Drawings by cells with a reference point. A fascinating activity for preschoolers is graphic dictations. Pictures on various topics

In order to successfully prepare for school, parents and kindergarten teachers need to develop skills in preschoolers for such important skills as writing and drawing. An interesting kind of technique is a graphic dictation performed by cells, which serves to develop basic school skills in a child.

Graphic dictation by cells is an unusual didactic activity, which is an exciting game in which, according to given instructions, a preschooler draws lines on a checkered sheet with a pen or pencil. The bottom line is that, in accordance with the task, step by step to build a schematic image from segments of a certain length.

As a result of correct execution, an image created by him appears in front of the child. You just need to listen carefully, count correctly and do the task of the teacher.

For many children, such tasks are fun entertainment, but for some they present difficulties, overcoming which the child remembers and reinforces spatial concepts, learns to hear and follow instructions exactly, and develops skills for writing.

If the child is distracted or makes a mistake, the picture does not add up, which upsets the child. But a correctly completed task, in addition to the joy of success, also rewards with an interesting picture. Without any additional motivation, children quickly realize the importance of correctly following the instructions of adults.

Advantages of developmental methods for preschoolers

A minimum of rules and skills is an important positive moment in the development and conduct of these didactic classes with preschoolers. Children can start learning to draw by cells from the age of four. If the baby already knows how to use a pencil, then you can already begin to perform the simplest graphic dictations in the cells, gradually complicating the tasks.

It is impossible to overestimate the benefits of these exciting game tasks for preparing children for school:

  • the development of fine motor skills contributes to the preparation and training of the hand for writing;
  • improving skills in counting;
  • learning to write and memorize numbers;
  • development of attention, memory and perseverance;
  • orientation in notebooks and coordination of movement;
  • development of imagination and graphic vigilance;
  • improvement of abstract and logical thinking.

By drawing an unknown image by cells under the dictation of adults, the child learns to concentrate, listen carefully, think over and carry out what is said.

Two tasks per week are enough to see a positive result in a preschooler: absent-mindedness decreases, memory and concentration of attention improve, the level of learning increases. And after a few months of regular classes, children develop their imagination, expand their vocabulary and horizons.

In a fun way, kids quietly master very complex and necessary skills and abilities for successful learning.

The benefits of graphic dictation for elementary school students

The main advantage of graphic dictations is their great interest for the child. Moreover, it is quite simple to keep the intrigue without naming the purpose of drawing in advance: let him guess about the hidden object in the process of creating the image.

This stimulates children to bring the work they have started to the end, motivates them to learn new things, maintains interest in the learning process. Another plus is the ease of use of graphic dictations in working with children. No special material is required, just a simple checkered notebook and a pen or pencil.

This makes the lesson much easier. There is an unobtrusive acquaintance and development of such difficult concepts for the child as vertical and horizontal, parallelism. What is the preparation for the successful development in the future of geometry, algebra, drawing.

Cellular graphic dictations can be used to entertain children on a trip, brighten up a long and boring queue, or just have fun and organize leisure. They are equally well suited for both individual lessons and group forms, using competitive elements.

Types of dictations

Graphic dictation by cells can be carried out in different ways:

  1. Offer the child a sample of a geometric ornament or pattern with a request to repeat it on their own in their notebook.
  2. An adult verbalizes the instructions step by step: loudly and clearly pronouncing the number of cells and the direction of movement, and the child follows the instructions by ear.
  3. Independent completion of the task according to the proposed designation by numbers with arrows.
  4. According to the started part, symmetrically finish the image according to the proposed form.

According to the level of difficulty, such tasks are divided into the following levels:

  • Elementary- for beginners (a simple geometric figure or a repeating pattern).
  • Average- with light small pictures (fruit, plant, small animal).
  • Difficult a level with voluminous and difficult tasks that require complex calculations, long lines and diagonal movement (vehicle, musical instrument, fairy-tale character).

In addition, you can choose different types of thematic pictures for dictations:

Graphic dictation by cells varies in degree of complexity depending on the age of the child

There are many classification options. The main thing is to use all this diversity for the benefit of children and adults.

Mathematical dictations

This technique is successfully used in modern elementary school. It combines gaming, developmental and educational functions. The graphic dictation by cells is aimed more at developing mathematical counting skills, the composition of a number, memorizing the spelling and notation of numbers.

This serves as an excellent preparation for arithmetic dictations held in high school, when students quickly solve tasks by ear. Therefore, the sooner the child learns to perceive and perform the verbal tasks of an adult, the better.

In addition, there is a fascinating acquaintance with geometric elements:

  • dot;
  • corner;
  • line segment;
  • line;
  • diagonal.

Students can learn and consolidate knowledge about the following concepts in between:

  • long short;
  • vertical, horizontal;
  • parallel, perpendicular.

In an unobtrusive game form, spatial orientations on a sheet are trained:

  • top bottom;
  • right left;
  • edge, center.

Mathematical dictation with tasks for drawing long segments and lines in different directions perfectly prepares the hand for writing and even drawing.

Didactic dictations

It is good to use graphic dictation in cells to maintain the interest of a first grader in learning, which is facilitated by intrigue in the process of completing the task. The child does not guess about the subject of the image, which stimulates him to correctly execute the adult's verbal instructions without errors and get the result of interest.

You can combine didactic classes on teaching graphic skills with speech development exercises, use:

  • puzzles;
  • Tongue Twisters;
  • short memorable poems;
  • counting rhymes.

Such tasks improve the child's speech and memory, contribute to the expansion of vocabulary., the development of logical thinking. Children learn the ability to read and understand diagrams, to think abstractly, focusing on the main distinguishing features.

You need to keep track of the time to complete the task. For preschoolers, the duration of the lesson should not exceed 10 - 20 minutes. First-graders are recommended to study for up to 30 minutes, otherwise attention will be scattered, and the child will begin to be distracted and make mistakes.

Overwork and excessive tension, both of the eyes and the muscles of the hand, should not be allowed. It is good to use a physical warm-up or finger gymnastics.

The finished picture can be offered to children to color or draw to their liking. After drawing, discuss the resulting image with the child, talk about the distinctive features and features of the schematically drawn object.

Ask to remember familiar fairy tales and songs on the relevant topics, offer to compose a story yourself.

You can use images of unfamiliar animals or objects, accompanying the task with an interesting story about them, introducing new concepts and words. This technique will make the lesson more diverse, expand the horizons and vocabulary of the child. All this will contribute to the comprehensive development and interesting learning of children.

Rules for drawing by cells

On a sheet of checkered paper prepared for the task, you need to mark the beginning of the movement in the form of a dot. At the introductory or initial stage, it can be delivered by the educator. Later, you can ask the child to do it on their own, stepping back from the edge of the sheet a given number of cells in one direction or another.

It is necessary to explain to the baby that one step is the movement of a pencil along the sheet one cell in the indicated direction. In two steps, the pencil goes through two cells. It is necessary to familiarize children with the main symbols in the task.

This means sequentially moving the pencil from the starting point one cell to the right, then continuing the vertical line up three cells, then turning left two steps, then moving down four cells, and then right one step and finish the segment.

You need to dictate the task slowly and clearly.

It is advisable to make sure that the child has time to draw, monitor the correct execution in the children's notebook, give a hint in time or correct incorrect actions. You can't scold a child. You need to calmly help and explain where the mistake was made, correcting it together with the baby using an eraser.

Try to praise the baby for success and in every possible way maintain a favorable, friendly environment.

It is necessary to observe the correct fit and grip of the pencil with your fingers. Watch that the child does not obscure the working surface of the notebook, monitor the illumination. It is important to take breaks from work. You can use finger exercises to relieve tension from the hand.

It is also useful to do exercises for the eyes. A sign of a well-conducted lesson should be not only the correct implementation of instructions and the resulting image of the picture given in the graphic dictation, but also a good mood in a child and an adult.

What do you need for a graphic dictation?

It is important to choose the right graphic dictation according to the age according to the cells: for kids, these should be large, simple drawings without angular diagonal lines. You can buy options for dictations in the form of ready-made collections selected by age in a bookstore or find a suitable version of the image on the Internet.

You can also create your own pictures. For the first lessons, you will need a large-sized notebook or a separate piece of checkered paper, a simple pencil and an eraser to correct the erroneously drawn line.

  1. First you need to learn or repeat with the child the concepts: right and left, up and down.
  2. You will also need the skill of counting, in the first lessons, within three, and preferably ten units.
  3. And, of course, you just need the ability to hold a pen or pencil, to confidently draw a line. Without this, it will not be possible to teach a child to draw by cells.

When the child has received and worked out the elementary skills, you can begin to master the rules.

It is necessary to seat the child at a desktop with a flat hard surface. On a chair that is correctly selected in accordance with growth. Proper posture is very important during the session. the attention of the child must be brought to this. It is also important to monitor the lighting: the light should fall on the work surface from above or to the left.

It is necessary to teach how to hold a pencil correctly, draw the baby's attention to the position of the fingers, tilt. Explain to the baby where the top and bottom of the sheet are, teach them to count a given number of cells, demonstrate what it means to move in the indicated direction.

The plot of how to teach a child to hold a pencil correctly:

Also, at the initial stage of training, it would be good for an adult to show and explain on a separate sample all the stages of completing the task, going through them simultaneously with the children on the board or on their own enlarged piece of paper. Make sure that during the task the child's hand does not strain unnecessarily.

As a rest and break, do finger gymnastics.

Given the age and readiness of the child, it is necessary to correctly select images for tasks: from simple drawings of a house and geometric figures to simple elements with fruits and vegetables. After mastering this type, you can move on to more complex and interesting drawings of animals, plants, and technology.

Examples and schemes of dictations

An example of a graphic dictation in the cells "Butterfly" is suitable for kids at the initial stage of learning. The drawing does not require large calculations and long movements on the sheet. Good for practicing verbal comprehension.

The first point is put by an adult, stepping back from the edge of the sheet 4 cells down and 8 cells to the right.

  1. Take the first step one cell to the right.
  2. Draw a line down 3 cells.
  3. The next step to the right is one cell.
  4. Move up 2 spaces.
  5. 1 step to the right.
  6. 2 - up.
  7. 2 cells to the right.
  8. 1 - up.
  9. 2 cells to the right.
  10. 3 - down.
  11. 1 cell to the left.
  12. 3 - down.
  13. 1 - to the left.
  14. 1 - down.
  15. 1 cell to the right.
  16. 2 - down.
  17. 1 - to the right.
  18. 3 cells down.
  19. 2 cells to the left.
  20. 1 - up.
  21. 2 - to the left.
  22. 2 - up.
  23. 1 cell to the left.
  24. 1 - up.
  25. 2 - down.
  26. 1 - to the left.
  27. 2 cells up.
  28. 1 left.
  29. 1 down.
  30. 1 left.
  31. 2 down.
  32. 2 left.
  33. 1 cell down.
  34. 2 - to the left.
  35. 3 cells up.
  36. 1 cell to the right.
  37. 2 cells up.
  38. 1 to the right.
  39. 1 - up.
  40. 1 cell to the left.
  41. 3 - up.
  42. 1 - to the left.
  43. 3 - up.
  44. 2 cells to the right.
  45. 1 - down.
  46. 2 - to the right.
  47. 2 - down.
  48. 1 cell to the right.
  49. 2 - down.
  50. 1 cell to the right.
  51. 3 cells up.

The image should close at the origin.

Graphic dictation in the cells "Camel"

Before you start drawing, you need to step back two cells to the left and eight from the top from the edge of the sheet - set the starting point. Then continue the process under the dictation of an adult.

Start of movement: 2 cells up, 1 step to the right, 1 to the top, 2 cells to the right, 1 step up, 2 cells to the right, 1 cell up, 1 step to the right, 1 cell down, 1 to the right, a line of 5 cells down, 1 step to the right, 1 cell up, 1 - right, 2 cells up, 1 - right, 1 - up, 2 cells right, 1 cell down, 1 - right, 2 cells down, 1 step right, 1 - down, 1 - right, 1 cell up, 1 - right, 2 cells up, 1 - right, 1 - up, 2 - right, 1 cell down, 1 - right, 2 cells down, 1 - right, 1 - down, 1 - right, 4 cells down, 1 - left, 2 cells down, 1 - left, down 7 cells, 1 - left, 1 - down, 2 - left, 1 cell up, 1 - right, line of 5 cells up, 1 - left, 2 - up , line left of 6 cells, 2 cells down, 1 - left, down 5 cells, 1 - left, 1 - down, 2 cells left, 1 cell up, 1 - right, 5 cells up, 1 - left, 2 - up, 2 cells to the left, 2 - up, 1 cell to the left, up 6 cells, 2 - to the left, 1 - down, 2 cells to the left.

Randomly draw an eye and a tail. You can color the finished image with colored pencils.

An example of a variant of a graphic dictation in the cells "Steam locomotive"

This type of dictation is longer and more complex, requires a high concentration of attention, and therefore is suitable for first graders or well-prepared preschoolers.

Set the starting point, stepping back from the top of the sheet - four cells down and five cells to the right, then:

From the first point, take a diagonal step to the right up, then draw a line 2 cells to the left, then again move diagonally 1 cell to the right down, 1 cell down, 2 cells to the left, 1 cell to the left diagonally down, 2 cells down, 1 - right, 1 cell left down diagonally, 1 - right down diagonally, 1 cell up right diagonally, 1 - left up diagonally, 2 cells right, 1 cell left down diagonally, 1 - right down diagonally, 1 cell up right diagonally, 1 - left up diagonally, 2 cells right, 1 cell left down diagonally, 1 - right down diagonally, 1 cell up right diagonally, 1 - left up diagonally, 2 cells right, 1 cell left down diagonally, 1 - right down diagonally, 1 cell up right diagonally, 1 - up left diagonally, 2 cells right, 1 cell left down diagonally, 1 - right down diagonally, 1 cell up right diagonally , 1 - left up diagonally, 1 cell to the right, l a line of 6 cells up, 4 cells to the left, 1 cell to the left down diagonally, 4 cells to the right, 2 - down, 2 cells to the left, 1 - up, 1 cell to the left up diagonally, 2 cells down, end with a line of 3 cells to the left image.

In individual lessons, the correct selection of tasks according to the level of complexity and the interests of the child is important. For boys, you can pick up robots, various models of transport. Girls will be interested in flowers and ornaments. Various animals and plants are suitable for all children, so they are suitable for group activities.

There are a great many options for ready-made dictations. Finding them is easy, both in the store and on the Internet. You can download and print your favorite drawing of any level of complexity. And you can come up with and draw up an image diagram yourself, or even connect children to this.

Graphic dictations by cells for schoolchildren can be supplemented with competitive elements: conduct in a group at speed or limit the time to complete the task.

The child must be satisfied with the result of his work, so that he wants to do useful drawing again. It is important to be able to preserve and not break the atmosphere of the game, not to spoil the positive impressions from the lesson and from the communication of the child with the adult.

Article formatting: E. Chaikina

Useful video about graphic dictation

Video tips for parents on how to teach a child to navigate on a sheet of paper:

Graphic dictations - drawing by cells - a very exciting and useful activity for children. This is a playful way to develop a baby's spatial imagination, fine motor skills of fingers, coordination of movements, voluntary attention, perseverance.

Graphic dictations can be successfully used for children from 5 to 10 years old.

How to work with these graphic dictations:

Graphic dictation can be performed in two versions:

1. The child is offered a sample of a geometric pattern and asked to repeat exactly the same pattern in a squared notebook.

2. An adult dictates a sequence of actions indicating the number of cells and their directions (left, right, up, down), the child performs the work by ear, and then compares his image of an ornament or figure with a sample in the manual using the overlay method.

Graphic dictations are supplemented with riddles, tongue twisters, tongue twisters and finger gymnastics. In the course of the lesson, the child develops correct, clear and competent speech, develops fine motor skills of the hands, learns to highlight the distinctive features of objects, replenishes his vocabulary.

Tasks are selected according to the principle "from simple to complex". If you begin to study these graphic dictations with your child, complete the tasks with him in order: start with the very first simple dictations and gradually move on to more complex ones.

For classes, you need a checkered notebook, a simple pencil and an eraser so that the child can always correct the wrong line. For children 5 - 6 years old, it is better to use a notebook with a large cage (0.8 mm) so as not to strain your eyesight. Starting with graphic dictation No. 40, all drawings are designed for an ordinary school notebook (they will not fit in a notebook in a large cage).

The tasks use the following notation: the number of cells to be counted is indicated by a number, and the direction is indicated by an arrow. For example, the entry:

Pay attention to how the child holds the pencil. Show your child how to hold a pencil between the knuckles of the index, thumb, and middle fingers. If the child does not count well, help him count the cells in the notebook.

Before each lesson, be sure to remember with your child where is the right, where is the left, where is the top, where is the bottom. Show the child where the notebook has the left edge, where is the right, where is the top, where is the bottom. Show your child how to count the cells.

You yourself may also need a pencil in order to mark the lines you read and in order not to get confused, put dots with a pencil in front of the lines you are reading. This will help you not get lost.

Each lesson includes a graphic dictation, a discussion of images, tongue twisters, tongue twisters, riddles and finger gymnastics. Each stage of the lesson carries a semantic load. Classes with a child can be built in a different sequence. You can first do finger gymnastics, read tongue twisters and tongue twisters, and then do a graphic dictation. On the contrary, you can first do a graphic dictation, then tongue twisters and finger gymnastics. Riddles are best guessed at the end of the lesson.

Talk about how each animal has its own distinctive features. A schematic representation shows distinctive features by which we can recognize an animal or object. Ask your child what are the distinguishing features of the animal he has drawn. For example, a hare has long ears and a small tail, an elephant has a long trunk, an ostrich has a long neck, a small head and long legs, and so on.

Work with tongue twisters and tongue twisters in different ways:

1. Let the child pick up the ball and, rhythmically tossing and catching it with his hands, slowly say a tongue twister or tongue twister. You can toss and catch the ball for every word or syllable.

2. Let the child say a tongue twister (pure tongue twister), throwing the ball from one hand to the other.

3. You can say a tongue twister by clapping the rhythm with your palms.

4. Offer to say the tongue twister 3 times in a row and not get lost.

Do finger exercises together so that the child sees and repeats the movements behind you.

During classes, the mood of the child and the friendly attitude of the adult are very important. Remember that classes for a child are not an exam, but a game. Help the baby, make sure that he does not make mistakes. The result of the work should always satisfy the child, so that he wants to draw in cells again and again.

Your task is to help the child in a playful way to master the skills necessary for a good study. Therefore, do not scold the child and if something does not work out for him, just explain how to do it right. Praise your baby more often, and never compare with anyone.

The duration of one lesson with graphic dictations:

for children 5 years old should not exceed 10 - 15 minutes,

for children 5 - 6 years old - 15 - 20 minutes

for children 6 - 7 years old - 20 - 25 minutes.

But if the child is carried away, do not stop him and interrupt the lesson.

1-pattern 14 aspen leaf 27-spruce 40-elephant
2-pattern 15 duck 28-robot 41-hippo
3-pattern 16-butterfly 29 pear 42-crocodile
4-rocket 17 goose 30 duck 43-samovar
5 key 18 house 31 horse

Convenient and versatile training of the mind of children. The usual training goes as follows: an adult tells how to draw on a sheet in a box, and children implement it by translating words into lines.

There are many drawings on the Internet - simple and more complicated - drawn at right angles, along straight lines. Orientation is simple: know “right-left”, “up-down”, and count more precisely.

Types of graphic dictations

  1. small fence
  2. Items
  3. Items with complex steps

It is useful to teach three types of graphic dictation. Be sure to accompany the words with a show. Sit side by side so that the drawing is not upside down for the child.

small fence

The pattern pattern is repeated in the line.

Everyone knows too. But I would like to draw your attention to the fact that here it is useful to introduce the concept of a step. Drawing in straight lines at an angle of 90, we tell the children:

- Now we will walk through the cells. The cage has four corners. Drawing a line from one corner to another corner, we take one step. We step up, down, right or left, where I say. If I say: two cells up, then you draw a line from a corner to another corner, and from that to a third corner. So you take two steps.

It turns out the well-known pattern of repeating elements. At the initial stage, the child needs to be helped, prompted, asking: to the right is where, up is where. When you have confidence in drawing a graphic dictation by cells, complicate your life.

  1. Suggest: you now dictate how to draw further. This complication works well when working in a group. There is additional interest and awareness of what to do in the next moment (beginning of forecasting).
  2. When a couple of elements are drawn under dictation, we suggest: continue on your own to the end of the line.

The second complication is diagnostic. It is clearly visible whether the child pays attention to the already drawn sample, how many mistakes he makes, whether he sees them and corrects them. It is very good when children see mistakes and try to correct them: self-control has appeared - the most important quality for a future student.


I won’t even describe it - everyone knows it. The Internet is filled with examples. A closed loop is drawn. I will note one useful complication for symmetrical drawings: we draw half from dictation, and we finish the second mirror of the first, like a Christmas tree in the picture. Suitable robot, butterfly and others. The main thing is that they are symmetrical. The perception of symmetry in modern children is not up to par. Symmetric circuits will be useful for elementary school students in grades 1-4 in mathematics lessons. For variety.

Complex graphic dictations

The guys in the preparatory group quickly master simple graphic dictations and do not mind complicating the drawings themselves. Therefore, we move on to more complex options with oblique lines (not 90 degrees, more or less). A complex graphic dictation is not for every high school student. It is all the more valuable when the preparers cope with them.

Items with complex steps

How to draw a line from dictation where you want to connect the corners obliquely, diagonally? It's actually not that easy. This work is akin to orientation in a coordinate system, already this is very useful.

We need a difficult step. Suppose you want to draw a line from point A to point B.

In the first case, instructions

We put point A. From it we make a difficult step: 2 cells up, 2 cells to the right. We put the second point. Connect the start and end points with a straight line. The necessary line "obliquely" turned out. We call it that because when does the word "diagonal" appear at school? It is even easier when the connected points are inside the same cell (option 2 on the sample)

The third version of the instruction.

We take a difficult step: 4 cells up, 2 cells to the left.

From experience, working out complex steps with future schoolchildren is more useful individually, especially if the child confuses right / left. At first, for many children, dictation with complex steps is difficult. It is necessary to advance slowly, gradually, so as not to turn them away from such a useful thing for schooling.

Examples of complex graphic dictation

Here are three options for graphic dictations with a complex step: a crocodile, a dog, a chicken with a description of the dictation. Similarly, drawing on the cells of any other drawing is performed.

Greetings, friends! Today we’ll talk about graphic dictations - a very interesting version of developmental activities for older preschool children. Graphic dictations for children of 5-6 years old can captivate boys and girls, giving moms and dads to enjoy the legal ten minutes of peace and quiet, which rarely fall out in a house where small perpetual motion machines, jumpers and whymies live.

In addition to the fact that almost all children really like this pastime, you have to learn from this material:

  • what are graphic dictations;
  • what are their benefits for the child;
  • how to conduct graphic dictations with five-year-olds and older children;
  • how to enhance the developmental effect of the lesson.

Graphic dictation: drawing by cells

Everyone understands what a dictation is: this is a type of written work that is used in the learning process to train writing skills, to consolidate and test acquired knowledge.

Graphic dictation involves the creation of drawings in the cells under dictation.

How does this happen:
  • The child receives a sheet in a cage with a marked start (bold, well-marked dot).
  • An adult slowly commands how many cells and in what direction to draw.
  • Step by step, following the commands of an adult, the student creates a graphic image.

Consider the simplest example, so that you can finally understand what's what:

To get this picture, you need to sequentially draw from the starting point:

  1. 3 cells up;
  2. 2 cells right down;
  3. 2 cells right up;
  4. 2 cells down.

When compiling and performing graphic dictations, it is important to consider simple rules:

  • The whole drawing is a solid broken line. Tear off the pen from the paper.
  • Do not draw twice on the same line.

Sometimes, to make the lesson more interesting, after creating a picture according to a graphic dictation, the child is invited to refine the image: to finish the elements that give the outline a more complete look:

  • swirling hair for little men;
  • tails and eyes of animals;
  • windows to buildings and vehicles.
The benefits of graphic dictations: to whom, why

Graphic dictations are an effective tool in the program for preparing a preschooler for the first grade. Their benefits for children 5-6 years old are enormous:

  • train fine motor skills;
  • train spelling vigilance;
  • develop mindfulness and perseverance;
  • stimulate spatial imagination and thinking;
  • teach them to be independent;
  • have a positive effect on hearing.

Performing a graphic dictation, the child learns to accurately reproduce the orders given orally. Agree, this is one of the skills that determine the success of education in the modern school system. It is very important to teach the child to listen and hear, correctly understand and correctly reproduce the words of the teacher.

Graphic dictations for preschoolers can be turned into a whole game.

First, a discussion of the task, then directly drawing by cells, then a discussion of the finished drawing, its revision and coloring.

  • letters;
  • numbers;
  • geometric figures;
  • animals;
  • transport;
  • plants.

You can draw very different objects in this way, which means that an additional developing element can be different. You can use graphic dictations to teach your child to read and count, to develop his speech and broaden his horizons.

The first graphic dictation with a child: learn to teach

To make classes according to this technique become one of your child’s favorite developmental elements, learn how to present them correctly. It is worth noting that with the entry of a preschooler into the ranks of elegant first-graders, graphic dictations will not only not lose their relevance, but, on the contrary, they will definitely come in handy. In elementary school, children will have to perform a lot of them, but already without fail and for evaluation. So, moms and dads, go for it: learn to teach your heirs, and then teach them to learn =)

How to conduct a lesson with a preschool child:
  • Prepare everything you need: a sheet in a cage, a pencil, an eraser (so that you can correct mistakes that you definitely cannot avoid at first). You can invent tasks for the dictation yourself, or you can buy special workbooks or download and print graphic dictations from the Internet.
  • See the assignment for yourself first. When you are sure you understand everything, invite your child to play a new game.
  • Make sure that the child sits correctly, with a straight back, correctly picks up a pencil. These moments must be kept under control whenever you conduct developmental activities for your preschooler at home.
  • Remind me where the right side is, where the left side is. By the way, this moment can be used to tell the child about the existence of left-handers and right-handers. That both options are normal. That all children, all people are different. In general, work on the socialization of the crumbs - it will never be superfluous.
  • Do a simple workout. Show what it means to draw two cells to the right. Let the child repeat after you. Do a few of these.
  • Draw several straight lines of different lengths in different directions on a sheet in a cage (indicate the direction with an arrow). Discuss each line: how many cells it took, in what direction it is drawn, where it starts.
Start Small

It is not at all necessary to start graphic dictations with the creation of complex drawings. Moreover, it is not necessary to conduct them in the form of a dictation - i.e. completing assignments from dictation. First, master the technique of drawing by cells, creating pictures according to the model, tracing dotted lines, drawing pictures. Finding assignments is not a problem. You can draw them yourself.

So, draw a simple pattern in a child's notebook with a thin line:

Let him first circle the drawn fragment, and then continue it to the end of the sheet.

Discuss how the pattern was created:

  • 1 cell down;
  • 1 cell to the right;
  • 1 cell up;
  • 1 cell to the right...

Now ask to draw a picture in the same way, but take two cells everywhere.

Vary different options for creating a similar pattern. For example, from the starting point, you can start moving not down, but up or to the side.

From the simplest, we smoothly move on to tasks more difficult. For example, use these patterns:

Gradually complicate the tasks by selecting graphic dictations of the appropriate level of complexity.

When the child reaches impressive heights in this lesson, invite him to switch roles: let him create patterns or pictures, and then dictate to you step by step how to repeat his masterpiece. We do not know of a single case when such "shifters" would not cause genuine delight in boys and girls.


And now we invite you to do a little homework from Eureka with your baby. What picture is hidden behind these commands?

Start at a distance of 1 cell on the left, 6 on top. There must be at least 5 cells down. Draw:

  1. 1 cell down
  2. 3 cells to the right
  3. 1 cell down
  4. 1 cell to the right
  5. 2 cells down
  6. 1 cell to the left
  7. 1 cell down
  8. 2 cells to the right
  9. 1 cell up
  10. 1 cell to the right
  11. 1 cell up
  12. 2 cells to the right
  13. 1 cell down
  14. 1 cell to the left
  15. 1 cell down
  16. 3 cells to the right
  17. 2 cells up
  18. 1 cell to the right
  19. 4 cells up
  20. 1 cell to the right
  21. 2 cells up
  22. 1 cell to the left
  23. 1 cell down
  24. 1 cell to the left
  25. 1 cell down
  26. 6 cells to the left
  27. 3 cells up
  28. 1 cell to the left
  29. 1 cell down
  30. 2 cells to the left
  31. 3 cells down
  32. 1 cell to the left

What happened? We are waiting for your answers and feedback in the comments.

Effective development and happy parenthood! See you soon!

If you think that you will never be able to draw a picture, then you are greatly mistaken. Performing complex graphic dictations, you will be able to create real masterpieces. This game will be interesting at any age, adults and children, and at 5, and at 10, and at 20 years old, and even older. With its help, you can have a fun and useful family evening, it is also suitable for students who want to pass the time, you can keep the noisy children busy for a long time or offer it to schoolchildren in the classroom. It's definitely worth a try!

9 photos


Drawings by cells are not only an exciting pastime, but also a necessary thing for children and adults.

For preschoolers and elementary school students, they will help prepare for school, help to ensure that adaptation takes place in an easier form. With their help, children will develop spelling vigilance, coordination of movements, memory, attention, imagination. Developing fine motor skills of the fingers, they will have a positive impact on the formation of beautiful handwriting, the intellectual development of the crumbs.

Adolescents also need to develop basic mental processes and these pictures help to do this. Also, with the help of them, children aged 10-14 will learn to quickly and carefully take notes, cope well with writing dictations, work carefully, gradually get used to the ever-increasing workload.

The guys with whom they regularly practice drawing by cells have a much wider horizons, an active vocabulary is richer. Pictures by cells help in the development of perseverance, the fight against absent-mindedness, they teach you to listen and understand what an adult says. They will introduce and consolidate the knowledge of children about such concepts as “right-left”, “top-bottom”, “point”, “diagonal”, “side”, “angle”, they will teach you how to navigate in a notebook.

Complex graphic dictations will attract adults with the opportunity to draw real beautiful pictures. They will serve as an interesting leisure, giving the opportunity to learn something new. So, from an ordinary sheet of paper, you can get a landscape of stunning beauty or a wonderful animal. In addition, drawing helps to calm the nervous system, relax after a hard day's work.

How are they different from ordinary

The lightest graphic dictations are designed for children from 4 years old. They represent the simplest picture, made in one color. As a result, a diagram is obtained, according to the general outlines of which one can guess which object is drawn. In such dictations, there is no drawing of lines diagonally. The child counts the cells within 10 only to the right, left, up and down. You can start by drawing simple patterns, which then become closed and turn into a picture.

Tasks of medium difficulty require the ability to count well, not only in the top ten. The possibilities of movement at an angle in the indicated direction are expanded. Such dictations can be performed not only in one color. The drawings become more realistic.

On the video - an example of a graphic dictation "Camel".

The performance of complex work does not imply any restrictions. It all depends on your patience and capabilities. Pictures can be of different sizes, performed both in one color and in different ones. The principle of the task is somewhat different. Here, lines are not just drawn, creating the outline of the object, but whole rows of cells are painted over.

As a rule, it is simply impossible to do such a task under dictation. It is necessary to print out a sample execution in color and copy it on your sheet, independently counting the number of cells that need to be painted over with a certain color.