What happens if you don't clean your windows? How to clean a plastic window

We usually clean our windows a couple of times a year. With the advent of spring comes the time for major cleaning, and it is important to know how to clean windows without streaks so that they look perfectly transparent. What means and methods to use for this, especially on plastic windows. Today we will tell you a few secrets of the perfect wash.

What Mistakes Should You Avoid?

First of all, let's take a look at the list of mistakes that are most common when caring for PVC windows. They usually include the following.

  1. Use of aggressive cleaners. The cleaning agent for washing and windows should not contain abrasives, that is, you should not use powders - they will leave scratches on the glass and plastic profile.
  2. Cleaners such as alcohol, benzine, or acidic thinners will cause windows to yellow over time.
  3. Avoid hard sponges with an abrasive surface, which also leave small scratches on the surface.
  4. When removing dirt from the window and window sill, do not use sharp objects - screwdrivers, chisels, knives. This can lead not only to scratches, but also to chips.

Everything you need to clean windows, you will surely find in your home. First of all, these are soft rags, preferably cotton, linen or suede - they absorb water best of all. If you choose to use a sponge, make sure it is soft. The hard side is only suitable for removing heavy dirt.

Purchase a windshield wiper at the hardware store. This tool will make your job much easier. If the screed is on a long handle, then you do not have to once again stand on the windowsill or on a chair. Give preference to a model that has a sponge on one side and a trim on the other.

Detergents - they can be purchased at the store or prepared independently, according to folk recipes.

Be careful when washing windows from the outside

Remember to take precautions when cleaning plastic windows. Don't lean too far or protrude onto the outside of the window sill, and if possible, ask someone close to hold you. The surface that serves as your approach to the window must be flat and stable.

There are several effective and fairly simple ways to wash plastic windows so that there are no streaks left on them.

First, prepare for work. Remove all foreign objects from the windowsill and lay out the necessary tools so that they are at hand. Pour water into a basin or bucket in small quantities so that it does not splash.

To wash windows from the outside, take a separate sponge or cloth: the outer surface is much dirtier than the inside.

Please note: it is better to wash windows in calm cloudy weather. Glass dries quickly under intense sunlight, and stains will remain on it.

Be sure to wear gloves when cleaning windows.

The first thing to clean up is the frame. Only after it can you start cleaning the glass. Sweep away all dust and thoroughly rinse all surfaces.

After that, soak a cloth in the detergent solution and apply it to the glass surface. Clean the window by carefully sweeping the dirt down. Do not forget that most of the dirt is in the joints of the frame and glass. Wash the outer surface of the plastic window with a brush on a long handle.

The final step is a clean wash. Here you will need a screed. Swipe it across the glass from the very top at an angle of 20-30 degrees, moving strictly horizontally. At the same time, each time block the washed area by a couple of centimeters. Wipe the wiper blade dry after each run to avoid streaks.

Washing plastic windows has some features.

  1. Don't be afraid to wash the plastic window with a special coating. The coating is applied on the inside of the glass, you will not damage it.
  2. Metal fittings, rubber seals and drainage holes require maintenance. After the window has dried, lubricate the fittings with machine oil, and cover the rubber seal with silicone grease.
  3. Keep drainage systems clean, use special care products for plastic windows. Otherwise, in winter, the windows will fog up and freeze.

We use special sprays and detergents

This method is ideal if your windows are small and not very dirty. At any hardware store or home improvement department, purchase window cleaner in a container with a spray nozzle. You will also need:

  • soft cloth;
  • paper (newspaper);
  • basin or bucket for water;
  • household gloves.

Use only very soft sponges that do not leave scratches.

  1. All work must be carried out with gloves, since detergents have a harmful effect on the skin of the hands. Fill a bucket with warm water and soak a washcloth in it. Squeeze so that it remains wet.
  2. Wipe dirt and dust from the frame and window sill. Spread the detergent in a zigzag motion all over the window. Plastic windows need to be washed first outside, and then inside the room.
  3. Clean the window with a clean cotton cloth, wiping it in a circular motion. After the wash is finished, wipe the window with crumpled paper, polishing it thoroughly to make it shine.
  4. This method is also suitable when you have large windows, or they are located quite high. This is where a long-handled screed comes in handy.
  5. Use a steam cleaner to clean windows. This is not at all dangerous for frames and glasses, because manufacturers supply their devices with special nozzles in which the nozzles are located across. Bring the nozzle to the surface gradually, starting from a distance of 30 cm. Steam residues and stains are easily removed with a rubber scraper.

Window cleaner can be replaced with any other, for example, for dishes. Usually 7 drops per 2 liters of water are enough to wash the window. And you can make such a tool yourself.

A cleaning solution that will clean a plastic window to a shine can be prepared from almost anything you have on hand. Here are some simple recipes:

  • 1 tablespoon of starch per 1 liter of water;
  • 50 g of bleach per 1 liter of water;
  • 1 glass of vinegar per 1 liter of water;
  • 1 tablespoon of ammonia per 2 liters of water;
  • 1 tablespoon of ammonia per 1 liter of water.

There is another way, which, although quite laborious, does an excellent job of removing dirt on the glass. Pour the chalk and dissolve it in water in a ratio of 2-3 tablespoons to 1 glass, respectively. Wipe the glass with this solution and leave it to dry, and then rub it with newspaper or paper.

Use a steam cleaner with special nozzles when washing plastic windows

Our grandmothers also used soapy water to wash windows, diluting grated laundry soap in water. It can also be used for plastic glasses, especially since this is the most affordable and economical way. But compared to previous recipes, and even more so with modern detergents, it will be more difficult to wash off stains and streaks from soapy water from glass.

Here are some more tips on how to use folk remedies to keep windows clean.

  1. After the windows are washed, wipe them down with a vinegar solution. Its scent repels flies and keeps windows clean.
  2. In order to prevent windows from freezing in winter, apply a solution of table salt on the glass - 2 tbsp. for 1 glass of water.
  3. If small cracks appear on the glass, cover them with a colorless varnish on the outside.
  4. To keep the window clean longer, wipe it with a mixture of 70 g of glycerin, 30 g of water and a little ammonia. After drying, a protective film will remain on the glass.
  5. For a particularly bright shine, the glass of a plastic window can be given a greenish or blue tint. To do this, rub them with a solution of copper sulfate (1 tsp per 1 liter of water), or use dry ultramarine.

What will help you clean

Removing traces of tape

This adhesive tape leaves behind marks that are difficult to get rid of. But we know a few simple ways that will help you.

  1. Glue pieces of the new one to the traces of the old adhesive tape, and immediately tear off sharply. If the first time you do not achieve the desired effect, repeat a few more times.
  2. Use oil, and any will do: vegetable, sunflower, peppermint, citrus or tea tree oil. Drip the oil onto the sponge and apply it to the part of the glass where the hardened traces of the adhesive tape remain. Leave for 10 minutes, during which time the oil will saturate the glue, it will swell and be easily removed. After that, wipe the cleaned area with a soft cloth.
  3. Rubbing alcohol is an excellent solvent for the adhesive base. Apply it to a cotton swab and wipe the areas with traces of adhesive tape. Try this method on a small area first. The fact is that different types of plastic from which windows are made react in their own way to the effects of alcohol-containing substances.

And in order to remove yellow plaque from PVC window frames, use a solution of baking soda. This product does a good job of removing stains from plastic.

Video about proper window cleaning

Now you know how to clean the plastic windows in your house to shine and shine. If you have any questions, we will be happy to answer them in the comments. Tell us about your window cleaning secrets. Comfort to your home!

Cleaning windows is a process that can be quite difficult and time-consuming, especially if they are located in a high-rise building, wide enough or difficult to access in some places. It is difficult to find a person who may like this process, and if you add to this the stains formed after washing, it is sometimes difficult to take it easy. But there are ways to keep windows sparkling clean. You can choose homemade methods and those offered by detergent manufacturers.

The better to wash windows at home - tools and useful tips

Any home remedies for window cleaning are cheap and reliable. They have many followers who praise their reliability.

For some people, even the most technologically advanced cleaning products are not suitable, as advice that has been passed down from generation to generation is more to their liking.

And often they really deserve attention, the most popular of them are:

  • lemon,
  • vinegar,
  • glycerol,
  • newspapers and nylon tights.

How to wash windows at home, which home remedies are most effective, we will consider below

Wash windows with vinegar

One of the most famous ways to clean windows is to add vinegar to the water. Vinegar perfectly removes dirt, grease, dust and polishes glass. In order to wash windows with vinegar, you need to pour a little vinegar into ordinary water with a cleaning solution. To make the glasses shine, it is recommended to clean them with a hard black-and-white newspaper. The rigidity of paper and ink work wonders. If you smell vinegar and it's too irritating, you can use dishwashing liquid instead. The foaming liquid works well on grease stains, so it can also deal with dirty glasses.

Lemon Window Cleaner

It often turns out that food products are ideal for cleaning. Lemon will also help in cleaning windows. Lemon juice squeezed into the water will provide a solution to help clean dirty windows. Lemon has bleaching properties, it cleans and refreshes. Windows washed with this solution are sparkling clean and have a fresh smell.

Such a solution is preferably poured into a special spray bottle, which will allow you to evenly distribute a suitable amount of liquid on the glass. In the end, so that there are no streaks on the windows, you need to wash everything off with an ordinary white paper towel that does not leave unsightly streaks.


When cleaning, you can add fabric softener or glycerin to the water. Thus, a coating is formed on the glass, which prevents dust from settling. In addition, the window smells good.

How to clean windows without streaks?

How to wash glass without streaks? Below you will find some helpful tips.

  1. Do not clean glass in the sun - then the water with detergent dries quickly and it is difficult to polish the surface of the glass. It is best to do this early in the morning or late in the evening when the sun does not dry out the detergent too much.
  2. To make the job easier, clean one side of the glass vertically and the other horizontally. Then, looking at the light, it is easy to determine which side of the window has stains.
  3. Old nylon pantyhose are ideal for glass polishing. Nylon, due to its structure, perfectly removes all stains from the glass.

Manufacturers offer us a whole host of window cleaners without streaks. Each of them provides that the glasses will shine like new, there will be no stains on them, and they will be clean and transparent. Most of them are sold in special spray bottles. Such a liquid is a very concentrated solution, which is a mixture of water, alcohol, detergents and perfume, which gives a pleasant smell. The advantage of the liquid is its high performance and glass cleaning efficiency. The consumption of such a liquid is not large, but it cannot be compared with home remedies for environmental friendliness; such products are not suitable for allergy sufferers.


An alternative to liquids are special foams. They differ primarily in texture. The foam is applied to the glass, does not flow, soaks and dissolves dirt. Window foam is more expensive, but it's nothing compared to the convenience and superior effects. A small amount is enough to wash all the glass.

Wet wipes

Another way to clean glass is with wet glass wipes. Such napkins work on the principle of napkins for children. They are impregnated with detergents that remove dirt from windows. They are not as effective as liquids, they run out quickly, but they are convenient to use. For convenience, however, you will have to pay a little more.

Using napkins, you do not need to wipe the glass dry with paper or newspaper, this is another advantage. In case of liquids and foam this operation is necessary. For this, paper towels are most often used.

This solution is relatively cheap, but you need several sheets of these towels to thoroughly clean and dry the glass. It is also recommended to use reusable wipes. The best are microfiber cloths, which can cope with minor dirt even when dry.

Thus, window cleaning is not as simple a matter as it might seem at first glance. However, clean windows are the pride of every home, and all the sunlight enters the house through them, thereby compensating us for our labors and costs. Glasses can be washed with detergents, but you can also use the ways of our grandmothers, which will cost us much less. In addition, home remedies do not cause allergies and are not harmful to health. Although, of course, modern chemicals make this procedure easier and faster. As a compromise between old traditions and new technologies, microfiber cloths should be used with home remedies. These wipes are very effective.

You can quickly wash the windows in the kitchen without streaks with the help of completely inexpensive and affordable products that every housewife can find.

Why divorces remain

In order for the windows to shine with cleanliness, you need to figure out why certain products leave streaks or lead to a quick clouding of the glass.

  1. The sun's rays and wind, falling on the double-glazed window, quickly dry the detergent, preventing it from being completely removed. Most often, divorces are formed precisely for this reason.
  2. The sequence of actions to remove dirt and dust is not followed. Residue of detergent remains on the glass, which forms a cloudy film.

How to properly clean windows

The procedure is very simple. First, the frame is washed, and then the double-glazed window. In this case, there will be no annoying divorces in the corners. It is convenient to clean plastic windows at the junction of the sashes with toothpicks and cotton swabs. They get all the dirt out of the grooves.

Glass is washed according to the basic principle:

  1. Soak up the dirt.
  2. Delete her.
  3. Rinse the detergent from the glass surface.
  4. Wipe the window dry.
  5. Polish glass.

How is it actually done?

  • Spraying detergent from a spray bottle, soften drops of fat and adhering dust. With a scraper, we remove especially stubborn stains and drive dirt down the windows.
  • Re-apply the detergent to the window and remove it with a napkin or rubber squeegee. It is important that the washcloth does not leave lint. Linen napkins, microfiber, spandex are suitable for windows.
  • We wipe the glass with clean water, removing the glass cleaner. To make the window shine, you can add vinegar or ammonia to the water. If you dilute a small amount of copper sulfate or blue in water, we get a greenish or blue tint of glass.
  • From the side of the street, an antistatic agent can be used for the window. With it, dust will not stick to the window. If she lies on the frame, she will not stick to it. In this case, subsequent cleaning will be much faster and more pleasant.
  • We wipe the surface of the double-glazed window dry, often changing napkins. At this stage, it is important that the surface is thoroughly cleaned.
  • We polish dry glass with paper or unnecessary nylon tights.

Home glass cleaners

  1. vinegar water. Table vinegar 9% is added to clean water at the rate of a couple of tablespoons for each liter of liquid.
  2. Ammonia with starch. For 100 ml of pharmaceutical ammonia, the same amount of vinegar, 4 liters of pure water and 30 mg of potato starch are taken. If you want, you can add a little blue.
  3. Common ammonia. A solution is made at the rate of 15 mg of ammonia per 1 liter of water.
  4. Soap solution. Used to wash frames. A grated bar of soap is stirred until completely dissolved with warm water.
  5. Starch. A tablespoon of starch is added to a liter of water.
  6. Manganese. Dilute a few crystals in water until light pink in color. Do not allow it to hit the frames.
  7. Chalk. Mix a glass of water with three tablespoons of powdered chalk. Treat the glass with this paste and leave for a while. Then wipe off with a dry cloth.

Persistent greasy drops dissolve well with dishwashing detergent. A mixture of glycerin with alcohol 1 to 10 will not allow condensation to settle on the windows during the cold season. A weak solution of table salt will prevent windows from icing. However, it is worth considering the ability of salt crystals to accumulate moisture in themselves.

For particularly dirty windows, household chemicals may be required. When choosing a detergent, you need to pay attention to what type of frames it is suitable for. Can it be used on wooden or plastic surfaces, does it destroy the lacquer coating, etc.

It happens that you need to put in order the purchased apartment, where, it seems, they have never fought with grease and dirt. In this case, you can turn to automotive glass and mirror cleaners. They work great on the road and can help out in emergency situations. The main thing is to stock up on a good mood for the whole day, and any dirt will be defeated.

Jun 30, 2015 Werri

Good afternoon everyone! The wife's younger sister has her first real anniversary - 20 years. We decided to give her a beautiful flower in a pot.

We went for him to our largest store selling plants. It has a transparent roof structure, made of slanted windows.

This is to ensure that the flowers get the maximum sun, in our not very sunny area, a good solution.

But who would have thought that the staff does not know how to wash windows at all. They spoiled all the beauty with their divorces. The better to wash windows without streaks, you will learn further.

A long, long time ago, before modern tools were invented, cleaning windows was not considered a problem.

People used ordinary vinegar, water and a rag - and in a matter of minutes it was possible to admire their native street through a window shining with cleanliness. The speed in this matter still depends on the availability of skills and experience.

Nowadays, store shelves are filled with cleaning products for a specific purpose. Advertising billboards, posters with these products flooded busy highways and television.

And, interestingly, the “secret” element in the composition of detergents is ordinary vinegar. In the 21st century, people are accustomed to the modern lifestyle, although it is becoming more complicated.

Some people are used to thinking: why do you need to cut garlic with a knife if more than 40 devices have appeared for this, or why clean it with an ordinary rag when special napkins have been invented? But wouldn't it be better to use cheap and effective window cleaners? The effect is the same.

Window cleaning methods:

1 way

Before getting down to business, you need to take a cotton swab, toothpick, sponge, napkin, linen rag, warm water, vinegar. We clean all the openings with a toothpick and a stick from contamination. We wash the window frames with a sponge dipped in warm soapy water and wipe with a dry cloth.

Then pour clean water into a bucket (with the calculation of 1 liter of water + 2 tablespoons of vinegar). We wash the glass with a wet linen cloth and, therefore, a dry one or a sheet of a magazine. All! Windows shine and shine!

2 way

Another way to quickly clean windows. A solution should be prepared: 2 tbsp. l. starch, a little blue, 100 ml of ammonia, 100 ml of white vinegar, 4 liters of lukewarm water. Pour into a spray bottle and spray on the glass, rinse with water and wipe with a paper towel.

3 way

Another good way is to wash windows with a chalk solution. After drying, wipe with a clean cloth.

4 way

The housewives will be impressed by the cleaning method - it's potatoes. We wipe the glass with its half, rinse with water and wipe it with a napkin.

5 way

If someone wants to do this job even faster, then you can purchase a magnetic brush and the window will be transparent in 4 minutes! So, we make a soap solution and spray it on the glass.

Now we fix the double-sided brush in any corner and move along the path so that the water flows in the right direction (left, right and vice versa). The second time we wash with a brush with clean water. We remove the magnetic "assistant". Wipe the corners with a dry cloth.

6 way

And yet, some housewives use modern napkins made of ultra-fine fibers, after which there are no smudges, leaves no scratches, and even wipes fingerprints. It is enough just to moisten with water and wash the window. Unusual microfiber fabric has a high ability to absorb moisture. Wipe a second time with a strongly wrung out cloth.

7 way

A window washer with a scraper and a drive became famous. This special mop is designed for regular and high windows. We remove the dirt with a scraper, and wash off all the remnants of dirty water with a rubber squeegee. And no nasty marks or streaks.

8 way

For those who do not have such devices, there is a simple mop, on which we wind a rag and wash the outer window with water and vinegar, then wipe it.

9 way

An interesting way to clean windows can be done with the help of windshield wipers.

  • Free windows from everything superfluous.
  • When washing frames, do not use soda - it destroys the structure, corrodes the paint.
  • It is advisable to wash the windows not in hot and windy weather, otherwise there will be stains.
  • To prevent condensation from collecting on the windows, you can wipe it with glycerin and alcohol (1:10). And, of course, regularly ventilate the room so that there is normal humidity in the house.
  • In winter, we wipe the icy glass with salt water. In addition, this solution will add shine to the glass.
  • Start washing from the inside, then from the outside.
  • At the end of the work, it is better to wipe vertically, and then horizontally to avoid streaks.
  • Do not let the windowsill get wet. Following these rules, the windows will last longer. Although such work
  • occurs twice a year, but from time to time it is necessary to wipe the frames and glass dry from water and dust.

As you can see, you can adapt and do cleaning in the apartment without unnecessary costs and harm to health.

The consequences of frequent use of modern detergents can be irreversible. Many people have an allergic reaction to volatile substances found in window cleaning products, for example.


Also, from the use of household chemicals, the window profile and rubber bands for sealing deteriorate. Therefore, we will try the simplest home-made products that were described above.

They do not cause allergies, there is no pungent odor and are effective. It is very important to look for low-toxic and environmentally friendly window cleaning products.

No matter how long the world exists, there will always be people who have innovative abilities. They come up with all the best house cleaning methods. Many people ask themselves: "Well, what else can you think of, and there are already a lot of all sorts of means."

And yet, over time, something new, interesting and productive appears. Inquisitive women from time immemorial are in search of useful tips for the home, soul. And many will agree that the necessary information is now an incredible amount.

Thanks to the Internet, the libraries of economic women can be called a "living encyclopedia." They can easily answer any question about house cleaning, window cleaning, etc.

A real wise woman protects her reputation, therefore she keeps order and cleanliness. The truth is said that the windows are the “eyes” of the apartment. But this hard work can be a pleasure if you organize window cleaning together with the whole family.

This will greatly speed up and facilitate the work. In addition, such joint affairs hold the family together. The benefit of cleaning the house, cleaning windows is that a person will receive a positive charge of energy from the result of their labors.

With the onset of autumn cold or the first warm spring days, many housewives remember that it's time to wash the windows.

Cloudy glass, covered with a layer of dust and spattered with rain or snow, looks depressing.

So, it's time to get down to business and thoroughly wash the windows, then the world outside the window will change and appear before you in completely different colors - brighter, sunny and joyful.

The main question that worries all housewives is how to wash windows without streaks. I want the glasses to sparkle with cleanliness, to be perfectly transparent and shiny.

Today, there are many window cleaners on the market, and there are quite a few proven folk methods. However, some of them may leave streaks on the glass.

Let's look at how to properly wash windows so that they do not have streaks:

  • Washing windows is best on cloudy days. Since in the bright sun, detergents dry out very quickly and stains and stains appear on the glasses.
  • For washing, you can use ordinary soapy water. Prepare two containers of clean and soapy water and two rags in advance.
  • Wash the windows first with soapy water and then with clean water.
  • Then wipe the glass with a clean, dry microfiber cloth. It perfectly absorbs water and does not leave streaks on the windows.
  • At the end, wipe the glass with a regular newspaper, it will absorb all the remaining moisture and give the glass a shine. This is the old tried and true way to keep your windows clean and streak free.
  • And to give the windows a dazzling shine, at the end you can sprinkle the newspaper with Sekunda glass cleaner and wipe the windows again.

What do you need to wash?

  • Other folk remedies are also good for washing windows. For example, salted water with the addition of vinegar or ammonia diluted in water. After using them, you also need to rinse the window with clean water, wipe it with a dry cloth and rub it with a newspaper.
  • Industrial products also do a good job of cleaning windows. Usually they contain the same alcohol. But is it worth overpaying if there is no difference? But such products will be good for washing plastic frames, but it is better to wash classic wooden frames with soap and water.
  • It is not recommended to use soda or washing powder, they clean glass well, but can cause yellowing of white frames and scratches.
  • For cleaning windows, you can also purchase special scrapers with a rubberized and soft nozzle. It is better to move it horizontally so that the water glass to the side. Don't forget to rinse the scraper from dirt. However, many people prefer to use soft, lint-free cloths for washing.


Why are there divorces?

You can quickly wash the windows in the kitchen without streaks with the help of completely inexpensive and affordable products that every housewife can find.

In order for the windows to shine with cleanliness, you need to figure out why certain products leave streaks or lead to a quick clouding of the glass.

The sequence of actions to remove dirt and dust is not followed. Residue of detergent remains on the glass, which forms a cloudy film.

How to avoid divorce?

The procedure is very simple. First, the frame is washed, and then the double-glazed window. In this case, there will be no annoying divorces in the corners. It is convenient to clean plastic windows at the junction of the sashes with toothpicks and cotton swabs. They get all the dirt out of the grooves.

Glass is washed according to the basic principle:

  • Soak up the dirt.
  • Delete her.
  • Rinse the detergent from the glass surface.
  • Wipe the window dry.
  • Polish glass.

How is it actually done?

  1. Spraying detergent from a spray bottle, soften drops of fat and adhering dust. With a scraper, we remove especially stubborn stains and drive dirt down the windows.
  2. Re-apply the detergent to the window and remove it with a napkin or rubber squeegee. It is important that the washcloth does not leave lint. Linen napkins, microfiber, spandex are suitable for windows.
  3. We wipe the glass with clean water, removing the glass cleaner. To make the window shine, you can add vinegar or ammonia to the water. If you dilute a small amount of copper sulfate or blue in water, we get a greenish or blue tint of glass.
  4. From the side of the street, an antistatic agent can be used for the window. With it, dust will not stick to the window. If she lies on the frame, she will not stick to it. In this case, subsequent cleaning will be much faster and more pleasant.
  5. We wipe the surface of the double-glazed window dry, often changing napkins. At this stage, it is important that the surface is thoroughly cleaned.
  6. We polish dry glass with paper or unnecessary nylon tights.

Home glass cleaners

  • Vinegar water. Table vinegar 9% is added to clean water at the rate of a couple of tablespoons for each liter of liquid.
  • Ammonia with starch. For 100 ml of pharmaceutical ammonia, the same amount of vinegar, 4 liters of pure water and 30 mg of potato starch are taken. If you want, you can add a little blue.
  • Ordinary ammonia. A solution is made at the rate of 15 mg of ammonia per 1 liter of water.
  • Soap solution. Used to wash frames. A grated bar of soap is stirred until completely dissolved with warm water.
  • Starch. A tablespoon of starch is added to a liter of water.
  • Manganese. Dilute a few crystals in water until light pink in color. Do not allow it to hit the frames.
  • Chalk. Mix a glass of water with three tablespoons of powdered chalk. Treat the glass with this paste and leave for a while. Then wipe off with a dry cloth.

Persistent greasy drops dissolve well with dishwashing detergent. A mixture of glycerin with alcohol 1 to 10 will not allow condensation to settle on the windows during the cold season.

A weak solution of table salt will prevent windows from icing. However, it is worth considering the ability of salt crystals to accumulate moisture in themselves.

Useful advice!

For particularly dirty windows, household chemicals may be required. When choosing a detergent, you need to pay attention to what type of frames it is suitable for. Can it be used on wooden or plastic surfaces, does it destroy the lacquer coating, etc.

It happens that you need to put in order the purchased apartment, where, it seems, they have never fought with grease and dirt. In this case, you can turn to automotive glass and mirror cleaners.

They work great on the road and can help out in emergency situations. The main thing is to stock up on a good mood for the whole day, and any dirt will be defeated.

source: http://ikuch.ru

Necessary means and tools

Necessary means and tools

In autumn and spring, many housewives traditionally arrange general cleaning, including washing windows.

It would seem that the question “how to wash windows” has long lost its relevance, because there are so many effective and affordable products in stores.

However, it is not uncommon to hear calls to ditch the omnipotent household chemicals in favor of more sustainable home remedies.

Indeed, the composition of ready-made glass cleaners sometimes includes substances that are unsafe for health.

By the way, additional information on how to properly wash windows will not hurt you even if you are used to using ready-made products for this purpose. Sometimes even after treatment with a special composition, ugly stains remain on the glasses.

And modern double-glazed windows in plastic frames are a completely separate issue. For them, not only special cleaners are produced, but also many auxiliary tools that facilitate the washing process and improve its quality.

It is good when at any time of the year every window in an apartment or house sparkles with cleanliness. And, whatever the design of the window in the kitchen or in the bedroom, perfect cleanliness will be its best decoration.

  • Before washing windows, put on rubber cleaning gloves so that intensive contact with moisture and detergents does not damage the skin of your hands.
  • Napkins for cleaning window glass and plastic frames, it is better to choose from microfiber or artificial suede: they perfectly absorb both moisture and dirt particles. But for washing wooden frames, a cotton rag is useful.
  • It is very convenient to use such an accessory as a water squeegee when washing windows - with its help, excess detergent or water is removed from the glass. They are equipped with rubber blades that slide well on the glass surface.
  • A holder with a fur coat for washing windows, a distant relative of the familiar mop, will also be useful. A soft, but moderately abrasive fur coat will easily remove old stains, traces of bird droppings and other stubborn dirt from the glass.


  1. We pour clean water into the bucket, arm ourselves with a napkin and, wringing it out slightly, wipe the glass, removing the main accumulations of dirt and dust from them. You do not need detergents at this stage. Let stains remain on the windows, you will deal with them a little later.
  2. We replace the dirty water in the bucket with clean water and now wash the window sash. If it is heavily soiled, you can add a little shampoo or dishwashing gel to the water - these products will not cause much harm to wooden frames.
  3. The holder with a fur coat will help you cope with the dirt much faster. Then we change the water again and once again carefully wipe the frames to the last corner.
  4. Let's get back to the glass. We apply ready-made glass cleaner on them or process them according to one of the “grandmother's recipes” (see below). If we are dealing with a cleaner, then remove its remnants with a screed, and then wipe the glass with a synthetic napkin.
  5. If we use "grandmother's recipes", then if necessary (see the information published below), we wash them off with clean water, we also remove the remaining moisture with napkins.
  6. The final touch is to wipe the glass with crumpled old newspapers. There will be no trace of stains, and the glass will begin to shine beautifully.

Grandma's recipes

Our grandmothers did not have at their disposal any "Mr. Muscles" and other miraculous chemistry, but they always washed windows perfectly and were known as exemplary housewives. Their recipes have survived to this day and will surely appeal to those who are obsessed with savings in everyday life or eco-trends.

  1. In preparation for the final chord in the process of washing windows, add a few drops of ammonia or vinegar essence to the water. This little trick allows you to give the glass a dazzling shine.
  2. By the way, ammonia is often included in industrial cleaners. In the same way, by the way, you can tidy up the mirror in the bathroom, which over time loses its natural luster.
  3. Dilute 200 g of tooth powder or crushed chalk in a bucket of water. The water must be cold. You will not need any additional detergents. Wash the windows with this water, then rinse with clean water, wipe dry and polish with newspapers.
  4. You can add bleach to the water at the rate of 50 g of lime per 1 liter of water. But this solution is only suitable for washing wooden windows.

In the care of plastic windows, it is undesirable to use it, since yellowish spots may remain on the plastic frames, and it is difficult to remove them.

Divorces on the windows are a big nuisance that many housewives face during cleaning. No matter how they try to eliminate them, stains still appear again and completely spoil the appearance of the window. A similar situation happens with mirrors and other glass surfaces, so this problem is of a very large scale, and almost all modern housewives are racking their brains over finding ways to solve it. You still do not know how to wash windows so as not to leave streaks on them? Do you want to understand how you can wash windows without wasting time and effort? The guide will be able to answer all your current questions - now you will know how to clean windows quickly.

How to wash windows - popular means

Do you want to clean your windows without leaving streaks? Then you have to spend time finding and choosing the right detergent that can handle the dirt. In this regard, you can go in two ways, each of them has its own advantages and features:

  • Purchase of store funds. Today, the choice of detergents for treating windows and mirrors is amazing. There are both cheap and very expensive products, between which there is practically no difference - the high cost of expensive brands is due to the popularity of the brand. A store-bought product can be used immediately after purchase, in addition, it has an optimal composition, so you can quickly wash windows without any effort. There is only one minus for store funds - you will have to spend your money and time on their purchase.
  • Folk recipes. How to wash windows if there is no desire or opportunity to use store products? Folk recipes come to the rescue, which you can remember a lot. If you continue reading the guide, you will learn how to clean windows without detergent, using only homemade solutions and formulations.

It is up to you to decide how to wash windows without streaks - a purchased or home-made product. If you trust store-bought products but they don't give you the results you want, try one of the recipes below. You probably will not regret using a folk remedy.

How to prepare for window cleaning?

Do you need to wash windows so that the result pleases you for a very long time? In this case, regular cleaning will not be enough - you need to be well prepared for the process. So, you need to prepare such things:

Now that you are ready to clean the windows, you can begin this procedure. Are you using a store-bought product? You can get started now. Do you want to make a tool with your own hands? The best recipes below!

Homemade Window Cleaner Recipes

Interested in how to wash windows without streaks at home using folk recipes? Luckily for you, there are many home remedies that can help you deal with pollution:

  • Newsprint. Auxiliary tool that allows you to dry the surface of the windows and completely get rid of streaks. The newspaper absorbs excess moisture well, and the lead contained in it gives the glass a special shine that cannot be achieved by other methods.
  • Chalk. Another way to properly wash windows without streaks. First of all, the windows are washed with warm soapy water, then wiped with plenty of crushed chalk. A few minutes after the window has dried, the remaining chalk is carefully removed with a dry, clean cloth.
  • Vinegar. A warm vinegar solution in water is great as a basic window cleaner. After this treatment, it is enough to rinse the window with clean water to make it clean.
  • starch solution. It is necessary to mix starch with water (one tablespoon per liter), add 50 g of bleach (per liter of water), mix and use to clean windows.
  • Salt. An additional agent that must be added to the solution. Adds shine to windows.

The question of how to wash windows at home is fully disclosed. Now it remains to find out exactly how to clean the windows so as not to leave streaks on them. There are many recommendations.

How to clean windows the right way - the complete guide

Not everyone knows how to wash plastic windows (as well as any other structures) without streaks, which is why further detailed instructions will be very useful for you:

  1. Before you properly wash the window, you need to clean the window frames. Wooden frames can be cleaned with warm, soapy water and detergent diluted in it. In this case, it is necessary to dose water - from a large amount of moisture, the tree can deteriorate. Lacquered wood frames can be washed with cold strong tea to remove dirt and add shine to them. Plastic and aluminum window frames are easy to clean with water or one of the homemade recipes above. For better cleaning, use a hard sponge.
  2. How to wash windows properly if the frames are completely washed? Prepare a window cleaning solution, then soak a sponge in it. It is necessary to wipe the glass with vertical movements from top to bottom. Do not wash windows first in one direction, then in the other - this way stains are guaranteed to remain on the glass. How can you clean windows without streaks? It is recommended to use sponges and sponges made of natural materials - they absorb water much better and prevent stains from remaining on the glass surface. Now you can move on to the next step.
  3. How to wash windows to a shine when you have already treated all surfaces? It's time to work with the screed. If this device is not available, you can get by with newsprint. Go down the windows with a screed or paper from top to bottom, removing all moisture and dirt, then wet the window and repeat the pass again. This must be done until all water and dirt is removed from the window.
  4. The final stage is wiping the surface of the washed glass with a completely dry cloth, which will allow you to get rid of dust adhering to the windows, as well as to completely erase the stains. How to wash windows well at this stage? Rub very intensively - spare no effort. As a result, the window should become completely transparent, as if it does not exist at all. After washing the windows, once again go over the frames and window sills with a rag, preventing dirt and dust from getting on the windows. On this window cleaning can be considered complete - you can relax after the work done.

As you can see, cleaning windows cleanly and quickly at home is not so difficult if you approach this matter from the right side. Choose the best store-bought products and supplement their power with homemade recipes, pick up good sponges and other accessories necessary for cleaning windows, so that the result of your work is guaranteed to please you. Now you know how to quickly clean windows without streaks - use these skills in your daily life to keep your windows always clean!