Figures from 1 to 25 print. How to make stencils do it yourself? Beautiful figures for holidays

How to teach kids to understand the numbers? Of course, to show him visually. Our colorful cards "Figures for children from 1 to 10"and "Table for account from 0 to 10" Will help your child quickly remember and learn all the numbers.

There are many educational games with children to explore the account that is very easy to make their own hands, among them and classes with toddles on educational cards. If you want to teach a child to count, then you always need to first study figures by pictures.

How to make figures pictures for children yourself.

Our figures pictures Adapted to print on A4 sheets. N. and every sheet will turn out 4 cards with numbers. This size is quite enough for training classes.

Cards for the development of a child with numbers You can download, cut and stick to cardboard. You can study on these pictures and at home and in kindergarten.

At each picture, in addition to the number itself, the familiar toys are depicted for children, so these educational cards with numbers are perfect for classes even with very little kids. On them he will easily learn to understand the meaning of the numbers.

After the child lifters the concept of figures and what they designate, you can make mathematics with it more in-depth: learn addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

Come on, download, print the numbers developing children's cards and study with a child mathematics.

Educational cards numbers from 1 to 10 for children

Educational cards numbers from 1 to 10 for children

Educational cards numbers from 1 to 10 for children

Educational cards numbers from 1 to 10 for children

Educational cards numbers from 1 to 10 for children

Educational cards numbers from 1 to 10 for children

Educational pictures numbers from 1 to 10 for children

Account Table from 1 to 10

Learn the numbers and account from 1 to 10 with children, you can still with the help of developing cartoons Malyshman TV.

This publication is devoted to the topic: We learn the numbers with the child. To help you we have developed cards with numbers from 1 to 20, and mathematical signs: plus, minus, as well, multiply and divided for classes with older children. You only need these cards - print numbers, cut and you can start learning kids.

If you want your child to quickly mastered mathematics, learned to fold and clean the numbers, then you need to start learning the numbers as early as possible. Studying numbers are the foundations for mathematics. Conduct classes with a child and study the numbers, you can during the game. On our site we offer you a variety of educational games with a child and educational material for them.

If you want the cards to be stronger, get them on the cardboard. Bright large numbers children can easily remember.

According to such cards, caregivers in kindergarten and parents at home can conduct classes with children. Having such a visual material, teach the baby to count, fold and clean the numbers much easier.

Study with children numbers need in several techniques.

1) First, show the child a few cards with the first numbers: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. For the first time, the child will be enough.

2) Each digit with a child detail disable details: Show how it looks like, as it is called, several times clearly say the name of the numbers, tell me which of the numbers is greater, and how less.

3) For a visual example, take any items, such as spoons, decompose in front of the baby and consider them together.

3) In the next lesson, repeat the numbers already studied and take new cards.

4) When the child lifted the score to 10, you can move to numbers from 11 to 20.

5) simultaneously with the study of numbers, you can start learning addition, then subtraction and so on.

Educational cards numbers from 0 to 20 with mathematical signs

Educational cards numbers from 0 to 20 with mathematical signs

Educational cards numbers from 0 to 20 with mathematical signs

Educational cards numbers from 0 to 20 with mathematical signs

Educational cards numbers from 0 to 20 with mathematical signs

Of great importance in teaching the letter, the figures is determined by the correct inclination. When writing in the cell, the slope is determined by the segment connecting the right upper angle of the cell from the middle of its lower part. Before proceeding with the explanation of the spelling of the number, it is necessary to show the child its sample and analyze, from which elements there is a digit (wand, a wavy line, oval, semi-one). Showing the figures should be accompanied by brief explanations about where the line begins, in which direction is conducted, where it ends, in what place the handle should be cut off from paper and what the next line will be. The first digits written by the child independently should be viewed by an adult who makes the necessary comments.

Features of writing numbers and sample figures

Begin to write a small wand slightly higher and the right of the center of the cell, lead up to the right upper corner of the cell. Then they write a large wand from the upper right corner almost until the middle of the bottom of the cell.

Begin to write a little below the middle of the upper side of the cell. Line upwards, spinning in the upper right corner of the cell. Then lead down to the middle of the bottom of the cell. Along the bottom side of the cell. Along the bottom side of the cells write a wavy line, leading a hand to the right lower corner of the cell.

Begin to write a little below the middle of the upper side of the cell. Line upwards, spinning in the upper right corner of the cell. Then lead the line down, do not be adjusted to the middle of the cell and they write the lower half one.

Begin to write a little right of the middle of the upper side of the cell. They lead a straight line to almost the center of the cell, then lead a stick to the right and do not adjust a little to the right side of the cell. They write a long wand, starting above the middle of the right side of the cell and bringing it to the bottom side of the cell.

They begin to write a sloping stick a little to the right of the middle of the upper side of the cell and lead it to almost the center of the cell. Then they write seized. Top from the sticks are written to the right wavy line.

Begin to write semi-a little below the upper right corner of the cell, spinning, touching the upper side of the cell, and lead the hand down. Crow a line, touching the bottom side of the cell and lead the hand up. Then they spill the line to the left slightly above the center of the cell.

Start writing a wavy line slightly lower than the middle of the upper side of the cell and bring it to the right upper corner of the cell. Then they write a big wand, bringing it to almost the middle of the bottom side of the cell, and then cross it with a small stick in the middle.

Begin to write a little lower and the right of the middle of the upper side of the cell. Line up and right, spin, touching the top and right sides of the cage. Then lead the hand down, spin the line, touching the bottom side of the cell. Next, spinning, the line goes up to the starting point.

Start writing a little below the right upper corner of the cell. In the upper right corner of the cell, the line is crowded and drive down, to the cage center. Here the line will be twisted again and lead up to the beginning of oval. Then lead the hand down, sprawling the middle of the bottom of the cell.

Oval start writing a little left of the right upper corner of the cell. Lead the line down, sprawling in the middle of the bottom of the cell. Then lead the hand up to the beginning of the oval.

Putting digits

Very often we have to prepare ads, posters, applications where digits are involved. Make it with your own hands without stencils is difficult. On our site we offer stenchers numbers for cutting from 1 to 9, which can be downloaded for free. Stencil must be printed to use in work.


Separate numbers

Video "How to cut correctly?"

Where can they be applied?

Firstly, stencil stencils from 1 to 9 will be useful to teachers and educators of children's institutionswho often have to prepare various wall newspapers, printed ads, posters with their own hands. If there are stencils for cutting it, it will be easy to do. It is worth only to download stencil, print, attach to the base, circle and cut. Especially difficult to write is the figure 8: It is easy to make it using a stencil. So, the numbers are ready.

Stencil stencils from 1 to 9 can highly help schoolchildren. It will not be easy to cut and digit 8.

Schoolchildren also have to do a lot with their own hands: prepare festive performances, design for concert halls, just crafts from paper. Stencil can help them at the right moment. It is worth only download stencils from our site.

Stencils will be useful for cutting numbers from 1 to 9 and for kindergartens and developing children's centers. When preparing for school, children study numbers from 1 to 10. The educator can offer the guys to make the numbers with their own hands. For this, the educator must download stencil, print and offer it to children. Children drive it on the reverse side of colored paper and cut out. You can cut a studied digit every time or to give children a homework to cut the studied digit using the stencil. Made billets will help children to learn tens and hundreds.

The cutting process is extremely useful for memorizing preschoolers of the form of the figure itself. In addition, small motility is being worked out, children become more incurable, more carefully. So, if you take a number 8 as an example, it turns out that you need to remember it easily, but it is quite difficult to cut. In the figure 8 will have to cut off within the circuit twice, which requires special attention and accuracy. Therefore, for children, it would seem, the simple figure of 8 is by no means easy if you have to cut it with a stencil.

And, of course, not only educators and teachers can use stencil blanks. Study with a child numbers, cutting them out of colored paper or paint on the contour in different colors, may also have parents at home. Of course, it takes permanent control over children, since it is impossible to leave them alone with scissors. But you will get a long-awaited result. You, dear parents, you just need to download stencil and print it on paper. Then offer the child to attach a digit to color or white paper, circle along the contour and then cut off the excess so that the result is a digit. You will see what delight will lead the baby the opportunity to make a digit with your own hands. Figures you will learn very quickly, and use the billets obtained to study mathematical actions, making examples of them.

Thus, the stencils proposed on our website can be useful to both adults and children. Especially they can help in the development of children, if adults do not fit together to work together with children over the manufacture of numbers.