Children's crochet dresses for girls. Crochet baby dresses: a description for beginners

Please your baby with a gift - a dress, crocheted. By choosing bright threads, interesting applications in the form of flowers, insects, etc., decorating the product with beads or beads, you will make a child's dress irresistible. And most importantly, only your daughter will have such a dress. A crochet dress will be a great option for summer clothes: breathable, pleasant to the body and also elegant. In our article you will find all the information you need to create a creative dress for a little girl. If you have ever crocheted, then you can easily figure out the patterns and descriptions!

By the way, a girl needs a dress. Today, many prefer jeans, sneakers, shirts, baseball caps, and girls are starting to play war and other games for boys. But a girl will eventually become a woman. Therefore, it is better to instill a love for beautiful feminine clothes from childhood. And what could be more feminine than a dress? A dress is exclusively women's clothing, and it is the dress that makes a woman a woman. And the most romantic and feminine outfits created using the crochet technique. Lace, intricate patterns, light and graceful models make crocheted products favorite wardrobe items. And what could be cuter than a girl with pigtails in a lace dress?

In this dress, the girl will feel like a real princess. Crochet dresses are usually prepared for special occasions: baptism, name day, matinee.

Despite the fact that crocheted products are usually intended for a celebration or summer wear, they look just as good from thick yarn. Usually winter things are knitted, but this is a completely different technique, which for the most part does not give the zest that there is in crocheted things.

We crochet a dress for a girl with diagrams and a description of the work

We suggest that you consider the option for knitting such a dress.

Below is a description of the work and patterns of a crochet baby dress. This dress is designed for a 1.5 year old girl.

Required for work: 200 g of yarn, 3 buttons, hook 2.

The yoke pattern is shown in Diagram 18-1. On the pattern, we take the designation 1. The hem pattern is shown in Scheme 18-2. Shown here are circular rows. Pattern - number 2. Scheme 18-3 depicts a flower pattern and is knitted in a circle. Diagram 18-4 depicts a leaf pattern. The dress consists of a yoke and a hem.

We start knitting from the neck in straight and reverse rows. First of all, we collect 73 air loops. To rise to a new row, we knit 3 air loops. Then we knit according to the scheme 18-1 (you need to knit 11 rapports and 3 edge loops on both sides). The diagram shows all incs and all rows. Having connected the rows according to the scheme, the work must be completed on the yoke. Tie the edge with the eleventh row from the diagram. When tying, you need to connect the row into a ring and close the incision.
It is necessary to fold the yoke so that the cutout is in the middle at the back. We mark the bridge of the sleeves, leave them unprocessed. With the exception of these places on the shelf and back, we knit the hem. Knitting should go in a circle, i.e. there should be no seams. You knit 128 double crochets in a circle for the penultimate tenth row of the coquette. From each air loop of the pattern we knit three columns with a crochet. Then we knit 16 rapports according to scheme 18-2. You need to knit in a circle, we place the line of rise to a new row on the side. The scheme fully shows all the additions and the necessary rows.
We connect the details.

We tie the neckline and the slit on the back with one column with a crochet. We knit a loop for a button through an arch of five air loops. Diagram 18-4 shows a picture, you need to tie five leaves. We knit flowers according to the scheme 18-3. We sew applications to the dress using buttons.

Create a cute baptismal dress with a crochet hook with instructions

The sacrament of baptism is of great importance for the child and his family. Since children are completely clean from sins, they are always dressed in white clothes for baptism. For a girl, a white crocheted dress would be a great option. Our grandmothers also dressed up in such clothes, so this is the most suitable outfit for the church. Also, this dress can be used in the future as a summer version of clothing. You can knit a hat and a handbag to it, decorate them with bright appliqués or embroider them with beads.

PThe dress is knitted without shoulder and side seams. Dress size 68 and length 44 cm.

To work, you need 100 g of yarn and a hook 2.5.

We start knitting from above from the neck and knit with a single cloth. To begin with, we collect 75 loops and knit according to the scheme:

Set "Mom's Sun"

Set "Mom's Sun": dress, panama hat, bandage, socks.
yarn 100% cotton PELICAN (50 gr. / 330 m.), hook No. 1

Girls, descriptions and diagrams for the set "Mom's Sun" I do not have. knitting began with a coquette. for this, I picked up a chain from the VP and knitted several rows in a circle. knitted with "Checkmarks" - 1CH 1VP 1CH. then she divided the knitting and knitted the front and back separately, knitting the armholes. when the coquette was ready, she began to knit a skirt down from her. I have a few photos of the drawing closer, it may be useful:

Finally tied the sleeves. knit like this:
1. the main pattern knitted sleeve, a little more than necessary.
2. sewed it, having gathered it, into the armhole.
3. Tied frill. attaching it at the beginning and at the end of the row to the armhole.
4. I knitted an elastic band from the inside.
the lining is made of knitted mesh. sewed it in the atelier.

And a few photos of the details of the sundress. The last photo is the back side.

I redrawn the diagram several times. I really hope that everything is correct.

and a photo of the openwork pattern and frills closer:

Sleeve (knit 2 details).

We collect a chain from the VP and knit 33 ticks on it. Next in each row
subtract 1 tick from both sides until 11 remains in the work
ticks. The sleeve, shirring, is sewn into the armhole. Then we knit, attaching to
the beginning and end of the row sleeve to the armhole, pattern

we knit again the pattern according to the scheme

photo of the design of a similar sleeve

- this is a great opportunity to please your baby with a bright and cute new thing. To carry out the plan, you can take any henchmen materials:

    threads saturated with color;

    applications of flowers and animals;

    beads and beads.

Most importantly, simple crochet baby dresses are always unique because they are handmade and not bought at a sale. For summer wear, this is the most suitable option. The openwork product allows the body to breathe and always looks elegant. From this article you will learn how to crochet a simple dress for a child.

In the wardrobe of every girl there should be dresses, among which there is at least one knitted one. Many young fashionistas today prefer to wear jeans with plaid shirts and a baseball cap. Well, it is modern and quite beautiful. But any girl, first of all, is a woman, and she must remain one. And what can give femininity? Of course, the dress!

Crochet baby dresses are easy to knit. Therefore, mothers who are on maternity leave willingly begin to master the technique of creating small masterpieces for their daughters. Typically, these outfits are intended for special occasions:


    festive matinee in kindergarten;


    trip to visit.

If the dress is knitted from thick threads, it is suitable for the winter season. Some needlewomen prefer knitting warm dresses, but this technique does not convey the beauty of the pattern. Crochet products are always airy and light.

Simple crochet dress patterns for girls

Today we will look at simple crochet dress Girls under one year old no less fashionistas than their older sisters and girlfriends, so they also have the right to shine in beautiful knitted dresses, skirts and sundresses.

The model, the scheme and description of which we offer to readers, is designed for a child from 10 months to 1.5 years.

For work we prepare:

    hook number 2;

    three large buttons;

    200 gr bright yarn.

The dress is a yoke and hem connected together.


We start knitting from the neck. Note that the work does not go in a circle, but in rows.

    First, we collect air loops (Ὸ), there should be 73 of them.

    We knit 3 more, which are needed to climb to the second row.

    The next 7p is a double crochet (let's denote it like this †).

    In the 8th loop we knit two † and add two air loops.

    The next loop is two †, and then 17 †.

    We rise to the third row with three Ὸ, 5 † alternate with air loops.

    After the 5th column, we knit 2 Ὸ, 13 †, 2 Ὸ, 13 †, 2 Ὸ, 13 †, 2 Ὸ, 5 †, 1Ὸ, 2 †, 3 Ὸ to raise the row.

    In the new row we knit as follows: 11 †, 2 † in one loop, 2Ὸ, 2 † in one loop, 25 †, 2 † in one loop, 2Ὸ, 2 † in one loop, 25 †, 2 † in one loop, 2Ὸ , 2 † in one loop, 25 †, 2Ὸ, 2 † in one loop, 12 †, 3Ὸ to lift the row.

    Last row: alternate † and air loops 1 × 1, only between 4 corner columns we knit 2Ὸ each.

Working in this way, we knit 11 rows. The coquette is ready, its ends must be connected with a half-column.


The yoke slit on the dress will be at the back. Fold the yoke in half and outline the places for the sleeves. We leave them intact, and from the remaining loops we form a hem. Now we work in a circle - without seams.

We insert the hook behind the 10th row of the coquette, the 11th row remains free. In each air loop we knit 3 †. The following is a diagram by which you need to link 16 rapports.


    double crochet - †;

    double crochet - ‡;

    connecting column - П;

    air loop - Ὸ.




    in each Ὸ of the previous row we knit 4ǂ, but every 2ǂ we do Ὸ;

    in the next rows between 4 we knit 2 Ὸ.

If desired, the hem can be tied with another pattern. It remains to tie the neck, connect all the details and finish the wing sleeves. We sew buttons on the back of the yoke and make loops for them. The yoke can be decorated with appliqué or embroidery.

Crochet is the cherished dream of many knitters. As a first attempt, it is better to choose a small dress for a girl. Such products are knitted quite quickly and easily. The lovely little thing received as a result of work perfectly motivates for further creativity.

Preparatory stage

Even such a simple product as for a girl of 2 years old (many publications offer a lot of schemes) must be done carefully and in compliance with certain rules. Therefore, first of all, it is worth carrying out such activities:

  1. Take measurements. It is required to measure the circumference of the bust, the length of the product, the depth of the armholes and the neckline. If the dress will be with sleeves, then you must also measure the length of the arm and shoulder.
  2. Choose yarn and knitting pattern.
  3. Knit a control sample. Special attention should be paid to this stage, since the correct calculations of loops and rows will allow you to complete all the details the first time and avoid blooming. This is especially true when a dress is crocheted from motifs. The swatch should be knitted using all the yarns chosen for the dress. You also need to knit all the patterns that will be applied in the knitting process.
  4. Carry out calculations. To do this, you can draw sketches of future details on paper and, using a mathematical proportion, calculate how many loops and rows you need to knit.

Often, if a simple crochet dress is knitted for a girl of 2 years old (pattern patterns for such products are presented in the form of an even canvas), a pattern is not made. A product of this size is quite possible to perform only according to calculations. But the pattern will help in the manufacture of more complex models: from typesetting fabric, Irish lace, or with difficult details.

The most common types of dresses

Based on the appearance and knitting method, dresses can be:

  • With a yoke.
  • Direct.
  • Dense.
  • Openwork.
  • With full canvas.
  • With linen.

With little experience, you should not try to crochet an overly complicated dress. For beginners, it is better to consider manufacturing options for the simplest models. These include products connected with a solid canvas.

Straight dresses

Such models are knitted from the bottom up. According to pre-calculated numbers, loops are picked up and the fabric is knitted with the selected pattern to a height equal to the length of the product to the armpits. Then cut the loops to form armholes and necks and continue to work. If the dress is warm, then the neckline should be started a few rows after the start of the armholes.

The back piece is done in the same way. Further, all parts are steamed with an iron or washed. At the finishing stage, the parts are sewn together, and all open sections of the canvas are tied. A great way to decorate this is to use decorative straps and borders.

A crochet dress for a girl of 2 years old (solid pattern patterns are easiest for beginners) will not require much time and material. Depending on the model and pattern, it may take about 300 grams of yarn and one to three days of work.

straight form

The yoke is the upper part of the dress, knitted separately or knitted in one piece with front and back details. Visually, the coquette differs from the rest of the fabric in a pattern, color or direction of knitting.

Before you crochet a dress, you should consider knitting options for various coquettes. According to the form and method of manufacture, they can be:

The method of making the first ones is obvious: this is a piece knitted with a straight linen, taking into account the shape of the armholes and the neckline. The photo above shows an example of a dress with a straight yoke.

Knitting round and rectangular coquettes

Round coquettes are knitted in circular rows, evenly expanding the fabric across the entire width of the row. Quite often, such coquettes are made openwork, using schemes for napkins.

Rectangular yokes are the most common and easiest to make. They are also knitted in the round, but the additions are made at four points in the row. The diagram below shows how to knit such a coquette.

It is open to fasten the fastener, but you can close the first row of air loops into a ring and continue to knit a solid yoke. On the same diagram there is a pattern illustrating the circular principle of expanding a knitted fabric. It is suitable for making a round yoke or a fluffy skirt of a dress.

Web expansion methods

Often, girls' dresses include a skirt that flares out at the bottom. The dress itself can be knitted evenly or contain a yoke, but the expansion starts from the chest line, just below the armholes.

The next photo is 2 years old. The diagrams illustrate the entire knitting process, including the extension of the lower part of the product.

Here, the technique of forming two wedges is applied: on the details of the front and back. Loops are added only along the inside of the wedge, along vertical lines. Thus, the sections of the dress on the sides remain even. If desired, similar additions can be made on both sides of the vertical lines, then the dress will become very wide and lush.

A crocheted motif dress does not allow expansion, so such models are simply made even. Alternatively, a wide skirt, made up of fragments, is attached to the belt.

It is very convenient to expand the fabric while knitting patterns with longitudinal stripes. Using the example of turquoise, you can see that gradually its “bushes” elements increase by knitting more columns. Also, closer to the lower edge of the product, the size of the grid cells has been increased.