What should parents do with a long-term non-healing weeping umbilical wound in a baby? Is it worth it to see a doctor? How to care for a baby? Why the navel does not heal in a newborn

The umbilical wound in a newborn baby is the place where the connection between the placenta and the fetal blood flow took place. The healing process of the navel must occur correctly and consistently, as this is of key importance for the health of the baby.

The umbilical cord served as a link between mother and baby. Immediately after the baby is born, doctors cut this connecting thread in such a way that a short cord about 3 cm long remains. It is twisted with a flagellum and secured with a special plastic clip. Under the condition of proper development, within a week the umbilical cord should fall off, and in its place a small wound will form, which needs care and treatment.

An umbilical wound usually heals in about three weeks under normal circumstances. Of course, this depends on individual characteristics: for some babies, this process takes several days, for others it takes several weeks. There are cases when the clothespin falls off the baby's navel after three days of being in the maternity hospital. In other situations, young parents bring the baby home with a plastic device.

Wound healing goes through several stages, presented in the table..

According to pediatricians, mom should pay attention to the condition of the baby's wound. Usually, on the first day after arriving home, a patronage nurse comes in, who examines the little one and treats the wound with hydrogen peroxide and ordinary brilliant green. This is a rather painful procedure.

If, after such treatment, the ichor only occasionally oozes, then the healing process is normal and does not need additional intervention. The fact is that under the best circumstances, care for the umbilical wound is practically not required.

Why the navel does not heal in a baby

By the month of the child's life, the wound should already be completely healed, and the baby's navel should practically not differ from the navel of an adult. However, sometimes after this period the wound continues to bleed. Experts identify several key reasons that can explain such a long healing process.

CauseDescription and recommendations
1. Some babies have very large navels due to a thick placenta.Such wounds heal a little longer than usual. There is nothing to worry about, you just need to be patient and consult with your pediatrician just in case.
2. Sometimes an umbilical hernia becomes the cause of a long wound healing.This is an extremely dangerous disease that can be recognized by the protrusion of the navel. This becomes especially noticeable with a strong cough or hysterical crying. In such a situation, you should immediately consult a doctor.
3. Perhaps the cause is parental zeal, as a result of which the wound is damaged.If the baby's wound is bleeding systematically, try cleaning out the navel less carefully.
4. In some cases, the umbilical wound bleeds due to the presence of a foreign body in it.You should not try to independently determine, grope, and even more so extract it. Be sure to consult your doctor.
5. Sometimes a newborn's navel cannot heal because the baby's body can't cope on its own.This is usually associated with a disease, which is up to the doctor to determine. Under no circumstances should you self-medicate.
6. If prolonged healing is accompanied by an unpleasant odor, then we are dealing with suppuration.In this case, parents also cannot cope alone, so medical professionals should be involved in the case.
7. The cause may be an infectious disease that the baby fell ill immediately after birth.In such a situation, the baby's immunity simply does not give strength for healing.

Reasons for visiting a doctor

In some situations, you should not wait until the umbilical wound heals on its own. If you experience the following symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor:

  • bleeding does not go away;
  • the navel has greatly increased in size;
  • around the wound there is severe redness and suppuration;
  • an unpleasant odor emanates from the umbilicus.

Wound care rules

Sometimes the speed of wound healing depends on how carefully parents follow simple hygiene rules. There are several key postulates that determine whether the baby's wound heals in a timely manner.

Firstly, bathing in the first month of a newborn's life should be carried out with the addition of potassium permanganate to the water. Boil the water and add a few drops of the solution there so that the water turns slightly pink. This promotes more effective cleansing and prevents infection. In addition, for bathing it is better to purchase a separate baby bath. It is recommended to boil the water for the procedure, and then cool it to 37 degrees.

Secondly, for the rapid healing of a bleeding umbilical wound, air baths are very important, which are recommended to be done every day. The fact is that in the open air the navel heals much faster.

Thirdly, make sure that the baby does not lie on the tummy during the healing process. During careless movements, the crust can be torn off, and an infection will get into the wound. If you do everything right, then the navel will not bleed.

How to treat a wound with brilliant green and peroxide

In order to properly disinfect the wound, you need:

  • cotton shelves;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • brilliant green;
  • pipette.

It is very easy to process the baby's navel. Any mom can do this. Do not worry, because the baby does not experience any pain at this moment.

For maximum safety, processing is carried out after bathing the little one. Using a pipette, collect a small amount of hydrogen peroxide and drip onto the wound. At first, the product will foam and hiss. You need to wait until the hemorrhagic crust formed on the navel softens. At this stage, the crusts can be either yellow or bloody - both will be normal.

After they have softened, the mother should carefully push the skin around the navel as carefully as possible, carefully examine and remove the remnants of the crusts with a clean cotton swab.

At the next stage, you need to take cotton wool or a gauze napkin (a small piece of bandage will also work) and gently blot the wound to dry it for the next procedure. Applying greenery is the last step. It is very easy to understand that the navel is healing - hydrogen peroxide will stop foaming on the wound.

The main thing that parents should remember is that not only the speed of healing depends on how carefully the wound is treated, but also the risk of developing infectious diseases, such as purulent omphalitis.

What to do so that the wound heals properly

In addition to processing, attention should be paid to some additional nuances. One of them is a competent choice of diapers. The material that is tightly attached to the baby's body will prevent the "clothespin" from falling off.
In such a situation, there are two options:

  • purchase diapers with a specially designed cutout in the place that falls on the edge of the navel;
  • make a cutout in the right place with your own hands;
  • put on diapers so that their edges do not wipe the base of the umbilical wound.

It is very important to choose the right wardrobe for the baby. Synthetic T-shirts and undershirts can provoke a greenhouse effect, which does not contribute to wound healing. It is best to choose clothes made from natural fabrics. In addition, it must fit the baby in size. Make sure that the shorts and panties do not overtighten the baby's navel area.

Another point with diapers: it is extremely important to change diapers in a timely manner so that they do not have time to wet the crusts. However, no one is safe. If such a situation nevertheless occurred, it is necessary to take a cotton swab, moisten it with alcohol and wipe the umbilical wound.

Young mothers are wondering when to stop treating the umbilical wound. Some are delusional and stop treatment immediately after the umbilical cord ceases to cause discomfort to the baby. In fact, the wound requires treatment for some more time, twice a day. This should be done before swimming.
The scheme is as follows:

  • applying peroxide;
  • wound cleansing;
  • a drop of alcohol tincture or any antiseptic.

After that, it is best to cover the wound with a small piece of bandage, and fix it on top with a special rubberized mesh. Pediatricians do not recommend using patches for these purposes, because their material slows down healing.

If the umbilical wound has not healed within a month, then there are clear reasons to see a doctor. The specialist must determine what is happening in the child's body and why healing takes so long. After such a long period, no independent action should be taken - in this context, treating a child with folk remedies can be simply dangerous. Feel free to ask your pediatrician any questions you may have about wound care and other procedures that affect your baby's health.

How and how much the navel heals in a newborn, how to care for a wound - these questions are asked by parents to pediatricians when a baby is born and discharged from the hospital. To get rid of fears, to avoid the risk of developing pathologies, you need to know about care and the reasons why it can take longer to heal.

What's Happening at the Nursing Home

At the birth of a child, the umbilical cord is cut off, and closer to the tummy is clamped with a clothespin. Even in the maternity hospital, the doctor acquaints the woman in labor with the rules for caring for the wound: he himself processes the wound, thereby arming the mother with the necessary information, showing and explaining how long the navel of the newborn will heal.

In the next 4-10 days, the tail with the clothespin should fall off at the place of pinching. Sometimes this takes more time. It remains an open wound, which requires further careful care.

After the umbilical cord falls off, the wound must be dried immediately. An ordinary air bath will help. If the belly button is clean and dry, no treatment is required.

If the clothespin dries up and heals, but does not fall off for more than 10 days, increase the number of air baths throughout the day, they will speed up the drying of the wound.

3 stages of healing

The umbilical cord is scarred in stages. To get acquainted with how the navel heals in a newborn and not to panic in vain will help knowledge about the stages of healing of the navel in a newborn:

Clothespin is sterile and made of safe material

During the first 5-10 days, the umbilical cord is a knot or tail, pinched with a clothespin. During this period, it dries up and falls off on its own.
The first 3 weeks the wound may bleed slightly, but this should not frighten the parents. An umbilical wound, like any other, takes time to heal.
During the period of life from 3 to 4 weeks, the umbilical cord of the baby is completely scarred.

Newborn care at home

When the clothespin falls off, newly-made mothers are interested: when does the umbilical wound heal? With proper hygiene, umbilical wound heals quickly - after 3-4 weeks not a trace will be left.

It is important to observe hygiene standards and ensure proper hygiene, since there is a risk of infection in the wound, and this will lead to complications during healing.

Wound treatment: what and how to treat

The following medications can help prevent infection:

  1. Hydrogen peroxide. A 3% solution will get rid of ichor and accelerate healing.
  2. Chlorhexidine- antiseptic, odorless and colorless, safe to use.
  3. Zelenka- an excellent disinfectant if used in small quantities. Using a large amount of the drug can cause a burn. In addition, if redness appears on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin treated with Zelenka, it will not be possible to see it due to the bright color of this drug.
  4. Potassium permanganate. A solution of low concentration is a good tool in the fight against infection and bacteria, but crystals should not be allowed to get on the baby's delicate skin around the navel.
In order not to injure the skin of the child and protect it from drying out or burns, brilliant green must be applied carefully and only on the wound.

Air baths

The ability to “breathe” the umbilical cord will help it dry and tighten much faster., do not fester. The duration of the air baths directly determines how long the navel heals in a newborn.

Air baths will not only help the speedy healing of the navel, but also harden the child, strengthen his immunity.

Air baths after bathing are very important. It is also good to do them between yourself or a diaper change.

The diaper should not come into contact with the umbilical cord, rub, block air. To do this, you can use special diapers with a slit for the navel.

In the absence of such diapers, the notch can be cut out yourself or simply tuck the edge.

Which diapers are best for newborns, read this.

Liseycheva E.A., pediatrician, City Hospital No. 2, Samara

Sometimes the navel looks like a tall stump. Do not think that this is a pathology or that it was poorly tied up by obstetricians. This is a skin tubercle, so the child got it.

Over time, its appearance will improve, the resulting fat on the abdomen will allow it to smooth out and a beautiful dimple will form in this place.

How to determine the condition and why healing is delayed

You can understand that the umbilical cord has healed by the following signs:

  • skin color does not differ from the skin;
  • no purulent discharge;
  • body temperature is normal.
With suppuration of the navel, antiseptics are selected individually

There are cases when the navel in newborns heals badly:

  • purulent discharge or an unpleasant odor is formed;
  • does not stop bleeding;
  • redness around the navel, swelling;
  • body temperature rises;
  • the umbilical cord gets wet for a long time.

This is an example of poor healing when it is worth contacting a pediatrician.
Problems with the umbilical wound occur quite often. The reasons for this can be not only improper care, but also:
Granuloma. The reason is the rapid growth of tissues and capillaries. Therefore, the vessels get mixed up, as a result of which the navel of the newborn does not heal well, the wound bleeds. The pediatrician will cope with the problem by cauterizing with a pencil with a silver rod that can kill germs.
Hernia. Parents are able to detect it on their own, since the umbilical ring in this case increases in size and looks like a bump. No worries. First you need to consult with your doctor. Often this can be done with a massage. Read about the reasons for the weakness of the umbilical ring.

Infection. Parents should be alerted by redness around the wound. The following symptoms can also confirm that the infection has entered the wound:

  • touching the tummy causes pain in the child;
  • the wound gets wet all the time;
  • the wound is festering and smells bad.

Very large umbilical cord. This needs more time to heal.

Reztsova E.M., pediatrician, candidate of medical sciences, Kirov State Medical Academy, Kirov

Do not be afraid when yellow or red discharge appears, as well as crusts on the navel. During processing, you need to carefully remove those crusts that have already exfoliated.

But if the navel has not yet fallen off, it is strictly forbidden to tear it off on your own.

Skin injury. Due to excessive care, mothers themselves injure the new skin and do not allow it to heal. Don't try to do anything on your own. Consult a doctor, as you will need special drugs to fight bacteria, and in case of complications, even surgery is possible.

Weakened immunity. This situation is common, especially when a baby is born prematurely. In this case, special attention should be paid to strengthening the immune system, as well as being more attentive to the issues of wound treatment.

The reliable path, along which for so long a caring parent passed on everything necessary to her baby, breaks off in the first minutes of the baby's birth. From now on, he will eat on his own and get rid of substances he does not need, and in place of the umbilical cord there will remain an eternal symbol of unity with his mother - the navel.

Belly button in a newborn

A shiny bluish cord, 40 to 70 centimeters long, twisted in a spiral and attached at one end to the baby's tummy, and at the other to the placenta. This is how the umbilical cord looks like, through which for a long nine months the baby, comfortably settled in his mother's stomach, received everything necessary for his life. Immediately after the birth of the baby, you can see how it pulsates, continuing to perform its important and useful functions. However, the doctor literally immediately puts a special clamp or bracket on her and cuts the “communication channel” that has become unnecessary. The blood flow stops, and instead of the umbilical cord, a “tail” remains, about two centimeters long, which will dry out and fall off after a while. It is important to know that early cutting of the umbilical cord is fraught with further anemia in the baby, so the doctor waits about 5 minutes until the pulsation ends. In some maternity hospitals, a slightly different technique is used. Instead of waiting for the rest of the umbilical cord to fall off on its own, it is removed on the second day after birth with scissors or a blade, and a bandage is applied to the wound.

It is extremely useful to know and follow simple rules that will help in the speedy healing of the navel:

- air baths - not only an excellent tool for drying the wound, but also helps to avoid diaper rash. You should start with 2-3 minutes two or three times a day, gradually increasing the duration of the procedure to 15-20 minutes;

- you should not allow the diaper to rub against the umbilical cord, it is better to fix the fastener a little lower;

- you should not listen to the advice of neighbor grandmothers and, for a beautiful shape of the navel, apply a coin or a band-aid to it - the result may not please;

- the delicate skin of the baby should come into contact only with natural materials;

- when treating the wound, you should know that the navel does not contain nerve endings, so the mother's actions do not cause pain to the baby.

Treatment of the navel of a newborn

While the young mother and baby are in the hospital, the navel is constantly treated with antiseptic preparations, regardless of which method of removing the umbilical cord was used. Most often, potassium permanganate or hydrogen peroxide is used for these purposes. Usually, on the fifth day, the dried tip of the umbilical cord disappears, but the wound remaining in its place must be continued to be treated until it is completely healed. Gradually drying up, it becomes covered with a dense crust. The average healing times look like this:

- the first five days - there is a gradual drying of the remainder of the umbilical cord;

- the fourth or fifth day - the completely dried "tail" falls off on its own;

- 1-3 weeks - the wound gradually heals;

- 4th week - final healing.

If individual terms differ from these indicators by more than three days, it is advisable to consult a pediatrician.

After being discharged home, processing should continue. This usually takes about 10 days, although if surgical removal has been performed, faster healing is possible. It is best to treat the navel after bathing, when the crust becomes softer. The first month, while the wound has not yet healed, it is advisable to pour only boiled water into the baby's bath. Adding a decoction of a string to it does not at all guarantee that an infection will not get into the wound. The processing process proceeds as follows:

1. After taking a bath, gently blot the baby's body with a towel. Using a pipette, drop hydrogen peroxide onto the baby's navel and wait a bit.

Attention! Hydrogen peroxide is bought only in a pharmacy in finished form. Pay attention to the expiration date!

2. After the solution has stopped foaming and the crust has become soft, you need to push the skin in the navel and carefully remove fragments of the lagging crust with cotton swabs. In no case should you try to penetrate too deeply or tear off the stuck pieces, in due time they will fall off on their own.

3. After drying the wound with a gauze napkin, grease it with brilliant green.

Many pediatricians are extremely negative about this remedy, and in European countries they do not even suggest that brilliant green can be used in such cases. Mommy is quite capable of making a decision on the use of a solution of brilliant green; at her request, the doctor can prescribe another antiseptic.

When treating a wound, you should pay attention to how hydrogen peroxide behaves. If, during the next procedure, the mother does not observe her foaming, the wound has healed safely.

The navel is bleeding in a newborn what to do

In the first days after the removal of the umbilical cord, small spotting is quite possible. However, if the healing process is too long, bleeding does not stop, and sometimes occurs at the healing stage, you should take a closer look at the anomaly and respond appropriately. Quite common reasons for which the umbilical wound can bleed:

1. Lack of air does not allow the wound to dry successfully.

2. An umbilical cord that is too wide can cause a deep and wide wound, the healing process of which takes a longer time.

3. Constant friction with the diaper.

4. Incorrect circumcision.

5. Laying out the baby on the stomach, (doctors recommend practicing this only after three months).

6. Mom is too active when processing the navel, new tissues do not have time to form properly.

7. A tiny piece of cotton wool that has fallen into the wound can cause inflammation.

8. Weakened immunity.

9. Umbilical hernia.

Attention! Severe bleeding, an unpleasant odor and signs of inflammation of the surrounding tissues are a reason for an immediate visit to the doctor!

If spotting is associated with a violation of the integrity of the healing crust or irregular treatment, it is sufficient to carefully treat the wound in the manner described above and ensure free access of air. If there is a foreign body in the wound, a hernia or a weakened immune system, you will need the help of a doctor. If within three weeks the blood continues to stand out, you should pay attention to the presence of additional signs:

- swelling in the navel and local temperature increase;

- purulent discharge and putrid smell;

- unusual protrusion of the navel, especially with tension, and insufficient contraction of the muscles in the umbilical ring;

- elevated body temperature.

If they are found, a visit to the doctor is indispensable. He will examine the baby and prescribe the necessary treatment.

If the navel gets wet

The main causes of a weeping navel is a violation of simple hygiene rules. The use of non-sterile material when treating a wound, bathing in unboiled water, clothes that are not properly ironed, and, no matter how trite, dirty hands. Infection of the wound slows down healing and causes fluid to accumulate in it. Humidity of the navel is accompanied by reddening of the skin around it, swelling, the appearance of yellow purulent crusts, soreness and hot skin at the site of inflammation.

Unpleasant symptoms should serve as a good reason for contacting a doctor who will choose the most appropriate drug treatment. The daily number of wound treatments will have to be increased, sometimes it is required to carry them out every two hours. The procedure itself is significantly different from the usual one - hydrogen peroxide will need to be abandoned, and instead Baneocin in powder form, streptocide, potassium permanganate solution, Xenoform, alcohol solution and others should be used.

The most effective drug in this case will be selected by the doctor, the mother will only need to strictly follow his prescriptions. Before using the recommended medicines, the wound must be cleaned of pus and fluid, and only then apply the desired medicine. Particular attention should be paid to the free access of air, in diapers it is desirable to make a recess for the navel. Ignoring the advice of a doctor, you can get quite formidable complications:

- sepsis - blood poisoning;

- omphalitis - infectious inflammation of the umbilical wound;

- peritonitis - inflammation of the abdominal cavity, and some others.

Independent use of drugs not prescribed by a doctor and the use of non-traditional methods of treatment without his consent is fraught with serious troubles for a tiny man.

Attention! It is impossible to seal the wound with adhesive tape, this threatens with the rapid reproduction of microorganisms!

What does a healed newborn belly button look like?

Ideally, at two months (and often earlier), the baby becomes the owner of a neat and pretty navel. This is a rather wide and flat leathery scar located in the middle of the umbilical ring. It does not differ in color from the tissues surrounding it, does not shine, is not covered with moisture.

Sometimes a protrusion can be seen in the navel, which increases with crying. There is no need to worry - this is an umbilical hernia that does not require special treatment and will pass when the abdominal muscles are strong enough.

Sometimes the formed and healed navel of the baby protrudes too much above the surface of the body, resembling a stump. It’s all the fault of the nearby skin crawling on it, and they call it “skin”. This cannot be considered a disadvantage, nature has awarded the baby with such a navel. Gradually, as it grows, it will become less noticeable, so you should not worry too much.

After the birth of the baby, the obstetrician cuts the last link with the mother's body - the umbilical cord. The remaining wound heals within a certain period of time, but there are situations when this process is delayed. Today we will discuss the healing time, proper wound care and possible complications in this case.

How long does the navel heal

When cutting the umbilical cord, the doctor leaves a small piece, about 2 cm long. Usually, the remainder of the umbilical cord is clamped with a special clip or clothespin made of plastic or metal.
Today, in most cases, this method is not used, the rest of the tissue is treated for healing daily, while the mother is in the hospital.

Given the early discharge practiced recently, the mother controls the further care of the wound herself, having received instructions from a doctor or patronage nurse.

As a result of treatment with antiseptics and healing solutions, the process gradually dries out or dies and falls off. Normally, this happens within three to five days, a delay in the process for three days is considered the norm.

The remaining wound on the navel, with proper care, heals before the baby reaches a month. It is considered normal if the wound bleeds a little, like any living, open wound. At the same time, the discharge is without an unpleasant odor and not plentiful - a few drops.

Did you know? A Finnish scientist, Doctor of Science at the University of Helsinki Akki Sinkonen, in the course of his own research concluded that the female navel is able to tell about the potential of the reproductive function of its owner, as well as provide information about possible hereditary diseases of a woman.

When to see a doctor urgently

When the healing process stretches for a longer period than is accepted by the norms, accompanied by a deterioration in the appearance and condition of the wound, as well as the health of the baby, you need to go to the doctor.

There is discharge from the navel for a long time

The following symptoms are cause for concern:

  • copious spotting, yellow or clear;
  • unpleasant odor from the wound;
  • redness or swelling around it;
  • increase in body temperature of the baby;
  • the belly button does not dry out.

These symptoms can lead to the development of a serious infection and severe health complications.

The navel does not heal for more than a month

Prolonged healing of the wound and bleeding can be explained by the close location of the system of blood vessels to it, which supply blood to the internal organs of the baby. Careless care actions can lead to a violation of the integrity of the navel.

Prolonged healing of such a wound is extremely dangerous for the baby, since the navel is a kind of “gateway” for various kinds of microorganisms, for example, Staphylococcus aureus.

Why does the navel not heal

When visiting a doctor, the mother should tell in detail how she looked after the wound, since in order to eliminate the problem, you need to know the specific cause of its appearance.

Error when putting on a diaper

An inexperienced woman can catch the wound by changing the diaper, or provoke a problem by wearing it incorrectly or other clothes during this period.

You should always leave a cutout for the wound - when oxygen is available, it heals faster, and the diaper material will soar the skin, slowing down the process. Do not allow a diaper or other piece of clothing to squeeze the umbilical region.

big navel

Each child is individual, in some children the umbilical cord is quite thick, and it takes more time to heal. It’s not worth sounding the alarm if the clothespin hasn’t fallen off on the fifth day, but you need to show the baby to the pediatrician when all the allowable deadlines are reached.

Improper wound care

Many inexperienced mothers go to extremes when leaving:

  • afraid of doing harm, they do not clean the navel well, which is fraught with infections;
  • they do it too "carefully", thereby causing damage.

What and how to do:

  1. Firstly, after treatment with any means, it needs to be given time to dry.
  2. Secondly, the wound must be cleaned, but with the help of soft cotton buds and very carefully, do not pick.
  3. Thirdly, the dried crust must be soaked before being removed, and not torn off.
  4. Fourth, you can not stick a wound with a band-aid: this will create a greenhouse effect and delay the drying of the skin.

How to properly handle the navel: video

Umbilical hernia

This protrusion in the area of ​​the same name, most often manifests itself during the crying or screaming of the baby. This phenomenon is not terrible, due to the fact that the muscular ring around the navel has immature tissues and cannot properly hold the internal organs of the peritoneum.

There is no pathology if, in a calm state of the child, the bulge takes on a normal appearance. If this does not happen on its own or with a slight pressure of the fingers, the baby screams without ceasing, experiencing pain, then a pinching has occurred. In this case, you need to see a doctor.

Treatment of a hernia of a newborn at home is as follows:

  • prevent prolonged crying (eliminate its cause);
  • monitor the nutrition of the baby (he should not be disturbed by gaziki);
  • do massage, gymnastics to strengthen the abdominal muscles and laying out on the tummy (after the navel has healed).

Infection and suppuration

Omphalitis (catarrhal, purulent, necrotic), fungus (granulation of connective tissue), fistula can develop due to an infection in the wound.

Symptoms indicating diseases:

  • swelling and redness of the umbilical region;
  • protrusion of the navel;
  • purulent discharge;
  • poor appetite;
  • anxiety;
  • weight loss;
  • fever, a sharp rise in temperature.

Delay in treatment leads to sepsis, tissue necrosis. At the first symptoms, you need to see a doctor who will prescribe adequate treatment.

Important!In no case should you squeeze out pus on your own, put pressure on the wound, by doing this you can cause even more harm.

To avoid infection, you must carefully monitor the hygiene of your own and the child:

  • wash your hands during any procedures;
  • carefully and carefully treat the wound with antiseptics;
  • all clothes, bed linen, diapers and diapers of the baby should be ironed with a hot iron;
  • water for water procedures of a newborn must be boiled.

Prematurity and weak immunity

Premature babies have weaker immunity, their body's defense system cannot cope with viruses and bacteria that easily penetrate through an open wound. Prolonged healing in this case can be dangerous, so you need to contact your pediatrician.

Premature babies need to be seen for examinations as often as possible, only a doctor can prescribe treatment to strengthen immunity.

What to do: treatment and methods of healing the navel

Not all mothers have medical knowledge and experience in caring for the umbilical region, so when discharged from the hospital, you should consult with your doctor about the right actions.

How to treat an umbilical wound

For processing, several means are used:

  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • brilliant green;
  • alcohol solution of calendula;
  • solution of "Chlorophyllipt" (alcohol 1 percent).

Important!It is preferable to use colorless solutions, since they do not stain the area around the navel, and possible redness will not go unnoticed.

How to handle

Basic processing rules:

  1. Be sure to wash your hands with soap before the procedure.
  2. Prepare cotton swabs or pipette.
  3. Drop a couple of drops of brilliant green or other antiseptic with a pipette, wait until it dries.
  4. If you are treating with a cotton swab dipped in an antiseptic, lightly press the umbilical region with two fingers to open it as much as possible, and gently lubricate the wound with light movements.
  5. With the presence of secretions of the ichor, before the main treatment, apply a cotton swab moistened with peroxide. After the cotton absorbs the spotting, process.
  6. When a crust forms, it cannot be torn off. To facilitate its discharge, you must first soak it with hydrogen peroxide, then it will easily leave.

Did you know? There is a scientific explanation for the clear leadership of athletes from Africa over Europeans. The fact is that the navel is the center of gravity of our body, and since Africans have longer legs, the center of gravity is on average 3 cm higher than that of Europeans. This feature of the structure gives black athletes a clear advantage over whites in speed and endurance.

Is it possible to bathe a child if the navel has not yet healed

Opinions of pediatricians on the possibility of bathing with an unhealed navel differ: some doctors are against bathing, others do not see this as a problem if the procedure is carried out correctly.

The general rules are:

  • the baby should have its own bath;
  • bathing water should be boiled;
  • it is recommended to add decoctions of herbs, traditionally, this is chamomile, succession, calendula, St. John's wort;
  • you can add a solution of potassium permanganate, but very weakly concentrated, as it dries delicate skin. It is better to dilute the solution in a separate container so that the grains of manganese are completely dissolved and do not burn.

With clothespin

If there is a clothespin, it is advisable to ensure that the navel does not get wet. If you want to play it safe, you can use wet rubdowns instead of a full bath.

Without clothespin

After bathing, you need to thoroughly dry the umbilical region and the wound itself. Then treat with an antiseptic and wait for it to dry. Air baths speed up the process, while in a humid environment it slows down and increases the risk of proliferation of harmful bacteria.

In conclusion: the health of the newborn depends largely on his personal hygiene and the hygiene of his parents.

It is important to ventilate the room for constant oxygen access, observe your own diet for a nursing mother, select the appropriate food for an artificial person and monitor the cleanliness of his dishes. It is equally important to undergo scheduled examinations with a pediatrician on time, which allow you to identify possible problems at an early stage.

A month after the birth of the child, the navel heals completely, until that time the parents smear it with antiseptics. Sometimes even after such a period of time there is no change. What to do when the navel gets wet in a newborn? What could be the reason? What should parents do?First you need to consult a doctor to find out the reasons and useful recommendations for further action. Self-medication is strictly contraindicated. Mommy should not panic, nothing terrible happened, because you noticed deviations in time and started treatment.

Causes of a weeping navel

While the umbilical wound heals, it can ooze, and crusts form around the edges - they must be removed so that infections do not enter the body. The reason may be a weak immune system that cannot cope with penetrating microbes, pus forms, an unpleasant odor appears, sometimes a more serious illness involving Staphylococcus aureus can begin. However, there is no reason to panic. Allocations in the first weeks of life are the norm, unless the wound fester, it smells normal.

Why does the navel get wet? Most often this is due to two reasons:

  • improper care;
  • the entry of microbes into the umbilical wound.

It can be noted that all problems are due to insufficient hygiene, parents need to think about proper care: if you don’t know what to do, consult with doctors. There is nothing reprehensible in this, because a mother is just learning to get to know the world of health, striving to become an exemplary parent for her child.

There are several diseases that cause the release of fluid from the umbilical wound, let us dwell on the 3 most common ones.


Omphalitis is an inflammation of the umbilical skin, with severe swelling, the release of fluid and pus, which, among other things, leads to the appearance of an unpleasant odor from the wound. The color of the discharge varies from light to brownish with streaks of blood (depending on the type of bacterial flora that caused the disease). The causes of infection are usually improper care, the use of an inappropriate diaper, or the introduction of bacteria at the time of childbirth. In difficult cases, the following signs join the characteristic "inflammatory" symptoms:

  • elevated temperature;
  • hypotension;
  • poor appetite;
  • tearfulness.

Differential diagnosis of a weeping navel should be carried out only by a doctor

If the first signs of omphalitis are found, it is necessary to contact a pediatrician in order to avoid the spread of infection outside the umbilical region.

Fistula of the navel

Outwardly, the fistula of the navel in a newborn is similar to omphalitis, although the nature of these diseases is different. A fistula is a small opening in the umbilical region, connected to the intestines or bladder, from where the contents of the internal organs are thrown into the umbilical ring in small portions. This is what prevents the complete epithelialization (overgrowth) of the umbilical wound and the development of the inflammatory process. At the first symptoms of the disease, it is necessary to urgently contact a pediatric surgeon. Treatment of the fistula of the navel in newborns is carried out only by surgery.


Fungus (or granuloma) is an overgrowth of cells and looks like a wet volumetric formation of a red hue, localized in the center of the navel. Due to constant weeping and the risk of infection, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician who will recommend either conservative or surgical treatment.

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Traditionally, a pediatrician consults with young mothers during discharge from the hospital. Sometimes he forgets or does not have time to do this, ambiguities and problems arise. Some parents are unaware of the need for careful care and close monitoring of a vital organ, some believe that dampness is the norm, others immediately panic.

Remember that the navel of a newborn must be treated twice a day until it heals. This should be done under sterile conditions, without trying to get into the wound with fingers, cotton wool, foreign objects, so as not to bring germs. Carry out the procedure carefully and carefully.

To process a wet navel, a set of tools is required:

  • cotton wool;
  • tincture of chlorophyllipt;
  • pipette;
  • hydrogen peroxide.

The treatment of the newborn occurs according to the following scheme:

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly with antibacterial or laundry soap.
  2. Examine the umbilical wound and smell it. There should be no unpleasant odor or purulent discharge. If such signs are noted, there is a reason for examination by a pediatrician.
  3. From 3 to 5 drops of peroxide, drip onto the wound without pouring into the recess. Use room temperature preparations so as not to injure or frighten the child.
  4. Wait until dry, if necessary, remove excess with a cotton pad.
  5. Dial a couple of drops of chlorophyllipt, carefully drip onto the wound. Wait until the navel is dry, dress the baby, making sure that the diaper does not cover the treatment area, panties can be replaced with a slip.

Is swimming with a weeping belly button allowed?

You can even bathe a newborn baby who has a weeping navel, but this should be done with extreme caution in warm water and a special bath. It is strictly forbidden to add herbs, foam, gels, doctors allow using only potassium permanganate - up to 5 grams per 100 ml of water. You need to make sure that the crystals dissolve before you put the baby in the water.

Do not forget that the product dries the skin, too frequent use is not recommended. Of course, you can combine potassium permanganate with baby moisturizer, but the period immediately after birth is not the best time to experiment.

You can also bathe a baby with a weeping navel, just do not use soap, gels, herbal infusions - clean water is enough

Preparations for the treatment of the navel

  • Chlorophyllipt is a universal remedy for treatment (we recommend reading:). Dries and removes germs.
  • Hydrogen peroxide is also used as a preventive measure if the navel becomes wet or red. Do not use too often, otherwise the wound will exude more fluid.
  • Potassium permanganate - with it you can make a disinfecting solution.
  • Zelenka - helps the wound dry out, is used when the navel is festering.
  • Furacilin is an analogue of chlorophyllipt.
  • Propolis solution in alcohol.
  • Streptocid.
  • Curiosin.
  1. Do not put pressure on the navel of a newborn baby.
  2. Do not push foreign objects even in an attempt to clean the wound. This applies to discs and sticks.
  3. Do not try to remove all purulent formations and crusts at once. It will hurt the child.
  4. Do not squeeze suppuration out of the navel - this is poorly tolerated, allows bacteria to penetrate inside.
  5. Do not seal the umbilical wound even with sterile products in the hope of protecting the body from germs - such safety will not help.
  6. Leave the child naked when conditions in the apartment allow, so his body will breathe. Air access will ensure speedy healing.
  7. Do not postpone treatment indefinitely.
  8. If you come into contact with a child, be sure to wash your hands.
  9. Use only sterile care materials, whether bandages or wipes.
  10. Iron all clothing that comes into contact with the tummy with a hot iron on both sides.
  11. Do not wear clothes for two days in a row if the wound has not yet healed.

When treatment for a newborn fails, visit the pediatrician immediately for further guidance. It may happen that an infection has got into the wound.


Babies are small, newly born creatures, they need maternal care and gentle care. Their skin and internal organs are only getting used to the changed environment, so they require close attention. Often, due to improper care, a common problem arises in the form of a wetting navel.

Young mothers should not panic, because the problem is easy to solve if you show a little patience and diligence. Do not let the disease take its course, consult a doctor, devote more time to hygiene. In this case, it will be possible to avoid trouble in most cases, your baby will be healthy and happy.