How to effectively use your time? How to use your time wisely. Adviсe

Ecology of life. All inhabitants of the planet are equal in one. Regardless of financial situation, status and other characteristics, everyone has the same amount of time

All inhabitants of the planet are equal in one. Regardless of financial situation, status and other characteristics, everyone has the same amount of time available daily. However, not everyone is able to properly manage their 24 hours.

Entire volumes are devoted to time management, its basic principles are taught by many truly successful people who have repeatedly been convinced of their effectiveness from personal experience.

However, there are many who do not even suspect the existence of such a subject as the theory of time management. However, learning about how to use it in your own life does not hurt anyone.

How to manage time

Various time management theorists tend to agree on a few basic principles without which it is impossible to learn how to use time effectively. One of the main rules is planning your affairs. A lot of modern people who are in a state of permanent time trouble are simply obliged to visualize what exactly they have to do on a given day.

For this, it is necessary to make task lists. They can turn out to be quite extensive, and there will not be enough time to implement them. The principles of the so-called Eisenhower matrix will certainly come in handy here. According to it, all cases are systematized according to their importance and urgency and are distributed into four categories.

Systematization of priorities simple. The first group includes important and urgent matters, the second - important not urgent, the third - unimportant urgent and the fourth (also called the "trash can") - unimportant and not urgent. The priorities, oddly enough, will be the tasks of the second of the above categories. If a person concentrates precisely on them, then it is extremely rare - and even then, mainly not due to his own disorganization - he will encounter tasks that require speedy completion.

In practice, important non-urgent tasks can be a term paper or a diploma, which the student must pass at the end of the semester. Or a task entrusted to an employee by his superiors with a deadline in a month. If you immediately take up them and slowly carry them out, simultaneously coping with other, more urgent matters, then by the appointed time they will be completed long ago. Setting deadlines is another important principle.

Another well-known principle of time management is combination of different tasks. Unfortunately, many people underestimate him. For example, an effective housewife can load laundry into the washing machine, dirty dishes and cutlery into the dishwasher, and at the same time take care of lunch / dinner.

Also, while the dish is being prepared (if you do not need to monitor it at the moment), you can do the cleaning. It will not be difficult for an office worker, while waiting for an important fax, for example, to draw up a contract or draw up documents for the shipment of goods. Already in connection with a completely different task from his must-do list.

What is wrong with those who do not have time

However, Don't be a total perfectionist. Of course, any work should be done well. However, this does not mean that they should literally be “licked”. There is a huge chasm between a job well done and a slipshod finish, and it is not easy to cross it.

Anyone who wants to learn how to use their own time effectively You don't have to be a workaholic either. Undoubtedly, there will be situations in which you will have to stay late at work, but for a person who actively applies the rules of time management, this happens unusually rarely. In addition, he will remember that at the end of the working day it is important to relax both mentally and physically.

The evening should be spent with family members, friends, for your favorite hobby - in a word, with those and for those things that bring spiritual satisfaction and are not connected with the main work. And be sure to highlight enough time to sleep.

No less important is proper organization of the workplace. All documents and other items should be arranged there in an orderly manner so that you can easily find the right one. In addition, the disorder in the surrounding space contributes to a significant decrease in enthusiasm and ability to work.

If a person is subordinate to other workers, then he learn to delegate them some of the tasks entrusted to him and periodically monitor their implementation. Then the work will be completed on time, and you won’t have to strain much because of it.published

Is the organization, that is, the search for resources and people who contribute to our development.

There are three key life resources:

  • time;
  • energy;
  • money.

In this article, we will talk about time, because it is very difficult to use this resource effectively, but each of us should be able to do it.

What do you want?

I want to kill time.

Time does not like being killed.

Alice in Wonderland Lewis Carroll

I am sure you have heard such phrases: “I don’t have time for this” or “I hardly have time to work, what is there ...”. Of all the resources, only time is absolutely irreplaceable.

Philosopher B. Fuller said: “I have lived 70 years. This is 600 thousand hours. Of these, 200 thousand I slept, 100 thousand went to eat, drink, restore my health, 200 thousand hours I studied and earned a living. Of the remaining - 60 thousand hours I spent on the road. The rest - the time that I could freely dispose of - was only about 40 thousand hours, or about an hour and a half a day.

The main question is: how to spend this time with benefit?

There are dozens of good books on time management. I will share just a few principles that will help you better manage this resource.


Don't be fooled by your calendar. There are as many days in a year as you can use. So, in the year of one person there are only seven days, in the year of another - 365.

Charles Richards, American pentathlete

Control your time. In order to have 24 hours in your day, and not two, three or five, you must clearly understand what you spend them on.

There are people who say in the evening: “Well, another day has flown by unnoticed.” And there are those who spend this evening with benefit, for example, reading books, just because it happened.

Get a diary, use notes, put crosses on your hand. You realize the value of time only when you begin to notice it. Don't let your time fly by, catch it and make it work for you.


Don't say you don't have time. You have exactly the same amount of time as Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, Pasteur, Helen Keller, Albert Einstein had.

Jackson Brown

I really like this aphorism. Few realize that we all have the same number of hours in a day. We see people who run in the morning or manage to do overtime work, and we ask ourselves: how do they do it?

It's very simple: these people made certain sacrifices. You must understand that the goal of developing a skill in yourself or achieving high results in something must inevitably crowd out other things from your schedule.

There are students who sit on their smartphones during lectures, and there are those who listen carefully to the teacher. There are those who sleep at seven in the morning and those who meditate. There are those whose Friday night ends with a party in the club, and those who are working on a new project at this time.

Don't fool yourself. In fact, the phrase "I will start learning English" sounds like "I will start learning English instead of spending time at the computer."

Always immediately indicate what you will have to give up in order to achieve the intended results. And keep reminding yourself that it's worth it.


People don't change overnight.

"Cruel Intentions"

You have an inspiring goal, a plan in place, and you're starting to follow your new schedule. And then a day, two, three passes, but something is definitely not right. You ask yourself: “Well, where is the result? Why haven't I become a millionaire yet?

The source of motivation is exhausted. But it will give you something more - constancy in working on yourself.

Our motivation is a manual generator. We receive its charge and begin to frantically turn the handle, generating energy for change. We watched an inspiring movie, went to a training session, read a book, but a day or two passes, and we do less and less until we say to ourselves: “That's it, I give up.”

Discipline is the engine. You design it step by step, improve it, increase its power. If you turned it on once, it will not slow down. Monitor its work and make adjustments. Yes, it is also not eternal, but its charge will last you for a long time.

Build discipline with a little effort every day. Constantly work on yourself, develop new habits, abandon old ones. Most importantly, never stop following your plan. If it gets too hard, just tell yourself: "You can give up, but only tomorrow, but today keep working." And so every day.

This is not a psychological deception, it is an acceptance of the fact that it is necessary to change at the present moment and carry it out with maximum benefit.

What to do?

  • Get a diary, download a calendar app, buy a book on time management. Calculate how much time you have left to work on yourself.
  • Before, make a list of what you have to sacrifice for her. Answer for yourself what is more important for you, and only after that start working.
  • Learn discipline. Complete your plan for today and keep repeating it until it becomes part of your routine. Remember: habit builds character.

If you have your own ways to improve time management, please email me. [email protected] or VK.

Here are some tips on how to manage your time wisely

Find out exactly how you spend your time

Take some time to see exactly how you manage it. It is very important to immediately identify areas that are absolutely unpromising, and those in which it is worth "investing" energy. This will help you prioritize correctly.

Formulate a goal

Do you put a lot of energy into something, but at the same time have no idea what you want to achieve in the end? Many people spend precious time trying to become more efficient without having a final goal. In other words, they are not focused on what is really important to them. By having a goal in front of you, you can focus on ways to achieve the desired result. The goal itself can also be a good motivator.

Make a to-do list

You can make a to-do list in your head, but it's much better to write it down on paper. You can access this list at any time during the day. Choose for yourself how it will look: printed on a piece of paper, written by hand or saved on a computer. Crossing off completed tasks from the list, you will get a certain pleasure and a charge of inspiration for new achievements. In this case, you do not have to waste time remembering what other things you need to complete.

Set Priorities

Making a list will not be effective if all the things on it are in the wrong order. You will always be tempted to do what you want first, and not what is important. Prioritize and focus on the most urgent task first. Thus, if some things remain unfulfilled by the end of the day, they will not be very important.

Do it right the first time

If you are going to perform a task without being properly tuned in, it means that you will not do it properly. Do your best to get it right the first time. Thus, you will make fewer mistakes and you will not have to spend time redoing. Tackle the most difficult cases first, this will increase the likelihood that you will do everything right.

Stop procrastinating

Most people prefer to procrastinate, or mentally go over ways of doing things in their minds, rather than actually taking action. This happens especially often when you are surrounded by numerous distractions that can serve as excuses. Try to control your environment, banishing from it that which distracts your attention. If you are faced with a difficult task, you will subconsciously seek to evade its solution, using all sorts of excuses for this.

Get Organized

Disorganization is the thief of your time. Just imagine how much time you spend trying to locate something at work or at home. You may need to deal with the chaos in your work or living space in order to work more efficiently. Put away those things that you do not need, or just get rid of them, and give those things that you use constantly, give a certain registration, it will not be difficult to find them quickly.

"Share" things

It looks obvious, but you can free up a lot of time for yourself by redirecting some of the work to someone. The idea is to give someone a task that that person can do faster or as well as you can. This applies to both work and household chores. Why not ask the kids to do the laundry in exchange for some indulgence later on. At work, feel free to turn to a colleague, who knows, maybe he will only be happy with an interesting task, especially if he is good at it.


In some cases, a great solution would be to perform several tasks at the same time, which will allow efficient use of the available time. We're not talking about massive overloads, just overlapping tasks when possible. For example, when you are on the road, do not lose the opportunity to listen to an audio course in a foreign language that you have long dreamed of mastering. And if you're traveling by train, this is a great opportunity to read a book or do some work on your laptop.

Learn to say "no"

The ability to not take on the whole burden of affairs, having learned to say “no”, will allow you to save a lot of time. If someone approaches you with a request, ask yourself the question: “Is this really part of my job?” or “Am I really the best candidate for solving this problem?”. If the answer is no, don't take it on. We do not urge you to look for excuses not to do anything, of course, you should not constantly refuse when you are asked for something. Just do not become a dumping ground for other people's problems, this will help you significantly free up time.

Stay focused

When you are fully focused on a task, you will be able to complete it faster. The only way to stay focused is to shield yourself from all distractions. It is not enough to focus on doing something at the start, it is also important not to lose this focus. If you have a big task ahead of you, retire, turn off your phone, and don't turn it back on until you're done. Later, you will have enough time to answer all messages or missed calls.

Look after yourself

It is impossible to work continuously, so you can burn out. It is very important to take the time to observe yourself from the outside, so you can know your limits. By maintaining a healthy balance in your life, you will feel that you are moving in the right direction and effectively cope with the problems and tasks that arise, and at the same time do not spend more time on solving them than they deserve.

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Time is the most important resource in life and everyone spends it in their own way. But success in life largely depends on the ability to allocate your time. Many great people did not scatter their time and even limited their sleep. Do not go to such extremes and deprive yourself of domestic pleasures. Many of us do not know where to start to properly allocate our time.
In fact, this question is of interest not only to us, but also to scientists. After studying the lives of great people, scientists came to the conclusion that for the correct distribution of your time, you must follow some rules:
- Write down all the tasks in order of their importance. For example, first all the important things, then urgent ones, then those that do not require special urgency. The list can be analyzed throughout the day, after completing a task, cross it out or put a tick next to it, you can indicate the time in which you completed it.
- The first thing to be taken is the most important things. Indeed, the most urgent and important things require more commitment from us and we spend more time and effort on them. Whereas not very important things occupy about 80% of our lives, which can turn into a monotonous bunch of boring things. This will lead you to the feeling that you have been working in vain and have not completed significant tasks.
- If you are busy with one thing, then do not move on to another without solving the first. Moreover, it is more important according to the list you have compiled. By switching your thoughts to another matter, you lose the logic of the first one, and in order to delve into it, you will again need time. Because of this, we begin to get nervous, make mistakes. And work can suffer because of it.
- When dealing with important issues, if possible, do not be distracted. Ask you not to be disturbed, turn off your phone, go to a free office or conference room where no one will disturb you. As practice shows, solitude helps to solve important matters.
- Many questions can be clarified by phone or using the Internet. Don't waste your time traveling if possible.
- Try to keep your desk clean. We simply do not need most of the documents and papers on the table, but they lie and distract our attention. If there are important documents, put them aside and decide in a calm environment. Moreover, the employees around you always pay attention to your table.
- Always write down all the information, do not rely on your memory. Before traveling to business partners. Call and ask for all the necessary information. First of all, you need to go to those places where a large number of important cases have accumulated. Always keep a pen and diary with you, now you can use a netbook or communicator. After solving an important task, rest for a short period of time, feel the pleasure of your success, this will give you new strength for new things.
Don't think that your way of working is the best, constantly look for ways to improve your time management, analyze your failures and actions. And success will be on your side.

In the article, we have already begun to consider the issues of how to use time efficiently. In this article, we will delve into these issues.

But first, do a little exercise.

Imagine that you have a Swiss bank account. And every day, 1140 euros are credited to this account, and you can freely dispose of them at your discretion. But there is one important nuance: every day, at exactly 24.00, all the money remaining on your account unused for the day is reset to zero!

Think about what you would do in this case.

We think that most of you would like to make the most of this resource.
Why are we talking about this?

Every day, exactly 1440 minutes of precious time are credited to the individual account of each person. And, as in the story described above, this account is reset to zero every day, exactly at 24.00.

It depends only on each person how effectively he will use this time.

1. Plan using a diary.

Studies have shown that the use of a diary can increase the efficiency of time planning by 60%.

2. Schedule only part of your work time.

3. Determine priorities in business.

All the tasks that you should do can be differentiated into three groups according to their degree of importance:

  • group "A"- the most important,
  • group "B"- tasks of medium importance,
  • group "C"» - tasks of the least importance.

When entering scheduled tasks into the diary, put the corresponding letter for each one, which reflects the degree of importance, and it will be easier for you to manage time in dynamically changing conditions. Thus, you will always understand what should be given more time and how it can be done.

4. Display expected results in plans.

When drawing up a plan, try to determine what results you expect from the planned tasks. In this case, you will be able to assess how effective your actions were and make timely adjustments.

5. Review your plan daily.

Every evening at the end of the working day, analyze what you have done from the planned and what you failed to do. Try to understand what helped and what hindered.

6. Use your most productive time to solve the most important tasks.

Compliance with these rules will greatly change your efficiency and performance.

Write in the comments what methods, techniques, methods you use to use your time efficiently.

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