When is Halloween and why is it celebrated on this day? What is Halloween and how is it celebrated How long does Halloween last?

Halloween is traditionally celebrated October 31, on the eve of All Saints' Day, which falls on November 1st. The Halloween date does not differ depending on the country and is tied only to the modern calendar. Learn the history of Halloween, its true meaning and the reasons for the biased attitude of the Russian Orthodox Church towards it.

In the article:

Where Halloween was first celebrated - history

Initially, Halloween gained popularity in English-speaking countries, but now it is celebrated all over the world. Its history began in the territories now occupied by Great Britain. This holiday has Celtic as well as Christian roots.

The Celts once lived in Scotland and Ireland, and they were the first to celebrate the last day of autumn. The ancient Celts even started a new calendar countdown on November 1st. In this area, ancient traditions have survived almost unchanged to this day.

In America, the fashion for it appeared after the influx of Irish and Scottish immigrants at the end of the 19th century. With the Internet boom, it has also spread to non-English speaking countries. For example, now it is celebrated in Japan, Australia, South Korea.

In some countries, such a holiday does not officially exist, but the inhabitants of the state celebrate it. This is how the situation develops in Japan and Russia - among our compatriots there are many adherents of Halloween.

Modern neo-pagans call the most terrible autumn holiday - named after the Celtic deity who dies on this day.

The history of the Halloween holiday begins in the 16th century - until that time it was called exclusively Samhain, and during the fight against heresy, its celebration was banned. The name comes from the translation into English of the phrase "All Saints' Eve" - ​​"All Hollows Even" (the latter is an abbreviation of the word evening). November 1 is the Catholic holiday dedicated to all Saints, and Halloween is the evening before it.

The essence and symbols of Halloween

Samhain, or Halloween, can be called the magical New Year. When Halloween knocks on the window with tree branches that look like the hook hands of an old witch, few people think about the meaning of the holiday and its attributes.

Its essence is much deeper than gothic-style parties and gatherings at the festive table.

The prototype for the festival in its modern form was the pagan Celtic Samhain, which acts as a special day for every magician. This is one of the best times of the year for rites, usually related to family, dead ancestors, death, and getting rid of the unnecessary.

For the ancient Celts, the last day of October was a celebration of the end of summer and summing up the year, as well as the harvest. Therefore, the invariable symbols of the celebration, even in the modern world, are village attributes - straw scarecrows and harvested fruits. Traditional dishes for the festive table are also associated with vegetables and fruits that ripen by this time period.

Halloween is also a day of commemoration of the deceased ancestors, honoring their memory and the best time to tell new generations about their exploits. It is generally accepted that Halloween is a holiday of death, but in fact it is a holiday dedicated to the deceased relatives and expressing their respect to them. On Halloween, the spirits leave the afterlife until the morning of November 1st.

In the early 2000s, Halloween was banned in the Kuban and Karelia by a number of regional authorities. However, the initiative to officially ban the celebration quickly ran out of steam, as its popularity in Russia continues to gain momentum every year. It is supported commercially by malls and entertainment venues. Most likely, in the next few decades, this holiday will take root in Russian-speaking countries.

In general, the most mystical holiday of the year has a rich history. It matters not only for those who want to have fun at a slightly scary party or get a little closer to the unknown. Halloween, or Samhain, is a kind of magical New Year, one of the most important holidays of the year for the magician. Despite the wary attitude of the ministers of the church, he is gaining popularity in Russia.

In contact with

Halloween (the night before All Saints' Day) in Russia gained its fame thanks to Hollywood. Moreover, many still do not understand what Halloween is, why on this day everyone scares each other, children run around the houses in costumes of devils and demand candy for it.

The History of Halloween: From America to Russia

At first, it was fashionable to celebrate Halloween in Russia. Again, it was very cool to carve a scary mug out of a pumpkin, stuff a candle into it and put the whole diabolical structure at the head of the table.

Then this newfangled whim with the feast of all saints got tired. It seems to be, at first glance - utter nonsense, but if you look, the roots of Halloween do not grow from Hollywood, but from the Old World.

About Halloween from the beginning

In reality, we are dealing with one of the most ancient holidays known to mankind, this is exactly what Halloween is.
Even during the pre-Christian era, the tribes inhabiting the territories of France, Ireland and England loved to scare each other until they turned gray. Then people did not divide the year into quarters, months, weeks and days. There were summer and winter. Just on October 31, the seasons began to change and the world plunged into winter.

The ancients believed that on the night of November 1, a portal to the afterlife opens on Earth, and the border between the two worlds was called Samhain.

In order not to fall into the underworld, the unfortunate Celts had to disguise themselves as evil spirits, so that the inhabitants of the world of the dead would not take them to their permanent residence. The more terrible the person's outfit, the less likely it is that he will end up in the world of darkness. Some lucky ones didn’t even need to make up at all. In general, the goal of the ancients was complex, but noble - to scare the evil spirits, moreover, more than she herself scares them.

Halloween traditions around the world

To appease the representatives of the dark world, people put up treats near the houses. From century to century, the tradition of meeting the Halloween holiday (Halloween) did not change, but once the Celtic tribes fell under the yoke of the Romans and traditions, the customs of the ancient tribes underwent cultural changes.

The ancient inhabitants of Britain and Ireland received Christianity, so it was strictly forbidden to follow pagan traditions. Up to the death penalty. The Romans tried to eradicate, as they thought, the barbaric customs of the tribes, but the Celts gradually passed on the traditions from generation to generation.

In the 9th century, Pope Gregory III officially moved the celebration of Halloween (All Saints Night) to November 1, so everyone who secretly followed the pagan tradition of Samhain got a completely legal opportunity to celebrate their favorite holiday again.
The night that came on the eve of All Saints Day sounds in English as All Hallows Night, or the Night of All Saints, and in short, Halloween. Paradoxically, after the transfer of All Saints Day to November 1, the Catholic Church, which fought against pagan holidays, restored the ancient holiday of Samhain without knowing it.

Therefore, what is called the Day of All Saints, in fact, is nothing more than a meeting of the world of the dead and the living. So Happy Halloween - the day of witches, sorcerers, ghouls and ghouls. And don't forget to come to the sabbath.

When is Halloween 2019 celebrated in Russia?

October 31 is the date when Halloween is celebrated not only in Russia, but throughout the world. Congratulations on this unique and perhaps the “most terrible” holiday!

Somehow this day passes by me, but more and more people became interested in it and I decided to find out what kind of Halloween holiday, where it came from, its essence and traditions. In 2017 and not only, since the date of the celebration is constant, it will be celebrated on the night of October 31 to November 1 on the eve of All Saints Day, which is celebrated by Catholics.

What is Halloween

On the indicated night, suddenly, all kinds of evil spirits are activated in different countries on the streets of cities and towns - sinister and frightening ghouls, vampires, zombies, sometimes quite attractive witches and funny imps. Where does it come from? The answer is simple - the time has come for the celebration of Halloween and all this evil spirits are just people dressed up in such strange costumes.

Although this day is not considered a day off, it is quite widespread in English-speaking countries - Great Britain, Northern Ireland, the USA, Canada and others. Gradually, interest in him is manifested in Russia. Since the Halloween holiday came to us not so long ago, young people show more interest in it and quite cheerfully celebrate it in nightclubs and at parties, dressing up in appropriate costumes.

Why so much interest in this day? I don’t know how it is in other countries, but in our country, it seems to me, firstly, it’s just something new, and secondly, the unusual background of this day, connected with the mysterious other world. Or maybe because they talk a lot about him, and what is heard is of interest. In countries where it is actively celebrated, it is already more of a commercial holiday. Its attributes start to sell from summer and people spend more and more money on it every year.
Halloween is considered the second, after Christmas, in terms of the total turnover of pre-holiday sales.

The history and essence of Halloween

The history of this day goes back to the pre-Christian era, during the time of the Celtic tribes who lived in the territory of present-day France, Ireland, Great Britain.

They had their own calendar and according to it the year was divided into two parts - the bright part of the year (summer) and the dark part (winter). October 31 - this day was called Samhain, which meant "end of summer", work on the ground was ending, the last harvest was being harvested. Also, October 31 was, according to the Celtic calendar, the last day of the outgoing year. These peoples had a special attitude towards death, they believed that without death there can be no life. After the night, the day comes, the year goes away, but there will be a new one until the leaves on the trees fall, new ones appear, life and death are always there, so it was customary to honor the dead on this day.

The celebration of the new year began in a few days, lasted a whole week and the night of November 1 was the middle of the holiday. The Celts believed that it was on this New Year's Eve that the door to the other world opened and the dark forces of this world, ghosts, the souls of the dead came out to people. The Celts were afraid of becoming victims of aliens and tried to do everything to scare them away from their homes. They put out fires in their homes, dressed up in animal skins, lit large fires, and slaughtered cattle for sacrifice to pay off the dead. Bonfires were kindled in two rows and passed between them with children in their arms, jumping over small fires. The Celts believed that having gone through such a ritual, they would enter the New Year with a pure soul, since the fire of bonfires could cleanse a person.

They also had a tradition of carving faces from the fruits of fodder turnips that were with a variety of emotions. Leaving the holiday, each family took the head, inside which they put coals from the Holy bonfires, it was believed that this would protect them from evil spirits that could roam even until the morning. In order to protect themselves, they kindled the fire in their dwellings from these coals.

With the advent of Christianity, these pagan rites could have gone into oblivion, since church ministers did not approve of the "sabbath", as they called the celebration of Samhain around the fires.
Apparently, in order to eradicate pagan rites forever, or maybe for some other reason, but Pope Gregory III in the 9th century decided to postpone All Saints' Day from May 13 to November 1. At that time, this day was dedicated to those saints who did not have their holiday during the year. The day before (October 31) was called All Hallows Even or All Hallows Eve in Old English. Later the name was transformed into the familiar Halloween (Halloween). Apparently due to the coincidence of the dates of the pagan holiday of Samhain and All Saints' Day, Christianity has since miraculously coexisted with the mystical traditions and beliefs of Halloween.
In the United States, Halloween appeared thanks to the Irish, who fled en masse to America from hunger and unemployment. The holiday was liked and all the inhabitants of the country began to celebrate it, regardless of race.

Halloween Traditions and Attributes

Of course, modern Halloween has no longer the same traditions that the Celts had.

In America, where Halloween was especially liked, there was a fashion to organize various petty hooliganism on this day, but later, American Boy Scouts, in order to save the holiday, since its popularity was high, decided to promote the celebration without vandalism. Hooliganism was replaced by a masquerade and it is generally believed that this is a holiday of fun, scary stories, practical jokes, games and fortune-telling.

Costumed children and young people go from house to house and beg for sweets, while asking the question: “treats or tricks?” It's also a Halloween tradition. If the owner is suddenly greedy, then they can do him harm, for example, coat the door handle with soot. If they treat, then in response the children sing songs or recite poems.

Especially popular on this day are attractions such as the "Horror Room", "Ghost Room", where visitors are frightened by various frightening sounds, squeaks, howls.

The main attribute of this day is Jack's lamp, which is made from a pumpkin.

To do this, they take a large fruit, cut off the top, remove all the pulp, cut out holes for the eyes and mouth, and put a lit candle inside. It is believed that such a lamp protects the house from evil spirits.

This symbol has a long legend.

One man, named Jack, managed to trick the Devil twice and he promised not to take his soul. But Jack did not lead the most righteous life, accumulated a lot of sins and was not allowed into Paradise after death. Unnecessary to either the Devil or God, Jack began to wander in search of Purgatory. He illuminated his path with a lantern carved from a hollow turnip, in which the remains of coals smoldered.

Costumes are also an obligatory attribute of the holiday and they are very unusual - they are images of various supernatural characters from fairy tales and horror films.

Decorating your home for Halloween

In addition to the Jack lamp, the house is also decorated with other attributes for the holiday - garlands of bats, a witch's broom, cobwebs with spiders, ghosts are made from sheets, and posters in the theme. There must be a lot of candles to celebrate the holiday without light, only by candlelight. When decorating a room, apples are used, they must also be mandatory and not only as food, but in the form of compositions, candlesticks.

Outside, the house is decorated with luminous garlands, Jack-o'-lanterns are placed around the garden.

Family feasts on this day are also a tradition, where the main food is apple and pumpkin dishes, for example, they cook baked apples, stuffed pumpkin, bake or. Small surprises are often put into baking and used for predictions, for example, a coin for wealth, and a ring for a wedding.

What to tell kids about Halloween

In countries where this day is popular, children participate in it with pleasure and probably know everything about it. Should we tell our children about it, because our Orthodox Church opposes this holiday and considers it far from harmless. Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin, chairman of the synodal department for interaction between the Church and society of the Moscow Patriarchate, says this about Halloween:

The rituals associated with this day teach people from childhood to pay some kind of tribute to evil, to reconcile with it, even to cooperate - instead of fighting evil and resolutely rejecting it, as the Russian Orthodox Church teaches.

I believe that even if you have a negative attitude towards him and also consider him a stranger, the child can hear about him from his peers and ask you a question. And why don't you yourself tell about the history and traditions of Halloween, as well as tell about your attitude to this day.

I told you what Halloween is, and whether you consider it a holiday or not, the choice is yours.

Elena Kasatova. See you by the fireplace.

On the night of October 31 to November 1, the United States and Canada celebrate an ancient Celtic holiday, also called All Saints' Eve. Recently, the holiday has also become popular in Europe and Russia.

The celebration of the New Year took place on the night of the first of November. On this night, according to the ancient belief of the Celts, the worlds of the living and the dead opened their doors, and the inhabitants of the other world made their way to the earth. The Celts called this night Samhain or Samhain. In order not to become victims of spirits and ghosts, the Celts put out fires in their homes, put on animal skins to scare away uninvited aliens. Treats for the spirits were left on the street near the houses, and the people themselves gathered around the fires, bred by the priests of the Druids, and sacrificed animals.

After the sacrifice, people took the sacred fire to bring it into their homes. The pumpkin was the symbol of the holiday. She not only meant the end of summer and harvest, but also frightened off evil spirits with a sacred fire that ignited inside her.

Halloween is most celebrated in the United States and Canada, where it is most popular. In the 19th century, a huge number of Irish people emigrated to the New World, bringing with them the traditions of Halloween. In the US, Halloween is the holiday with the most candy sales, and second only to Christmas in terms of total pre-holiday sales. It even has its own capitals - Los Angeles and New York, where the brightest and most colorful festivities and carnivals take place on this day.

American Halloween attributes: Jack-o-lanterns pumpkin lantern and candy begging - Trik or trak. The ancient ritual Trik or trak ("Treat or be sorry") has become a favorite game of children who dress up as monsters and go around the neighbor's houses, scaring adults, and those, in order to appease the "ghosts", pay off them with sweets.

Despite the fact that Americans have been celebrating Halloween for more than two centuries, the holiday is not official. However, this does not prevent the inhabitants of the New World from spending a lot of money every year on pumpkins, decorations, candles and greeting cards.

In Germany, Halloween is celebrated no less colorfully. Frankenstein Castle in Darmstadt (Hesse) attracts thousands of people dressed in monster costumes on the night of November 1, and locals believe that it is on this night that the ghost of the owner appears on the roof of the castle.

In France, the most impressive processions take place in the Disneyland suburb of Paris and in the city of Limoges, where more than 30,000 people come every year. It is there that the most memorable parades of goblins, vampires and ghosts take place, lighting their way with pumpkin lanterns.

In China, Halloween is known as Teng Chieh - the day of remembrance of the ancestors. On this day, in front of photographs of deceased relatives, the Chinese put food and water, as well as a lantern that illuminates the path for the souls of ancestors traveling on Halloween night.

In Russia, Halloween appeared quite recently and its popularity cannot yet be compared with the popularity of the American holiday, but it has already gained its traditions and its fans. There are many of them among the youth, noisily and cheerfully celebrating it in clubs and discos. A lot of club-type entertainment establishments prepare various Halloween-parties for their guests on the last day of October.

Held in October 2012, more than half of Russians (64%) have an idea about the Halloween holiday, but do not celebrate it. According to the study, only 9% of Russians intended to celebrate Halloween, and 27% of respondents do not know anything about All Saints' Day.

Representatives of the traditional religions of Russia play games with evil spirits, which, according to them, is alien to Russian culture and is suitable only for atheists and "fooling around" youth.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti and open sources

In 2016, journalists conducted a survey among residents of the Moscow region. The main question was: what date is Halloween?

Of the 100 people who completed the survey, only 5 were able to accurately answer it. The remaining 95 did not know the answer.

Moreover, everyone believed that Halloween was not a holiday at all and were glad that it was not held in Russia.

Let's take a closer look at what date Halloween is, what kind of holiday it is and many other nuances associated with this holiday.

Halloween is a festive feast that originated in ancient times, when there was a tribe called the Celts.

Great Britain and Northern Ireland most of all honor and observe this holiday.

On the eve of All Saints' Day, namely October 31, the celebration begins in all English-speaking countries of the world.

In the name of the holiday, you can define its main components, namely:

  • scary and bizarre muzzles of pumpkins, glowing from candles;
  • masquerade costumes, and the main characters are creepy characters from different horror films;
  • cheerful noisy companies;
  • fireworks;
  • dancing.

The very origin of the holiday cannot be precisely determined to this day, there are many different guesses. The most common is that the Celts gave the beginning. But the name originally sounded different - Samhain. The pagan ritual holiday was celebrated back in the tenth century in the British Isles. The Celts sincerely believed that their feast pays tribute and respect to their deceased relatives, who are watching them from heaven, rejoice with them.

Moreover, as soon as the holiday began, they set up and decorated huge doors through which, in their opinion, the souls of the dead entered the world of the living. Wandering the earth, they helped improve the lives of the living.

At the end of the celebration, the tribes began the winter season.

Therefore, their holiday was to:

  1. Honor the dead.
  2. Seeing off the summer season.
  3. Festival of the last harvest.

Since then, Halloween has not only changed its name, but also replaced some traditions:

  1. Candy or death. In the evening, before it gets very dark on the street, children of different age categories ask for sweets. They dress up as witches, sorcerers, sorcerers, ghosts and with the slogan: "Candy or life" ask all the inhabitants of the city for different sweets.
  2. Suits. In ancient times, the costumes were scary, ordinary and did not at all resemble a cute outfit, but people believed that in this way they cleanse their home and family from various terrible evil spirits that could enter the house and harm. In our time, costumes began to be created bright, unique, beautiful and unusual.
  3. Glowing silhouette of a face made from a pumpkin. This decoration is a symbol of the feast of All Saints' Day. At first, faces were cut out for various, sometimes even terrible, rituals. The second name is Jack Lamp. The story tells of Jack being able to trick a demon into not letting him into Hell.
  4. Delicious and festively laid table for the whole family. The main dishes at such a holiday are pumpkin porridge, pumpkin pie, apple pudding.

Lots of sweets and chocolates.

A gourd that has been stripped of everything inside and lit by the light of a candle is called a jack-o'-lantern.

The story goes that in ancient times there lived a famous, clever and cunning deceiver and thief named Jack.

He drank a lot, walked and spent almost his entire life in fun and surrounded by different females. He lived due to the fact that he was an excellent master of card games and spending evenings in the company with which he played cards for money. It is worth noting that fortune was always on his side and he never lost. The thing is that he played, using sleight of hand and deceitful actions, his company did not notice that their friend was cheating and gave all the lost money to him without hesitation.

One day, the Devil visited the card house where Jack was playing. His goal was to find as many people as possible who, agreeing to a deal with him, would give him their souls.

Sitting at the same table with Jack, Lucifer was sure that for the sake of a sum of money, this mischievous and corrupt person would give his soul, thereby increasing the power of the demon.

In the dialogue, the devil offered Jack his deal. He said that he was ready to pay him a lot of money, but in return he must give his soul forever. And Jack agreed.

But inside himself, our hero decided that he is the most skillful deceiver and liar, so he can deceive the dark knight of the dungeon.

When the Devil turned into a coin, Jack did not give his soul, but quickly put the coin in his pocket, where he keeps the cross.

Lucifer began to suffer and lose his strength, being close to the face of the great Jesus Christ, and in order not to lose his last power and power, he promised his deceiver any gifts, fulfill any of his conditions, but in return he had to release him.

But there was one nuance in this agreement, the Dark Knight is ready to fulfill all his promises for only one decade.

When the specified period had passed, he again appeared to Jack with a reminder of the terms of the deal. Knowing that there was nothing to do, Jack asked for only one apple from the hands of his enemy. The demon fulfilled the last will of his hostage and just prepared to take his soul, as this time Jackie was able to avoid a terrible fate.

He scratched a cross on the fruit and the devil left his life, leaving the liar alone.

But everything is not eternal in this world, and the time came when Jack died. His soul began its flight to the gates of Paradise, but the Lord did not wish to see such a deceitful person in his kingdom and did not let his soul into Paradise.

The soul of a liar had to fly into the hands of the Devil himself, knowing that at one time during his lifetime, he deceived him more than once. Fearing this meeting, he still went to her.

The devil did not take his soul as a mark, dooming him to suffer and wander for all eternity.

But even here the swindler decided to profit. He stole the Devil's great fire, but the demon noticed this and became furious. He turned the soul into the head of a pumpkin, and put the stolen fire inside.

Of course, this character cannot be a symbol worth revering and honoring from year to year, because he led a rather disgusting lifestyle. His inappropriate manner cannot serve as an example for children, but this legend contributed to the fact that he repeatedly deceived the dark forces, for which his soul was turned into a pumpkin. This is the symbol that drives away evil spirits and protects the house from evil spirits.

So, All Saints Day, aka Halloween, is celebrated for one, two days. It can be arranged at home. This approach is great for people who do not like noisy and big companies.

Halloween is also the day of the dead. Therefore, it is necessary that there is a red drink on the table.

For example:

  1. Cherry compote.
  2. Red wine.
  3. Lemonade.
  4. Tomato juice.
  5. Hibiscus.

Why exactly red? The point is that the laziness of the dead implies the drinking of blood drinks (in the figurative sense of the word). Indeed, in every horror story, vampires drink the blood of their victims, and this holiday is nothing more than an imitation or a performance with a dark side.

Prepare a light pumpkin snack.

For example:

  1. Pies.
  2. Cake.
  3. Cakes.
  4. Kashi.
  5. Pies.

The next step should be a properly decorated room where the celebration will take place.

To do this, you can buy in a store or make it yourself:

  1. Toy headstones.
  2. Cobwebs.
  3. Shards.
  4. The bats.
  5. Skeletons.

Such a holiday is simply impossible without candles. There should be quite a lot of them, and the number should be even. Prepare a pumpkin - a lamp or buy it in a store, but it must be present and preferably not alone.

Think over the whole program in advance, because just sitting at the table and watching TV will not create a sure celebration. Come up with contests, puzzles, riddles.

Prepare carnival costumes.

This holiday is celebrated for more than one year. And therefore, many parables have been created, stories based on real stories.

One of these stories is called Anna's love. It is considered the second most popular after Jack and is told to their children on the day of the holiday, who are 16 years old.

Long ago, before Halloween was celebrated. There was one village, there were no more than 45 people in it. All the families that lived in this village were friendly, cheerful and no one ever wished harm to anyone.

Anna lived there. A girl of incredible beauty. She won the hearts of everyone. But she herself could not choose a partner in her life.

One day she met a young man, his name was Alexy. He was simple, even ugly, and constantly wore dirty and torn clothes.

They met on the banks of the river that connected their villages. He came there with the purpose to hide from the bullying of the inhabitants of his village. After all, they all despised him and laughed at him.

She was just walking and she liked the shore so much that she decided to enjoy the beauty of nature there. When they met, she was afraid of him. Alexy, seeing such a reaction, was about to leave, but the girl stopped him. Anna did not understand why she asked the scary guy to stay, but decided to just chat with him.

He seemed to her cheerful, funny, smart, despite the fact that his appearance was terrifying, without noticing it, she fell in love with him and needed every meeting with him.

Every day, exactly at 12, they met on the other side and chatted about nothing for many hours.

One day, her father wanted to know where his daughter constantly and for a long time disappears. He decided to follow her.

Seeing how his daughter was approaching the terrible Alexy, he grabbed her hands and forbade their meetings.

Anna begged her father for a long time to allow her to become Alexy's wife, talked about her love, about the feelings that fill her, but her father was relentless.

Alexy also suffered for Anna. But he knew that it was useless to change anything and decided that he would not go to the other side anymore.

His sufferings were very great, he did not know how to be and what to do. And it was on the day of All Saints that he went to the cemetery. And although no one at that time knew about him, the dead still came out of the darkness to visit the living, and the huge cross, which was located in the middle of the cemetery, served as the gate connecting the two worlds.

Our young man, unrecognized by everyone and in love, went there. Of course, he did not know what evening he went there. Leaning against the cross, he began to cry loudly. Suddenly he felt cold on his shoulder, turning around, he saw his dead mother, who died two years ago.

He was scared and happy, because his mother was nearby. He asked the question: how is this possible?

His mother comforted him and told him about that day. Then Alexy told his unfortunate fate.

It was unbearably painful for the mother that her child lives like this. She kissed him on the forehead with her dead lips and the guy became handsome and his clothes became clean.

After that, they talked for a long time, but when 12 night struck, her soul flew away.

When he returned to his village, no one recognized him. Everyone was in awe of his beauty. After telling what happened to him that night, he went to Anna.

Finding her home, he was surprised. After all, she had been waiting for him all this time. His lover also did not recognize Alexy, but when he told her everything they talked about, how they spent time, she believed him.

Seeing him, Anna's father did not interfere with their happiness. He was afraid of the anger of the dead mother of the guy, and he became handsome that the man resigned himself and gave his only daughter for him.

There are two versions of this.

The first says that this angel descended into the world of the living in the form of a mother to help the young man.

The second says that it was the dark forces that decided to help the unfortunate person in order to find out about them.

There is another story that is connected with the dead.

One woman was very ill and the doctors only shrugged, telling her relatives that she would die soon. Everyone hoped that they would find a cure and their mother would become healthy.

Seeing her children suffer, the woman decided to leave home, she felt that death was close and did not want to die in front of her family.

She went into the very thicket of the forest, so that they could not find her for a long time. On the very day when the dead visit the earth, this story happened. When it was only beginning to get dark, the woman began to fall asleep, as she saw in the sky that some kind of human entity was hovering in the sky and was watching her. Suddenly, this silhouette began to approach the dying woman.

When they drew level, then barely alive, but still conscious, the peasant woman could see next to her, a beautiful girl floating in the air. Her face was pale blue, completely dead and practically devoid of any facial expressions.

The girl suddenly took off into the air and quickly headed back.

She abruptly moved into the body of a peasant woman and the woman felt cold all over her body, she also felt that the disease had gone and she felt great. Having decided that she dreamed all this, and since her illness has receded, she can return home. But not having had time to get to his home, as midnight came and the spirit of the girl left. The woman immediately dropped dead.

First of all, it is worth pointing out that the Orthodox Church denies the celebration of Halloween. And he believes that everyone who sincerely believes in God should bypass this feast.

Despite the fact that many call it the day of All Saints, it should not exist in the souls of Orthodox people.

According to the laws of the church, this holiday is the worship of the devil and all the evil spirits that exist in the world of the dead.

But there is another side that believes that this holiday is worth celebrating. Indeed, on this day, not only evil spirits come out of the world of the dead, but also the souls of relatives and people close to them, who would see the reverence of their souls.

On this subject, there are still ongoing disputes. In Orthodoxy, it is customary to glorify your deceased friends, relatives and friends, you just need to believe in God and mentally pray in your soul.

What about Halloween in Russia. On the territory of the Russian state, no one celebrates Halloween. It is considered exclusively for people who live in England, Great Britain, America.

In these states, this holiday is held throughout the country and annually.

Almost all the buildings and structures that are in the city are dressed up with dead skeletons, cobwebs and other strange decorations.

Children happily run from house to house asking for candy. And at exactly 12 at night, a huge and bright fireworks are launched.

Many have noticed that various mystical incidents take place on this day.

So on one of the regular celebrations, a fiery star appeared in the sky in the center of Great Britain, and next to it was the heavenly outline of an angel. It all lasted no more than three or four minutes. And just as suddenly the sign disappeared, just as it appeared.

Many people think that this is just a special effect just for fun.

But there are other people who consider this a manifestation of higher powers.

It is customary on the day of the celebration to always carry a cross with the image of Jesus Christ. There is a superstition that on this day Lucifer himself visits the earth in search of new slaves for his dungeon, and the only way to salvation is the cross.

Scary and bizarre decorations are necessary in order to add mystery and mystery to this day.

In the UK, there are two traditional dishes that should, without fail, be on the table of every family that celebrates Halloween.

This is pumpkin pie. His recipe is very simple.

For its preparation it is necessary:

  • pumpkin pulp;
  • flour;
  • sugar;
  • form for baking;
  • oven;
  • water;
  • salt.

Once all the ingredients are ready, you can start cooking.

You need to make sweet dough. It should not be very thick, soft and sweet. Once the dough is ready, it can be carefully placed in a baking dish and work on the filling.

The filling is pumpkin. The pulp is completely cleaned of seeds, add a little sugar.

Mix thoroughly. In the prepared dough, make a small space in which to place the filling. Preheat oven. And place the cake in the oven for 30 minutes. After half an hour has passed, our dish is ready.

You can start preparing the second obligatory dish. It is a tomato drink, which is traditionally prepared at home on its own. The cooking technique is quite simple. You must have 20 ripe and juicy tomatoes, salt and a juicer.

Tomatoes must be carefully peeled from the top layer, placed in a juicer and made into juice. Then just salt to taste. Bloody drink for Halloween celebration is ready.

Despite the fact that All Saints' Day is not celebrated in Russia, there is no definite ban on its celebration. Therefore, if you decide to hold it, then prepare the program of the evening, costumes, decorate the house, set the table, invite friends and boldly celebrate.

Happy Halloween everyone!