What does a man appreciate in a woman? The main qualities of a woman that men appreciate: a list, features and recommendations

For some reason, it is generally believed that men pay attention only to busty and long-legged beauties, whose appearance is similar to that of an angel. Of course, natural data play a significant role, but the inner content is much more important.

No matter how beautiful the girl is, if she is sloppy or stupid, the man will soon leave her and begin to look for a more interesting soul mate. What qualities do men value in a woman? Now we will consider this topic in more detail and even make a small list. Of course, someone may object: they say, isn't there a lot of honor? After all, the representatives of the stronger sex are often far from angels. We will not argue. And they leave a lot to be desired. But we are now interested in the list of women.

Qualities that men appreciate. Honesty

In any relationship between a man and a woman, trust is very important. When a young man more than once convicts his chosen one of a lie, then we can safely say that the relationship will end soon. A girl who has committed any minor offense must definitely muster up the courage and tell her life partner about everything. Otherwise, even the smallest lie can lead to a scandal or separation in the future. Honesty and sincerity are the main qualities of a woman that men appreciate.

Emotional stability

Not a single representative of the stronger sex can endure the constant tantrums that a woman arranges. Of course, you don’t need to go from one extreme to another, and sometimes it’s even useful to cry a little. Especially if you remember that every man is a protector. But it’s still not worth throwing up scandals accompanied by breaking dishes. It is better to try to calmly understand the problem and come up with a solution.

Ability to ask for help

What other qualities of a woman exist that men appreciate? For example, the ability to ask for help. A man just needs to feel needed and useful. You should not assume that most of the stronger sex will not pay any attention to a request for help. For example, a girl passing by a young man smiles and asks him how to get to such and such an address. Is the guy not going to respond?

If the sympathy is mutual, then the young man may offer a beautiful lady to accompany her to her destination.

The same should happen when a man and a woman are already living together. Do not forget about the nature of the defender. So, the usual request to help move the table for a long time will make the guy feel proud. And tenderness ... to a fragile creature, whose name is a woman.

Self confidence

What do men value in a woman? Self confidence. Very often, girls begin to doubt their appearance, figure, and so on, literally bombarding their man with questions like: “Maybe I need to lose weight?” (change hairstyle, clothing style, dye hair, and so on). Thus, she unconsciously makes the male gaze notice small flaws that were not previously visible. The guy begins to think and soon becomes disappointed in his companion.

What to do to prevent this from happening? If a woman decides to change (no matter what the changes will be), she must be aware that she is doing this for herself. Therefore, the new image should be liked first of all by the girl herself, and only then by everyone around. A man himself is able to express his opinion when he sees something new in the appearance of his soulmate. If he does not notice the changes, then maybe you should look for another life partner?

Ability to listen

If we talk about the qualities of a woman that men value, then, of course, the ability to listen belongs to them.

Very often you can hear the phrase that girls are real talkers, and it is absolutely impossible to stop them. Of course, no one is going to argue with this statement, but you should not forget about men either. Many representatives of the stronger sex like to talk about life, work or just about their hobby.

Women in this case can be advised to be patient and learn to listen carefully to the opponent. At the same time, the girl should not just nod her head when answering questions, but fully participate in the conversation (sometimes sympathizing and empathizing, and sometimes laughing or asking relevant questions). The main thing is not to interrupt the man, trying to tell him a similar story from your life. It is better to wait until he finishes, and only after that tell what he wanted.

If a girl is really sincere about a young man, then she will not have to force herself to listen to men's stories. As a rule, care and attention come along with love. Therefore, in most cases, a woman will want to inquire about the affairs and success of her man herself.


What qualities do men value in a woman? For example, unobtrusiveness. In this paragraph, we are talking about girls who very often demand gifts from their men. Under no circumstances should this be done! At such moments, many guys begin to feel not good enough and unable to surprise the lady of the heart.

To make a young man feel needed, you need to allow him to surprise you. That is, a girl should enjoy an unexpected romantic dinner or a small present, and so on. In extreme cases, a woman can afford to make a subtle hint to her soulmate. For example, to talk about a friend who goes on vacation with her husband, and the like. Thus, no demands will be made on the man, but the thought will be put in his head that he, too, should please his beloved. The main thing is not to make hints too often, otherwise even they will turn into obsessive reproaches.

Ready for the first step

What other qualities of a woman are there that men appreciate? Ready for the first step. It is much more difficult for men to take the first step in the beginning of communication because of their increased self-esteem. They are afraid of being rejected. Therefore, they can decide for a long time to talk to a girl or just smile at her.

If a woman sees that a young man is constantly looking at her, but does not approach, it is quite acceptable to do this first. Even an unobtrusive smile can be an occasion for closer communication. Taking the first step, the girl confirms mutual sympathy, liberating the guy and making him more self-confident.

Good sense of humour

Talking about the qualities of a woman that men appreciate, we will also mention the good. Sonorous, and most importantly, sincere laughter makes a woman in demand among guys. This is how the male half of humanity is arranged, that they love it when their skills are admired. So, a girl who laughs coquettishly (but not feignedly!) in response to a joke told by a guy will immediately interest the narrator.

Owners of a fervent laugh and a cheerful disposition have always been popular among men, even if the appearance of a girl is not the ultimate dream. But gloomy and gloomy young ladies with good natural data for some reason scare away the representatives of the stronger sex.

The main thing is not to try to squeeze out laughter if the joke did not seem funny. It's better to just smile.


What qualities of a man does an Aries woman appreciate? Sympathy. However, this quality is valuable for both women and guys, and the zodiac sign also does not play a special role. Any girl should feel her soul mate and understand when a man needs advice or just support. The main thing is to always show the young man that he is not alone, they believe in him and love him. Naturally, the same is expected from guys.

You should not scold your life partner if he wants to try himself in something new. On the contrary, a woman is simply obliged to encourage a man in his endeavors. This must be done even when the girl herself is not sure of the success of the venture. In life, there have been a huge number of cases when a man, inspired by the support of his beloved, achieved simply incredible success.


What do men value in a woman? Naturalness. There are two points to be made here. The first is natural behavior, which is very attractive to the strong half of humanity. Girls should not even try to impress with unnatural behavior. After all, even if a young man becomes interested, then in the future he will most likely be disappointed. After all, it is impossible to live your whole life, watching how to talk, walk, and so on. Soon the girl herself will betray her true nature, but whether a man likes her or not is already a question. And again, naturalness and openness in behavior are the qualities of a man that women appreciate in a relationship. Yes, that's how everything is connected.

Second point. Naturalness can be understood as natural beauty, and not the abuse of makeup. “War paint”, as a bright make-up is often called, can scare a man away. After all, a real face is hidden under a layer of cosmetics, which means that the girl is embarrassed or ashamed of something. When a woman’s face is made up of natural tones, the young man immediately understands that this representative of the weaker sex has nothing to hide.


Now you know what qualities men value in women (a list of them is presented in the article). We hope that the information will help the lovely ladies in life become even better.

First of all, it should be borne in mind that with age, the requirements of a modern man to a woman change. The survey showed that at the age of 20-25, most of all, men value intelligence in a woman, then sexuality, and they put beauty only in third place. This is understandable: at this age, men's main desire is to make a career. From the point of view of their attitude towards women, they are ready to get acquainted an infinite number of times: the more, the merrier.
By the age of 30 and older, when a man already has a lot of experience with women, his taste changes and becomes more refined. Now he needs women who would fulfill a certain role, for example, wife and mother. At this age, men tend to settle down. Along with the mind, many men of this age highlight such a quality in a woman as tenderness.
After 40 years, the main thing for a man is that a woman understands him and takes care of him. At the same time, female beauty fades into the background, and mutual understanding plays an increasingly important role.
In general, it should be noted that the most attractive feature of a woman for a man is her sex appeal. Moreover, it is impossible to determine this quality, since it is something elusive, perceived by a man at the subconscious level. And the factors that attract some men may repel others. But most men are similar in their tastes: the more sensuality and femininity a woman has, the more attractive she is.
An important component of sex appeal, of course, is appearance. It is believed that a beautiful woman should be slim, with long legs, with beautiful or just large breasts, rounded hips and ass. For some reason, many women, speaking of harmony, mean a thin figure. Obviously, they take fashion models, tall and skinny, as a model. Women with painful thinness attract only 8% of men, and the remaining 92% will prefer to look at a fashion show pornographic magazines, where women with completely different figures are filmed.
Those women who, exhausting their bodies with all kinds of diets, are also mistaken, are trying to lose weight and achieve "classic" sizes of the chest, waist and hips: 90-60-90. Many men just the opposite like bbw. In fact, the harmony of a female figure does not depend on the weight and size of its individual parts, but on the ratio of their volumes, that is, on the presence of body curves that are seductive for men. Attractive for most men is a woman, even overweight, if her waist is about 70% of the hips.
Perfect facial features and eye-catching makeup are also far from the most important means of attracting a man's attention. Most men are attracted to women facial expressions, gaze, body movements. If you want to be noticed, move. Please note that when you are sitting still (for example, in a subway car), the men in front of you may not look at you, but as soon as you straighten your hair, change your position, for example, push your leg forward, their eyes will turn to you. Therefore, whether you are talking or silent, do not sit or stand still. Change your position, straighten your hair, smooth out your dress. Pay special attention to your gait. You need to ensure that your gestures and movements are smooth, soft, graceful.
The sexuality of a woman emphasizes her clothes. However, this does not mean that it should be expensive. And it is not at all necessary that the sexy clothes that men like should expose the parts of the female body that are seductive for them. The question of how a woman can emphasize her individuality and sex appeal with the help of clothes deserves a separate discussion, and we will return to it in one of the future mailing lists.
But not only external moments attract a man in a woman. Surveys show that it is important for men that a woman:
· She was confident. According to men, this adds to her sexuality.
· She showed independence, but not so much that the man in her life felt unnecessary.
· She was smart (a stupid woman repels), but not very intellectual.
· She did not earn more than a man, as this deals a significant blow to his pride. Men may appreciate business women as partners in business, but not in sex.
· She was sociable and easily entered the company.
· She was not nervous over trifles and did not make a tragedy out of everything.
· She was playful, able to tease and take a joke.
· She did not annoy with her constant desire to lose weight and talk about it.
· She was well-groomed and took care of herself.
· She knew how to get along with her mother-in-law.
Thus, although many of the recommendations given here are of a general nature, yet every woman should choose her own image and line of behavior that would be attractive to her chosen one.

What do men value in women? You can find out what is valued in the female manifestation of a man from many sources, and the list of qualities (often very different) will depend on them. Learning what men appreciate in a woman in the first place, asking in a purely male company, you can hear a list of the main physical virtues manifested in external beauty, youth, excellent intimacy, a cheerful disposition, the absence of a chainsaw mode and somewhere on the last place, but the mind will still be voiced, since it is extremely important in the intervals between walking around beautiful places and somersaulting in bed to talk about something, without falling into a coma from the boundless stupidity of the partner.

But if a lady asks her man the same question, then the answers will be based on her qualities and analysis of recent conversations and quarrels, in such a picture there is little room for frankness, because when her woman asks like this, the male brain works at maximum speed to give out information that will not offend the companion. Finding out on your own, you can hear a list of what you yourself imputed to him as your own value (“To cook deliciously, meet at home and remember all the holidays,” says a man trained by scandals who prefers silent dancers).

It remains to include logic, since it is in most cases that men are guided by it, it is in a woman that a feeling of pity can interrupt all arguments. Men live in the material world and sensitively feel that how much it costs, and the importance and value of something in their life is determined not so much by the objective characteristics of the object, but by the amount of effort invested. Those. a phone with excellent functionality, sold in any store, will subjectively be valued less than the one that had to wait six months, ordering abroad. The same practice with women and relationships - the more a man invests (time, money, fantasy), the more valuable a woman becomes to him. Do not refuse expensive gifts, choose places that are difficult to get to, make him sacrifice sleep for the sake of communication, so that the man invests in your relationship as much as possible. This is not too much, he does not need so much rest and this is not the last money, with a good man he will find where else to earn money, and constantly lowering the bar, you will receive one flower in honor of your birthday and risk being exchanged for a bitchy lady demanding diamonds.

What does a man value most in a woman?

Looking for an answer to the question of what men value in a woman in the first place, try to move away from stereotypes and advice from the forums, and evaluate a specific man (after all, the question was born not out of idle curiosity, but out of a desire to please a guy). Many, falling into the trap of a replicated opinion, adjust themselves to the advice of magazines and become one in a thousand, while guys value first of all. This even applies to appearance - having grown hair of the same length, put on jeans that are fashionable this season and make the appropriate makeup, the girls become like sisters. For following the glossy standards, this can be good, and the guys joke that they can accidentally mix it up and bring home not their girlfriend. In appearance, grooming, health, one's own style are valued - this is what will be forever and in demand, everything else does not catch men much, they do not understand the latest collections (and those who understand appreciate representatives of their own sex more). Well-groomedness and naturalness are valued above fashion and plastic surgery. Almost everyone has chosen the one who can sleepily go on a trip with her hair tousled, instead of the one that spends two hours before leaving the bathroom. Lightness and impromptu are more important, lightness and a cheerful disposition, a sense of humor and fortitude outweigh any fashionable heels or hyaluron in the lips in value.

The requirements for appearance seem to be much less than women used to think, but for character and brains there are much more. Men appreciate the ease of communication and self-confidence, since being an eternal pusher in the development and movement of a girl is rather tiring, but periodically learning something new (since she has her own interests and aspirations) and being able not to bear total responsibility for her life (since she is able to cope with some difficulties herself if he is not around) - they make life easier for a man and bring a drop of inspiration and a fresh breeze into it.

Erudition and the ability to keep up a conversation on a variety of topics increases the feminine value and attractiveness compared to the stupid blinking of beautiful eyelashes. A man needs a woman who will be both a reliable friend and an interesting conversationalist - they don’t leave this one, because she is in several areas of his life at once and is able to replace many. But a girl who does not shine with upbringing and education will fit as a pet, beloved, but not as valuable as others.

Men, like women, value reliability, which in this case takes the form of predictability, i.e. if you used to give him a free Friday evening, go to hockey together, and then, after finishing your PR campaign, close him at home and drag him to the opera, this is a failure. It is better to initially remain honest or already keep the chosen style of behavior to the grave. Otherwise, the thoughts “what will she soak tomorrow?” so increase the level of male anxiety that he will run away.

But at the same time, men appreciate the variety of emotions experienced next to you. They will appreciate more the one that made a scandal today, plunged into a waterfall of love tomorrow, and a week later was submissive as a harem concubine. Constantly cute ladies only cause boredom and a desire to look around in search of an emotional shake-up, not to mention the eternal brawlers.

The ability to directly express their emotions and thereby stimulate new states in a man is very valuable for them, since the emotional sphere is mostly accessible to a man through a woman. And when a woman hides and closes her own manifestations, afraid to seem stupid or ridiculous, a man becomes as insipid as at a company meeting. The ability to enjoy and rejoice at what is, is a rather attractive feature, that the most interesting thing is the ability to enjoy the barberry causes a man to take such a girl to a gourmet restaurant (to see how much delight this trip will cause), and the one that finds fault with the quality of a leather chair , I do not want to spoil at all. Men want to see their value and appreciate those who give them such a feeling. The ability to enjoy is a signal of emancipation and the ability of a woman to enjoy intimacy, which is why they love those women who absorb food with appetite, licking their fingers, for the sake of pleasure, and not diets and etiquette.

It is believed that speaking out is a female way of solving problems, but it is very important for men to be listened to, unfortunately not everyone knows how to listen without reproaches and assessing the situation. You need to be able to show patience and acceptance, and even if a man has been walking in a circle for two hours in a situation whose solution you know, “do not run ahead of the engine” with your advice and sayings “isn’t it clear?”, It’s better to push the man to resolve the issue with suggestive phrases.

Sincerity, modesty, kindness and care are what begin to attract at the later stages of dating or older men who realized that beauty can be looked at, and the fireworks of emotional intensity and passions turn on for a short time, and then fatigue appears from it. Every man, having received confirmation of his own coolness, at some point needs a place where he will be taken care of, where he can show weaknesses or lick his wounds without fear of being stabbed in the back. This is possible only next to a strong, accepting and wise woman who needs a man not as a function of a breadwinner and protector, but as a unique and inimitable personality.

What men value in women - psychology

Men are not as whimsical in terms of relationships as women, and if they have already committed themselves to some kind of obligations and everything is not going smoothly, then they are unlikely to leave immediately. In order for a man to decide to leave, events must violate one of the basic needs. In principle, if a woman satisfies the basic psychological needs of a man, then he will appreciate these relationships, and all her other beautiful manifestations will be just a nice bonus.

The feeling of support and self-identity in women's eyes is what nourishes the male soul. To be the best and the king at home, even if going beyond it, he is a simple electrician (especially if he is a simple electrician) is extremely necessary for a man. To have a place where they will always be for him, understood and accepted, gives strength to many accomplishments and daily struggle in the outside world. One man left the relationship, saying, “I work at home, but I go to work to rest.” They come to a woman for the opportunity to exhale, to fall on their knees, to receive support and attention in order to patch up wounds, restore strength and go back, "to get mammoths and slay dragons."

The next most important quality of a woman is fidelity, and not only in physical intimate terms (it’s bitter when children look like a neighbor), but also emotionally. This is about the fact that there will be no betrayal, and in the event of a change in conditions, he will not be abandoned (for example, in case of loss of a job, physical attractiveness or potency).

And, of course, manifestations of intimacy and love. This includes not only intimacy, but also hugs, stroking in passing, the opportunity to sit, touching, affectionate words. If it is dosed or used as a manipulation, then the man begins to look for another source of getting something like that. This is not about betrayal, but about the feeling of being needed and loved.

And men are extremely reluctant to get involved in women's activities - endless shopping trips (although he will gladly help you choose a set of underwear), gossip of girlfriends (but he will remember compromising information on a colleague), causeless jealousy (although he can regard it as a compliment). Be guided by the situation, and do not break through reality where you meet resistance. Men appreciate women who can ask for help or explain something much more than those who force or cope on their own.

A woman who knows herself, works on her inner world and openly manifests desires, instead of being manipulated and covered with a beautiful mask, is valued, perhaps not immediately, but stronger and longer.

Good afternoon, precious readers! Recently I wrote about how to learn to respect a man. But it turned out that many girls are faced with another problem: how to make your spouse respect you? Are you getting enough respect for yourself? Is this topic relevant to you? We will talk about what kind of women men respect. And also about how to become such a beautiful woman.

Bitch or cute girl?

For some reason, our society likes to go to extremes. At first they try to be a good girl, but they meet disrespect for themselves. They get disappointed, run to the store for books about bitches, completely change their strategy ... But there is still no result. Again they are disappointed, they are carried away by lectures about Vedic wives, again they go to extremes ... But they just can’t figure out how to make a man treat them with respect.

And I want to say this: respect does not depend on whether you are trying to be strong or weak. It just depends how you feel about yourself.

Therefore, first of all, you need to think about the development of love for yourself. First of all, you need to accept and learn to appreciate yourself. This is a must!

If you respect yourself, you will not allow a man to mistreat you. You will not allow him to be regularly late, neglect your interests, forget his promises ... And you will not want to play the role of "girl for the evening." No matter how wonderful the cavalier is!

Not allowing yourself to be treated badly does not mean that you have to be tough and strong. Not at all!

Let's take a simple example: a man is late. In principle, this is not the worst thing. Some people are catastrophically non-punctual and cannot show up on time. If otherwise your boyfriend is perfect, you can forgive him such a weakness and come to meetings yourself half an hour later than scheduled. However, in most cases, simply forgiving lateness is not worth it. In most cases (unless there are urgent circumstances), the man can arrive on time, if you try hard. The problem is that many do not consider it necessary to try ...

So, let's imagine that your man is late. The first time - okay, anything can happen. But the second time he didn't come on time either... Traffic jams, delays at work, running out of gas... What will you do?

You can make a scandal by yelling that you will not allow him to behave like this. You can somehow humiliate him in a bitchy way. But these are not signs of your self-respect. Rather, on the contrary.

If you know your worth, you can act in two ways: simply decide that this man is not suitable for you and calmly stop communicating with him. No relationship clarification. Or try to give it another chance. In this case, it is better to gently hint to him that you are so impatient, it is so difficult for you to wait for him, you are so tired after work ... The main thing is intonation. Not hitting, not claims, but soft complaints. You ask for protection and help, and do not set your own conditions! And if that doesn’t work, we can calmly stop talking. No tantrums.

This is what I call self respect. We do not tolerate the misbehavior of a boyfriend. But we don’t scandalize, we don’t try to take revenge, insult ... Why? We simply weed out unsuitable men or gently teach them how to behave around you.

What will be the attitude of a man towards you after the described situation? Respect is in the little things. Your date will quickly realize that if he wants to be close to you, he must be on time. Must remember to call you. Escort you home. Warn you in advance of a change of plans. Consider your opinion. At the same time, if you started to swear, the attitude towards you would not be the best. Therefore, wise girls still do not climb on the rampage.

Respect yourself - what does it mean?

  • Forget the belief that you are unworthy of the best man and the best treatment for yourself;
  • Respect other people yourself. Do not be late, consider their interests, do not neglect others. Be respectful to the service personnel - cleaners, cashiers, phone operators ...
  • Do not allow your personal boundaries to be crossed. Stop familiarity with unfamiliar people, do not answer personal questions if you do not have a desire to do so.
  • Don't make excuses. If you made a mistake, apologize. And if necessary, correct the mistake, make amends. But don't make excuses.
  • You must know what you want. And listen to your desires, your values, and not just go with the flow.
  • about your well-being.
  • Do not cling to those people who do not want to communicate with you. At least not if they are close relatives.

Woman is a person

Men value women as individuals. This is undeniable. And personality is not synonymous with the word "bitch". This is a person who has his own ideals and constantly works on himself. Who never stops learning. Infinitely improving.

It should be noted that improvement can be done in different ways. You can learn to be softer and more patient. You can learn to be stronger and more purposeful. The main thing is not to grow your pride at the same time. Men do not like it when women actively demonstrate their intelligence, show their superiority. And a wise woman does not try to outdo a man. What for?

Why does a man stop respecting a girl? The reasons may be different. Sometimes this happens after sex, if a woman gave up very quickly. Sometimes - if the lady ceases to follow her principles ... Or the "rose-colored glasses" simply fall off the gentleman.

The main thing to understand is: start loving yourself. Respect comes from here. Realize that you deserve a lot. That you are not ready to be content with condescending treatment of yourself. That you are very valuable. Then men will look at you differently. Watch a good video on this topic:

What do men value most in women?

Sometimes you walk down the street and look at passers-by, and suddenly there is a feeling of resentment - why is this handsome guy in love with my girlfriend, and not with me? What do these guys need? What qualities are valued and what are they trying to avoid?

Sometimes you can hear the opinion that men love women only with a perfect face and body. But if we look around and remember a few of our acquaintances, then we will understand this far from being the case. And remember the examples in different teams - men are constantly spinning around some “gray mice”, and they don’t even pay attention to the recognized beauties.

So what do men appreciate in women?

Of course, every man considers himself an individual and, accordingly, wants to see some kind of zest in his girlfriend. And by the way, his desires change depending on what he wants at the moment - to find a wife, girlfriend or girlfriend for a pleasant pastime for the weekend.

So what qualities do men look for in women?

Firstly- self confidence. Men like to be around confident women. Men are attracted when a woman boldly looks into the eyes when she proudly and decisively enters the room. Over time, a man gets tired of constantly encouraging a girlfriend who needs excessive self-affirmation. It's nice for a man to sometimes support a girl if she needs to lean on a guy, but constantly providing support can be very annoying.

Secondly- good sense of humour. It is difficult to be around a boring and overly serious person. Men are pleased when girls willingly laugh at their jokes and themselves at ease joke in response. Of course, no one wants to connect their lives with a person who is gloomy most of the time and has a negative attitude towards everything. Women with a cheerful character and positive outlook on life have always attracted and will attract men.

Thirdly- elementary goodness. For any man, appearance is of great importance. It is unlikely that anyone will like to meet a girl who does not adhere to the rules of hygiene. Most men like feminine girls, because next to them it is easier to feel more masculine. Also, many guys prefer women with beautiful hair, it is believed that this is an indicator of health and grooming. A healthy woman with a toned, athletic body always attracts the attention of men.

Fourth- independence. Most men love independent women who can live their own lives. Of course, it is always nice to get attention from a woman, but when her interests revolve only around a man, this causes a feeling of excessive stickiness. Men need care and attention, but sometimes they need their own space. A man should feel like the "breadwinner" of the family, and a woman should be so dependent on him that she still feels that she needs him.

Fifth- understanding. Men want to see a woman who understands them nearby. A woman needs to accept a man as he is, and you can only make small adjustments. If a woman grumbles at her man all the time for no particular reason, then this is a big problem for their relationship. Although opposites attract, men want a woman to respect their beliefs and at the same time share her dislikes and likes. Men will appreciate the woman who can support them and appreciate them.

At sixth- loyalty and honesty. Any man needs a woman next to him who will always be devoted and will not lie to him. A man must be sure that his woman will not flirt with his friend if he is away for a while. A man wants to feel that he always has a true friend in the person of his woman and that you can always rely on her, even if difficult times come. This makes him stronger and more confident. Seeing a large number of divorces and separations due to infidelity, it becomes clear why this quality is so highly valued in our time.

Seventh- maturity and ability to speak. Sometimes baby talk can cause sympathy, but more often men prefer women with mature thinking. It is always nice to be in the company of a lady of the heart who is able to keep up an interesting conversation and not slide into a discussion of makeup and fashion news. Men prefer when a girl speaks interestingly and not too loudly. Foul language in a girl’s speech causes rejection among many men, so you should refrain from profanity in their presence.

Eighth- ease. Men are always pleased to be in a circle of women with whom it is pleasant to communicate, relaxed and laid-back, and they try to avoid overly tense women. Men are more willing to spend time with girls who are easy to please, who are easy-going and not afraid to ruin their makeup or hair.

Ninth- care. Men like women who take care of them, but within reasonable limits (. Small tokens, such as a clean and ironed shirt, go a long way. Men appreciate it when their woman notices minor details and tries to take care of their needs. But be aware that that every man needs his personal space and it is important not to overdo it.

tenth- support. Men need a woman who will support them, this is especially important if they are looking for a permanent relationship. For young guys at the beginning of their career path, the support of his girlfriend is especially important. Men need a friend who can listen without comments and bullying, someone who can give practical advice in difficult times and make sure that he can look decent in the eyes of others.

More interesting articles on how to understand men:

What are the psychological types of men -