What do toy terriers smell like? Why does a dog's mouth smell? Causes of Bad Smell

Many pets have bad breath. Animals do not know how to take care of oral hygiene in the same way as people, so owners often assume that an unpleasant stench is normal and do not attach serious importance to this fact.

It must be understood that any noticeable symptom indicates certain health problems of the pet. Therefore, you should not wait for more serious manifestations of pathologies, but in a timely manner to identify the cause of the unpleasant odor.

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    If the puppy's mouth smells

    The owners of young pets traditionally worry about their health much more. If the puppy has an unpleasant smell from the mouth, then it is easier to diagnose the problem on your own. Representatives of small breeds of dogs have difficulty with milk teeth. If the molars start to grow too fast, then the young canines do not fall out automatically. This leads to decay of milk teeth. Accordingly, from the mouth of a young puppy will smell bad.

    In some situations, everything is complicated by the fact that the gums become infected. This leads to a violation of the microflora of the mouth. Because of this, the putrid smell becomes more distinct. In this case, it is recommended to carefully examine the pet's oral cavity and identify inflammation of the gums.

    It should be borne in mind that in adult dogs, teeth grow denser than in young animals. If food gets stuck in the cracks, then over time it begins to rot. This problem is the easiest to fix. All you need to do is brush your teeth.

    Young dogs are more active. They eagerly gnaw at everything that falls into their mouths. If a puppy sinks its teeth into sticks and hard toys, then damage to the gums is inevitable. Small scratches lead to infection, which also causes a violation of the microflora of the puppy's oral cavity.

    If the mouth of an adult dog smells

    The older the puppies get, the more serious their ailments are. In this case, we are talking about pathologies that have already developed. Most often this is due to problems of the oral cavity or gastrointestinal tract.

    Dental problems

    An older dog may suffer from tartar. To identify the problem at home, it is enough to examine the dog's mouth. If brown or yellow plaque is visible on the teeth, as well as growths, then this is clearly the problem.

    To remove tartar, you need to use special pastes and treats that will help get rid of growths. If they are too old and deeply penetrated into the gums, then such preventive measures are useless.

    The presence of tartar is unable to lead to the death of the animal. But the dog will suffer and bring discomfort to the owner, as his mouth will constantly smell of rot. Therefore, the problem should not be ignored. It is better to consult a specialist.


    Neoplasms in the mouth of an animal can also be detected with the naked eye. If there are seals or bumps on the gums in the pet's mouth, then this should not be taken as an aesthetic problem. Treatment should only be carried out by a specialist.

    Most often, dogs with a short or upturned muzzle (for example, pugs) suffer from such an ailment. However, in other breeds, such problems are not uncommon. Therefore, it is necessary to periodically inspect the pet's oral cavity.

    Diseases of the kidneys and genitourinary system

    In this case, the stench comes not only from the pet's mouth, but also from saliva. Notes of ammonia are clearly traced in the smell. This is because this component is no longer properly excreted from the body of the animal, due to which it passes into a liquid environment, including saliva and blood.

    Ammonia gets into the tissues, which leads to not the best consequences. If a dog develops hypothyroidism, it will lead to tooth decay, gingivitis, gum rot, and deformity of the tongue mucosa. The smell will be pronounced and very unpleasant.

    Hormonal problems

    If the mouth of an animal stinks of acetone, then this is a sign of the development of autoimmune processes. If the unpleasant smell is very strong, then the problem lies in diabetes. In the first stages of this pathology, the stench is not so strong, but over time, the bad smell becomes more distinct.

    It can be caused by thyroid or pancreatic disorders. To make an accurate diagnosis and get rid of the smell of acetone as soon as possible, you need to contact a specialist who will conduct a blood test for biochemistry.

    liver problems

    If the pet smells like rotten or spoiled fish from the mouth, then this is due to liver pathologies. The cadaverous smell indicates that the animal's organs have already begun to decompose. This is possible only in the most advanced stage.

    If a pet is diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver, then things are bad. But do not exclude the possibility that the dog ate carrion found on the street. In this case, the unpleasant odor comes from it.

    Food that enters the dog's body is not digested. Instead, it literally begins to rot. In addition, pets often suffer from tapeworms. Similar problems occur in dogs of small breeds and in larger pets.


    If the dog's breath smells, in this case we can talk about a disease of the oral cavity. With gingivitis, the dog has swelling of the gums, and the tissues become infected. The main reasons for the development of this disease are beriberi, indigestion, gastrointestinal pathologies and helminthic invasion.

    If the source of the problem is not removed, then gingivitis will turn into a more serious form. In this case, there is a risk that ulcers and necrotic areas are formed.


    Both toy terrier owners and those who have a larger dog can face a similar problem. Allergies are characterized by very extensive symptoms. Most often, animals suffer from a food variety. In this case, an unpleasant stench will come from the mouth of your beloved pet.

    It is not worth diagnosing allergies on your own and fighting it. If the animal suffers from another ailment, and its owner will give him pills for an allergic reaction, then there is a risk of aggravating the situation. Allergy is difficult to confirm with the help of laboratory tests. But if the animal has itching, then it is likely that it suffers from this ailment.

    If we talk about how to treat bad breath in a dog, then you should immediately contact a veterinary clinic.

A specific unpleasant smell from the mouth is quite common in dogs.

Most owners consider it not worth attention, explaining the lack of physiological causes and lack of oral hygiene.

Such a statement is not unfounded - indeed, most pets are not familiar with either toothpaste or a brush, so the smell from the mouth, you know, is by no means roses.

However, most often such a nuisance goes beyond the scope of an aesthetic problem and can be a symptom of an unpleasant, and sometimes life-threatening disease, especially if it is a very strong smell or a specific smell of rotten meat, ammonia, acetone, urine, fish.

Causes of an unpleasant smell from the mouth of a young dog

A putrid odor from the mouth (halitosis) can be observed in animals of any age group.

If a young dog suffers from this pathology, causes of halitosis not so much:

1. Change of teeth in a puppy. In dogs of small breeds (Yorks, Chihuahuas, Pekingeses, small terriers, Spitz and dwarf dachshunds) sometimes there are milk teeth that are quite firmly seated in the nests. With difficulty loosening, they cannot fall out without outside help. Violation of the integrity of the gums in this place leads to the infection and food debris getting into the wound. The inflammatory process, and subsequently the formation of putrefactive microflora, become the causes of unpleasant amber.

2. The ingress of food debris or foreign objects into the gaps between the teeth. In the process of playing, a young dog often, carried away, gnaws sticks, balls or thread cords into small pieces. Small slivers or toys that get stuck between the teeth can also cause inflammation.

Causes of mouth stink in an adult dog

In the process of growing up, the number of causes that cause bad breath from the animal also increases.

Most of them signal diseases of the internal organs or oral cavity:

1. Tooth stone. It is considered one of the most common causes of stench. Despite the fact that such a symptom in itself does not pose a threat to the life and health of the animal, plaque on the teeth is not as harmless as it seems. The destruction of tooth enamel, foci of infection in the mouth and general intoxication can quite spoil the quality of life of your pet.

2.Malignant neoplasms formed in the mouth can be another cause of odor. Most often, boxers and other breeds of dogs with a short, damp muzzle find a tendency to cancer.

4. A sharp ammonia smell from the mouth signals diseases of the urinary system especially chronic renal failure. Slowing down the excretion of metabolic products from the body leads to an increased excretion of ammonia by the tissues.

5. Unpleasant odor reminiscent of strong smell of nail polish remover (acetone)- a clear sign autoimmune imbalance in a pet. Most of the time it looks like this diabetes. If at the same time the four-legged friend has increased thirst, urgently take a blood test for sugar and consult a veterinary endocrinologist.

6. Sharp the stench of rotten meat or carrion(unless your shaggy tracker did something nasty on a walk) - symptom of severe irreversible changes in the liver. Most often, the smell appears already at the stage of necrosis, so in most cases there is nothing to help the pet.

7. Worm infestation- Another reason why the mouth starts to smell bad. Most often, a dog is infected with roundworm eggs, but one should not exclude the possibility of the appearance of more serious and dangerous neighbors - all kinds of tapeworms or tapeworms.

8. Inflammation of the gums accompanied by edema ( gingivitis) caused by beriberi or gastrointestinal pathologies may be accompanied by an unpleasant odor. The reason for this phenomenon are necrotic areas of the cavity and numerous ulcers in the mouth of the animal.

9. Hypothesis- Another problem in which halitosis is accompanied not only by the destruction and loss of teeth, but also by a change in the shape and size of the tongue.

10. Allergic reactions of the body. A variety of symptoms of this disease greatly complicates the diagnosis. However, the pet's bad breath may well be the first bell of the pathological sensitivity of the immune system to a particular irritant. If clinical tests do not confirm other pathologies, and eczema and itching join the unpleasant odor, it is most likely an allergic reaction.

External factors affecting bad mouth odor

Fortunately, bad breath from a dog is not always a symptom of diseases of the internal organs.

Sometimes this problem depends on external causes and can be easily corrected.

Most often, the following factors can cause the problem:

1. The maximum content of protein foods in the diet. A large amount of nitrogenous substance released during the digestion of meat causes a putrefactive "rotten" smell.

2. Deposition of food behind the cheeks of dogs of the brachycephalic type. Animals with a short muzzle (boxers, bulldogs, pugs, etc.) often do not have time to swallow all the food while eating. Pieces of food that have fallen into the buccal space rot and spread the aroma of rotten meat.

3. Switching to chlorinated drinking water. Refusal of spring or bottled liquid can cause dysbacteriosis in a pet. This is another impetus for the emergence of a specific amber.

4. Another reason that is easy to eliminate - unbalanced dog diet. Switching from one brand of dry food to another, or switching to quality natural food, will make your friend's breath fresh. Special supplements to the usual diet also help to solve the problem.

What to do?

It is possible to fight the smell of rotten meat from the dog’s mouth at home only if the cause of the problem does not threaten the life of the pet.

1. So, for example, in the case of tartar formation, you can give the animal soft vein bones or hard vegetables - carrots, apples. Such "gymnastics for the teeth" will help at the initial stage of the formation of deposits, removing soft growths.

2. Eating tomato juicean old folk recipe, according to which dogs were rid of tartar thirty or forty years ago. It is enough to add a few tablespoons of the drink to food and after a few weeks the plaque can be easily removed with a gauze swab.

3.Toothpaste and brush today a familiar attribute for caring for the teeth of a pet. Modern animal dental care products require minimal effort on the part of the owner - sometimes just applying a gel or paste to the surface of the teeth is enough.

4. In the case when the owner's efforts are not enough to eradicate the problem, you will come to the rescue a qualified veterinarian with an ultrasonic stone remover. After the procedure, the stone, and with it the smell from the mouth, will disappear. Owners are now only required to carry out oral prophylaxis in time.

5. If an annoying symptom is caused by a malfunction in the vital systems of the body, you should not expect that the unpleasant odor will go away on its own. In this case, delay only exacerbates the situation, leading to serious and sometimes irreversible consequences. Consultation of an experienced veterinarian, laboratory tests and a properly prescribed treatment regimen will help to defeat the disease, and therefore, to remove bad breath from the mouth.

Natasha Sherwood

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The unpleasant smell from the dog's mouth is not a disease in itself, but it signals that there are some problems with the health of your pet.

What can be the cause of an unpleasant smell from the mouth, how to get rid of it and what preventive measures should be taken so that it does not appear in your dog?

Eating excrement and other "goodies"

Yes, yes, your pet, who defiantly turns away from the freshest porridge with meat at home, on the street can easily eat someone's waste products or rotten fish. Moreover, some dogs manage to do it completely imperceptibly right under the nose of the owner.

What to do? Try to wash the muzzle - on the coat, especially in wire-haired, bearded dogs, “fragrant” particles of dog joy may remain.

You just need to wash the face of the culprit with warm water, you can add shampoo for dogs.

Prevention is very simple - if your dog tends to "vacuum", never lose sight of it and work on weaning it from picking up all sorts of nasty things from the ground. In extreme cases, you can use a muzzle.

Digestive problems

Chronic diseases of the internal organs (stomach, kidneys, liver), poisoning, digestive disorders can also provoke the appearance of bad breath from the dog's mouth.

If a specialist veterinarian should deal with the first two reasons, then you are able to provide normal nutrition, and hence the digestion of your dog, on your own.

The best prevention of constipation and diarrhea in a dog is rational proper nutrition.

If you feed your pet with natural food, please note that its composition should fully satisfy all the needs of the dog and consist of approximately three approximately equal parts of cereals, meat and vegetables, with the obligatory addition of vitamin and mineral supplements.

If you do choose to feed your dog dry food, there are two main rules to follow: Choose food that is appropriate for your dog's age, size, and lifestyle, and don't skimp. It is better to provide a dog with quality and more expensive food than to treat it in the future with the saved difference. One of the best dog foods is Canidae Holistic Food, which uses only the highest quality ingredients and is balanced to provide your pet with all the nutrients it needs.

Change of teeth

A short-term unpleasant odor can appear in puppies during the period of changing teeth.

Milk teeth, falling out, sometimes leave behind bleeding holes. A cocktail of saliva and blood doesn't smell very appetizing.

There is nothing special for you to do here, except to make sure that the process of changing teeth goes as expected, without the appearance of a double dentition, bite deformation and other troubles.


Plaque is a problem not only of mankind, but also of its faithful companions - dogs. It is more common in older dogs and in dogs that eat only soft foods.

In advanced cases, it is necessary to contact a veterinary dentist or just a veterinarian. He will select the method of brushing your teeth that is suitable for your case.

As a preventive measure and a way to get rid of a small plaque, various chewing toys that can be bought at pet stores are quite suitable. Some of them are even impregnated with a special solution that contributes to the disappearance of plaque on the dog's teeth.

Diseases of the teeth and gums

Persistent bad breath from a dog's mouth can come from diseased, inflamed gums. The most common causes of gum disease in dogs are trauma (from chewing on something, such as brittle bones), permanent wounds and sores in the mouth (from the sharp edge of a broken tooth or permanent trauma to a neoplasm in the oral cavity), or tartar, the deposition of which leads to loosening of the tooth. In this case, the pocket becomes inflamed, which is formed between the gum and the root of the tooth.

In this case, the dog must be shown to the veterinarian!

If the problem is an injury (chip, foreign body) or tartar, the odor problem will disappear shortly after the cause is removed. Perhaps the veterinarian will suggest using special products for caring for the dog's oral cavity - rinses or gels.

If it's a tumor, don't panic. In the vast majority of cases, we are talking about a benign formation, which is still worth removing.

It is not pleasant when you have to wake up in the morning from the licking of a pet, and if the dog smells of rotten meat from the mouth, the greeting procedure turns into torture. It must be said that the unnatural smell from the dog's mouth is a fairly common phenomenon, some even believe that this is normal. Reasoning logically: “this dog just ate something,” the owner can lose precious time and aggravate the disease from which the pet is already suffering.

Note! Halitosis is a concept that means the presence of an unpleasant (putrefactive) smell from the mouth of a pet.

The false opinion is also confirmed by the fact that most owners do not consider prophylactic pet care as a mandatory aspect of care. A dog whose teeth have never been brushed is quite expected to have an unpleasant smell from the mouth, but is this normal and what can be done to correct the situation? Veterinarians and groomers note that 8 out of 10 cases, when a dog's mouth stinks, this is not a cosmetic problem, but a symptom of the disease. The treatment of any disease begins with the diagnosis, and therefore, the search for the causes of the development of the disease.

On the health of puppies, traditionally, worried more actively. In the case of bad breath in puppies and teenagers, the diagnosis is a bit easier as there are not many possible causes.

Almost all small breeds of dogs have some difficulty in changing milk teeth. An inexperienced owner may not be aware that a molar can grow behind a milk tooth, whereby the milk tooth begins to rot, resulting in a distinct and very unpleasant odor. The situation is complicated by damage and infection of the gums. Further, in a fairly short time, the healthy microflora in the mouth changes to an unfriendly, putrefactive one, which greatly enhances the smell. This mechanism works with absolutely all living beings. For example, in a person, even one bad tooth can spoil the freshness of breath despite brushing twice and using an antibacterial mouthwash.

Note! A putrid smell from the pet's mouth may not indicate illness, since some four-legged animals have a very bad habit of eating carrion.

- permanent neighbors of dogs, which must be periodically disposed of. With a strong infestation, especially roundworms, the dog may stink from the mouth. they multiply very quickly and literally clog the intestines of the dog. Food that enters the intestines is not digested, but literally rots. It should be understood that in addition to roundworms, a dog can be affected by any tapeworms or tapeworms.

- a disease of the oral cavity, accompanied by swelling of the gums and infection of the tissues. The reason most often lies in indigestion, gastrointestinal pathologies and severe helminthic invasion, in which food is not absorbed. In advanced cases, gingivitis is accompanied by the formation of ulcers and necrotic areas.

- a very versatile disease with very extensive symptoms. With a variety in most cases, allergic dogs have a very characteristic, putrid smell from the mouth. It should be understood that allergies are the easiest to diagnose, since it is almost impossible to confirm in a laboratory. Incorrect diagnosis can lead to the omission of a real illness, for example, liver or kidney disease. Usually, the diagnosis is confirmed by a combination of several factors: an unpleasant smell from the mouth, skin lesions and itching.

Many people think that a bad smell from the mouth of a dog is normal. If the dog has a healthy mouth, there will be no unpleasant odor. Communication with such a dog is a pleasure.

A change in the smell from the dog's mouth, or halitosis, is possible in an animal at any age - adult dogs and puppies. The main reasons for the phenomenon:

  • change of teeth;
  • diseases of the teeth and gums;
  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • improper eating behavior.

Smell when changing teeth

A strong odor can occur when replacing milk teeth in young dogs of small breeds. Such teeth are sufficiently firmly located in the mouth and cannot easily fall out. When they are loosened, wounds appear on the gums, into which food enters, which is food for pathogenic bacteria. It rots and causes a bad smell.

Similar processes are caused by trauma to the dog's gums, pieces of toys or wood chips.

This is usually observed in young dogs who are carried away by the game and chewing on objects.

Smell for diseases of the gums and teeth

An unpleasant odor is caused by the appearance of tartar. This sign does not affect the health of the dog, but plaque is not completely harmless. Its result can be general intoxication, damaged tooth enamel and the appearance of an infection in the body, which weakens the dog.

Swollen and bleeding gums will be a source of bad breath.

Gingivitis is the result of trauma caused by scratching and subsequent infection.

The smell of rot or fish can give off from the mouth if various tumors grow or collapse in the dog's mouth.

Odor and diseases of the digestive system

The smell of acetone from the dog's mouth should alert the owner - this indicates an imbalance in hydrocarbon metabolism. This is one of the important symptoms of diabetes. Diabetes mellitus with untimely assistance is dangerous for the dog's life. Symptoms of this disease can be a sweet smell of fruit from the mouth, the dog is constantly thirsty and urinates.

The smell of urine from the mouth is provoked by diseases of the kidneys and urinary system, and rotten meat will be carried from the mouth of the animal due to a diseased liver. In many cases, ignoring this smell by the owner can put the animal's life at risk. Additional signs of necrosis will be vomiting, refusal of food, yellow tint of mucous membranes. The smell of metal will tell about diseased gums.

Infection with worms may indicate:

  • faded, hard, protruding coat;
  • exhaustion;
  • swollen abdomen with general emaciation, hard on palpation;
  • the appearance of worms in the stool;
  • sour eyes;
  • apathetic behavior;
  • signs of anemia - grayish mucous membranes, a decrease in temperature.

Smell due to eating habits

A specific rotten smell can also be when the dog gets too much protein with food, as well as when the dog is in the habit of eating animal excrement or spoiled food on a walk.

When changing feed in animals, the development of dysbacteriosis is not excluded.

Finally, dysbacteriosis due to a change in food or if the dog has eaten spoiled food can be the cause of the aroma, then to eliminate the smell, you should wash the dog's muzzle with warm water to remove particles stuck in the coat.

Treatment and prevention of odor

If an unpleasant foreign smell appears from the animal's mouth, do not try to take home treatment. The dog should be taken to the veterinarian for a checkup.

The veterinarian will check the condition of the teeth and gums, signs of other digestive pathologies.

For pet food, use fresh food that is easy to digest. It must fully meet the age and lifestyle of the dog, contain all the substances necessary for the body. Feed should not be cheap, otherwise there is a risk that poor feed will be a source of kidney and liver diseases.

If homemade food is used to feed the dog, vitamin supplements should be added to the diet, which will provide resistance to physiological disorders.