Homemade mask for bruises under the eyes. Homemade masks for bruises under the eyes. Mask in a hurry

Most people face the problem of bruising and bags under the eyes. However, not everyone knows how to properly and effectively deal with dark circles under the lower eyelids. But you can solve the problem at home. To do this, you need to familiarize yourself with the recipes for masks for self-preparation of compounds. In addition, you should learn about the rules for using such funds.

Causes of bruising and bags under the eyes

Bruising under the eyes is a change in skin tone to a darker one in the area under the lower eyelids. The bags are often distinguished by a lighter shade and swelling in the area of ​​occurrence. These formations may appear due to the following reasons:

  • Genetic features of the anatomy of the face. In some people, the skin in the area under the eyes is particularly thin and sensitive. You can recognize this feature even in early childhood: capillaries will be clearly visible on the face. Most often, such differences are observed in people with deep-set eyes and a light skin tone. It should be understood that it is impossible to fight genetics. The only salvation in this case is the use of cosmetics (concealers, creams, etc.).
  • Changes associated with age. The older the person, the thinner his skin. As we age, the surface of the face becomes drier and more sensitive. In this regard, the risk of swelling, allergic reactions and other phenomena that provoke the formation of bruises and bags under the eyes increases.
  • Dehydration. Lack of moisture in the body is one of the main reasons for the deterioration of skin quality. When cells experience a lack of fluid, they stop functioning normally. You can determine that the problem lies precisely in dehydration by the following signs: dry mouth, constant feeling of thirst and lethargy.
  • Diseases of the internal organs. If the use of cosmetics, drinking plenty of fluids and maintaining a healthy lifestyle does not help in the fight against circles under the eyes, then the problem may be serious. Most often, darkening under the lower eyelids is accompanied by such diseases as: renal failure, hypertension, anorexia, thrombophlebitis, helminthiasis and others.
  • Constant exposure to the sun. Fans of sunbathing more often than others suffer from dry skin, and as a result - bruises under the eyes.
  • Skin care neglect. Incorrectly selected cosmetics or the lack of daily water procedures for the surface of the face lead to a thinning of the cover and a change in its color.
  • Allergic reactions. The skin under the eyes is particularly sensitive. In this regard, individual intolerance to products, cosmetics and other external irritants may affect this area with a bluish tint or swelling.
  • Smoking. Cigarette drinkers often have dark circles under their eyes. The fact is that the constant intake of nicotine in the body adversely affects the intracellular metabolism and the appearance of the skin.
  • The use of alcoholic beverages. Alcohol negatively affects the elasticity and thickness of the skin. In addition, alcohol helps slow blood flow. That is why drinkers often see bluish formations under the eyes.
  • Wrong nutrition. The lack of the required amount of vitamins in the diet contributes to a change in skin tone for the worse. The surface of the face becomes dull and acquires a bluish color.

    When fighting bruises under the eyes, try to eat more healthy and less junk food.

  • Lack of fresh air. In modern cities, people do not receive the amount of oxygen necessary for the body. Lack of fresh air leads to darkening of the skin and the formation of bags under the eyes. That is why it is important to periodically get out into nature.
  • Stress. Constant experiences are quickly reflected on the face with dark circles under the lower eyelids. The fact is that sensitive skin reacts negatively to a large release of the stress hormone - cortisol.
  • Lack of sleep. Due to the insufficient amount of night rest, the skin often acquires a bluish tint. Most often, the latter appears in the area under the lower eyelid.
  • Pigmentation. Spots that appear on the skin due to the sun and some other factors can look like bruises.

Rules for the use and preparation of homemade masks

In order for home-made masks to be as effective and safe as possible, the following rules should be followed when preparing and using the formulations:

  • Choose only fresh ingredients. Do not use expired products to make masks. This is especially true for dairy and sour-milk products. The fact is that spoiled components will not benefit the skin. In addition, expired products can adversely affect the surface of the face. The consequences of neglecting the described rule can be: rashes, dry skin, acne and black spots.
  • Each time prepare a fresh composition. Some masks can be stored for 1 to 3 days. However, it is not recommended to resort to this without the need. A fresh composition will have the best effect on skin health and will be safe to use.
  • Mix the composition in a clean container. Hygiene is very important when working with leather. The fact is that even a small amount of microbes on the surface of the dishes can be reflected in the appearance of black dots and acne on the face.
  • Do not use ingredients that are too low or too hot. This means that the latter should be pleasant to the skin. If you experience discomfort when applying the composition, it is better to redo the product. For example, dairy products should be kept at room temperature for 5 minutes, and heated honey should be slightly cooled to avoid hypothermia or burning sensitive skin.
  • Check ingredients for allergic reactions. Be sure to test every new recipe. To do this, apply a little of the finished product on the wrist area and wait 10-15 minutes. After the allotted time, wash off the mask. If after a day of irritation, rash or other negative reaction does not occur, feel free to use the recipe in the area under the eyes.
  • Do not neglect the preparation of the skin for applying the mask. Before using the composition, follow a few simple steps for cleansing the surface of the face:
  • Apply the composition strictly along the massage lines. Thus, the blood flow of the face is accelerated, which is very important in the fight against bruises and bags under the eyes.
  • Wash off the mask with plain water at room temperature.
  • Take care of the skin after removing the remnants of the composition. To do this, it is enough to apply a small amount of cream or serum on the treated surface and not go outside for 15–20 minutes after the procedure. This is necessary so that dust does not get into open pores on steamed skin.
  • Observe the period of use of the composition. Most often, masks against bruises under the eyes are used as needed. However, it is not recommended to apply active formulations more than 3 times a week. In addition, some masks involve the implementation of a course of procedures. Specific recommendations are indicated in the recipes below, pay attention to this.

Mask Recipes

There are many recipes for masks aimed at combating bruises and bags under the eyes. Try several compositions and choose the most suitable for yourself.


Grate a fresh cucumber on a fine grater and grease the skin under the eyes with the resulting mass. If the skin is dry, add a teaspoon of fat sour cream to the product. It takes twenty minutes for the mask to work. It is recommended to use the recipe as needed.

Cucumber effectively refreshes and moisturizes the skin

with parsley

Chop 2-3 sprigs of parsley with a knife or in another convenient way. Combine the resulting mass with a teaspoon of butter. The latter should be softened at room temperature before use. The tool shows a good effect after a third of an hour. Interestingly, parsley whitens the skin, making the mask effective for pigmentation. The course is recommended to use the product. The latter is 10 procedures carried out every other day. You can repeat the course 3-4 weeks after the final session.

Parsley is known for its bleaching properties.

with potatoes

Grate potatoes on a fine grater. If possible, use a young, not a stale root crop. Add a pinch of fresh chopped parsley and a teaspoon of any base oil (almond, olive or other) to two tablespoons of the resulting gruel. The tool works for 20 minutes. It is recommended to use the recipe in a course: 12-15 procedures carried out 2-3 times a week. You can repeat it one and a half to two months after the end.

With walnuts

Grind a handful of fresh nuts in a coffee grinder or in any other way. Mix the resulting composition with a tablespoon of butter, previously softened at room temperature. Pour 2-3 drops of fresh lemon juice into the gruel. The tool works for a third of an hour. Use the mask follows the course. The latter includes 10 sessions, held at intervals of 1 time in two days.

Raw, unroasted nuts should be used for the mask.


Grind the cottage cheese with a fork if it has a granular structure. Apply the product on the area under the eyes and hold for 20 minutes. For dry skin, use a high-fat dairy product, and for normal, oily and combination skin, use a low-fat product. Apply the recipe as needed.

To prepare the composition, you should look for cottage cheese with a minimum shelf life and a good composition.

With white bread

Dip a small piece of white bread in 100-150 ml of warm milk. Wait until the composition acquires the consistency of gruel. If the product is too thick or thin, add milk or bread accordingly. The mask works for 15 minutes. It is recommended to use the recipe as needed.

Sour cream

Finely chop a sprig of parsley and the same amount of dill. Mix greens with a tablespoon of sour cream of any fat content. Leave the product to act in the area under the lower eyelid for half an hour. Apply the mask as needed.

Sour cream intensely nourishes the skin

With turmeric and honey

Combine a teaspoon of liquid bee product with the same amount of milk. Pour turmeric into the composition so that the product acquires a thick and uniform consistency. The mask works for a third of an hour. The course is recommended to use the recipe. The latter includes 10 procedures carried out at intervals of 1 time in 3 days.

While using the mask, carefully observe your skin. The fact is that turmeric tends to color the treated surface yellow. If this makes you uncomfortable, do not use the remedy.

With strawberry

Puree a few ripe strawberries using a blender or fork. Melt a teaspoon of honey in a water bath and combine it with the resulting slurry. The mask works for 15 minutes. You can use the composition as needed.

To prepare the mask, you will need 2-3 strawberries

with banana

Grate a fresh cucumber on a fine grater. Combine the vegetable gruel with the pulp of half a ripe banana and add a teaspoon of olive oil to the resulting mass. Leave the product on the skin for 5 minutes. Apply the mask in a course lasting two weeks. The tool is recommended to be applied every other day. You can repeat the course after a month.

With lemon juice

Combine a teaspoon of lemon juice with the same amount of sea buckthorn oil. Lubricate the area around the eyes with the resulting composition and leave for a quarter of an hour. Apply the mask in a course. The latter includes 12-15 sessions, which should be carried out 1 time in 2 days. It is recommended to repeat the course after 2 months, if necessary.

With shea butter

Melt a small amount of shea butter in your palms and apply it to the area under the lower eyelids. Wash off the product after 30-40 minutes. The tool can be used on an ongoing basis. The mask works especially well if the cause of bruising / bags under the eyes is dry skin.

Shea butter has a solid consistency, so it must be melted in the palms before use.

With coffee

Combine half a teaspoon of natural ground coffee with the same amount of ground black pepper. Stir in a tablespoon of almond oil to the dry mixture. The tool works for 10 minutes. It is recommended to use the composition as needed.

Coffee perfectly tones the skin and makes its color healthier.

with soda

Boil a bag of chamomile in 200 ml of boiling water. After 5-7 minutes, combine the infused liquid with a teaspoon of soda. Soak cotton pads in the resulting composition and apply them to the area under the lower eyelids. The mask works for a quarter of an hour. After the set time has elapsed, remove the discs from the surface of the face, and leave the remnants of the product to act for another 10 minutes. The recipe can be applied as needed. Interestingly, a baking soda mask is especially effective in dealing with bags under the eyes.

Soda promotes intensive renewal and toning of the skin

With potato starch

Combine a few tablespoons of potato starch with 10 ml of heavy cream and 1-2 drops of liquid vitamin E. Leave the composition to act for a quarter of an hour. The tool is used in courses: 15 procedures with a frequency of 1 time in 3 days. You can repeat the sessions a month after their end.

Potato starch is available at any grocery store.

With egg yolk

Mix one raw egg yolk with half a teaspoon of olive or almond oil. The composition should be washed off when a clear feeling of tightness of the surface of the face appears. It is recommended to use the recipe as needed.

Raw egg yolk intensely nourishes the skin

With oatmeal

Soak a few teaspoons of plain oatmeal in 30-40 ml of hot milk. Apply the resulting slurry to the area under the eyes and leave for a quarter of an hour. The mask is recommended to be done in a course: 15-17 daily procedures. At the end of the sessions, you should take a break from active exposure for a month.

Oatmeal combined with milk effectively fights bruising under the eyes

with clay

Combine a tablespoon of white clay with warm milk so that the composition acquires the consistency of thick yogurt. Apply the product to the area under the eyes. When the clay is completely dry, wash it off. Use the tool as needed.

Clay has the ability to slightly dry the skin. In this regard, the mask is not used for the surface of the face, prone to peeling.


Combine 50 ml of fat warm milk with a tablespoon of gelatin. Wait until the agent swells. Then add a teaspoon of olive oil to the composition. Leave the mask under your eyes for a third of an hour. Use the recipe as needed.

With algae

Grind dry kelp (sold in a pharmacy) to a powdery consistency. Take a teaspoon of the resulting product and mix it with the same amount of freshly brewed green tea. Add a few drops of almond ether to the composition. The tool works for a quarter of an hour. Use the mask follows the course. The latter includes 10 procedures carried out at intervals of 1 time in 2-3 days. You can repeat the course in a month and a half.

Green tea effectively soothes the skin

Video: how to make a mask against bruising under the eyes

The problem of bags and dark circles under the eyes is unpleasant, but solvable. And the solution may be different: homemade masks, special creams, herbal compresses, salon procedures. All of them are effective if used in their area of ​​​​action and taking into account the cause of the problem.


The desire to be beautiful and attractive in the eyes of the opposite sex is inherent in a woman by nature. Therefore, we so often and intently peer into our reflection in the mirror, looking for flaws. Most often we find and desperately fight them. Here we will talk about how to deal with one of these flaws - bags and bruises under the eyes.

Causes of bags and bruises under the eyes

There are many factors that contribute to the formation of bags and "blue" under the eyes. From banal lack of sleep to serious somatic diseases. Therefore, it is so important to establish the true cause of such defects.

Bruises under the eyes: causes and mechanism of formation

Any modern woman knows that the skin in the eye area is extremely delicate and very thin. Its structure differs significantly from neighboring areas of the skin of the face: the layer of the epidermis and subcutaneous fat is thinner, blood vessels are located almost under the surface of the skin, collagen and elastin are in a minimal amount. Because of this, she is extremely sensitive to any changes and stresses - external and internal.

Being exposed to age-related changes and / or aggressive external factors, as well as in response to pathological processes in the body, the skin around the eyes becomes even thinner and loses turgor. Vessels also react - the blood in the capillaries thickens and stagnates, hemoglobin is saturated with carbon dioxide and acquires a darker color. Such dark vessels show through thinned skin, resulting in dark, bluish circles under the eyes.

Dark pigmentation of the skin in the periorbital region can also be inherited or occur over time as a reaction to sagging skin or increased sweating in this area.

Why do bruises appear under the eyes

The reason that the skin under the eyes acquires a bluish tint may be:
  • Heredity (very thin or very white skin, deep-set eyes, blood vessels close to the skin, etc.);
  • Overwork (lack of sleep, stress, physical activity, lack of fresh air);
  • Dehydration (overheating in the sun or in a room with a high temperature);
  • Eye strain (long reading, working at a computer, watching TV);
  • Intoxication (nicotine, alcohol);
  • Abuse of strong hot drinks (tea, coffee) and foods with a lot of salt and spicy spices, canned food;
  • Malnutrition (strict diets, sudden weight loss, "lack" of vitamins and trace elements with food);
  • Age changes;
  • Cosmetics (incorrect use or incorrect selection of products, low quality, ignoring);
  • Anemia (iron deficiency anemia, large blood loss, including due to heavy menstruation);
  • Metabolic disorders (problems with the thyroid gland, adrenal glands);
  • Chronic infections (rhinitis, conjunctivitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis);
  • Worm infestations;
  • Somatic diseases (intestines, stomach, kidneys, pancreas, heart, liver, respiratory organs).
Given this "diversity", it is better to entrust the search for the real cause of "blue" under the eyes to a specialist. And you need to start with a beautician.

Bags under the eyes: causes and mechanism of formation

In addition to the already mentioned features of the structure of the skin in the orbit, another anatomical nuance affects the formation of bags under the eyes. It is called the orbital septum. It is a membrane of connective tissue between the skin of the eyelid and periorbital tissue. That is, in fact, it keeps the fat layer inside the orbit.

When this layer increases in volume (due to edema or overgrowth), it puts pressure on the orbital septum. The latter stretches and protrudes over time, forming bags under the eyes.

Such a mechanism for the formation of saccular protrusions under the eyes was discovered relatively recently - in 2008. Prior to this, it was believed that the cause of the bags is not an increase in the volume of the fat layer, but a loss of elasticity of the orbital septum itself.

It is noteworthy that in the case of bags of edematous nature, there is a dynamic: during the night they “run in”, during the day they “leave”. If the process is based on the growth of fatty tissue, they remain constant regardless of the time of day.

Why bags under the eyes

Since bags under the eyes have the same “habitat” as dark circles, the causes of their occurrence also have much in common:
  1. An individual trait that is inherited. In this case, the growth of fatty tissue of the eye is inherent in nature itself.
  2. The wear and tear of the body. Partying, lack of sleep, too much alcohol, smoking, drugs, nervous and physical stress, sudden weight fluctuations - all these factors, especially in combination, lead to puffiness in the eye area.
  3. Eye strain (nightly, and even daily gatherings at a computer monitor or laptop screen, tablet, in front of a TV or a book).
  4. Excess salt or fluid in the body. Love for pickles, spicy and salty dishes causes tissue cells, including the fat layer in the eye area, to accumulate fluid.
  5. Ultraviolet overlay. All tanners of any origin should take into account that a beautiful bronze skin tone has a side effect in the form of puffiness under the eyes.
  6. Wearing lenses. Incorrectly fitting contact lenses or lenses with low oxygen permeability can also contribute to swelling in the eye area.
  7. Hormonal "games". Outgoing-coming swelling under the eyes can be observed with significant fluctuations in hormones throughout the menstrual cycle.
  8. Diseases of organs and systems (disturbances in the work of the kidneys, heart, organs of the respiratory system, allergic conditions, infections of the eyes and sinuses, runny nose, SARS).
  9. Changes associated with age.
Regardless of the reasons, puffiness under the eyes clearly indicates that you need to either treat something in the body, or change something in your life.

Treatment of bruises and bags under the eyes

Depending on what caused the swelling and dark coloration of the skin under the eyes, the methods of getting rid of these defects will be different. Someone will just need to get enough sleep, and someone will undergo complex treatment. And it is better that this method is chosen by a specialist - a cosmetologist or a doctor.

How to get rid of bruises under the eyes at home

If your puffiness under the eyes has no causal relationship with diseases, it is enough just to change your life:
  • Review your daily routine. Allocate enough time for healthy sleep (at least 7 hours), be outdoors more often, limit "communication" with gadgets and TV, if work is connected with a computer - take breaks more often, be sure to move away from the monitor.
  • Change your diet. Try to wean yourself off very salty and spicy foods. Don't drink a lot of fluids, especially at night. In the fight against puffiness, your friend is vitamin B5, as well as products containing it. These are liver, dairy and sour-milk products, meat, eggs, cabbage, beets, asparagus, beans, mushrooms (porcini, champignons), nuts, wheat (bran, sprouts), whole grain bread. Replace strong coffee and tea with mineral water, green or ginger tea, herbal decoctions.
  • Get the Right Care. Choose the skin care products that are right for you. Use them correctly and regularly. Throw away cosmetics that are outdated and cause any discomfort to the eyes. Don't be lazy to take off your makeup before bed. It is especially important to fulfill this point for those who inherited bags and bruises.
  • Protect your skin from the sun. In sunny weather, make it a rule to wear sunglasses, wear special glasses when visiting the solarium.
  • Reduce susceptibility to stress. Remember, if you can't change the situation, change your attitude towards it. Notice more positive things, add a touch of humor to any stressful shake-up. Try to respond adequately - just as much as the scale of the problem. Do not tear your hair out, but look for a way out.
  • Beat bad habits. From harmful there is nothing to expect benefits, first of all - on the face.
The effect of these actions will be greatly enhanced if additional care procedures are added to them - masks, lotions, massage, gymnastics, salon rejuvenation methods.

How to remove bruises under the eyes with folk remedies

It turns out that the most effective means to defeat dark circles under the eyes are at our fingertips. These are raw vegetables, herbs and herbal extracts. Of these, you can make compositions for masks and creams, apply in the form of lotions, freeze in cosmetic cubes.

Here are some effective recipes:

  1. Contrasting herbal lotion. Make an infusion of dried sage herb (1 tsp of raw materials per 1 tbsp of boiling water with settling for about half an hour). Freeze half of the volume in cubes, heat the other half (when there is already a ready-made “ice” infusion). Blot the skin around the eyes with a cotton swab (cosmetic disk) with hot herbal infusion, then wipe the same area with ice. The interval between these steps should be minimal. Repeat the procedure 5-6 times. Sage can be replaced with a mixture of chamomile and dill (1 teaspoon of each plant).
  2. Compresses with infusions of herbs. Make an infusion of chamomile, lime blossom, mint leaves, horsetail or eyebright medicinal (for 1 tbsp medicinal raw materials - 1 tbsp boiling water). You can make a mixture of chamomile with tea (for 1 tablespoon of boiling water - 1 teaspoon of flowers and green or black tea). Gently apply cotton swabs or discs soaked in infusion to the eyes for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Lotions. Apply cosmetic cotton pads moistened with warm infusion of parsley, cornflower flowers, dry rosemary, chamomile or tea to the eyes for 15-20 minutes, based on the calculation of 1 tbsp. l. medicinal raw materials - 1 tbsp. boiling water with a settling time of 15-20 minutes.
  4. cosmetic ice. The above infusions of herbs or tea can be frozen in the form of cubes and wipe the skin around the eyes with them twice a day.
  5. Butter cream with herbs. Mix 2 tsp. softened butter with 1 tbsp. l. chopped parsley (both leaves and stems can be used) to a uniform consistency. Use as usual - morning and evening daily.

If there is no time at all to prepare compresses and lotions, you can simply apply thin circles of fresh cucumber, potatoes or cottage cheese in a pounded form to your eyes.

Masks for swelling and dark circles under the eyes at home

There are also masks that can solve two problems at once - remove bruises under the eyes and remove puffiness. The most effective of them in our selection:
  • 2-Step Potato Cream Mask. Stage I - apply gruel from grated fresh potatoes to the eyelids for 10-15 minutes. Stage II - remove the mask and apply a cream on the skin (it should contain vitamins A and E) for the same 10-15 minutes. Remove the remains of the cream and mask with weak tea leaves.
  • Potato-oatmeal mask. Mix 1 tbsp. l. oatmeal with 1 tbsp. l. potato mass, finely grated from raw potatoes, or boiled potato puree, and milk (cream), bring the mixture to a pasty state. Milk or cream is better to choose fatter. The duration of the mask is 15-20 minutes, washing off with warm green tea.
  • Potato-oil mask. Mix 4 tsp. finely grated raw potato with 2 tsp. any vegetable oil. Spread the mask on prepared (oiled) skin for 20-25 minutes. Rinse off with medium strength tea (black or green).
  • Cucumber-sour cream mask. Stir 1 tsp. gruel from grated fresh cucumber with 1 tsp. chopped fresh herbs (cilantro or parsley) and the same amount of sour cream. The duration of the mask is 15 minutes. Washing agent - cool water.
  • Honey egg mask. Mix 1 tbsp. l. liquid or melted honey with 1 tbsp. l. flour and 1 raw egg white. Apply under the eyes for 10-15 minutes, rinse with water or tea.
  • Curd mask with parsley. Rub well 2 tsp. fat cottage cheese with 1 tbsp. l. chopped fresh parsley (leaves and stems) and 1 tsp. milk. Put the mask under your eyes for 20 minutes. Rinse - cool water or weak tea leaves.
  • Nut oil mask. Mix 2 tsp. walnut flour, passed through a coffee grinder, with 1 tbsp. l. softened butter and 2 drops of lemon juice. The duration of the mask is 15-20 minutes, wash off with cool water.
In addition, you can use the above remedies for dark circles - they are also effective against edema.

How to remove bags under the eyes with cosmetics

Ready-made cosmetic products for skin care around the eyes are a must-have item in the list of products to combat puffiness and blueness in this area. The main task of such a cream or gel is lifting and enhancing drainage in the problem area. Therefore, when purchasing such a tool, pay attention not only to its purpose, but also to the composition.

Best of all, creams / gels containing liposomes, coenzyme Q10, coffee (but remember that it dries the skin), collagen, hyaluronic acid, elastin and herbal extracts - sage, field horsetail, parsley, string. But saturated and mineral oils can, on the contrary, stimulate puffiness and cause allergies. To avoid the latter, do not apply the cream close to the lash line.

It's great if the cream you choose has a metal massage tip. Store it in the refrigerator, and then the cream will be twice as effective.

A good express remedy for edema is a special ice mask with a gel filler. Store it in the refrigerator and use as needed or in an emergency. The result will be in a few minutes.

Another way to quickly bring the skin under the eyes in order is to mask the bags with decorative cosmetics. The first violin here belongs to the concealer. Its color should be as close as possible to your skin color, if you need to hide bruises, then one tone is lighter.

The scheme of "camouflage" make-up of the area under the eyes is as follows:

  • Cream corresponding to the above parameters;
  • Concealer, which must be applied gently with a brush;
  • Matte compact powder that is applied in a very thin layer to prolong the life of camouflage.
Another maneuver that distracts from bags under the eyes is a bronzer on the cheekbones (without reflective particles in the composition).

Treatment of bags under the eyes in a beauty salon

Here we will present cardinal ways to improve the condition of the skin in the eye area. They are based on modern technologies and are salon procedures or are provided in medical clinics.

Consider the most popular of them:

  1. masks. Compositions with brown algae, collagen, hyaluronic acid, extracts of leeches, horsetail, parsley, chamomile, milkweed, volodushka, protein, caffeine, etc. are used. They are effective as a prophylaxis, as well as in the initial stages, when the bags are just “drawn”. Such masks are not suitable only in case of an allergy to their composition.
  2. Mesotherapy. A cocktail of active ingredients (enzymes, caffeine, vitamins, lysine, extracts from embryonic cells, etc.) is injected directly under the skin of the problem area to a depth of 0.1-0.6 cm. The injection is carried out by injection or without damaging the skin - under oxygen pressure. This method solves the problem of fluid stagnation and microcirculation disorders, but is powerless in relation to fatty growths.
  3. Lymphatic drainage. Here, the outflow of excess fluid and congestion in the vessels is stimulated by electrical stimulation. Microcurrents “expel” everything superfluous through the lymphatic system. This method will remove swelling and bruising, but fatty hernias are too tough for him. In addition, it is contraindicated in the presence of hemorrhages or skin diseases in the area of ​​conduct, as well as in violation of blood clotting.
  4. Blepharoplasty. Surgical method of solving the problem. Today, the most cardinal, because it allows you to tighten the skin of the eyelids, relieve swelling and remove fatty hernias. Since this is a surgical intervention, additional examinations and consultations of doctors are needed. Recommended after 35 years, or if the bags are hereditary. There is a postoperative period - up to 8 days.
Any of these methods requires mandatory consultation with a specialist and professional conduct.

Watch the video on how to get rid of dark circles that appear under the eyes:

As you can see, all factors provocateurs of bags and "blue" under the eyes can be divided into three groups: a consequence of diseases, the result of an unhealthy lifestyle and heredity. Based on this, you need to choose for yourself the most effective method of solving problems together with a cosmetologist or doctor. Only in this case, your efforts and costs will be justified, and the result will be noticeable.

Beautiful, clean and well-groomed eyes are the pride of any person. But having a charming look and beautiful skin around the eyes is not so easy. Now everyone is trying to monitor their condition. However, it happens that due to fatigue or just from a sleepless night, the eyes lose their attractiveness due to bruises and bags under them. And if an important meeting is coming up during the day, then you need to put your face in order as soon as possible. A properly prepared and selected mask for bruises under the eyes will help to do this quickly enough. But what to make it from or what to use?

Causes of dark circles

Taking care of the skin around the eyes is not an easy task. It must be regular and very careful, otherwise it will be ineffective. Especially the lack of care will be noticeable in old age, and even younger people may be faced with the fact that their eyes no longer look fresh and beautiful. It's all to blame - the emergence of the so-called, which are often accompanied by darkening of the skin around them - bruises. The skin near the eyes ages rather quickly and the formation of such negative phenomena is primarily due to the fact that there are no fat deposits in this area, there is a minimum of collagen, and therefore it becomes quite difficult for the body to maintain the skin in an elastic state. Hence - wrinkles and sagging of the epidermis, the formation of bruises and other "joys".

However, the causes of the appearance of bags and bruises can be not only age-related changes. These include:

  • chronic sleep deprivation;
  • severe fatigue;
  • negative emotions and severe stress;
  • impact of negative environmental factors;
  • abuse of bad habits;
  • thickening of blood in the capillaries on the eyelids and under them;
  • pigmentation;
  • heredity;
  • lack of fluid in the body;
  • malnutrition;
  • the use of low-quality cosmetics.

On a note! The cause of the appearance of dark ovals can also be any diseases - for example, chronic pathologies, problems with the thyroid gland or kidneys, etc. They can also be provoked by severe blood loss as a result of any processes occurring in the body. For example, women who have very abundant discharge during menstruation may receive unpleasant bruises in the eye area as a reward at the beginning of the monthly cycle.

Sometimes it is quite difficult to identify the true reason why bruises have formed around the eyes. But if there are no visible prerequisites for their occurrence, and they do not disappear within 1-2 days, then it makes sense to consult a doctor. Only a specialist will be able to find out why the appearance has deteriorated to such an extent and how to deal with it.

But, as a rule, the most common and common causes of blue circles are banal lack of sleep, excessively long and tedious work at the computer, as well as stormy evening drinking. In these cases, the simplest home remedies will help to cope with bruises. Others will need treatment.

Rules for skin care around the eyes

In order for the skin in the eye area to have a natural and pleasant color, it is important to pay special attention to caring for it. To begin with, you should pay attention to the regime of the day. So, healthy and full sleep should last at least 7 hours, it is recommended to go to bed early and get up in the morning. You should also set aside time for walks in the fresh air. And you can find time even with a very tight schedule - for example, returning home by bus, get off the transport a couple of stops before the house and walk the rest of the distance. If the work is associated with a long pastime at the computer, then you need to periodically interrupt your activities and do exercises for the eyes.

An important factor in improving the condition of the skin around the eyes will be and proper nutrition. You should reduce the consumption of tea and coffee, give up salty or spicy foods, drink liquids during the day, and avoid heavy drinking in the evening. It is very good if you can replace part of the diet with vegetables, herbs, fruits. They will give the skin freshness and tone. Black tea is better to replace with green or ginger. It is recommended to take vitamin complexes, drinking the full course regularly.

Advice! It is important to choose cosmetics and care products that are most suitable for your skin type. It is better to buy high-quality cosmetics and refuse to use funds from unreliable brands.

Ultraviolet in large quantities is harmful to the skin, so in sunny weather it is better to wear glasses or use creams to protect the skin from sunburn. It is also important to improve the emotional environment around you, to react less to stresses if you cannot avoid them.

How to get rid of dark ovals?

But what if the terrible dark circles appeared unexpectedly and you need to get rid of them urgently? Various means that can be prepared from what is at hand will help to do this. By the way, if you use them even for prevention purposes, you can significantly improve the condition of the skin. The following remedies can be used to remove bruises under the eyes:

  • cosmetic procedures that are carried out in the salon;
  • decorative cosmetics;
  • masks;
  • compresses;
  • eye gymnastics.

The most popular options are masks and compresses. So, the simplest and most often used compress is made from ordinary black tea. You can make tea leaves or just use tea bags. The tea is brewed, the bags are removed from the water, and then cooled and applied to the eyes for 10-15 minutes.

You can also use pure ice or a herbal decoction of chamomile, sage, cornflower blue frozen to an icy state. Ice should not be applied to the eyes, it is enough to wipe the skin around it with pieces.

You can also use the infusion of sage. But usually this option is used before bedtime. 1 tsp herbs should be brewed with 100 ml of boiling water and insisted for 15 minutes. Next, make lotions for the eyes.

Masks against bruises

The mask is the next most popular remedy after compresses. Consider the basic recipes for making the most popular homemade masks.

Table. Basic recipes for masks against bruises.

NameHow to do?

This is the most favorite mask of many beauties. It is easy to prepare and can have several variations. So, in the first case, chilled cucumbers can be grated and put on the eyes for 20 minutes. If desired, chopped parsley or sour cream can be added to the cucumber. In the second case, you can simply cut off two slices of cucumber and apply them to your eyes at the same time.

This tool will help not only to remove bruises and swelling, but also whiten the skin. It is enough to take a few sprigs of parsley, chop them, and mix with butter. The resulting "cream" is applied to the skin around the eyes for 20 minutes.

Fresh potatoes are also a good helper in the fight against bruises. It is rubbed on a fine grater and mixed with fresh herbs (dill, parsley) and vegetable oil. Next, the mask is applied to the skin around the eyes and aged for about 20 minutes. You can also just use a couple of raw potato slices.

A mask of chopped walnuts can nourish the eyelids well. 2 tsp of this mass is mixed with 1.5 tbsp. l. butter, and a couple of drops of lemon juice are added to the resulting product. The mask is also aged for 20 minutes.

For this mask, curd without lumps is used, which is simply applied to the eyes and aged for 20 minutes.

A good mask is obtained from the crumb of white bread and milk. Bread is soaked in milk to a state of porridge and applied to the eyelids.

What are the benefits of natural products?

Someone prefers to use specialized cosmetic formulations instead of home remedies. However, they may not always be useful and improve the situation. In some cases, you can even get the opposite effect. So, for example, many people use fatty creams for face and eyelid skin care, however, such products clog pores and make it difficult to breathe, which causes skin cells to accumulate excess fluid in themselves, and the load on the capillaries increases. The result of these processes and become under the eyes.

Advice! It is better to use not greasy, but moisturizing face creams.

Natural homemade masks do not have such side effects. Moreover, their effect is longer, but only with regular use. From store products, you can use creams that have a lifting effect. The main thing is to buy a quality product.

We remove bruises under the eyes quickly and effectively

Let us consider in more detail the methods that can quickly remove bruises and dark circles under the eyes. To hide them faster, you can use cosmetics. But this technique is only suitable for women.

Step 1. Concealer hides bruises very well. It is best to buy a liquid one, as it will clog pores less.

Step 2 It is required to choose the correct color of the concealer. It should be lighter than the skin, slightly yellowish.

Step 3 Apply the concealer under the eyes with a sponge.

Step 6 It is best to tint the eyelashes with waterproof mascara. It holds better and doesn't flake off, adding dark marks under the eyes.

But the following methods are suitable for everyone without exception - both men and women.

Step 2 Instead of a compress, slices of fresh cold cucumber can be used. Circles are superimposed on both eyes for 10-15 minutes.

Step 3 Mint leaves are good for removing circles under the eyes, which need to be crushed to a pulp, add a drop of lemon to them and apply such a composition to the eyelids.

Step 4 A good compress to fight blue is used tea bags (the main thing is that they are cold). They, like other means, are aged in front of our eyes for up to 15 minutes.

Step 5 You just need to sleep. Sometimes a long and healthy sleep is the best remedy for bruises under the eyes.

Video - Express mask for dark circles

If they are a one-time occurrence, they should not cause concern. But if they appear systematically, this is an occasion to think about changing your lifestyle or about the presence of a number of diseases, so it makes sense to consult a doctor.

Most girls know what bags or swelling under the eyes are. The epidermis around the eyes is delicate, sensitive, does not have its own protection, and therefore needs careful care. The first wrinkles appear on the skin of the eyelids, it easily becomes dry and too sensitive. Also often there are dark circles under the eyes as a result of fatigue, lack of vitamins or sleep.


There are many reasons why dark circles can form. The first of these is a large amount of water drunk before bedtime. In addition, bags can appear, on the contrary, from a lack of water. This happens if the drinking regimen is disturbed, due to which the body actively begins to store the necessary minimum.

It should be remembered: a large intake of fatty, salty foods can provoke excess water retention in the body, signs of this can immediately affect the face in the form of dark bruises around the eyes and swelling of the eyelids.

The consumption of alcohol and smoking affects the skin in an unfavorable way. Insomnia, stressful situations, lack of sleep also negatively affects the skin.

The main causes of bruising under the eyes:

  • diseases of the kidneys, liver or cardiovascular system. If, when using cosmetics, special masks, dark circles only intensify, then you should consult a doctor;
  • circulatory disorders. An acute or chronic form of renal failure affects the most unfavorable way: water is retained in the body, the vessels are pinched, which leads to darkening of the skin;
  • general fatigue of the body, overstrain. Long work at the computer monitor, stressful situations can harm the eyes and the skin around them.

For more on the causes of bruising under the eyes, see the video below.

Special masks, which consist of natural ingredients, help against black circles. You can cook them at home without much difficulty. Natural lotions, various compresses allow you to most comfortably and quickly remove soreness of the face, relieve fatigue and black circles.

Due to the masks, you can get rid of edema. As a rule, 10-15 minutes are enough for one procedure.

Benefits of using natural eye masks:

  • blue spots will become lighter, and with regular use of the composition will disappear completely;
  • the epithelium noticeably rejuvenates, tightens;
  • wrinkles become less noticeable gradually the dermis will begin to acquire an even radiance;
  • skin color will become natural;
  • eyes will feel rested, relieve internal stress.

There are compounds that literally remove blackness under the eyes in just a few applications - a special whitening base allows you to achieve the maximum effect.

But folk beauty recipes allow not only to achieve a cosmetic effect, but also a therapeutic one. Active substances that care for the skin:

  • vitamins E, A, C allow you to eliminate fatigue, give the epidermis an attractive appearance, also contribute to the elimination of toxins;
  • potassium eliminates swelling, improves metabolism in skin cells and tissues;
  • magnesium fights signs of fatigue, brightens, helps to reduce the adverse effects of the external environment;
  • B vitamins participate in the synthesis of collagen, contribute to the normalization of metabolic processes, moisturize, nourish the deep layers of the dermis;
  • lipids and trace elements restore the protective barrier of the skin, rejuvenate, prevent cell aging.

factory products

Eyelid skin cosmetics and masks contain natural oils, fruit extracts, polyunsaturated acids and active ingredients. It is due to them that skin care products for the eyelids and factory masks give an effect - the skin is tightened, brightened, acquires a healthy glow.

In order for cosmetic products to have the maximum effect, they must contain:

  • tocopherol, retinol;
  • lipids, collagen;
  • extract of cucumber and black, green tea;
  • unsaturated acids;
  • trace elements;
  • natural oils.

It must be remembered that the composition you like should really solve the problems of dark circles under the eyes.

Do not use masks with a whitening effect that are intended for the face - they can burn and severely injure the thin skin of the eyelids. Sometimes the components in the composition can cause allergies or provoke swelling. To prevent this, it is necessary to test for an allergic reaction by distributing a silent cream on the wrist. Redness and inflammation of the skin should not be.

How to make at home

To quickly eliminate bags and dark spots, the mask must have a whitening effect. The active ingredients in the composition give a natural radiance to the skin, regulate blood circulation, moisturize and relieve tension from sensitive skin. Preference should be given to the following ingredients:

  • herbs, greens: dill, parsley, basil, coriander;
  • vegetables and root vegetables: cucumber, potatoes;
  • ripe fruit: peach, apricot;
  • cereals: oatmeal, white bread;
  • liquids: black, green tea;
  • dairy products: cottage cheese, cream, sour cream, yogurt.
  • herbal decoctions: chamomile, aloe, sage, birch buds, calendula.

If the mask includes the above components, then the effect will be noticeable immediately after the first application: the skin will shine with health and freshness. As auxiliary elements it is recommended to add:

  • egg whites;
  • vitamins in capsules;
  • almond, castor oil, burdock oils;
  • citrus esters.

When preparing any mask - potato, cucumber, kefir, you should remember to respect the proportions.

More than half should be the main components, and auxiliary ones are added in small doses. Care must be taken with the second group of additives - often they are the cause of allergic reactions. Therefore, before applying, a cosmetic test should be carried out: apply a small amount of the composition on the wrist and wait about 15 minutes.

Proper application involves the following steps:

  • before using healing compounds you need to cleanse the skin of all impurities and cosmetics;
  • The best hours for pleasant eye treatments are in the evening or before bedtime. But if circles appear in the morning, then it is better to apply compresses during the day;
  • for lotions, you can use cotton pads soaked in a nutrient solution- so you can prolong the effect of moisturizing and saturate the skin with all microelements. If the consistency of the resulting product is too thick, it is better to apply it in circular, slightly patting movements - this will improve absorption;
  • keep masks on the skin can not be more than 10 minutes- the epidermis of the eyelids is very sensitive, 10 minutes is enough for the complete penetration of all useful trace elements from the composition into the skin.


Olive oil and potatoes

Mix finely grated potatoes (10-15 g) with a teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil. Apply this composition in a thin layer on the skin and wait about 10 minutes. After that, rinse with warm water.

Oatmeal with milk

Grind fresh potatoes into gruel (15 g), add a small amount of warm milk (5 ml) and mix with a teaspoon of powdered oatmeal. Apply to eyes and wait for about 7-10 minutes. Wash off with lukewarm water and then apply moisturizer.

The composition helps to eliminate toxins and brighten the skin.

The skin around the eyes is the most capricious part of our face. And wrinkles are the first there, and swelling is always ready, and bruises fall immediately, as soon as a woman has violated the regimen. In such cases, decorative cosmetics are practically powerless - if it helps, then not for long. What to do if there are shadows under the eyes? A mask of simple components from bruises under the eyes will definitely correct the situation!

Where are the shadows on your face from?

Some people are prone to puffiness around the eyelids by nature. Even in a normal state, they have bags under their eyes, not to mention those days when an extra cup of tea was drunk at night or insomnia visited.

Frustrated health also does not decorate: diseases of the kidneys, heart, gastrointestinal tract, and generally a painful condition make a mark on the face, “decorating” it with shadows.

How you spent the evening and night - the older the woman, the more important. Try to avoid:

  • salty and spicy food;
  • drinking plenty of water (just eat an apple);
  • alcohol (he takes all the prizes, as the cause of gross swelling on the face);
  • tears.

Apply the cream under the eyes correctly - put small spots of cream around the circumference of the eyelids away from the eyelashes. Overnight, the cream will spread itself and reach the edge of the eyelashes. In this case, the product will not get into the eyes, and they will not turn red.

In addition, it is forbidden to sleep with your face in the pillow. Train yourself to fall asleep on your back - this is a good prevention of wrinkles and swelling.

The computer does not please the eye, smoking, stress, midnight with a book. Not only do all these joys tire the eyes, they unbalance the nervous system (except for the book, of course).

Prevention without procedures

This is what we know and stubbornly neglect - nutrition, healthy sleep, proper drinking. To saturate the body with vitamin B, you need to treat yourself to fish, legumes, eggs, meat, fresh vegetables (cabbage, beets, asparagus), mushrooms. What else? Kefir, nuts, liver, germinated wheat, bread with bran or whole grains are very useful.

Healthy sleep begins long before 12 am. There is an opinion that the longer a person sleeps exactly before 24.00, the better his body rests. Therefore, it makes sense to fall asleep not at 23.30 but at 22.00 - and the nerves will be stronger, and the beauty will be whole! Walk before going to bed, aromatherapy, massage will help to relax and cure insomnia.

To expel excess fluid from the body, arrange fasting days with watermelon, parsley decoction, pumpkin, and strawberries. And in order to strengthen blood vessels, eat everything that contains vitamin C: citrus fruits, kiwi, berries, apples ...

Remedies for bruises and swelling (reminder)

bruise masks

Masks for delicate skin under the eyes are quite effective. Their peculiarity is that with a mask "under the eyes" it is necessary to lie for at least 20 minutes.

The components that make up the masks can be found in every zealous housewife. Therefore, the prevention of "bags" is nothing more than a legitimate reason to relax and unwind.

Potato eye masks

A component such as potatoes is very successful - fresh or boiled.

The simplest "raw" mask

Wash the tuber, peel and cut into circles. Put potato mugs on your eyelids or just under your eyes. Relax, lie down.

The simplest warm mask

Peel and boil the tuber, mash. Add milk. From the warm mixture, form cakes and apply to the eye area.

These two masks remove dark circles well, smooth wrinkles, and refresh.

With oatmeal

Grate raw potatoes and mix with oatmeal (oatmeal) in a ratio of 1:1. Dilute a little with milk. Apply to the eyelids, allow yourself a good rest for 20 minutes.

With vegetable oil

Masks from bruises under the eyes with vegetable oil are very convincing. After all, oil is essential where the skin suffers from excessive dryness. For the thin epidermis of the eyelids, this is what you need!

Grate raw potatoes and mix with vegetable oil (2:1). Lubricate the eyelids with oil and apply a mask. After 20 minutes, remove the mask and rinse the skin with strong green or black tea, diluted 1:1 with water.

Exquisite eye masks

Don't want to deal with potatoes? Well, exquisite eye masks made from unusual ingredients will definitely please you!

Nut mask for the skin of the eyelids

Grind walnuts with a blender. Mix nut flour (2 parts) with butter (1-1.5 parts) and add 2-3 drops of pomegranate (lemon) juice.


Cucumber grate on a fine grater. Mix cucumber puree, chopped cilantro or parsley, sour cream (1:1:1).

from parsley

Grated parsley (1 tbsp.) Mix with cottage cheese (2 tsp) and milk. Try replacing milk and cottage cheese with sour cream.

From white bread

Soak the crumb of white bread in milk and apply the gruel on the eyelids. This gruel is good because after a week or two it removes dark circles under the eyes without a trace. Of course, if the bruises are not related to health problems.

Mallow petal remedy for eyelid skin

Lightly crush the freshly picked mallow petals and soak in cold milk. Apply to eyelids.

Cream for bruises

Crush the parsley, grind one tablespoon of mashed potatoes with 2 tsp. butter. Store in the refrigerator, apply before bed, combined with massage.

Folk recipes for bruises under the eyes

  1. Cottage cheese mask.Knead the curd with a fork and put on the eyelids. Rinse with cold tea.
  2. From tea. Brew tea bags and apply on the eyelids for 20 minutes.
  3. From milk. Soak cotton pads in milk and also apply on the eyelids.
  4. Prepare a decoction of sage. Freeze part of the broth, heat well part. Make contrast lotions for the skin of the eyelids using cotton pads and the resulting cosmetic ice.
  5. Contrasting lotions for the skin from a mixture of chamomile and dry dill (all as in recipe No. 4) are also good!
  6. Parsley decoction compresses (as well as simple ice rubs).
  7. Compresses from a decoction of cornflowers (2 parts) and rosemary (1 part) + boiling water (1 cup), leave for 20 minutes. Store in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. Use as recipe number 4.
  8. Cosmetic ice: tea leaves (1 tsp) + boiling water (glass) brew, infuse, freeze. Wipe eyelids every morning.

There are a lot of recipes for the skin of the eyelids! Women have something to choose - if you want a budget option, if you want - expensive. Skin care around the eyes is very simple. This is very useful, because the beauty of the face begins with the beauty of the eyes. And wrinkles and bruises do not belong here, do they?

Mask from bruises under the eyes: Video