Epileptic attacks of orgasm. Women and their secrets

Refers to those phenomena that differ unpredictability and capriciousness. It may come unexpectedly and cover you completely and without a balance, but may require efforts on your part and you will have to work to achieve it. From the point of view of biology, an orgasm will hardly explain, since there is simply no such base. Pregnancy and intimate communication are those events that can take place without on. At the same time, a sweet feeling that causes an orgasm, indescribable and it appears to a constant repetition, but not all can experience it. Therefore, it is worth considering those moments that interfere with the emergence of orgasm in women.

Sexual saturation is a powerful neuro-muscular discharge, which lifestyle subsequent feelings of satisfaction, joy and ease. The female perception of this phenomenon is different from male both at the place of occurrence and in terms of severity. The female body has much more erogenous zones, it is more dependent on psychological factors (nuances of relationships, places, moods). During the climax of the highest pleasure, a woman does not control himself - she can shout, cry, bite, even lose consciousness.

In the process of sex, it is an important and emotional state of a man who can contribute to the excitation of a woman or its braking. A huge impact on the ability to experience sexual satisfaction is provided by the ability to control the muscles of the vagina, knowledge of the reactions of their body on various kinds of affection. The missing female orgasm provokes a stagnation of blood in a small pelvis, which is fraught with the appearance of gynecological problems of varying degrees of severity. It also leads to the development of frigidity, anorgazmia, psychological violations.

The answer to the question why a woman does not experience orgasm can give a gynecologist, a sexopathologist, a psychologist or psychotherapist - depending on the true causes of this violation.

Effect of psychology on female orgasm

Self-confidence plays an important role in achieving the climax

Your everyday life can be full of positive only when you have confidence in yourself. In this case, the orgasm is no exception, and it also requires adequate self-esteem. You must trust the image you created and, in particular, your body. If you have a conflict between your body and the inner world, then your chances to experience the entire spectrum of sensations associated with orgasm can be reduced to zero. It is necessary to be able to enjoy your body and at the same time should not be looped only on the sensations of the partner. Your pleasures should be yours, and they should not be caused by the sensations of the partner.

The prevalence of the positive does not allow to emerge the votes that they say that a decent woman does not need it. Also, the correct self-esteem allows you to distance yourself from a maskulture that imposes sexuality and impeccability of the image. Only every particular woman can decide for himself, how she make love, and that she wants to get from it in the end. Your feelings of orgasm have strictly individual features that have minimal similarity with what others experience.

Fear and anxiety interfere with the occurrence of peak

Sexual climax causes a whole wave of pleasure, but at the same time it is often alarming, which has a psychological aspect, since penetration is different in a certain danger. In addition, anxiety is added to this form of fear, due to the possibility of losing during orgasm, the image that is created. How to gain freedom from these fears that arise at an unconscious level? In order for your feelings to get acute, you should get rid of prohibitions of the shame of your intimate relationships.

Experience and fears can be the stumbling block, which may not be reduced to all efforts to achieve the climax. Especially acute these moments determine the following question: how to bring the girl to the peak of pleasure? In this case, the prelude before sex is an important event. The girl must be ready for sex as emotionally and physically. She wants caress, and the energies are clearly not satisfied with her. Therefore, her body should get enough caress so that it is completely ready to go directly to the sexual contact.

Trust partner - an important condition

Causes that make female sexuality

No sexual discharge in many not related to physiological problems. The reasons for this phenomenon are extremely often concluded in such primitive things as:

Puritan education;

Antisexual installations;

The shortness of their own desires and fantasies;

Primitive technique of a partner who does not pay due attention and time of prelude or uncontrolled too fast ejaculation;

Lack of timely sexual education.

All this is quite solved if the girl is able to overcome his shysteriness, speak with a partner about his needs and tactfully indicate him to the "shortcomings" of their sex life. To get the maximum pleasure, it is undoubtedly necessary to work on itself and not be afraid to leave a man indifferent to her needs.


The imitation of orgasm is practiced by many ladies in different age categories. The overwhelming majority of them are resorting to a similar trick to please partner, avoid "extra" questions from his part. However, if an initially girl may think that it helps her to keep a man, and the problem itself is decided with time, then in fact the result is always one - the awareness of hopelessness and the adoption of the implicit decision.

Each man wonders, how to bring a woman to sexual climax, but faced with the simulation of this phenomenon, may simply be lowered hands. To determine pretense, you need to be only a little more carefully for your partner and notice the genuine signs of orgasm: redness of the chest, neck, faces; Frequent heartbeat, hot limbs, wandering look. It is important to the behavior of a woman and after sexual satisfaction: drowsiness, gratening, full relaxation. If the partner of Bodra, it proposes to start all over again or even criticizes you, then everything is obvious.

What are the types of female orgasm

Sexual satisfaction is a very complex psychophysical process. The pulses emanating from the female genitals excite the specific brain zones responsible for obtaining the pleasure of such a character. The answer to the question of how to experience the orgasm to a woman cannot be unequivocal and structured, since this concept is in fact manifests itself in each person individually. It should only be designated that the orgasm may differ in its localization and sensations, respectively. There are several most common forms:





In addition, the woman is able to experience the nipple orgasm, rectal and oral - it all depends on the place of stimulation and the susceptibility of your partner to such caresses.

Part of the psychoanalysts are confident that the vaginal orgasm is better, and it clearly exceeds clitoral. But this is rooted incorrect, as both types are equal and they are caused by fantasies. Clitual more inherent phallic idea of \u200b\u200bherself, since the clitoris in its essence acts as a penis equivalent. This fact once again reminds that a bisexual entity is laid in man. This type of completion is often used to get rid of themselves from the accumulated voltage. In turn, the vaginal requires a certain psychological consent of a woman. Women's sexuality is based on the so-called "active passivity", which implies religiousness and openness to this process.

Practically anyone can achieve clitious orgasm, unless with the help of a partner, then in the process of masturbation. As for the vaginal, then, according to sexologists, it is not more than a third of all women.

How to achieve orgasm to a woman

What reasons interfere with

The probability of achieving sexual discharge largely depends on the mood and emotional state of your partner. At the same time there are other factors whose influence on the quality of sex is important:

Hormones, specific groups of medicines. Endocrine violations, pregnancy, lactation, climax's offensive - all this leads to hormonal restructures. Medicines like antispasmodics, diuretic drugs, tools for normalization of pressure, antidepressants and certainly tranquilizers are able to produce an oppressive effect on sexual capabilities;

ISR, close clothes. Violation of blood flow and pressure in the vessels can reduce the likelihood of an orgasm offensive by 50%;

The weak tone of vaginal muscles and inability to manage them. This is fraught with the loss of tissue elasticity, disorders in the work of glands producing lubricant;

Irregular sex. Large interruptions in sexual life lead to asexuality and lethargy;

Alcohol and nicotine. Alcohol-containing drinks are capable of significantly reduced sensitivity, but smoking makes every tenth anorgasmic;

Overeating. In school, we were told that we should not chew a chewing gum in classes - the blood sticks to the stomach, and not to the brain. Also in sexual life - abundant dinner significantly reduces blood flow in the sexual system.

The sexual indifference of the man after reaching the climax is insulting for a woman. If it reached climax, then its excitement falls gradually unlike male. During this period, it is important to show tenderness and not to forget about post-hundreds of caresses, which consist in the impact on the non-wheel zones of the partner, the pronunciation of affectionate words. Incorrect behavior of a man after sex can be an obstacle to achieve orgasm its partner in the future.

Excitation of female erogenous zones

Sexual excitement of any girl is unthinkable without irritation of her erogenous zones. Only a high-quality and prolonged prelude contributes to its gradual increase and achieve sexual discharge. Explore your partner's body, and you will find the desired levers of receiving pleasure:

The ear of the ear and its rear surface;

"Cat place" - part of the back between the blades;

Rear surface of the neck near the beginning of hair growth;

Nipples and Area;

The tips of the fingers and legs;


The inner surface of the hips;

Clit, small sex lips and entrance to the vagina.

Not only the localization of the erogenous zone, but also the methods of its irritation. For example, most women like a whisper on the ear, and they prefer the use of force to the buttocks. Each of us is individual, so it is possible that erogenous zones can be located in the most unexpected places: under the knees, on the wrists, etc.

The embodiment of your fantasies into reality

If you want to experience the maximum sensations, it is worth it for this a little prepare. For example, you can see erotic films that create an appropriate atmosphere and may prompt something new in terms of intimate practice. In general, you must constantly look for the answer to the question: how to diversify sex life? Your daily life requires you to stay in reality, which is undoubtedly correct, as the work and other responsibilities should function in a specific tangible environment. As for the way to achieve orgasm, it should be all the opposite. Fantasy and only they will be able to free your feelings, and in this wave you will be transferred to another world, which will allow your body to fune in commonness, and your soul will rush to the paradise bush.

The orgasm does not apply to predictable phenomena, and it may arise suddenly, which will cause you surprise. Sex gives you a large number of sensations that are distinguished by their uniqueness. But our daily life also provides us with certain pleasant sensations that have no connection with orgasm. Your body has a memory and it remembers well, the state when you were in the womb. It is the touch of the uterus walls that determined the tenderness that you fill with love affection.

Sex is able to reinforce emotions repeatedly. The body is entirely beginning to live them. A shiver, which is associated with the anticipation of the upcoming events, and then tension and, finally, relaxation capable of calling both tears and laughter is a bright female orgasm that leads to the discharge of experiences. At this time, emotions fill you so much that you yourself become emotion. Orgasm can be compared with the dance occurring within you. And the dance requires that it could be performed. Many seek to the ideal execution of this dance, but not everyone reaches this.

Release your secret desires and animal impulses, and you will learn how to achieve a peak. Your way to maximize enjoyment should be associated with the risk of learning a new one. After receiving the first sexual experience, do not stand in place, but continue to expand it. This work should accompany you all my life and keep in mind that it is not necessary to do it alone, but together. Sex can be both mechanical and fabulous. Intimate life is not a business that requires the formulation of clear goals. Here goals only harm, so you need to give preference to spontaneity, otherwise you will not be able to know all the joy of sexual being.

4 tricks acceleration of peak

1. Full relaxation. Deep breathing satuates with oxygen cells, it allows you to feel better to feel a partner and surrender to him;

2. The angry bath with Aphrodisiacs and foam will also help free from voltage and prepare for pleasure;

3. Tans. Slow and sensual movements for nice music contribute to relaxation and increasing sexual excitement;

4.Indimate physical education. Kegel exercises make it possible to strengthen the muscles of the vagina, make them more sensitive.

Causes of frigidity and anorgasmia in women

Insufficient or absent libido, the inability to get sexual discharge is often diagnosed as frigidity and anorgasmia, respectively. Their most likely reasons:

Hormonal disorders, avitaminosis, overwork;

Diseases or underdevelopment of genital organs, the consequences of abortion and operational interventions;

Painful or violent defloration;

Improper intercourse technique;

Pregnancy and lactation;

Emotional unpretentiousness for sexual contact;

Constant practice of interrupting sexual intercourse;

Systematic repetition of accelerated ejaculation from a partner;

Mental injuries on the basis of love;

Discrepancy between the partner ideal, uncertainty in his sincerity;

Unsuitable conditions that make relaxation.

What reduces the excitement

Since women are very sensitive to the setting and sharply react to distracting factors, then in order to avoid sexual disorders, it is necessary to eliminate the emergence of a situation of tension and fear. Reduce excitation can:

Outsided sounds (phone call, noisy by the wall of the neighbors, creaking bed);

Objects causing unpleasant memories, associations;

Incorrectly selected room lighting (someone loves sex in daylight, and someone with soft lighting of the lamp);

Deterrence of sincere emotions and control of their body;

The unjustified desire to seem unnecessary sophisticated in the matters of love;

The average of each intercourse, awareness that nothing new partner does not accept;

Too high requirements for a man;

Thoughts, questions and stories about the former mistresses of the desired man.

What is female multi-Russian

Female multiple orgasms are those experiences that happen to you several times over a period of one intercourse. Of course, to experience this partner should carry out a protracted jump, that is, the sexual intercourse should be continuous over time. Although it is necessary to know that some have a short period of excitation downtime. Therefore, they may be discharged for discharge, if the orgasm stimulation partner continues. Similar women usually prefer such agitation techniques such as caressing nipples, oral sex and fantasies on an erotic theme. In addition, sensual partners are their explicit interest.

For such ladies, the concept of sexual satisfaction and saturation is different. Each individual orgasm satisfies them, but only the "organic series" leads to a complete discharge

Facts about female orgasm: Top 8

1.30-40% of women have problems with regular peak achievement;

2. Activity of understanding and love by the Father as a child may cause anhorhasmia;

3.Sexists argue that the lack of sexual climax at the beginning of sexual life (up to 35 years) is the norm associated with inexperience, monotony of the first sexual acts and insufficient knowledge in the reactions of their body;

4. The market helps to alleviate pain, as it provokes 4-fold oxytocin release;

5. Business in itself, its social activity, the level of education, the satisfaction of the profession, the presence of hobbies, cheerfulness and sociability have a direct impact on the ability to experience sexual satisfaction;

6. The average duration of the female orgasm is 6-10 seconds;

7.Dama, regarding their relationship with a partner as happy, much more often experience sexual satisfaction;

8. Efficiency is an effective prevention of the organism and premature old age.

There is quite a lot of information about female orgasm. It should be borne in mind that women are an organism that has uniqueness, so general rules for all cannot be applied. Each sex should be experimental M, which includes observations that will help make the right conclusions for further use. Your pleasure in bed should be interconnected with a complete understanding of the partner and then a sea of \u200b\u200bpleasure awaits you.

Convulus attacks in humans arise, as a rule, when external or internal factors appear. External factors include the impact of the medium per person and its reaction to this impact. Internal factors include any diseases or changes in the human body itself.

Convulsions are uncontrolled waving hands and legs, in which pain arises, and a person is characterized by loss of consciousness. In the people, such convulsions are sometimes called shaking or fit. The name corresponds to what happens to the human body. In convulsions, a man shakes, accepts unusual positions, bends, turns his hands, beats his head. This is due to the loss of control over movements.

Changes in brain

It remains incomprehensible to the end, which causes convulsions. The causes of such a state may concern the work of the brain. In the cerebral cortex, a phenomenon resembling a storm occurs when a part of the cells is manifested uncontrolled activity. The consequence of this is painful muscular spasm and the uncontrolcity of movements. However, what was the impetus for such cell behavior, it is not clear. Perhaps this is due to deviations in the structure of the cortex of the brain or its part. And, due to these deviations, uncontrolled discharges and pulses in the brain of the head appear.

Causes causing convulsions

Body causes that cause convulsions appear suddenly during a thermal or sunshine. Man shakes fever. The temperature sharply rising in this leads to convulsions. The reason for this may be caused by alcohol or chemical elements of the organism poisoning, chronic disorders of the autonomic nervous system, a complex course of pregnancy, accompanied by heavy toxicosis.

Metabolic disorders of the endocrine system, as hypoglycemia and hypocalcemia, when a person on the verge of consciousness loss is caused by patients with frequent muscle spasms, and may also be accompanied by convulsions. As a result, a person can go to whom or a fatal outcome will come.

It becomes clear of the above that states caused by a violation of human biochemistry are accompanied by single convulsions. If a person has convulsions, convulsions, spasms, medical assistance occurred for one reason or another. What is happening with a person leads to the idea that it is a complication of hidden illness or serious disadvantage in the body.


Repeating seizures with convulsions occur during epilepsy. There is a violation of the work of the brain cells. It is believed that in this case the disease is associated with genetically incorrect operation of cell membranes of nervous cells. The cause of the disease can be both generic injury and an infectious disease. Not all people who have convulsions have been sick epilepsy. Repeating bouts of convulsions can be alert. And it is precisely such people who need to examine their body for epilepsy.

What to do

Convulsions last 2-3 minutes and end themselves. The attack is accompanied by uncontrolled human movements. Consequently, that the person does not injure about nearby solid and sharp objects, they are cleaned. It is impossible to limit the movement of a person not to bring additional pain. It is recommended to unbutton the clothes for free breathing and unfold the head of the side, to leak out saliva or vomit, if there are those are present. After the cessation of the attack of a person is put in a comfortable position and necessarily cause a doctor.

If the child began a convulsion against the background of a sharp increase in temperature, it is recommended to call a doctor, and the child wrap wet, but not a cold sheet for removing the heat. Repeating convulsions in a child can be caused by various reasons. A thorough medical and neurological examination is recommended, up to computer tomography of the brain. After establishing the diagnosis of "epilepsy", such treatment is assigned, which is aimed at preventing the repetition of seizures. In time, the detected disease is success in its cure. This applies to children's epilepsy, treatment can be unnecessary when the child becomes a teenager.

Other types of convulsions

Dissociative convulsions are imitated epileptic seizures characteristic of small children. Showing theatricality, they fall and rush hysterics. The life of the child, in this case, is not at risk. He controls himself, but such behavior wants to show resistance to parents, in case the purchase of something is not fulfilled. Such entrances provoke the opportunity to show their character in humans. Parents should adequately respond to what is happening, sobering, the narrowness is or epilepsy.

The death convulsions are not always determined. But some symptoms push on the idea that a person in the "two steps" from death. He suddenly increases excitability, breathing is surrounded, panic begins. It seems that the patient is fighting for life, it makes an attempt to say something, grabs a man who is with him with him, although a minute to convulsions was sluggish and inactive.

Necessary treatment

Treatment methods are selected, depending on what the patient was caused by convulsions. This happened due to poisoning by chemical elements, alcohol and other substances? Purification of the stomach washing and drug removal of toxins from the body is prescribed. In epileptic convulsions, the doctor discharges drugs that reduce the amount and intensity of the attacks. Treatment of people who have undergone convulsions as a result of thermal and solar strikes is based on the reception of medicines appointed by the doctor to bring the body to normal.

If you witnessed the fact that in a public place a person has started a fit, convulsions or convulsions, this is not a reason for panic. It is required to call an ambulance and help a person will not pass the attack caused by convulsion, and he will not be able to control himself.


Hello Yuri Petrovich! At my girl immediately after orgasm, clonic convulsions begin, but only the straight muscles of the abdomen ... and there was no such thing. Thought over time, but it gets only worse ... At first it lasted for a few seconds, and now it comes to 3-4 minutes. She tried to drink Panangin, because Familiar doctors said this due to the lack of potassium and magnesium. But the results did not give ... In the usual life, the convulsion never happened and they arise immediately as soon as an orgasm passes. Advise what we do? What can it be from? We are afraid to have sex, because Each time a convulsion is stronger and stronger ...

Hello. A girl, of course, you need to seem like a neuropathologist - just never happen. Judging by the fact that you use medical Teaminology, one of you relates to medicine, so I immediately send you to Dr.. But there is this question: how much does the description correspond to reality and what can it mean? I'm not about what you cheat or make a diagnosis only for rumor. You know, there is a saying: lying, as an eyewitness. That is, he sees something, tells about it - and involuntarily speaks not at all that he saw. So, questions to you: 1. How was the orgasm proceeded when the seizure was not? (Exact description of external signs, including abdominal muscle cuts. 2. Cramps begin when relative to the beginning and end of orgasm - simultaneously with the beginning. When is it already ends, after a second or minutes after graduation? 3. Does the girl herself says? (and what do you think - from the side) that convulsions are part of the orgasm or that convulsions increase or extend the orgasm? 4. How much do you understand in convulsions, what do you call the originless word? Please understand me correctly: I do not express doubts What do you write, but as far as it matches your level of knowledge - the question is special and very significant. So let's clarify - and once again we will discuss how much the picture is normal or pathological. Waiting for a letter.


Edservat Yuri Petrovich! My young man described everything right. But I better try to clarify the problem itself. We are really related to medicine, we are students medical devices. It would seem that it would be easier to figure out in this doctors? ... But in fact, I just even uncomfortable about this to someone else ... This is very strange what happens to me. I answer your questions: 1. Previously, when I experienced an orgasm, I sometimes had a feeling of numbness of my fingers on my legs and hands, but then it quickly passed. During the orgasm, I felt relaxation, there were absolutely no hints of a single muscle contraction. 2. Orgasms for some reason became brighter and rich, but in order to feel it we spend much more time than before. And right after his ending through literally 1-2 seconds it starts to shake it right. 3. The cramps do not extend and do not enhance orgasm, but only spoil. It seems that there is such a pleasant rustling and everything will deteriorate. 4. Clear convulsions are accompanied by sharp, rhythmic abbreviations of only one muscle on the abdomen - in the same place, from the navel and to the sternum. And if we are wounded by sex several times in a row, with each subsequent time, convulsions are still stronger, with a greater frequency of abbreviations, longer than in time. I can't civilize it. My boyfriend even tried to dictate me to help me, but I just worse, it gets hard to breathe. I weigh 50 kg, and the guy is 82- Not only that he cannot hold me, but he shakes with me ... It's terribly nice ... if I finish it before, he can't cum, because . It's easy to do not be rally ... How to be and what I do not know. It is even difficult to imagine that I will go to the neuropathologist with such a problem ....

Hello. Thank you for decided to answer my questions. Despite the strange way, you still need to visit the neuropathologist and to be examined - at least do EEG and echo. After all, the situation is developing: it was a sense of numbness (that is, the involvement of the nervous system - sensitive nerves), now - uncontrollable reductions of one muscle, and what's next? So the survey seems to me an important step of bringing you up to normal. What will find a neuropathologist - unpredictably, perhaps some source of pathological arousal in the cerebral cortex. What, with which the associated, stable or not is very interesting (in terms of health, not from simple curiosity), so look for a doctor or clinic. There will be results - send, discuss. If anything - write to my blog, not everything is laid out there for review. Good luck to you! P.S. Why did I reconcile these details from you if the Council still comes down to a personal visit to the doctor. The fact is that sometimes such cuts are a manifestation of orgasm, and sometimes reinforce and extend organic sensations and a woman, and a man. This is not a pathology, so the difference has played a key value. Alas, there is something that is, not what I would like. Good luck!

What actually prevents orgasm: maybe it's time to stop wearing high heels?

You spend a lot of time at the table

This leads to the difficulty of blood circulation in the pelvis area and as a result, your sensitivity is reduced. Every half an hour get up because of the desktop and go a few minutes on foot. Climb and go down the stairs to a couple of floors. If you can retire, make a workout for the hips with the knee rise from the standing position, press and perform several slopes.

You wear high heels

The irony is that shoes designed to make you more sexually attractive, kills your sex. Wearing high heels so unnaturally loads the muscles of the legs, buttocks, pelvis and loins, which can cause muscle spasms. They are invisible to you, but the muscles are constantly tense and do not give nervous signals from your vagina to reach the spinal cord. Orgasm to get harder if at all possible.

You drink a lot of alcohol and little water

If you are dehydrated, and it is not necessary to die from thirst, you allocate less lubrication and your muscles and ligaments become less elastic. All this together prevents relaxing during sex. And since alcohol is a good diuretic, he also dehydrates the body and reduces your sensitivity.

You accept some medicines

As a rule, high-pressure medications, hormonal contraceptives and sedatives significantly reduce your sensitivity. Suddenly, but antihistamines are capable of doing that.

Your partner does not know you too well in all people. Erogenic zones are quite individually located. A little bit of the angle of entrance, a little not such a pose - and all the efforts will be in vain. Take patience and feel free to try everything that can give you pleasure.

You have sex in silence

It has been proven that the louder and more active you are moaning, the more sounds you will publish, the brighter your orgasms. Conversely, the partisan sex, of course, will not give your presence of the enemy, but also in the degree of pleasure will be comparable to a glass of kefir. Instead.

You masturbate quite rarely

The ability of a woman to enjoy sex with itself and the associated fantasies directly affect your ability to receive orgasm during sex with a man. The more and more often you like yourself, the more pleasant you will be together.

You have a low oxytocin level

This "hormone of pleasure" and orgasm go hand in hand. If it is not enough in the body, the orgasm is more complicated. How to raise its level? Hug more often, spend time together. The good news is that pleasant communication with pets, children or relatives increases the level of oxytocin in the same way as the time spent with his beloved man.

Most sexopathologists currently identify several forms of female orgasm. On orgasm localization: four physiological form - clitoral, vaginal, uterine (cervical cervical orgasm, or cervical), cinery and several pathological - oral, rectal (anal), skipova.

Orgasm - a complex psychophysiological process, the foundations of which lie in the relevant processes in the brain. The excitation of the specific zones of the pleasure of the brain leads to an objective manifestation of orgasm. The inclusion of these zones occurs under the influence of pulses coming from the genitals of a woman.

The motor activity of the body of a woman and its individual parts resembles convulsions. In some cases, the body is strained and pulled out, possibly lifting the pelvis and bodybament of the body along the arc type (with a support on the head and heels), the hands are tense and elongated, the jaws are grilled, the eyes are tightly closed. In other cases, the body bends, wriggling, beats, performs challenges, hands and legs are spread, making sharp chaotic movements, the head is spinning in different directions. All this is accompanied by sound phenomena (screams, screams, sobbing, screaming, squeak of teeth, as well as sounds muted by a volitional effort or spasm of speech muscles, moans, sighs, etc.).

Sometimes separate words and incoherent phrases are broken. There is a spasm, i.e., a rather sharp reduction in the muscles of the vagina, the uterus, the perineum and other muscles of the small pelvis. Usually, a young woman who did not give birth with a well-developed muscles there are 2-3 strong spasms and a few weak, gradually sharpening. In women with a weaker muscular, over age, only one strong spasm and 1-2 weaknesses are possible. All these spasms can be felt by a gender member of a man.

The increase in the vagina is sometimes so sharp that the sexual member loses the feeling of the walls of the vagina, as if "pops up" in it. In rare cases, a large amount of fluid is even poured out.

During the true orgasm, the nipples of the breast glands are increasing in volume and harden (erection of nipples).

The combination of all signs is an external, objective picture of the physiological orgasm of women. The subjective inner picture can be described on the basis of their stories. Many women note the feeling of strong heat at the bottom of the abdomen, in the genitals and in the depths of the vagina, a kind of thermal wave in these areas, a feeling of impact in the depths of a small pelvic or painful-sweet spasm, compressing inside, in the depths of the genitals.

All described concerns a relatively simple type of female orgasm, namely orgasm physiological. Such an orgasm is more or less regularly noted in three quarters of women living in sex. Most often occurs the so-called clitoral type of orgasm.

How important is to obtain a woman's so-called "anatomical compliance" of the genital organs of a man and a woman?

The magnitude of the genital organs in sexology and in society is always attached great importance. In fact, the situation is significantly prosaic. First of all, a sexual member is not required for fully valuable in all respects of sexual life.

As you know, women have four types of orgasm, and at three of them (clitoral, vaginal and crotch), the genus of the penis does not matter. With the fourth type of orgasm - cinema (uterine) - needed a certain length of the penis, but also very moderate, since the cervix for most women is relatively shallow.

There are no relations between the common body sizes, in particular the growth and size of the penis, in the man and the volume of the vagina in a woman. Anatomical inconsistency can only take place with a roughly pronounced vaginal pathology (underdevelopment of it, scar stroke after injuries, burns). In other cases, genitics of men and women represent a functional system in which the vagina can be significantly stretched with a large sex dick and, on the contrary, compressing, tightly facilitate a small penis.

What is a clitoral orgasm?

It used to be spread the opinion that this type of orgasm is characterized by very young women, and as an orgasm aggregate moves into the vagina. However, it is not. Clitual orgasm can be characteristic of any woman, regardless of its age, physique, etc.

To obtain clitary orgasm, it is necessary to irritate the clitoris. Women who are inherent to clitious orgasm can almost receive it with the usual position most common in Europe. The clitoris at the same time during the frictions remains outside the irritation field.

Under the usual sexual act, the necessary irritation of the clitoris is achieved by contact with the back of the penis, for which it is necessary to enter a penis under some angle (from top to bottom). This is possible at the normal length of the clitoris from the entrance to the vagina (about 2.5 cm). If the clitoris is above, the penis does not reach it. In this case, it is necessary to either change the position of the sexual intercourse, or to apply titillation (minor monotonous irritating movements) with your finger clitoris, both in the preparatory period and during sexual intercourse.

The head of the clitoris is rich in blood vessels and nervous endings, so the irritation of his hand should be very light, gentle. Sometimes it is useful to lubricate the fingers with a vaseline or moisturize the finger by entering it pre-in the vagina. With an excessive sensitivity of the clitoris head, the irritating effects of the finger can be transferred above, on the body or tail. These parts of the clitoris are deeper and therefore permissible more sharp effect.

Women with clitoral type of orgasm does not fit the koitus behind. The following position is more acceptable: after the chalk of Koitus in the classic position, shifted his legs, then the penis annoys the clitoris for each friction. At the same time, her husband and wife can change places - the husband from below, and the wife from above. An objective sign of clitorium orgasm is a significant increase in the clitoris in size (erection), an increase in its temperature.

How does vaginal orgasm occur?

The second type of female orgasm is vaginal. The erogen field is the lower third of the front wall of the vagina, which requires special interchange technology, which is closely pressed by the head of the penis to the front wall of the vagina during frictions.

In addition, special "small" frictions are also practiced, i.e., shallow, exciting only the bottom department of the vagina. At the same time, the impact on the lower third of the twist of the vagina is enhanced ("Spanish" sexual intercourse). There are also cases of combined orgasm, that is, clitious-vaginal. In the preliminary period, affection in women are effectively irritating with hand at the same time clitoris and the front wall of the vagina, and during intercourse - simultaneous impact on both erogenous zones with a sexual member or hand.

For any form of orgasm, the maximum overflow of the blood of the cavernous bodies is necessary, and the lower part of the vagina is just covered by the muscles, closely connected with the cavernous bodies. Reducing these muscles, a woman not only enhances the filling of its own cavernous bodies - squeezing during sexual the base of the genital man's man, but it makes it difficult for blood outflow from his cavernous bodies, sharply enhancing her husband's erection and creating additional pleasant sensations.

Unfortunately, the work of these most important muscles for orgasm is not always full. On the one hand, some women have low-power, and on the other hand - there are women who do not know how to use them. The task of the sexologist and in that and in another case - to teach a woman to use these muscles.

The power of any cross-striped muscle increases from the exercises, so some frigid women we give homework - special sexology gymnastics: it repeatedly compress the main muscle every day - a compressor of the vagina, and if a woman does not know how to do this, we advise you to pull the back pass.

The lower third of the vagina and the muscles of the crotch play a crucial role in the formation of orgasm. These muscular parts at a voltage form an organic cuff. Objectively vaginal orgasm is expressed in 5-12 abbreviations of this cuff with an interval of 0.8 seconds. After the orgasm, the cuff and walls of the vagina are quickly relaxing. With a vaginal form of orgasm, a woman can get sexual satisfaction in any position.

What is the feature of the uterine orgasm?

During the orgasm of this type of cutting, the uterus begin with its bottom and switch to the body and the lower segment. The strength of the uterine contractions is equal to the power of orgasm. For this orgasm, the so-called "pricing effect" is characterized, in which the cervix is \u200b\u200bsinking to the top of the vagina. The uterus is then returning to its original position.

In the uterine form of orgasm, a woman is needed irritation by the penis of the cervix. Sex member may not reach the cervix with a small length or, on the contrary, if the vagina is too large. In these cases, it is necessary that the sex act takes place in position when a woman is lying on his back and attracts his legs to the stomach, which greatly shortens the vagina. An option is also possible when a man lies on his back, and a woman sits on top of a squat.

With various types of deviations, the cervix is \u200b\u200bnot in the rear edge, but looks forward. In order to "put the uterus in place", you can change the position again, apply gynecological massage and knee-elbow respiratory gymnastics. In this case, it is also better to recommend sexual intercourse in position when a woman is on his stomach or side. With this position, the penis does not fall into the back arch, and in the front, as with the knee-elbow position of the woman.

With excessive obesity of a woman, Koitus is possible only in the rear position on the side with the legs, strongly bent in the hip joints or in the knee-elbow position of the woman. The same position is almost the only possible man with excessive obesity of men.

The technique of sexual act with this type of orgasm is that the man makes deep friction, rhythmically affecting the cervix and the rear arch. And in this case, strong shim hits should be avoided.

What is a crotch orgasm? The fourth type of orgasm - crotch. It occurs significantly less often. The corresponding nerve impulses go from the crotch when it comes to the vibration state. In women with this type of orgasm, it sometimes comes with horseback riding, cycling or motorcycle ride. In this case, sexual intercourse consists in the effects of the head of the penis on the rear wall of the vagina in its lower segment.

How do you feel about imitation orgasm women?

A widespread imitation phenomenon is particularly often observed in women instead of an organic period. The woman imitates orgasm accessible to her means, thereby solving some social and psychological tasks. She wants to prove his sexual useful partner (if she tends to regard herself as a "cold" woman). She wants to convince the partner that he is a full-fledged man if it is important to her. She wants to prevent his aggression (reproaches, reprimands), if she thinks that the partner accuses her that it does not turn on in a sexual intercourse. She wants to prevent the response of self-evidence and despair from a partner if it assumes that such a reaction will prevent their further relations. In short, imitation of orgasm is a complex and responsible action of the woman to whom it attaches great importance. However, this is a widespread action of a woman is erroneous.

Most of the listed problems and tasks facing a woman can be solved by another, "open", but tactful way, namely joint friendly search for disadvantages of technology and psychological communication, friendly construction of the true, binding of both partners of orgasm. As already mentioned, simulations are available only part of the manifestations of the orgasm, which is amenable to arbitrary or conscious regulation.

Is it possible to achieve simultaneous orgasm of men and women?

For sexual harmony, it is desirable to coincide in the time of the orgasm of men and women, and if it has an organic series - the coincidence of the orgasm of men with the last orgasm of a woman. The complete coincidence is not always necessary. If the woman is already in the pre-regoma period, then a man after ejaculation should not take a penis from the vagina for a few more seconds, without making frictions, and a woman automatically has an orgasm after the pre-orders. If the simple expectation is still not enough for the onset of orgasm in a woman, a man can directly stimulate a woman in some other way, for example, hand, etc.

What is a psycho-emotional orgasm?

Significantly less often in a man, and a woman has a psycho-emotional orgasm. In fact, it is a complex psychophysical-ological experience, which unfolds on the basis of a simpler, elementary, physiological orgasm. The probability of the onset of psycho-emotional orgasm depends on the emotional warehouse of a person, its common culture, the ability to expressed emotional experiences in general: enthusiasm, ecstatic states. It can be said that the frequency and quality of psycho-emotional orgasm have a significant social conditionality of the general way of life of people. In the era of sentimentalism or romanticism, psycho-emotional orgasm probably met more often.

The emergence of psycho-emotional orgasm and in a man, and a woman depends on the type of man's relationship to the image of a woman at all, from its assessment of this image, the values \u200b\u200bof a woman in life. In the period when a woman is an object of worshiping a man, the ideal of beauty, moral perfection, there is such a complex of emotions, which contributes to the onset of psycho-emotional orgasm from both partners. It has long been noticed that the emotional state of a man during sexual intercourse contributes to both the initiation of women and its braking, depending on the nature of these emotions.

Psycho-emotional orgasm is psychologically interpreted as a significant narrowing of the field of consciousness of both partners. Against this background, there is an emotional lift in the type of ecstatic state with the emergence of brightly colored fantasies and even with impaired perception (sense of flight, weightlessness, any changes in their body, etc.). The leading emotion at this time is the experience of happiness, joy, liberation. At the same time, the content of emotional experiences in a man and women is different. So, a man has a "motive of mastering", right up to the "devouring of a woman."

A man is completely merged with a woman, picking her deep into his soul. This is the most common words in this situation that says a man, for example: "I will remove you without a rest," "You are mine", etc. The content of emotional experiences of a woman with psycho-emotional orgasms is "return", a woman is completely given to A man dissolves in it. This state corresponds to such words as "take me all", "I am yours", "do with me what you want", etc. Emotion of the return is manifested not only in words, but also in gestures, as if withdrawing themselves man.

How many orgasms are able to experience a woman in one sexual act?

Approximately 20% of women there is a need during the same sexual intercourse, and three are four orgasms in a row. This means that for them the concept of satisfaction and saturation differ. Each orgasm brings satisfaction, but only their aggregate leads to saturation, that is, to the disappearance of the further need for orgasm. This phenomenon is called the "Organic Series" name. It is absolutely normal. It should be emphasized, because some men, and sometimes women, consider it a manifestation of any disease, and men, in addition, and manifestation of promotion or depravity of a woman. Of course, a husband or a permanent partner of a woman should know about her organic series and considering this to build their sexual relations with her.

What happens to the woman's body after sexual intercourse? The sexy excitement of a woman and after full saturation decreases gradually. In this regard, it painfully reacts to the sexual indifference of a man, coming from him after the end of the intercourse.

There is a lot of complaints about the fact that men quickly switch to domestic prose prose-frames or fall asleep. In fact, these complaints express the need for a woman in the so-called postcoital caresses, i.e. in the caress of men after sexual intercourse. These affection should not have an exciting nature, so they are reduced not to the irritation of erogenous zones, but on the contrary, they are on the impact on the inhropic parts of the woman's body.

The psychological content of these caresses is the expression of gratitude, tenderness, mental discharge. At the same time, the woman in the period of postcoital caresses expresses the man of gratitude and evaluate it as a sexual partner. Indeed, every man during intercourse and after him has a hidden need to get a tactful assessment of his actions from a woman.

She contributes to his self-affirmation, but at the same time it becomes especially vulnerable to reproaches and generally disapproving statements. That is why when we recommend a woman to spend with a man the necessary adjustment of its actions in the preparatory period and in the period of sexual intercourse, we always emphasize that it is necessary to do this at another time, but not directly after sexual intercourse. During this period, the assessment of a woman should be definitely positive in any case. It should be remembered that this is not only the final assessment of this intimacy, but also an incentive for the future. A man always wants to justify in the future the assessment of a woman, especially if she was slightly higher than an objective assessment.

This is an extremely responsible psychological moment, and, of course, it is difficult to describe how a woman should do it. For example, one woman said shortly: "It was a fairy tale," the other did not say anything, but raised the thumb, and the third whispered: "I forgot the whole world except you." Although, according to the living conditions, partners, including her husband and wife, sometimes have to get up and engaged in household activities, the psychologically the most perfect state of partners after the described period is a dream. A woman should fall asleep before the men, resting in his arms, and not the opposite (except the woman like a "female mother").

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