Love stories are vulgar. True stories, intimate stories, romantic stories, glamorous stories, funny stories

In the rest home, one plain-looking man pestered a luxurious lady for a long time for an intimate relationship. She only mocked him, they say, with your talents ... Then the peasant argued with her that he would be able to fuck her twenty times in a row. The only condition is that everything must take place in complete darkness and after each time he must go to wash. The stake was a car, and the woman agreed. Night fell, and the man set to work... Once, a second, a third... after the seventeenth time, the woman could not stand it and prayed:
- Everything! I lost! I can't take it anymore, turn on the light!
The light came on, and she saw in front of her a completely unfamiliar hefty man.
- Who are you!? she screamed. - What are you doing here? Where's the little, cuddly one?
- And, this, probably, is that massovik-entertainer? So he sells tickets at the entrance ... We were sitting at a lecture somehow, and one girl came in a knitted
sweater, which, with a very large approximation, looked like
on the dress. Well, of course, the male half is not up to
lecturer ... This continues for almost the entire
couples until this girl is loud-loud (and not fake)
shouts to the whole audience:
- Oh, I forgot to wear a skirt!
This is where the hysteria starts. Lecturer (he's also a man)
I had to stop the couple 15 minutes before the end (of the couple) ...

My friend Andrei has been filming in the series for half a year, but yesterday and today he disrupted the filming for people. Got sick. The doctor said that for another three or four days there could be no question of any filming.
Well, wait, they're not going anywhere.
Andrei, although a couple of years younger than me, has recently begun to actively go gray and worry a lot about this, as a result - a pronounced midlife crisis, and the crisis must somehow be dealt with.
Andrey's way of fighting is simple: the more women he "spuds" per unit of time, the stronger his aging male bunker will be.
Andryukha went into all serious trouble: today one, tomorrow another, plus yesterday's one, plus acquaintance with the fourth - a potential day after tomorrow ...
He himself is already sausage from this loading and unloading logistics, but what to do? "Gray in a beard - do not say that it is not hefty."
Fortunately, at least many people recognize him, otherwise he looks like a maniac - a computer scientist who lives with his mother and cooks stew out of people ... (if only he didn’t read this ...)
“But even D'Artagnan has a hole in it ...”
Yesterday, our Andrey ran to visit one languid forty-year-old beauty: condoms in her hands, and expensive champagne in the pocket of her trousers (maybe vice versa, I personally don’t know how it happens, I’m married ...) Light frost, mood pre-start, and at the entrance are two cool girls - 18 years old, but one of those who already have a huge gap with tenth graders ...
Andrei turned on the face in which he could be more easily recognized and recognized.
He met, especially with Alla, treated him to cigarettes, gave him a lighter,
wrote down Allin's phone and entered the entrance, it's a pity that an hour and a half is not rubber, otherwise he would have chatted with the girls.
On that day, Andrei had an ideal husband, well, that is, the husband of that sultry woman, was ideal for Andrei, because he worked as a bus driver, which reaches Rostov.
Well, isn't it ideal?
I rang the doorbell, opened it, a sultry beauty, and Andrei from the threshold theatrically wailed:
- My God, what a beauty, I missed you so much, forgive the asshole, I couldn’t do it yesterday !!!
Everything happened suddenly. Suddenly, a bass sounded from the bath:
- What the hell!!!? Who is that!!!?
Suddenly, some basins rattled and the bathroom door opened. The bass growl became much closer to the corridor and louder.
Andrei did not wait for their eyes to meet like a cowboy with a sheriff, but rushed down the stairs.
The husband in one towel, also rushed in pursuit, his backlog from the leader was shrinking and there were no more than two spans.
Andrey understood that if the husband breaks out of the entrance to the operational space, then there is no escape from him.
It was necessary for the bunny to confuse the trail and outwit the fox.
Andrey jumped out of the door to the street, stumbled upon Alla who gasped and quickly spoke: Alla, help me out, it's a matter of life and death!
With these words, he hugged her and began to kiss her passionately ... Just like
D'Artagnan beauty Kat.
At the same moment, Cardinal's guard jumped out of the iron doors of the entrance.
- husband, but without a towel.
Andrei continued to kiss the girl, he knew that the naked bus driver did not have time to see him during the chase.
It only remained to say as calmly as possible: “If you are for a peasant, then he ran for the house ...”
But suddenly Alla pushed off from Andrey and the last thing my friend heard before turning off the light in the body were the words of the girl:
- Dad, I see this guy for the first time in my life!!!

There was trouble with the jaw, it was removed from the hinges, and the nose got it, but it would seem - just one blow.
It’s good that dad was naked, froze and dragged his daughter into the porch, without fully figuring out what was what, otherwise the second blow would have been implied there no worse than the first ...
Well, thank God, everything worked out, so another three or four days and you can
shoot further.

She was trembling with excitement, her face was tense, swollen,
lust, a bitten lip and drops of sweat testified to passion,
boiling somewhere under the clothes. She clasped him with both arms, strong
fingers groped for that, the only position. He lay softly in her palms,
arching and trembling. She caught the right moment and started moving
speeding up and adjusting to his rhythm, but not letting him slip out of
hands, controlling and confidently directing his intentions. With every moment
approaching climax, her face became more and more determined: "Yes, yes,
Well, one more time, one more time..." And at that one, right moment, she managed to
cope with it - with a confident movement, directing it to the intended
his place. He, engulfed by strong arms, securely fixed himself and,
Yielding elastically, he took over her soaring, arching body. Both
for a fraction of a moment froze at the highest point of the trajectory of their joint
flight. And she, having used it, having received everything she could take, let go
him, still tense, not completely finished his movement, but
no longer needed, useless, become a burden. And feeling your
freedom, he straightened up, giving himself to her without a trace, humbly accepted
loneliness that suddenly fell on him, and fell, slowly, but
She, still under his influence, continued to move, but already
relaxing, throwing off the monstrous tension of foreplay and just
ended with him intercourse. In this state, her body took a bed, and
everything in it spoke of the greatest pleasure from what had happened.
The women's pole vault record was broken.

Links - Funny and vulgar tales!

Pros: funny, fun, turns on

Disadvantages: accidentally read by children

We all love fairy tales since childhood. But when children grow up, their circle of interests changes dramatically. And even stories about familiar from childhood and favorite characters may be of interest to an adult reader only if they are overgrown with more “adult” details. Yes, I mean vulgar tales). So, if you want something to entertain your soulmate before going to bed, I can offer you a couple of interesting, but vulgar fairy tales for adults!)).

Once upon a time there were Ivan Tsarevich and Vasilisa the Beautiful. Happiness and harmony were in the family, but there was not enough understanding: no matter how Ivan Tsarevich asked, Vasilisa did not give him. Nobody knows the reasons, and Ivan Tsarevich has nowhere to go, as long as she is his lawful wife. Over time, the peasant had to get used to and forget about this matter.

But one day, trouble came to the kingdom: the Serpent-Gorynych got into the habit of ruining villages in the kingdom and kidnapping local girls for obscene purposes. Ivan Tsarevich led the detachment, they went to look for the damned snake. We walked for a long time, told many ruined villages on our way. And now they see: the Serpent-Grynych is sitting in an open field, waiting for them. The good fellows were frightened, they gave a tear. One on one, Ivan Tsarevich fought with a snake. But as he realized that he was losing, he began to retreat into the forest. Decided to spend the night here. Ivan Tsarevich was looking for a place to sleep and wandered to the swamp. The poor fellow got lost, completely despaired. And suddenly he hears a thin voice:

Warm me, Ivan Tsarevich, take a nap. I want warmth and sex.

Better take me out of the swamp, - he answers, seeing a green frog in front of him. You are not fit for this job. You have holes, go, no!

And you love me the way I am: cold and green - I'll take you out of the swamp. Get your farm, I'll open my mouth wider - plant me as your soul desires!

At first, Ivan was afraid of such a proposal - what if he picks up some other disgusting thing in this swamp. But he remembered his wife, which did not give him, remembered the Serpent-Gorynych, whom he could not defeat if he did not get out of the swamp. And made a decision. He sees: the frog has already opened its mouth. He put it in her mouth all the way to the bottom. And the frog was just waiting for this - how let's try! Ivan Tsarevich received incredible pleasure, all the seed splashed out, accumulated over the years. He looks - and instead of a frog in front of him, a naked girl is already sitting on her knees, offering to stay with her until morning. Ivan Tsarevich could not resist, succumbed to the charms of the Frog Princess. And in the morning the hero got up, straightened his shoulders, and it became easy for him, as if a large stone had been removed from him. Ivan Tsarevich went into a clean field, took a sword in his hands and defeated the Serpent-Gorynych.

Once upon a time there was one normal kid in the world, whose name was simply - Ilya. He is simple Ilyukha, correct, but he had one oddity - he did not want to get off the stove! He told everyone, they say, he is sick, his legs do not hold, and not only from a hangover. Well, the villagers quickly realized that our Ilyusha was too lazy to just get up from the stove. And his father was a noble governor, but he died in an unequal struggle with the damned Polovtsians! All that remained of him was chain mail and a rusty sword.

The villagers got tired of Ilyusha's wild life and his heroic strength. After all, whoever says anything against him can get hit on the head with a log from the stove. Ilya has already killed three of our fellow villagers, crippled eight, filthy Herod!

The villagers gathered and decide what to do with Ilyusha?

"Let's get together with the whole gang, we'll fall on him, and we'll plug him with stakes in the ass, for the glory of Perun!" - alas, this decision was not liked by the mother and sisters of Ilya's half-womb, who suggested that he be simply humanely drunk with marsh water, raped and strangled with a rawhide strap.

But there was one stray sorcerer, who, for being allowed to get drunk, offered to cure Ilya. However, he did not want to get up from the stove, to defend his homeland - he sent the old man to hell. The sorcerer was offended, rolled out the zenki, built a goat on both hands, spat the jamb on the floor, waved his hand, and went back to the forest, swollen. And a miracle happened here! He used to swear, booze, women tore in different poses, and weak legs were not a hindrance. Now, in general, the mouth does not open, the member hangs from the stove to the floor, does not eat, does not drink, does not fart, does not fuck, swears.

But the sorcerer nevertheless took pity on Ilyusha and promised to remove the curse. But for this, Ilya had to give the old man his stocked joint. After the words "Get up and go, damned" - Ilyusha, disenchanted, jumped from the stove, swung at the grandfather, and he had already caught a trace.

Having nothing to do, our great Ilya Muromets went to perform feats for the glory of the Russian land! ..

Video review


Vulgar bedtime stories for a girl are short, probably available on the website of the section sponsor:

From the records in the case histories:

  1. A male, aged 23, enrolled. Complaints of abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting. Objectively, the abdomen is enlarged in volume, the examination did not reveal the uterus. Diagnosis - ectopic pregnancy.
  2. The patient was examined, operated on, was a good person...
  3. After taking the medicine, the deceased felt a slight malaise.
  4. The patient behaved badly, after which he was operated on a second time.
  5. After successful treatment, the patient was discharged under the supervision of a district pathologist.

Folk remedies:

  1. From a cold

    Pour half a glass of tablespoons with boiling water and insist on the nightstand until the full moon. If the runny nose has not yet passed, insist until the next full moon.

  2. From appendicitis

    Dissolve a glass of cold cedar cones in elderberry juice. Drip in the nose two days after the operation.

  3. From the head

    Put a spoonful of tar in a barrel of honey and beat with a mixer until foam appears. Smear on the head in the morning and rub with sandpaper until the symptom disappears.

  4. From the evil eye

    In the fall, cut chestnut, maple and calf buds. Dry and put in borscht, while repeating the slander: "Like kidneys in borscht, so figs to you finally."

  5. Diuretic

    Radish rutabaga, sorrel tops, fern flowers and larch leaves are crushed and destroyed. Instead, drink eight beers.

  6. Antipyretic

    Pour seven tablespoons of mackerel scales into hot goat's milk, and, stirring thoroughly, cool on the porch. Strain through a terry towel. Pour two aspirin tablets with the resulting infusion.

For the first time

Today is your first time. You lie on your back and your muscles are tense. You desperately try to think of something to distract him, but he doesn't hesitate to approach you. He asks if you're scared and you shake your head bravely.

He has a lot of experience, but for the first time his finger hit the right place. It has penetrated deep and you are trembling; your body is tense, but he is gentle, as promised. He looks you in the eye and asks you to trust him - he has done this many times before. His cold smile relaxes you, and you open wider to make it easier for him to enter. You beg him to hurry, but he hesitates to hurt you as little as possible.

As he presses harder and goes deeper, you feel your tissues part to let him pass, and then as he continues, you feel a faint trickle of blood. He looks at you worriedly and asks if you are in too much pain. Your eyes are filled with tears, but you nod for him to continue. He begins to skillfully move into you, but you are too dazed to feel him inside you.

After a few terrible moments, you feel that something in you is being torn apart. You lie suffocating, rejoicing that everything is behind you. He looks at you and says with a smile that you were among the most stubborn of him, but still behaved with dignity. You too smile and thank your dentist.


This short story was written by two students of OSMU, in "co-authorship", so to speak, but it was an unusual co-authorship. Its unusualness is that this story was not specially thought about, the authors did not spend sleepless nights over it and all that. Just one fine day, 12/21/99, one student threw his "pen test" on the boards, and the other decided to add something, or rather, "correct" :-)) And so the story turned out - "Consilium". Printed in original...

They sat across from each other on a soft sofa brought back from Berlin by his grandfather (the soft sitting was due to the development of hemorrhoids in both patients). He was modestly silent and then looked in her direction with a long and longing look (dryness of the cornea, absence of a tear). She answered him with the same wishing look, tilting her head slightly forward and to the side (strabismus, hypertension and krepatura m.sternocleidomastoideus).

After a few moments, he felt warm jolts somewhere in the depths of himself, as if something was rushing out of his mortal body (heartburn, vomiting due to alcohol poisoning). She seemed to understand him and heard a special inner voice that told her - He wants you, he wants you (the first stage of schizophrenia, manic-depressive psychosis or one of its deviations is possible).

They stood up as if on cue and got close enough to hear the other's heartbeat (somnambulism, mitral valve stenosis, and heart failure).
After a while, he realized that they were both naked and lying on the couch, and she was gradually approaching him (partial amnesia, spatial disorientation). He ran his hand over her chest, feeling a slight flutter of her small elastic hill (cat's purr syndrome, pathologies of heart development are possible). She, in response, touched with a trembling hand to his penis, which rose with joy (tremor, inflammation of the genital organs).

She closed her eyes and inserted his organ into her mouth (not classifiable). He cried out softly (possible sadomasochistic manifestations of partners' sexual dissatisfaction). Slowly, enjoying every second spent with her, he directed his hand into her darkening depression between her legs (he has an incoordination and sepsis-complicated furunculosis or gas gangrene in her perineum) and realized how wet it was (definitely purulent furunculosis ).

A few minutes later, She felt him inserting his huge organ into her small slit (rectal prolapse and a certain kind of sexual perversion using palpebral fissures). She felt rhythmic shocks and her body shuddered under the monstrous force of these shocks (flatulence and peptic ulcer). Somewhere in the lower part of the abdomen, she began to experience a slight pain, which she had long forgotten (complicated gastritis against the background of perforation of the peritoneum and possibly peritonitis).

He moved faster and faster, and soon they merged into a single whole, hot and pulsating (Parkinson's disease). He was ready to burst due to the pressure of the fluid accumulated in him (developed sperm toxicosis) and then he felt how an uncontrollable and inexorable warm jet rushed out of his body, sweeping away everything in its path (an advanced form of enuresis). A few minutes later, both of them were already lying on the couch silently and not moving, as if afraid to frighten off the grace that had descended on them a moment earlier (Catotonia or pathological transcendental inhibition).
Conclusion - patients need a full examination and possibly inpatient treatment.
The attending physician is Pupkin.I.I.

Well, colleague ... Original, of course. But I would like (on the eve of the session and all that) to correct some purely medical inaccuracies (here I am such a completely learned pedant :-)) Let's hold a consultation ...

She answered him with the same wishing look, slightly tilting her head forward and to the side (strabismus, hypertension and krepatura (THAT WHAT, A NEW TERM? :-)) for a few moments, he felt warm tremors somewhere in the depths of himself, something seemed to be torn out of his mortal body (heartburn, vomiting (IMPRESTS ARE LOVE, BUT THERE ARE VOMITS) due to alcohol poisoning).

She seemed to understand him and heard a special inner voice that kept telling her - He wants you, he wants you (the first stage of schizophrenia, manic-depressive psychosis or one of its deviations is possible) PATHOLOGIES... OR PSYCHOSIS IS THEIR NORMAL STATE? INTERESTING TO LISTEN...

After a while, he realized that they were both undressed and lying on the sofa, and she was gradually approaching him (partial amnesia, spatial disorientation) WELL, I DON'T KNOW ABOUT SPATIAL DISORIENTATION, BUT ABOUT AMNESIA ... MOST MOSTLY ON SMALL EPILEPTIC SEIZURES LOOK LIKE SOMETHING SUCH KURAKO TOLD THERE... He ran his hand over her chest, feeling a slight flutter of her small elastic hill (cat's purr syndrome, possible pathologies of heart development) IS A SYMPTOM! CAT'S purring, WHICH IS CHARACTERISTIC FOR HEART PATHOLOGY, BUT NOT A SYNDROME...

Slowly, enjoying every second spent with her, he directed his hand into her darkening depression between her legs (he has an incoordination and sepsis-complicated furunculosis or gas gangrene in her perineum) and realized how wet it was (definitely purulent furunculosis ). WOULD NOT SAY, COLLEAGUES. MOST MOSTLY WHAT-THREAD GYNECOLOGICAL PATHOLOGY (DYSFUNCTIONAL UTERINE BLEEDING, FOR EXAMPLE). BUT MOST ALL THIS IS EVEN THE NORM! YES, AND NORMALLY THIS HAPPENS (DID YOU TEACH PHYSIOLOGY FROM SANDRA?), STRANGE AS IT MIGHT LOOK TO YOU, COLLEAGUE...


Somewhere in the lower part of the abdomen, she began to experience a slight pain, which she had long forgotten (complicated gastritis against the background of perforation of the peritoneum and possibly peritonitis). Perforated peritoneum, you say? BUT THE STOMACH IS NOT LOWER THE ABDOMEN, LOOK AGAIN ON THE ATLAS OF ANATOMY OR SURGERY (WHAT, ILYIN AND POPOV SUFFERED LITTLE? WHAT WAS REFLECTED ABOVE)

He moved faster and faster, and soon they merged into a single whole, hot and pulsating (Parkinson's disease). WELL, AGAIN, SAYING SOFTLY, IT DOES NOT LIKE... IF THEIR WHOLE BODY "PULSED" (REPLACES IN ANY WAY?), AGAIN EPILEPSY...

He was ready to burst due to the pressure of the fluid accumulated in him (developed spermotoxicosis) DEVELOPED COMMUNISM HAPPENS :-)) AND I WOULD SAY - ASCITIS ...
... and then he felt how an uncontrollable and inexorable warm jet rushed out of his body, sweeping away everything in its path (an advanced form of enuresis). BUT WHY? ENUREZIS IS COMPLETELY DIFFERENT (TUCHIN WILL TELL). AND HERE ARE SOME ADHERENT PHENOMENA, AND THIS SPINES HAVE BREAKED OUT (It WOULD BE NICE TO MAKE BOOGERING) ...

A few minutes later, both of them were already lying on the couch silently and not moving, as if afraid to frighten off the grace that had descended on them a moment earlier (Catotonia or pathological transcendental inhibition). EXTREMELY? TYPE TRANSCEDENT, UNKNOWN, MYSTERIOUS? WELL DIRECTLY SOMETHING MYSTERY ...

Conclusion - patients need a full examination and possibly inpatient treatment.
(c) Round, Serious Odessa.

"Solid joke" from AIDS-Info

I broke up with Oleg, because for two years he accompanied me home, kissed me and thought that the evening was over.

Ever since I got married, I haven't been following fashion at all. Once! Dress your husband beautifully, buy a nice jacket for your child:

My friend and I decided to relax and drank beer in the park. Not a single man passed by, so as not to stick. Nice, of course they only wanted our beer bottles.


American scientists have announced that they have developed a vaccine against AIDS. This news was greeted with enthusiasm by drug addicts, homosexuals, prostitutes - in a word, by all progressive mankind ...

Russian doctors also found a cure for AIDS! But they agree to talk about it only in exchange for a salary for the last six months ...

From the newspaper "AIDS-INFO"

Men look at me with some lust. Sometimes you just want to punch in the teeth, especially to foreigners...

I've never seen a live prostitute. I wonder where they are located?

There were many men, but little sense ...

Various cretins write all sorts of nonsense to your editorial office. That's what I decided too...

The fact is that from the age of 13.5 (and now I'm already 15) I've been drawn to guys. But not to everyone, but to some: foreigners and people of Caucasian nationality. I normal?

I suddenly found myself on the same bed with him. So what? I made sure that he had sex on "2". But I was good.

We write exciting SMS for all occasions. Many templates for erotic sms calling to action.

Finding a man you love is difficult, but maintaining a passionate relationship with him for decades is even more difficult. It is to keep the relationship. Neither hold back nor return, but let the fire of love burn for decades!
With the harsh trends of our time, this seems impossible, because someone said, and we have already inspired ourselves about some kind of crises, the terms in which love lives, etc.
If this is so, then how did our great-grandmothers get married in early youth and live with their beloved husband until their last breath?
How did they ensure that their husbands, being in old age, looked at them with the same passion in their eyes?

How to get a man at a distance via SMS correspondence so that he is aroused?

Golden Rule. If you want a man to love you, go to his brain, not his pants. Yes, it was with their brains that men loved thousands of years ago and continue to love today. Momentary passion as quickly finds, so quickly passes. But do we want something else?

In this article, we propose to start the intrigue.
Get a man at a distance, take possession of his thoughts and have unbridled passion when meeting.

Whatever the man, he is madly in love when a woman changes.
Remember it like a multiplication table. Once you stop changing, you will be replaced.
And let him live side by side, let him remain faithful to you, images of other women will live in his head. Let's not allow this, shall we?

Change writing styles. Today you are a romantic fairy, and tomorrow you are an insidious little thing.
Read love letters from both contemporaries and creative personalities of the past.
Yes, they used to write on paper, now with the help of a touchscreen, but the essence of the transmitted information remains.
Remember, vulgarity does not always excite, sometimes they start very chaste speeches, but with the right presentation.
And learn how to present a whole art that is worth learning.

Never discuss your correspondence with anyone other than your man. It's too personal.

Never write what you are not ready to do.
Never write about "acting", stage persona, etc. if you are not ready / will not be able to meet your man in it.
Deceive once and you will never again be able to attract his attention to you (of course, we do not take into account force majeure circumstances in the form of a flood, an earthquake and the unexpected appearance of distant relatives on the threshold of an apartment).

A man can also be turned on by the phrase “shoe cabinet” if you recently had passionate sex on it.
One lady had a crazy "lunch" in which the gearshift knob in the car was damaged.
Years have passed, but as soon as she says this phrase, and her man laughs, but becomes insanely passionate ...

In order to understand what to “put pressure on”, you need to know what your man likes.
What outfit, style, what part of the wardrobe excites, etc.
But don't overdo it.
For example, if a man goes crazy over stilettos, a photo of legs in shoes and a text message “they are waiting for you” can drive a man crazy, but only for the first time.
10 SUCH send SMS and you will not see any reaction ... (remember the rule about constant changes).

Also, a man is excited by the idea that his body is powerful and desirable.
Write about what you want to do for him (caresses, touches and even admire his body parts), write about what drives you crazy (again, lies are not welcome, but no one has canceled flattery).

Cunning, play, enjoy the fact that you are a woman! "Depraved" from the lips of a loved one sounds like a compliment!

Affectionate and exciting words for SMS to men in verse and in your own words

As we have already said, there are many phrases, phrases that seem to have nothing to do with intimacy. But great for stimulating sex.

Think back to the date on which you had your first sex, and specifically what was the background to sex. The meeting place, how he hugged, what he gave that day, etc.

For example, he hugged from the back, kissed the neck, and that was the beginning.
Write him an SMS: “I am now thinking about how you gently hugged me for the first time ...”. And that will be enough to get you on the same wavelength.

Men, like women, are very fond of affection and affectionate words. Do not think that your man is an exception.
SMS: “Your tender lips are the best morning gift”, “You have strong hands, but such soft hugs” and in this spirit will give not only passion, but also a deep sense of affection.

In addition to SMS, we recall that no one has canceled mini-notes.

Especially if you are packing food for him, things for training, or anything else with you. A sweet message will give him a great mood and a desire to quickly return to bed with his beloved.

love poems exciting poems tender poems

Regarding poetry, they are beautiful, but if you do not write them yourself, do not rely on them as much as you love to read rhyme.
But for diversity, they are also necessary. Below we give several options, but exciting rhymes are so numerous that they can be collected in multi-volume books.

Erotic SMS that excite a man, a guy in the distance: text

In this section, we provide a whole series of examples for writing erotic sms, but remember - they are for inspiration and nothing more!
If your man decides to respond with mutual SMS and starts searching the Internet for erotic SMS, after which he stumbles upon the one that his girlfriend seemed to sincerely write ... this will mean the failure of the operation. But we don't want that, do we?

Sexual SMS to excite a man, a guy

In continuation of the topic, we propose to add playful sexual SMS, the purpose of which is liberation. And not only men, but also you.

Offer to play a game in SMS, create a sexual quest (correctly answers an intimate question - receives the reward indicated in the SMS). So, the first SMS is a question, the second SMS is a reward and we are waiting for the correct answer!

Sexual SMS

It is also impossible to imagine a vibrant sex life without knowledge in this area. Look for interesting facts, ancient rituals, historical figures associated with sex, unusual names for seemingly familiar poses and write playful SMS.

For example: "We're going to the rodeo tonight." If you just started dating, he will remain at a loss. But if the quests are not the first time, he will buy a cowboy hat on the way home, and at work he will be distracted by searching Google for the “rodeo” pose.

In the age of the Internet, our SMS can contain not only text, but also photos .. intimate photos!
Photo upskirt in the office, the depth of the neckline against the background of the street, and for the most daring and the lack of underwear in a public place.
But remember, no underwear only works when it's shocking and exciting.
If your man knows that underwear is not your wardrobe item, it is unlikely to make the right impression.

Intimate exciting SMS for a man

Pleasant, exciting SMS to a guy when he is at work

So, we already know that it is not always worth behaving vulgarly. Sometimes it excites pleasantness, understanding and tender love. Write to your loved one:

  • I love (and body part, act, character trait)
  • You are the most (wonderful, delightful, kind) in the world!
  • You will succeed, because we are together!
  • I saw ... and remembered how wonderful you are with me!
  • Thank you for having me
  • I miss you, I'm waiting...
  • We have a surprise today
  • I was pleased with what you did for me
  • I need you forever!
  • This city needs a hero - this city needs you!

Are you sleeping in different places tonight? Don't miss out on this wonderful opportunity! After all, it is in separation that the true feeling is known.

Exciting SMS at night for a guy, a man - good night wishes in your own words

Write him a touching SMS:

  • The bed is cold without you...
  • My legs are aching without your caresses ...
  • Start with "Do you want me to tell you a secret?" and it will definitely turn into a sexual correspondence!
  • Sweet and perverse dreams to you!
  • Sweet dreams, I want to see you and me in my dream..

How much to excite a man through SMS?

Believe me, the most serious man can be knocked out with just one SMS, but!
If your man's work is connected with concentration, choose the time for such SMS in the process of finishing work and going home, at lunch, or in the morning.
If your man is reading a report and your life in the next n-years depends on it, you should not shoot him down with the most ardent SMS.

How to excite a man through SMS

But remember, for a strong effect, you need not just a call to action, you need aggression on your part.
For example, “Go to my office, I’m already there and I’m only wearing a fur coat”, “Your slave is waiting in the back seat: you’ll put it on or spank it”, or “Look in your jacket pocket, but not in a crowded place” and there are pre-invested fishnet panties . Etc.

Writing one SMS is a mine that can remain intact, or it can make an explosion.

Or rather passion. Below we present passionate sms skirmishes that will surely inspire you to exploits!

How to excite a man by correspondence: examples of SMS How to excite a man by correspondence: examples of SMS

Exciting SMS poems for a man

Rhyme, and even with humor, will never go out of fashion. We suggest not to miss the opportunity and pamper your beloved man with exciting and teasing SMS.

I want to tell a story that happened to me. My name is Lily. I am 26. Due to the circumstances (a divorce from my husband), I received a chic 2-storey house and a brand new car from my father. Having promised him to start an independent life, thinking carefully and deciding that I need to continue my studies, I enrolled in an English language school.

The private school was designed for businessmen, managers who need high-level English, so there was no one under the age of 20 in this school. It was located far from the city center and my house. I had to go there almost every day in my beloved BMW. I like to drive a car, not driving through the streets, but just enjoying the average speed and listening to music.

The first day of school was probably the busiest. Having chosen a place for myself at the first desk, I began to look at those present. Several young girls, a couple of married girls, three guys, a total of 12 people. Nicely. A pro will never recruit a class of 20 or more people. The most fruitful study takes place just in such small groups.

Classes started at 10 o'clock, but the teacher was not there. During this time, the class managed to get to know each other. Expectations and conversations were interrupted by a knock on the door.

Hello, sorry for being late on the first day of our training with you! The teacher's soft voice penetrated my ears, making me flinch.
- It's okay, there are terrible traffic jams on the roads due to snow!, - young girls like me squealed admiringly.

The teacher... Hmm... Now I understand why the girls fell silent when the teacher came in... Alexander Andreevich was young, perhaps a little older than me, tall, of pleasant build, and extraordinarily handsome in appearance.

As expected, at the beginning of the lesson, Alexander Andreevich gave the whole class an anonymous questionnaire. We wrote questions to the teacher on the sheets, and he promised to answer them. From the questionnaire, we learned that the teacher is not married and lives far from work. And the last thing that he is 32 years old is what I wanted to know.

The lessons were held according to a specially chosen program.
Alexander Andreevich, not sparing his time, conducted additional classes, diligently watching each of us. If during the lesson someone did not understand the topic, the teacher spoke in a more understandable language, chewing on each sentence. It seems to me that he loved his profession very much and tried to "get through" to everyone.

Girls, even married ones, were crazy about the teacher. Frankly, I was also a little intoxicated when the teacher was around. They tried to go to extra classes every day, went together to the school cafeteria, invited them to tea parties.
I didn’t run after the teacher like everyone else, the wound from parting with my husband had not yet healed in my soul ... Although, I tried very hard not to think about him anymore. I did not care. My goal was to be fluent in English.

Alexander Andreevich did not refuse tea, but he always kept his distance from those who were too persistent. Although, sometimes a young soul, full of unspent love, burst out, and the teacher allowed himself to joke and “taunt”, to drive even impenetrable girls into the paint.

A year has passed.

One day, on the day when I was lazy and I didn’t want anything but rest, without learning a lesson and oversleeping to all this, I rushed to class in a BMW. “MOCKINGBIRD” was playing, snow was falling, the mood was appropriate ...

When I arrived, I tried to slip quietly into my seat, but the teacher still saw me.

Lily, are you all right? You are just in time (he smiled slyly), yesterday I gave the task to translate the text, did you cope with the task?
- Alexander Andreevich, to be honest, I'm not ready at all.
- Looks like you're not the only one, half the class is unprepared. Was the task really that difficult? Well, okay, let's start with the text .., - the teacher said softly.
“Alexander Andreevich, what a sexy voice you have!” the girls squealed.
- Let's see, according to the results of the lesson, I will charm you or not! , the teacher whispered more erotically.

I quietly laughed at these jokes. The lesson was intense, interesting, however, as always. After completing classes and additional, everyone began to disperse. Even those who always stayed up late hurried home. At 5 p.m., it gradually began to darken outside the window. Great sleepy weather. The girls fled, leaving me and the teacher in the classroom.

Lily!?, the teacher called me.

I started. ... hurry to a warm bed ...

Lily, have you forgotten your request?
- Oh yes! Of course. I asked you to explain some words to me. Sorry.
- Nothing, I will not delay for a long time, please stay for another hour and I will let you go.
- Good...

Alexander Andreevich smiled, looking at me. Approaching the front door, he looked around and asked:

So that we don't get disturbed, shall I close the door?
- Ah..? Mm.. Yes, yes, please.

I was confused... Is something wrong? Maybe he always closes the doors?

We parsed the phrase. The teacher sat opposite me at the desk. Every feature of the face, every crease was presented to my gaze. “What a handsome man,” I mentally noted. Sometimes I made mistakes in writing, he took my hand in his and wrote to her, terribly embarrassing me with this. My hands were trembling, I tried to concentrate on writing, but it was difficult. A couple of times I dropped the pen on the floor. At these moments, the teacher bent down to pick it up and our heads sometimes touched.

An hour has passed. After saying goodbye to the teacher, I got into the car. Hands gripped the steering wheel painfully, head fell on them. I was trembling from an overabundance of feelings, my heart was beating furiously in my chest... I started crying...

Hurry home, hurry home...

The next day, I called the school and said that I would only come for extra classes in the late afternoon. This day was devoted only to himself. Massage, delicious tea and "doing nothing". At 4 o'clock I went to school.

As I thought, no one was there. Is it just a few teachers and Alexander Andreevich.

Hello, I sang cheerfully.
- Lily, it's great that you came, let's work out?, - the teacher, standing up, approached me.
- With pleasure.
- Sit down at the desk, please.
- Oh, right off the bat English?

I removed the thread from the teacher's jacket.

Fine, Alexander... Oh, sorry, Alexander Andreevich...

The teacher looked at me carefully, smiling slightly. Gentle smile... What a gentle smile he has!

Lily, and you are caring ..., - he said quietly.
“Hmm, sometimes,” I smiled.

A couple of hours of classes brought me to my senses. The heart was calm. The teacher, after a while, asked me to write a couple of sentences on the blackboard and try to translate them.

You can approximately, the main thing is that you must understand the meaning of the sentence.

He stood next to me and bored with his eyes, from which I gradually began to melt. “Master will not be able to embarrass me! I'm not strong, but because of this look, I won't squeal like others. He's not looking at me! He does not look at me, but at what I write, ”I mentally told myself.

Lily, you're a tough nut to crack, the teacher whispered, making my heart beat faster and faster.

Soooo, you decided to check me?! Want to be embarrassed? I'll show you the checks now! I got angry.

No, Sashenka, from a look like yours I melt, - turning to the teacher and coming very close to him, looking into his eyes, I whispered languidly.

His lips parted, his cheeks flushed slightly. Our faces were very close, it was worth bending over slightly, stretching out our lips, and we would have kissed.

I succeeded! He was terribly embarrassed! (I mentally rejoiced) Suddenly, the teacher bowed his head slightly, and it seemed to me for a moment that he decided to kiss me. Can not be! I do not believe! Fear appeared on my face.

Alexander Andreevich tightly squeezed my waist and, slightly pushing me away from him, said hoarsely:

Lily, me too...

We both stood paralyzed for a few seconds and just looked at each other. Our bodies and hearts burned hot.

Hmm, oh, I'm sorry, let's continue to study, - hastily pulling away from me, the teacher said firmly.
- Let's ... I translated the phrase, but to no avail, help, pliz!
- Necessarily!

The teacher stood behind me and took my hand with the chalk in his. (hell, again I'm embarrassed by his behavior) A strong hot hand and my pliable ... I felt the heat of his body through my thin jumper.

Lily, I can hear your heart beating, what happened? the teacher whispered next to my ear. (Oh my god, what's going on.. What's wrong with me?! Lily, pull yourself together! The girls were 100% right, he has a sexy voice. I'm completely wet already!)
"It's just the weather..." I said slowly, not turning to face him.
“Lily, I want you to go to extra lessons more often,” the teacher asked.
- Good.

Arriving home, I fell on the bed in clothes and fell asleep for the first time in six months ...

The next morning I was awakened by a knock on the door.
--- Who came this early? - I was angry, getting dressed on the go ... - Especially on Sunday! Or maybe it's the former, but today is my birthday ... I found the time, damn it, - I remembered.
Without looking at the intercom, I went down the hall and opened the door.
On the threshold stood Alexander Andreevich with a huge bouquet of white roses.
--- Al...? Alexan..., - I was in shock.
--- Happy birthday, Lily! You look great! (the teacher stared at me with his eyes wide open and stumbling)
I looked where the teacher was looking and was taken aback. Sleepy, in spite of myself, I put on only a transparent shirt of soft pink color, slightly covering my ass. My hair, uncombed, flowed over my chest and shoulders. Her lips burned with sleep and were crimson in color. I was like a sexy, horny bitch who had sex all night. And in this form I appeared before the teacher. Yes, any man will light up one place when he sees this !!!
Alexander Andreevich took a deep breath and closed his eyes.
--- I'm sorry, I'm not watching .... Although I would very much like to, - he joked, trying to get me out of my stupor.
--- Open your eyes and pass, - I smiled. You have already seen me, now it is too late to close your eyes.
--- If I open my eyes and look at you again, I will have to be resuscitated, he continued to joke.
--- Don't worry, it's natural.
The teacher went into the room, and I ran to the shower. Coming out of it, I saw Alexander Andreevich sitting on the floor with a magazine and a cop with whiskey.
He looked great, like from the cover of a fashionable men's magazine.
I sat next to him.
--- Do you like men's magazines?, asked A.A.
--- Ah, these... - I nodded at the pile lying on the table. - This is left from my ex-husband, but I don’t want to stop the subscription.
--- Do you still have feelings? I'm sorry, it's probably none of my business.
--- Thank you... Almost everything burned out.
--- Lily, if you don't mind, let's go to the sea, - the teacher tactfully translated the conversation.
--- Yes!! I have not been to the sea for a long time! Especially in winter!!!, - I happily agreed.
--- And then to a restaurant, to a disco or wherever you want, I want you to remember your birthday for the rest of your life.
--- Oh, I'll remember it, even the morning event is enough
--- Ahh .... That's right, I - I definitely won't forget. We laughed together.
I knelt down in front of him.
--- Whiskey?
--- Yes...
--- Who will drive the car?
--- You
--- Haa?? I AM?? On your birthday??!! HM...
I pouted my lips. The teacher put the magazine aside and sat even closer to me. He took his kopp and brought it close to my lips.
--- Drink
--- Eh?? I'll drive the car! - I said sarcastically.
--- Drink, Lily, please, - he whispered sexy.
--- Not
--- You will not? Here's how ... I came with a driver, he would take us ....
--- Why didn't you say that earlier!?
"Well…" he drawled, smiling.
--- Alexander Andreevich, you... you... I have no words! - I exploded.
--- Senks
We went to the club.
Dr was amazing ... At the disco, when they put on a romantic tune, he hugged me tightly and I felt his body. Intoxicated, we sometimes did stupid things, flirted with each other; in the dance, as if inadvertently, our lips touched ... But it didn’t come to kisses. By evening the teacher let the driver go and we went to my house. In the car, I got a little sick and I fell asleep. I woke up from the fact that Alexander Andreevich was taking off my outer clothes. I was already at home.
--- Oh, sorry, I fell asleep...
"Nothing," he gently reassured me. I didn't want to wake you up.
He covered me with a blanket and I fell asleep again.
When I woke up, there was no one around. Dream? The room was cleaned as if there was no dr...
I looked at the table. No, this is not a dream. There were still white roses on the table, and among them, in the very center ...... one bright red rose was visible ...
Staring at the rose, I tried to understand when the teacher managed to buy it and its meaning.
Happy A.A. I called and asked how I was feeling, apologized for my behavior, although I was happy, glad. He gave me the most unforgettable DR.

A mounth later.
--- Lily, Lily, - a friend ran into the toilet, where I stood and combed my hair.
Today my friends and I were going to go for a walk after class.
--- What's happened?
--- Thee A.A. urgently asked to come. Did you do something?
--- Of course not. Strange ... We'll have to postpone our campaign.
--- Hee hee, It's worth it! In my opinion, he "glues" you
--- Well, yes, of course.. Hehe. Till!
--- Bye, - a friend slapped me on the shoulder and ran away ...
I wonder what he wants from me? Oh no! Just not classes! I do not want
practice today....
I slowly went up to the second floor, walked along a quiet corridor and opened the familiar door.
--- Alexander Andreevich, did you call me? - I quietly asked.
There was silence in the class. The teacher sat on the penultimate desk with his head in his hands.
"Asleep?" I thought.
Sitting in front of him and putting my hands on his desk, I began to look at him ...
Teacher abruptly raised his head, thus frightening me, grabbed my hands and squeezed them with his hands. I was in captivity! Crying out, I wanted to free my hands, but in vain, he held them tightly.
--- Let me go!
--- Oh, I'm sorry, it's probably from a dream, - the teacher unclenched his fingers. Did it hurt!?
--- You scared me, I said smiling
--- Please forgive me. So, about your test... I noticed that you are not very good at making up stories. If you don't mind, we could fix it now. That's not difficult...
--- Today?!!
---Yes, do you have other plans?
--- Fmm... Not anymore. I just don't want to sit in a cold classroom and study... I don't feel well....
--- What do you suggest?
I had an idea, if only the teacher would agree ....
--- At home...
--- ?
--- If you don't mind, we'll go to my house and you explain everything to me...
--- Fmm... I don't mind, of course. Maybe you'll relax and get more into the subject... Okay... Just promise me a hot cup of coffee?
--- Of course! - I was glad that he agreed. At least I'll get some rest.
--- By the way, park your car in the school parking lot, we'll drive mine.
--- Good.
The teacher, having warned the director about homework and having received consent, went down to the wardrobe, where I was already picking up clothes.
--- Everything is fine! They agreed ... Let me help you ...
--- Thank you, - the teacher carefully threw a fur coat over me ...
I looked a little embarrassed when I met my eyes. I haven't forgotten how we spent my birthday.
We left the school. Snow... I'm so tired today. Throwing back my head and closing my eyes, I enjoyed the frost and falling snowflakes on my face.
--- The Snow Queen?! Let's go, - the teacher saying this, gently touched the tip of my nose.
--- Thank you, I've become such a lazy person...
He smiled back, opened the car door and put me in the car.
The car purred softly and I dozed off to the sound of it.
--- Lily..., - teacher's gentle voice woke me up.
Opening my eyes, I saw the face of Alexander Andreevich, who bent over me. His cheeks were burning, his heart was beating frantically..
--- Lily... I...
His lips are slightly parted, as if waiting...
--- Alexander Andreevich .... - I plunged into his spell, my head was foggy.
--- Please... kiss me... - what am I saying!... The words popped out on their own. The body went limp.
He removed the lock from my forehead and gently touched his lips to it ... Oh, God, a flame flared up in me from his kiss!
--- I'll be right back, I need to take a couple of books with me. Wait a little bit.
It turns out that while I was dozing, he first drove to his house.
Emotions sucked the last strength out of me. What's this? What relationships? Teacher with student? Mmm... Man and woman? It looks like, but something is missing... No...
My head was spinning and I again, imperceptibly, fell asleep.
The teacher returned with the books, threw my seat back and covered my legs with a blanket.
--- Lily! Wake up, we have arrived, - the teacher gently touched my cheek with his hand. Seeing that I did not open my eyes, he began to stroke my hair, lightly tugging at it.
Under the gaze of the teacher, I stretched sweetly.
Arriving home, I asked the teacher to make me feel at home, and I myself went to take a bath.
After 10 minutes, Alexander Andreevich knocked on the bathroom door.
--- Lily, I hope you haven't sailed far?, - the teacher joked.
--- Haha. I can't swim... By the way, can you teach me?
--- Mmm, I need to think. By the way, it's already nine o'clock in the evening. Let's get out and get busy.
--- Would you like to rub my back?
--- Lily, don't joke with me like that.
--- Tell me honestly, do you want it or not?, I insisted. I really wanted to know what he thinks at the moment and what he wants.
--- Come out - I'll tell you.
--- Alexander Andreevich! What a trickster you are! - I was offended.
--- Lily, don't be naughty.
After the shower, I put on a short skirt and shirt. The house was very warm, even hot.
--- Alexander Andreevich, you can also go to the shower. After work, I probably really want to take a bath and drink coffee .....
--- Lily, if you don't mind, I would really like to do it, - he was delighted.
An hour later we drank coffee and ate the chicken I cooked.
I gave him a robe after a shower and for the first time I saw his powerful chest. I really wanted to touch this beauty.
--- Alexander Andreevich, - I came close to him, - can I touch it?
In response, he took my hand in his and placed it against his chest. I felt his breathing quicken and his heart pounding in his chest.
--- So warm ..., at my words, he took a deep breath and ran my hand along his chest to his stomach. I winced, and he squeezed my hand even tighter. There was a storm under his robe.
Twilight, subdued light, light music aroused a woman in me, I wanted him here and now and was ready to pounce on him myself, like a hungry animal. But I did not understand and did not know Alexander Andreevich's thoughts. He came to practice and offered it several times. No, you need to get all the vulgar and intimate thoughts out of your head. I screw myself....
--- Lily, what's the matter with you, I'm calling you, and you seem to be hovering somewhere, - the teacher lightly patted me on the shoulder.
--- Well, sit down at the table, - the teacher seated me, laid out books and notebooks.
--- So, it is necessary to do something else with your hair.
The teacher took a crab and a comb lying on the table, came up behind me and began to carefully comb my hair.
--- Alexander Andree .... vi .....
--- Doesn't it hurt?
--- No, I'm very pleased
Putting down the comb, he wrapped his arms around my shoulders, bent down to my ear and softly, sexy whispered, "Lily." The body again felt a strong weakness, the head was spinning. He saw how I closed my eyes, enjoyed and tightened my grip on my shoulders.
Alexander Andreevich, touching his neck with his fingers, stabbed his hair with a crab.
Having worked out and feeling very tired, we decided to drink a little cognac to raise our strength.
--- Alexander Andreevich, I wanted to say that you have an amazing body.
--- Ha ha, thank you very much, do you like it?
--- So much so that I want to see him again.
---, - the teacher said slowly.
We were already sitting in the living room, glasses and coppas with alcohol were on the carpet. The teacher was sitting leaning on the sofa, and I was kneeling next to him. He bared his torso to the waist.
--- What do you say, dear Lily, - he whispered in a languid voice.
--- I have nothing to say.... All I want to do is touch it again.
When I bent down to feel his chest, the teacher reached out and unhooked the crab. My hair fell on his chest, flowing in waves along it.
--- Lily, you look......amazing, - he whispered in a voice hoarse with excitement.
Raising my eyelids, I looked with interest and whispered:
--- You too...
Intuition did not disappoint, deciding to go to the end and not miss the moment, I began to attack.
--- Can I ask you... to give me a massage?
--- Dear Lily, of course; I completely tortured you with my studies, - the teacher took me by the hand and took me to the bedroom. He sat down on the wide bed and leaned back against the pillows.
---Come here, sit facing me... like this... Lay your head on my shoulder. And my feet. Sit closer, don't be afraid, - the teacher, taking me by the shoulders, pulled me to him.
--- I'm not afraid.... I'm just...
--- What? Tell me, - he took my chin, again our faces were very close for a kiss. The teacher was very gentle in everything.
--- I... I can't...
--- In principle, I understand... Lily... answer me one question... Honestly, what do you feel next to me now? The answer is required.
--- Now I feel... arousal, shame, confusion, desire...
--- You have a storm of emotions in your soul! - the teacher ran his hand over my cheek. – Now I will fix it, my massage will calm you down.
--- Your hands do not let me calm down... They are too gentle..
--- Your body is too sensual, - affectionately cut off the teacher.
I rested my head on his shoulder and thought. "No, it's impossible to calm me down"
Teacher brushed my hair off my back and pulled my shirt off my shoulders. Grabbing my waist with both hands, he pulled me towards him. There was nothing under the clothes, and when he felt it, he was even more aroused. His hot body began to inflame again, with my thighs I felt his "dick". And my skirt separated my pussy from his cock.
--- How risky it all is..., - I whispered
--- ......
He gently pressed his chest against mine, feeling its elasticity. He massaged my neck and back with his hands.
--- Lily...
--- ...MMM?
--- I have a wish?
--- Yes, you won it from me, do you want something?
--- Yeah..... But I can't...
--- Why?
--- My work, duty, etc. me...
--- Stop? It seems that you have a storm in your soul. We are adults, decide on your desires and act, bring them to life. Even if you make a mistake, you will know the answer.
--- What same you smart girl, Lily.
I looked at him and we smiled at each other. The sparks emanating from him began to mix with mine.
--- If you don't mind, let's sleep, - the teacher stretched.
--- Yes! I'm so...tired too. Where to put you, - I looked at him inquiringly.
The teacher raised an eyebrow. “We are adults ...” my own words flashed through my head. The question was silently resolved. He lay down on the bed and I lay down next to him. Before that, I put on a T-shirt on the body.
--- Lily, can I have a small request?
--- What? - I lay down on my stomach and began to look at the teacher.
--- Call me by my name, - the teacher also lay down on his stomach.
--- Well, Alexander Andreev ..
--- Sasha, - he smiled and touched my nose.
“Yeah…” I whispered with a smile.
We soon fell asleep. At night I woke up, the teacher slept peacefully next to me, his hand lay on my stomach. He hugged me in my dream. I began to look at him, with courage and not being afraid that he would wake up. And then a thought flashed through my mind. I can make one wish come true! Risking nothing! Fine. I freed myself from his embrace, carelessly gathered my hair with something. In a dream, the teacher rolled over on his back ...
And I thought, "You're great... But... What kind of relationship do we have? It becomes not clear to me. It's not a relationship between a teacher and a student, but it's not a relationship between a man and a woman either. They are more like kindred tender. We need to stop them and put them on another level. But as long as there is a chance... I will secretly change them from you. Like a workout. When I calm down a little... I will accept all your tenderness and warmth from you. And wait for the development of relations. The urge to kiss him grew...
I leaned over the teacher, his lips parted in my sleep and gave even more chances. --- Sasha..., - closing my eyes, I gently kissed him on the lips. For a few seconds my lips didn't move. I enjoyed the softness and warmth of Sasha's lips. When I woke up, I kissed him again on the edge of his mouth.
--- Oh, who's being naughty here, - with these words, the teacher abruptly grabbed my shoulders, turned me over on my back, crushing me to the bed with his magnificent body. I definitely couldn't move.
--- Well, tell me... what were you doing here while I was sleeping?, - the teacher grinned slyly.
--- Let go, I'll tell you.
--- No, dear Lily, this time I'm not going to let you go.
--- Then I will be silent, - in my heart I rejoiced at this development of the situation.
--- But let's see, - and with these words, Alexander Andreevich, unexpectedly for me, dug his lips into my lips.
A wave of excitement pierced my body and I moaned plaintively. The kiss lasted a few seconds. Then he kissed me again, slightly parting my lips with his tongue.
--- Did you want this? Yes?..., - he gently touched his lips to my cheek.
--- I have long asked you to kiss .... me.
--- I remember in the car.... I restrained myself from this desire, because my work and the agreement not to make any connections with the students were the main ones. But... you can't forbid feelings with any paper. Every day, at every lesson, my thoughts were only about you, about your lips...
My heart began to beat faster, the teacher spoke about his feelings! I didn't believe my ears. The words I dreamed and thought about...
--- Lily...
--- What!?, - I raised an eyebrow in interest, speaking languidly.
--- I'll tell you later...
--- After what?, - the teacher freed my hands and I wrapped them around his back.
I felt his excited cock began to rest between my thighs.
--- After I eat you
The teacher turned out to be a very passionate, hot man. In terms of sex. But in life he is calm and serious. I am happy, and my friend was shocked by my story, especially from the end. In principle, neither did I, although ... we were drunk and wanted each other terribly.
These are the things that happened to me.
Now we are married and in a week we will have a baby. By the way, we signed the day after the bed "war".
Happiness is really close to us, you just need to look around...