Where to recover from vampirism in skyrim. How to recover from vampirism in Skyrim? Treatment for vampirism

In the process of traveling through the expanses of Skyrim, you will meet a variety of creatures. Some of them will be very unfriendly towards the main character. After a fight with them, certain effects, diseases or poisonings may remain. And if poisoning and diseases can be cured with the help of potions or in an alchemist's shop, then with vampirism everything is a little more complicated. After being bitten by a vampire, you will begin to turn into a bloodsucker. Daylight, like fire, will now be destructive, and some NPCs will be hostile. Vampires also have their advantages. You will become immune to poisoning and less susceptible to cold. You will become a more dangerous opponent as night falls. There are 2 ways to cure vampirism. Let's look at both below.

The first way is that you need to recover from vampirism within three days after infection. It is also important to consider that if you have reached the 4th stage of vampryzim, then this method will not work. At the 4th stage of vampirism, your appearance changes and NPCs attack you only when they see you.

Once you have discovered the effects of a vampire bite, use a potion of healing diseases. In this way, you will prevent further infection and be cured.

If you don't have a potion, head to the nearest temple and pray at the altar. You can also ask the Priest of Stendarr for healing.

Also, vampirism can be cured by joining the ranks of associates in Whiterun. Only if you get to the point of becoming a werewolf. Turning into a lycanthrope removes other negative effects.

By taking preventive measures, you can recover without becoming a bloodsucker, plunging peaceful citizens into horror.

If it was not possible to recover, and you still reached the 4th stage of the disease, then you should not be upset. There is a more complex, and at the same time fascinating way. After becoming a vampire, you can get the quest by asking the innkeeper about local rumors. After that, the quest “Rise at dawn” will appear.
  • To complete the quest, talk to Falion in Morthal. He will tell you that there is a ritual to cure vampirism and the next stage of the quest will open.
  • You will need a Black Soul Gem. Soul Stones can be purchased from Falion. Next, the Black Soul Gem must be filled with a Soul Catcher spell.
  • The filled Black Soul Gem must be given to Falion. He will take you to the altar and cure you of vampirism. This will complete the quest.

The universe of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is very diverse, and the paths taken by the player to solve problems are varied. The player himself decides how to achieve the desired goal. For example, Skyrim mechanics provides several ways to fill soul stones. You can use a soul catcher spell to encase the essence of an enemy you kill in stone. If you do not follow the path of magic, then use the “soul catcher” scroll. If this method does not suit you, there is a corresponding enchantment for the weapon.

How to become a vampire

Becoming a vampire is quite simple, you just need to find a large and strong group of vampires and fight them for a long time (and sometimes just be near them and accidentally fall under their spells). However, it is still not a fact that you will pick up vampirism. Sometimes it seems that vampirism is transmitted by airborne droplets or through touch. The details of the process are not yet clear, there are only theories. There is also a theory that the distance at which you fight with vampires depends on the ability to pick up vampirism: the closer the vampire, the more likely it is to become infected. After the fight with the vampires, you need to go to the magic menu and see if you have any negative active effects (they are written in red). If you have a disease that portends vampirism, then getting rid of it is easier than picking it up: a potion of curing diseases or any altar in any temple (each altar, be it Talos or Mara, is treated for all diseases). If you didn't see fit to look at your active effects, you can still find out about impending vampirism if you pay attention. The very first night after infection, the screen will turn red for a second and in the upper left corner there will be an inscription - "it's getting dark, you feel thirsty", and at dawn the screen will also turn red for a moment and there will be an inscription - "it's dawning, you feel weak". Before the awakening of the vampire blood, making you a full-fledged vampire, you will have 48 hours after infection, then the process cannot be reversed by conventional means. More than enough time to heal.

Vampire Life: Advantages, Disadvantages, and Hunger

The life of a vampire cannot be called easy, but one cannot help but say that this gives a certain charm to the gameplay. In the light of the sun, from about 5 am to 9 pm, not including rooms and caves, vampire blood boils in the sun: mana, life and stamina are not restored naturally. This debuff can be ignored by one of the Guardian Stones, or enchanted items. Another major disadvantage of vampirism is its vulnerability to fire, but this effect can also be ignored with an enchanted item. There are also advantages: resistance to cold, a bonus to the magic of illusions and stealth (25% each), as well as 100% immunity to poisons and diseases. But since the vampire is not only a nocturnal creature, but also a blood-sucking one, he has a need for blood. The vampire has a hunger or thirst, with an increase in which the vampire gains new spells (which are discussed below), as well as increased resistance to cold and vulnerability to fire. There are 4 stages of hunger in total:

1. Weak hunger- the well-fed state of the vampire.

effects- 25% resistance to cold and vulnerability to fire.


  • Drain Life Energy - This spell can be called effective if you have developed destruction magic and works well against groups of enemies in front of you. The spell drains life from enemies and transfers it to the vampire, dealing damage to the enemy while healing the vampire. The spell has a fairly wide range, from which it carries a kind of mass character. If there is 1 enemy in front of you, then by default you absorb 3 units from him. life per second, but if you have 3 enemies in front of you, then you absorb the lives of three at the same time, causing damage to them, and the absorbed units of life are summed up in proportion to the number of enemies. Very handy in tight spaces. In principle, the same as the frostbite flame, only the angle is slightly wider. IMPORTANT! Only works on the living.
  • Night vision.

2. Average hunger- The power of the vampire is slightly increased.

effects- resistance to cold and vulnerability to fire increases to 50%.


  • "Vampire Charm" - the ability to calm any enemy for a short time once a day.

3. Strong hunger- The power of the vampire again increases.

effects- resistance to cold and vulnerability to fire increases to 75%.


  • Corpse resurrection.

4. Hungry vampire. The strongest and most vulnerable state of the vampire. A hungry vampire will be considered an enemy by all civilians without exception. Such a vampire is like a turned werewolf in the middle of the city.

effects- resistance to cold and vulnerability to fire are 100%.


  • Shroud of Shadow - once a day for 3 minutes, the vampire becomes invisible. IMPORTANT! It is impossible to become invisible when they are looking at you.

The vampire's hunger increases once a day, i.e. from the 1st to the 4th stage of fasting you are separated by 4 days. It's quite easy to spend a little time every three days for food, sneaking into someone's house in the dead of night and having dinner: it's better to go to a farm, there will be less noise if something goes wrong. For one thing, you can rob a sleeping person, rummage through his chests, I personally have never denied myself this.

How to cure vampirism

You can be cured of vampirism by the quest, which is taken in any tavern. In order to take the quest you not must be a starving vampire, otherwise everyone will attack you.

  • Approach the innkeeper of the tavern and ask for rumors until they tell you about a wizard in Morthal, investigating vampires, zombies and other evil spirits
  • Go to him and take the task to fill the black stone of souls, which is bought from him. To do this, you will need the "soul capture" spell, which can be bought from him or have a weapon enchanted and charged with "soul capture"
  • Go to any cluster of ill-wishers, where you use the "capture of souls" on a person and then kill him. Or you can kill the first person you meet, whichever you prefer.
  • Go back to the sorcerer in Morthal, he will make an appointment for you at dawn (2-4 in the morning) at the appointed place. The place in the swamps is a magic circle. After the ceremony, you are no longer a vampire, enjoy the gentle sun

(Note: Possible bug. From the beginning, it is better to kill all the crabs in the area, otherwise he will not come to the appointed place, as they will interfere with him. If he still does not come, then wait for the next dawn.)


Unlike lycanthropy, vampirism greatly affects the player's daily life. If a werewolf simply cannot sleep, and after death sits with the Daedra Prince Hircine on a chain, then the vampire has to reconsider battle tactics in the light of the sun and constantly monitor hunger. Vampiriz does not allow you to relax and constantly reminds you of yourself. But at the same time it gives many advantages, if skillfully used, they can help. In a simple life, a werewolf that “before”, that “after” does not change in any way. It would be much more interesting and fun if once a week the player would randomly turn into a werewolf and have to wander through the forest. And so you can even forget that you were a werewolf, I forgot once, and the beast would greatly facilitate my task. Vampirism is for those who are not looking for easy ways in the game, who lack extreme sports, for those who create an assassin or black magician for themselves.

"Vampires are not the same" - the result from Diablo

Vampires are no longer the lords of the night, with a huge amount of bonuses that they were in Morrowind. Now this is some kind of pathetic semblance, without huge strength, and without much damage in the sun (in Morrowind, a weak vampire was simply burned in seconds in the sun). And what the developers were thinking about when adding vulnerability to fire is not at all clear - fire spells on the “master” difficulty just yell (kill with one hit).

In general, to all fans of the vampire theme (and myself too), I recommend waiting for normal mods that will make vampires really strong at night, and with huge penalties (or better, burning health) in the sun.

: despite the fact that the character feels weak and loses health in the sun, he receives excellent properties - resistance to all diseases, protection from any poison, the ability to hide better in the dark and cast more powerful illusion spells. But if you are embarrassed by red eyes, dull skin color and fangs, and also do not like to hide in the dungeons during the day, then you need to urgently look for a cure for vampirism.

Simple ways to get rid of vampirism

The quickest and easiest way, and one that most Skyrim players will frown upon, is to remove the disease using the console. Open the console and enter the following command: player.removespell 000b8780. As a result, the quest started during the infection with vampirism will end. But this method only works once per game, if the next time a vampire infects you, you will have to use other means.

It is also quite easy to get rid of vampirism by completing Companions quests, as a result of which the hero gets the opportunity to become a werewolf - a werewolf. This condition is called lycanthropy and is incompatible with vampirism. Join the ranks of the Companions, complete a few side quests, and wait until you are given the more serious Silver Hand quest, in which you need to take part in the Blood Ritual and exterminate the werewolf killers.

During the quest, Aela the Huntress will turn your character into a werewolf to show off her abilities. After passing the "Silver Hand" you can refuse lycanthropy or remain a werewolf, in which case the vampirism is cured.

Some consider lycanthropy a gift, others no less terrible disease than vampirism. The werewolf's health and stamina increase, and his claws inflict terrible blows.

Quest to get rid of vampirism

It is much more interesting to independently find an opportunity to heal from vampirism. To do this, you need to complete the quest called "Rising at Dawn", which becomes available as soon as you become. Information about what's next can be obtained from the owner of any tavern in Skyrim, inquiring about the latest rumors.

You will learn that the sorcerer Falion in Morthal is studying vampires and is looking for a cure for this disease. Travel to Morthal, a swamp settlement in the northern part of the province. Find Falion and ask for help. The sorcerer will give the task to find the black stone of souls and enclose the soul in it.

Soul stones are sold by many wizards, including Falion, and black stones can also be found in lairs where necromancers hide. To capture a soul, you must know the appropriate spell.

You need to enclose a high-level soul in a stone: a Dremora, a human, an elf, a representative of a beast race. The most convenient and correct from a moral point of view is to kill the first bandit that gets in the way. Falion will ask you to bring a stone to the forest to the Circle of Summoning near Morthal, where he will perform a ritual and cure you of vampirism.

Helpful Hints

We all know how important it is to get rid of toxins in our body, which can be in food or alcoholic beverages.

But what about the toxins that are "poured" on us in the form of an unfriendly attitude.Like poison or toxin, people who are called energy vampires are also very dangerous to our health.

© elvira_gumirova / Getty Images

Many ill-wishers live in the past andfocus on the negative part of life , and because of this, it is difficult for you to move forward and achieve new goals.Energy vampires are unwilling and unable to share your success.

However, it is worth distinguishing between people who are actually "toxic" to you and those who are going through a difficult period, and they have a hard time, which is why there is a negative attitude towards some things. People with depression should not be pushed away They need to be supported and loved.

© PIKSEL/Getty Images

It is also worth noting that toxic people can have a bad effect on your mental state. In addition, they may make you feel guilty. It is not so easy to exclude such people from your life, so some experts suggest that you read the tips that may well help you get rid of energy vampires.

People are energy vampires.

© Joaquin Corbalan / Getty Images

There are several types of energy vampires:

* Narcissists (i.e. daffodils)

* Vampire victims - often wish that everyone pitied them.

* Vampire controllers - love to control people and manage them.

* "Drama Queens" - get the desired energy by making "molehills out of molehills."

How to protect yourself from an energy vampire

© Willbrasil21/Getty Images

The first thing to do before you get rid of it is to realize the fact that it harms you. Usually, energy vampires are manipulative and selfish. They are difficult or impossible to work with and difficult to please, even when you sincerely want to help them. They find it difficult to contain their emotions and apologize.

If you feel that in working with a person you are losing more than gaining, then it's time to get rid of it, otherwise you will not achieve your goal and will stagnate.

© Nomadsoul1 / Getty Images

Toxins must be met with powerful force. Most likely, the energy vampires will not react in any way if you just tell them "leave me alone", rather, on the contrary, they will cling to you even more with their claws. Don't let this discourage you. Let the person clearly understand your intentions, and keep the necessary distance so that the person understands you clearly and clearly.

How to protect yourself from an energy vampire

3. Installborders

© Voyagerix / Getty Images

… and stick to them. Try not to let toxic people see your weaknesses, otherwise they will break into your life again. If you told them you won't reply to their messages, then don't reply. Block their number and block them on social media. Do not check mail and other messages from them, even after six months. If you decide to end any relationship, then it is in your hands to follow the rules.

4. Don't be too kind and nice

© Pressmaster

It may sound harsh, but since toxic people "feed" on your kindness, being too kind to them can hurt you. Understand that energy vampires get their energy from the kindness that you radiate. They thrive on your trust and kindness. However, do not be angry and rude, just try to be yourself and do not make special favors for them.

Protection against energy vampires

© Minerva Studio

Toxic people are always there when they need something, especially at critical times in their lives. They need a strong shoulder and your attention. To do this, you will need to spend your time and energy. Try not to succumb to energy vampires. If the problem is very serious, then you can help with the search for a specialist. The fact is that you may not be able to solve this problem, moreover, you are not obliged to do so.

How to cure vampirism in Skyrim? You can get rid of vampirism in three ways:

Way of the werewolf

You can become a werewolf by joining the ranks of the Companions. Such an opportunity will be provided during the execution of the Silver Hand quest. When you become a werewolf, you stop being a vampire. Even if you were already a werewolf, approach Aela and she will infect you with Lycanthropy again.

Aid of the Necromancer

To do this, you need to be a vampire in the fourth stage. When ordinary villagers start attacking you from time to time for no reason, and in addition to screaming how terrible we look. But, such is the price.

We go to the city of Falkreath, find the tavern Dead Man's Drink. We talk with the hostess - Valga (Valga Vinicia). We ask if she has heard any rumors. She will tell us about Falion, a man who studies vampires So we get the Rising At Dawn quest. We go to the city of Morthal. We find Falion's house and ask him about vampirism. We say that we need medicine. We talk with him a second time, we say that we need a stone of black souls (costs 112 gold - with a "pumped" conversation). We talk with Falion again, and see what else he has for sale. You need to buy a Soul Trap spell book and equip it. Now we need to trap the soul in stone. Let's go to Fort Snowhawk - a little trap of Morthal. We go into the fort, killing the skeletons along the way - do NOT use the Soul Trap spell yet. Find the necromancer and use the spell against him. Next, open the inventory, and in the section * Misc * (Misc) check the stone of the black soul (Black Soul Gem), he d must be filled and its name will change to Black Soul Gem (Grand) (large). We return to Falion's house. We say that they filled the stone, he replies that he must be met in the calling circle at dawn. We go to the circle (located in the northwest), located in the forest, and wait until 3-4 in the morning. There may be a bug here, so we leave the circle and go to the river, there is a small island with a crab. Kill the crab, otherwise Falion will see it and... that's all. The quest will be impossible to complete. We wait a little more until Falion appears and talk with him. ALL! Congratulations, you are no longer a vampire.

Healing at the altar

If you have recently become infected, you can be cured at the altar of any of the Nine Deities.

Well, if you don’t want to lose your vampirism abilities, then just bite people at night when they sleep, your thirst will be quenched and you won’t be thrown at you with cries like: " Burn the vampire!".

Console command

You can also get rid of vampirism using console commands: just enter player.removespell 000B8780. You can also enter setstage 000EAFD5 10 in the console. Always heals, but only works once, as the healing happens after the quest is completed (this code ends the quest).

If you have already used the previous command (or completed the heal quest), you can use the following to heal:
save the game (new save, not quick save);
enter resetquest 000EAFD5
create another new save and load it;
enter setstage 000EAFD5 10