementary mathematical concepts - “one”, “many”, “small”.

Summary of open direct educational activities in the 2nd junior group “Visiting Mishutka” Municipal state preschool educational institution Kindergarten No. 1 ZATO Solnechny Abstract open integrated.

Notes on social and communicative development on the topic: “Kuzya visiting the guys” Educational area: social and communicative.