What is vacuum roller massage. How is the procedure of vacuum-roller massage - the pros and cons What is useful vacuum-roller massage

Weight loss and body shaping

Those who have finally decided to reduce their weight cannot do without the help of various hardware correction techniques. If you go on a diet, then in a fairly short time you can lose a significant amount of kilograms. But it should be borne in mind that the first areas in which adipose tissue decreases in the first place are not the hips or abdomen at all, but the chest, neck and face.

However, if you selectively improve blood circulation with the help of vacuum-roller massage, that is, in those areas where there is hard-to-remove fat, then you can ensure that during weight loss, fat will go first of all from those areas that contain reserve fat cells. , and last but not least from the chest and face. In addition, a large weight loss may be accompanied by the appearance of various sagging skin, as well as a decrease in the elasticity and tone of the skin. It is the vacuum-roller massage that helps to increase the contractility of the skin, and also helps to smooth out the effects of any diet.


Vacuum roller massage is the most effective method of slimming and body shaping for body shaping. It is used to eliminate the "orange peel", as well as to combat local cellulite in various affected areas. Roller massage creates irritation, which improves the supply of tissues with nutrients and oxygen, improves lymph and blood circulation, and increases the intensity of metabolism.

The most unique feature of this procedure is not only the fight against cellulite, but also the strengthening of the skin, which becomes denser, smoother, as the area of ​​flabby and stretched surface is reduced.

It is also worth considering the powerful lymphatic drainage effect that vacuum-roller massage creates. This leads to the cleansing of the subcutaneous fat and skin from toxins and toxins, which speeds up metabolic processes and blood circulation.

Roller massage also activates the production of elastin and collagen, increases the number of fibroblasts, improves the tone of the skin, which makes them more toned, elastic, dense and elastic.

Such a complex effect of the “vacuum-roller massage” procedure significantly exceeds any methods that were previously used for body shaping and for the fight against cellulite.

Massage creates a mechanical effect on the muscles, which increases their tone, that is, mechanical lifting occurs. The rollers, which are located on the edges of the working surface of the maniple, make it possible to soften the sliding when breaking cellulite tubercles.

In just one course of these procedures, you can remove the "orange peel", make the silhouette of the figure more harmonious, make the skin supple, toned and healthy.

Advantages of the procedure "Vacuum-roller massage":

  • the ability to combine different methods of exposure;
  • visible effect that appears after the first session;
  • very persistent effect that appears after the 3-4th procedure;
  • help in the fight against cellulite from the 1st to the 4th stage, ranging from superficial to chronic fibrous cellulite, to combat which various methods of exposure are used.

Vacuum depression forms a skin fold, "rolling" in the direction of the movement of the maniple. Such a double effect leads to the fact that there is a temporary expansion of the lymphatic and venous vessels, as a result of which the lymph outflow from the tissues improves. At the same time, the removal of toxins and fluid from the intercellular space is accelerated, which contributes to their movement towards the lymph nodes. Additional tissue oxygenation activates the processes of lipolysis.

The order of the procedure:

Carrying out the procedure "Vacuum-roller massage" consists in the effective impact on various problem areas with the help of a special technique, which is a combination of the effects of mechanical roller massage and vacuum.

The duration of the procedure is 25 minutes m. The procedures are carried out at regular intervals every 2-3 days.

Vacuum roller massage. Indications and contraindications


  • Overweight
  • Local fat deposits
  • Cellulite


  • Pregnancy
  • The presence of diseases of the circulatory system, in particular, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis
  • The presence of chronic cardiovascular diseases in severe form
  • Presence of cancer
  • High blood pressure (hypertension)
  • Presence of SARS
  • The presence of inflammatory skin diseases
  • period of menstruation
  • The presence of chronic diseases in the acute stage

Would you like to have a Technispa Guinot vacuum-roller massage procedure in Moscow? Contact the TORI clinic and entrust the beauty of your body to experienced and competent doctors! In a single visit to the clinic, you will increase skin tone and tighten the body after pregnancy or rapid weight loss. Upon completion of the course, the figure will acquire a clear and harmonious appearance, and the achieved result will remain for at least six months.

The latest massage equipment used by the clinic's specialists helps to normalize blood circulation and remove excess fat. The procedure softens keloid scars and eliminates scars along with stretch marks. Plus, it charges with positive energy and remarkably improves mood. After the session, you feel rejuvenated and full of energy.

In addition to high-quality service according to international standards, the clinic offers affordable prices for vacuum-roller massage for the face or body. The cost is designed for patients who wish to solve delicate aesthetic problems for a reasonable price. TORI clinic invites you to take advantage of affordable professional-level cosmetology services.

Areas for vacuum-roller massage

The procedure is carried out on almost all parts of the face or body - from the forehead or cheeks to the back or legs. However, to achieve the desired cosmetic effect, special programs developed by the equipment manufacturer are used. These medical and recreational complexes include the following:

  • "Double Slimming Effect"- used to eliminate excess fat. The duration is 30-120 minutes and depends on the number of treatment zones.
  • "Strengthening and lifting"- used to improve and improve skin elasticity. Duration about 1 hour.
  • "Light Legs"- is prescribed for patients who constantly experience a feeling of heaviness in the legs. The procedure lasts up to 45 minutes.

How it works?

In cosmetology clinics in Moscow, vacuum-roller massage is perceived by patients in different ways. Proponents of hardware exposure highlight such advantages of the technique as the durability of aesthetic results and independence from the human factor. The procedure is carried out according to the protocols established by the manufacturer, which negates the errors on the part of the massage therapist.

Opponents say that vacuum-roller massage does not always get rid of cellulite and is accompanied by unpleasant sensations. Because of this, the technique is contraindicated in patients with hypersensitive skin. The Technispa Guinot is devoid of these shortcomings. The equipment is characterized by wide medical and cosmetic possibilities, which include:

Reducing the volume of the hips and waist by 0.6 and 1.5 cm in 1 procedure

When a conventional or hardware massage is performed, the effect is achieved by toning the skin and removing stagnant fluid. Technispa Guinot is distinguished by a completely different principle of operation. During the procedure, the device captures the skin folds. Cellulite removal occurs at the level of deep layers. Vessels are not injured. The hips lose up to 0.6 cm in volume, and the waist up to 1.5.

The combination of 3 types of exposure at once - massage + galvanic current + thermal effect of the sauna

Galvanic current ionizes the active components of anti-cellulite products and simplifies the process of penetration into the skin. Additionally, current impulses cause contraction of the muscular system. Massage normalizes lymph flow and metabolism at the cellular level. Subcutaneous fat is broken down much faster and excreted from the body naturally.

The thermal effect of the sauna is expressed in the heating of tissues. As a result, muscle clamping is removed and discomfort is significantly reduced. Thanks to the combination of 3 types of exposure, vacuum-roller massage breaks down fat, removes the manifestations of cellulite and activates blood microcirculation. In addition, the procedure does not leave marks even on hypersensitive skin.

Speed ​​of implementation

The combination of vacuum-roller massage, sauna effect, galvanic current and highly effective anti-cellulite agents significantly increases the speed of the procedure. To smooth the skin, remove the “orange peel” and correct problem areas, usually no more than 10 sessions lasting up to 30 minutes are needed. Interval - 2-3 days.

Detoxification and toning

Cellulite elimination is only the initial stage of a rejuvenating and wellness program. With each procedure, more and more toxins are removed. Harmful substances leave together with stagnant liquid. The process is natural and does not harm health. On the contrary, cleansing the body evens out the tone and increases skin turgor. At the same time, skin respiration improves and local immunity increases.


  • Adjustment of the device taking into account the characteristics of the patient's skin.
  • Effective body tightening after pregnancy or sudden weight loss.
  • Normalization of the blood circulation process.
  • Instant aesthetic results.
  • Affordable price for vacuum roller massage.
  • Compatibility with other cosmetic procedures.
  • Reduction or elimination of stretch marks, scars and keloid scars.
  • Breakdown of deep fat deposits.
  • Possibility of treatment of hypersensitive skin.

Optimized articles on the websites of beauty salons, presenting their services in a favorable light, promise clients that vacuum-roller massage will effectively and quickly help not only lose weight, but also get rid of cellulite hated by all women. Is this really so, to what extent the expectations from the massage will be justified, and we will talk about the procedure of vacuum-roller massage in general in the article.

What is vacuum roller massage?

Vacuum-roller massage is performed on special equipment. There are a lot of devices for carrying out the procedure, but the essence is the same: a vacuum is created in a special nozzle, which draws the skin surface into it, and special rollers massage the selected area. The vacuum roller massage device has a fairly low price, so this procedure is very common lately: almost every salon has this body massage in its price list. This type of massage includes both, and the procedure on the Starvac apparatus, and.

Unfortunately, an experienced specialist is not provided with the device. And as practice shows, the result largely depends on the professionalism of the master. The specialist must independently regulate the power of the device, focusing on the degree of severity of problems in each woman. If you “do not squeeze it”, you may not notice the effect at all, and if the power is too high, pain is inevitable, and as a result, the whole body is bruised, what positive impressions are there ?!

How is the procedure of vacuum-roller massaging performed?

When the client comes to the beauty parlor, she will be asked to undress to her underwear. Some devices work on a naked body, for example, Starvak. Then a special gel is applied to the skin. If the salon of your choice has an LPG or B Flexy vacuum-roller massage device, you will be offered to wear a special elastic suit that looks like nylon tights from heels to neck. The cost of this costume is not included in the price of the procedure. You can buy it for approximately 1000 rubles. Sitting on the couch, you can relax, and the specialist will step by step perform the following steps:

  1. With a special nozzle, the master will gradually work out the zones of the lymph nodes to enhance the body's metabolism.
  2. With smooth movements, the specialist will drive the maniples (apparatus nozzles) along the massage lines on your body, changing the power depending on your sensations.
  3. Massaging is carried out on the hips, buttocks, abdomen, sides and even on the inside of the thigh. The duration of the procedure is from 30 minutes to an hour.

In the procedure, it is important to follow all the instructions: massaging should be carried out in the direction of the outflow of venous blood to the lymph nodes. The result will be an increase in blood circulation and lymphatic drainage, and as a result, the removal of toxins, toxins and excess moisture.

What does the advertisement of the procedure promise?

  • Cure cellulite at any stage.
  • Smoothen the skin and increase its elasticity.
  • Get rid of fat deposits on different parts of the body, including the second chin.
  • Make stretch marks invisible.
  • Adjust the silhouette of your figure.

Such promises, of course, found numerous responses from women, especially since the price (about 1000 rubles per session) is quite affordable. But, unfortunately, the network quite often there are negative reviews.

What does the client really get?

Lymphatic drainage and increased blood circulation, no doubt, the procedure will provide. Still, such an effect on the skin and subcutaneous structures with rollers cannot but lead to positive results. Removal of excess fluid in a natural way will reduce swelling, and the removal of toxins will positively affect the appearance of the skin.

As for getting rid of body fat, everything is much more complicated here. Adipose tissue is so complex in nature that extra centimeters cannot be defeated by mechanical action alone. The process of fat burning is a rather complex biological mechanism, in which hormones and cellular structures are involved. Therefore, you should not expect even from 15 massage sessions that kilograms will simply disappear. This, alas, also applies to cellulite.

To some extent, the procedure is capable of restoring skin elasticity. Elasticity primarily depends on the amount of collagen and elastin, and this cannot be affected by massage with a vacuum roller apparatus. But still, stimulation of blood circulation and activation of metabolic processes can give visible results.

Contraindications to vacuum-roller massage

Massaging performed according to this technique has the following contraindications:

  • Phlebeurysm.
  • Pregnancy or lactation.
  • Gynecological diseases.
  • Blood clotting problems.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Inflammation of the skin, trauma.
  • Poor health and increased body temperature.

The procedure is rather healing or relaxing, and the young ladies who apply in the hope of defeating cellulite, and even more so at difficult stages, will be deeply disappointed, which is confirmed by numerous reviews. But women who want to make themselves a nice gift and enjoy a quality massage for an hour, which you can’t do with your own hands at home, should definitely try this procedure.

202 0 Hello! In the article we will talk about what roller massage is, how it is performed, what problems it helps to solve, what are its main advantages and disadvantages, how to properly carry out the procedure on different parts of the body.

What is vacuum roller massage?

It is important to drink water at the rate of 30 ml per 1 kg of weight during the course of vacuum-roller massage to maintain a normal water-salt balance.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of vacuum-roller massage include:

  • no complications;
  • efficiency, availability;
  • safety;
  • stimulation of internal reserves;
  • removal of muscle fatigue;
  • increased elasticity of ligaments, tendons;
  • compatibility with other cosmetic and medical procedures;
  • equipment adjusted to the type of skin;
  • improved blood supply to the dermis;
  • activation of cellular regeneration;
  • normalization of the functions of the sebaceous glands;
  • a change in the structure, a decrease in the volume of keloid tissue;
  • simultaneous effect on adipose tissue and muscle tissue.

The French LPG apparatus, Starvac, Russian Vortex, Chinese B-flexy, Slimming D-528, German CosmeStar Bi-Polar Body Shape System have several programs that include vibration, supply of different pressures and changing the direction of the rollers. This leads to an individual approach to the patient.

The procedure is included in a comprehensive program for those who want to lose weight, improves the functioning of the musculoskeletal system, and has a positive effect on the functioning of the central nervous system.

The disadvantages of vacuum-roller massage, according to user reviews, include:

  • unpleasant sensations of tingling, chills for several hours after the session;
  • insufficient effectiveness in getting rid of obesity without adjusting nutrition, physical activity;
  • scars and stretch marks are reduced, but do not completely disappear.

Also, patients note the significant cost of a full course of massage.

Contraindications for use

Hardware vacuum-roller massage, as well as other salon procedures associated with the correction of the skin, have a number of contraindications:

  • varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, which complicates the procedure of venous and lymphatic outflow;
  • problems with the heart, blood vessels, hypertension;
  • hemophilia;
  • implants;
  • dermatitis spreading over a larger area under the action of suction cups;
  • infectious diseases accompanied by fever;
  • pathology of the genitourinary system;
  • violation of the integrity of the dermis;
  • waiting period for a child, lactation;
  • diabetes;
  • thyroid disease;
  • tumors of various etiologies;
  • lymphadenitis.

High blood pressure increases the risk of a hypertensive crisis, and with fragility, close proximity to the surface of the capillaries, the condition of the epidermis only worsens.

Are bruising normal?

The first results are visible from the middle of the course. The skin becomes even, firmer and more toned. The maximum effect is achieved with the last session.

With a vacuum-roller massage performed on a high-quality, proven apparatus by a professional masseur, there should not be large bruises. Spots are allowed in areas with congestion, poor lymph drainage, which are formed due to the pulling of blood substrates, plasma, histamines, and hormones from the deep layers of the dermis. Under the action of vacuum pressure, blood from the capillaries enters the intercellular space and tends upward. The vessels themselves remain intact.

After such manipulations, the regenerative properties of tissues and local immunity increase.

Starting from the fourth or fifth session, spots do not appear, since by this time the blood circulation of the dermis and local metabolic processes are restored.

We must not forget that vacuum-roller massage is not recommended for people with fragile capillaries and low blood clotting.

A course of vacuum-roller massage by a trusted specialist, taking into account contraindications, will help to achieve success that is impossible with manual manipulations. Hardware massage is more intense and captures the deep layers of soft tissues, so the effect is more pronounced and achieved in less time.

Useful articles:

Roller-vacuum massage compared to hardware predecessors is a more effective method to combat fat accumulation and cellulite. Double exposure is always considered more effective. Such an integrated approach allows you to optimize internal processes in a short time, accelerate cell renewal and improve metabolism - this will certainly have a positive effect on the condition of the figure and skin.

Operating principle

Such a massage is aimed at activating the internal processes occurring in the dermis. Thanks to the use of external stimuli (rollers and vacuum), the procedure stimulates the body's resources, optimizes local metabolism, the movement of interstitial fluid and blood circulation. Enhanced processes contribute to the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to the cells. Therefore, cell regeneration is significantly increased due to these manipulations.

From cellulite, the process of getting rid of is due to the outflow of lymph, the removal of excess fluid, the normalization of metabolism. Such positive changes have a good effect on the breakdown of fat cells, the body acquires more attractive contours. With the help of massage, you can prepare your silhouette for the beach season if you don’t have time to go to the gym on a regular basis.

Indications for the procedure

Vacuum-roller massage is chosen to improve the skin of the body, but for the treatment of the face, décolleté and neck - much less often. There are three main indications to this interesting procedure:

  • excess weight;
  • cellulite at any stage of its manifestation;
  • local accumulation of body fat.

This type of massage also eliminates stretch marks with scars, improves skin tone, preventing it from sagging even after strong weight fluctuations. Often it is prescribed after rehabilitation for a full recovery, if a person has undergone plastic surgery. Then you can quickly adjust the desired parts of the body.

The first changes become noticeable in the middle of the course - the general fatigue of the body will decrease, the skin will become taut, elastic, uniform in structure. Therefore, it is worth resorting to the full course, and not abandoning the procedure, when after two or three sessions there is no visible effect.

How to perform the procedure

The procedure itself takes about twenty minutes. It does not require any special preparation. But if there is such an opportunity, then problem areas are warmed up in the shower or warmed up by hand to increase efficiency. Then these areas need to be treated with a cellulite cream or for weight loss, but sometimes such products are replaced with ordinary petroleum jelly or massage oil. But this step is skipped if the procedure is carried out in a special suit.

Next comes the vacuum-roller massager. It is equipped with special nozzles that stick to the skin and draw it inward due to negative pressure. Then the device begins to carry out enhanced processing with rollers, not releasing the skin, but kneading it and creating rolling movements. After such a manipulation, the skin should be treated again with an anti-cellulite cream or some other emollient and active agent to soothe the skin and enhance the effect. Indeed, after such a massage, all compounds are better absorbed into the skin, reaching the deepest layers of the dermis faster.

The duration of the course consists of 10-20 sessions - the exact number is prescribed by the cosmetologist, depending on what problem you need to deal with. Massage is done intermittently - no more than two procedures per week. You can repeat the therapy on a regular basis, but only after three months after the completion of the first course.

Side effects

Usually this massage not accompanied by severe complications, as it does not violate the integrity of the epidermis. Side effects include the formation of hematomas and bruises, which do not require medical supervision - they will quickly pass by themselves, and in the future the skin will get used to such manipulations and bruises will already occur much less.

But if we neglect the existing restrictions, then this is fraught with an exacerbation of diseases. This procedure is not recommended if:

And, of course, the presence of wounds on the skin will also be a contraindication. If the integrity of the skin is broken, there are allergic rashes or any skin diseases (eczema, dermatitis, inflammatory processes), then you need to abandon the roller-vacuum massage. If the defects are temporary, then just wait for the skin to heal completely and go boldly to the salon to the beautician for this procedure.

Advantages and disadvantages

There are negative and positive opinions about this procedure. The disadvantages of many include the significant cost of a full course of procedures, as well as the need to repeat the course of massage over time. As well as they include the impossibility strong effect on body fat. Maximum efficiency will arise only in tandem with an integrated approach. Therefore, massage will have to be combined with other weight loss methods, which include cosmetic procedures at home, sports, as well as a detailed review of your diet.

One session of such a massage costs on average from 1,500 rubles to 3,000. Under certain conditions, the amount may differ even upwards. The exact costs will be announced to you only in the salon - they are determined by the location of the problem area, its size, the duration of treatment, the qualifications of the cosmetologist and additional services that you will need. Take into account the individual pricing policy - each salon has its own, on its basis, a similar service will be provided to customers. But if you immediately purchase a whole course of ten sessions, it often works out better. The discount can be quite substantial.

Although, of course, many first take one session to evaluate the procedure. After all, not everyone will like such a massage. Sensitive skin will not allow someone to return to massage with a special nozzle, and someone will decide that the costs are too high.

The procedure has many advantages.. Vacuum-roller massage copes well with the manifestations of cellulite, fights scars and stretch marks (even neglected ones), and eliminates other skin defects. Many women have already tried full courses on themselves and were satisfied.

The procedure can be called universal, it does not provoke complications, does not cause any discomfort. Its principle of action is based on the activation of resources within the skin, and not on intervention from the outside. Therefore, such an effect of getting rid of fatty layers and manifestations of cellulite is achieved.

Vacuum-roller massage can be called an effective procedure aimed at eliminating cellulite, reducing body fat, and overall skin improvement. Hardware impact with the help of mechanical massage with rollers and vacuum enhances the ongoing positive changes with the skin. So if you're thinking, is it worth resorting to such a procedure, then definitely worth a try. Perhaps this method of losing weight is right for you and you will spend a whole course to optimize blood circulation, local metabolism and cell renewal.