Ideas for children's work alphabet. Do-it-yourself volumetric letters and numbers: how to make, master class

When a child is just beginning to be interested in letters, it is better to present him with new knowledge in the form of a game. Instead of boring copybooks, you can use colored cards with pictures or bright schemes. In addition, you can speed up the process of memorizing letters if symbols (i.e. letters) unfamiliar to the baby are always in front of your eyes. To do this, in the nursery, you can hang a special poster with a printed alphabet in pictures. And you can make a unique children's alphabet quickly and easily with your own hands.

We make a beautiful alphabet with our own hands from cardboard

Perhaps the cardboard alphabet is the easiest option, because. This material can be purchased at any stationery store. To make such an alphabet, it is necessary to cut out cards according to the number of letters and write one letter of the alphabet on each of them with a marker or paints. You can show your imagination and mark vowels and consonants in red and blue.

Such an alphabet will look even more interesting if you stick pictures with animals or objects starting with the corresponding letter on each card. Or, if you have artistic abilities, you can draw such pictures yourself.

Plywood alphabet.

If you have the appropriate material, you can try to cut the letters of the alphabet out of plywood. To do this, it is necessary to prepare paper blanks that repeat the contour of each letter, then transfer them to a plywood sheet and cut them out with a jigsaw. The advantages of such material are that children will be able to more clearly see the shapes of the letters, turn them in their hands, and, therefore, memorize them faster.

Felt alphabet.

Letters cut out of felt are almost ideal for activities with a child. It's no secret that many kids don't like learning to read, but soft alphabet games are sure to please them.

In order to make such an alphabet, it is necessary, as in the case of plywood, to first make rough sketches from paper, and then transfer them to the fabric in duplicate, leaving allowances for the seams. Don't be afraid to use colorful material, kids love bright colors. Then we carefully sew the letters, typing them through a small hole with chopped padding polyester or padding polyester.

Embroidered alphabet.

If you still want to make the alphabet not in the form of individual letters, but in a panel format, a picture with cross stitch will be a very elegant option. Of course, it will take a long time to work on such an alphabet to make the letters large enough, but it will not be a shame to hang it not only in the children's room, but in any other place in the apartment.

You can simplify the task somewhat if you use special schemes for an embroidery machine. You can choose the appropriate font, letter size and quickly arrange the desired canvas. At the same time, it is important that all letters are easy to read, i.e. it is better to focus on simple typographic fonts.

Crocheted alphabet.

Knitting lovers can try crochet letters. Each letter is knitted separately and is, in fact, a crocheted figured pillow, which is then stuffed through a small hole. It is very pleasant to play with such letters and children will surely like them. And even after the baby has mastered reading skills, the letters do not have to be hidden in a box - they will be a great decor for a child's room.

Cushion letters.

Perhaps this is the most popular solution. Bright pillows have long been used as a way to enliven the interior or give personality to a photo shoot. They can be made from almost any fabric and decorated with bows or lace as desired. On sewing forums, you can find free patterns for sewing each letter, but in general, it’s not at all difficult to draw them yourself.

However, pillow letters require a lot of space, so if you make an entire alphabet, it can take up not only the sofa, but the whole room. Therefore, it is better to limit yourself to a few letters, for example, constituting the name or initials of the child.

Plasticine alphabet.

When a child already begins to recognize some letters, it is necessary in every possible way to maintain further interest in learning the alphabet. Various linguistic games and the use of images of letters in crafts will be an excellent assistant in this.

For example, you can offer to mold familiar letters from clay or plasticine. So the child will need not only to remember what kind of letter it is, but also to be able to depict it. This exercise allows you to consolidate the already studied material, because. the kid will automatically associate the letter with the chosen color of plasticine and the modeling process. In addition, this activity stimulates fine motor skills, spatial thinking and helps to unlock creativity.

Video on the topic of the article

For more clarity, we suggest watching the following videos, which demonstrate in detail how to make an alphabet quickly and easily with your own hands for children 3-4 years old from various materials.

❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ ...

The thread was created to discuss this article. It just so happened that I make all the textiles for the house with my own hands. Firstly, it is fashionable and original - I know for sure that no one else has such curtains, pillows, bedspreads, "bombs". Article author: Kutepova Maria

And Christina has big problems at school because of her aggressiveness and frequent fights with her peers. If you, as a parent, allow, reward, or behave in a certain behavior, the child begins to perceive this behavior as the norm and quickly learns it. Alexander understood from experience that it is enough to cry and be offended a little longer, and mom will give in and do everything he asks, regardless of what they agreed on before. Contracts do not count, because mom does not confirm with her behavior what she says. Buying a toy for her son contrary to the contract, Alexander's mother, unwillingly, encourages crying and whimpering. If the child’s undesirable behavior is repeated, the first thing to do is ask yourself the question: “What ...
... With Christina, everything is also clear: by hitting her in anger, her mother shows that it is normal to hit others out of anger. So there is no point in scolding, punishing and getting angry if Christina behaves with her peers in the same way that her mother behaves with her. A personal example is the most powerful weapon in the hands of a parent. And at the same time, it doesn’t matter what you say if your actions scream otherwise. Children are very sensitive to the difference between the first and the second, and you can be sure that your actions affect the child much more than your words. How to Set an Example of Good Behavior Be an example. Your own behavior is the best beacon for your child. If you yourself are able to lie, slander someone, get angry and ...

Girls, how much does one implant cost? On the Internet from 15.000 is it real or a lie?) *** The topic was moved from the conference "SP: gatherings"


I think that at real prices it is even cheaper))) Only in Moscow there are no such things. My dentist in the Ukrainian province puts it even cheaper, and he personally travels to Germany for materials. I put zirconium crowns - 4 thousand rubles. But at such a price in Moscow I would only go to a good friend.

only an implant from 25, and also tests, tomograms, sprinkling of bone tissue, a shaper, well, crowns, medicines after each operation. The lower one cost me about 50, the upper ones are still in the process, but about 70 will be for each

Needlework girls with a good imagination:) - help! The child at school will have a competition for the best Christmas tree made by himself. I broke my whole head, I only thought of cutting out 2 parts of the Christmas tree from cardboard (connecting them crosswise), glue them on both sides with newspapers (ala papier-mâché) and paint with paints and varnish. Decorate this case with toys (we will do this). But this is somehow standard, I think that many will make such Christmas trees from cardboard. And what else can you make a Christmas tree? Something unusual...


Would you like to make a sweet Christmas tree?)
Make a cone from A4 or A3 paper (depending on how much marmalade is available). And string the marmalade with small skewers or toothpicks, let the toothpicks stick out in some places, you can hang a small toy in this place. And the kids have fun - they can eat this Christmas tree. I also saw somewhere a Christmas tree made of profiteroles doused with chocolate strings, also unusual ...

They asked the school to come up with an alphabet ... so that all the words in it were on some thread topic .. (animals, plants ...) but I don’t want to be like everyone else ... I want to come up with something original ... here, for example, one the girl does by the names of professions ...... I have an idea for the efforts ... but how to portray it ?? maybe someone did something similar ... or share your thoughts ... thanks


In our class there were flags, cars, animals, cat breeds, fruits and vegetables, names, cities. We did the "Fairytale alphabet" - for each letter, the hero of a Russian fairy tale - a picture, a comment - from which / which fairy tale / fairy tales. The result was a book in the form of the letter "az", the font was chosen a la Old Russian, the vignettes were drawn.

Make a delicious alphabet, or fabulously cartoon characters

And then I got stuck ... I can’t think of words for the letters I and E, so that they are accessible to the understanding of the child. Maybe somebody can help?

Alphabet for a two-year-old and games with letters. My daughter is 2 years 2 months old, loves to play with letters, finds them in different books, signs and so on. I would like, firstly, to buy an alphabet (book), and secondly, to play games with letters with it. Please advise!


In pursuit: invent your own fonts, find the same letter in different fonts, recognize the "famous" fonts (Winnie the Pooh, Harri Potter, and so on), decorate in every way huge, on a whole sheet, letters in invented fonts.

Hi all! Tell me, please, how can I make chain mail for a boy of 9 years old? Needed to speak in literature class. Or is it easier to buy ready-made? Do not tell me where to buy?

Where can I find costume attributes? Helmet, armor, arm protection? Or any ideas how to do it? The son plays in the production of a knight. And ... we are grown-ups, 11 years old. I found play sets on the net, but there for 6 years.


Damn, don't put a pot on your head ...

I did it myself, it turned out a great knight. I cut out armor from cardboard from boxes, a helmet made of simple cardboard and wrapped it in some places with foil. I made holes in the armor and tied it with an elastic band from the inside (with an elastic band so that you could dress calmly).

Kind people! Comrades! Tell me, please, maybe someone had an alphabet in verse in childhood. We can’t remember who the author is and we don’t see it anywhere. There were such verses for each letter. Here's what they could remember: "B" - Behemoth opened his mouth, the hippopotamus asks for a roll; "G" - The mushroom grows among the path, the head is on a thick stem; "N" - Rhino butts with a horn, do not be friends with a rhinoceros; "C" - An important big-nosed heron, the whole day stands like a statue. "E" - This button and lace is an electric bell. "Yu" - Jung...


This alphabet is probably harmful :-((The main thing to know is how old is your daughter?
I also have - nostalgia = I remember a similar alphabet. :-)) But, for example, I have repeatedly read, including at this conference, that from 0 to somewhere up to 8 years, in the early development system it is recommended to have several, completely different alphabets, they were also scolded here:
1) from 0 to 1 year - 1.5 years recommended URAMIR-"B" (Universal educational alphabet) "Large", licensed, - thick letters can be viewed (0- and older), touched (from 1.5 months), shupat, knead (from 2 months, etc.), bite, drag, throw, bake, sculpt, design, etc., etc. You can find, somewhere on the Internet they said that with this alphabet, according to the Tyulenev method, - if they really want to, - up to 3 years they go through almost the entire Montesori program, calculated from 3 to 8 years;
2) Somewhere from the age of 1 - URAMIR-"K" or you can make cards;
3) From 8 months you can already give the magnetic alphabet, although you can hang it in the crib earlier, also according to the theory of "microschool" ;.
4) From the same time, and even earlier, again, according to the MIR system, which is very unloved by supporters of late development, the alphabet must be given in the form of a computer keyboard (old);
5) Nikitin talked about the use of the wire alphabet, and his children began to read freely, judging by the books at 3.5 years old.
There is much more, just for early development. But to delay the beginning of reading, the ABC was invented a hundred times more. The main thing is to know exactly what you want. I consistently follow the defense of early development at this conference - I just think that "early development" should be glimmering somewhere?
The alphabet you write about, I think, is already for the big ones.
Probably, if up to three years old, then it will make it difficult to learn to read, confuse the baby.
In any case, neither Nikitin, nor Tyulenev, nor Zaitsev, nor even Doman recommend such an alphabet for kids: - ((Forgive me, for God's sake. True, you did not indicate the goal: early development, or anti-development? So, the same Tyulenev is everywhere writes: If you want to teach a child to read - before walking, in no case give the alphabet with pictures and the like!
Do you want the truth? - Do not buy this alphabet if the child has not yet learned to read.
This alphabet is not for kids, but for big boys.
Well, alas, they will probably attack me again :-((
Well, I'll have to console myself that I'll suffer for the truth. :-))

03/01/2005 14:06:15, Vitaly


I have one with a shirt, if you need, knock)

maybe my version will work? take a wide fabric (depending on the width of the child) sew the middle seam, it turns out a pipe ... buy a thin elastic band, it looks like a spool of thread only an elastic band ... wind this elastic band around the bobbin ... and the upper thread is ordinary .... and sew from above in a circle ... the length of this "gum" as you want according to the model. and just sew on the straps, and process the bottom. looks something like this...[link-1]

100,69,5, it's yesterday's Ferrero said hello to me)

Children's drawings, photos and stories: how to turn them into homemade scrapbooks and books

Idea for mom: how to make an educational book for a child

After marriage, 2 pregnancies - both ended in a frozen pregnancy for a period of 8-9 weeks. She gave birth to a daughter almost at the age of 36 after IVF. Now I'm 41 and suddenly pregnant, I need a good gynecologist. During an eco-friendly pregnancy, she drank a bunch of medicines, including metipred. Now I don't know where to run. Advise a doctor, I live in Skhodnenskaya, I don’t want to travel far, maybe there are adequate doctors in Tushino?


Klekovkina Olga Fedorovna is a private clinic of Dr. Norovkov, and she takes birth in the 10th maternity hospital, she herself gave birth to her, and everyone is familiar, mega doctor! I know for sure that she pulls out very difficult cases ..

Clinic Intime, Hestanova Aza Borisovna. I did IVF with her and then followed the whole pregnancy. Easy pregnancy and childbirth.

I don’t even remember when, but for sure someone showed a congratulation to her husband or boss (I don’t remember) - there, on the poster, the words were partially replaced by chocolates and sweets. Liked the idea so much. but I can't find it. Maybe someone saved the link? Please share!

Crafts for Valentine's Day - a heart and a cardboard ballerina. Master class with photo

Please sketch out ideas, what could be the ABC costume for a holiday at school? Thank you all in advance.

I make traffic lights, signs and complex staged compositions. I know that now, in the intertime between crafts made from natural materials and New Year's toys, they are again asked to make crafts according to the rules of the road. Here are my crafts - ideas for you: Crafts according to traffic rules: Traffic light from a shank from toilet paper: [link-1] Traffic light from a cardboard box: [link-2] Road sign from a CD: [link-3] Craft "Road sign "from cardboard: [link-4] Craft "Crossroads" for classes in ...

Girls, everyone has a carnival, and we have a holiday "Primer". The child needs a crown with a letter on his head. I have a question, why can't you just carry the letter in your hands? The question, as you understand, is rhetorical ..)))) Well, on the head, so on the head, who would argue, I - no! And she did, she did make a crown with a letter! Profile photo. And here is a step-by-step instruction for making a crown: [link-1]


A great crown! Only the base (the one on the head) is white, somehow not very elegant, in my opinion. When I read about a crown for a child, I immediately thought not about cardboard, but about foam rubber or styrofoam, which can be easily wrapped around the head and the letter could also be cut out. I talked about such a crown on my website (link).

No one else has such an educational book!

Games and activities to teach reading for children 2 years old. Mom experience.


Master class from the father-architect.

And, sorting through old things, I stumbled upon a computer console. I wanted to throw it away, but my husband dissuaded me. He says, give it to your daughter - let her play and develop her fingers at the same time. And I had an idea how to make a real simulator out of the keyboard. First of all, of course, I thoroughly washed it. Then, with the help of "superglue" and "improvised materials", I made this simulator in 2 evenings. The materials were selected according to...
...And I had an idea how to make a real simulator out of the keyboard. First of all, of course, I thoroughly washed it. Then, with the help of "superglue" and "improvised materials", I made this simulator in 2 evenings. Materials were selected in different colors and textures. From colored cardboard, I cut out the simplest geometric shapes (you can immediately study both color and shape). I wrote numbers on cardboard (from 1 to 10) and glued them to ...


Great ideas! Especially the keyboard! But I also wanted to make a pen right after the birth of my daughter, but in such small children, the fingers instinctively clench into a fist. Then I spent the whole day picking out the dough. But they did it recently. Only here where to put at once did not think up. So thanks for the tip!
Your hands are golden! And bright head! Everything is so simple and cute!

what a clever girl you are, I love people who do something with their own hands, I would like to be friends and share their ideas

06.11.2008 09:49:44, Oksana

What I've just read.... sharing... Damn, my imagination is raped in a perverted way:)))))))))))))))))) Homemade vagina. How to get maximum pleasure from intimate life? Modern men are looking for new ways to satisfy their sexual desires. In particular, toys from sex shops are currently in great demand. There are many different sex products that enhance the male orgasm, such as artificial vaginas. The material they are made of is...

"Filling" for the house with your own hands: knitted patchwork. Knitting

Continuing the topic of using needlework to give your interior a touch of originality, I’ll tell you about what else you can make bedspreads for a bed or sofa from.

In the 1st grade, after studying all the letters of the alphabet, children are invited to complete the Living Alphabet or Living Letter project. In the poems of Soviet writers, letters begin to come to life before the eyes of astonished first-graders. The letter Zh turns into a beetle, the letter M turns into a swing, etc.

While working on a project, first-graders draw a letter, bringing it to life. Then they learn a poem about their letter. The verse can be written under the picture. Each child brings his own project to the class and it turns out a living ALPHABET.


Our website announces a competition of projects completed by students of the first grades on the topic "Living ABC"

Dear Primary School Teachers and Parents of First Graders! We invite you to participate.

We send diplomas to all participants, and diplomas of I, II and III degrees to the winners and prize-winners.

Send your work to the site administrator This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view.

Project Living ABC Grade 1

little lizard

Hide from you quickly

Among the grass will find a loophole

Flashes like a sneaky snake

And from fear oh-oh-oh

Lose his tail

Project "Living Letter"

The children of our class took part in the Living Letter project. They staged poems by famous contemporary poets. They made costumes in the form of letters of the Russian alphabet. The first-graders really enjoyed our holiday.

I want to note that the project is not only drawings, but also theatrical performances.

Let it start with a stork
Like the alphabet
Starts with A

Letter A, letter A
Alphabet head
Vova Knows, Light Knows,
And it looks like a rocket.

Letter B with big belly
In a cap with a long visor

The letter B will wake up early.
The letter B is a barrel with a tap.
Wash your face! Be healthy,
Bogatyr Boris Bobrov!

Near two arches
Here we are ready
frog glasses

Before us is the letter G
Stands like a poker

Here it is, blowing smoke,
Letter D stove pipe

E came in handy in the garden
Instead of a rake bothered

This letter is wide
And looks like a beetle
And at the same time, it’s definitely a beetle
Makes a buzzing sound

This is J
And this is K
whole beetle
And half a beetle.

Project "Living letter" Ivanova Misha, 1 A class, Moscow

across the white field
In fog and snow
They wander slowly
Ram horns (Letter Z)

Look at the gate:
Why is it not the letter I?
Between two straight boards
One lay down

Signalman holding two flags
With flags, he's like the letter K

The alphabet will continue our
Letter L - forest hut

Here is the swing
Letter M!
Here to swing
Can everyone

On the letter N
I'm on a ladder
I sit and sing

There I will find the letter H,
Where the hammock hangs in the garden.

look at the wheel
And you will see the letter O

Hockey, football
Letter P - gate in the field

The letter P is a sail on the mast,
Floats into the distance, touching the sky

Crescent in the dark sky
The letter C hung over the house

The hammer knocks: "Knock knock!
Letter T I'm an old friend"

U - bitch. In any forest
You will see the letter U

Fedya walks hands to hips
So I've learned my lessons

We are not horny
Not evil
We are goats
Not goats

Letter C -
Bottom hook
Accurately with a faucet tank

Yes, you made the right decision:
H we write as four.
Only with numbers, friends,
We must not confuse letters

Shura ted the hay
I forgot the pitchfork in the hay

On a comb
u is similar
Three prongs in total
Well then!

And the poor thing is the letter Y
Wandering with a wand, alas

Letter R upside down
Turned into a soft sign

Over the meadows in the blue
The letter E flies

So that O does not roll away,
I'll nail it firmly to the post.
Oh look,
What happened:
It turned out ... the letter Yu

Look, friends
I made a birdhouse.
And flew into the birdhouse
Instead of a bird - the letter I.

Project "Living Letter", 1st grade, Nizhny Novgorod

You can revive the letter in the project "Living letter" staging a poem by Boris Zakhoder "Letter I". Suits for letters can be made with your own hands and you will get a project "Suit for a letter"

Everyone knows:
Letter I
in the alphabet
And does anyone know
Why and why?

- Unknown.
- Interesting?
- Interesting! -

Well, listen to the story.
Lived in the alphabet with us

Lived, did not grieve,
Because everyone was friends
Where no one fights
There is a dispute there.

Only time
It's all about
It became
Because of the terrible scandal:
Letter I
Didn't line up
Letter I!

I, -
The letter I said
I want,
To everywhere
I don't want to stand in line.
be wishing
In sight! -

They tell her:
- Stand up! -
Answers: - I will not go!
I'm not just a letter to you,
I am a pronoun.
Compared to me -
misunderstanding -
No more no less!

Here the whole alphabet came
In terrible excitement.
- Fu-you well-you! -
F snorted,
Blushing from resentment.
- Shame! -
Angrily S said.
B screams:
- I imagined!
Anyone could do that!
Maybe I myself - an excuse! -
P growled:
- Try,
Chat with such a special one!

We need a special approach to it, -
Suddenly the Soft Sign mumbled.
And an angry Solid Sign
Silently showed his fist.

Ti-and-she, letters! Shame on the signs! -
The vowels screamed. -
The only thing missing was a fight!
And consonants too!

Gotta figure it out sooner
And then fight!
We are a smart people!
Letter I
She will understand:
Is it a conceivable thing
Poke forward?
After all, no one in such a letter
Will not understand neither be nor me! -

Stamped feet:
- I don't want to hang out with you!
I will do everything myself!
Enough of my mind! -
The letters looked at each other
Everything is literally! - smiled
And the friendly choir answered:
- Good,
I'm going to argue
If you can
By oneself
At least a line -
That is,

So I
Yes, I couldn't
I'm not anyone
... The letter I got down to business:
For a whole hour she
And groaned
And sweated -
She was able to write

How the letter X will be filled:
- Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! -
Rolled with laughter!
Grabbed by the head.
Grabbed my stomach...

Letter I
Attached first,
And then how to roar:
It's my fault guys!
I admit
Your fault!
I agree to stand up guys
Even from behind
Letters Yu!

Well, - decided the whole alphabet, -
If he wants to - let him!
It's not really in the right place.
The fact is that we are all together!
That everything -
From A to Z -
We lived like one family!
Letter I
Always was
Everyone and everyone is sweet.
But we advise, friends,
remember the place
Letters I!

You can be congratulated, did your child go to the first grade this year? The time of discovery begins, the time of learning new and interesting things - the first learned letters, the first syllables read, the first solved examples. How can you help your child learn the material? Of course, the easiest, most effective and easiest thing to do is to do it in a playful way. DIY alphabet- An excellent tool that will help your child learn letters and understand the basic principles of reading. Why should you do it in person? Nobody argues, you can go to the first store with children's goods and buy everything you need there, however, if you put your soul into the material, if you make an effort to implement your plan, then you will definitely find time to work with your son or daughter, and made DIY alphabet will not remain just another cool tool that could help a child. Could.

How to make an alphabet with your own hands - 5 master classes:

1. DIY magnetic alphabet

An elegant thing turns out, this magnetic alphabet! Suitable for children who are prone to accuracy, who love exemplary order, who love when everything is put in its place and lies where it should. Such a panel will not only be useful in learning the alphabet, but will undoubtedly bring aesthetic pleasure.

2. Alphabet from felt

Miracle material, felt and here comes to the rescue! What could be easier than cutting out the desired blanks from this supple, obedient, soft fabric and, supplementing them with cotton wool or synthetic filler, sew them along the contour, turning them into bright and pleasant to the touch letters? Great toy for a child! Yes, and the work is simple, affordable, do you agree?

3. Origami alphabet

If you feel or know that your child has a developed muscle memory, that it is easier for him to do something with his own hands than to memorize visually or by ear, try folding letters with him using the origami technique. This is the development of fine motor skills, and art therapy, and a reading lesson - all in one. Well, no one canceled a great pastime with mom either.

4. Crochet alphabet

The knitted alphabet is about something soft, cozy, sincere and warm. This is about something that not only allows you to play, but also brings a sense of celebration to the house. It's about how much mom loves her child. About care and kindness. Each loop is a declaration of love. It is almost a meditative process, and to miss it is almost to make a mistake.

Choosing a magnetic alphabet for a small child is not an easy task, and even, in part, responsible.

Here some criteria selection of a suitable manual for children who have to get acquainted with the alphabet:

The size. It is desirable that the letters are large, at least 4 centimeters.

Material. Ideally, if it is a one-piece magnet for the entire letter (card), and not plug-in elements that can fall out (this can be dangerous for a small child).

Color. The best option is the classic blue-red coloring for vowels and consonants.

No distracting details - large drawings, multi-colored background.

Number of letters. It is good when there are more than 33 letters in the set. This will allow you to collect various words in the future.

Of the whole variety of magnetic alphabets, it is worth highlighting the manual N. Zhukova. It is convenient that a lined magnetic board with fields is also attached, and there are 110 letters in the set.

DIY magnetic alphabet.

Making a magnetic alphabet is very easy! Below you can download a file with the letters of the Russian alphabet, print in several copies (with blue letters - in two, with red letters - in three).

Then glue the letters onto sheets of cardboard and cut out the cards. Stick a magnet on the back, for accuracy it is better to glue the side with the magnet with paper. Laminate the cards on one side (otherwise the alphabet will slide on the surface of the board (refrigerator).