Aesthetic education at school. Goals and means of aesthetic education

PAGE_BREAK-- the desire for entertainment, to

In addition, without outside intervention, the child may develop incorrect

Ideas about life, values, ideals. B.T. Likhachev, as well as many

Other educators and psychologists believe that only purposeful

Pedagogical aesthetic and educational impact, involving children in

A variety of artistic creative activities are able to develop them

sensory sphere, to provide a deep understanding of aesthetic phenomena,

Raise to the understanding of true art, the beauty of reality and

Beautiful in the human person (13; 42).

There are many definitions of the concept of "aesthetic education",

But, having considered only some of them, it is already possible to identify the main

Provisions that speak of its essence.

First, it is a targeted process. Secondly, this

Formation of the ability to perceive and see beauty in art and life,

Rate her. Thirdly, the task of aesthetic education is the formation

Aesthetic tastes and ideals of the individual. And finally
fourthly, the development of the ability for independent creativity and

Creation of beauty.

A peculiar understanding of the essence of aesthetic education determines

And different approaches to its goals. Therefore, the problem of goals and objectives

Aesthetic education requires special attention.

In the course of the study, we noticed that often among

Teachers have an erroneous opinion about the identity of the aesthetic and

Artistic education. However, these concepts must be clearly

delimit. So, for example, V.N. Shatskaya puts before the aesthetic

Education has the following goal: “Aesthetic education serves to form ...

The ability of active aesthetic attitude of students to works

Art, and also stimulates all possible participation in the creation of beauty in

Art, work, in creativity according to the laws of beauty” (16; 14). From the definition

Art is a part of aesthetic culture, like artistic education

Part of the aesthetic, part important, weighty, but covering only one

scope of human activity. “Artistic education is a process

Purposeful impact by means of art on a person, thanks to

To which the pupils develop artistic feelings and taste, love for

Art, the ability to understand it, enjoy it and the ability to

Opportunities to create in art” (26; 61). Aesthetic education

Much broader, it affects both artistic creativity and aesthetics.

Life, behavior, work, relationships. Aesthetic education forms

Man by all aesthetically significant objects and phenomena, including

Art as its most powerful medium. aesthetic education,

Using artistic education for its own purposes, it develops a person in

Mainly not for art, but for its active aesthetic

Vital activity.

In "activating the ability to work creatively, achieve high

The degree of perfection of their results of labor, both spiritual and

Physical” sees the goal of L.P. Pechko (18; 16).

N.I. Kiyashchenko adheres to the same point of view. "The success of the activity

Personality in a given area is determined by the breadth and depth of development

Abilities. That is why the comprehensive development of all talents and

The ability of the individual is the ultimate goal and one of the main tasks

Aesthetic education” (10; 29). The main thing is to educate, develop such

Qualities, such abilities that will allow a person not only to achieve

Success in any activity, but also to be the creator of aesthetic values,

Enjoy them and the beauty of the surrounding reality.

In addition to the formation of the aesthetic attitude of children to reality and

Art, aesthetic education in parallel contributes to their

Comprehensive development. Aesthetic education contributes to the formation

Morality of a person, expands his knowledge of the world, society and nature.

A variety of creative activities for children contribute to the development of their thinking and

Imagination, will, perseverance, organization, discipline.

Thus, most successfully, in our opinion, reflected the purpose of the aesthetic

Rukavitsyn M.M., who believes: “The ultimate goal (of aesthetic education (

A harmonious personality, a comprehensively developed person ... educated,

Progressive, highly moral, possessing the ability to work, desire

To create, understanding the beauty of life and the beauty of art” (21; 142). This goal

It also reflects the peculiarity of aesthetic education, as part of everything

The pedagogical process.

Any goal cannot be considered without tasks. Most educators

(G.S. Labkovskaya, D.B. Likhachev, N.I. Kiyashchenko and others) distinguish three

Leading tasks that have their own options for other scientists, but at the same time

Do not lose the main essence.

So, firstly, it is “the creation of a certain stock of elementary

Aesthetic knowledge and impressions, without which

Inclination, craving, interest in aesthetically significant objects and phenomena” (26;

The essence of this task is to accumulate a diverse stock of sound,

Color and plastic impressions. The teacher must skillfully select

The specified parameters are such objects and phenomena that will meet our

Concepts of beauty. Thus, sensual-

Emotional experience. It also requires specific knowledge about nature, the very

Himself, about the world of artistic values. "Versatility and wealth of knowledge

The basis for the formation of broad interests, needs and abilities,

Which are manifested in the fact that their owner in all ways

Vital activity behaves like an aesthetically creative person "(26; 60), -

Notes G.S. Labkovskaya.

The second task of aesthetic education is to "form on

The basis of the knowledge gained and the development of the abilities of artistic and

Aesthetic perception of such socio-psychological qualities of a person,

Which provide her with the opportunity to emotionally experience and evaluate

Aesthetically significant objects and phenomena, enjoy them” (26; 60).

This task talks about what happens when children are interested,

For example, painting, only at the general educational level. They hastily

They look at the picture, try to remember the name, the artist, then turn to

To a new canvas. Nothing amazes them, makes them

Stop and enjoy the perfection of the work.

B.T. Likhachev notes that “... such a cursory acquaintance with the masterpieces

Art excludes one of the main elements of the aesthetic attitude -

Admiring" (13; 168).

Closely related to aesthetic admiration is the general capacity for deep

Experience. “The emergence of a range of sublime feelings and deep spiritual

The pleasures of communicating with the beautiful; feelings of disgust when meeting

ugly; sense of humor, sarcasm at the moment of contemplation of the comic;

Emotional upheaval, anger, fear, compassion leading to

Emotional and spiritual cleansing resulting from the experience

Tragic - all these are signs of genuine aesthetic education, ”-

A deep experience of aesthetic feeling is inseparable from the ability

Aesthetic judgment, i.e. with an aesthetic appreciation of the phenomena of art and

life. A.K. Dremov defines aesthetic assessment as an assessment “based on

On certain aesthetic principles, on a deep understanding of the essence

Aesthetic, which involves analysis, the possibility of proof,

Arguments" (8; 120). Compare with the definition of D.B. Likhachev. "Aesthetic

Judgment is a demonstrative, reasonable assessment of the phenomena of social life,

Arts, nature" (13; 20). In our opinion, these definitions are similar.

Thus, one of the components of this task is to form such qualities

A child that would allow him to give independent age-appropriate

Opportunities, a critical assessment of any work, to express a judgment on

About him and his own mental state.

The third task of aesthetic education is connected with the formation of

Each educated aesthetic creative ability. The main thing is

To "educate, develop such qualities, needs and abilities

Personalities that turn an individual into an active creator, creator

aesthetic values, allow him not only to enjoy the beauty of the world,

But also transform it
"according to the laws of beauty" (26; 60).

The essence of this task is that the child must not only know

It’s wonderful, to be able to admire and evaluate him, and he must also actively

Participate in the creation of beauty in art, life, work, behavior,

Relations. A.V. Lunacharsky emphasized that a person learns comprehensively

To understand beauty only when he himself takes part in its creative

Creation in art, work, social life.

The tasks we have considered partially reflect the essence of aesthetic

Education, however, we considered only pedagogical approaches to this


In addition to pedagogical approaches, there are also psychological ones. Their essence

It consists in the fact that in the process of aesthetic education in a child

Aesthetic consciousness is being formed. Aesthetic consciousness educators and

Psychologists divide into a number of categories that reflect the psychological

The essence of aesthetic education and allow us to judge the degree of aesthetic

Human cultures. Most researchers distinguish the following categories:

aesthetic perception, aesthetic taste, aesthetic ideal,

aesthetic appreciation. D.B. Likhachev also highlights the aesthetic feeling,

Aesthetic need and aesthetic judgment (13; 51). aesthetic

The judgment is also distinguished by Professor, Doctor of Philosophy G.Z. Apresyan

We mentioned earlier.

Along with them, the most important element of aesthetic consciousness is

aesthetic perception. Perception is the initial stage of communication with art and

The beauty of reality. Everything depends on its fullness, brightness, depth.

Subsequent aesthetic experiences, the formation of artistic

Aesthetic ideals and tastes. D.B. Likhachev aesthetic perception

It characterizes as: “a person’s ability to isolate in phenomena

Reality and art processes, properties, qualities that awaken

Aesthetic feelings "(13; 51). Only in this way is full development possible.

Aesthetic phenomenon, its content, form. This requires development

The child's ability to finely distinguish between shapes, colors, composition evaluations,

Musical ear, distinguishing tonality, shades of sound and others

Features of the emotional-sensual sphere. Development of a culture of perception

There is the beginning of an aesthetic attitude to the world.

Aesthetic phenomena of reality and art, deeply perceived

Human beings are capable of generating a rich emotional response. Emotional

The response, according to D.B. Likhachev, is the basis of aesthetic feeling.

It is a "socially conditioned subjective emotional

An experience born of a person's evaluative attitude to the aesthetic

A phenomenon or an object” (13; 20).
Depending on the content, brightness, aesthetic phenomena are capable of

Arouse in a person feelings of spiritual pleasure or disgust,

Sublime experiences or horror, fear or laughter.
D.B. Likhachev notes that, experiencing such emotions repeatedly, in a person

An aesthetic need is formed, which is

“a steady need to communicate with artistic and aesthetic values,

Causing deep feelings "(13; 20).

The aesthetic ideal is the central link of aesthetic consciousness.

"The aesthetic ideal is a person's idea of ​​the perfect beauty of phenomena

Material, spiritual and intellectual, moral and artistic

Peace" (17; 12). That is, it is an idea of ​​the perfect beauty in nature,

Society, man, labor and art. ON THE. Kushaev points out that

School age is characterized by the instability of ideas about the aesthetic

Ideal. “The student is able to answer the question, which work of this or that

Other art pleases him the most. He names books, paintings,

Musical works. These works are indicative of his

Artistic or aesthetic taste, even give a clue to understanding it

Ideals, but are not specific examples characterizing the ideal” continued
--PAGE_BREAK-- (17;

12). Perhaps the reason for this is the lack of life experience of the child,

Insufficient knowledge in the field of literature and art, which limits

Opportunities for the formation of the ideal.

Psychological education - aesthetic taste. A.I. Burov defines it,

As “a relatively stable property of a person, in which norms are fixed,

Preferences that serve as a personal criterion for the aesthetic evaluation of objects

Or phenomena" (28; 20). D.B. Nemensky defines aesthetic taste as

"immunity to artistic surrogates" and "thirst to communicate with

Genuine art." But we are more impressed by the definition given by A.K.

Dremov. “Aesthetic taste is the ability directly, by

Impression, without much analysis to feel, to distinguish truly beautiful,

The true aesthetic merits of natural phenomena, social life and

Arts" (7; 56). Aesthetic taste is formed in a person during

Many years, during the formation of personality. At primary school age,

He doesn't have to speak. However, this in no way means that

Aesthetic tastes should not be brought up at primary school age.

On the contrary, aesthetic information in childhood serves as the basis

The future taste of man" (28; 22). At school, the child has the opportunity

To systematically get acquainted with the phenomena of art. The teacher does not deliver

Difficulties in focusing the student's attention on aesthetic qualities

Phenomena of life and art. Thus, gradually the student

A complex of ideas is developing that characterizes his personal

Preferences, likes.

The general conclusion of this section can be summarized as follows. All

The system of aesthetic education is aimed at the overall development of the child as in

Aesthetically, as well as spiritually, morally and intellectually. This

It is achieved by solving the following tasks: mastering the child with knowledge

Artistic and aesthetic culture, development of the ability to artistic

Aesthetic creativity and development of aesthetic psychological qualities

A person that is expressed by aesthetic perception, feeling, evaluation,

Features that are inherent in the younger student and which should be taken into account

With his aesthetic education.

We have already noted that it is very difficult to form aesthetic ideals,

Artistic taste when the human personality has already taken shape.

Aesthetic development of personality begins in early childhood. To an adult

A person has become spiritually rich, it is necessary to pay special attention to the aesthetic

Education of children of preschool and primary school age. B.T. Likhachev

He writes: “The period of preschool and primary school childhood is almost

The most decisive in terms of aesthetic education and formation

Moral and aesthetic attitude to life. The author emphasizes that

It is at this age that the most intensive formation takes place.

Relationships to the world, which gradually turn into personality traits (13;

35). The essential moral and aesthetic qualities of a person are laid down in

early childhood and remain more or less unchanged throughout

All life.

It is impossible, or at least extremely difficult, to teach a young man

An adult person's trust in people if he was often deceived in childhood.

It is difficult to be kind to someone who, in childhood, did not join in sympathy,

He experienced a childlike, immediate and therefore indelibly strong joy from

Kindness to another person. It is impossible suddenly in adulthood to become

Courageous, if in preschool and primary school age and not

I learned how to express my opinion decisively and act boldly.

Of course, the course of life changes something and makes its own adjustments. But

It is in preschool and primary school age that aesthetic education

It is the basis of all further educational work.

One of the features of primary school age is the arrival

Child to school. He has a new leading activity - study.

The main person for the child is the teacher. "For children in elementary

School teacher is the most important person. Everything for them starts with a teacher,

Who helped to overcome the first difficult steps in life ... "(1). Through him

Children learn the world, the norms of social behavior. The views of the teacher

Tastes, preferences become their own. From teaching experience

A.S. Makarenko knows that a socially significant goal, a perspective

Movements towards her, with inept setting in front of the children, leave them

Indifferent. And vice versa. A striking example of consistent and confident work

The teacher himself, his sincere interest and enthusiasm

They take the kids to work.

The next feature of aesthetic education in primary school

Age is associated with changes occurring in the field of cognitive

Processes of the student.

For example, the formation of aesthetic ideals in children, as part of their

Worldviews, a complex and lengthy process. This is noted by all teachers and

psychologists mentioned above. In the course of education, life relationships, ideals

Are undergoing changes. Under certain conditions, under the influence of comrades,

Adults, works of art, life upheavals ideals can

undergo fundamental changes. "Pedagogical essence of the process of formation

Aesthetic ideals in children, taking into account their age characteristics, consists in

The fact that from the very beginning, from early childhood, to form sustainable

Relations between people, doing this in a diverse, changing on each

The stage of a new and exciting form” (13; 55), notes B.T.


For preschool and primary school age the leading form

Acquaintance with the aesthetic ideal is children's literature,

Animated films and cinema.

Book, cartoon or movie characters, whether they are people, animals, or

Fantastic fictional creatures endowed with human qualities,

They are carriers of good and evil, mercy and cruelty, justice and

Deceit. To the extent of his understanding, a small child becomes an adherent

Good, sympathizes with the heroes who are fighting for justice against evil.

“This is, of course, the formation of the ideal as part of the worldview in that

A peculiar shape that allows babies to easily and freely enter the world

public ideals. It is only important that the first ideal representations

The child did not remain at the level of only verbal-figurative expression. Necessary

Constantly, by all means encourage children to ensure that they in their

Behavior and activities were taught to follow favorite characters, really

They showed both kindness, and justice, and the ability to portray, express

An ideal in his work: poetry, singing and drawings” (13; 56).

From primary school age, there are changes in motivational

Sphere. Motives of children's attitude to art, the beauty of reality

Recognized and differentiated. D.B. Likhachev notes in his work that

Cognitive stimulus at this age is added a new, conscious

Motive. This is manifested in the fact that "... some guys relate to art and

Reality is purely aesthetic. They enjoy reading

Books, listening to music, drawing, watching a movie. They don't know yet what

This is the aesthetic attitude. But they formed an aesthetic

Attitude towards art and life. Craving for spiritual communication with art

Gradually turns into a need for them.

Other children interact with art beyond the purely aesthetic

Relationship. They approach the work rationalistically: having received

Without a deep comprehension of the essence, only in order to have something in common about it

Representation "(13; 164). And it happens that they read, watch or listen from

prestige considerations. The teacher's knowledge of the true motives of the attitude of children to

Art helps to focus on the formation of authentic

aesthetic relationship.

A sense of the beauty of nature, surrounding people, things creates in a child

Special emotional and mental states, excites direct

Interest in life, sharpens curiosity, thinking, memory. In the early

In childhood, children live a spontaneous, deeply emotional life.

Strong emotional experiences are stored in memory for a long time, often

They turn into motives and incentives for behavior, facilitate the process of developing

Beliefs, skills and habits of behavior. In the work of N.I. Kiyashchenko pretty

It is clearly emphasized that "the pedagogical use of emotional

The relationship of the child to the world is one of the most important ways of penetrating the child's

Consciousness, its expansions, deepenings, strengthenings, constructions. He

He also notes that the emotional reactions and states of the child are

A criterion for the effectiveness of aesthetic education. "In the emotional

The attitude of a person to a particular phenomenon is expressed by the degree and nature

The development of his feelings, tastes, views, beliefs and
will" (10; 29).

Thus, primary school age is a special age for

Aesthetic education, where the main role in the life of a student plays

Teacher. Taking advantage of this, skillful teachers are able not only to establish

A solid foundation for an aesthetically developed personality, but also through

Aesthetic education lay the true worldview of a person, because

It is at this age that the child's attitude to the world is formed and

Development of the essential aesthetic qualities of the future personality.
§3. Ways and means of aesthetic education of junior schoolchildren
Aesthetic education of the child, as already noted, begins with

The moment of his birth. In this section, we will consider the effects

Which have the strongest educational influence on him.

In the life of a child, literally everything has an educational value: decoration

Premises, neatness of costume, form of personal relationships and communication, conditions

Labor and entertainment - all this either attracts children or repels them.

The task is not for adults to organize the beauty of the environment for children.

The environment in which they live, study, work, relax, and in order to

Involve all children in active creation and conservation

beauty. “Only then is beauty, in the creation of which the child takes

Participation, truly visible to him, becomes sensually tangible, makes

Its zealous defender and propagandist" (13; 76).

Advanced educators understand how important it is to combine in the process

Aesthetic education is the whole set of various means and forms,

Awakening and developing in the student an aesthetic attitude to life, to

Literature and art. The school should pay attention not only to

Factors influencing the aesthetic development of the individual.

One of these factors is the aestheticization of the environment, noted in the work

G.S. Labkovskaya.

The main task of the aestheticization of the living environment, in her opinion, is reduced to

“achieving harmony between the “second nature” created by man and

Natural nature. The problem of aestheticizing the living environment organically

Associated with the solution of one of the complex and pressing problems of the perfect

Humanity - the problems of rational use of natural resources and

environmental protection. When a person is left alone with nature, just

And the true face of his aesthetic culture is revealed. Learning by the guys

The laws of the development of nature, the ability to see the diversity of its forms, the comprehension of its

Beauty is the main thing that the school should teach" (26; 29).

The next factor in the aesthetic development of the individual is the aestheticization of everyday life -

It stands out in the works of A.S. Makarenko, G.S. Labkovskaya,
K.V. Gavrilovets and others.

A.S. Makarenko in his pedagogical work paid great attention to

To this factor: “The team must be decorated externally as well. Therefore I even

--PAGE_BREAK -- when our team was very poor, the first thing we always did was build

Greenhouse. And of course roses, not some crappy flowers, but

Chrysanthemums, roses "(14; 218). "From an aesthetic point of view, life can be

To say is a litmus test of the level of aesthetic development

Development of an individual, group or team. material living environment,

Spirituality or lack of spirituality is an indicator of the corresponding qualities

The people who created it,” notes G.S. Labkovskaya (26; 31).

The special significance of the aesthetics of everyday life, in aesthetic education, is also noted by

K.V. Gavrilovets in his work "Moral and aesthetic education

Schoolchildren. “The aesthetics of school life is the furnishing of classes, classrooms,

Halls, corridors, etc. The decoration of the lobby, the design of the detachment corner,

Stands - all these are either silent assistants to the teacher in the aesthetic, but,

Consequently, in the moral education of schoolchildren, or his enemies” (4;

14). If a child is surrounded by things from the first grade until graduation,

Distinguished by beauty, expediency, simplicity, then in his life

Subconsciously, criteria such as expediency,

Orderliness, a sense of proportion, i.e. criteria that will later determine it

tastes and needs.

If a carelessly designed newspaper hangs in the office for months, if

A cool corner does not carry new, interesting necessary information, if not

Due attention is paid to the cleanliness of the office, the students gradually

There is a setting for a tolerant attitude towards excesses, negligence.

Aesthetics of behavior and appearance is no less significant factor

aesthetic education. This is where the impact on children is

Direct personality of the teacher. As K.V. Gavrilovets: "In his

At work, the teacher influences the pupils with all his external appearance. In his

A costume, a hairstyle manifests an aesthetic taste, an attitude towards fashion, which

It cannot but influence the tastes of the young. Fashionable and at the same time business style in

Clothing, a sense of proportion in cosmetics, the choice of jewelry help to shape

Adolescents have a correct look at the ratio of external and internal in appearance

Man, to develop in them a "moral and aesthetic criterion of dignity

Man" (4; 14).

A.S. Makarenko also paid great attention to appearance and

He argued that the students "shoes should always be cleaned, without this

What kind of upbringing can be? Not only teeth, but also shoes. Not on a suit

There must be no dust. And the demand for hairstyles ... serious requirements are necessary

Present to every trifle, at every step - to a textbook, to a pen, to

Pencil" (14; 218).

He spoke a lot about the aesthetics of behavior, or the culture of behavior
V.A. Sukhomlinsky. In the culture of behavior, he also includes the "culture of communication:

Communication between adults and children, as well as communication in a children's team.

“The power of the educational impact of intra-collective relations on

The aesthetic development of the personality lies in the fact that the experience of communication, even

If it is not sufficiently realized, it is deeply experienced by a person. This

The experience of "oneself among people", the desire to take the desired position among

Nih is a powerful internal stimulus for personality formation” (4; 11).

Prosperous emotional well-being, a state of security, as

Named him A.S. Makarenko, stimulates the most complete self-expression

Personality in the team, creates a favorable atmosphere for development

The creative inclinations of schoolchildren, reveals the beauty of sensitive relationships with each other.

Friend. As an example of a beautiful aesthetic relationship, one can

Consider relationships such as friendship, mutual assistance, decency,

Loyalty, kindness, sensitivity, attention. Participation of children along with adults in

Relations of the most varied dignity leaves a deep imprint on

Children's personality, making their behavior beautiful or ugly. Through the whole

The totality of relations and the formation of moral

Aesthetic appearance of the child.

The most important source of emotional experience of schoolchildren are

Intrafamily relationships. The Formative and Developing Importance of the Family

Obviously. However, not all modern families pay attention to the aesthetic

The development of your child. In such families, conversations rarely occur.

About the beauty of the objects around us, nature, and about going to the theater, the museum does not

There may be speeches. A class teacher should help such children, try

Make up for the lack of emotional experience, special care in the classroom

team. The task of the class teacher is to conduct conversations,

Lectures with parents on the aesthetic education of the younger generation.

In addition to the impact on the child of the means of the environment,

Aesthetic education is carried out purposefully at school. According to

D.K. Ushinsky, every subject at school can aesthetically educate: “in

Every object has a more or less aesthetic element” (16; 56). Any

The subject, whether it be mathematics, physical education, natural history, causes

Schoolchildren certain emotions through their material. To become

As a means of aesthetic education, it is enough for the teacher to creatively approach

The subject of his science, arouse the creative interest of schoolchildren in it.

“Many natural science concepts (harmony, proportion, measure, symmetry and

Others) have a direct aesthetic content. Can be considered

Proportionality of various rectangles, harmonic oscillations,

Crystal shapes, types of mathematical proofs, physical, chemical

And mathematical formulas - in all these cases you can find beauty and

Harmony, that is, the manifestation of the aesthetic” (17; 202). In addition, experienced

Teachers note that "the explanation of the new natural science term and

The simultaneous definition of an aesthetic element in it is one of

Ways of development of cognitive activity of schoolchildren. Learning process

Acquires attractive features for schoolchildren, abstract scientific

The term becomes clear. All this contributes to the development of interest in the

Subject" (17; 202).

One of the important sources of the aesthetic experience of schoolchildren is

A variety of extracurricular and extracurricular activities. It satisfies

Urgent needs for communication, and there is a creative development of the individual.

At extracurricular activities, children have great opportunities for

Self-manifestations. The domestic school has accumulated extensive experience in aesthetic

Education of schoolchildren in the process of extracurricular and extracurricular activities.

Great practical experience in this matter belongs to A.S. Makarenko and S.T.

Shatsky. In the educational institutions they organized, the children took

Broad participation in the preparation of amateur performances, creative

Dramatic improvisations. Pupils often listened to art

works and music, visited and discussed theatrical productions and

Movies worked in art circles and studios, manifested themselves in various

Types of literary creativity. All this served as an effective stimulus

Development of the best traits and qualities of personality.

Thus, the means and forms of aesthetic education are very

Diverse, ranging from subjects of the natural and mathematical cycle at school

And ending with "laces on shoes." Aesthetically educates literally everything,

The whole reality around us. In this sense, to important sources

Art also belongs to the aesthetic experience of children, since: “Art

Is the most concentrated expression of an aesthetic attitude

Man to reality and therefore plays a leading role in the aesthetic

Education" (15; 14). In connection with these words, B.M. Nemensky and the chosen one

The theme of the course work, the problem of aesthetic education means

Art should be given a separate paragraph.
Chapter II. Art as a means of aesthetic education
In this chapter we will consider the features of art as a means of

Aesthetic education of junior schoolchildren. To do this, we will open

The aesthetic essence of art and the peculiarities of its perception by children.
§1. The aesthetic essence of art
In the first paragraph of the second chapter, we consider it necessary to disclose

the aesthetic essence of art, in order to find out whether

Art plays a leading role in aesthetic education, according to B.M.


The importance of art in aesthetic education is beyond doubt.

As it is actually its essence. The peculiarity of art as a medium

Education lies in the fact that in art "condensed, concentrated

The creative experience of man, spiritual wealth” (28; 75). In artistic

Works of various types of art people express their aesthetic

Attitude to the endlessly developing world of social life and nature. "IN

Art reflects the human spiritual world, its feelings, tastes,
ideals” (21; 142). Art provides a huge material for the knowledge of life. "IN

That is the main secret of artistic creativity, that

The artist, noticing the main trends in the development of life, embodies them and such

Full-blooded artistic images that with great emotional power

They act on every person, forcing him to constantly think about his

Place and purpose in life "(13; 103).

In the process of communication of the child with the phenomena of art, a mass of

Diverse, including aesthetic, impressions.

Art has a wide and multifaceted impact on a person.

The artist, creating his work, deeply studies life, together with

Heroes loves, hates, fights, wins, dies, rejoices and suffers.

Any work causes our reciprocal feeling. B.M. Nemen so

He described this phenomenon: “And although the creative process of creating

The work of art seemed to have already taken place, each person followed

Behind the artist, the creator plunges into him every time he perceives

Piece of art. He again and again to the best of his personal ability

Becomes a creator, "artist", experiencing life as if "the soul of the author"

This or that work, rejoicing or admiring, wondering or

Feeling anger, annoyance, disgust."

Meeting with the phenomenon of art does not immediately make a person spiritually rich

Or aesthetically developed, but the experience of aesthetic experience is remembered for a long time,

And a person always wants to feel again the familiar emotions experienced from

Encounters with beauty.

“Comprehension of art is a cognitive process of deeply creative

(28; 75). “The energy of an active, creative attitude of a person to art

Depends both on the quality of the art itself and on individual

A person's abilities, from his own spiritual tension and from the level

his artistic education. The same authors did the right thing

Remark: “Only genuine art educates, but only a person with

Developed abilities can awaken co-creation and creativity.

Art may not fulfill its educational role if the child does not

Will receive proper artistic development and education, will not learn

To see, feel and understand beauty in art and life.

The life experience of the child at various stages of his development is so

It is limited that children do not soon learn to distinguish from the general mass

aesthetic phenomena. The task of the teacher is to educate the child's ability

Enjoy art, develop aesthetic needs, interests,

Bring them to the level of aesthetic taste, and then the ideal.

Considering the problem of aesthetic education by means of art

It is necessary to take into account the age characteristics of students. A.I. Shakhova,

Senior Research Fellow of the Research Institute of General Problems of Education of the APN rightly

She noticed: “You can’t demand from a child that he appreciates the picture of Raphael

"Sistine Madonna", but it is possible and necessary to develop his abilities in this way, his

Spiritual qualities, so that, having reached a certain age, he could

Enjoy the work of Raphael. The upbringing of art

It pursues the goal, first of all, of influencing the inner world of the child, on his

Individual spiritual wealth, which will determine its further

Behavior" (27; 20).
In this regard, it becomes quite clear: in order to guide the child

On the way to creative comprehension of art, you need to know how

Art, what is its educational role.

There are several types of art: literature, music,

fine arts, theatre, cinema, choreography, architecture,

Decorative arts and others. The specifics of each art form continued

That it especially affects a person with its specific

Artistic means and materials: word, sound, movement,

Paints, various natural materials. Music, for example,

Directly addressed to the musical feeling of a person. Sculpture

It touches other strings of the human soul. She conveys to us clearly

Volumetric, plastic expressiveness of the body. She affects

The ability of our eye to perceive a beautiful form. About the impact

Painting on a person can be judged by a specific example. I will give an excerpt

From the book of E. Rotenberg "The Art of Italy".

“Painting appeals to our sense of form and color. contemplating the picturesque

A canvas, let's say the "Sistine Madonna" by Raphael, we not only notice the general

Color, distribution of color, harmony of tones, their mutual balance,

But we follow the composition, the arrangement of the figures, the accuracy and expressiveness

Drawing. All this together gives us a real opportunity to approach

Comprehension of the meaning of the picture, creative empathy. We notice that in

The whole figure of the Madonna has some kind of anxiety, that her gaze is difficult to catch, that

The baby is serious. Madonna seems to be standing still and moving forward. And all-

Such a composition of the picture is harmoniously balanced, the feeling

The harmony of man with the world and the idea of ​​man as the center of nature. AND

We understand that before us is one of the deepest and most beautiful incarnations

Themes of motherhood. And the anxiety that we guess is perceived as

A presentiment of the future tragic fate of the son whom the Madonna carries into

A sacrifice to people ... In the movement of her hands carrying the baby, one can guess

The instinctive impulse of the mother, clutching the child to her, at the same time

The feeling that her son belongs only to her ... "(20; 125).

Every kind of art and art in general is addressed to any human

Personalities. And this assumes that anyone can understand all kinds of

Arts. We understand the pedagogical meaning of this in that it is impossible

To limit the upbringing and development of the child to only one kind of art.

Only a combination of them can provide a normal aesthetic education.

This, of course, does not mean at all that a person must necessarily experience

Equal love for all art forms. These provisions are well highlighted in

Proceedings of A.I. Burova. “The abilities of the child are not the same, and therefore everyone is free

Arts. All arts must be accessible to man, but they may have

Unequal importance in his individual life. Complete upbringing

Impossible without human perception and without the impact of the entire system on him

Arts. In this way the child's spiritual powers will develop more or less

§ 2. Perception of art by younger students
(according to B.T. Likhachev).
The interaction of a child and any kind of art first of all begins

From perception. This article is devoted to the peculiarities of the perception of art by children.


Thus, a work of art achieves its educational,

educational purpose, when it is directly perceived by the student,

When its ideological and artistic essence is mastered. It is very important to pay

Particular attention is paid to the process of perception of a work of art.

D.B. Likhachev, realizing this, developed his own approach to this problem. IN

In his work, he identifies three important stages in the perception of artistic

Works by the schoolboy.

To the first stage of mastering a work of art, he refers

Primary perception, primary creative recreation in consciousness

Artistic images. The essence of this stage is that the primary

Children's perception of a work of art must be thought through. He

I noticed that during the primary unorganized perception, children, as a rule,

What is often missed is what seemed incomprehensible or uninteresting, what passed

Passed by their attention due to lack of life experience or weakness

Artistic and aesthetic development.

“In what the child has passed by, there often remains an essential and

Important, without which it is impossible to reproduce a complete picture

Artistic work, its deep development” (13; 133).

From the very beginning of teaching art, it is necessary to develop in children

A complex of abilities for a comprehensive perception of works, talent

Reader, viewer, listener, the talent of participation in creativity.

The primary development of a work of art presents specific

Requirements for the forms of organization of perception. D.B. Likhachev pays special attention

Place in his work questions of methodology. “The most effective first meeting

A child with a work of art occurs in the form of free communication.

The teacher preliminarily interests the children, indicates what to look for

Particular attention and encourages independent work. Thus,

The pedagogical principle of the unity of the organization of the collective

Classroom, extracurricular, extracurricular and homework.

Extra-curricular and homework with their freer forms

Gradually becomes an organic part of the training sessions. To this end

The teacher in the classroom teaches children the skills and techniques of independent work. On

The lessons teach children to collectively read passages, listen

Discs and tapes with a recording of artistic reading, individual reading, to

Reading in faces and dramatization, collective singing, watching movies,

Pictures, transparencies, performances and TV shows. All this allows children

In accordance with the tasks of the teacher, to pay serious attention to the primary

Perception outside the classroom: individual and collective reading in faces,

Joint trips to the cinema, watching and listening to television and radio programs "

At this stage, D.B. Likhachev proposes to use such methods,

Which stimulate children's activity for active perception:

Interest children in the plot of the work, artistic techniques,

Formation in the minds of schoolchildren of more vivid images, the overall picture

He proposes to use the historical material of the era,


As part of extra-curricular and home activities, it is proposed to give children

Tasks to find historical material characterizing the time,

Described, depicted, sounding in the work. Performance

Fact-finding research assignments related to the creation

Works, discussion with children of controversial places in the work, incomprehensible

Situations and terms - all these techniques activate perception, make it

Deeper and more complete, generate sustainable interest, create a real

The basis for further work on the work.

In pedagogical practice, it is proposed to involve the experience of personal

Child relationship. To give, for example, creative assignments for comparison,

Comparison of experiences that arise in the process of listening to music

Works with experiences, mental states born in

life situations.

The second stage of comprehension of a work of art by schoolchildren, D.B.

Likhachev characterizes how the organization of the process of "receipt by the teacher

Feedback on the depth of primary assimilation by students of the material and

At the same time, the activity of spiritual experience by the children of the impact

Arts" (13; 131). The essence of this stage is that teachers

Give children the opportunity to be creative

Artistic work or its parts in own activity,

To find out if a work of art has become a spiritual asset


He argues that in the study of literature, nothing is so

Indicates the degree of interest of the child and the depth of primary perception,

How to read them by heart poems, excerpts of prose, expressiveness and

emotionality of this reading. Neglect to memorize not only

It weakens the memory of children, but, most importantly, impoverishes them spiritually. At this stage

He assigns a huge role to work on the perception of a work of art.

Such types of creative activity as compositions with independent

Evaluation and analysis and conducting free creative discussions and


In the lessons of fine arts and music as

Additional task D.B. Likhachev advises using verbal

Description of the plot, main idea, assessment of the composition, artistic means


In the lessons of literature and music, such additional tasks can

To be images in drawings of literary and musical images. Finally, on

The lessons of literature and fine arts can be given creative

Tasks for the selection of musical material consonant with the main ideas

Works of art word or visual image.

If students have performing skills, they can get

The task is to improvise on a particular topic. All this together solves

The most important pedagogical task: “implementation in unity of a deep and

Comprehensive assimilation by children of the idea and artistic images of the work,

Getting the teacher feedback on the depth of learning by students

Material, development of intellectual and artistic abilities of children "

And the third stage of mastering a work of art by schoolchildren, which

Highlights the teacher, can be characterized as a stage of scientific comprehension

Artistic activity. "After the child's mind is recreated

An artistic picture of life in all its complexity, inconsistency and

The variety of images, there is a need for its scientific analysis.

Thanks to the deep penetration of students into the ideological and artistic essence

A work of art becomes possible its use for deep

Knowledge of life, the formation of a worldview, the education of morality” (13;

The main methods at this stage are the methods

Theoretical artistic and scientific analysis. child's comprehension

Works of art with the help of analysis, according to the author, can be

Organize in two ways.

The first is for the student to make an independent attempt

Theoretical understanding of the artistic phenomenon. In various forms, he

Assignments are given: write a review, prepare a report, speak during

Discussions, write a critical review, reveal the main idea

Works, describe the storyline, show the main features of the characters and give

evaluation of their actions. The tasks include requirements to highlight the main

Artistic techniques used by the artist, appreciate the originality

His individual talent, the manner of his writing, the style of presentation,

Features of the vision of the world and man.

“Of course, the student himself will not always be able to understand complex

Theoretical questions, even if he takes advantage of the consultation and reference

Literature. However, the pedagogical benefits of just such a beginning of analysis

Artistic works consist in the fact that the child gets acquainted with

A wide range of issues, aware of how much work needs to be done in order to

Penetrate the mystery of a work of art. He will have and develop

Interest and desire for deep creative development of art” (13; 135).

The second way of scientific comprehension of a work of art is

The fact that the student began the creative development of literary and

Artistic criticism. “The task of literary and artistic criticism is

Help the reader, the viewer, the listener to comprehend the results

Artistic creativity. Literary and artistic criticism is called upon

Play a leading role in shaping the ideological and aesthetic ideals of schoolchildren.

Critical material should be widely involved in the educational process, become

its organic part. It is important that the names and ideas of critics become known

Schoolchildren are as good as the names of composers, poets, writers,

directors and actors. This will allow more continuation
--PAGE_BREAK-- efficient use

The educational potential of criticism, put the process of analysis of artistic

Works on a truly scientific basis. Such an approach will give

The opportunity for the student to compare their assessments, judgments with scientific

Analytical conclusions of specialists, see their shortcomings, accept

Assessments of the critic or polemic with him" (13; 135).

The third stage of the perception of a work of art is undoubtedly important,

But in my opinion, it is very difficult to implement it in the primary grades, due to

Limited knowledge and development of analytical activities of junior

Schoolchildren. It is psychologically important that the teacher, giving independent

Creative tasks, organized their careful accounting and analysis.

Based on the first three stages, Boris Tikhonovich proposes to implement

Fourth, the stage of repeated and at the same time new, at a deeper level

Perception and understanding of ideas and artistic images, development of works

Arts. “It is at this stage that a deeply individual

The internal process of transforming artistic images and ideas of a work into

The spiritual property of the individual, into a tool for thinking and evaluating reality,

A means of spiritual communication with other people” (13; 136).

“The artist, with the help of the images he creates, sees important things in life,

Essential, significant and able to vividly, figuratively show this invisible,

However, it is important for everyone. This comprehension of what has already been discovered by the artist is a complex

And a multi-step process. Deeply understand its essence, skillfully select

Works of art for children to comprehend, consider in connection with

The specifics of art, the specifics of the forms and methods of educational work at school - all

This is necessary to increase the ideological and aesthetic educational influence

Literature and art for children "(15; 14).
§3. Realization of aesthetic education by means of art
in art classes
(literature, music, visual arts)
At school, the meeting of children with works of art occurs mainly

At the lessons of the art cycle (literature, music, fine arts)

Art). These same objects are the main ones in the system of aesthetic

Education. They play a decisive role in shaping children's aesthetic

Ideals, their artistic taste, aesthetic attitude to

Reality and art.

In their essence, objects of the artistic cycle, precisely as objects

School education, are collective, generalizing, integrative,

Complex. They represent a complex unity of art itself, its

Theory and history, skills of practical creativity.

It is not art that is taught at school: not literature, music, fine arts.

Art as such, but art subjects that solve problems

Comprehensive development and education of schoolchildren, combining

Elements of art proper, science about it and practical skills


Literature includes the art of artistic expression, history

Literature, the science of literature - literary criticism and literary skills

Artistic and creative activity.

Music as an integrative subject organically absorbs the study

Actually musical works, history, music theory, as well as

The simplest performance skills in the field of singing and playing musical


Fine art as a complex subject unites knowledge

The works of art themselves, elements of art history, theory

Visual activity, mastering the skills of practical image,

Visual literacy and creative self-expression.

Consider the educational and educational opportunities of each of

Elements that make up the content of the school subject according to


The main and main element of literature as a subject

Is, of course, art itself - works of the artistic word. IN

In the process of studying literature, the child improves reading skills, learns

Aesthetic development of works of art, assimilates their content

And he develops his mental powers: imagination, thinking, speech. Development

Reading skills, the ability of aesthetic perception, analytical and

Critical thinking - the decisive means of the most effective achievement

educational purpose.

“Fiction is an organic part of art as a form

Public consciousness and expression of a person's aesthetic attitude to

Reality” (17; 100). It is associated with all kinds of art,

It forms the basis of many of them, gave life to such arts as theater and

Cinema, it is widely used in visual arts and choreography. Process

Perception and comprehension of a genuine literary work delivers

Aesthetic pleasure for the reader, affects the spiritual world of the individual,

The formation of her needs, motives of behavior, contributes to the development of her

Thought processes, broadens the horizons of a person, deepens it


Literature also ensures literary development proper. It

Means a good knowledge of the main works of art, the ability to

Apply the laws of social life to the analysis of literary phenomena. This

The ability will be especially needed by the student in life when

The need to independently evaluate any artistic

Work, defend your position, convince others that you are right. School

Develops a genuine artistic taste, teaches deep analysis

Works of art from the standpoint of aesthetics.

The role of literature in the use of schoolchildren's free time is great.

Whatever they are fond of, the interest in literature for the majority remains

Permanent. Reading not only enriches the spiritual life. It creates nothing

Replaceable discharge. The human psyche experiences considerable overload.

Literature introduces him to a new world. He's under emotional stress

different from the usual life, and rests, enjoying the game of creative


Another major subject of the art cycle at school is "Music".

Emphasizes the importance of this subject: “Music is an art that has

Great power of emotional impact on a person ... and that is why she

It can play a huge role in educating the spiritual world of children and youth"

(7). It includes music, choral performance as an art, elements

Theories, history of music, musicology as part of art history. IN

Performance, assimilation of musical notation and elements of musicology, mastery

The skills of playing the simplest musical instruments and the development of abilities

to musical improvisation. Another well-known teacher Yu.B. Aliyev writes:

“A music lesson gives an awareness of the joy of musical creativity, forms

A sense of belonging to the beautiful, the ability to enjoy that

Moral and aesthetic content, which is invested by the composer or

The people in the work of music "(17; 154).

The leading task in the lesson at the music lesson is noted by L.G. Dmitriev and

School" - is "the formation of a listener's musical culture

Students, because today's student in the future will certainly be a listener,

Showing your interests and tastes. It is from the formation of the listener

Musical culture depends on whether a person himself will improve his

The inner world when dealing with art or not, perceiving only purely

Entertaining music" (7; 11).

Choral performance, as "... having long and deep folk traditions,

Choral singing develops not only musical abilities, but also qualities

Character, outlook, artistic taste, aesthetic sense" (17;

114). Obviously, in the lesson you need to strive for the optimal combination of all

Elements of musical education.

Thus, in the subject "Music" unified aesthetic

Tasks of musical education and upbringing of schoolchildren. All teaching

Aimed at such musical education, which ensures the development

The spiritual wealth of the personality of students, the moral and aesthetic nature of their

Activities, motives, attitudes, beliefs, as well as the accumulation of knowledge,

Skills and abilities in all types of musical activity.

Finally, the third subject of the art cycle at school is

"Art". It should be borne in mind that this subject introduces

Students not only with painting, graphics and sculpture, which make up

group of fine arts, but also with architecture and decorative

Art. Among the existing arts, the five listed occupy a special place.

Place. “Works of art, decorative art, architecture are visible,

Real, they create an aesthetic environment that surrounds a person at home, at work,

In public places. These are urban architectural ensembles, parks,

Interiors, monumental works of painting and sculpture, objects

Decorative arts, technical constructions that affect

A person every day, regardless of whether he has aesthetic

Needs” (28; 146).

At the same time, the perception and study of works of fine art,

Mastering visual literacy, developing a creative attitude to

Reality and children's art.

Visual arts develop the ability to see,

Observe, differentiate, analyze and classify aesthetic

reality phenomena. They form an aesthetic feeling, ability

Admire the beauty of reality and works of art. They

They make a person an artist.

Fine arts give children the development of mental properties,

The ability to creatively and aesthetically approach the solution of life problems.

The program formulates the following tasks of teaching fine arts

Arts: development of understanding of the phenomena of the surrounding reality;

Formation of practical skills of artistic activity;

Systematic and purposeful development of visual perception, feelings

Colors, compositional culture, spatial thinking, fantasy,

Visual imagination and combinatorics, the ability to express in distinct

Images for solving creative problems (illustration, design); upbringing

Active aesthetic attitude to reality and art, skills

Practically apply artistic abilities in the process of labor,

Educational and social activities (9).

Thus, the main goal of fine arts in school is

Spiritually enrich the child, teach penetration into the aesthetic essence

Works of art.

Meanwhile, the lesson is not the only form of acquaintance of children with

Art. It is extra-curricular and out-of-school work that gives children a real

Opportunity to get to know art more widely. There they also meet

Arts such as cinema and theatre.

The peculiarity of these types of art lies in the emotional

Impact on the child. The viewer directly experiences the joy

Empathy, involuntarily feels like an accomplice in events and conflicts,

taking place on stage. "The peculiarity of the aesthetic impact of the theater, -

Notes A.I. Burov, - due to the collective nature of perception" (28;

225). N.V. Gogol wrote: “In the theater, the crowd is in no way similar to each other,

Broken into units, it can suddenly be shaken by one shock, sob

With only tears and laugh with one universal laughter" (5; 113).

Theater is a synthesis of many arts combined into a harmonious whole.

The theater affects not only the word, a special emotional state

Actor, but also the plasticity of movement, music, light, color, artistic

Stage decoration. And the empathy of the auditorium and the stage, empathy

The audience among themselves only enhances the emotional impact

Theatrical spectacle. In the aggregate of all its means, the theater has

A powerful mechanism of influence on any person, including a child,

Developing it morally, spiritually and, of course, aesthetically.

Thus, given the aesthetic essence of art itself and the fact that

What exactly are the programs in the subjects of the art cycle set for themselves

The tasks of the aesthetic development of the child, we can conclude that within the framework of

In the school curriculum, art is the main means of aesthetic

Education. This idea is also noted in the works of B.M. Nemensky, B.T.

Likhachev, A.I. Burov and other teachers of aesthetic education.
Chapter III. Experimental work on the aesthetic education of the younger

Schoolchildren by means of art.
Conclusion of the theoretical part continued
--PAGE_BREAK-- work became the provision that

Art is the main means of aesthetic education. In this

In this chapter, we will present a study we conducted to identify

Opportunities of art in the aesthetic education of junior schoolchildren


When developing the research methodology, its hypothesis was determined,

Tasks, methods and techniques.

The pedagogical experiment was carried out in the 3rd "G" class of secondary school No.

45 Arkhangelsk. The experiment involved 26 people.

Identification of the possibilities of art as the main means of aesthetic

The education of younger schoolchildren was the subject of this study.

Experiment was the main method of research work. Besides,

Other methods have also been used:

Study and analysis of theoretical works on psychology, pedagogy,

art history;

Study and analysis of methodological literature;

Supervision of children;



In the course of work on the theoretical part, the following was formulated.

Hypothesis: aesthetic perception of works of art of various

Types of art (music, painting, architecture, etc.) will allow to form

In children, an aesthetic attitude to art and life will not contribute to

Only aesthetic, but also intellectual, creative, spiritual

Child development.

Based on the hypothesis, we put forward the following research objectives:

To identify the interest of younger students in art and check the effectiveness

Lesson on the aesthetic education of younger students by means of art.

The experimental work was carried out in two stages, the first of which was


During the preparatory phase of the experimental work,


1. The curricula for the courses "Music" were analyzed,

"Fine Arts and Artistic Work".

2. The work of teachers of subjects of the artistic cycle was analyzed,

Which was revealed during the conversation.

3. Questions for the questionnaire were developed and prepared.

4. Visual material was selected, a lesson on

Acquaintance of younger students with art.

This work has led to the following results.

Art as a means of aesthetic education in elementary school

It is implemented at the lessons of the art cycle (music, fine arts).

Art, literature or reading). In the course of the analysis of the work of teachers, it was

The following feature has been revealed. In art classes

Preference is given, first of all, to the teaching of visual literacy,

That is, drawing; in music - choral singing; on reading - expressive

Reading, that is, improving practical skills. Not given at all

Attention to the knowledge of the works of art themselves, and if this is

It happens only at the superficial level. In the theoretical part, we

They noted how important it is to correctly approach the perception of artistic

Works. The opinions of educators and art critics on this issue to us

Known for: "The potential of a work of art

Boundless ... As a result of long-term communication with works of art

It is not only those aspects of the student's personality that are nourished in

First of all, the figurative and emotional content of a work of art -

Aesthetic feelings, needs, attitudes, taste, but also formed the whole

The structure of personality, personal and social ideas, worldview,

Its moral and aesthetic ideal is taking shape” (17; 5).

In addition, the absence of a theoretical lesson in the art cycle

Material about art, its types, representatives, artistic

The works is, in our opinion, its main drawback.

Thus, having received the initial premises during the preparatory

Works, we started the experimental part of the study.

The children were asked the following system of questions.

1. How many times this academic year have you been to the theater, museum, exhibition,


2. Do you think that this is enough to be a cultured person?

3. Do you like visiting theaters, museums, exhibitions, concerts?

4. Would you like to go there more often?

5. What do you know about art?

6. Would you like to know more about art?

7. Do you like books, programs about art?

8. Would you like the school to introduce a new lesson where they would talk about


The results were as follows. In this class, children outside the school, then

Eat on their own, often visit cultural institutions

(Annex 1). They enjoy going there. To the question "Do you like

Visit theaters, museums, exhibitions, concerts?” 23 people answered “yes”, “not

Very” - 3 people (Appendix 2). 14 people think that this

Enough to be a cultured person, and meanwhile, 24 people

Would like to be there more often.

Despite such a genuine interest of younger students in various

Art forms, they still have limited knowledge

Directly about the art itself. So the question "What do you know about

Art? honestly admitted “I don’t know” or “I don’t remember” 13 people, “many”

5 people answered without distributing their answer, and only 8 people

We tried to give a detailed answer, more or less correct of which

There were only three: Art is when a person creates pictures, draws them,

“There are several genres in art”, “Art is the ability to do something

Do". Realizing their limitations in knowledge of this area, only 4

A person from the class would not like to enrich their knowledge in the field of art.

To the question "Would you like to learn more about art?" they have replyed

Negative. However, to the question “Do you like books, programs about

Art? “yes” was answered by only 11 people – less than half of the class. We

We can explain this by the fact that, despite the abundance of various literature

For children in our time, art books adapted for the younger

Little school age. Basically, these books are designed for older people.

Audience. This is also evidenced by the answer of Olesya Kozlova, in which she writes that

She simply did not see such books (Appendix 4).

On the question of the introduction of a new art lesson, the opinions of the class were divided.

Only half of the class reacted positively

(14 people), 2 people wrote “not very” and “no” - 10 people.

During the conversation with students who answered “no”, it turned out that in general

They think that such a new art lesson would be rather boring and therefore

They would not like his introduction. It is noteworthy that out of 10 people who answered

“no” nine - boys, and not in the first place in their studies. And How

It seems to us that they were not against the introduction of the object of art, but

Generally against the introduction of another new lesson. This answer showed them

attitude towards education in general.

Thus, after conducting a survey, we found out that the interest of the younger

Schoolchildren to the art is quite high. They like not only to go to

Theater for performances, attending various exhibitions or a circus, but they also

Would like to know more about the art itself. Unfortunately, the books for this

topic and educational programs on television as a source of information for

The younger student today is not available. We also confirmed this by visiting

In the children's libraries of the city. Literature on art is intended for

Older age. There is a tension between the need for

knowledge of younger students on the one hand and the impossibility of obtaining them

- with another. One of the ways out in this situation we see in the introduction of elements

art history in the lessons of the art cycle: music, fine arts

art, literature. This is the subject of the next part of the work.

The purpose of this stage is to identify the possibilities of the means of art in

aesthetic education of junior schoolchildren. For this, a lesson was developed

(Appendix 3) on aesthetic education, where the main means

upbringing were works of art. While developing the lesson, we noticed that

in the literature, teachers pay attention to a certain feature that needs to be

to know the teacher when introducing children to art. It turns out that the teacher

it is not enough to know the essence of art. The teacher must remember and understand

that he acts as an intermediary between the child and the vast beautiful world

art. The pedagogical task of the teacher is to organize

process of knowing art, which contributes to the natural and

organic manifestation of the child's own spiritual powers" (23; 76). Job

teachers to introduce children to art should be systematic and correctly


“The correct organization of the lesson involves: a clear goal setting

classes, awakening students' interest in the topic of the lesson, using

methods that activate logical and figurative thinking, amateur performance

students, as well as their own assessment activities, timely

help to the weak, benevolent attitude of the teacher to the student, fair

evaluation of their activities” (4; 10). When planning the lesson, we tried to take into account

all submitted requirements.

The main educational objective of the lesson was to introduce children to

the concept of "art" and with types of art on specific examples

artistic works. The educational task was to educate

the interest of younger students in art. Developing - to contribute

development of aesthetic qualities of a younger student (Appendix 3).

Before the lesson, the children were asked to prepare messages for the given

art themes. There were a lot of applicants - all topics were sorted out.

In addition, we asked to bring pictures with interesting architectural

structures. With these tasks, we provided an independent search

work of students.

A few days before the lesson, the class was designed. Paintings hung on the walls and

postcards brought by students. The guys had the opportunity to advance them


The lesson was held in the form of "Journey to the Land of the Beautiful", which created

additional emotion.

The activities in the lesson were very diverse: the children listened to music,

looked at pictures, made presentations, listened to each other,

participated in the discussion of the questions asked. There was no time to be bored.

The lesson was held on a high emotional note. When the bell rang

no one was in a hurry to disperse, everyone was so passionate about the lesson.

Subsequently, this mood was preserved for the whole day. And this is the most important

result. As we noted above, it is the emotional reactions and

the state of the child is a criterion for the effectiveness of aesthetic

education. The success rate for this lesson was really high.

Pictures and postcards (our "exposition") we left hanging for another

a week so that the guys, having received new information about them, could once again

to look, to see something new in familiar pictures. Guys like us

calculated, approached and examined the paintings with new interest, came

even children from other classes. The results of this lesson proved to be

later. When in the course of history the class passed the theme "The Art of Rus'", the guys

brilliantly showed the knowledge that they learned from the art lesson.

The effectiveness of this lesson is undeniable: the means of art

can really exert their unlimited

impact. A properly organized lesson aimed at the child causes

genuine interest and response in each student. Emotionally rich

material leaves a deep imprint in the soul of the child, which in the future

will become the basis for the formation of aesthetic taste, ideal, attitude,

experiences, and over time, the aesthetic feeling for art will postpone its

imprint on the attitude to life, reality. With aesthetic

development is the spiritual development of man. That today baby

perceives emotionally, tomorrow it will develop into a conscious attitude and to

art and life.

Thus, the means of art, with the correct organization and presentation

their student is really promoted to his aesthetic, intellectual

and spiritual development.

The problem of aesthetic education has been quite fully developed in

domestic and foreign literature. This allowed us to

a thorough analysis of the literature on this issue and draw the following conclusions.

Aesthetic education really occupies an important place in the whole system

educational process, since behind it is not only the development

aesthetic qualities of a person, but also of the whole personality as a whole: its essential

forces, spiritual needs, moral ideals, personal and social

ideas, worldviews.

All these qualities in a person develop under the influence of continued

Summary of classes on aesthetic education
"Russian forest as a song for the soul..."

Synopsis of the aesthetic education lesson "Russian Forest as a song for the soul" for children aged 13-15 with disabilities.

Target: to cultivate an aesthetic attitude to nature, to forest wealth, to help see their beauty
1. To acquaint with the diversity of Russia's natural resources, to cultivate the desire to preserve and increase the beauty of nature
2. Increase children's interest in nature, developing their ability to admire and be fascinated by its beauty.
3. to form and correct existing skills to listen carefully without interrupting others, to form a coherent speech
4. Enrich and expand vocabulary (crimson, painted, azure, purple, motley, etc.)
5. Develop logical thinking, auditory and visual attention
6. Cultivate a sense of pride in your country.

Course progress.

Music sounds
Wide is my native land
There are many forests, fields and rivers in it
I don't know any other country like this.
Where does a person breathe so freely ...
Guys, you all know these words, you, of course, know what a huge country we live in. Tell me what it's called?
That's right, our vast country is called Russia. And no country in the world has such a rich and diverse nature as ours. It is very cold in the North, there are ices, icebergs and eternal snows,

hot deserts in the south,

in the middle lane, nature is rich and varied. One of the riches of our nature is forests. Look at the forests.

Coniferous. What trees grow there? (Pine, spruce,)
Deciduous. Linden, maple, birch, oak
Mixed. (Both)
And now we will check if you are attentive listeners and distribute the names of the trees according to their place of growth.
Deciduous Conifers
(children hang pictures of trees on the board)
See what a variety of trees and colors reigns in the forest!
Let's listen to a poem
Forest, like a painted tower
Lilac, gold, crimson
Merry motley wall
Standing over a bright meadow
Birches with yellow carving
Shine in azure blue
How Christmas tree mice darken
Here and there in the foliage through
Clearances in the sky that windows
The forest smells of oak and pine
During the summer it dried up from the sun
And a very quiet widow
He enters his motley tower.
Now you have listened to such a magical poem, or maybe the meanings of some words are unknown to you? "Purple, gold, crimson"
Think about what these words mean? (Children's answers)
(Children's reasoning is followed by a hint on the screen.)

At the very beginning of the lesson, you said that deciduous trees have leaves, conifers have needles, let's now play the game “Which tree is a leaf from?”
I name a tree, and you say the correct name of its leaf (maple leaf - maple, etc.)
Oak leaf - oak, pine needles - pine, willow leaf - willow, cedar cone - cedar, poplar leaf - poplar, aspen leaf - aspen, linden leaf - linden, fir cone - spruce, birch leaf - birch.
That's right, guys, birch.

Birch is Russia's favorite tree, it is its symbol. Birch can be found in the forest, and in the park, and in the school yard. . Our people love the green beauty for her beauty. It grows in all corners of our vast country. Birch can be found even in places that seem unsuitable for plants. In the south there are birch trees huge, like masts,

and in the north grow dwarf ones, as tall as a child.

But all birches have a very unusual bark. What is unusual about birch bark? (Answers). Birch is called white-bark for its bark. The white bark is called birch bark. Birch bark is a protective layer of wood. It protects against water and harmful human influences. But in the white bark - birch bark there are vents: black dashes. They are called lentils, the birch breathes through them.

A lot of poems were dedicated by the Russian people to this tree. - Listen to what beautiful words can be said about a birch:
“Like a Russian girl, she stands silent. »

And now we will listen to an excerpt from another poem
White birch under my window
Covered with snow, like silver
On the fluffy branches with a snowy border, tassels of white fringe blossomed
And there is a birch in sleepy silence
And snowflakes burn in golden fire...
Guys, we just listened to a winter birch fairy tale ..

And in the spring, when the trees “wake up” and sap flow begins, delicious juice stands out from the birch, they drink it to improve health.

What is it called? birch. And now we will try it ourselves and treat our guests.
Children try birch sap and treat guests.
You see, guys, what sweet moments Russian nature can give us, how much pleasure and pleasant moments a person experiences when communicating with her. This should never be forgotten.
Let's talk a little more about the wealth of the forest, its inhabitants, its sounds and colors.
Spring sheds tears
White birch)
If the wind blows
Shake her leaf
The wind is not strong at all.
But the leaf is trembling ... (ASPEN).
In every house on New Year's Eve
This tree will come.
Green and prickly
It is called ... (Christmas tree)
On oak branches
Children grow up
Little naughty
They have carved hats (ACORNS)
So many trees in the forest! Each tree sounds in its own way, then rustles, then creaks. All these are the sounds of the forest.
Poem (Romantsova Liza)
Sit on a stone under a pine tree
Listen to the forest silence
A brook murmurs
That the way is far, far away
A bump fell, a bough creaked
Buzzing, buzzing heavy beetle
Foliage tells dreams
You hear the voice of silence...
Let us, without leaving the classroom, also listen to the silence of the forest ... What is it like? Unusual, wonderful, magical. (Relaxation to the sounds of the forest 2 min)

The forest rustles, sings, rings, buzzes. Birds give a wonderful concert in the forest. Animal voices are their conversation. And it is so important not to interfere with this conversation, because if we make noise in the forest, listen to loud music, we may not hear the birds singing, the fluttering of butterflies, and the animals will not be able to tell each other something important, a frightened bird will be afraid to fly up to the nest, and the chicks will be hungry. That is why it is so important to walk through the forest carefully and carefully, because it is so wonderful to enjoy the beauty of native nature, the green lawn at the forest edge, the sonorous singing of birds, the iridescent flutter of butterflies and dragonflies. It's not difficult - without running around, without shouting and aukaya, but quietly, quietly, calmly walk along the forest path. Please don't forget about this.
Let's check how you remember the rules of behavior in the forest. Attention game.
I will give you examples of behavior in the forest, and if you agree, you will say “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends, and if not, then keep silent
- Who walks along the path, does not step on beetles?
- We do not break branches when we walk through the forest
- We took the tape recorder into the woods, and drowned out the voice of the birds
We will find the anthill, observe and leave.
- I saw a fly agaric, I pass by, friends
-We will take the dogs into the forest, the birds will be calmer in it.
-Who collects lingonberries, pulls out a bush with a root?
Well done boys. Are there forest hooligans in our group? No, and that's good. A person should take care of the forest wealth, because it is not only beauty and relaxation for the soul, but also a huge benefit. Trees grow in the forest, from which paper is produced for books, albums, notebooks. And mushrooms and berries grow in the forest, numerous animals and insects live.
Let's talk about it. What mushrooms grow in the forest?
white fly agaric
Boletus, pale grebe
false mushrooms
You need to correctly use the arrows to distribute the names of the mushrooms into groups
What wild berries do you know?
Strawberries, raspberries, cranberries, blueberries, cranberries
Guys, how do you use wild berries?
They dry, freeze, cook jam, juices, compotes.
What kind of jam do you like?
You see, guys, how much joy and pleasure nature gives us!
Forest is the main wealth of Russia. It gives a person clean air, berries, mushrooms, medicinal plants. The forest is a home for a huge number of animals, insects, birds. What forest dwellers do you know?
Guess what we're talking about now.
Winding through the forest
By the summer he changes his coat
It's invisible in the snow
The wolf and the fox are offended .... (Hare)
I jump back and forth
Deftly through the trees
never empty
I have a pantry ... (Squirrel)
Touching the grass with thorns
handsome man walking in the forest
Walks boldly and easily
Horns spread wide .... (Elk)
Day and night prowling through the forest
Day and night looking for prey
He walks, he wanders silently
Ears are gray upright .... (Wolf)
No path, no road
Gray ball rolls
He is full of sharp needles
Because it…. (Hedgehog)
Sleeps in winter, stirs hives in summer (Bear);
Less than a tiger, more than a cat, above the ears - brush-horns, seemingly meek, but do not believe this beast (Lynx) is terrible in anger;
Water craftsmen build a house without an ax, a house of brushwood and mud, and good dams (beavers);
Like a royal crown, he wears his horns, eats lichen, green moss, loves snowy meadows. (Deer);
Cunning cheat, red head, fluffy tail - beauty! What is her name ... (Fox);
near the oak, with a sharp snout, he (Boar) busily dug the earth;
Unwashed in the mouth will never take and you be like a baby ... (Raccoon);
Luxurious striped fur has this predatory beast, he walks quietly, like the wind, lives in nature, like a king (Tiger)
Yes, guys, indeed, the forest is a big home for all living things. Every animal in the forest has its own home. What are the houses of the forest dwellers called? Who lives where? Let's try to give the correct names to the houses of the forest dwellers.
Squirrel - in the hollow

bear in the den

fox - in a hole,

the wolf is in the lair,

bird in the nest

ant in an anthill

Let's listen to the poem "Everyone has his own house."
1. At the fox in the deaf forest
There is a hole - a reliable home
Snowstorms are not terrible in winter
Squirrel in a hollow on a spruce
Under the bushes prickly hedgehog
Heaps up the leaves
From branches, roots, bark
Beavers make huts
Sleeping in a lair clubfoot
Until spring he sucks his paw
Everyone has their own home
Everyone is warm and comfortable in it.
In the forest, everyone has their own home, And for a person, nature is such a home, for us it is considered a home. And it depends on you and me in what kind of house we and our children will live.
Man is also nature
He is also a sunset and sunrise
And four seasons in it
And a special move in music.
Trees, grass, flower and bird
They don't always know how to defend themselves.
If they are destroyed
We will be alone on the planet.
What does a man without herbs and birds mean?
And without love for the buzzing bee?
Without a crane over a coniferous thicket
Without pretty fox faces?
When he finally understands
Cutting into dead rocks
That man is the crown of nature
And without nature we are finished?

On earth we live with you.
There is no more beautiful native land.
So let's cherish and love.
Don't ruin her beauty

Topic: "What is beauty?"


find out the idea of ​​children about the beautiful in life, nature, art;

contribute to the formation of a new concept of "sense of beauty";

give accessible information about the people who create beauty.

The course of the conversation

The teacher says that in the aesthetics class they will talk about the beauty that surrounds them, and then asks what the guys could call beautiful.

Remember what you saw beautiful when you went to school.

Summarizing student responses. The teacher says: “You can see the beautiful - flowers, a picture, the sea, the sky, dance, etc.. Hear - a song, music, a splash of a wave, a rustle of leaves. To feel the beauty of a kind, noble, courageous deed. Thus, beauty is everything that surrounds us and gives us joy, pleasure, makes our life more interesting, richer. Further, the educator tells the children that one of the best, highest abilities of a person is to be able to be surprised. But, unfortunately, this gift is not given to everyone by nature, just as not everyone has an ear for music or a sense of humor from birth. The teacher gives the children the opportunity to remember the Russian fairy tale about Princess Nesmeyana, whom nothing could make laugh. Let the guys try to imagine this princess at a fun children's holiday, where all the children laugh, rejoice, and poor Nesmeyana is not at all funny, she cannot even understand what others are laughing at and what is fun? After all, the evil wizard took away from her the gift to be surprised at everything funny and cheerful. Let the children imagine themselves in her place and feel mentally poorer than all the rest, ordinary guys.

After that, the children are told that there are people who are devoid of a sense of beauty. They may have good eyesight, good hearing, but they do not see or hear, they do not know how to be surprised at beauty. And it is even more difficult for such people to live than Nesmeyane, because she did not understand only the funny, and these do not see the beauty around at all. This means that all the beauty of life is tightly closed for them ...

Is it possible to help in such a trouble and how? What would children advise such people?

Children answer that in such a trouble people need to be helped, and for this it is necessary to read as much as possible, learn new, unknown things, learn to listen and understand people, nature and art, learn to observe.

The teacher, summarizing the answers of the children, says that we are all very sorry for those people who are indifferent to the beauty of their city, forest, river bank, sunset, gentle music, flowers, the voice of a nightingale, etc., and if if they cannot be helped, then such people can bring a lot of trouble. For example, a person who loves and appreciates beauty will never break a birch branch, will never pick a flower from a flower bed, will not throw a stone at a bird, but, on the contrary, will strive to do something beautiful, to please others. And here the teacher tells the children about people who create beauty. Students also name people who are working to ensure that everything in our country is beautiful, everything would please the eye of a person, create a good mood. These are the wipers who keep the streets clean. These are gardeners, builders, architects who create beautiful cities. These are hairdressers, tailors who care about the beauty of a person. These are musicians, artists, poets, writers, these are all people who work and love their Motherland.

At the end of the conversation, the teacher encourages children to be active creators of beauty, to be true friends of her, and discusses with students what beautiful things they can do at school, group, at home, on the street. For example, always maintain cleanliness and order in the group and in the classroom, plant flowers, trees and take care of them, and most importantly, do not spoil the beauty created by people and nature and do not allow others to do it.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Approximate work plan of the School of Labor, Artistic and Aesthetic and Physical Education for the 2013-2014 academic year. Approximate work plan of the School of Labor, Artistic and Aesthetic and Physical Education for the 2013-2014 academic year.

Approximate work plan of the School of Labor, Artistic and Aesthetic and Physical Education for the 2013-2014 academic year....

Development of artistic and aesthetic giftedness of children, teachers of SHMO technology, aesthetic cycle.

The program was developed taking into account the features of the modern education system, in accordance with the development program of the municipal educational institution and is the basis ...

Methodical development "Development of the musical and aesthetic taste of singing children and their aesthetic attitude to musical art"

The methodological development is devoted to the development of the musical and aesthetic taste of singing children and their aesthetic attitude to musical art. This development will be useful for teachers of choral disci...

Consultation for educators The use of targeted excursions in the artistic and aesthetic development of children....

Report on ShMO "Aesthetic cycle"

Topic: What is beauty?
Objectives: to find out the idea of ​​​​children about the beautiful in life, nature, art; contribute to the formation of a new concept of "sense of beauty"; give accessible information about the people who create beauty; cultivate respect for everything that surrounds us.

Equipment: a crown for Princess Nesmeyana, musical accompaniment, a book with illustrations "100 most beautiful cities in the world", crafts made by children.

Lesson progress

1. Post subject.
-At the lessons on aesthetics, we will talk about the beauty that surrounds us.
- Guys, what would you call beautiful?

2. Introductory conversation.
Remember what you saw beautiful when you went to school.
-Beautiful can be seen (flowers, painting, sea, sky, dance, etc.), heard (song, music, splashing waves, rustling leaves, etc.), feel the beauty of a kind, noble, courageous deed. Thus, beauty is everything that surrounds us and gives us joy, pleasure, makes our life more interesting, richer.

3. Musical pause
-Listen to music. Did you like this tune? What did you imagine when you listened to it? And now, to this music, we will perform different movements. What was your mood like? Why?

4. Competition "Princess Nesmeyana"
-One of the best, highest human abilities is to be able to be surprised. But, unfortunately, this gift is not given to everyone by nature, just as not everyone has an ear for music or a sense of humor from birth.

Remember the Russian fairy tale about Princess Nesmeyana, whom nothing could make laugh. Try to imagine this princess at a cheerful children's holiday, where all the children laugh, rejoice, and poor Nesmeyana is not at all funny. She cannot even understand what others are laughing at and what is fun? After all, the evil wizard took away from her the gift to be surprised at everything funny and cheerful.

Let's help Princess Nesmeyana get rid of the wizard's evil spell. Try to make our princess laugh.
5. Teacher's story
- There are people who are deprived of the sense of beauty. They may have good eyesight, good hearing, but they do not see or hear, they do not know how to be surprised at beauty. And it is very difficult for such people to live, because they do not see the beauty around them at all. This means that all the beauty of life is tightly closed for them ...

Is it possible to help in such a trouble and how? What would you advise such people?

We are very sorry for people who are indifferent to the beauty of their city, forest, river bank, to the sunset, to gentle music, to flowers, to the voice of a nightingale, etc., and if they are not helped, then such people can bring a lot of trouble . For example, a person who loves and appreciates beauty will never break a birch branch, will never pick a flower from a flower bed, will not throw a stone at a bird, but, on the contrary, will strive to do something beautiful, to please others.

6. Teacher's story about people who create beauty
Let's talk about people who create beauty.
- Name the people who are working to ensure that everything in our country is beautiful, everything would please the human eye, create a good mood.
- These are the janitors who keep the streets clean. These are gardeners, builders, architects who create beautiful cities. These are hairdressers, tailors who care about the beauty of a person. These are musicians, artists, poets, writers, these are all people who work and love their Motherland.

7. Summary of the lesson
-Children! Be active creators of beauty, be true friends of her.
- What beautiful things can you do at school, class, at home, on the street?
-For example, we can decorate the class beautifully and always keep it clean and tidy, plant flowers, trees and take care of them, and most importantly, do not spoil the beauty created by people and nature and do not let others do it.

8. Children decorate the classroom with their crafts, water the flowers, clean up the classroom.

  • subject-developing environment;
  • additional education.
  • amateur performance

The effectiveness of work on aesthetic education in correctional educational institutions depends on the following conditions:

  • methodological support;
  • pedagogical skill;
  • family interactions;

Subject-developing environment

In domestic pedagogy and psychology, the term “environment” appeared in the 20s, when the concepts “environment pedagogy” (S.T. Shatsky), “child’s social environment” (P.P. Blonsky), “environment” were used quite often. (A.S. Makarenko). the object of influence of the teacher should not be the child, not his traits (qualities) and not even his behavior, but the conditions in which he exists: external conditions - environment, environment, interpersonal relationships, activities. As well as internal conditions - the emotional state of the child, his attitude towards himself, life experience, attitudes.

The main condition for aesthetic impact is cleanliness, space, light.

Aesthetic focus
educational process

The unity of educational, educational and correctional-developing work implies an aesthetic impact on students in the process of teaching all academic disciplines. Everything matters - the content of the educational material, the ways and means of presenting it to children, the colorful figurative speech of the teacher, the aesthetically designed visualization, modern technical means, the clarity, the rhythm of the lesson.

There are conversations such as:

- "Your appearance"

- "You're visiting"

- "Take care of honor from a young age"

- My dream friend

- "My native land

- "Can you communicate?"

-"Beauty and health"

The role of nature in aesthetic education is enormous. Nature is the source of the arts. The ability to see beauty is the first condition for cultivating a worldview of unity with it. At different times of the year, we organize excursions to nature, observe it during walks, and participate in the landscaping of the territory.

Additional education

Additional education is an integral part of artistic and aesthetic education. Its main goal is to create conditions for the development of creative abilities of students with disabilities.

Additional education in the boarding school is provided by the work of 16 circles, 1 section. Students participate in various competitions, win prizes. Exhibitions of children's works are held at the school. They make gifts - postcards with their own hands 17 teachers of the boarding school are employed in the group work system

  • "Flower-decorator",
  • Expressive Reading Circle
  • noise orchestra,
  • Dance circle "Rhythm",
  • Circle "crazy hands",
  • "Magic Needle"
  • Puppet show

The effectiveness of work on the artistic and aesthetic education of students depends on the coordination of work with other institutions. The staff of the boarding school works closely with the children's home of creativity, the local history museum., Classes with children are organized in the library to get acquainted with the work of children's writers, musical-themed evenings, joint exhibitions, visits to tour concerts, performances by circus artists, exhibitions, expositions. Concerts are influenced not only by music, but also by the plasticity of movement, light, the artistically designed stage teaches empathy. Children annually take part in amateur art shows.



Extracurricular reading.
A significant place in the system of aesthetic education of the auxiliary school is occupied by reading lessons. Modern children's fiction, works of folk art, provided for by the curriculum, provide rich material for the development of the personality of a mentally retarded child.
A significant place in the system of aesthetic education of the auxiliary school is occupied by reading lessons. Modern children's fiction, works of folk art, provided for by the curriculum, provide rich material for the development of the personality of a mentally retarded child. In extracurricular readings with children, we read articles from the regional newspaper, fairy tales, the magazine "Yalkyn", "Potpourri", we draw conclusions.


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""Aesthetic education at school""

The work experience of the educator of the Bardym correctional boarding school of the 8th type of Mavlikaeva Nurzida Zufarovna on the topic "Aesthetic education at school"

Under the system of artistic and aesthetic education, we understand the totality of educational and pedagogical technologies and methodological support for the realization of the creative potential of participants in the educational process.

Target– creation of conditions for the formation and development of creative skills and abilities of students with intellectual disabilities, ensuring their successful social adaptation in the future.


    Contribute to the correction of defects in the physical and mental development of schoolchildren.

    To form students' aesthetic susceptibility, the ability to see and understand beauty in art, nature, everyday life.

    To develop and improve the emotional sphere of schoolchildren, to evoke aesthetic feelings and experiences in them.

    To promote the development of elementary creative abilities (inclinations) and artistic skills available to students with intellectual disabilities.

The shortcomings of the cognitive, emotional-volitional and motor spheres of the pupils led to the use in the boarding school:

    more elementary than in an ordinary school level of content of aesthetic education;

    rational use of various forms, methods and means of education and training that meet the abilities of students;

    correctional and developmental nature of all educational activities.

Implementing the system of artistic and aesthetic education, we use three forms of organizing this work:

    mass (school holidays, matinees, evenings, creative reports, competitions, etc.);

    group (classes of circles, studios, sections, etc.);

    individual (circles on modeling, on expressive reading)

Means of artistic and aesthetic education:

    subject-developing environment;

    aesthetic orientation of the educational process;

    additional education.

    amateur performance

The effectiveness of work on aesthetic education in correctional educational institutions depends on the following conditions:

    methodological support;

    pedagogical skill;

    family interactions;

    coordination with extracurricular institutions.

Let's talk more about the means of artistic and aesthetic education.

Subject-developing environment

In domestic pedagogy and psychology, the term “environment” appeared in the 20s, when the concepts “environment pedagogy” (S.T. Shatsky), “child’s social environment” (P.P. Blonsky), “environment” were used quite often. (A.S. Makarenko). the object of influence of the teacher should not be a child, not his traits (qualities) and not even his behavior, but the conditions in which he exists: external conditions - environment, environment, interpersonal relationships, activities. As well as internal conditions - the emotional state of the child, his attitude towards himself, life experience, attitudes.

The subject-developing environment is any socio-cultural space within which the process of personality development is carried out.

One of the important conditions for the implementation of the system of artistic and aesthetic education in a correctional institution is the correct organization of the subject-developing environment. Since children not only study in boarding schools, but also live, relax, and spend most of their time, we need to carefully consider the design of corridors, classrooms, bedrooms, and dining rooms. sports ground, i.e. everything where the student's foot steps.

The main condition for aesthetic impact is cleanliness, space, light.

The entire subject-developing environment has an aesthetic impact on children with intellectual disabilities. The topic of the teacher's image is also relevant in our team.

Aesthetic focus
educational process

The unity of educational, educational and correctional-developing work implies an aesthetic impact on students in the process of teaching all academic disciplines. Everything matters - the content of the educational material, the ways and means of presenting it to children, the colorful figurative speech of the teacher, the aesthetically designed visualization, modern technical means, the clarity, the rhythm of the lesson.

Work on aesthetic education should permeate every element of the lesson. The knowledge gained in the lessons of literature, music, fine arts, SBO is reflected in the educational and extracurricular activities of pupils. They play music with pleasure, show

We assign a serious role in the artistic and aesthetic education of students to extra-curricular activities, in which we strive to teach children to perceive and appreciate nature, art, to instill in them the skills of cultural behavior (aesthetics of behavior).

There are conversations such as:

- "Your appearance"

- "You're visiting"

- "Take care of honor from a young age"

- My dream friend

- "My native land

- "Can you communicate?"

-"Beauty and health"

The basic basis of the conversations is the book by V. Kazykhanov and the program of Khudenko E.D.

I met with local artist Nail Gabdushev. he not only showed his works but also read his poems. The students became interested in his work.

The role of nature in aesthetic education is enormous. Nature is the source of the arts. The ability to see beauty is the first condition for cultivating a worldview of unity with it. At different times of the year, we organize excursions to nature, observe it during walks, and participate in the landscaping of the territory.

Additional education

Additional education is an integral part of artistic and aesthetic education. Its main goal is to create conditions for the development of creative abilities of students with disabilities.

Additional education in the boarding school is provided by the work of 16 circles, 1 section. Students participate in various competitions, win prizes. Exhibitions of children's works are held at the school. They make gifts with their own hands - postcards 17 teachers of the boarding school are involved in the circle work system

The artistic and aesthetic direction of additional education is represented by the following circles:

    “Needlewomen”, - crochet


    Expressive Reading Circle

    noise orchestra,

    Dance circle "Rhythm",

    Circle "crazy hands",

    Circle of arts and crafts “Dreamer”,

    "Magic Needle"

    Puppet show

For the effectiveness of work on artistic and aesthetic education, a methodological base has been created at the school:

    artistic and aesthetic education programs and methodological recommendations;

    thematic planning of the work of circles, clubs, sections;

    class notes, leisure and holiday scenarios;

    didactic musical games;

    library of educational literature on art for teachers.

Proper staging of artistic and aesthetic education presupposes good preparedness of teachers and educators. The implementation of the system of artistic and aesthetic education requires teachers and educators to constantly improve their pedagogical skills.

For the implementation of the full development and education of the student, it is necessary to coordinate the efforts of the educational institution and the family in which he is brought up.

Therefore, we build cooperation with the family in two directions:

    involvement of the family in the educational and upbringing process organized by the educational institution. When working in this direction, various methods and forms are used: open days, we involve them in participation in holidays, theatrical performances, in the manufacture of costumes. All this helps to make them your allies and like-minded people in the upbringing of children.

    raising the psychological and pedagogical culture of parents is carried out through parent meetings and consultations.

The effectiveness of work on the artistic and aesthetic education of students depends on the coordination of work with other institutions. The staff of the boarding school works closely with the children's home of creativity, the local history museum., Classes with children are organized in the library to get acquainted with the work of children's writers, musical-themed evenings, joint exhibitions, visits to tour concerts, performances by circus artists, exhibitions, expositions. Concerts are influenced not only by music, but also by the plasticity of movement, light, the artistically designed stage teaches empathy. Children annually take part in amateur art shows.


Of great importance is the knowledge of art and the transition to serious artistic creativity is school amateur performance. . Pupils participate in subject weeks, in evenings dedicated to Mother's Day, to May 9, to the day of defenders of the fatherland, New Year's carnival and Sabantuy, where children show their skills. Participate and win in inter-municipal competitions such as "theatrical spring"

Extracurricular reading.
A significant place in the system of aesthetic education of the auxiliary school is occupied by reading lessons. Modern children's fiction, works of folk art, provided for by the curriculum, provide rich material for the development of the personality of a mentally retarded child.
A significant place in the system of aesthetic education of the auxiliary school is occupied by reading lessons. Modern children's fiction, works of folk art, provided for by the curriculum, provide rich material for the development of the personality of a mentally retarded child. In extracurricular readings with children, we read articles from the regional newspaper, fairy tales, the magazine "Yalkyn", "Potpourri", we draw conclusions.


The work of the entire team in artistic and aesthetic education for many years has yielded results. By the end of the training, the level of upbringing of students increases, the number of offenses decreases, positive habits appear, labor and creative skills are formed, and the ability to communicate and live among people develops.

Conclusion: all aesthetic events help to rally the children's team, teach communication, provide an opportunity to show their abilities, assert themselves, get a charge of vivacity and joy.

Achieved: pupils can feel and understand the beauty in life, understand the role of teamwork, discipline at events, and independence.