What should you write to a guy so that he understands what you need? Master class: what to write to a guy to interest him

You do not know, what to say to a guy to make him fall in love? So this article is for you. Some girls are used to complaining about the lack of attention and love from their boyfriends. However, the question is, what do these girls do for their boyfriends to keep them interested and make them feel comfortable in a relationship? There is one golden rule: if you want to get something, you must give it in return. According to this, it is obvious that both partners need to work on their relationship!

Do you want to be on your boyfriend's mind all the time? Do you want him to be happy with you? Do you want your loved one to always be in a good mood? Don't know what to say to cheer him up? The solution to all problems related to your boyfriend's bad mood and lack of attention is to say a few words to him so that he smiles and falls in love with you even more!

How to say nice things to a guy

Most importantly, the words must come from the heart. When you don't stress out talking about your feelings. You express them. It's captivating right away. A man will feel that you are not afraid of him. Don't be afraid to open up. Show your real self. It immediately evokes feelings.

On the other hand, you should not overwhelm your loved one with compliments. It is best to say something at the most opportune moment. When he is emotionally ready for it. In this case, it will work the most. One cute phrase will make your heart beat faster, make it a day, and help create an atmosphere of love between you.

What to say to a guy to make him fall in love - phrases

#2 Every time you do little surprises for me, I think how cool you are. With you, every day is unpredictable and amazing.

#3 Relationships full of romance and love last a lifetime. Even if your boyfriend knows how much you love and cherish him, sending a romantic message won't be redundant.

#4 One cute text will make your heart beat faster, fill your day with positive and help create a loving atmosphere between you and your significant other.

#5 You owe me a pack of sleeping pills. Do you know why? Ever since I saw you, I have lost sleep.

#6 Magic is not in fairy tales, magic is between our hearts and souls.

#7 Even on a cloudy day, your smile can make my day bright and happy. You are my sun.

#8 I fell in love with you when you took my hand for the first time. It was the first time I experienced such a strong feeling.

#9 When you feel lonely, look at the sky: our hearts are connected by an invisible thread that helps you feel my love even from a distance.

#10 I think that a new synonym for "love" should appear in dictionaries, this synonym is your name.

#11 Three things in life I can watch forever: when the fire burns, the water flows and how you sleep. You are wonderful.

#12 The secret of my happiness is my love for you, it charges me with vital energy.

#13 You destroyed all my ideas about love, brought chaos to my heart and happiness to my life. I am very glad that this happened.

#14 With you, I feel like a princess, and I feel sorry for other girls, because I have the best man.

#15 We don't need words to communicate, our souls speak. I love you with all my heart.

#16 That evening, when we were walking under the stars, and you covered my shoulders with your jacket, I realized that I fell in love with you completely and irrevocably.

#17 Your kisses intoxicate more than wine, and I forget about everything.

#18 I used to think that I couldn't live without chocolate, good music and beautiful flowers. But when I met you, I realized that I can't live without you.

#19 You created heaven on earth for me. You my angel.

#20 The happiest moment of my life was when we kissed and hugged in the rain. Nothing else mattered except this moment and us in it.

Now you know what to say to a guy to make him fall in love. You can also come up with your own original phrases that best suit your state of mind. Good luck!

Try to remember the happiest moments in your relationship with your loved one. Why were you happy? Was it due to the fact that you and him just spent many happy hours together?

Or was it because of all the little things he did for you? His words and actions that made you feel loved, important to him.

Such as preparing your favorite dish for dinner with your own hands or booking a table for two in your favorite restaurant for the evening and arranging a romantic date. Or organize a day of relaxation and enjoyment for you by ordering spa services, massages and seaweed wraps.

Truly just consist of such moments - sincere, unexpected, touching.

But what if such manifestations of attention on his part are becoming less and less every day? Perhaps the fact is that you do not respond to him with similar mutual actions. You do not thank and sincerely do not rejoice at his manifestations of care and love towards you.

It is important for a man to know that you are happy next to him.

SMS to your belovedman

So where would you start? What to write to your beloved man in SMS?

My suggestion - start with the simplest, with love SMS to a man , each of which can positively affect your relationship.By the way, at the trainings that I conduct, sending"correct" SMS to a man straight from the hall. The result is not long in coming)

Those who visit them know that one of my recommendations is to start messages by addressing them by name, without using identities and diminutives like"bunny, baby, teddy bear, pie" etc. As an example of one of the nice SMS to a man, which he will definitely like if you have been very busy lately:

“Dear Sergey, forgive me for paying so little attention to you lately. Thank you for what you ... (we write what he specifically did). I was very pleased! And I promise to get better." .

And now I bring to your attention 19 templates, which, in combination with the above recommendation, will help you send win-win in any situation.SMS to beloved man.

  1. I love your (your, yours)...

Are there people who don't like receiving compliments? When you write erotic or romantic SMS to your beloved man,indicate something specific and not too banal instead of three dots: a sexy voice, pumped up biceps, a languid look, etc.

  1. You are the most ... in this world!

Get creative with the gap you need to fill in by sendinglove sms for your loved one: kind, caring, gentle, cheerful, loving, best.

  1. I wish you good luck - you will be on top! I believe in you.

Similar SMS to a man it is appropriate to send when he is preparing to participate in some important event (thesis defense, a report at a conference, important negotiations on a robot). This seemingly banal short message can show how much you believe in its possibilities.

  1. Just sitting here and thinking about you

send it SMS to beloved man, and after a few minutes something like:“I just heard our song on the radio” .

  1. I miss you

Too trite? Then d add a little clarification: I miss your voice, smell, touch, strong hugs.

  1. I'm so glad you are in my life

If in this SMS to beloved manadd a line starting with"because…", you can count on a particularly passionate kiss the next time you meet.

  1. Excuse me like that)…

For example, if you are very late, write to him“Excuse me like this. I'm late and won't be able to come on time." Do not make him wait for hours for your arrival, let him know if you do not have time for the agreed time.

Such messages make it clear that you value his time, and therefore respect him.

  1. I have a little surprise for you...

Not only children love surprises. Adult men also go crazy with all sorts of unexpected things. This kind of spontaneity is the lifeblood of long-term relationships.

  1. Thank you / thank you for helping me / for pampering me ...

Breakfast in bed, a gift, a no-hassle day, a downloaded new episode of my favorite show. Show appreciation for any such actions of your man.

  1. I need you.

Send similar SMS boyfriend you can, if you already have, he knows about your feelings. A man needs to feel needed. This will be a pleasant reminder for him.

  1. You are the best because... !

Everyone needs praise from time to time. And if at the same time a pleasant reason is also indicated, such SMS to a man has a double effect.

Agree, get a message"You are the best because you do a wonderful erotic massage" will be a great help for his male ego.

  1. Sweet dreams. I fall asleep thinking about you...

If you usually sleep in the same bed, but for some reason are away from each other, send a gentleSMS to beloved manwith this simple text and it creates the effect of your presence next to him.

  1. Have a nice day my hero!

All the tricks of love SMS to a man is to indicate the time period, which he should have a good one. Thus, you are hinting that after a good day, an even better evening can await him!

  1. I'm sorry... Let's reschedule our plans to/ I would like to ask you to reschedule our plans...

People who love each other don't need a thousand words to express their regret for something they can't accomplish. Just apologize if the plans were disrupted through your fault.

  1. Can I help you?

Or even better: "Let me take care of..." . Even the smallest help will once again remind him of how important he is to you. Especially when it comes to small everyday moments that distract a man from his global goal. For example, iron his shirt or make coffee.

  1. Be careful! You are playing with fire!

A similar message can be sent when you are sitting at a festive table with a certain number of guests, and he shows minor signs of attention to other women.

  1. Stop being so wonderful!

Or: cool, sexy, amazing. Despite the seemingly reproach, the subtext turns out to be very pleasant.

  1. Do you want to tell me a secret?

Send this SMS to a man , pause or wait for an affirmative answer and send a phrase like:“I just can’t get my head last night / night with you!” .

  1. Want you!

Many SMS to your beloved can help him wake up and excite a man during the day. But this message will definitely set his fantasy in motion and make his heart pound in anticipation.

What else can help you?

Here are some simple but importantSMS to your beloved man at night or instead of "good morning", which should be enough for quite a long time. Using them, you can show a man that you are constantly thinking about him.

Your support will be especially important for him. And gratitude for the things he has done, even if they are minor things, can significantly pamper his ego.

In addition, reminding yourself in the form of such SMS will have the opposite effect - he will think more about you, and this will positively affect your relationship.

Try to send one of these SMS to a man right now, if you really are. He will be really pleased. If you can, write in the comments about his reaction. It will be interesting to know!

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Do you think that the same boy from the class or the guy from the neighboring yard is the best in the world? In your own fantasies, you are already together, walking in the park, visiting cinemas and just sitting side by side, holding hands.

However, in reality, he is in no hurry to talk about love or sympathy and does not call for dates. And at one fine moment you decide to confess warm feelings, but you have absolutely no idea how to tell the guy that I like him. To tell honestly in a personal meeting or write a message on a social network? Consider all options.

Pressure and activity are, of course, wonderful, but before a "frank" confession, you need to make sure that you are at least not disgusting to the young man. Well, if you study together (at school or university) or "cool" in the same company, it will be easier to figure out his feelings. What to do specifically?

  1. Ask your friends (those you trust) to find out if he likes you or not. Probably, in a conversation with someone, he already made such hints. The exact certainty that he is not indifferent to you will untie your hands.
  2. Observe the behavior of the young man. Usually guys voluntarily or involuntarily show that they like this or that girl. Perhaps he sits next to you at recess, goes to the same events, or spends time with your company often.
  3. Notice if he looks at you when he thinks you don't notice. If so, then that's a good sign. Try next time to catch his gaze and not look away. If a guy maintains eye contact, he definitely likes you. If he turns away, he is probably just too modest.

However, do not overdo it in your "investigation". No need to constantly look at him to catch a look or ask friends about him. Such behavior may seem strange to him, he will either laugh at you, or begin to avoid meetings.

So, it seems to you that he is in love with you, or at least he likes you. If you are embarrassed to be the first to start a conversation about sympathy, try to get closer and make sure that the initiative comes from him. By the way, according to statistics, only 7% of girls do not hesitate to be the first to confess their feelings.

Do not tell a young man or boy that you like him if you practically do not communicate. Such confessions look too unexpected, which can scare a person away. In the future, it will be extremely difficult for you to restore normal relations.

What to do? How to let a boy or guy know that you care about him and encourage him to make a confession first? Psychologists suggest the following steps.

  1. Give him compliments, of course, it should not be rude flattery, but a slightly embellished truth. Everyone likes to hear warm words addressed to them, and your chosen one is no exception. You will flatter him, which will serve as a great start to a casual conversation. For instance:
    • “I saw how great you play basketball. You were especially good at the three-point shot. How long have you been playing sports?
    • “I found out that you won the Programming Olympiad. Have you been fond of computers and programs for a long time?
    • "Cool hairstyle! Where did you get your hair cut?"
  2. Discuss a common hobby (if any) or his passion. Ask why he chose cycling, skateboarding or programming. Don't be afraid to seem ignorant, just honestly warn that you like his job, but so far you know too little about him. Perhaps the guy himself will offer to teach you something or invite you to ride a bike together.
  3. Flirt a little with him to make him bolder. Probably, your chosen one already knows about the main signs of female sex games, so you can show your interest. Just do everything unobtrusively and not too unceremoniously, for example:
    • try winding a curl around your finger or pencil during a conversation;
    • do not cross your arms or legs when talking to him;
    • smile when you meet eyes;
    • inadvertently touch it (push it as a joke), lean on it when you get up.
  4. Invite him to some event. Do not say directly that this is a date, just explain that you wanted to go to a new movie with your girlfriend (you need to inform her first), but she “got sick”. Being nearby in a dark cinema hall will inspire him to confess his sympathy to you sooner.

Let's say the guy turned out to be not the most ingenious, but you still weren't upset and decided to confess your feelings yourself. And there is nothing wrong with such an initiative, because while you are waiting for confessions, a more determined girl may meet a young man. Let's figure out how to tell a guy that you like him.

  1. Choose the right moment to confess. Both you and the young man must be in a good mood, otherwise he will refuse to listen to you, and you will get angry and speak out of the case. Also make sure that none of you are in a hurry. Perhaps a long and detailed conversation is ahead.
  2. Recognition is best done in private, without strangers. Of course, having your best friend around will give you confidence and courage, but the young man may think that you are kidding. In the presence of his friends, the guy can get confused and generally refuse.
  3. Prepare a “solemn speech” in advance, for example, in front of a mirror. You can also practice pronouncing words with different intonations. Choose the one that seems the most convincing. Also, be prepared for an unpleasant outcome of the conversation - there is a chance (hopefully small) that he will not return your feelings.
  4. Do not speak directly, first choose a neutral topic. For example, take an interest in how the programming Olympiad went or what he will do on the weekend. Such a beginning is necessary in order to create a bridge to the main thing - your recognition. Questions might be:
    • - What are you going to do on Saturday?
    • - Do not know yet. And what?
    • - Katya invited me to a birthday party, said that you can come with a guy. I want to call you because I like you.
    • - How did the Programming Olympiad end?
    • - So-so. Became only the fourth.
    • - No need to worry. Still, I really like you.
  5. In order for a young person to take what is said seriously, speak clearly and clearly. If he is confused, say your confession again, demonstrating the seriousness of your intentions. So your auto-training in front of the mirror will not be in vain.
  6. If he is in no hurry to give at least some reaction, gently push him to the answer: "It was difficult for me to confess my sympathy to you, because I'm not sure if you like me or not." This will certainly encourage him to take a decisive step - a positive or negative answer. If a guy asks for time to sort out his feelings, don't rush him. Agree to return to this conversation in a couple of days.
  7. If the young man says that he doesn’t care about you or that he likes another girl, you don’t need to cry, make scenes or beg for consent. You are a very brave girl, so you leave proudly, saying that you hope to remain friends with him.

If you are shy and can not decide on a personal confession, you can take advantage of social networks or popular instant messengers. The tactics of your behavior will depend on whether you are familiar with the young man or just noticed and decided to write.

If you like a stranger, just go to his page, find out if he is in a relationship (usually young people indicate such information), leave “likes” or comments on photos. Thus, you will arouse interest in your person.

Then act according to the situation: if he sends an application to friends, agree, if this did not happen, offer to be friends yourself. Then start to find those points of contact that unite you. Probably, after a few days of communication, he can invite you on a date.

If you know a young man and are friends with him on VKontakte, just write a personal message and act in the same way as in a personal meeting (according to the rules described above). However, this method has significant drawbacks.

The main disadvantage of such communication is the inability to see the emotions of a person and the eyes of the interlocutor. It is better to gather courage and talk about feelings in person than to talk about sympathy via the Internet.

What mistakes should be avoided?

It is not easy to be the first to admit sympathy, so you need to try not to get into an unpleasant situation. The following warnings will help you avoid possible errors:

  • do not impose your society, trying to always be close to the young man;
  • do not play someone else's role - if you are already modest, do not appear before him as such a bitch, and, on the contrary, an active girl does not need to hide under the mask of a quiet one;
  • if you fell in love with your friend, first make sure that he likes you as a girl, otherwise a careless confession can destroy friendship;
  • do not overwhelm the young man with messages on social networks, as he will begin to consider you a stupid and narrow-minded girl (or easily accessible), wait for his answer, and only then continue to communicate on the network;
  • do not show your feelings in the presence of his friends, as there is a possibility of his discontent or rudeness - this is how he wants to show himself as a man;
  • do not dismiss your friends who say something bad about your chosen one, as negative information may turn out to be true;
  • be mentally prepared for rejection, even if before it seemed to you that your feelings are mutual (there can be many reasons for this).

Keep silent about your feelings or take the first step? Of course, it's up to you to decide, but confessing to a young man in sympathy is not as difficult as it seems to many girls.

It is much more unpleasant to be next to a guy, disturbing your heart with constant doubts, hopes and disappointments.

Remember that your feelings are completely natural and sincere, and hiding them from a guy, you risk giving up the happy days and months of your life.

Perhaps then you will regret your indecision ... The main advice is as follows - listen to your own heart and act if it has made a decision!

Hello, I'm Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully studied at SUSU as a special psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and advising parents on the upbringing of children. I apply the experience gained, among other things, in the creation of psychological articles. Of course, in no case do I pretend to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help dear readers deal with any difficulties.

For a long time there was a rule that a woman should not take the first step in a relationship with a man in any situation. And she had to wait until he deigned to do it. And given the male employment and forgetfulness, it could have been expected for a very long time. But the current situation is very different. Now feminism is being promoted in the world, and everyone is striving for gender equality. Including in relationships. Therefore, today you will not surprise anyone with the fact that young ladies themselves offer gentlemen to meet, call and write.

But still, there remained a category of girls who did not have time to be liberated to the end and did not have much experience in such endeavors due to natural modesty, timidity, or even the presence of conservative views. But they also sometimes want to start acting on their own. Therefore, it is natural that many girls are lost in thought: what can be the first to write to a boy, a guy or an adult man, what questions to ask by correspondence and how to do all this unobtrusively?

We will try to help as much as possible in this matter by considering examples of various situations. To begin with, it is useful to study the general rules that must be observed in any correspondence:

  1. Write correctly. It so happens that in terms of literacy, girls have more responsibility. It is believed that they rarely have problems with the Russian language. Therefore, try not to make mistakes in words, observe punctuation and style of presentation. Everyone likes to read a well-written text. And the presence of errors is sometimes very catchy to the eye. And even a person who does not have one hundred percent literacy can notice them and distract his thoughts from the main goal - cute correspondence.
  2. Use emoticons or emoji to make your message look lively, cute and casual. In all social networks and telephone sms, there are a huge number of emoticons for various phrases and situations. But be sensible and don't stick them everywhere you go. Otherwise, the guy will decide that you are not serious about correspondence or that you are not smart enough to express your thoughts in words.
  3. Don't instantly reply to a guy's messages. Wait a couple of minutes and send a reply. It is better to let him languish in expectations and be intrigued by the continuation, so his interest in you will only increase.
  4. Don't write too long messages. It is better to divide them into several in order to maintain interest from further reading and activate them for a return conversation.
  5. Write sincerely, originally and with interest. So a lively conversation will start between you, delivering mutual pleasure.

Having remembered the main rules, you can proceed directly to the moment of correspondence.

How to write a couple of words to a guy at night?

Before going to bed, thoughts about her lover are especially intense, and often a girl wants to remind him of herself and inflame him for the night. Therefore, she often thinks: how can you wish a guy good night and write that I want him, or even something vulgar.

Here you need to consider what kind of relationship you have:

  1. If this is not your boyfriend, then maybe he is now alone with a girl, and your message will be completely inappropriate.
  2. If this is an unfamiliar guy who makes you sympathetic and desire, then your future relationship will depend on what you decide to write. Words must be chosen carefully, because it is not known how he can react to your flirting, straightforwardness or excessive openness. But if you do not strive for a long-term serious relationship, then you can quite throw him a couple of erotic hints and intrigue him all night long.
  3. If you are in a personal relationship with a young man for a long time, then writing will be much easier. There are scopes for your imagination here. And, of course, he will be very pleased to read tender messages and fall asleep with thoughts of you. Especially after this, the awakening will be on a positive note.

Before going to bed, a person is as relaxed as possible, set in a romantic mood and needs warm hugs. But when hugs and kisses are not possible, the beloved will be happy to engage in intimate correspondence with you, concentrating on thoughts about you and your caresses. You can formulate phrases in your own words or use ready-made examples of what to write to the guy you like at night in SMS or VKontakte:

  • “You are not around, but in my dreams I lay comfortably on your shoulder”;
  • “I madly miss your hands and lips, which are especially lacking now”;
  • “I would love to give you a relaxing massage at night”;
  • “My body is languishing without your caresses”;
  • “I want to wish you sweet dreams with my participation”;
  • “I hope you fall asleep imagining me covering your body with kisses”;
  • “I touch my lips, imagining that it is you kissing me. I hope to see myself in your arms in a dream”;
  • “I want to fall asleep and feel your breath on my cheek.”

And if after such a sweet night he also wakes up with gentle words, then you definitely cannot leave the chosen one indifferent. It is enough to write to the guy: “Good morning, dear, I missed you, how did you sleep and what did you dream about?”, And he will be provided with a good mood for the whole day.

How to write to your loved one about your feelings?

Of course, it is best to write a guy about your feelings in your own words, as your heart tells you. At the same time, one should not forget that men, just like women, love pleasant words, compliments, recognition of their merits. This increases their mood, self-esteem and activates a sense of need. The main thing is that your words be sincere and without unnecessary flattery.

If you are in a long-term relationship, then the messages can be quite frank and contain a description of intimate desires and erotic activities. It is useful to stir up feelings with flirting and regular declarations of love, which can be written both in a simple version of the three cherished words, and in an original manner. Of course, any man will appreciate the poems of his own composition. Sometimes quotes from the great classics about love or lines from songs will be appropriate. It would not be superfluous to thank your beloved simply for the fact that he is and brings you so much happiness.

If you find it difficult how to write a compliment or a nice phrase in a love letter to a guy, then our examples may be useful to you:

  • “Your hands drive me crazy - when I look at them, the most frank thoughts visit me”;
  • “Your hot look seems to burn through me and causes trembling and goosebumps all over my body”;
  • “My love for you is so strong that I want to cry with happiness”;
  • “I can’t imagine how I lived before meeting you - my life was gray and dull, and now it’s like a rainbow”;
  • “I love your body: when you play with your muscles, a fire of desire flares up in me”;
  • “I want to kiss your sweet lips without stopping”;
  • “How beautiful you are with this hairstyle - I just can’t take my eyes off”;
  • “When you are around, I want to smile and flutter with happiness”;
  • “With you, I feel like a real woman who is loved and appreciated, thank you for that”;
  • “I am so proud of your culinary skills; you spoil me so much that soon I can gain weight ”;
  • “I want to listen to your velvety voice forever”;
  • “In your gentle embrace, I just melt”;
  • “I love you very much and look forward to the evening, I have already prepared a surprise for my hero”;
  • "Have a nice day, my dear! Your affectionate kitty is looking forward to meeting you."

If you want to get an immediate answer to your confession, then it is better to provoke him with an interrogative sentence at the end. For instance:

  • “I feel extremely good with you, and I believe that this is fate. What do you think about it?
  • “I feel like every day my love for you grows. Do you have the same feeling?
  • “I miss your hands and lips terribly. What do you miss the most?"

When formulating phrases about your feelings, show imagination, originality, be honest and open in order to evoke positive vivid emotions and a desire to continue correspondence and reciprocate.

One of the popular options for correspondence is when a man is serving in the military, and the girl is forced to wait for him for a long time. Therefore, she may have a question: what can be written in a letter to her beloved guy in the army and how beautifully to say about her feelings and love? Consider the main points:

  1. The peculiarity of the situation is that, being in the army, a man is deprived of female warmth and affection. Therefore, any news received brings great joy. And if suddenly more than one girl writes to him, then, as practice shows, after the army he remains with the one who did it more often and sincerely, putting all his feelings into the letter.
  2. It is enough to write short messages, but often. For example: “My dear, beloved, dearly beloved! ... I miss you so much! I look forward to you and think about you all the time. I hug you tightly and kiss you tenderly." It is very important to instill in a young man the confidence that he is the most beloved and desired.
  3. You can write poetry or a romantic story, a fairy tale where you are the main characters. The more written, the faster the long army days will fly by for him and the more long-awaited your meeting will be.
  4. You can design a letter in different variations: draw hearts, kisses, your couple. Leave a kiss mark with a pleasant shade of lipstick. Attach your photos to the letter. You can lightly sprinkle the leaf with your perfume so that the gentleman remembers your smell.

In any case, when thinking about how to write a letter to your beloved guy, you should not resort verbatim to samples from the Internet or borrowed from a girlfriend. Bring to any message something of your own, unique.

What to write to a guy if he is offended?

If a guy is offended by something because of something, you, regretting what happened, think: “What to write so that he forgives me, and how to say that he is dear to me and I miss you?”.

When the chosen one has feelings for you, it will not be difficult to melt his heart. After all, he, most likely, is also experiencing your quarrel and wants a speedy reconciliation. Therefore, you can just say so, without being cunning, that you are madly bored, you think about him endlessly and you simply cannot live without him. Offer to meet, walk together and talk. And during the conversation, do not try to pour accusations on him or strongly justify yourself, find out who is right and who is wrong. Try to smoothly translate the conversation into a neutral channel, and gradually the quarrel will resolve itself, and you will reach out to each other.

But before you decide to take the first step, wait a while, let the young man cool down and come to the conclusion that he wants the same. Because if, immediately after a quarrel, you throw yourself on his neck with apologies, his undermined pride will not allow you to take a step forward, and it will only hurt more.

The reason for the correspondence can be a congratulation on some holiday and a warm wish. When the interlocutor congratulates in response, you can offer to spend this day together.

What to text an ex boyfriend?

If you can’t forget your ex-boyfriend in any way and are thinking how and what you can write to him so that he answers, then the most important thing here is not to rush. It is better to remember in detail all the negative aspects of your relationship, including the situation of parting. Think about it, do you really want to return it all and periodically remind each other of the past? Or is it better to leave it as it is and not enter the same river twice? Perhaps the young man has already had another girl with whom he is completely passionate. And he doesn't want to do anything with you. Then hearing his refusal will be insanely painful.

If, nevertheless, you are confident in your decision to return the ex and write to him, then you should adhere to the following points:

  1. Don't text right after you break up. Take a break for a few weeks, and preferably months, to verify your own feelings and give the chosen one to reflect on the current situation and, perhaps, even miss you.
  2. It is necessary to observe wisdom, accuracy and sobriety of consciousness. Do not write when drunk. Then, having sobered up, you can really regret your act.
  3. It is desirable to find a reason for correspondence. For example, to congratulate on the holiday or ask for help that only he can provide.
  4. It is not necessary to puzzle over the question: how to write a “hello” to a guy in an original way? Just start: “I congratulate you on your holiday (birthday) and wish you great happiness and fulfillment of desires ... And what do you want?” or “Hello. What's up? I really need help, and no one can cope with this except you ... ”In this way, you will show that you have forgotten all the insults and are ready for unobtrusive friendly communication. And he does not need to know about the true motives yet.
  5. To start a conversation, you can discuss interesting events in your life or mutual friends and acquaintances. Most importantly, do not complain about anything and behave at ease.

If a young man answers dryly, reluctantly, refuses to help, or ignores it altogether, you should not continue the correspondence. It means that you really are no longer interested in him and there is no need to humiliate yourself and persuade him to return. Better wait a little more and you will definitely meet your true happiness.

What exactly should not be written to a guy?

Sometimes a girl makes mistakes in correspondence that can turn the conversation into an unpleasant direction and simply extinguish the interest of a young man. Consider what needs to be avoided in the letter so that this does not happen:

  1. Do not be annoying and bombard your chosen one with messages if he does not answer. Especially like “Where are you?”, “Why are you silent?”, “Are you chatting with someone else?”, “I don’t interest you at all?” etc. He may be really busy at this moment or not in the mood, and with such behavior you will spur him on even more and cause irritation.
  2. You should not continue the dialogue if the partner answers with monosyllabic replies. A woman should have pride.
  3. If this is an unfamiliar young man, you do not need to be too frank with him or send intimate photos.
  4. Do not point out his spelling errors in the text. Otherwise, the interlocutor will be offended and stop the correspondence.
  5. Do not address an unfamiliar person familiarly, such as “hare”, “kitten”, “cute”, “baby”. Not every man can endure such treatment in his address, and some just go berserk.
  6. Do not go in cycles in correspondence on your beloved and do not lay out all your ins and outs. Be more interested in his life, affairs, hobbies.
  7. You should not show aggression, irritability, if something does not suit you in a conversation. It is better to finish delicately and continue another time, when the emotions have cooled down.

Thus, if you do everything right and avoid ridiculous mistakes, then correspondence with your chosen one will be held on positive emotions, will arouse reciprocal interest and delightful continuation.

Almost always, harmonious relationships between people of the opposite sex depend on the words that were spoken or written to each other. It’s not just women who love to receive compliments and praise. It is also important for men to know that their labors are not in vain and that they are not indifferent to their beloved. Pleasant, affectionate words can help establish contact during a strained relationship, remove an unpleasant aftertaste after a quarrel or disagreement, add romance and good mood to a couple's everyday life.

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To whom the messages are addressed

All girls faced doubts and hesitations when writing a letter to a man or boyfriend. It is necessary to choose pleasant words from determining the status of the relationship:love, friendship or business. This division will help you choose the appropriate words, for example:

To whom For what Phrase Examples
Beloved guyIt is very important for the beloved guy to make it clear that he is the best and desired. This will warm up his feelings faster and give him self-confidence. He will know for sure that all his attempts to win the heart of the chosen one are going in the right direction. Also in this way you can suggest what you would like from communication.
  • “You know, when we are together, I am very calm! I feel so protected. Thank you, dear".
  • “My dear, I always miss you, I want to hug and kiss. I look forward to meeting you again."
  • "It's good that I have you. My life sparkled with new bright colors thanks to my talented artist (It is advisable to write the name in a diminutive form).
  • “Sunny, I don’t want to let you go on business even for a minute. I start to think about your beautiful eyes and feel the lack of oxygen without your passionate kisses.
  • “When you are around, I just burn from the fire of our passion. You are my courageous Prometheus"
HusbandIt is advisable to write pleasant compliments to your husband regularly. So you can constantly maintain interest and remain a desirable wife, who, with her wisdom, ensures harmony and stability in the family. Particularly refreshing are the relationships of spouses who have been married for several years and are too immersed in everyday worries, compliments and romantic messages. You should always leave a place and time for flirting with your missus, so as not to get bored with each other. The woman herself will be pleased when the inspired lover reciprocates
  • “I have the most beloved husband. My bravest and strongest, only mine. Gently kiss. Until the evening".
  • “When you appeared in my life, I seemed to come to life. I want to breathe the same air with you and feel the warmth of your gentle and strong hands always.
  • “You take care of me so much that I don’t even know what I would do without you. Warm hugs, beloved sun.
  • “You are my happiness and my joy. I always want to see a sweet, beloved smile on your face.
  • “I have everything you can dream of - my only soulmate, who is always desired and dearly loved”
friendA reliable friend will be cheered up by positive compliments from a girl for whom he has friendly feelings. He will see that he is not indifferent, and will value friendship more. He will understand that they communicate with him not because of self-interest, but because they understand his inner world. Here SMS of an intimate nature will be inappropriate. Choose a light, humorous writing style
  • “(Name), you are my best friend in the world! Here's someone with you lucky! »
  • "Have a nice day, buddy! You are a true friend, I am very lucky to have you.”
  • “Thank God that I have a friend like you! Without our communication, I would be lonely.”
  • “There are many friends and acquaintances, but you still need to look for real and true friends. Good luck with everything! »
  • “My friend is dear to me, his smile and his kind words. So let everything be fine with you today! »
ex manIt is better for a former man not to write, not to attract the past into his new life. But there are rare cases when couples break up without negativity and remain on good terms. In such a situation, you need to clearly indicate that the relationship is over, write messages without unnecessary words and flirting, but with humor
  • "You are a beautiful boy, I wish you to find a good girl."
  • “I know that you will succeed, I remember you are purposeful.”
  • “Be always as energetic, it suits you! »
  • “Success and recognition among girls is yours. I wish you happiness"
To a strangerThe most difficult thing is to find words for a letter to a stranger who you really liked. It remains to be seen what his character is, how he reacts to flirting and jokes, so it's best to start with compliments. Before writing something, it is worth looking at his page on the Internet with photographs in order to approximately draw up a portrait of a person. Comments to photos will help to understand (compliments written by other girls)
  • "Hey! You are a very imposing and charismatic man. Keep it up! »
  • “You have very beautiful eyes, and your smile is simply charming! »
  • “Probably only you have such biceps. Great shape, well done! »
  • “And how can I get past such a cuteness? You look good! »
  • “You impress with your courageous and strong look in this photo! You must have the same beautiful soul.”

You need to write in your own words, sincerely from the bottom of your heart. You can use funny or cute pictures and emoticons. There are many options, but pathos, twisted expressions should be avoided. Men do not like very sugary words, it annoys them.

Why do you need to write kind words

The purpose with which the woman was going to write to the guy is important. But in each case, you need to take into account the nature of the person. The style of writing phrases must be chosen taking into account what result you want to achieve.

There are several areas to focus on:

Target Phrase Examples
To make a guy laugh, it is not necessary to use only jokes. He will definitely break into a smile if he receives praise and affectionate words addressed to him. In the text, you can laugh at some ridiculous situation experienced together, attach a funny animation, and so on.
  • “My only one, I am like a highlight in longing for you. Don't think that I've turned black and wrinkled. Just want to get into your love's sweet cake! »
  • “I am a brave woman, I will disperse your entire army of fans. Only such a beautiful and gentle princess like me is suitable for such a prince.”
You always want the chosen one to love even more. For this, it is better to use gentle, romantic messages.
  • "You are my sweet kitten, I miss you so much."
  • “You are special to me. I know for a fact that I have found my diamond.”
  • “My dear little man, when you appeared, the sun shone and a beautiful rainbow appeared in the sky of my life.”
  • “I am so pleased to be with you together, pamper you with sweets and look into your bottomless eyes.”
  • “Remember, you are the most desirable for me. I really miss when you're not around"
If you need to write in such a way that the guy immediately answers, then you should ask a question at the end of the sentence or provoke him to action.
  • “Recently, I realized that I can’t live a day without you. It's probably love. Do you feel the same as me? »
  • “I so want to be on a desert island with you, so that there is no one around. Only the azure coast of the ocean, the warm sun and the beautiful jungle. How do you like this offer? »
  • “I miss you madly, I remember with a smile every minute spent together. And you? »
  • “When our eyes met, I just got lost in the maze of your charming gaze. Can you help me find a way out? »
  • “I love your care and protection so much. Do you want to come? »
Saying certain phrases to a guy so that he smiles and melts will not be difficult if the relationship continues for a long time. Emphasis should be placed on how good he is, so that the man understands that he is the best for his half.
  • “I believe in you, my love, you never let me down. I don't know how I would have coped without you."
  • "You're so good at comforting me when I'm not feeling well. Thanks for taking care of me".
  • “You are so talented, because you know how to do .... (nail shelves, cook dinner, walk with children, etc.) no one knows how.”
  • “Such a wonderful husband must be cherished like the apple of an eye! »
  • “You understand and feel me so much even without words. How do you do it? I'm so pleased"

The best way to convey that a guy is loved is to be open and honest about your feelings.