Natural childbirth: features, contraindications, pros and cons

For the entire period of pregnancy, the expectant mother has to solve many issues that are important for her and for the baby. A woman needs to choose the right vitamins for her, find a good doctor and a maternity hospital. In addition, how exactly the baby will be born plays an extremely important role. Indeed, many pregnant women are sure that delivery by caesarean section is an excellent option for both mother and her child. But doctors often disagree with them. Let's talk a little more in detail, which births are more optimal and safe - caesarean section or vaginal delivery?

All doctors, without exception, are sure that, if possible, it is better to give birth on their own. A caesarean section should only be performed if indicated.

A caesarean section is an operation

Natural childbirth is a normal physiological process. A cesarean is a serious intervention that can cause various complications. During this manipulation, doctors cut the stomach and uterus. During the operation, bleeding may occur, and after it, thromboembolic diseases and intestinal obstruction may develop. Complications due to anesthesia are also possible. After a woman has had a longer stay in the hospital than after a natural birth.

Natural preparation for peace in natural childbirth

Many women are sure that the crumbs born by caesarean section are more beautiful. Their head is not injured when passing through the birth canal, and there are no abrasions and bruises on the body.

However, it is worth noting that during natural childbirth, when passing through the narrow birth canal, amniotic fluid comes out of the baby’s chest. Therefore, children born naturally are much less likely to suffer from respiratory failure or pneumonia.

Scientists say that natural prolonged contractions before the baby is born equate to positive stress. Such exposure prepares the child for the external environment. If the baby is simply removed from the uterine cavity, the birth will be a severe shock for him, which in the future often leads to the development of neuroses and mental disorders.

Are you afraid of pain?

In the event that you are thinking about a caesarean section solely as a way to avoid labor pains, consult a doctor. In fact, there are a number of methods for pain relief of contractions and attempts that do not affect consciousness in any way. It can be either a local anesthesia of the perineum. Properly performed anesthesia is unable to harm the baby.

(after natural childbirth and caesarean section)

It is worth noting that within a day after a caesarean section, a woman cannot get out of bed, and she cannot walk and hold a newborn in her arms at all. After the operation, the new mother has to look for a comfortable position for feeding. And it is very difficult for her to do without help during the postpartum period.
Caesarean section often leads to complications in the form of infections and adhesions.

But after natural childbirth, a woman may well move more or less normally after a few hours. And the feeling of weakness and drowsiness completely disappears in just a day. A newly-made mother can take care of the child from the first minutes. Although, of course, it is difficult. She is usually frazzled.


Probably every woman knows that the best food for a newborn is mother's milk. Natural childbirth triggers the production of colostrum and milk, and after them it is much easier to organize breastfeeding.

For the health of the child, pediatricians and neonatologists advise applying it to the chest immediately after birth. And during a caesarean section, such manipulation is simply impossible. Many women after such an operation can not be adjusted. However, let them not “hang their noses” and do not get upset. In our time, a method of feeding a child from a bottle and a lot of mixtures for every taste has long been developed. Your child will grow up exactly the same. His teeth will appear earlier, as the mixtures are balanced, and nursing mothers will be exhausted after a couple of months of round-the-clock child care, which means that their milk will become poorer. Not everyone agrees with this point of view, but there is definitely logic in thoughts.

Can I choose the method of delivery myself?

In Russia today there is no official opportunity to choose the method of the birth of a baby. Such a decision is made exclusively by doctors, focusing on the characteristics of the course of pregnancy, on the condition and location of the crumbs, as well as on the health of the woman in labor.

In some cases, the decision to perform a caesarean section is already taken directly during labor, for example, if the baby is especially large, if the mother has severe bleeding, and if the baby does not receive enough oxygen.

Indications for caesarean section during pregnancy

Doctors may decide to perform a planned caesarean section if the pregnant woman has an anatomically or clinically narrow pelvis, if the placenta is in the way of the baby's passage. Indications for such an intervention include past injuries of the pelvis, spine and perineum and a history of surgery in these areas.

You can’t do without a caesarean section if the woman in labor has tumor lesions of the small pelvis that interfere with the passage of the child. Also, such an operation is necessary for those who suffer from diseases that can be aggravated during childbirth. Most often, such ailments include disorders in the activity of the cardiovascular system and the visual apparatus. The indication for caesarean section is a history of stillbirth in combination with the presence of pathologies in the current pregnancy.

A caesarean section can be performed with intrauterine pathologies that slow down the birth of a child, with improper presentation and some other disorders.

Do not be afraid of either natural childbirth or caesarean section. Trust qualified specialists, they know better which delivery option will be optimal in your particular case.

Reading time: 5 minutes

Women begin to think about childbirth as soon as they see two stripes on the test, and the closer the “day X”, the more worries and questions on this topic. How to understand when to go to the hospital, where and with whom to give birth, will it be possible to give birth on your own or will you have to resort to a caesarean section? Natural childbirth is the goal of many expectant mothers, because this is a way thought out by nature for the birth of a child, the best end to a healthy pregnancy, if there are no contraindications.

What is natural childbirth

Such births are called natural when the child passes through the birth canal: the cervix and vagina (and is not removed through an incision in the abdomen, as with a caesarean section). This way of being born has many advantages for mom and baby. The woman recovers faster, because she does not have postoperative sutures, she can carry a child in her arms and lift a stroller.

The baby, during the passage through the birth canal, receives its first dose of beneficial bacteria that populate the intestines, stimulate the immune system and protect against dysbacteriosis. In addition, according to perinatal psychologists, the difficult transition from intrauterine life to the harsh conditions of the outside world in a newborn is easier if it appeared naturally.

Hormones that are produced during childbirth trigger complex mechanisms in a woman's psyche, form attachment to a child, what we call maternal instinct. Immediately after the appearance of the crumbs, it will be placed on the mother's stomach, and will be given the opportunity to attach to the breast for the first time. This touching moment, which is remembered by all women, is impossible during a caesarean section.

Preparing for natural childbirth

For many months before giving birth, a woman regularly visits a gynecologist, monitors her diet and takes a lot of tests; reads books and websites about pregnancy. The whole family equips the future nursery and buys a dowry for the baby. Behind these pleasant chores, it is important not to forget that readiness for childbirth is not only packages collected at the maternity hospital. You need to check your preparation in two directions.


In order for natural childbirth to be successful, the psychological attitude of a woman is very important. There are three levels of a woman's readiness for childbirth: low (panic, expectation of pain and suffering), medium (positive attitude, while lacking self-confidence) and high (happiness, emotional upsurge, willingness to cooperate with doctors).

Special classes with psychologists at free courses at antenatal clinics and in commercial centers help to bring readiness for childbirth to the desired level. The newest trend is doulas, women with specialized knowledge in psychology and midwifery, who provide personalized support to a pregnant woman during the last trimester of pregnancy and childbirth. You can now hire such an assistant in any major city.


Preparation is necessary not only for the mind, but also for the body. The study of breathing techniques, massage, physiological postures for a successful delivery will help you tune in to an important event. A woman should have a good idea of ​​what happens at each stage of childbirth in order to make this process as easy as possible for herself and help the baby, because he also has serious work to do.

How is natural childbirth

Childbirth proceeds in three stages: disclosure, expulsion and succession. The beginning of labor activity is the appearance of regular contractions. It is generally accepted that labor pains in this period cannot be avoided, however, this is not always the case. If a woman is well physically prepared, at the initial stage of contractions, she can only feel that her stomach periodically turns to stone.

Expectant mothers often worry about whether they can distinguish real contractions from training ones. Here they come to the aid of applications for smartphones - “counters”. By noting each peak of painful sensations in the application, you can track the interval between contractions; the program will determine whether it is time to go to the hospital.

First stage

Opening is the longest phase of labor, on average it lasts 9-12 hours, in the first labor, as a rule, longer than in the second. The cervix gradually opens to allow the baby to pass through the birth canal. The degree of disclosure is checked by an obstetrician during examination. When opening by 4 centimeters or more, the woman goes to the delivery room. In maternity hospitals, soft births are increasingly practiced, when a woman does not have to lie down during contractions - she can jump on a fitball, stand in positions that are convenient for her. It helps relieve painful contractions.

Second phase

Full disclosure is considered to be 8-10 cm. This is how the second stage of childbirth begins - the expulsion of the fetus. At this time, the woman feels attempts - strong urges, similar to the desire to relieve the intestines. At this stage, it is especially important to listen to the instructions of a competent obstetrician, who will help the baby be born without damage. If the baby is large for the birth canal of a woman, he is helped to be born with a small incision in the perineum - an episiotomy.

Third stage

The newborn is placed on the mother's stomach, the umbilical cord is allowed to pulsate and it is cut. A healthy baby was born, but the birth is not over yet, the third stage is ahead - the birth of the afterbirth. With gentle pressure on the abdomen, the obstetrician helps the placenta to come out. As a rule, it is immediately shown to a woman. The newly-made mother is not up to this, but it is very important to make sure that the placenta is intact. Even a small part of the placenta left in the mother's body can cause serious postpartum complications.


Contraindications to natural childbirth are divided into absolute and relative. The absolute ones are:

  • pathologically narrow pelvis (3 and 4 degrees of narrowing);
  • severe myopia (nearsightedness) in the mother - attempts can lead to retinal detachment;
  • transverse position of the fetus after the outflow of amniotic fluid;
  • obstacles in the birth canal (scars, tumors, a strong stage of vaginal varicose veins);
  • prolonged absence of labor after the outflow of water (risk of hypoxia for the child);
  • unhealed scars on the uterus (for example, if after a previous birth by cesarean, the period recommended by doctors is not met);
  • infectious diseases in the mother, with which the baby can become infected while passing through the birth canal (HIV, syphilis, hepatitis, and others).

Relative contraindications - breech presentation of a large child (over 3500 g), multiple pregnancy, weak labor activity, chronic diseases of the mother. In all these cases, the question of the possibility of giving birth on their own is determined by the doctor individually. Vaginal childbirth is an ideal that you can strive for, but do not forget that the life and health of all participants in the process should come first, so it is unacceptable to refuse the intervention of doctors.


Most expectant mothers dream of natural childbirth without unnecessary interventions and manipulations. When is it possible, how does natural childbirth proceed and how should one prepare for it?

Do not confuse natural childbirth with those gaining popularity. Natural childbirth is the physiological birth of a baby in a natural way, and not by caesarean section. Also, the ideal scenario for childbirth involves the absence of stimulation and. Of course, natural childbirth can take place within the walls of the hospital.

A lot has been said and written about natural childbirth, and in anticipation of the crumbs, pregnant women manage to shovel tons of thematic literature. But how to extract the most important from this huge amount of information? For your convenience, we have collected the most significant facts, the knowledge of which will definitely come in handy before and during childbirth.

Natural childbirth: when not

In most cases, natural childbirth is possible and desirable. There are only a few situations in which it is shown:

  • premature birth, premature baby;
  • pathological course of pregnancy, preeclampsia;
  • placenta previa;
  • intrauterine infections;
  • severe myopia, diseases of the cardiovascular system or the musculoskeletal system in the mother;
  • multiple pregnancy, if not all fetuses are cephalic, or if intrauterine growth retardation is observed in one or more fetuses;
  • breech presentation, if the fetus is large, and the mother's pelvis is narrow;
  • a very large fetus with a very narrow pelvis in a future mother;
  • risk of uterine rupture (delivery with a scar on the uterus, etc.);
  • multiple entanglement of the umbilical cord;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • a long anhydrous period in the absence of labor;
  • the inability to fully dilate the cervix for one reason or another;
  • fetal hypoxia during childbirth, placental abruption;
  • prolapse of umbilical cord loops;
  • benign and malignant tumors of the uterus and birth canal.

Age, pregnancy as a result of IVF, single cord entanglement, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, and most chronic diseases are not in themselves indications for caesarean section.

Benefits of natural childbirth

Some future mothers are so afraid of the pain and unpleasant consequences of childbirth that they voluntarily agree to surgical interventions. By the way, in vain, because only with natural childbirth:

  • physiological mechanisms are launched that are responsible for contraction of the uterus after childbirth, the establishment of lactation, as well as the establishment of a strong emotional connection between the mother and the child;
  • the passage of the baby through the birth canal stimulates the activation of his immune system, the sowing of the body with beneficial bacteria, the normalization of breathing and blood circulation;
  • immediately after birth, the baby is laid out on the mother’s stomach and applied to the breast, from the very first minutes the baby is next to the mother and feeds on colostrum;
  • the mother's body recovers faster - there is no difficult postoperative period, you can immediately take the newborn in your arms, carry the stroller and live a normal life;
  • after natural childbirth, a woman quickly comes into shape - you can perform physical exercises in a month.

Preparing for childbirth

It is good if natural childbirth is preceded by psychological and physical preparation - this allows you to make the process as easy as possible for mom and baby.

Psychological preparation involves a positive attitude, increased self-confidence and self-confidence, preparation of loved ones (if one of them will be present at the birth), as well as the study of theory. During pregnancy, it is useful to familiarize yourself with the stages and features of the course of childbirth, the basics of proper behavior in childbirth, the basics of anatomy and physiology, as well as possible adverse scenarios for which you also need to be prepared.

Physical preparation for childbirth is exercises that strengthen the necessary muscle groups, breathing practices to ease contractions and stimulate the passage of crumbs through the birth canal, learning ways to relieve pain without medication (massage of the lower back, special postures, etc.), as well as massage of the skin of the intimate zone with special oil, which will increase its elasticity and help to avoid tears.

You can prepare for childbirth on your own with the help of videos and articles or in special courses.

Stages of childbirth

Stage 1: Contractions

Contractions indicate that the opening of the cervix has begun (usually they are preceded by precursors - discharge of the mucous plug, training contractions, pulling pain in the lower back). They may begin as infrequent, painless uterine contractions, or they may be immediately palpable and painful. Most often, in the first hours of contractions, the expectant mother can be at home and do her usual activities. The main thing is to note their frequency. As soon as the interval between contractions becomes 10-15 minutes, it's time to go to the hospital.

This is the moment when massage skills, learned postures and proper breathing come in handy, which will help reduce pain and provide oxygen to the baby.

Stage 2: pushing

After the discharge of amniotic fluid and the full opening of the cervix, the straining period begins. At this time, it is necessary to take a comfortable posture, establish proper breathing, listen to the doctor and follow all his instructions exactly.

The baby passes through the birth canal, then the head "cuts through", and after it - the whole body. The baby is placed on the mother's stomach, applied to the chest and covered with a warm blanket.

Stage 3: delivery of the placenta

In the period up to 20 minutes after the birth of the baby, the placenta departs, while the mother may feel weak contractions or feel nothing at all. The doctor checks that the placenta came out intact, then the mother is sutured in case of ruptures, and the baby is bandaged and the umbilical cord is cut.

The baby is measured, weighed, in some maternity hospitals they are swaddled and placed with their mother.


  1. Childbirth from 38 to 42 completed weeks in the absence of any abnormalities in ultrasound and CTG is the absolute norm.
  2. The duration of labor in general and each individual period is an individual indicator. You should not focus on average numbers, stories of acquaintances and the experience of mother and grandmother.
  3. Each birth takes place according to a special scenario, which is rarely repeated even in the same woman.
  4. Silence, twilight, calmness and loved ones are nearby - an ideal atmosphere for physiological childbirth.
  5. The position on the back, common in our medicine, is perhaps the most uncomfortable for childbirth. Fortunately, some maternity hospitals practice vertical delivery and childbirth in free positions.
  6. Epidural anesthesia makes the process of childbirth longer and most often requires additional medical stimulation after itself.
  7. If there is no threat to the life and health of the mother and baby, the mother always has the right to refuse any medical manipulations.

Even if you have thoroughly studied the process of childbirth, doctors have more experience in this matter, and therefore it is better to listen to them. If you are afraid of doctors or do not trust them, choose in advance the doctor you are ready to trust and conclude a contract with him for childbirth.

Olga Nechaeva believes that most of the medical problems that advise women against natural childbirth can be avoided. The main thing is to find the right information in time. Therefore, the mother of two children in her blog talked about the facts about natural childbirth, which will be useful for pregnant women and which will help to avoid many troubles.

1. Childbirth is a natural process that is triggered by a mechanism in a woman's brain. Doctors still cannot argue what exactly triggers labor, so their attempts to intervene in this process are at least unprofessional.

2. The earlier they intervene in your birth, the greater the chance of a disastrous outcome. It's like a domino effect.

16. An anhydrous period of 24 hours with a natural withdrawal of water and in the absence of temperature in the mother is considered risk-free in the west. An anhydrous period of 24-48 hours requires regular monitoring of maternal temperature and fetal heart rate, but is normal. Usually, childbirth begins during this period in a natural way. There are no data on a period of more than 72 hours, because everyone gives birth by this time.

17. The child does not suffocate in the anhydrous period, the placenta continues to produce amniotic fluid.

18. The danger of an anhydrous period is only an infection, which is controlled by measuring the temperature of the mother. Vaginal exams increase the risk of infection.

19. Chemical intervention in childbirth (induction,) disrupts the natural hormonal chemistry of childbirth.

20. Oskitocin, produced during childbirth and feeding, starts and moves labor activity, and then the separation of milk. It also stimulates the manifestation of feelings of love and care.

Adrenaline and norepinephrine in the early stages of labor suppress and stop labor activity. Therefore, examinations, questions, moving, enemas, placement in a ward with other panicking and screaming women in labor, intimidation by doctors can lead to a stop in labor.

21. Artificial oxytocin inhibits the production of natural.

22. Beta-endorphins (natural opiates) are produced in the brain during childbirth and allow you to achieve a state of "altered consciousness", which is necessary for a quick and easy birth. They also act as a natural pain reliever, and some even give the opportunity to experience sensations comparable to an orgasm. Their lack, which occurs as a result of stimulation, makes childbirth much more painful.

23. Beta-endorphins stimulate the secretion of prolactin, which contributes to the onset. Their absence can negatively affect the ability to feed a child. Their absence, let me remind you, happens as a result of labor induction.

24. Beta-endorphin contributes to the final formation of the baby's lungs during the birth process. Its deficiency entails potential respiratory and related problems in the child.

25. Beta-endorphin is present in breast milk and causes a feeling of satisfaction and calmness in the newborn.

26. Adrenaline and norepinephrine in the early stages of labor suppress and stop labor activity. Therefore, examinations, questions, moving, enemas, placement in a ward with other panicking and screaming women in labor, intimidation by doctors can lead to a stop in labor. If a woman in labor is frightened or nervous, adrenaline is released, which suppresses the action of oxytocin, as its antagonist. Logical thinking (activation of the neocortex) has the same negative effect on the production of oxytocin. Calls to think, to remember, to fill out a chart, to sign papers, to answer questions, and any other stimulation of the neocortex inhibit labor.

27. At the same time, adrenaline and noradrenaline are released at the late stage of labor, triggering the "fetal expulsion" reflex, when the baby is born in 2-3 attempts. Artificial stimulation and does not allow them to develop naturally. Their lack makes the straining period long, exhausting and traumatic.

28. Animal studies have shown that noadrenaline deficiency in the last stage of labor caused a loss of maternal instinct.

29. The level of adrenaline and norepinephrine in the newborn is also high, it protects the child from hypoxia and prepares for contact with the mother.

30. Contractions caused by artificial oxytocin are different from natural contractions, since it is not the woman’s brain that determines the right volume. They can lead to impaired blood circulation in the walls of the uterus, and as a result, hypoxia.

31. When stimulation is applied, childbirth often takes place at an accelerated rate, with the forceful passage of the birth canal, the "assault" nature of the child's movement along the birth canal.

32. Neurosonography on the third day of labor revealed a huge combination of ischemia and cerebral edema around the cerebral ventricles with hemorrhages, cephalohematomas of the parietal region and hydrocephalus of the cistern only in children whose mothers received stimulation (all full-term children). Naturally born children do not have such injuries.

36. Medical induction and stimulation of labor is the main cause of diseases of the central nervous system.

37. Artificially introduced oxytocin increases the risk of bleeding after childbirth, since the brain, having received a signal about a high level of oxytocin in the blood during childbirth, blocks the supply of its own.

38. The popularity of medical anesthesia is associated with widespread intervention in the process of childbirth and, as a result, more painful childbirth. occurring under the right conditions (calm, dark, safe, relaxed) do not require anesthesia in most healthy women. Moreover, it is the presence of this or that level of pain that leads to the production of the necessary and timely amount of hormones necessary for childbirth to be natural, soft, non-traumatic for either the mother or the child.

39. A direct relationship was found between the mother's intake of opiates and barbiturates for pain relief during childbirth and the tendency of born children to drug addiction to opiates. The risk of drug addiction is almost 5 times higher in children whose mothers have used opiates (pethidine, nitrous oxide).

Clamping the umbilical cord immediately after birth deprives the baby of up to 50% of the blood. Clamping within a minute - up to 30%.

40. The drugs that make up epidural anesthesia (derivatives of cocaine and sometimes opiates) inhibit the production of beta-endorphins and prevent the transition to an altered state of consciousness necessary for childbirth.

45. An episiotomy heals more slowly and disrupts tissue worse than natural tears. With repeated births, sutures are more often torn from an episiotomy than from a past natural rupture.

46. An episiotomy is never needed "prophylactically."

47 . Clamping the umbilical cord immediately after birth deprives the baby of up to 50% of the blood. Clamping within a minute - up to 30%.

48. At the time of birth, up to 60% of red blood cells are in the placenta, and will be delivered to the baby within the next minutes. This is a natural mechanism for the treatment of potential hypoxia, the "preservation" of the child's blood in the placenta with a delayed transfer to her child after childbirth. Early cutting of the umbilical cord is a huge blow to the health of the baby.

49. It is necessary to wait for the "closure" of the umbilical cord. This happens when the baby's vessels take all the blood from the placenta, and the umbilical vein closes, and excess blood flows back as a result of uterine contraction. The umbilical cord will become white and hard.

50. As the child descends, the volume of the empty uterus is reduced due to the distribution of blood pressure in the walls of the uterus. This allows you to "lower" the placenta and. Therefore, with entanglement, it is quite possible to give birth to a healthy child.

51. At birth with hypoxia associated with entanglement of the umbilical cord, the umbilical cord should be kept warm (placed back into the vagina) and blood from the placenta will eliminate the effects of hypoxia.

52. For a caesarean section, the placenta with the umbilical cord must be above the level of the baby so that he can receive all the placental blood.

53. Early clamping of the umbilical cord is said to be one of the main causes of encephalopathy and the development of mental retardation.

54. A child is born in a protective lubricant that does not need to be washed off, at least for several hours (and preferably a day). The child must be immediately laid out on the mother's stomach so that he "populates" her bacteria. Separation, washing the child leads to the fact that it is populated by "hospital" bacteria.

55. You do not need to drip anything into the child's eyes, this leads to blockage of the tear ducts and conjunctivitis.

Induction of labor is a measure to accelerate the onset of labor. It happens medical, that is, it is carried out in a maternity hospital, and independent. The latter represents the actions that the expectant mother herself performs in order to speed up the process. Natural stimulation of labor is possible if the doctor gives the go-ahead, and the pregnancy is full-term. In the maternity hospital, doctors will carry out any actions only if the pregnancy is post-term and there are no contraindications for natural delivery.

Why Women Decide on Natural Labor Induction Methods

We will give just a few of the reasons.

1. Protein in the urine and periodic increase in blood pressure. These are well-known symptoms of incipient preeclampsia - a severe pathology of pregnancy, dangerous for both the mother and the baby, the treatment of which is only childbirth. Meanwhile, true preeclampsia is a contraindication to certain types of stimulation. For example, at high pressure, the administration of oxytocin is contraindicated. Yes, and self-stimulation of childbirth is also not safe. It is possible to provoke an untimely, too early separation of the placenta.

2. They are afraid of the birth of a child that is too large, more precisely, birth injuries, ruptures of the perineum and cervix. In this case, there are indications for inducing labor only if the mother has a narrow pelvis. It happens that doctors say that you will give birth to a child with such a weight, but with this it is no longer. Although in this case, not even the weight plays a role, but the circumference of the head. If she is 36 cm or more, problems may arise. However, if at 32-34 weeks a tendency to a large fetus was set, this does not mean at all that this trend will continue to the birth. It often happens that a woman has a large belly, and a large fetus was previously placed, and an ordinary, average baby weighing 3300-3500 grams is born. That is, natural stimulation of labor carried out at home at 40 weeks is not required at all.

3. Feel bad: there are problems with sleep, lower back hurts, leg cramps tormented, frequent going to the toilet, tachycardia, etc. But this is not a reason to hasten the onset of labor. Just a little more patience. Then you will miss your pregnancy.

4. The expected date of delivery has arrived. Not all women give birth on this day. Childbirth at 41 and even at 42 weeks is considered the norm, if there are no signs of a prematurity of the fetus. They are detected by ultrasound and CTG.

5. False contractions often appear, but they do not turn into true ones. Braxton Higgs contractions in some women occur from 20 weeks ... This is not an indicator that labor is about to begin. But not a reason to induce labor itself.

6. There are no symptoms of impending labor. In fact, some women do not have any precursors until the very contractions. For many, the mucous plug only comes off during contractions, then the stomach drops. Well, the “cleansing” of the body is generally a very subjective sign of an early birth.

7. I want to give birth on a certain day or, conversely, not to give birth, for example, on a holiday. Childbirth is triggered not so much by the mother's body as by the child himself, when he is ready for them. Many mothers worry that giving birth on the holidays is not safe. Allegedly, doctors and midwives will celebrate, drink, and they will not care about women in labor. This is not true. Ordinary horror stories. A child born on a holiday will probably even be proud of his date of birth.

Natural Ways to Induce Labor: An Overview of Techniques

1. Primrose oil and other remedies from naturopaths and herbalists. It is taken orally, in the form of capsules, a dietary supplement sold in a pharmacy, at a dosage of 500-2000 mg per day. Primrose oil is also used as a lubricant for perineal massage. Massage is recommended for all nulliparous women, as it is a kind of prevention of perineal ruptures during childbirth, improving elasticity. It is necessary to pull it down with 2-3 fingers. There should be no pain, you need to do it very carefully.
Primrose oil is said to contain prostaglandins, which is why it is so effective.

2. Various "laxative" techniques. The most popular is castor oil. Recommended dosages from experienced mothers and doctors vary. Someone says that you need to drink the whole vial, and someone - that two tablespoons is enough. Read the instructions or ask your doctor.

Why give yourself diarrhea at all? Of course, this is not the point, but the activation of intestinal motility. The intestines, in turn, will tone the uterus.

You can use an enema with water or glycerin suppositories for the same purpose. It is very good to eat foods with a laxative effect, such as cabbage, beets, cucumbers, prunes, vegetable oil, etc.

3. Physical activity. Walking up and down stairs is usually advised, but walking on level ground will do. The main thing is to be more upright so that the fetus quickly sinks deeper into the pelvis and thereby stimulates the opening of the cervix.

4. Sex. Without a condom and with the obligatory strong excitement and orgasm. This will bring the uterus into hypertonicity, and the sperm will contribute to the rapid maturation of the cervix, as it contains prostaglandins - substances that are used even in maternity hospitals to stimulate labor. The effect of one sexual intercourse is unlikely to be. It will take more than one day of active sex life.

5. Conversation with an unborn child. Tell him how you and all your relatives are waiting for him, love him, how much you bought for him, how you prepared. Even doctors agree that such conversations are effective.

6. Meditation and taking sedatives (valerian tablets). Stop waiting for childbirth, pay attention to any little thing, and they will begin faster. Relieve stress.

7. The so-called exercises that stimulate the onset of childbirth. The simplest is squatting or mopping on all fours.

8. Obstetric cocktail. There are different folk recipes, but they all come down to the fact that a generic cocktail (not necessarily liquid, it can be a salad, for example) should contain substances that promote the maturation of the cervix and have a stimulating effect on intestinal motility. One American café even has a "labor-inducing salad" on the menu.
The labor-inducing foods include ginger, pineapple, licorice, eggplant, pepper, vinegar, and cinnamon.

9. Stimulation of the nipples with hands and a breast pump. You can simply massage the chest in a circle. But it is more effective to take a breast pump and try to "pump". This will lead to a very active production of oxytocin and will tone the uterus. If you notice colostrum - it's not scary. The mammary glands have long been prepared for breastfeeding.

Artificial stimulation of labor

Doctors often observe two trends among women with full-term pregnancies:

  • simple, in terms of assistance and effectiveness of manipulations - when there are all obstetric harbingers of the imminent birth of a child, but the uterus is calm, there is no hypertonicity;
  • more complex - when the birth canal is not yet ready, that is, the cervical canal is tightly closed and has a length of more than 3-4 cm according to the results of a manual examination by a gynecologist and (or) ultrasound using a vaginal probe.

In the first case, to provoke labor, doctors perform an amniotomy or puncture of the amniotic sac. The anterior waters recede, the fetus descends lower into the pelvis. Contractions appear within 1-2 hours. If there are no contractions, they put a dropper with oxytocin for the entire period of contractions and attempts. Oxytocin provokes active contractions.

If the cervix is ​​not ready, the bladder will not be punctured, first by introducing a special gel or medication, by mifepristone tablets, the cervix is ​​prepared for opening. It should become shorter and softer. With a small opening, an amniotomy is performed and, if necessary, oxytocin is administered.

Many women are very afraid of the puncture procedure and the so-called manual separation of the membranes. But this is not scary at all, does not cause pain and, of course, does not require anesthesia. Much more unpleasant are frequent examinations of the cervix in the process of its gradual opening and other obstetric manipulations.

Stimulation can be artificial or natural, it is not so important what prompted the onset of labor. The most important thing is that they pass quickly and without injury.