Are women hired to serve on contract? The right of women to serve in the Armed Forces - registration and deregistration. How a woman can enter contract service in the army

Army for girls in Russia not so inaccessible as it might seem at first glance. However, only those women are recruited who meet certain requirements and successfully pass the preliminary selection.

Women's service in the army: who can go to serve? Are married women recruited into the army?

Girls in Russia are not subject to compulsory military conscription. Therefore, to the question, how can a girl get into the army, there is only one answer: on a voluntary basis by concluding a service contract. The Ministry of Defense has established a list of military positions for which female contract women can be employed.

A woman between the ages of 18 and 40 with at least secondary education can go to the contract service (for a number of positions, a professional or higher education is required). In addition, she must pass a health check, psychological testing and pass the standards for physical fitness.

A contract with a woman cannot be concluded if:

  • she is under 18 or over 40;
  • a criminal case is pending against her or a conviction has already been passed;
  • she has a criminal record;
  • previously, the woman served her sentence in a colony (even if her conviction has already been canceled).

But the presence of a husband and children is not an obstacle to passing the service. If a woman believes that joining the service will not negatively affect family relations, she can join the army.

Admission of a woman to serve in the Russian army. Where to begin?

A girl who decides to go to serve under a contract must submit an application to the military registration and enlistment office at the place of residence or directly to the military unit. Together with the application, you will need to submit a certain package of documents:

Copies of documents must be duly certified.

Checking a woman's readiness for military service

After the application for contract service is accepted by the military enlistment office for consideration, the girl is invited to undergo certain examinations and tests. Only upon successful completion of them can she be accepted for service under the contract.

These checks include:

  1. Medical examination. Based on its results, the degree of fitness for service in the armed forces is determined. A girl can be accepted for contract service if, according to the results of a medical examination, she has been assigned category “A” (fit for service) or “B” (fit with minor restrictions).
  2. Checking psychological qualities. In the course of this test, such qualities and personality traits as: intellectual level, speed of thinking, ability to communicate, psychological maturity, type of temperament, poise, etc. are checked. Based on the results of the survey, one of 4 categories of psychological fitness is assigned. Girls classified in the first or second category are accepted for contract service. If there are no other candidates for a specific military position, then a citizen with a third category can be accepted.
  3. Determination of the level of physical fitness. To check the physical readiness for military service, a woman is asked to pass 3 standards: for speed, strength and endurance. Such standards are approved by the Ministry of Defense. If a girl has failed to complete at least 1 of 3 exercises, she will not be accepted for contract service.

In the Russian army, for a long time, representatives of the fair sex have been serving on an equal basis with male military personnel. Different contract services are available for girls. They can sign it with a civilian profession, or not at all, like the guys, upon reaching 18 years of age. Or they can enter a military university and get a military specialty. In general, contractual service for girls provides for the performance of their professional duties on general terms and conditions in the positions of privates, sergeants, foremen, warrant officers and officers. In order to have a more detailed understanding of the girls' service, let us turn to the requirements, documents and other regulations that determine the role of girls in the ranks of the Russian armed forces.

Where to start for a girl who decided to serve under a contract?

If a girl is determined to become a military man, then she has two ways. The first of them is to submit documents to a military university for the chosen military specialty after graduation. The second way is to come to the selection point for military service under a contract. And if with the first way everything is more or less clear, then what happens in the second case, it is necessary to tell in more detail.

The very first step on the way to military service will be a conversation with the instructor at the selection point. This inspector will not only talk about all the advantages of military service, but also about what difficulties a girl will have to overcome in contract service. At the same time, the instructor will find out the motives for entering military service and will be able to immediately offer options for military specialties, in accordance with the level of education, inclinations, and most importantly, the civilian professional skills of the girl. However, for the final choice of profession, you will still need to go through a professional and psychological selection.

At the same time, for the most part, the conditions for the selection and admission of girls for military service under the contract are practically no different from similar conditions for men. After talking with the instructor, the girl will receive a sample application, a questionnaire form and a referral to the medical commission.

If the girl did not lose the decision to go to the service under the contract, she must independently undergo a medical examination at the place of residence and receive a certificate of no criminal record. After that, she must contact the military enlistment office at the place of residence, and go through the military medical commission there. The next step is to return to the collection point with all documents. It is from this moment that the formation of the personal file of the military girl begins.

Military professions for girls

Traditionally, it is believed that the most demanded in the army are such purely female specialties as accountant, economist and medical worker. It really is. But there are many more specialties that a girl in the army can count on. So, the fair sex will be delighted in the air defense troops, communications, sapper troops and others. Girls can serve in headquarters, military medicine, in the kitchen, at communication centers and simply in the barracks. Translators, telephonists, cooks, cartographers, computer typing operators, economists and accountants. Here is a far from complete list of specialties that are in demand in the army.

In addition, the list of military specialties for girls involves many extraordinary specialties, such as communications, optical and sound measuring instruments and meteorology, printing, computing, cartography, photogrammetry, topographic geodesy and aerial photography. Girls are often capable of solving many tasks that are beyond the capabilities of male military personnel.

Military specialties for girls are not a way to assert themselves and show their strength, rather, it is a way for self-realization in military service. Now in the RF Armed Forces there are about 40 thousand women, 15% of whom have already successfully reached the rank of "colonel". Moreover, not only the medical service or the financial part.

Standards for female military personnel

To enter military service under a contract, any girl must necessarily meet the requirements that are imposed on absolutely all candidates for the ranks of contract soldiers of the Armed Forces - age in the range from 18 to 40 years, good health, a high level of physical fitness and a specialty in demand in the army. If we have already talked about professional selection above, then after submitting an application and collecting all the necessary documents, the girl becomes a candidate for entering the service under a contract. To move from candidates to contract soldiers, she needs to pass the standards for physical training.

All candidates for military service are invited to pass three physical standards: endurance, strength and speed. The strength of girls is checked by the standards for the press, unlike men, who have the right to choose between pull-ups and push-ups from the floor. In one minute, a candidate for military service must complete a press exercise at least 22 times. The girls are checked for speed by shuttle running. Candidates must run 10 meters ten times. The minimum allowed value is 38 seconds. To test endurance, you need to run 1 kilometer. It is this standard that becomes the most difficult for many girls. The minimum time for which it is necessary to overcome this distance to pass the standard is 5 minutes 30 seconds.

The above standards are valid for girls aged 25 to 30 years. For girls under 25, the requirements are more stringent. So, the exercise on the press must be done 26 times, the shuttle run must be completed in 36 seconds, and in the run per kilometer it will keep within 4 minutes 35 seconds.

Those of the candidates who cannot meet at least one standard are deprived of the opportunity to join the ranks of the Russian Armed Forces for at least 1 month. This is the time frame for the interval for retaking the standards. In this case, all three tests will have to be retaken, and not only the one that the candidate could not cope with the first time. If the standards are successfully passed, you can go to the selection point for the final signing of the documents.

The point in accepting the girl for military service is put by the military commission at the commissariat. There they finally study personal files and get acquainted with the candidates and decide on the issue of admission to military service by voting. It is noteworthy that there are still much fewer women who want to serve on a contract basis in the RF Armed Forces than men. For every 500 men who want to link their lives with the army, there are only 10 women.

In modern society, women have achieved considerable success in the struggle for gender equality. They mastered science, conquered technology and learned how to effectively manage teams of thousands. It is not surprising that today an increasing number of women are wondering how a girl can get into the army.

What are the reasons for the popularization of such a desire?

Along with the growth of public consciousness pushing a woman to contribute her duty to ensure the protection of the Motherland, there are a number of more “earthly” reasons. In conditions of economic instability, the military profession allows you to get:

  • a permanent, well-paid job without delays in salary payments;
  • own housing;
  • free treatment;
  • a decent pension;
  • various social benefits, for example, rest in a sanatorium or free travel.

As you can see, there are more than enough reasons for wanting to become a military man, and they are all weighty.

What are the ways to join the army?

Unlike Israel and North Korea, Russian girls are not subject to compulsory military conscription. Therefore, if desired, the fair sex has two alternatives.

  1. To enroll in a warrant school or a military school, including the Nakhimov or Suvorov schools. In this case, after graduation, the girls are sent to the place of service in the prescribed manner, along with the men.
  2. Conclude a fixed-term contract for military service. This will allow you to choose any type of troops if there are vacancies for women in them. Please note that contract work imposes certain restrictions on the possibility of obtaining certain titles and work in certain specialties.

As for the most common areas of employment for women in the army, this includes the medical service, administrative and instructor work, office work, and communication. It is forbidden to attract girls for the guard and garrison service, but there are no problems with carrying out combat duty.

But no one will forbid you not to limit yourself to standard specialties, but to enter, for example, the missile forces. Of course, subject to your mental and physical match.

Basic requirements for the candidate

Can absolutely any woman go to contract service? Unfortunately no. The legislation has established a list of basic requirements and restrictions for potential applicants.

Only girls aged 18-40 who have successfully passed:

  • Comprehensive medical examinations, recognizing them as fit for military duties.
  • Professional psychological testing, during which the character, intellectual level, behavioral habits, psychological maturity, speed of thinking, poise and worldview of the candidate are determined. According to the test results, the candidate can be classified into one of four categories of professional and psychological suitability. The first two categories are uniquely suitable for contract service. A girl who has received the third category can be accepted for a certain position only in the absence of other candidates.
  • Physical standards for speed, endurance and strength, approved by the Ministry of Defense. In this case, it is necessary to successfully cope with all types of exercises. Failure to meet even one standard will nullify your dream of becoming a military man.

Also, a prerequisite is the presence of a minimum of secondary education, although many positions will require baggage in the form of higher or professional education.

Many girls are interested in the question of whether marital status and the presence of children are a limiting factor for carrying out contract service. We hasten to reassure - no. If a woman is sure that she can effectively combine family life with work in the army, they cannot prevent her from doing so.

However, a contract with a candidate will not be signed if:

  • the age goes beyond the specified limits;
  • having a criminal record;
  • a conviction against her or a criminal case;
  • the fact of serving a sentence in a colony.

Where to start the path to a contract army?

What does a girl need to get the contract she wants? The first step is to visit the military registration and enlistment office at the place of residence or go directly to the military unit in which she wants to serve.

If there are vacancies for female positions, you can start filling out an application, which must be accompanied by a certain package of documents. It is better to clarify their list directly at the place of application. As a rule, you cannot do without:

  • passports;
  • photographs in full face 3x4 and 9x12;
  • copies of the birth certificate;
  • handwritten autobiography;
  • completed on a special form of the questionnaire;
  • copies of documents confirming education;
  • copies of the work book;
  • copies of certificates of marriage and birth of children (if any);
  • characteristics from the place of study or work.

Please remember that all hard copies must be properly certified.

After that, you should relax and wait for the decision of the draft board, which will be communicated to you within 10 to 30 calendar days. In case of a positive result, do not rush to immediately sign the proposed contract. Read all of its points carefully in order to avoid possible disappointments later.

A few words about service in various countries

Today, not only in Russia, but all over the world, there is a steady upward trend in the number of women serving in the army. Therefore, as an option, you have the opportunity to obtain citizenship of another country. What awaits you in this case?

Girls in the democratic USA and Europe undergo contract service on an equal basis with the male half. They are allowed to use any type of troops, including the control of complex military equipment - ships and aircraft. Small benefits are made only in the standards of physical fitness.

In Israel, all girls between the ages of 18 and 24 are conscripted for the service on an equal basis with men. The only difference is the service life: not 36, but 21 months.

Military service in North Korea has become compulsory since last year. But there were always enough people who wanted to get into the army, because this saved many from a hungry life. It is interesting that external beauty was mandatory among the parameters for selecting candidates. By the way, this is the only army where women serve in heels.

In China, military service is also considered compulsory and prestigious, but it is conducted on a competitive basis. Therefore, if you wish, you can fail the entrance competition, other candidates will only thank you.

As you can see, girls everywhere confidently win one more right from men - the right to serve in the army. And once again, in this field, they prove their viability and competence, completely refuting the title of the "weaker" sex.

Contrary to popular belief that defending the Motherland is an occupation only for men, more and more women are joining the ranks of the Russian army. Many female military personnel are hardy, hardworking, and not afraid to take up arms. Often they are much more responsible for the tasks of the commander than their male colleagues.

Why do young girls agree and even aspire to become military personnel? What educational institutions do they go to for this? Are there army specialties suitable for women? We will try to answer these questions in detail.

The state is interested in female military personnel

Currently, there are approximately 100,000 women in the Russian army and navy. Half of them are in military positions, half are in civilian positions. Girls in peacetime are not subject to compulsory conscription. They serve only of their own free will, on a contract basis.

One of the strategic goals of the RF Ministry of Defense after 2010 is to arouse interest in military service in the fair sex. Due to the fact that many men do not want to go to the army and try in various ways to avoid fulfilling their civic duty, many vacancies are formed in the Russian armed forces. Women who are ready to serve help solve the problem of manning the army. Thanks to the growing number of women in the ranks of the defenders of the Fatherland, the armed forces of the Russian Federation are becoming more progressive and diversified.

The State Duma is preparing a bill according to which summons from military enlistment offices will be sent to girls who have reached the age of 18. However, it is up to women to decide whether to go to serve.

Why do girls want to join the army

It turns out that there are quite a few young women who are ready to become defenders of the Fatherland. In military educational institutions, a large competition is often formed for "ladies'" specialties: up to 10 applicants per seat. What motives most often induce the fairer sex to become military personnel?

1. Many girls want to join the army because they are real patriots of Russia. They want to defend their homeland and consider military affairs their vocation.

2. Some women see serving in the armed forces as a way to move up the social ladder. This motive is especially common among women planning to pursue a political career.

3. Spouses of the defenders of the Motherland, living in parts and closed towns, often learn military professions. For them, as a rule, there is no other way to go to work.

4. Some young girls enter military higher educational institutions at the insistence of their parents who want to bring up a high moral character in their daughters. Mothers and fathers rightly believe that learning the art of the army, their daughters will acquire such valuable qualities as determination, willpower, and strictness towards themselves. As a rule, in this case, the parents do not insist that the girls remain in military service after graduation. Nevertheless, many young women are “drawn in” and continue to work on a voluntary basis in their specialties.

5. For some girls, mastering military affairs becomes the only way to get a higher education, if there are no universities of another profile in the village.

6. Many young women entering the service seek to improve their chances of marriage in this way. In they work together with young men and are often surrounded by the attention of fans.

Some representatives of the fair sex on the forums note that women, along with men, should be subject to compulsory conscription. Ladies believe that this will help them gain the necessary self-defense skills, learn how to handle weapons and provide first aid. In addition, many young girls are ready to serve because, if necessary, the fair sex will also have to defend their homeland.

What vacancies can women be hired for

There is a list of military specialties for women, approved by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. The text of the document is classified. It is known, however, that the fairer sex cannot be recruited into the front lines. Women in the military only take part in battles when absolutely necessary. In the army, they perform the role of home front workers.

What military specialties are provided for the fairer sex?

  1. Medical: military doctor, paramedic, nurse, pharmacist, pharmacist.
  2. Technical: foreman, mechanic, machine operator.
  3. In the field of communications: telephone operator, telegraph operator, radio operator, radio mechanic, military communications operator.
  4. In the field of observation of the terrain: cartographer, meteorologist, meteorological observer or hydrometeorological observer, surveyor, theodolitician.
  5. In the field of photogrammetry: photogrammetrist, photo laboratory assistant.
  6. In the field of printing: engraver, master-setter of printing machines, zincographer.

A promising specialty for a girl is a military signalman. Many women become indispensable in the military due to their ability to use various communication hardware. They transmit signals, most often encrypted, using telegraph, television, telephone, telecode and signaling communications. It is thanks to the high-quality work of these specialists that servicemen receive timely orders from command centers and operational information.

Popular among women are military specialties, which can be conditionally considered safe: translator, psychologist, teacher, lawyer, economist, research assistant.

Military ranks of women

It is no secret that the ranks of the Russian army are awarded in accordance with the level of qualifications and positions held. After graduating from a military university, the graduate becomes an officer. In theory, a woman can receive any title, depending on the length of service and personal achievements.

But in practice, ladies working in units rarely receive high ranks in the Russian army. 25% of female military personnel are warrant officers and warrant officers. A higher status (up to the rank of general) is achieved by women in the police, prosecutor's office, tax service, and the FSB.

Military educational institutions

Currently, only women who have a military registration specialty, that is, graduated from special educational institutions, are put on military registration. The Ministry of Defense, depending on the needs of the armed forces in personnel, annually regulates the number of places in universities and colleges for girls. Therefore, it is difficult for a representative of the weaker sex to plan a military career, because in the year of graduation, admission to the desired specialty may be closed.

In which educational institutions are they ready to consider female applicants? The most famous are the following:

1. Military Medical Academy named after S. M. Kirov, St. Petersburg (there is a branch in Moscow). This university provides professional training for military paramedics and doctors. The Academy has two areas of work:

  • training of medical specialists "from scratch",
  • advanced training of civilian doctors.

A girl can get an education in the specialties of "general medicine", "pharmacy", "preventive medicine", "dentistry".

The S.M. Kirov Military Medical Academy offers full-time training programs for paramedics (3 years) and doctors (6 years). The university has scientific departments.

2. Military Academy of Communications named after Marshal of the Soviet Union SM Budyonny, St. Petersburg. The university provides (military technician) and higher (military engineer) education. From its walls there are specialists in the field of communication systems, switching, software of the armed forces.

The term of full-fledged training at the Academy is 5 years. Upon graduation, the girl receives the rank of lieutenant. The secondary education program is designed for a period of 2 years 10 months. The graduate is awarded the title of ensign.

3. Academy of Civil Protection EMERCOM of Russia, Moscow - excellent. Representatives of the fair sex can study here in the specialties of a military psychologist, translator, lawyer, teacher, economist, personnel officer. There are full-time and part-time forms of study.

4. The Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (Moscow) prepares specialists to work in "hot spots". After graduating from the university, you can get the specialty of a criminalist, military journalist, translator, orchestra musician. According to the documentation, the university accepts girls. However, in practice, according to the management, the recruitment of female persons has not been made for a long time, since the 90s.

5. The Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (Moscow) prepares specialists for service in the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The university is also engaged in advanced training of existing personnel.

6. The Air Force Academy named after Professor N. Ye. Zhukovsky and Yu. A. Gagarin (Voronezh) trains meteorologists, radio technicians, security specialists for automated and information systems, air traffic controllers, and home front workers to provide weapons. Upon graduation from the university, the qualification "engineer" is awarded.

7. Volsk military institute of material support (Volsk, Saratov region). The university trains specialists in the rear to support troops. There are quite a few female students here.

In general, there are about 20 military universities across Russia that are ready to accept girls for training. There are specialized educational institutions in Rostov, Penza, Stavropol. Cadets undergoing training at universities accountable to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation receive monthly allowances in the amount of 10 to 25 thousand rubles.

Military institutes do not accept women for training:

  • previously convicted;
  • who do not have the right to undergo military service under the law before the expiration of any period;
  • registered in neuropsychiatric dispensaries;
  • having medical contraindications for military service.

Legal rights of women in the army

Women in the armed forces are generally vested with the same rights as men. However, their legal status has its own characteristics. In particular, women in military units should be provided with rooms separate from men for sleeping, resting, and changing wardrobe. Such a form of punishment as disciplinary arrest is not applied to ladies in the service: they do not sit in the guardhouse.

The main document, which fully spelled out the rights and obligations of the military, including women, is the 1998 Federal Law on the Status of Servicemen. In it, the fair sex does not stand out in a separate category. All provisions that apply to men apply equally to women.

According to this document, the fair sex receive benefits due to servicemen, including:

  • treatment, receiving medicines for free or at a reduced cost;
  • extended vacations (up to a maximum of 45 days per year);
  • housing subsidies;
  • educational benefits for children, priority admission to educational institutions;
  • servicemen's pension.

The rights of a military woman related to pregnancy and childbirth

Pregnant military women are completely freed from physical activity. They are also entitled to free medical care in specialized institutions. With a gestation period of up to 20 weeks, if there are no complications, a female soldier visits a gynecologist once a month at the place of registration. For a period of 20 to 30 weeks, the frequency of visits to the antenatal clinic is at least 1 time in 2 weeks. For a period of more than 30 weeks, the frequency of visits to the gynecologist is at least 1 time per week. A female Russian soldier receives a birth certificate and a childcare allowance. For two months before and after childbirth, they are also given an additional allowance. Pregnant female military personnel are entitled to parental leave to care for a child up to 3 years of age.

At what age can a woman serve

The fairer sex "work" in the ranks of the armed forces on the basis of fixed-term contracts. A woman can conclude the first "agreement" with a military unit at the age of at least 20 and no more than 40 years. The term of service under the contract is 3.5 or 10 years, depending on the position and rank. Further, if the lady duly fulfills the terms of the contract and wishes to continue the service, the "agreement" is extended. The age limit for female military personnel up to which they can continue to serve the fatherland is 50 years.

Physical training

FIZO of female military personnel is supported by the command of the units at a high level. Ladies serving in the army train daily. Female contractual military personnel must match their “job” in terms of health and fitness. Ladies take physical standards:

  • upon admission to universities of a special profile;
  • in the learning process, on a quarterly basis;
  • when concluding a fixed-term contract;
  • in the process of service - on a quarterly basis.

Mandatory standards for female military personnel are approved by the Order of the Ministry of Defense. Ladies, in order to confirm their compliance with the requirements of the army, perform 3 blocks of exercises.

One of two options is performed:

  • for women under the age of 25, at least 12 times,
  • for women over the age of 25, at least 10 times.

2. Tilt of the trunk forward:

  • for women under the age of 25 - at least 25 times,
  • for women over the age of 25, at least 20 times.


One of three options is performed:

1. Running at 60 meters:

  • for women under the age of 25, the standard time to cover the distance is 12.9 s;
  • for women over the age of 25, the standard time to cover the distance is 13.9.

2. Running 100 meters:

  • for women under the age of 25, the standard time to cover the distance is 19.5 s;
  • for women over the age of 25, the standard time to cover the distance is 20.5 s.

3. Shuttle run 10 * 10 m:

  • for women under 25 years of age, the minimum standard is to run a distance in 38 s;
  • for women over the age of 25, the minimum standard is to run a distance in 39 seconds.


Exercise - 1 km run:

  • for women under the age of 25, the standard time to cover the distance is 5 minutes. 20 sec,
  • for women over the age of 25, the standard time to cover the distance is 5 minutes. 46 sec.

Women over 40 are not involved in taking physical standards.


For women in the service, as well as for men, wearing a uniform is mandatory. Other types of clothing can only be worn during rest, on weekends, during holidays and outside the military unit, if the exit is not related to the performance of a service assignment.

The uniform of female military personnel is approved by order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and is sewn by authorized factories. It can be given to a lady free of charge by a military unit or purchased by her independently in a specialized store.

Cannot be worn by unauthorized civilians. It is also forbidden to wear uniforms and insignia that do not correspond to the rank and position.

The style of women's workwear was developed by the Russian fashion designer V. Yudashkin.

Field forms are sewn from membrane fabrics using nanotechnology. Military overalls fit neatly on the female figure and do not hinder movement.

Successful careers of women in the military

The most ambitious career of a military woman that the whole world remembers is the professional path of Valentina Vladimirovna Tereshkova, who single-handedly completed a three-day space flight on the Vostok-5 spacecraft. Tereshkova achieved the highest rank of Major General, starting her seniority as a "bracelet" at the Yaroslavl Tire Plant.

Currently, many successful female military personnel work in the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Among them: Deputy Defense Minister Tatyana Shevtsova (in charge of the economic block), Chief of Staff of the Defense Minister Elena Kalnaya, Press Secretary of the Defense Minister - Lt. Col. Irina Kovalchuk, head of the military education system - Yekaterina Priezzheva.


Now you know how women in the military are building a career. Currently, the work of most of them is considered not very prestigious. All privileges, such as high ranks, interesting assignments, status positions, in the armed forces are mainly given to men. However, now the number of women in the Russian army is increasing, and gradually their legal status is changing for the better.

The rapid growth in the popularity of military service in Russia cannot but affect the total number of those wishing to join the army. Moreover, about half of the servicemen perceives service as one of the ways to earn money, which directly indicates a completely new stage in the development of the RF Armed Forces. The increase in funding made it possible not only to upgrade weapons, but also to attract qualified personnel for significant positions. In general, the professional army acts as a kind of reference point in the work of reforms for modernization. And although it is now impossible to completely abandon conscription service, the total number of those who signed the contract is quite comparable to the number of conscripts.

Traditionally, the army is considered to be an excellent school for real men. Accordingly, the girls have nothing to do there, but what about those who work in the service sector? Many positions were held by women, but they were not considered military personnel.

Today, a woman in an officer's rank can meet in any unit. The army for girls in Russia became available immediately after the decree of the President determined the procedure for recruiting for service on a contract basis. Do not confuse military service and compulsory military service. , but those of them who have mastered one of the military registration specialties are on the military register and, in the event of mobilization, can be recruited into the service.

Girls in the Russian army serve under contract on almost the same basis as men. For them, the law determines the procedure for concluding a contract, service life and selection conditions. Salary and allowances are paid depending on the position and rank.

A few easy steps to military service

Let's take a closer look at how a woman can get into the army, because you can expect conscription until the end of her life. In order to get a normal job in civilian life, you have to spend a fair amount of time looking for a job, and a similar system operates in the Russian armed forces. There are positions with varying degrees of attractiveness. Nevertheless, you can get into the army after a military university or through. Naturally, the second, as a shorter way, is more popular.

An interview is arranged at the selection points for women. A short excursion into the military profession is given. Each applicant wants to know the prospects for career growth, promotion, conditions of stay in the unit. But before taking a responsible step, you should familiarize yourself with the vacancies in military units, because in their absence, a woman may not be allowed to serve.

Practice shows that there are always vacancies. The army is not only fighters who are ready to join the battle at any moment with weapons in their hands, they are personnel officers, accountants, medical workers and other service personnel, staff of the headquarters office, etc.

Before starting to consider the algorithm for collecting documents for signing a contract, let's return to that part of the contingent who graduated from universities and received officer ranks. Often, girls show excellent results in combat and physical fitness. In absolute comparison, she is considered weaker than men, but in a relative assessment, female persons can in many ways compete with the stronger sex. They have a higher pain threshold, better accuracy and endurance. In those troops where it is necessary to apply strategic thinking, cunning and unpredictability, women are good defenders of the Fatherland.

The general principles for concluding a contract for women are the same as for men, since contract military service begins with an application and filling out a questionnaire. The form of these initial documents is issued at the selection points or military enlistment offices. The head of the point or the military commissar considers the application, respectively. If there are no grounds for refusal, and by age the girl meets the requirements of the provision on contractual service, then she is given a referral for a medical examination.

The medical examination is carried out by a specially created military commission. After passing the basic tests and examination by specialists, the future soldier is assigned a category of fitness. In the military commissariat, a personal file is set up, where all the documents provided will be stored.

The preliminary collection of documents can be considered complete, since the military commissariat will issue a full list of them, but the requirements are still not so clear. In addition to the initial ones (age, no criminal record), a number of other criteria must be met. The candidate must have a civilian profession. It is necessary to understand that the appointment to a vacant position takes place almost on a competitive basis, therefore, preference is given to citizens who graduated from an institute or university. The aptitude test allows a more detailed study of the compatibility of existing knowledge and skills with the proposed profession. After professional and psychological selection, the candidate is assigned a certain category. The highest of these is Recommended First.

Physical fitness is assessed by meeting the standards. Girls perform exercises such as flexion-extension of the arms, forward bending of the trunk, running (60m, 100m, 1 km). It is imperative to comply with the requirements of the standards. Many people prefer to find out the indicators and check themselves at home.

Demand for contractors

We have already touched on the issue of army positions, which are traditionally replaced by girls, but recently the women's team can also be found where, by conviction, only representatives of the stronger sex should stay. The full list of vacancies is very diverse, it includes telephone operators, kitchen workers, medical workers, computer operators, cartographers, economists. Typically, such positions are provided by air defense troops, signal troops, and the Strategic Missile Forces.

There are really rare professions, so higher requirements are imposed on applicants. They should be able to use optical, meteorological, sound-measuring and printing devices. Such skills will come in handy in the field of aerial photography or topogeodesy, as well as in cartography.

In total, the contingent of the Russian armed forces numbers about 40 thousand women. Due to the fact that contract service for girls provides the same rights as for men, it is not uncommon for married couples who are military personnel to live in military camps.

Social benefits for military personnel

At the moment, the army in Russia is experiencing a time of its progressive development, therefore its female component makes characteristic changes to the list of social guarantees from the state.

  • Being in the service, a woman may well count on paid maternity leave and further childcare. She has the right to be on maternity leave until the baby is 3 years old, but the state will pay for a strictly defined period of time (70 days before delivery and 70 days after delivery). Up to 1.5 years, payment is 40% of the monetary allowance.
  • A military pension is characterized by a certain length of service. If a woman decides to enter the service immediately after reaching the age of majority, and she associates her whole life with military activities, then she will receive the first pension payment not at 55, but much earlier.
  • The material support of reserve officers in our country is sufficient to live with dignity, not regretting the years passed. Added to everything is a good opportunity to become the owner of a home with minimal costs. The mortgage lending program, in which the Ministry of Defense participates, allows the subsidies to be used to pay off the monthly payment. In ordinary civilian life, such help is not found.

To choose or not to choose military service

The state, represented by the Ministry of Defense, is not indifferent to those who have decided to devote themselves entirely to defending the Motherland. The stability of the material and social security of servicemen has become a priority task of the new reforms. The positive aspect is legal employment, social benefits, no delays in wages. It is these factors that are decisive when the applicant is determined "in civilian life" where to go to work.

The most attractive benefits for a soldier are: free travel, purchase of housing, free treatment. A woman in this context has its own benefits: paid maternity leave (in civilian life, pregnancy can greatly harm a developing career), a preferential pension, a harmonious family with a military husband.

Although the path to the army is open, each applicant is obliged to think carefully, because there are many difficulties, and it is almost impossible to foresee everything. For a woman, business trips or night shifts may seem unacceptable. To cope with this can only be a person driven by the idea of \u200b\u200bthe security of the state, his family and friends, and not material benefit. If there is no sense of duty to the Fatherland, then there is nothing reprehensible in this, but is it worth it to enter military service? Everyone decides for himself.