What are platonic feelings. Platonic love is a kind of spiritual love

Love. How many faces does this feeling have? There is love for a mother, for the Motherland, for one's child, husband, wise, unrequited, and so on. However, there is another one which is called platonic love. It represents a special relationship between partners. Such love does not imply the presence of sexual relations. The very concept of "platonic love" appeared still bears the name of the most famous Sage in the name of Plato. This person is known for writing an essay called "Feast". One of the heroes of this story talks about very much. It was Plato who first suggested that the most ideal love does not at all need sexual contact of both partners.

Previously, the concept of platonic love meant a special relationship of the Sage to his disciples. At present, it is very difficult to understand this topic and understand how you can love your students who want to learn from a teacher of wisdom. Such feelings Plato called spiritual. In the dialogue of Pausanias, it was said that a country that accepts such love will develop and prosper at all times. Everyone knows that the philosopher was distinguished by a special romanticism. He always said that love has many manifestations, and it is hidden under the mask of the so-called earthly and spiritual Eros. All people try to find their pleasure only in sexual relationships. As for the more subtle and spiritual contact between partners, it has long been lost. People do serious things for the sake of love, often without even suspecting that their feeling is ordinary lust. The strangeness of Plato's love does not end there.

So, as mentioned above, platonic love is feelings based on the spiritual relationship of people. There is not a drop of erotica or sex in it. There are several signs characteristic of such love. For example, platonic love does not depend on the appearance of lovers, their age, and the like. People just feel a special connection with each other. They spend a lot of time together. And that's good for both of them. They enjoy such relationships, which are based primarily on mutual understanding.

It is interesting that in the eastern countries there is still a real platonic love. These feelings are experienced for each other by teachers and students studying the art of yoga. Without such a connection, it is simply impossible to convey the most intimate and secret knowledge.

Currently, the love of Stephenie Meyer and her husband is considered the best example. They met when the girl was fifteen years old. Young people got married after six years. All that time they were connected only by spiritual relations. In the life of a girl and a guy there was no place for sexual contacts. Now Mayer is a very famous writer. The couple have three children. The woman transferred the whole philosophy of such relationships to her books. This literature has been translated into almost forty languages ​​of the world. The very first novel of this writer in our country was published seven years ago.

Perhaps, for some, platonic love sounds like nonsense. However, such relationships still exist today. It is enough to look around. There are still people on the planet for whom sex does not matter. Between them there is something more than ordinary sexual contact. This is a connection at the highest spiritual level. In any case, it is up to the person himself to decide what type of relationship to choose for himself. What exactly he will prefer, how he will build a life and develop feelings for his soulmate, for strangers will remain a mystery forever.

Many will guess that the very name "Platonic" refers to Ancient Greece, namely to the ancient Greek philosopher Plato. And they won't be wrong. Indeed, this expression comes precisely from him. In his work The Feast, Plato expressed his opinion about love, but through the role of Pausanias. True, in this text it has a different name - “ideal”, i.e. spiritual love.

Platonic relationships in the modern world

It's no secret that platonic relationships are now the exception rather than the rule. For almost every person, whether it's a girl or a guy, sexual, sensual desires are important, which form the basis of relationships. But from people of past generations, grandparents, one can often hear that in their time feelings were different: they could love each other without physical intimacy. Now, many consider such relationships to be stupid and not real love at all, although there is someone who claims that platonic love shows the purest and most sincere feelings that can be.

Of course, there are times when, for example, a guy is just starting to date a girl, and they have a so-called “candy-bouquet period”, you might think that they really have platonic love, because it’s enough for them to see each other, to be close to each other with a friend. But in the end, sexual desire still slips between them, which is quite natural when people love.

Platonic relationships are quite common for teenagers. For them, this is like a stage of psycho-emotional development. Every platonic relationship must eventually move to a new stage of development. In adolescents, this is a kind of preparation for adult relationships with the opposite sex. In addition, it is worth considering the case when a teenager finds an idol for himself. For him, he becomes a kind of object of adoration, and inaccessible. In this case, the need to express elevated spiritual feelings is realized, which will also help in emotional development.

Every relationship is special in its own way, whether it's platonic or not. A person must decide for himself in what respects he will be more comfortable. No need to ask for advice from relatives, relatives or friends - everyone feels differently. If a person decides to start a platonic relationship, then there is no need to be afraid of other people's opinions - this is a personal matter for everyone.


There comes a time in a person's life when he thinks about the meaning of the word "love". Finding it, we will know happiness, understanding and support from the second half. Our ancestors, not without reason, were looking for a cure for the negative aspects of life, a magical elixir that gives a person the ability to pass through any obstacle, dissolving pressing problems. Love is inseparable from the concept of happiness, from which the simple conclusion follows that people are constantly looking for love.

Turning to ancient literary works, one can find a noteworthy legend. Previously, people had a single sex and a strong desire to climb Olympus to the Gods, but Zeus divided them into equal halves. Since then, they have been constantly looking for each other. A beautiful story is closely related to reality. A disinterested and sincere feeling arises for a single person, a soul mate, which is difficult to find among the seven billion people inhabiting the planet.

When does love start between two people? How does it flare up if the object of love is a non-native person? Why sometimes love appears long before physical contact, and in other cases after sex it is still impossible to talk about the presence of a sublime feeling?

An equally interesting issue was the concept of "platonic love". Rare, outlandish animal. The vast majority of people, according to surveys, consider platonic love to be a sign of old-fashioned taste. But negative opinion does not prevent its existence. The persistence of stereotypes has not eradicated belief in this type of love.

The history of the term

The name "Platonic love" comes from the name of the philosopher from Ancient Greece, Plato. In the literary work "Feast", he first raised the issue of harmonious relationships, the existence of which does not require bodily interaction. It is pure love, based on a spiritual connection, not weighed down by sexual attraction. The philosopher was looking for a way to express love, subject only to man. A way to find happiness, not an inanimate object or a wild animal, but human happiness. The philosopher argued that a person occupies a step higher than an animal, the main driving force of which was and will remain instincts. People have the happiness of enjoying the highest good bestowed only on them.

An example of a platonic relationship is the love of a person for the Motherland, a student for a teacher, mothers and children. Not always people come to platonic love of their own free will. Some are hindered by a disease that limits the ability to lead a full-fledged lifestyle, others by religious beliefs, or feelings that flared up in old age.

In other cases, platonic relationships are no more than the initial step on the path to gaining a sublime feeling.

From childhood, parents teach their children a fairy tale about a courageous warrior who is able to perform an unthinkable, frankly insane feat in the name of love. About a beautiful princess, a correct and well-mannered girl, whom the hero reveres as a goddess, and does not think to touch. How is the story related to real life?

In the transitional age, teenagers determine for themselves idols, people who will be given love, they will want to imitate. More often, platonic relationships arise with people with whom communication is impossible for an ordinary person: a musician, writer, blogger, film actor.

History knows a beautiful legend connected with platonic love: Francesco Petrarch's feelings for Laura. The woman acted as a source of inspiration for the poet, encouraged him to work until the last days of his life, despite the fact that Francesco never found the courage to speak to her. He revered her remotely, as a deity, an immaculate and pure angel.

The object of platonic love in most cases does not suspect that he is admired. There are stories about how people confuse such love with friendships.

Platonic feelings are an affordable chance to feel love, to experience with a person, being at the same time in a legal relationship, and not cheating on your soulmate. With age, a person acquires wisdom, realizes that physical contact, the unity of souls, is more important. He analyzes life together with a loved one, and understands that he does not satisfy the desire to talk. Sincerely, it's interesting. Then he finds another interlocutor experiencing mutual attraction. During the dialogue, people understand how much they need each other. This is how platonic love is born. Her subjects have inspiring feelings for each other without running the risk of being caught cheating.

The assertion of the existence between people of different sexes is universally questioned, but this does not negate the fact that they exist. From time to time, the objects of platonic love have feelings that go beyond this concept, but people who respect each other do not succumb to them. Platonic relationships open up many perspectives for people: a person has a friend who differs by gender, who will never condemn or criticize his actions, will always listen and talk with readiness. Support and give advice, consider the conflict situation from a different angle.

Don't be afraid of tension. In a classic situation where you and a friend are heterosexual, it is possible that events will develop as a result of which someone will fall in love with a person who has similar hobbies and views of the world. There is no escape from the law of nature.
Take the time to discuss clearly defined rules. Don't let the idea that romantic relationships begin with friendship grow in your subconscious mind. Mutual agreement that deep relationships are ruled out for a number of reasons does not rule out the possibility of an unspoken question regarding the development of a love relationship. Marking the boundaries will help to avoid an awkward situation, making it clear that you value friendship, treat each other like close relatives.
Trust your decision. Throw away potential prospects, natural laws and public opinion cannot have a significant impact on your joint choice. No one but you is responsible for it, and if you settled on platonic love, then try to believe in each other.
To get rid of the obsession with abandoning friendships for a fleeting romantic attraction, keep in mind the benefits of a platonic relationship:

They are resistant to the blows of time, due to the fact that people pay attention to maintaining trusting relationships in an emotional and spiritual sense, not excluding the events experienced.
Between you there will never be problems that accompany lovers: distrust, doubts.
You are spared the need to wear masks to maintain a favorable impression of each other, because you love spending time together for freedom of behavior.
Platonic relationships allow you to accurately and safely learn more about people of the opposite sex.
You and your friend can at any time look at the nuances in relations with society through the eyes of a person of the opposite sex.
You are provided with a reliable source of sincere and direct advice. The platonic relationship between a man and a woman is freed from the obsessive feeling of rivalry or a tendency to adapt to a comrade, as is the case between persons of the same sex.

If, despite your efforts, you cannot get rid of romantic feelings for a platonic partner, and the desire does not find a response in his heart, it will certainly hurt you, burden your soul with a sense of betrayal by a loved one. Restoring friendship after recognition is almost impossible.

But don't be afraid to get into a platonic relationship. There is a share of beauty in the unity of two souls with a connection that surpasses the earthly and vital, freed from the burdens of romantic and sexual attraction.

March 24, 2014, 18:33

Platonic love, of course, is possible, but only between spouses. "Ladies Home Journal" Ideal love is possible only by correspondence. George Bernard Shaw Platonic love: sex above the ears. Tyra Sumter Winslow Platonic Friendship: In-between... Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

Love, free from all sensuality, ideal. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov AN, 1910. PLATONIC LOVE Supersensual, spiritual love. Explanation of 25,000 foreign words included in ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

Platonic love. Dry love (platonic) only destroys. Wed Platonic love is a smooth, beautiful tray, but without any treats. Davydov (from the notebook of D. V. Grigorovich). Wed I don't know, maybe her words are true, or maybe... ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

The expression comes from the name of the ancient Greek philosopher Plato (427 348 BC), who, in his work in the form of a dialogue called "Feast", put arguments about this kind of love in the mouth of a character named Pausanias. The latter means by it ... Dictionary of winged words and expressions

The concept that arose on the perversion of the Platonic concept of eros and means love between individuals of different sexes, not associated with sensuality and sensual desires. Philosophical encyclopedic dictionary. 2010 ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

Platonic love- - friendship, affection, camaraderie, love, devoid of sexual feelings. * * * (on behalf of the Greek philosopher Plato and his doctrine of ideal love, unlike earthly love) - heterosexual love affection without eroticism, sensuality ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychology and Pedagogy

Dry love (platonic) only destroys. Wed Platonic love is a sleek, beautiful tray, but without any treats. Davydov (from the notebook of D.V. Grigorovich). Wed I don’t know, maybe her words are fair, or maybe not; she told me that before ... ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary

Platonic love- love based on spiritual attraction, not associated with sensuality. The name is after Plato. Plato (c. 427 BC - c. 347 BC) ancient Greek philosopher, student of Socrates, teacher of Aristotle. His real name is Aristocles. Plato - ... ... The fate of eponyms. Dictionary-reference

PLATONIC LOVE- The end of the XVIII century. So in the aristocratic salons they were ironic about the love of Empress Catherine II for Platon Zubov. Platonic literal: devoid of sensuality ... Dictionary of the Petersburger

Deprived of sensuality, the inclination of the soul (psyche) to moral beauty, the philosophical desire for knowledge. The concept of P.L. developed by other Greek. philosopher Plato (427 347 BC) in the dialogues Phaedrus and Feast. In modern meaning purely spiritual love ... ... Sexological Encyclopedia


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