Didactic games for sensory education and development of young preschool children. Games for the development of visual attention in children


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The game "Remember - put it down"

Task: develop an arbitrary visual memory, the ability to memorize a sequence of pictures (toys).

Equipment: 4 pictures with objects well known to the child or 4 toys.

Description. After examining the pictures (toys), the adult lays them out on the table and asks to remember how they lie one after the other. After that, the pictures (toys) are mixed, and the child must arrange them in the original sequence and name them in order.

Game "What's missing?"



Description. After examining the pictures (toys), the adult lays them out on the table and asks to remember how they lie one after the other. Then the child closes his eyes, and the adult removes one of the pictures (toys) and aligns the disturbed row of objects. The child should remember which picture (or object) was removed and show where he was.

By the age of five, the child should learn not only to show the location of the removed item, but also to tell about it, using the appropriate preposition. For example: "The picture with the doll is gone."

Game "What has changed?"

Task: develop visual memory and attention of children, teach them to memorize a sequence of pictures or details of a plot picture.

Equipment. Option I: a row of 3-4 pictures or toys familiar to the child.

Option II: one plot picture with a little. the number of heroes and the details characterizing them, the other is similar to her, but with minor differences.

Description. Option I. An adult shows the child pictures or toys, names them, then puts them on the table and asks him to remember how they lie one after another. Then the child closes his eyes, the pictures (toys) are mixed, after which he needs to arrange them in a given sequence and name them in order.

Option II. The child carefully examines the first plot picture, trying to remember in detail the objects on it. Then this picture is removed, and the second is presented to the child. Having examined Her, the child must answer the question "What has changed?" compared with the first and tell about these differences in detail.

For example: “In the first picture, the bunny has a bow, and in the second - a tie. First, the hedgehog was in a red blouse and carried an apple on its back, and then the jacket turned blue, and there was a mushroom on the back. "

Task: develop an arbitrary visual memory, the ability to memorize the number and location of given objects.

Equipment: 3 pictures with objects well known to the child or 3 toys.

Description. After examining the pictures (toys), the adult lays them out on the table and asks to remember their sequence. Then the child closes his eyes, and the adult quietly adds some picture (or toy) that does not attract much attention. The child must name the original pictures (toys) and determine the excess. By the age of 5, you should seek from the child a complete answer to the question. For example: "To the left of the doll, a typewriter (a book, a cube, etc.) has been added."

Game "What has become different?"

Task: develop voluntary visual attention, teach to memorize a given sequence of objects.

Equipment: 3-4 pictures with objects familiar to the child or 3-4 toys.

Description. After examining the pictures (toys), the adult lays them out on the table and asks to remember how they lie. Then the child closes his eyes, and the adult swaps any pictures (toys). The child must restore the original sequence of pictures (toys). By the age of 5, the child should accompany his actions with suggestions for the location of the pictures (or toys). For example: "The picture with the ball was the first, followed by the doll, the pyramid", etc. or "We changed the places of the typewriter and the book."

Game "What's the difference?"

Task: develop visual memory and attention of children, teach them to carefully examine similar objects and compare them in detail, name from memory the similarities and differences between

Equipment: pairs of similar plot pictures, which differ from each other by noticeable differences in details (color, shape, quantity, location).

Description. The child is shown first one picture, then, after examining it, another, after which he must name the differences between them from memory. If necessary, an adult can help the child with leading questions.

Game "Remember and write down the numbers"

Task: develop visual and motor memory, fine motor skills in children.

Equipment: card with 2-3 numbers written on it.

Description. The adult shows the child a card with numbers and invites them to carefully consider them during 5-10 seconds, trying to remember how they go in order. Then the card is removed, and the child must name or write the numbers he saw in the given order.

The game "Repeat after me actions"

Task: develop visual and motor memory in children, coordination of movements, teach them the sequential repetition of actions for adults.

Description: The adult and the child are facing each other. An adult shows the child 5-6 movements, following immediately one after another, and the child must remember their sequence and repeat on his own.

For example: hands up - forward - to the sides - on the belt - sit down; hands forward, sit down - hands up, stand up - hands on the belt, jump.

Game "Look - Remember - Draw"

Task: develop visual and motor memory, fine motor skills in children.

Equipment: a card with 2-3 geometric shapes drawn on it, familiar to a child at this age.

Description. An adult shows the child a card with figures and invites them to carefully examine them for 5-10 seconds and remember. Then the card is removed, and the child must draw the seen figures in the same order as in the sample.

Game "Remember Pairs"

Task: develop visual memory and associative thinking of children, train them in the ability to correlate objects that are appropriate in meaning.

Equipment: object pictures familiar to the child, from which you can make up pairs that fit each other in meaning.

Description. Pictures are shuffled and laid out on the table. An adult pronounces words for each of which the child selects an appropriate picture and a pair picture that suits her in meaning.

For example: a vase - flowers, a dog - a collar, a key - a lock, a plate - a spoon, etc. During training, an adult can play by ear (without pictures), calling one word from a pair, and the child must remember and name the second.

Game "Remember - name"

Task: develop visual memory of children, teach them to memorize the number of given objects or pictures.

Equipment. Option I: children 3-4 years old are presented with 4-5 pictures or well-known objects; for children 5 years old, the number of pictures or objects increases to 6-7 pieces.

Option II: paired cards, one of which depicts a certain (depending on the age of the child) number of objects (see option I), on the other, several new ones are added to the number of objects from the first card.


Option I. The child examines a number of objects or pictures, counts them, and then from memory calls those of them that he remembered.

Option II. First, the child is presented with the first card, the child examines and names the objects depicted on it, counts them. Then
this card changes to the second, and the child must remember and name those objects that were on the first card.

Game "Answer the Questions"

Task: develop visual memory in children, the ability to carefully examine the picture and remember its details.

Equipment: plot pictures for viewing.

Description. After the child looks at the picture, the adult removes it and asks questions about its content.

In this case, the instruction of an adult may be as follows. First: “Look carefully at what gifts his friends brought the bunny for his birthday”; then: "Help the bunny remember who gave what."

Or first: "Try to remember who lives in which house", then: "Remember who lives in which house."

Memorize Words Game

Task: develop the auditory memory and attention of children, expand their vocabulary.

Description. An adult slowly and clearly names words familiar to a child at this age and available to him for repetition: children 3-4 years old - 4-5 words; 5 years - 6-7 words. The players must repeat them in the same order. Skipping words or rearranging them is not allowed.

At the initial stage, to facilitate the memorization process, words are selected that are related by meaning (for example, summer, walk, bathing, play, ball), then completely different.

Game "Knock like me"

Task: develop auditory attention and memory of children, train them in tapping a given rhythm according to the model of an adult.

Description. An adult invites the child to listen to a simple rhythm that he will tap and try to repeat it after him, keeping the number, frequency and strength of the beats.

The didactic manual "Magic Caps" is made from scrap material.

Purpose: To develop in children the ability to group objects by color. Consolidate knowledge about yellow, blue, red, green colors. Develop fine motor skills of the hands. Develop children's interest in board games.

Didactic play is one of the most important methods of active learning for preschool children. During the game, the child develops physically, learns to overcome difficulties. He fosters intelligence, resourcefulness, initiative.

Play is the leading activity for preschool children. Didactic games are one of the means of upbringing and teaching children.

For this purpose, the didactic manual "Colored Caps" was created, which is multifunctional.

call them correctly,
develop the ability to concentrate.

Game progress:

The teacher invites the children to consider the pictures, name the objects that are depicted. Draws attention to the fact that the pictures are repeated, that is, they are paired. The teacher shows how to find a pair of identical pictures. Then he invites the children to complete this task.

develop visual perception.

Course of the game: The teacher asks the children to look at the lids with pasted colored circles, asks them to name the color. Then he invites the children to match pairs of the same colored circles.

Purpose: to consolidate knowledge of the main 4 colors, to develop visual perception.

Course of the game: The teacher shows the children, for example, a lid with a yellow circle, asks what color it is and invites the children to choose an object picture of the same color. Then he shows the lid with a green circle, the children name the color and also pick up the picture.

Purpose: to enrich children's vocabulary with adjectives; develop thinking, attention.

Course of the game: The teacher takes the lid so that the children do not see the picture on it, and begins to describe the object. Children guess what it is. If the answer is correct, the teacher shows the answer.

Purpose: to develop attention.

The course of the game: The teacher lays out 3-4 covers with pictures in front of the children, asks them to carefully consider them. Children name objects. Then the children close their eyes, and the teacher hides 1 cover. Children guess which object is gone.

Game development for older children:

the ability to change nouns by numbers.

Game progress:

The teacher invites the children to compose a story based on pictures. Pictures can be swapped, then the sequence of the story will change. You can replace the pictures, then the meaning of the story will change. If a single picture is used, then a singular noun should be used in the story, if paired pictures, then a plural noun.

Purpose: to teach to navigate in space, to develop mindfulness.

The course of the game: The teacher lays out 4-5 lids with pictures in front of the children and offers to determine which picture lies between the other two, on the left, on the right.

You can arrange the pictures in 2 rows and then form the concept of "above", "below" in children, ask them to name the picture in the upper right corner or in the lower left corner.




The didactic manual "Magic Caps" is made from scrap material.

Purpose: To develop in children the ability to group objects by color. Consolidate knowledge about yellow, blue, red, green colors. Develop fine motor skills of the hands. Develop children's interest in board games.

Didactic play is one of the most important methods of active learning for preschool children. During the game, the child develops physically, learns to overcome difficulties. He fosters intelligence, resourcefulness, initiative.

Play is the leading activity for preschool children. Didactic games are one of the means of upbringing and teaching children.

What are didactic games for preschoolers? These are interesting games in the course of which the kid begins to be interested in such objects that practically do not interest him outside the game situation. In addition to the intellectual sphere, such didactic games are very closely intertwined with the emotional sphere of the child, because the purpose of this game, in addition to gaining new knowledge, is also to bring the child pleasure from the game process. The characteristic features of didactic games are that they are created by adults for the purpose of teaching and educating children. However, created for didactic purposes, they remain games. The child in these games is attracted, first of all, by the game situation, and while playing, he unnoticed for himself solves a didactic problem. Each didactic game includes several elements, namely: a didactic task, content, rules and game actions. The main element of the didactic game is the didactic task. It is closely related to the program and educational areas. All other elements are subordinate to this task and ensure its implementation. The didactic tasks are varied. It can be cognition (familiarization with the world around us: nature, flora and fauna, communication (development of speech: consolidation of correct sound pronunciation, enrichment of the vocabulary, development of coherent speech). Didactic tasks can be associated with the consolidation of elementary mathematical concepts, the development of creative abilities.
For this purpose, the didactic manual "Colored Caps" was created, which is multifunctional.

Didactic game "Make pairs of subject pictures"

Purpose: to teach to distinguish and compare object pictures with each other,
call them correctly,
develop the ability to concentrate.

Game progress:

The teacher invites the children to consider the pictures, name the objects that are depicted. Draws attention to the fact that the pictures are repeated, that is, they are paired. The teacher shows how to find a pair of identical pictures. Then he invites the children to complete this task.

Didactic game "Match pairs by color"

Purpose: the ability to match pairs based on a similar sensory feature;
develop visual perception.

Course of the game: The teacher asks the children to look at the lids with pasted colored circles, asks them to name the color. Then he invites the children to match pairs of the same colored circles.

Didactic game "Pick a picture by color"

Purpose: to consolidate knowledge of the main 4 colors, to develop visual perception.

Course of the game: The teacher shows the children, for example, a lid with a yellow circle, asks what color it is and invites the children to choose an object picture of the same color. Then he shows the lid with a green circle, the children name the color and also pick up the picture.

Didactic game "Guess the subject which I will describe"

Purpose: to enrich children's vocabulary with adjectives; develop thinking, attention.

Course of the game: The teacher takes the lid so that the children do not see the picture on it, and begins to describe the object. Children guess what it is. If the answer is correct, the teacher shows the answer.

Didactic game "What's missing"

Purpose: to develop attention.

The course of the game: The teacher lays out 3-4 covers with pictures in front of the children, asks them to carefully consider them. Children name objects. Then the children close their eyes, and the teacher hides 1 cover. Children guess which object is gone.

Game development for older children:

Didactic game "Make a story"

Purpose: development of coherent speech using reference subject pictures;
the ability to change nouns by numbers.

Game progress:

The teacher invites the children to compose a story based on pictures. Pictures can be swapped, then the sequence of the story will change. You can replace the pictures, then the meaning of the story will change. If a single picture is used, then a singular noun should be used in the story, if paired pictures, then a plural noun.

Didactic game "Determine the location of the object"

Purpose: to teach to navigate in space, to develop mindfulness.

The course of the game: The teacher lays out 4-5 lids with pictures in front of the children and offers to determine which picture lies between the other two, on the left, on the right.

You can arrange the pictures in 2 rows and then form the concept of "above", "below" in children, ask them to name the picture in the upper right corner or in the lower left corner.

Memory needs to be trained from early childhood.
Moreover, this can be done imperceptibly for the child himself, in a playful way.

You can start as soon as the child has learned to speak in sentences, from about 1.6-2-3 years old.

"I am taking with me on a hike ..."
The number of players is not limited. But the more participants there are, the more interesting and fun the competition will be. “I take with me on a hike ... a porridge pot,” says the first participant. The next child names another irreplaceable thing on the hike. And so on, until the participant in the game dries up or makes a mistake, saying, for example, that a cat is needed during a hike. Thus, the winner is the one who has a wider vocabulary, a good outlook, and quick-wittedness. The game trains auditory memory.

"What's missing?"
Visual memory, in turn, can be developed by offering children the game "What's Gone?" Lay out various objects in front of the baby: a doll, cubes, a pyramid, a mug, a pacifier, a comb, etc. The child is given 30-40 seconds to remember which objects were lying in front of him. Then he closes his eyes, and the presenter removes one or more things. The task of the little player is to understand what exactly disappeared from the table. The game can be upgraded without removing items at all, but replacing them with others. Depending on the age of the child, you can increase the number of disappearing items.

"Go shopping!"
Ask your child to buy in the "store", the role of which will be assigned to boxes of toys, two cars, red and blue, three forks and a frying pan, a doll and a ball. In the process of completing this task, the baby trains auditory memory. With each new shopping trip, the number of purchases should be increased.

By the way, this game can be played for real. When going to the store, write on a piece of paper a list of the necessary goods, say them out loud so that the baby can hear. And in the store, ask him to remind him what should have been bought, since the list is supposedly forgotten at home.

"Let's dance together"
Usually children are very fond of dancing. They are not yet fettered by the fear of a possible negative reaction from society, and therefore they are as free as possible in their actions and manifestations. In order for dancing to develop the child not only physically, but also intellectually, a system of movements is needed that the child must follow. Think it up yourself or use the already formed dance lessons. Move with your child. This game teaches the child to follow the rules, concentrate on a specific task, and develops visual memory.

"Learning poetry"
Let your baby learn poetry as often as possible, not only on New Year's or March 8th. Due to the rhythmic structure, poems are easy to memorize, expand the baby's vocabulary, train memory. You can even arrange poetry battles with your family. And so that the child has an incentive to memorize, determine a valuable prize for the winner.

A good memory is, in a way, a formula for success for a person. Achievements in a career and self-realization largely depend on the ability to memorize information. True, they also emphasize that, in addition to exercises for the development of memory, full, healthy sleep and high-quality, balanced nutrition are important.


Adult drawsdifferent pictures representing the seasons, cut them out and put them in front of the child. Then a blank sheet is taken, and the adult asks the kid to choose pictures that remind him of a particular season. For example, put all the pictures that talk about winter on one sheet, and on the other -about summer, and so on. Discuss each picture with your child, ask him why it reminds him of a given time of year, and why he chooses it. It's not scary if the kid suddenly makes a mistake, because he hasnot yet a very big experience of changing the seasons, which he perceived consciously.

All pictures should be large and understandable - for example, in winter they candisplay pictures with large snowflakes, houses with snowdrifts, sleds, snow women, and in summer - butterflies, flowers; spring can be characterized by the sun and icicles from which water drips; autumn - red and yellow leaves on trees, rain, etc.

If the child is older, you can invite him to draw pictures for the seasons himself.


Almost every child has a construction set, regardless of who is growing up in the family - a boy or a girl. Any constructors will be useful - from serious houses with various elements to stylized "bricks". To begin with, an adult tells the kid about the builders, together they remember where they saw the construction sites, what the builders did, what material they used. Then the child needs to be explained that first they draw a house, create a drawing. Offer to make him a drawing at home, and then, together with the baby, figure out how you can assemble such a house using a constructor.

If you do not have enough details for the roof, then it can be made of paper, steps, openings of doors and windows can also be filled with details made of paper stylized as a building element.
If there is no constructor, then the "house" can be built from improvised means - cubes, boxes, and so on.
If there are small toys
. it can be toys from "kinder surprises", for example, you can even create a small neighborhood of "houses" made from a construction set.

Games of this kind are usually very popular with children, as they simulate the situation in which they find themselves when they get to the market with their parents.At the same time, children acquire skills in the concepts of “fruits”, “vegetables”, “greens”, “seedlings” and so on. Together with your child, draw different vegetables and fruits, other products that are sold in the market. Lay them out on the "counter" - the table. The “salesperson” can highlight his profession by wearing, for example, an apron. The "buyer" can be an adult. You can ask the "seller" for some fruit from the "assortment" of the counter.

If the child still finds it difficult to choose himself, you can show him the desired picture or start listing the signs of the fruit- what is the product in terms of color, shape, taste, so that the kid can guess for himself.

For older children, you can include in the game and count - that is, write price tags for each "product", "pay" in a larger bill, so that the child can "pass change." To begin with, it should, of course, be a little money.. within ten rubles, and so that the change is a round sum.

"Lie is true"

RIt is recommended to use such games for the development of the child, they are needed to develop his logical thinking and reasoning skills.To conduct such games, you can use books on "Informatics" for preschoolers, or you can just come up with different exampleson one's own.

To begin with, simple ones: for example, ask the truth or falsehood of the statement that people fly. We need to prepare for the fact that children can answer that people fly on airplanes, and in this case, this statement also turns out to be true, as well as the answer that people cannot fly.

Even more obvious questions, implying unambiguous answers, can get different answers: is the color red, for example, a mouse. If the child has a very developed imagination, then he can answer that if you shine a light on the mouseflashlight with a red lamp, it will turn red.Do not extinguish the child's fantasies, you can support him.

In order for the child to see the results of the game, you can make several red, green and yellow cards. If the answer is correct, issue a green card, if the answer is incorrect, a red card, and if the answer was given based on additional conditions, as in the previous examples, then a yellow card.

For older children, you can use more complex questions. For example, tell the children about a phenomenon, and then make a statement based on the story and ask whether it is true or not. For example, tell children about birds: those that live permanently in one place and those that fly south to winter. Then you can make a few statements, and let some of them be funny and make children laugh. For example, it can be assumed that magpies have four legs or that tits do not fly, but.crawl like snakes. Then you can ask if the pigeons are migratory birds, etc.

A good memory is a very important quality for successful studies. Memorizing poems and songs develops, in the main, mechanical memory, but right now I want to focus on the ability to memorize, which is necessary for performing real tasks, in in this case- to solve game problems.

"Development of memory"
For the game we need several (4-7) toys of approximately the same size. For example: doll, ball, bear, house, car, horse, cube.

Important :

Choose toys familiar to the baby, he should not only know their names, but also use them in his speech. In addition, all items need to be "named" differently. For example, it is impossible for two different dolls to participate in the game, if the child calls them both just dolls, and not a bear, a monkey or something else.

Rules games:
1. The simplest version of the game, which usually starts with two-year-olds: take three toys and put them in a row. Together with the child, you need to "remember" the names of all three toys and speak before starting the game.

2. Now the driver (at first it is an adult) asks the baby to close his eyes, and hides one of the toys behind his back. Important: at this first stage, in the row of toys, in place of the hidden one, there remains, as it were, a "hole": a space, an empty space. This will allow the child to use additional visual memory.

3. The driver allows the kid to open his eyes and asks: “What have I hidden? What toy is behind me? What are we missing here? What was here (points to an empty space in a row), and now is gone? "

When the baby learns the rules of the game, be sure to change places with him. Let him, in turn with you, "drive" and hide the toy from you. Open your eyes and tell them out loud how you “remember”: “Ha, there was something ... What did we have here? The bear is in place ... The doll is in place ... You know, it must be a ball? Yes? Show me ... ".

4. Intuitively, parents complicate this game by increasing the number of objects in a row. This is correct, but it is not enough. Starting with four items in a row, you can add complexity in a different way.

First, after removing the toy, do not leave “empty space” where it was: move adjacent objects so that the distance between all the remaining toys is the same. This is a more difficult task, because the child cannot rely on visual memory to the same extent as before, but must already include more semantic memory, although the constant order of the toys still helps him.

5. Secondly, at a more difficult stage, the order of the toys in the row can be changed after one of them has been hidden. Now visual memory will not help the child, and he will have to use a more abstract mechanism: semantic, verbal.

6. Please note: every time you want to complicate the game, do it in only one of the ways. That is: either - increase the number of toys, or - complicate the task by changing the location of the toys. Take your time.

7. And one more important condition. The next day, it is better to take a slightly different set of toys to participate in the game. For example, if you played with a doll, a house and a ball, the next day you can take a doll, a house and a car. The child must understand that the skills he has acquired do not depend on specific subjects.

An adult lays out 3 vegetables or 3 pictures of vegetables on the table. The child calls them. The adult then asks the child to close their eyes. At this time, one of the vegetables is hiding. After the child opens his eyes, the adult asks: “What is not there? Which vegetable disappeared? ”Sample answers:“ No onion, ”“ No cucumber, ”etc.

One - many (with a ball)

The adult names the vegetable in the singular and throws the ball to the child.

The child calls it in the plural and returns the ball to the adult: tomato - tomatoes; cucumber - cucumbers; turnips - turnips; carrots - carrots.

You can complicate the task (for children with a good level of speech development, able to repeat these forms of words). An adult hides vegetables in a basket and asks a child: "What's not there?" He answers: “Tomatoes are tomatoes; cucumbers - cucumbers; turnips - rap ".

Remember with your child what you considered today, what you talked about. Praise him. You can make a vegetable salad or vinaigrette with your child.

Discuss each action (washing, cutting, cleaning, stirring, etc.), describe the vegetables (the cucumber is small, green, oval, rough, grown in the garden bed).

It is advisable to stick images of vegetables in the child's notebook (this was mentioned earlier) (he cuts out (with your help with special children's scissors) and glues the child himself).


Speech material

You can consolidate everything passed in the lesson with the help of games and with the help of specially selected literary works.

You can ask the child riddles about vegetables, and he will name the clues or show them:

Summer in the garden - Fresh, green,

And in the winter in a barrel - Yellow, salty

Guess, well done, What are our names?

The red nose has grown into the ground,

And the green tail is outside.

We don't need a green tail

All you need is a red nose. (Carrot.)

What's that creak?

What a crunch?

What is this bush?

How to be without crunch


The grandfather is sitting in a hundred fur coats,

Who undresses him

He sheds tears.

Bela, crumbly, tasty,

And she's always on the table.


Wonderful pouch

Target: fix the names of vegetables, their colors.

Equipment: pouch, natural vegetables or dummies.

Move. Before playing, the child is introduced to vegetables and their properties. The kid takes vegetables from the “wonderful bag” one by one and names them. Then he answers the questions of an adult about the shape, color, size of vegetables. If a child finds it difficult, an adult helps him.

Zaykin riddles

Target: to teach to identify a subject by its characteristics, to activate a dictionary on a topic.

Equipment: a toy hare, a bag, natural vegetables or dummies.

Move. The adult explains to the child that the bunny wants to play with him, make riddles: "The bunny will find some vegetable in the bag and tell you about it, and you have to guess what it is." Rabbits riddles: “Long, red (carrot). Green, long (cucumber). Round, red (tomato) ", etc.

One - many


Equipment: ball.

Stroke... The adult names the vegetable in the singular and throws the ball to the child. The child calls it in the plural and returns the ball to the adult. For example: cucumber - cucumbers, tomato - tomatoes, turnips - turnips.

Name it affectionately


Equipment: pictures of large and small vegetables.

Move. An adult shows a child a picture of a large vegetable, such as a tomato, and asks what it is called. Then he explains, showing a picture: “This tomato is big. And what do you affectionately call such a small vegetable? " (Tomato.) Other vegetables are considered similarly (cucumber - cucumber, turnip - turnip, carrot - carrot, onion - onion, potato - potato). The non-speaking child is asked: “Show me the tomato. Now show me the tomato. "

Which vegetable have you missed?

Target: activation of the vocabulary on the topic, development of attention and visual memory.

Equipment: toy hare, vegetables (dummies).

Move. An adult shows the child a hare and explains that it is his birthday today. Guests came and brought many gifts. An adult lays out gifts-vegetables in front of a hare, naming them. He does not name one vegetable. The child must guess which one. He names or shows it depending on the level of speech development.


Target: activate the dictionary on the topic, teach the correct use of nouns in the accusative case.

Equipment: pictures depicting vegetables or natural vegetables.

Move. The adult asks the child to "cook" a treat for him (salad or cabbage soup). The child chooses the right vegetables for the dish, names them. Then he explains how he will prepare this "treat" (take, wash, clean, cut, cook).



O clarify and activate the children's vocabulary on this topic,


© learn to write a simple sentence;

© development of logical thinking;

development of general and fine motor skills, holistic perception of the subject.

Equipment: paper doll with a set of clothes, toy locker or envelope, didactic board game "The Fourth Extra" or separate pictures from the lotto, album, pencils and crayons, object pictures depicting winter and summer clothes, glue pencil.


Organizational moment

Drawing the Striped Skirt Pattern

An adult draws a skirt in the child's album. The kid draws horizontal lines with colored pencils. It is necessary to observe the intervals between the lines, do not tear the pencil off the paper.

Didactic game

Dress Anya

An adult demonstrates a paper doll Anya to a child. Anya is a great fashionista, she has a lot of things. Items of clothing are removed from the toy cabinet or envelope, one at a time. The child calls them.

An adult seeks an answer with a simple sentence: “Anya has a dress,” “Anya has a sweater,” etc. A generalizing word “Clothes” is selected.

Then the clothes are sorted into cold and warm, summer and winter. An adult describes the doll's clothes: “Anya has a red dress. The dress has a collar, sleeves and pockets. The sleeves are short. " Activating the child's speech, the adult asks: “Where are the sleeves of the dress? Show me. What have you shown? "

Dynamic pause

Finger gymnastics

Alenka-malenka (Clap with palms, blow with fists

Nimble, fast: against each other - 2 times.)

I applied water, (they fold their fingers one by one,

The sundress finished, starting with the big one.)

I tied a sock

I collected berries,

I finished the song,

Ripe everywhere. (Clap palms, blow

She cares about the hunt. fists against each other 2 times.)

Didactic games

Fourth extra

A ready-made board game is used or object pictures are selected, for example, from lotto. In a number of objects, the child highlights an extra object and explains his choice. For example, a dress, a sundress, trousers, a matryoshka (an extra matryoshka, since this is a toy, and everything else is clothes); shorts, a fur coat, a T-shirt, a sundress (an extra fur coat, since this is winter clothes, and everything else is summer clothes).

What is missing?

An adult draws in the child's album trousers without one leg, a dress without a sleeve, a shirt without buttons.

The child names and draws the missing details and colors the garments.

5. Outcome of the lesson. Assessment of the child's activity

The adult and the child recall what they considered and talked about today in class.

The child, with the help of an adult, cuts out items of clothing (Mom’s old magazines like Cosmopolitan and Liza come in handy here) and pastes them into an album.

Winter and summer clothes are glued on different pages.


Speech material

For memorization, a Russian folk nursery rhyme is offered:

Cat on the window

Sews a shirt,

Hen in boots

Sweeps the hut.


Put the doll to sleep

Purpose: to acquaint with the items of clothing, its details, pattern, color.

Equipment: doll with a set of doll clothes, doll bed.

Move. The adult invites the child to put the doll to sleep. The child undresses the doll, and the adult comments on his actions: “First you need to take off the dress and hang it on the back of the chair. To take off the dress, you need to unbutton the buttons, "etc. During the game, the adult must activate the child's speech by asking leading questions:" What should be unbuttoned on the dress? " If the kid finds it difficult to answer, the adult answers himself.

The doll woke up

Target: clarify the names of doll clothes, their details, patterns, colors.

Equipment: doll on the bed, doll clothes.

Move. An adult shows a child a doll that sleeps in a crib. He then explains that the doll is awake and needs to be dressed. The child dresses the doll, and the adult accompanies his actions with the speech: "Let's put on a T-shirt, a clean white T-shirt on the doll." To activate the speech of children, an adult asks the child questions: “What are you putting on a doll? What color is the T-shirt? "

Dress up the doll


Equipment: cardboard doll, a set of paper clothes.

Move. The adult invites the child to dress the doll depending on the situation (for skiing, for a holiday, on the beach, etc.). The child puts on the doll, for example, for a walk. An adult describes the doll's clothes: “Let's dress the doll in a blue coat. The coat has a collar, sleeves, pockets. Fasten it with buttons. " To activate the child's speech, the adult asks: “Where are the sleeves of the coat? Show me. What have you shown? "

Name it affectionately

Target: teach to form nouns with diminutive suffixes.

Equipment: object pictures depicting clothes of large and small sizes.

Dress - frock; T-shirt - T-shirt; socks - socks; sundress - sundress; shirt - shirt.

Who is wearing what?

Target: compare the clothes of a boy and a girl, activate the dictionary on the topic.

Equipment: pictures with a boy and a girl.

Move. An adult compares the children's clothes: “Nastya has a dress, and Sasha has a shirt and trousers. Nastya's dress has short sleeves, while Sasha's shirts are long, "etc. An adult activates the child with questions:" What kind of clothes does Nastya have? And what about Sasha? What color is Nastya's dress? " If the child finds it difficult, the adult himself answers the questions.

What is missing?

Target: the development of a holistic perception of an object in a child. Equipment: pictures of trousers without one leg, dresses without sleeves, shirts without buttons.

Move. See the game from the "Toys" topic.



I clarify and activate the dictionary on the topic, generalize;

© to consolidate the ability to form simple grammatical forms of nouns: diminutive and plural forms;

© to form a new skill - the ability to reconcile a noun with a numeral; About to introduce into the child's dictionary the adjectives "large", "average", "small";

About the development of general and fine motor skills, logical thinking.

Equipment: cutaway picture "Cup" (two horizontal cuts), a set of toy tea utensils or real (preferably plastic) tea utensils (cup, saucer, dessert plate, teaspoon, sugar bowl, teapot), real or toy table, illustrated book "Three Bears" , five real cups and spoons (or toy ones), scrapbook, baby scissors, glue stick.


Organizational moment

Cutaway picture "Cup". The child collects the picture and names it.

Didactic games

Tea drinking

The adult asks the child to set the table for tea. The kid fulfills the instructions given to him: “Put the kettle and sugar bowl in the middle of the table. Place small plates and cups and saucers nearby. Put teaspoons to the right of each cup. "

A child with a good level of speech development can be introduced to such objects and words as "bread box", "candy bowl", "dessert plate". Then the child selects a generalizing word for all objects - dishes. An adult specifies that these are tea utensils, since they are used while drinking tea.

Let's treat the bears with tea

Ideally, a set of dishes of different sizes is used for the game. A well-illustrated book "Three Bears" is suitable for an individual lesson. From a set of dishes, the child chooses a cup, spoon and plate for the bear, bear and bear. The adult comments on the child's actions using the adjectives "large", "medium" and "small". Mishutkina's dishes are affectionately called and encourage the baby to do this: a cup - a cup; plate - plate; spoon - spoon.

Dynamic pause

One - many (with a ball)

An adult throws a ball to a child and names a noun in the singular, a child returns a ball to an adult and names a plural noun: cup - cups; spoon - spoons; saucer - saucers; plate - plates; kettle - teapots; sugar bowl - sugar bowls; bread bin - bread bins; candy bowl - candy bowls.

Didactic game

Count it up

The adult places five cups in a row in front of the child and offers to count them. The kid counts objects, correctly coordinating the numbers with nouns: "One cup, two cups, three cups, four cups, five cups."

Similarly, the child counts spoons: "One spoon, two spoons, three spoons, four spoons, five spoons."

5. Outcome of the lesson. Assessment of the child's activity

An adult and a child recall what they did in class. As a reward, treat your child to candy and tea biscuits.

Pinning a topic

Let's treat the bears with tea

Target: to consolidate the names of tableware items, to introduce them to the diminutive form of words, to introduce the adjectives "large", "medium", "small" into the passive dictionary.

Equipment: three sets of dishes of various sizes, a picture from the fairy tale "Three Bears".

Move. The child chooses from a set of dishes a cup, a plate and a spoon for the bear, bear and teddy bear. The adult comments on the child's actions using the adjectives "big", "average" and "smallest". Mishutka's dishes must be called affectionately and the child should be encouraged to do so: a cup - a cup; plate - plate; spoon - spoon.

Wash the dishes

Target: expand the vocabulary on the topic, intensify speech.

Equipment: a basin of water, doll dishes.

Move. The adult explains to the child that the dishes need to be washed after breakfast. He begins to wash the dishes, saying that the dishes were dirty and now they are clean. Then he invites the child to join the game. The child must be encouraged to name the dishes, actions (wash, dry).

One - many

Target: teach how to form plural nouns.

Equipment: ball.

Move. The adult names the dishes in the singular and throws the ball to the child. The child calls it in the plural and returns the ball to the adult: cup - cups; spoon - spoons; saucer - saucers; plate - plates; kettle - teapots; breadbasket - breadbaskets.

Spoon and glass

Target: to form an understanding of some prepositions.

Equipment: two spoons and two plastic glasses.

Move. A glass with a spoon stands in front of an adult and a child. The adult demonstrates to the child the actions with these objects and comments on them: “I put the spoon in the glass. I took the spoon out of the glass. I put a spoon behind a glass, "etc. After that, if the child is speaking, he can independently demonstrate any action and comment on it. An adult at this time monitors the correctness of the child's speech.

What's gone?

Target: clarify the names of tableware items, teach the genitive case, develop visual attention and memory.

Equipment: dollhouse or real tableware.

Move. An adult puts three to four dishes on the table. Then he asks the child to close his eyes and at this time hides one of the objects. The child names the missing object. The game is repeated 3-4 times.


Refine and activate the dictionary on this topic (introduce the names of parts of the house - window, wall, pipe, roof, door; introduce the concepts of high-low);

Develop an understanding of the preposition "na", learning the correct use of this preposition;

Development of fine motor skills, logical thinking.

Equipment: cutaway picture "House" (two horizontal cuts), cubes, paper butterfly, hoop, album, simple and colored pencils.


Organizational moment

Folding the split picture "House". The picture can be drawn independently on cardboard and cut into three parts (two horizontal cuts). The drawn house must necessarily have a triangular roof, chimney, window and door.

The child collects the picture. He says what happened. Names all parts of the house.

Didactic games

Build a house

On the model of an adult, the child builds a house from cubes (a cube and a triangular roof). The adult explains that the roof is placed on top of the cube. Thus, several houses are being built - a street.

An adult clarifies that we pronounce the word "on" when we put the roof on top. Then a tall house is built (two or three cubes and a triangular roof). The concepts "high" and "low" are introduced. Then the adult asks the kid to show where the house is high and where it is low. Where did the butterfly go?

An adult shows the child a paper butterfly (preferably on a string). He lowers the butterfly on the roof, on the pipe, on the window, on the door, on the wall of the painted house (a house obtained from a cut picture is used).

An adult activates the child's speech by asking: "Where did the butterfly go?" The child responds with a sentence: "The butterfly sat on the roof," "The butterfly sat on the door," etc. It is desirable to highlight the preposition "on" with a voice.


When studying any grammatical categories, it is important during the entire exercise or lesson (if it is entirely devoted to this topic) with intonation and voice to highlight the correct ending, a certain prefix, suffix and other grammatical features of Russian speech. For example: one cup, two cups, five cups. When studying prepositions, a preposition is highlighted in a voice: on the table, under the table, etc.

Dynamic pause

The bear has a big house, (Put your hands up,

stretch on your toes.)

And the bunny has a small one. (Sit down, put your hands down.)

Our bear went home. (Waddling from the side

to the side, depict the gait of a bear.)

And the bunny jumped. (Jumping in place, hands

at chest level, hands down - like the legs of a bunny.)

Didactic game

Whose house?

The child stands inside the hoop lying on the floor - he is in the house. The adult explains that this is a cow's house. Then he "knocks" on the house and asks: "Who lives in this house?" The child responds with onomatopoeia: "Moo-oo-oo!".

If the baby has a high level of speech development, he can respond with whole sentences: “This is a cow's house. She knows how to hum: moo-oo-oo! ".

Similarly, the game is played with other characters:

Dog house: “Woof! Woof! " (barks).

Goose house: "Ha-ha-ha!" (cackle).

House of chickens: "Ku-dakh-takh-takh!" (clucking) or "Ko-ko-ko!" (cackle).

Cat house: “Meow! Meow!" (meows).

5. Outcome of the lesson. Assessment of the child's activity

Think back to what you talked about in class today. Have the child describe the house in which he lives (high or low; what parts the house has; how many floors; what houses are nearby).

In the album, the child draws a house with all the necessary details (pipe, window, etc.). The child must comment on all his actions.

An adult helps him with questions: “What are you drawing?”, “Where is your window? Show me "," Draw a pipe. What have you drawn? " etc.


Speech material

The poem "The bear has a big house" is recommended for memorization.


My house

Target: Introduce parts of the house.

Move. An adult and a child examine their house on a walk, get acquainted with its parts: window, wall, roof, door, chimney; define a high house or a low one.

Then the adult asks the child to guess what he is talking about: “People come in and out through this part of the house. What is it?" (Door); “The house needs this in order to protect its residents from rain and snow” (roof), etc.

Name it affectionately

It is performed with throwing the ball or with pictures of a house - a house; window - window; door - door.

cat house

Target: activate the dictionary on the topic, develop an understanding of the prepositions "in", "on", "from", "under".

Equipment: toy (cardboard) house and cat.

Stroke... The adult informs the child that a cat lives in the house. He shows how the cat entered the house, left the house, climbed onto the roof, sat under the window. Then he asks the child to do the same. If the baby finds it difficult, they help him. Then the child is asked to comment on their actions.

Colorful street

Target: consolidate and expand the vocabulary on the topic, teach to arrange objects exactly in a row.

Equipment: cardboard houses in different colors and sizes.

Move. An adult invites the child to build a street, placing houses on a table in one row (from left to right). After the child has put the house down, he is asked questions: “What did you put in? What color is this house? What does the house have? "


Target: activate the dictionary on the topic.


Move. On the model of an adult, build a town of houses. The house consists of two parts (a cube and a triangular roof). An adult accompanies all actions with a speech: “Now you and I will build a house. Let's put a red cube, and on top we'll put a blue roof. " They activate the child's speech by asking him questions: “What shall we put first? What color is the cube? " An adult draws the child's attention to the fact that many houses are streets.


© expand and activate the dictionary on this topic, generalize;

© acquaintance with the meaning of the preposition "under", learning the correct use of this preposition;

© repetition of the passed diminutive form of nouns;

© development of general and fine motor skills, integral perception of the subject.

Equipment: a toy "Bear", a well-illustrated book "Three Bears", a ball, an album, a glue stick, children's scissors, object pictures depicting various furniture, simple and colored pencils.

Nouns: furniture, table (cover, legs), chair (legs, seat), bed, sofa, armchair, wardrobe.

Adjectives: soft, hard, wood, plastic.

Verbs: sit, lie, eat, put, wipe.

Literature: fairy tales "Three Bears", "The Cat's House" by S. Marshak.


1. Organizational moment

The development of fine motor skills.

Exercises of finger gymnastics "Table" and "Chair".

Place your left palm upright.

Squeeze the right into a fist and put it on the lower part of the left.

Make a fist with your left hand

Lower right palm from above

with straightened fingers.

Exercises are accompanied by

verses by V.V. Tsvyntarny:

Legs, back and seat -,

Here's a chair to surprise you.

The table has four legs,.

Top cover, like a palm.

Didactic game

Visiting Mishutka

An adult shows the child a toy bear and says that today Mishutka from the fairy tale "Three Bears" invites him to visit him. Then they look at the illustrations for the fairy tale, discuss what objects the bears have in the house (chairs, beds, a table, a wardrobe). All this can be called in one word - furniture. An adult shows the child parts of the furniture, names them: legs, back, doors, seat. Then he asks the child to show them.

The child's attention is drawn to the fact that Mishutka's furniture is small and can be called affectionately. The adult invites the child to play. He takes the ball, names a piece of furniture, and throws the ball to the child. The child forms a noun with a diminutive suffix and returns the ball: bed - crib; chair - high chair; table - table; wardrobe - locker; sofa - sofa; armchair - armchair.

Dynamic pause

A jackdaw sat on a birch, (Sit down, hands to knees.)

Then she flew off the tree. (Get up, wave your hands.)

Fedot is sleeping on the bed (Sit down, hands under the cheek.)

And she doesn't get out of bed. (Stand up, spread your hands to the sides.)

Didactic games

Hide the ball

At the request of an adult, the child hides the ball under various pieces of furniture. In a voice, an adult singles out an excuse for: "Hide the ball under the chair", "Hide the ball under the table", etc.

The child performs actions with the ball, commenting on them. An adult activates the child's speech by asking: "Where did you hide the ball?" The child's answers can be either a whole sentence or one word with an excuse: “I hid the ball under the table” or “Under the table”.

What is missing?

An adult draws a chair without a back and a table without a leg. Asks to think, name and finish the missing details.

5. Outcome of the lesson. Assessment of the child's activity

The child remembers who came to visit today, what he did today. Cuts and pastes pieces of furniture into the album. He remembers how all these objects can be called in one word (rooms can be: a bedroom, a nursery, a living room, a kitchen).


1. Speech material

Nouns: house, kitchen, room, windows, wall, roof, chimney, door, staircase, fence, teremok, street - many houses.

Adjectives: primary colors, colorful, tall, low, fabulous, beautiful, different.

Verbs: build, live, go in, go out, open, close, get out.

Numerals: many, one.


Invite your child to guess riddles. The child names the answers or shows them.

I have legs, but I don't walk, there are four legs,

With a back, but I don’t lie, there are one hats,

You sit down - I am not sitting. Needed if it becomes

(Bed, pillow.) Family dine. (Table.)

Games Visiting the doll Oli

Target: clarify the name of the pieces of furniture, its purpose.

Equipment: doll furniture, doll.

Move. The adult invites the child to visit the Olya doll. The doll at home has different furniture.

An adult and a child examine the furniture, determine what it is made of, and clarify its purpose. An adult activates the child's speech by asking: “Show me where the chair is? What is it for? "

Hide the ball

Target: develop the skill of understanding prepositional structures.

Equipment: ball.

Stroke... The child is asked to perform actions with the ball as instructed by an adult: “Put the ball on a chair, under a chair, behind a chair, near a chair,” etc. After that, the child can perform actions with the ball himself, commenting on them.

Furniture for Mishutka

Target: teach to form nouns with diminutive suffixes.

Equipment: ball.

Move. First, they re-read the fairy tale "Three Bears" to the child. Then the adult invites the child to play. An adult will name furniture for Mikhail Ivanovich, and a child - for Mishutka (with throwing the ball): bed - crib; chair - high chair; table - table; wardrobe - locker; sofa - sofa; armchair - armchair.

One - many

Playing with pieces of furniture (see p. 15): table - tables; chair - chairs; wardrobe - wardrobes, etc.


Target: activate the dictionary on the topic.

Equipment: building material (cubes).

Move. Following the adult, the child makes furniture for his favorite doll or other toy. An adult comments on all actions, activating the child's speech with questions: “Now we will make a chair for Olya's doll (he makes a chair from a brick and a cube). What color cubes did I take? Make another chair for Oli's doll. "



© to expand and activate the subject and verb vocabulary on this topic;

© to teach the child to correctly coordinate numbers with nouns;

© teach to answer questions in a simple sentence;

© development of fine and general motor skills.

Equipment: subject picture "Family" or family photos, doll, mirror, album, simple and colored pencils.


1. Organizational moment Finger gymnastics


Russian folk nursery rhyme

Ivan the Bolshak - to chop wood.

Vaska-pointer - carry water.

To the middle bear - to heat the stove.

Orphan Trish - to cook porridge.

And baby Timoshka - sing songs,

Songs to sing and dance

To amuse siblings.

The adult explains to the child that each finger on the hand has its own name - thumb, index, middle, ring and little fingers. Shows them. Then he asks the child to show his thumb, forefinger, middle, etc. fingers.

Didactic game

My family

An adult and a child are looking at the Family storyline or family photos. All family members are named. A child with a good level of speech development determines who is who is a grandfather, grandson, son, etc.

It then discusses who is doing what in the picture. An adult activates the child's speech by asking: “What else can dad do? Mother? girl?" and so on. As many verbs as possible are selected for each noun. For example: "A girl can walk, run, jump, read, play, sing, paint, eat, sleep, drink," etc.

Dynamic pause

The movements correspond to the words of the physical minute.

We stamp our feet, we put our hands down

We clap our hands, we shake hands,

We nod our heads, And we run around.

We raise our hands, And we run around.

Didactic game

Two and two

An adult shows the child an Anya doll (it is better if it is an unfamiliar toy). The child names all parts of the doll's body: eyes, lips, cheeks, hair, etc. It is important to pay attention to places such as eyebrows, eyelashes, knees, elbows, heels, hands, shoulders. Then the adult asks the child to look and say what the doll has two (eyes, ear, elbow, knee, shoulder) and two (arms, legs, lips, hands, heels, eyebrows, nostrils). If the child is lagging behind in speech development, just show him the parts of the doll's body, tell him which parts are two and two. Then ask your toddler to show you where the doll's nose, ear, eye, etc. are. You can take a mirror. By looking at their picture, the child will tell or show their body parts.

5. Lesson summary... Assessment of the child's activity

In the album, the child draws a person. It is important that the drawn person has all parts of the body - neck, ears, fingers, etc. Then the child draws all members of his family.


Speech material

Nouns: person, man, woman, child, boy, girl, head, hair, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, teeth, neck, face, hands, palms, legs, knees, body, fingers, back, chest, belly.

Adjectives: right, left.

Verbs: run, walk, jump, look, sit, sleep, listen, eat, drink, speak, breathe, cry, smile, wash, take, wear, play, draw.

Numbers: one, two, many.

Literature: folk nursery rhymes:

Water, water, Because of the forest, because of the mountains

Wash my face

To make the eyes shine

To make your cheeks turn red

So that the mouth laughs,

To bite a tooth.

Big feet

Walking along the road:

Top, top, top,

Top, top, top

How big is our family

Yes, funny:

Two are standing by the shop;

Two want to study;


Two Dashki at the porridge


Two Ulki in a cradle


Masha alone is not ours,

Yes, and that is good.

Because of the forest, because of the mountains

Grandpa Yegor is coming.

Himself on a horse,

Wife on a cow

Children on calves

Grandchildren on lambs.

Katya, Katya, little,

Katya is remote,

Walk down the path

Stomp, Katya, with a little foot.

Little feet

We ran along the path:

Top, top, top, top, top,

Top, top, top, top, top.

Stand up baby one more time

Take a small step.

Our boy walks with difficulty,

The first time goes around the house.



Target: clarify and activate the dictionary on the topic.

Equipment: toy attributes of the doctor.

Move. The adult invites the child to play the patient and the doctor.

First, the child will be the doctor. An adult complains that he has a headache (arm, leg, ear, etc.). The "doctor" must examine the "patient" and "treat" him.

Then the adult and the child switch roles.

One - many

eye - eyes; ear - ears; hand - hands; leg - legs, etc.

Name it affectionately

nose - nose; eye - an eye; hand - pen; head - head, etc.

Two and two

Target: to acquaint the child with the numbers "two" and "two", to teach how to use them in speech.

Equipment: mirror.

Move. An adult explains to a child in front of a mirror that he has two eyes. Then he invites the kid to think about what he has two more. The child shows and names parts of the body. An adult corrects all mistakes made by the kid when choosing a word.

Remember what it does

Target: to clarify, expand and activate the vocabulary on the topic.

Equipment: pictures with the image of a boy, girl, mom, dad.

Move. An adult shows the child a picture of a boy and invites him to think and say what the boy can do (walk, run, jump, eat, play, draw, etc.).

Similarly, there is a selection of actions for other pictures.

Olya's assistants

Target: teach to form plural forms of verbs, diminutive forms of nouns.

Equipment: doll Olya.

Move. The adult informs the child that the doll Olya has come to visit him with her assistants. Asks the question: "Guess what they are called and what help Olya do." The adult then shows the doll blinking. Asks: “What is it with Olya? (These are the eyes, Olya's assistants.) What are they doing? (They look, blink, open, close, squint.) And what are they affectionately called? (Eyes) ". Legs, ears, hands, teeth are considered similarly.

The adult then reads the poem, encouraging the child to add a word at the end of each quatrain.

Olya's assistants

Olya runs merrily

To the river along the path,

And for this we need Our Olya ... (legs).

Olya takes berries

Two, three things.

And for this you need

Our Ole ... (handles).

Olya gnaws nucleoli,

Shells fall

And for this you need

Our Olya ... (teeth).

Olya looks at the cat

The picture shows fairy tales

And for this you need

Our Olya ... (eyes). E. G. Kurganova

After reading the poem, the adult asks the child: Who are your helpers? What can they do? "

Cycle of classes on the topic




© to clarify and activate the dictionary on the topic, to generalize;

© practice the use of nouns with the suffixes -ok, -enok;

© to learn to differentiate the prepositions "on" and "under";

© development of fine motor skills, auditory attention.

Equipment: toy cat and dog; subject pictures with the image of a cat, kitten, dog, puppy, kennel; album, glue stick.


Organizational moment

An adult invites the child to guess riddles:

Soft Paws,

And there are scratches in the paws. (Cat.)

He is friends with the owner,

The house is guarding

Lives under the porch

And the tail is in a ring. (Dog.)

The child guesses riddles. An adult demonstrates a toy cat and dog.

Didactic games

Help mom find her baby

An adult demonstrates object pictures depicting a cat, dog, puppy and kitten. Tells the baby that mothers - a cat and a dog - have lost their cubs. Let's help them find their children.

The child selects an image of a kitten for a picture with a cat. Calls the cub: "Kitten". Then he depicts how the mother calls her cub: “Meow! Meow!" (meows). Similarly, a puppy is matched to the dog. The dog calls out to his little one: “Woof! Woof! " (barks) An adult and a child clarify that the cat and the dog live in the house of the person who takes care of them, therefore they are pets.

Who is hiding where?

An adult hides a toy cat on a chair, under a bed, on a sofa, under a pillow, etc. and asks the child to find it. After the child finds the toy, the adult asks: "Where did the dog hide?" (Under the table.) "That's right, the dog is under the table." The adult highlights the preposition with his voice. Then the adult invites the child to hide the toy, according to his instructions, on or under an object.

Dynamic pause

Finger anthem


Turn the right palm towards you with an edge. Raise your thumb up. Press the index, middle and nameless to each other. The little finger moves up and down.

The exercises are accompanied by poems by V.V. Tsvyntarny.

The dog has a sharp nose

There are ears, there is a tail.


Connect the middle and ring fingers with the thumb. Raise the index and little fingers up.

And the cat has ears on the top of its head,

To hear the mouse better in your baby.

Didactic games

Name it affectionately

An adult and a child look at pictures of a dog and a puppy. The adult asks the child to show the parts of the dog's body: tail, paws, nose, ears, eyes.

Then he asks to name the same parts of the puppy's body affectionately: tail - tail; paw - paw; nose - nose; ear - ear; the eye is the eye.

Whose house?

Target: teach to make a whole of three parts, to activate speech during work and after its completion.

Equipment: cut pictures "Kennel" (two vertical cuts), "Stable" (vertical and horizontal cuts).

Move. The child is offered to lay down the kennel (stable). During the work and after its completion, the child's speech is activated by the questions: “What did you find first? What then? Who lives in the kennel (stable)? "

5. Outcome of the lesson. Assessment of the child's activity

The kid remembers who today came "to visit" him to class. She cuts and pastes images of a cat and a dog with cubs into an album. Draws a kennel for a dog.


Speech material

Russian folk nursery rhymes for reading:

Our hostess Oh, do not grieve -

She was quick-witted, Nowhere to put the cat.

Brought a job to everyone in the hut to the yard,

For the holiday I gave: I planted it on the fence -

The dog washes the cup with its tongue, and the cat ran,

The mouse collects crumbs under the window, scared all the guys,

The cat scratches its paw on the table, All the lambs and calves,

The chicken sweeps the rugs with a broom. And little guys!

Mice dance in a circle, like our cat

The cat is dozing on the couch. The coat is very good

Hush, mice, do not make noise, Like a cat's mustache

Don't wake up Vaska the cat. Amazing beauty

Vaska-cat will wake up, eyes are bold,

Will break the whole round dance. The teeth are white.

Hush, Little Baby, Do not Say a Word,

Buy my Mashenka.

Come, kitty, sleep

Download my daughter.

I already have a cat,

I'll pay for the work:

I'll give you a piece of the pie

Yes a jug of milk

You already eat, do not crumble,

Don't ask for more, kitty.

Cat with kitten

Nouns: animal, cat, cat, kitten; their body parts: head, muzzle, ears, eyes, body, paws, tail; covered with wool; live in a house, eat milk, fish, meat.

Adjectives: homey, fluffy, soft, warm, gray, red, long (tail), large, small. Onomatopoeia: meow-meow, kitty-kitty. Verbs: walk, run, lap, sleep, lie, sit, jump, catch (mouse), play, meow, squeak. Numerals: one, many.

Literature: S. Marshak "Mustache-striped", nursery rhyme "Pussy".

Pussy, pussy, pussy, scatter!

Don't sit on the step!

Our baby will go

Will fall on the step.

Dog with puppy

Nouns: animal, dog, puppy, wool; parts of the body: head, muzzle, ears, body, paws, tail; kennel, booth, roof, wall, bowl; eats meat.

Adjectives: domestic, fluffy, soft (wool), large, small.

Onomatopoeia: woof-woof.

Verbs: walk, sit, run, lie down, sleep, eat, play, bark, stroke, feed. Numerals: one, many.

Literature: V. Suteev "Who Said" Meow "?", A. Barto "Dog".

There is a shaggy dog ​​by the porch

He lay down with his paws in his nose.

Quietly, peacefully he sniffs,

Maybe asleep, maybe asleep.

And try the thief -

Instantly barks all over the yard. L. Barto



0 to clarify and activate the dictionary on the topic, to generalize;

© practice the use of nouns with the suffixes -enok;

© consolidation of the ability to form various grammatical forms of nouns;

© development of fine motor skills.

Equipment: sketchbook, colored pencils, glue stick; subject pictures with the image of a cat, kitten, dog, puppy, cow, calf, pig, pig; ball.


Organizational moment

Drawing a pattern - "Checkered rug" -

An adult draws a rectangle (cat mat). The child draws horizontal and vertical lines. We consolidate the concept of "one - many" (one line - many lines).

Didactic games

Who screams how?

The adult plays the sounds of a pet and throws the ball to the child. He calls this animal and returns the ball: meow meow! - cat; Bow-wow! - dog; Mu Mu! - cow; oink oink! - pig.

This category includes children with mental retardation, manifested in persistent cognitive impairment resulting from organic damage to the cerebral cortex. This is a developmental disorder in which not only intellect suffers, but also emotions, will, behavior, and physical development. The consequences of the disease are:

Violation of sensations, perceptions, ideas, as well as
memory, thinking, attention, etc .;

General underdevelopment of speech, poor vocabulary, limiting the possibilities of communication;

Low level of elementary knowledge and understanding of
the world around, narrow horizons;

Lagging physical development imbalances in body parts,

lag in length and body weight, poor posture, flat feet and

etc .; concomitant diseases; abnormalities of hearing, vision, etc.;

low body resistance to colds and infectious


Disturbances in the formation of basic movements, characterized by
excessive tension, stiffness, angularity:

Disorders in the development of physical qualities of strength, speed,
endurance. The largest lags are noted in
coordination abilities: accuracy, ability
navigate in space, rhythm of movements,
maintaining balance, etc .;

Rapid fatigue due to imperfection of the nervous, cardio
vascular and respiratory systems.

However, despite numerous deviations in all spheres of life, mentally retarded children are capable of learning and development. In this case, pedagogical tools, principles and methods are of a correctional and developmental nature and are aimed at maximum overcoming (or weakening) the deficiencies of the cognitive, emotional-volitional and motor spheres with a focus on the child's positive capabilities. The most adequate form of overcoming and compensating for these deficiencies is physical activity, in which the leading place belongs to an active game.


Game: "What's Gone"

Target: activation of mental processes: perception, attention, memory.

The optimal number of players is 5-10.

Inventory: several items (toys, skittles, hoops, jump rope and

Instruction. On the playground, the presenter lays out 4-5 objects. Children for one minute examine objects, trying to remember them. Then, on command, the children stand with their backs to the playground, and the presenter removes one of the objects in the ego time. The children turn and name the missing item. The winner is the one who makes fewer mistakes.

The options are:

1. Increase the number of items.

2. To reduce the time of memorizing objects.

3. Remove two items.

Methodical instructions. For the game, you should select such objects that are well known to children.

Game: "Repeat, make no mistake"

Target: development of attention, speed of reaction; accumulation of quantity and clarification of the meaning of words denoting action.

Instruction. Children stand in a semicircle. The leader slowly performs simple movements with his hands (forward, up, to the sides, down). Children should perform the same movements as the leader. The one who made the mistake is eliminated. The remaining last wins.

The options are:

I. Simple movements can be replaced with more complex ones, include movements of the legs and trunk, asymmetric movements (right arm up, left forward), etc.

2. Simultaneously with showing the movement, the presenter calls the name of one of the players, who must repeat this movement, and the rest of the players observe.

3.The presenter pronounces the movement (hands up), and at the imom moment performs another action (hands down). Children should perform the movement as shown by the leader, not paying attention to his knocking down commands.

4. For each movement, the facilitator calls out a word (for example, a pen, an airplane, a ball, a sparrow, etc.). Children should perform only those movements that are accompanied by the names of the flying object (sparrow, airplane).

Methodical instructions. During the game, the leader needs to make sure that all children see him equally well.

Game: "Get to know a friend"

Target: development of tactile sensations, auditory attention, memory, the ability to navigate in space.

The number of tracks is 8-12.

Inventory: blindfolds.

Instruction. Half of the children are blindfolded and allowed to walk around the playground. Further, they are invited, without removing the bandage, to find and get to know each other. You can recognize with the help of hands, feeling, hair, clothes. Then, when the friend is recognized, the players switch roles.

Option: if the player cannot recognize the other child by groping, you can suggest trying to recognize him by his voice.

Methodical instructions. Care should be taken to keep the play area completely level, otherwise blindfolded children will feel insecure.

Game: "Zoo"

Target: activation of speech activity, expansion of vocabulary and concepts on the topic "animals", development of skills in imitating sounds and movements.

The number of players is 8-15.

Inventory: hoop or chalk.

Instruction. Children choose to play the role of an animal. For the youngest children, the role is assigned by the educator. Each "animal" sits in its "cage" in a hoop or circle drawn on the floor (ground). There can be several animals in the cage - monkeys, hares, geese, etc.

Unoccupied children get up behind the teacher, put their hands on the belt in front of the one standing, that is, get on the "train", and "go for a walk to the zoo." Approaching the "cage", the teacher asks: "What animal lives in this rivet?" The "animals" sitting there should show with their movements, facial expressions, sounds whom they represent, and the tourists who have arrived guess the animals. And so - from cell to cell. Children who are the most successful in portraying animals are encouraged. Then

sightseers and former "animals" together with the teacher, taking each other by the belt and raising their knees high, represent the train and go home.

Option: but on the way home, the children sing a song:

Here is our train, the locomotive hums. He took the guys far, far away. Oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo.

But then there is a stop, the children stop, saying "shh-shh", put down their hands and calmly walk (run) while the train stops, pick flowers in the meadow (bend over, crouch). At the signal, everyone runs, so as not to miss the train, and stand in a column, again depicting carriages: they walk, raising their knees high, and sing a verse.

Methodical instructions. This game can be repeated 2-3 times.

Game: "Shaggy Dog"

Target: activation of speech activity, development of memory and speed of reaction, the formation of the ability to imitate animals (a dog).

The number of players is 8-12.

Instruction. From among the players choose a "dog". He sits to the side. The other children walk slowly towards him, saying:

Here sits a shaggy dog ​​with his nose buried in his paws. Quietly, he sits peacefully, half asleep, half asleep. Let's go to him, wake him up and see. What will happen next? "

The children come quietly and clap their hands. The "dog" jumps up, growls, barks and catches children. The captured player becomes the driving "dog".

Methodical instructions. This game is very intense, so care must be taken not to overstimulate the children.

Game: "Touch ..."

Target: the formation in the child of ideas about the color, shape, size and other properties of objects, the development of speed of reaction.

The number of players can be any.

Instruction. All players are dressed differently. The host shouts out: "Touch ... the blue!" Players must instantly orient themselves, find something blue in the clothes of the participants in the game and touch this color. The colors change every time who
did not have time to react in time, he becomes a leader.

The options are:

1. You can name not only colors, but also the shapes or sizes of objects. For example: "Touch ... round", "Touch ... small!"

2. It is also possible to complicate the team by combining color and shape, etc. For example: "Touch ... the red square!"

3. Children can “look for answers” ​​not only in clothes, but also among toys and equipment.

Methodical instructions. The leader should give the children only those tasks that are realistically feasible, that is, the objects should be in the field of vision of the players.

Game: "Building numbers"

Target: development of elementary mathematical concepts. the ability to navigate in space, organization.

The number of players can be any.

Instruction. The players move freely around the clearing or playground. The host explains: "I will count to 10, and during this time you should line up all together in the number 1 (2, 3, 4, etc.)." Children and carry out the task.

The options are:

1. Children are arranged according to the numbers previously drawn on the floor.

2. If the children quickly cope with the task, you can count
faster, thus reducing build time.

3. The facilitator complicates the task: “While I count to 10, you
do addition (subtraction) in your head and line up everything together
-answer. For example: 1+ 1; 2 - 1 "Children must build
numbers 2.I.

Methodical instructions. The first game needs to be done as a trial, explaining and showing in detail all the actions.

Game: "Find the letter"

Target: learning letters, syllables, words: developing children's speed of reaction, memory.

The number of players is 8-10.

Inventory: two stands with hooks, cards with loops depicting letters of the alphabet.

Instruction. Children are divided into two teams. At the signal from the leader, the first players of each team run up to the stand, in the lower part of which there are "letters". Select the first letter of the alphabet - A -

and post it on the stand. Then they run back to their team. The second players do the same, but hang out the second letter of the alphabet - B - and so on. The team that finishes the relay first and commits fewer mistakes wins.

The options are:

1. Instead of running, you can perform any other tasks.

2. At the beginning of the relay, each team is given a set of letters
(For example,
d, a, w, i). Children, having consulted, together should make up of
the received letters of the word, distribute the letters among themselves and line up.
When both teams are ready, the relay starts. Each
the team must post their word on the stand.

Methodical instructions

Each of the proposed options for the game should be
focused on the age for which the game is available.

In the first version, when playing with the construction of the alphabet, it is possible
help from children and the presenter. All speak aloud in unison
the next letter, and the player must find it.

Game: "Cat and Sparrows"

Target: development of speed of reaction, balance, the ability of children to onomatopoeia. The number of players is 6-15.

Inventory: movable support (log), hoop.

Instruction. Children are standing on a log on one side of the playground. These are "sparrows" on "perches". A player sits on the side - a "cat". He's sleeping. The presenter says: "Sparrows, flew!" The sparrows jump off the perches and, spreading their wings and chirping (chiv-chiv-chiv), fly in all directions. At the signal "The cat is coming!" "Cat", meowing, catches "sparrows". You can escape from the "cat" only by jumping on your perch. That "sparrow" wins, which has never fallen into the clutches of a "cat".

The options are:

1. Instead of a log, you can use a hoop, standing in it on one leg.

2. "Sparrows" can not just fly around the site, but "swim" or
"Peck crumbs" in pre-marked places located very
close to the sleeping "cat".

Methodical instructions

The game should be repeated several times. "Cat" (driving)
becomes the most dexterous and fastest "sparrow".

This game is especially loved by preschoolers and elementary school children.

Game: "Seine"

Target: improvement of coordination of movements, formation of the ability to carry out joint actions with a partner, development of accuracy of movements.

The number of players is 10-15.

Instruction. Two players - "fishermen" - take each other's hands, forming a "seine". All the rest are “fish”. "Fishermen" catch "fish" with a "seine". The caught children hold hands with the "fishermen", increasing the "seine". The game continues until two uncaught "fish" remain. They are the winners.

Option: the same game, but with a recitative that is pronounced by "fishermen" before they start catching "fish":

The fish swims in water. The fish is fun to play. Fish-fish, mischievous. We want to catch you.

During the recitative, the "fish" swim, performing various smooth movements with their hands. After the words “We want to catch you,” the “fish” scatter across the clearing, and the “fishermen” catch them.

Methodical instructions

N You can not catch with a “torn seine”, that is, unhook your hands.

“Fishermen” should not grab the “fish” by the hands or by the clothes.