Free activities during the New Year holidays. New Year's excursions for schoolchildren New Year for schoolchildren where to celebrate

During the winter holidays, the Moscow GIPSY club invites children to celebrate the onset of the holidays together, as well as to participate in a grandiose event called no parents! No toys!. This is a real New Year's party for children, or rather a whole series of parties, which will be held in the street style format, has the motto "Without parents! Without toys!". Still, after becoming schoolchildren, many children want more and more independence, as well as stand out among other peers. New Year's disco for teenagers will be a place where schoolchildren from 6 to 15 years old will gather under the roof of the GYPSY club, and each of them will be able to feel free, confident and, most importantly, safe.

New Year's party for children 2018 in Moscow no parents! No toys! will provide an opportunity to learn the basics of graffiti, master the board for skating, learn how to dance breakdance and rap. Guests of this wonderful event will be able to take part in various competitions and entertainment programs, where the most active participants will receive valuable prizes and memorable New Year gifts.

GYPSY Youth Club, where new year party for teenagers 2018, will be divided into several entertainment zones, each of which will find its fans and those who want to learn something new in street style.

A dance floor with a cool DJ will make even the most inactive guys stir up and move in dancing. The DJ will be assisted by beatboxers, breakdance pros and incendiary hosts. New Year's disco for schoolchildren- just fly away!

You will be able to enjoy the awesome tricks and impeccable style of riding a group of professional riders at the Skatepark. All this can be photographed and filmed on your phone, so that later you can mount a cool video.

The Graffiti Zone is a real opportunity to prove yourself as a street artist. With special felt-tip pens, you can paint an art object specially prepared on the site as much as you like. Experienced graffiti artists will help and suggest how to draw beautiful tags correctly. And if one of the teenagers brings his board - right there on the spot you can make a real masterpiece of graffiti out of it. There will also be an exhibition of boards pumped in the same way.

You can use the services of the best street style stylists, get a new look, and then take pictures in an insta photo booth at a site called Freestyle.

For those who want to create their own custom T-shirt, cap and other accessories, as well as buy various souvenirs, a Street Market zone will be created.

New Year's party for schoolchildren in Moscow, despite its slogan, also accepts parents. But in order not to interfere with having fun and gaining New Year's positive for parents, a bar-zone will open, where you can get in by buying a ticket worth 500 rubles. Adults will be offered non-alcoholic warming drinks.

Buying tickets for a New Year tree for schoolchildren means making a good holiday gift for a growing child, as well as giving them the opportunity to be independent and involved in an interesting hobby. New Year's party for teenagers and children 2018 in Moscow No parents! No toys! waiting for you from 3 to 5 January 2018.

Reading: 19 min

There are few people who will say that Moscow does not change on New Year's Eve and it is impossible to feel a fairy tale even in the air. The capital of Russia, proud and bright, magically dresses up, is full of lights, and fascinates with an unearthly atmosphere. From year to year, Moscow streets are more and more decorated with illumination, and the number of interesting places is growing exponentially.

Here you can even just walk around the center, along Red Square or along the Arbat, and only this will recharge you with the New Year's mood. At this time, a huge number of bazaars appear, which are in no way inferior. But still, if you are a tourist or a local resident, you can please children and yourself for one colorful and unforgettable activities and performances. There are a lot of places in the capital for every taste, budget and age. And believe me, your children will be grateful to you, and their joyful gleam in their eyes will be the best reward.

The program of 2019-2020 is so rich that you can walk around all kinds of Christmas trees and performances from morning to night until the New Year itself. In addition, starting from late November and early December, various fairs and bazaars, exhibitions and master classes open in Moscow. You can go to them with children, and of any age. For example, already on November 30, the most famous metropolitan fair opens in TSUM.

Every year, tens of thousands of Muscovites and tourists come to Red Square to take pictures as a keepsake. Every year decorations and illuminations become richer and brighter. There is no need to rush, as the event will run until the end of February. However, every week the program changes - various competitions with prizes are held, stars perform. Along the perimeter there are shops with traditional Russian food. Entrance is free, so this option is suitable even for budget travelers. If you want to diversify your trips to various bazaars, you can visit other exciting events in the capital.

1. Christmas party in GUM

  • Monday-Thursday: 11:00-22:00
  • Friday: 11:00-23:00
  • Saturday, Sunday and holidays: 10:00-23:00

Every year, the fair in GUM is considered one of the brightest events in Moscow.

The organizers do not skimp on decorations, and the entire perimeter literally glows from garlands and balloons. Here you can walk with your child indefinitely, sharing pictures as a keepsake and absorbing new emotions. This option is absolutely budget-friendly. But if you wish, you can see an exhibition of Christmas decorations, buy a gift for yourself and your child. Only in this place during the fair period, the number of souvenirs and handicrafts simply rolls over.

Numerous houses with hot food and drinks, traditional Russian cuisine, and sweets will open on the territory. Not only the purchase of gifts is what attracts guests. Here, throughout the winter holidays, artists and musicians will perform, quizzes with prizes will be held, Santa Claus, the Snow Maiden, fairy-tale characters who sing ditties - this is a small list of magical guests.

All showcases and houses are decorated in the same style to represent a wonderful New Year's composition. Recreation areas are also full of tinsel and garlands. The fair will run from 10 am to 11 pm.

  • Asking price: is free.
  • Where: GUM building.

2. Christmas Gift Fair CHA

  • When: from 7 to 27 December 2019.
  • Opening hours from 11:00 to 20:00
  • Monday is a day off.

Any person loves to receive gifts, and children even more so. If you don’t want to rack your brains over New Year’s Eve entertainment, Christmas markets can be a great option. Here you can choose a souvenir for a small price, and enjoy the magical atmosphere, participate in master classes, and watch performances. Weekends will be filled to capacity with impressions and joyful cries of children.

In the Central House of Artists, in this cradle of art, it will be possible to attend a large-scale celebration. It will bring together both independent artists and representatives of various workshops and guilds, and not only in Moscow, but throughout Russia. This is not just a fair, but a wonderful, magical exhibition. Your children will be smitten with New Year's paintings, photographs, installations, decorative toys, sculptures. If you still decide to buy a gift, you will be very original, as often the products here have no analogues.

  • Issue price: is free.
  • Where: Central House of Artists, metro Park Kultury.

3. "Christmas gift" in Sokolniki

Exhibition opening hours:

  • 21.12 - 26.12 - from 10:00 to 19:00
  • 27.12 - from 10:00 to 16:00

It is very important to instill in children the most important Christian values, kindness, compassion, love for the world around them from a very early age. New Year is not only a time of thoughtless fun, it is a bright holiday that can leave pleasant and inspiring feelings. A child can remember just such a day in his life, and parents, at the same time, do not have to spend a fortune on organization.

The Christmas Gift festival is held annually in Moscow. For more than ten years, this large-scale event has been pleasing children and adults. The largest monasteries, churches and Orthodox workshops of Moscow participate in this charity fair. Adults will be able to purchase various church goods - books, candles, souvenirs. But children will not be bored here. Various gifts are provided for them, any child will be delighted with the angel toy. Excursions into the past, various theatrical performances will be held for them, revealing biblical themes in a simple and playful way. Each person will be able to communicate with the priests if they wish.

  • Issue price: is free.
  • Where: Sokolniki.

4. New Year's Eve on Poklonnaya Hill

All tourists who come to Moscow strive to visit Poklonnaya Gora. The residents of the capital themselves also love this place for its beautiful views and entertainment. This year you can enjoy a wonderful New Year with your child right here. There will be a huge fair here. Next to it - a sea of ​​​​amusements and recreational activities.
The organizers said that Moscow in miniature will open in Victory Park for this time. All the most significant architectural monuments ... only in the form of ice sculptures. Your child will be happy to take a walk near such a Kremlin or GUM. The figures will have a size of three human heights - this exposition will capture even adults.

Every evening you can participate in traditional Russian winter games, taste Russian cuisine. You will see fire shows and various musical and choreographic performances. Snow fortresses operate on the territory, where you and your children can play enough snowballs and even remember your childhood yourself. And this is not counting the beautiful snowy views that open from the mountain. In the New Year, they also plan an extensive program rich in entertainment. From early morning until January 1, there will be a concert with live music, competitions with prizes. The skating rink will open, and at midnight you can enjoy one of the best fireworks in Moscow and, perhaps, the country.

  • Issue price: free, but according to eyewitnesses - 350 rubles.
  • Where: Poklonnaya Gora.

5. New Year in Gorky Park

Traditionally, Gorky Park is the first association that arises with the cheerful and unusual recreation of Muscovites. Winter time is not an exception at all. Any child you invite to go there will be jumping for joy. During the New Year holidays, the park will turn into a winter fairy tale. Pre-holiday fuss, fireworks, music, entertainment for every taste and budget, gifts, quizzes, attractions - that's what awaits you here.

And on New Year's Eve, you may not puzzle over an original holiday for yourself and your children. Such a celebration will be remembered for a long time. Gorky Park at this time is the center of street fun. You will be able to ride on a huge skating rink, communicate with Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. Music sounds everywhere, popular bands play on the stage. You will be happy when, under the chimes in a huge crowd, under the fireworks, you will meet the New Year 2020. Every hour after that, competitions and their own events are planned, the program will be extremely rich.

  • Issue price: is free.
  • Where: Gorky Central Park.

If you want to diversify your outdoor festivities, then you can visit other New Year's events that festive Moscow is so rich in.

6. New Year's show at Moskvarium

  • When: from December 14 to January 19, 2019.
  • Where: VDNKh metro station, Moskvanarium.

If you really want to try something new and impress your child, then it's time to throw away the usual options with children's performances and Christmas trees. And believe me, there are events that will even surprise you and charge you with a great mood for a long time. The element of water is strongly associated with summer, sea and heat. But who said she can't help in the winter? No matter how surprising it may be, but in the "Moskvarium" they are preparing a New Year's program, and what kind. This is an unusual, original show that will not leave indifferent either young children or teenagers.

Moreover, in addition to fabulousness and magic, this is the only musical in the world with the participation of live killer whales. An exclusive show with a large number of experienced trainers, artists and marine animals awaits you and your children. The creators have done their best on New Year's decorations, as well as 5D effects - the audience can literally feel like underwater, in the sea world.

The plot is not trivial - young sailors go in search of their lost father. Brother and sister must go through a dangerous sea voyage, overcome mermaids and monsters, cold and ice, and even visit the sunken Atlantis. But they have curious and unusual allies - dolphins, killer whales, walruses, fur seals. In addition to marine animals, acrobats, actors, musicians, singers will amaze you. And all together it creates a stunning and colorful fairy tale one and a half hours long.

Ticket price: 600 rubles on weekdays and 700 rubles from Friday to Sunday and holidays.

7. Performance "The Snow Queen"


  • December 25 12:00–14:20
  • December 29 11:00–13:20
  • The opera runs for 2 hours and 20 minutes, with one intermission.

The tale of the Snow Queen is rightfully considered the most winter, New Year's and touching in the whole world. Both children and adults love it for its instructive and deep meaning. Every year in the capital's theaters and circuses you can find performances on this topic, in a new way. This year, if you want to choose a proven option for relaxation, which, nevertheless, will give you unforgettable emotions and the happiness of the New Year, then you definitely need to attend a performance with your child at the Natalia Sats Theater.

The productions here have always been famous for their quality, well-thought-out scenery, bright costumes and actions. "The Snow Queen" confirms the high standard of acting and thoughtful script, despite this, it will be understandable for children. As you might guess, this is a production based on a play by Schwartz, who in turn was based on a cult fairy tale.

The stage line remained as expected, but the nature of the characters, their actions and motivation were revised by the authors, which added a wonderful novelty that attracts children so much. The theme of the holiday, home comfort, human values ​​runs like a red thread through the entire production. Classical music perfectly frames the whole performance. The creators say that it is better to go to the theater with children who have reached the age of seven. The Snow Queen comes with an intermission, the total duration is two and a half hours.

The show is intended for audiences ages 7 and up.

  • Asking price: from 300 to 700 rubles.
  • Where: theater N. I. Sats, metro station "Universitet".

8. Water show “Mermaid. Parallel Worlds"

Some fairy tales are literally with us from birth. Almost everyone knows "The Little Mermaid", both adults and children. Heroes and truths, time-tested - that's what attracts in this work. Perhaps you have already visited many performances with your child. But there are performances that will surprise you, even if you have seen ten interpretations.

Undoubtedly, this year it is a grandiose water show “The Little Mermaid. Parallel Worlds". Creator Maria Kisileva announces a beautiful event filled with colors and amazing performances. It is unique, because the scene will not be a stage, but a huge water pool. The most famous athletes of the country and even Olympic champions will be transformed into famous fairy tale characters. All of them will show amazing and complex pirouettes on the water.

Three-time Olympic champion Maria Kisileva created a show that you have not seen before. Her merits and performances of synchronized swimming are highly valued all over the world. Just imagine these numbers in the New Year's entourage, in the lights of illumination and with a professional light show. The program includes famous athletes, circus performers, film and theater actors - they all create a unique atmosphere and mysterious tricks.

  • Issue price: 1,500 - 3,000 rubles.
  • Where: Dynamo Water Stadium.

9. Kremlin tree

  • When: from December 24, 2019 to January 8, 2020 at 10.00, 14.00 and 18.00.
  • On December 25, 2019 at 12.00, the All-Russian Christmas Tree will be held.
  • On December 30, 2019, all performances will be accompanied by sign language translation.
  • On January 8, 2020 at 14.00, a charity Patriarchal Christmas Tree will be held for children from Sunday schools, orphanages and orphanages.

Ever since the days of the Soviet Union, the Kremlin Christmas tree has been the most important and long-awaited event for the residents of the capital. Absolutely all the children of the country dreamed of getting on it, if their parents gave them such an opportunity, then they remembered it all their lives. Every year the program changed, became even better, and even more desirable. But fortunately, now there is no need to perform feats and beat out tickets, because everyone can buy them, and thus give the child the best holiday.

With the participation of the Office of the President, the organizers created a bright and memorable entourage. This tree is not just the most important New Year's event in Moscow, but throughout the country. Every year - this event is visited by about 5 thousand children, and for all the time the Kremlin was visited by more than 200 thousand people on New Year's Eve. Since 1963, this monumental building has been decorated with a huge amount of tinsel and illumination.

As in all previous years, children and their parents are waiting for a lot of productions and performances in the main Kremlin halls. Leading theaters, film actors, athletes and musical ensembles took part in the creation of the program. The plot is kept secret to the last, but the organizers promise new, even more spectacular performances than in previous years.

The Kremlin Christmas tree 2019 will last about three hours. Guests are waiting for performances, dances, exciting games and quests within the walls of the Kremlin. Children of preschool age can go to the Christmas tree for free, but accompanied by their parents. For convenience, there are morning, afternoon and evening sessions. And after the performance, all children are guaranteed to receive gifts from Santa Claus.

  • Where: Kremlin Palace.
  • Asking price: from 1800 to 4700 rubles.

Check prices on the site

10. New Year's show in Crocus

  • When: December 21, 2019 - January 8, 2020.
  • Price: from 590 rubles.
  • Where: Crocus City Hall, Mayakino metro station.

The Crocus City Hall is famous for its high-quality and impressive performances, be it a concert, a children's performance or a presentation. Every year, the best New Year's events of the capital are held here. If you want to give your child the full feeling of the New Year and the holiday, but at the same time do not want to deviate from the traditional scenario, then you should book tickets for the Santa Claus Birthday show right now. This grandiose New Year's performance is suitable for viewers from three years old, and is unlikely to leave little guests indifferent.

A magnificent celebration for kids, which will be held in Crocus City Hole, will completely immerse the kids in a festive atmosphere. This is a unique show that will not be able to find analogues. Modern and colorful special effects with excellent sound accompaniment turn the auditorium into a fairy-tale land. The Christmas tree in Crocus City will leave many vivid impressions for the whole year. Your favorite fairy-tale characters will be next to you.

The Christmas tree in Crocus 2020 will make even adults believe in the existence of Santa Claus again. The reason for this will be an exciting adventure. Christmas tree in Crocus City Hall "Ded Moroz's Birthday" will send children to a fairy-tale world, where they will help their grandfather and celebrate his birthday, as well as meet the long-awaited holiday - the New Year.

How to get to Crocus City:

The concert hall is located very close to the Myakinino metro station, and with a convenient direct transition without going upstairs. For those who arrive by private car, free parking is available (ground and underground). On the territory of the mall there is a huge cinema, shops for every taste, a petting zoo, a skating rink, and restaurants. So you can spend the whole day in a cozy complex. The Crocus City Oceanarium is also nearby.

11. Circus show "In the distant kingdom"

  • When: from December 28 to January 6
  • Shows start time: 11:00, 15:00, 19:00.
  • The duration of the show is 2 hours 15 minutes.

"In the Far Far Away Kingdom" is a New Year's fairy tale, built in the style of an adventure saga. The main character, Yegor's soldier, will be busy looking for the royal bride. On his way, he will meet the King of Peas, the Governor-General, Princess Lyubava, the Sea Princess, the Cat-Scientist, as well as the Princess of the East and Princess Fi-Fi.

The plots of famous folk tales will intertwine with each other, creating a new story, and professional artists will create real magic in the arena. The program includes performances by hundreds of circus, theater and ballet artists, as well as trained animals - bear cubs, sheep, deer, tigers, dogs and arctic foxes. Over 25 tons of equipment and decorations, 60 original music tracks, 150 unique costumes and 15 circus genres in one show.

  • Ticket price: from 600 to 3000 rubles, VIP box - 5000 rubles.
  • Where: CSKA sports complex, Aeroport metro station

12. Show "Pirates and the Lost Island" in Luzhniki

Another hall known throughout the country, Luzhniki, opens its doors to children on New Year's Eve. Famous and beloved characters of fairy tales, cartoons and folklore are waiting for you, united for the sake of fun and celebration.

A new circus performance that combines circus acrobatic numbers and show ballet, as well as extreme tricks of stuntmen. The main characters of the New Year's show will go on an exciting journey and end up on a lost island that keeps many interesting secrets.

A storyline full of unexpected twists, combined with fantastic special effects, large-scale scenery, numbers of gymnasts, acrobats, stuntmen and dancers. Thanks to the effects with projection graphics, bright costumes, interactive with the audience and high-quality musical accompaniment, adults and children will feel like an integral part of a real New Year's fairy tale.

  • Ticket price: 650 rubles.
  • Where: Olympic complex "Luzhniki", metro station "Vorobyovy Gory".

"Magic ball. Battle with the troll

In previous years, on New Year's Eve, Luzhniki hosted the “Magic Ball. Troll fight. What can be said about the impressions? Already in the lobby you can immerse yourself in a fabulous atmosphere, because you will be met by the inhabitants of the fairy forest and the elven orchestra.

The organizers have created an interactive performance where the audience is a full participant in the performance. The performance will end with a festive ball, and children of any age will be able to dance with the prince, Cinderella and other characters. During the performance itself, the audience simply will not be able to get bored - they will have to constantly help the heroes and take an active part in the action. The finale has several options for the development of events, they are completely dependent on the decisions of the public, which only intrigues and creates an indescribable atmosphere of presence.

The main characters have to go through a real elven forest, which is full of dangers and adventures. In it, Cinderella and her friends have to defeat the evil stepmother and her troll servant. And only with the help of the audience can they really succeed. And at the end, when the clock strikes 12 times, everyone will be invited to the ball. Children receive not only dances, but also memorable photos and gifts.

"New Year's Adventures in the Monsic Valley"

The new cartoon characters of Monsica have won millions of hearts of children and even adults all over Russia. The children of Moscow now have the opportunity to get to know them better, and even in an unforgettable New Year's atmosphere. Parents will be delighted to know that this year the Monsiki show won the award for the best innovation that helps in the development of the child. So such a trip to the New Year's performance will not only entertain your children, but will also bring real benefits.

Weekends for the New Year 2018 in Moscow, as, indeed, in other cities of Russia, will begin on December 30 and will last until January 8 inclusive. Although, it will be possible to feel the festive atmosphere from December 22. It is on this day that a series of ceremonial events starts in the capital. They will be deployed at 69 sites - in parks, museums, libraries and other urban spaces. New Year's fairs and theatrical performances will be held here. 42 teams from Russian and European cities will come out to show their skills.

Cultural New Year

Museums and libraries in Moscow have seriously prepared for the New Year. Not only have the staff of the institutions created many unique programs and excursions, but they can also be visited completely free of charge. True, only from 2 to 8 January.

New year 2018 outdoors

According to a good tradition, a big festival will unfold in Moscow on New Year's Eve 2018. Festive festivities will be held not only in the central, but also in remote areas of the capital. Nearly a thousand costumed performances await you, most of which will be hosted by the Garden Ring. By the way, motorists should be more careful: this year Tverskaya Street will become a pedestrian street for three days - from December 31 to January 2, it will be blocked from Manezhnaya to Triumfalnaya Square. In addition to colorful show programs, bright light installations will work here.

city ​​of light

Speaking of illumination. They promise that on New Year's Eve 2018 Moscow will be visible from space and become literally the brightest city in the world - the capital will be decorated with almost two thousand luminous art objects and decorative structures, the creation of which will take 20 million LEDs.


Will add colors and brightness to the Moscow New Year's Eve festive. True, to see it live, you will have to walk along the street until at least one in the morning. It was at this time that the first volleys would thunder. Fireworks launch sites will be three dozen sites.

How to celebrate the New Year 2018?

The coming year will be the more successful, the more you comply with a certain dress code. If you follow these rules, we will tell you what to wear for the New Year 2018. When meeting a yellow earthen dog (hello to the eastern horoscope), we dress up, respectively, in the most yellow tones. By the way, in Eastern philosophy, this color is a symbol of constancy and wisdom. If this color does not suit you, you can simply make it not the main one, using only elements and decorations of this color.

New Year is a bright, magical holiday that can give miracles and magic. We offer the most interesting New Year's excursions for schoolchildren and children of any age. Together with us you will discover the wonderful world of New Year's magic and become witnesses of a miracle.

Our guides will become your "guide" through the fairy-tale world. You can, based on your financial capabilities and the preferences of the child, choose excursions and contact us, in addition, you can purchase tickets for New Year's performances and the main event - the New Year Tree.

New Year's programs for schoolchildren and children

Numerous excursions for schoolchildren to museums in Moscow during the New Year holidays will allow the younger generation to learn the history of our Motherland, see interesting exhibits and take part in interactive New Year's performances. In the Klinsky Compound, children will be able to make their own New Year's toys.

Excursions for the New Year holidays to the old Moscow estates are especially popular. During the trip, children will be able to see the ancient architecture, visit memorable places. Exciting trips to Izmailovo, Kolomenskoye, and of course a trip to Grandfather Frost himself in Kuzminki are waiting for you.

Excursions for the New Year for children is a whole holiday, and a time for magical acquaintances. We organize not only trips to interesting museums, manors of the capital, but also to various nurseries. On the eve of the New Year, children will be interested in a trip to the eco husky park nursery. Here they can play with animals and observe their lifestyle.

Excursions for schoolchildren during the New Year holidays in EthnoMir will give you the opportunity to combine relaxation with educational activities. Here you will find interesting excursions and interactive performances.

In addition, we organize various Christmas excursions for children. Interesting Christmas programs are waiting for you in the Kolomenskoye estate, as well as Christmas festivities in Izmailovo and much more.

Together with SoyuzTour, the New Year for your children will be a real holiday full of magic and wonder!