How to make the transition of colors on the nails. How to quickly make a smooth color transition in Photoshop - a detailed step-by-step instruction

The desire to be different from others pushes creative people to create creative solutions that appeal to many world designers. A color transition manicure is called a gradient or ombre, a fashion for which quickly spread among nail artists. It uses several varnish colors. The ombre effect looks very original and versatile. Learn to do this nail art yourself at home, and you will not regret it.

Features of gradient manicure

Nail art with an ombre effect is not difficult to do yourself. Its peculiarity is versatility, because several colors at once will suit more clothes, and not just one set. Depending on the season, choose suitable tones and shades, then the result will not look boring and thematically suitable. It is difficult to miscalculate with the choice of the palette, but it is better to study the ideal combinations that will suit your taste.

Before a manicure, you should put your fingers in order. You will need an orange stick, nail scissors, wire cutters, nail file. In Europe, the technique of gentle nail art is more often used, when the cuticle only moves away, without cutting. If you like this method, then you will limit yourself to an orange stick at this stage. Use nippers to cut the nails to the desired shape, and file the sharp corners with a nail file so as not to hurt or break the plate. After finishing the processing procedure, proceed to the choice of colors.

With a monochrome combination of manicure, staining occurs with two varnishes with a change in tone. Example: from blue to light blue (white is gradually added to the first color, changing the shade) or from bright crimson to delicate pink (by the same method). Such a manicure emphasizes a gentle, romantic image or a catchy eccentric one. If related combinations are selected, the gradient is made with varnishes, which are located next to each other in the color palette. Examples of combination: bright yellow and orange, deep blue and sky blue, dark purple and scarlet, fiery orange and red.

The most daring combination of manicure is a contrasting gradient. Examples of combinations: sunny yellow and lilac, deep blue and orange, purple and emerald green, blue and pink. Combinations come in warm, cold, bright hot shades. Experiment by combining light and dark colors, pastels and rich palettes. A two-tone manicure in contrasting colors will suit any mood, style or event, as long as you express your desire correctly.

Another festive combination of manicure is varnish and glitter with sparkles. Whether or not the combination rules belong to them is up to you. Here, rather, you need to build on the festive outfit that you will be wearing, and makeup. A dark, evening dress with red lipstick inspires bright scarlet varnish and purple or blue sequins. If you are a bride and have a wedding ahead of you, then white and silver glitter is the perfect combination for a manicure.

How to paint nails with a color transition master class

If you decide on bold experiments with manicure at home, you need to familiarize yourself with master classes on painting nails with a gradient effect. There are two styles of varnish application - painting with a brush or with a sponge. Everyone chooses for himself what is best. Having mastered this technique, the masters offer not only two-tone options, but also a three-color ombre manicure. Colors are selected from the same palette according to the principles described above.


For a manicure, you need a gradient:

  • several colors of varnishes from the same manufacturer or of the same density;
  • a sponge cut into a couple of pieces;
  • transparent fixer;
  • liquid for removing manicure;
  • cotton buds;
  • palette (regular glass or flat surface that does not absorb liquid);
  • fat cream.

Application steps:

  1. Lubricate the fingers in the areas close to the marigolds with a fat cream. Then the oversights of the manicure will be easier to remove.
  2. After choosing the main color of the polish, apply it to all nails. This is provided that the same gradient manicure is everywhere.
  3. Take a mixing palette, mix 2 or 3 shades so that this extended drop is about the length of your nail. Use a toothpick or needle to mix the varnishes at the point where they touch.
  4. Take a sponge, not much wider than your nail. Soak it in varnish.
  5. Make a print on your nail. The light color should be closer to the cuticle, the dark color at the tips. This technique in manicure visually stretches the fingers. If you do the opposite, you get the opposite effect.
  6. Wait for it to dry and repeat the procedure.
  7. Use a stick with nail polish remover to remove excess from your fingers.
  8. Apply glossy fixer. The manicure is ready!
  9. A little secret: if you use the applicator instead of a sponge, there will be almost no polish marks on your fingers.


This method is suitable for those who have already got the hang of the gradient manicure technique. Its plus is that an ombre effect of 3 or more colors is possible. On a sponge, this gradient will not look so clear. The disadvantage of manicure with a brush is only in the cost of time and patience. If you want a five-color gradient, you have to manually extrude each joint. The presence of gel varnishes and an ultraviolet lamp greatly simplifies the task.

You will need everything the same as for a manicure with a sponge, only instead of it - a brush. If you have gel polishes, start applying the base, and then the color variations:

  1. Using a light shade, paint on half of all nails from the cuticle to the middle of the nail.
  2. With another, use a dark color to go from the ends to the joining point.
  3. Take a zero brush, needle or toothpick and make vertical streaks at the point of contact. It is important to exercise them while they are still wet.
  4. Repeat the procedure again. You will certainly get a smooth transition from one color to another.

Video: how to make a gradient manicure with a transition

A detailed master class on gradient manicure in white and blue - what do you need? Watch the video to master the intricacies of applying varnish. In the video tutorial, the main tool is a sponge. In any case, there will be stains on her fingers from her, but this should not scare you away from this bright idea. A small hint - if you touch more than necessary with a cotton swab, then take a thin brush, dip it in the color of the varnish near the cuticle, draw a thin line.

Manicure video tutorial with a color transition with a sponge

If you are interested in a three-color gradient nail art, but do not yet know how to bring it to life, then the video tutorial below is for you. Foil is used as a palette, a sponge is used as a tool. The application procedure is repeated 2 times. As a result, you get a delicate manicure of yellow-green-blue color, which is suitable for warm seasons for any event. Try to embody this nail art.

Photo of nail design with color transition 2019

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Good day, dear readers. Today I decided to prove to you that the best way to learn theory is in practice. Even if you are a beginner, in literally an hour you can achieve a good result without understanding anything in Photoshop! Look, this picture was created purely with gradients. They are applied to different elements and in different variations.

If you read this article to the end, you will not only learn how to make a smooth color transition in Photoshop, but also apply this knowledge in practice in relation to text, a figure, create beautiful flickering rhombuses and much more.

I have already made this picture. If you want, then you can create yourself exactly the same, or maybe even better, but I will teach you in a different example. Which one? Find out at the end of the article. I will draw with you and describe the process in parallel, I myself do not yet know what I will succeed in. Thanks to this, I will be able to see what problems you may encounter and help resolve them.

Basic knowledge and one secret of always winning option

So, first we need to open Photoshop. I highly recommend you download this program ( you can buy the licensed version here ). You will never find better than her. If you are afraid that you will not master it and will waste your money, completely forgetting about the program after the first attempt, you can try the online service ... It is much more convenient to have your own program and very soon you will understand why.

This is what the 2015 version of Photoshop looks like, if you have a different edition then don't worry. Everything will be about the same. You have slightly fewer options and this is the only difference.

Create a new document.

Choosing a size is one of the most difficult questions for me. As a basis, I took the maximum image size for a post on social networks. 800x500, but, as you understand, this is not the point. It all depends on the goals and tasks that you are going to perform with Photoshop.

Look, the panel on the right contains all the main buttons, including the gradient. However, it cannot be found now. How so? I myself ran into this problem when I started learning how to work with Photoshop. You read an article, and half of the information you have to look for in third-party sources. Google, Google, Google.

Forgive me a very smart reader, who knows everything very well for small deviations from the topic. I want all blog visitors to be able to work on my lessons. Perhaps someday it will be very useful for you. Saves you a lot of time.

In the lower right corner of almost every button, except for the magnifying glass, there is something like an arrow. This indicates that there are several tools hidden in the button.

Hold the left mouse button on the button for a few seconds to open an additional menu and select a gradient.

Another additional menu opened at the top. It is used exclusively for gradients. Poke at the text - a special text menu will open at the top, a brush and ... well, you get the idea.

Click on the arrow next to the color icon. This is where standard transitions or those you downloaded are stored.

If you do not consider yourself a design genius, then I recommend that you download free templates from the Internet. There are plenty of them. Firstly, it saves time, and secondly, several similar options, as a rule, are combined into a theme created in the same style. this can be easily applied to one picture and it will almost always look good.

Installing new templates is no problem. Download them from the Internet then select the nut in the upper right corner and find the link "Download ...".

Select a folder with downloaded files on your computer and save.

They will be added to the bottom of the list.


Now let's learn how to fill. Choose any option you like (we will move on to creation a little later) and click on it. At any place on the screen, hold down the left mouse button and move in any direction. The location of the color transition depends on it.

See the difference.

You can twirl anywhere.

To prevent the movement of your line from shifting and the gradient from blurring, hold down the Shift key while setting the direction.

You see, the color transition is now in the center. We'll take a closer look at the settings when creating our own gradient. Now I will only talk about the center offset. We click on this plate.

Grab the color below with the left mouse button and move it to the left or right.

Here's what I ended up with.

How to apply a gradient to text to make letters look modern

Now let's write something. We select the corresponding button.

If you need to change the size or the font itself, pay attention to the panel at the top of the screen. Everything is simple there.

Now press Ctrl and simultaneously click on the icon of the new text layer. Be careful, you need to click not on the text, but on the rectangle, as shown in the screenshot below.

Now let's create a new layer. There are three options for solving the problem: we simultaneously hold down Shift, ctrl, N; use the panel on top, find there "Layer - new - create"; use the button in the quick menu on the right. In the picture below, I showed it with an arrow.

Now, to remove the highlighting at the edges of the letters, you can poke on the selection, and then click on any part of the picture. You get the following result.

The work with the text does not end there. Look, we have 2 layers: one with a gradient, and the second with letters. Why did it happen there? I will explain as I can. Write in the comments if it's not clear. You wrote the text. Photoshop realized that these were letters and even suggested that you enlarge them, reduce them, change the font, and so on.

Then you have selected this piece. We created a new layer, if we draw an analogy, cut out a stencil from paper and filled it. At this point, Photoshop got lost. He stopped seeing your letters. For him, it is just a part of some picture, like a rhombus, square or circle in the carved center. If you go to work with the letters on a layer, you will fail, if you want to apply a gradient to the text - the same thing.

If now you decide to move the text somewhere and you climb into the corresponding section, and then start moving the arrow, then everything will move out.

We are removing the text layer to avoid confusion. Click on it with the right mouse button and select the desired option.

Gradient views, shape fills, and asterisks

If you paid attention to the gradient bar on top, you might find that they are different: linear, radial, angular, mirror or diamond-shaped. It is not difficult to see the differences, for this it is not necessary to read the articles, you just open a blank sheet and try to apply one or another option. See what happened.

The only thing worth noting is that if you want to see the perfect result, like in my picture, the arrow needs to be directed from the center.

Now let's get back to our picture. Let me teach you one interesting trick. Color transitions can be used within the shapes that you draw. This is very useful, especially for those who are going to build websites.

So, choose a rectangle or a circle. It does not matter.

Now the fill color.

Go to the gradients section.

We need a rhombus here.

You see, this is an interesting effect, but the white color spoils everything. We need transparent. Can be found inside templates. If you see such a grid inside the template, then this is what we need.

Play around with the settings and you will have your ideal one.

Now let's clone this flash. Choosing a move. Just click on the button.

Now hold down alt and drag the duplicate to the side.

I got the following result.

How to create a new gradient and buttons for websites

And finally, I'll tell you how to create gradients from scratch myself, and at the same time figure out their settings. Let's create a nice button? I will add a rectangle with rounded edges to my picture.

This is how it looks. This time we will not use the inner fill. It is not very convenient to work with a new template through it. Let it be just black for now.

Select the familiar tool and click on the plate.

New gradients are based on old ones. Click on any. The old version will not disappear anywhere. Then just come up with a new name for it and save it.

The upper control points control the transparency levels.

With the help of the lower ones, work with color is carried out. To expand the range, click next to any point and it will be duplicated.

You can create as many as you like.

To make the transition look modern, you need to smooth out the colors. Do not touch this indicator and everything will be ok. It should be 100%. Done. You can click on "OK" or "Save" - \u200b\u200bit all depends on your desire.

Now we repeat what we have already done recently with the text. Hold down ctrl, click on the button of the desired style in the center and create a new one based on it.

Now we add a transition and voila.

Add text to the button and that's it. It is not clear why the necessary contraption is finished. By the way, you can download my source if you like ( Download gradient.psd source ). You can open it in Photoshop and enhance my picture. I think it won't be difficult.

That's it. You now know quite a bit about gradients. If you are a designer, layout designer, site creator or want to become one, and this lesson was really useful for you - subscribe to the newsletter and learn more about what interests you. You can also pay attention to this site: ... Here you can find tons of both paid and free courses that will teach you real, professional work with Photoshop.

Good luck and see you soon.

Ombre wall painting is very popular in modern interior design, while the room takes on a unique character and looks quite impressive. An important factor is that painting with a transition is possible with your own hands, for this you need to follow the recommendations for performing this type of work.

Ombre on the walls means a smooth transition from one color to another, without specifying clear boundaries. At the same time, transitions can be used not only on the walls, but also in the decoration of furniture, the color scheme of curtains and other interior elements. When coloring with a transition, it is possible to visually enlarge the space, boldly combining all kinds of shades.

In order to clearly know and understand how to paint with a transition, it should be borne in mind that the application can be performed horizontally, vertically, diagonally, and painting can also be of a divergent or mixed type. The transitions themselves can be made both smooth and quite sharp.

Color combination

For the ombre technique, 2-3 colors or more are chosen, depending on which combination is supposed to be recreated on the wall. Regardless of which shade you choose, it is important that all subsequent ones are combined with it. If a subtle transition is made, it is better to use close shades or neutrals. Some people prefer sharp transitions of completely different and contrasting colors, which will make it possible to revive and fill any interior with colors.

You can pick up several shades and paint the walls with them, for example, one plane will be blue, the other gray, etc. White is often added to the painted surface to make the overall range more expressive.

Possible effects

Depending on the placement of light and dark areas on the surface, you can achieve the following effects:

  • Darken the bottom and lighten the top of the wall - the ability to vertically increase the space, the ceiling seems higher, and the floor is powerful and reliable.

  • Darkening the top - visual expansion of the room. The boundaries of the walls and floor are slightly blurred, especially if the flooring is made in light colors.

  • Darken the corners and lighten the wall in the middle - the room is noticeably rounded and visually narrowed. The interior acquires contrast and relief lines.

  • Lightening of corners and zones near windows with darkening of walls in the middle - there is a visual expansion of the room, while the room becomes brighter and more positive.

  • Diagonal or wavy - smoothing of straight lines and angles is observed, the room acquires more dynamics.
  • Spot with a transition in different directions - can be used to repair a small area of \u200b\u200bdecoration, as a result, the boundaries of this zone become less noticeable.

Painting the walls with a gradient is a rather complex technique, so the services of professionals will be quite expensive. However, you can make an ombre with your own hands, a special application technique will help you do the job without additional help.

On the video: original painting of the walls.

Surface preparation

Before painting on the wall, you need to clean the surface. Old finishes should be removed using special fluids. Wallpaper can be softened with water and peeled off with a spatula. After that, it is important to remove all irregularities from the surface. For this, putties and plasters are used. Before and after the putty, a layer of primer is applied, which increases adhesion and facilitates the process of applying the paint of the selected color.

If you choose staining for striped ombre, you must first apply the markings. This is done with a pencil and a long ruler. Then masking tape is glued to the marking, which will ensure the evenness of the painting and make the transition in the desired zone.

When choosing colors, it is important to consider the functional purpose of the room. For a nursery, it is better to choose soft and light colors. The playroom will stand out well with the three-color painting technique. If we talk about the bedroom, calm tones are preferable, creating an atmosphere of warmth and tranquility. But for the kitchen, a combination of bright colors - orange, light green, pink, etc.

How to paint walls (step by step instructions)

Today, the most popular coloring is horizontal ombre, which allows you to achieve a unique and beautiful interior design. You can make a smooth transition from one tone to another using a regular roller or brush. However, in this case, it will be necessary to polish the places of the shade transition, which takes a lot of time and effort.

A better result will be obtained if you use a spray gun. The device has the function of adjusting the intensity of the paint supply, which will create a natural, lighter tone in the desired area.

The ombre is performed in several steps:

  1. The base color paint must be diluted with a viscometer to the desired consistency. In the same way, white paint of the same brand is diluted.
  2. Next, you need to mix color and white paints to get the lightest desired tone. The resulting composition is poured into a spray gun, after which the entire wall area is painted. This is the base color.
  3. The spray gun is thoroughly washed, after which unlit paint should be poured into it and the composition should be applied to the lower part of the wall.
  4. After flushing, the device is filled with lighter paint. Before carrying out work, it is better to choose the desired tone using ordinary cardboard and adjusting the paint supply or changing the distance of the sprayer relative to the wall. When painting, a light strip is applied to a darker layer up to half its height.
  5. The last strip is applied in the same way. The paint should be slightly darker than the base shade. To smooth the boundaries, the spray nozzle must be moved away from the surface to a suitable distance.

If there is no spray gun, and only a paint roller is at hand - it does not matter! You can perform gradient coloring according to the scheme below.

If the work is done with a brush, you can make a normal transition on an incompletely dried surface with a soft brush, this will achieve the desired effect. If the layer has already hardened, you can use a stiff brush.

By decorating ombre walls with ordinary paint, you can adjust the height and width of rooms, while creating the desired atmosphere. Now you are not faced with the question of how to paint the walls to achieve the desired result, you just have to adhere to a few recommendations for applying paint, because any adult can cope with the task.

Tips for creating an ombre effect on the wall (2 videos)

Coloring options (28 photos)

Ombre is a term denoting the transition of color from one to another. Having appeared for the first time among hairdressers, he migrated to the environment of nail service masters and firmly established himself there. Currently, by the word ombre, they mean the design of nails, the transition of one color to another.

First execution technique

Ombre on nails

This technique is more complicated, but the result looks more professional. The transition border is more stretched, and the transition itself is very smooth. This ombre looks best when using delicate and close tones in color. This is due to the fact that the varnishes have to be mixed and a beautiful color should be obtained as a result of mixing.

Now about how to make nails (manicure) with a color transition, such as in the photo. You will need:

  • Standard set of manicure accessories;
  • Base for varnish;
  • Mixing palette;
  • Toothpick;
  • Sponge;
  • Two or more (depending on the idea) varnish colors;
  • Top coverage.

Ombre step by step

First, put your nails in order, do a manicure in the usual way. Remove the cuticle, trim the free edge and polish the plate. Degrease the plates and go directly to how to make a smooth transition of the color of the varnish on the nails.

  1. Cover the plates with a base and dry thoroughly. The layer should not be thick;
  2. Pour some varnishes of both colors close to each other on the palette;
  3. Start mixing them with a toothpick along the border in such a way that the color transition becomes smooth as a result;
  4. Dip a sponge in the varnish;
  5. Make an imprint on the nail plate with a sponge;
  6. Dry the resulting gradient;
  7. Apply the fixer and dry.

Using this technology, you can also perform ombre-style manicure on nails with gel polish, as in the photo. It will not be possible to make it using the second technology, which will be presented below, due to some specificity of the material. At the end of the section, we bring to your attention a lesson on how to make an ombre manicure on nails with gel polish at home using this video as an example.

Second technology

Using this technology, ombre manicure can only be performed with ordinary varnish. This method is not applicable to gel polish, biogel and shellac. To make a manicure in this way, you will need the following tools and materials:

Ombre on French manicure

  • Your regular manicure set;
  • Base for varnish;
  • Two colored varnishes (thick enough);
  • Sponge;
  • Fixer.

Ombre manicure using that technology is quite simple, and therefore how to do it can be told more briefly. As in the previous case, prepare your nails for applying varnish in a standard way, degrease and apply a base. After it dries, apply one coat of thick varnish. If necessary, apply another layer after it dries.

So, after getting a dense color, dry it thoroughly. Pour a different color of varnish onto the palette and dip a sponge in it. You can also apply it directly with a brush to the sponge, but for this the varnish should not be too liquid, and the sponge should have large pores. Otherwise, the coating will simply be absorbed into the sponge very quickly.

Now press the sponge against the nail, starting from where you want to see the beginning of the color transition. In order for such an ombre technique on the nails to be successful, it must be done quickly. That is, the sponge must be pressed as tightly as possible, but for the minimum time. Then repeat the movement half a millimeter above the border of the first application and thus move to the end of the free edge of the nail, gradually thickening and thickening its color.

To make a manicure with a color transition using this technology is possible only with a simple varnish. For shellac, the method is not applicable, since there are no conditions for thorough removal of the sticky layer. Thus, the manicure will not only not become durable, but also turn out to be completely unaesthetic.

The advantage of this technology is that with its help you can create a light and delicate design, using a translucent tone as a second varnish. In this case, you can give only a light nuance shade to the main dense tone of the varnish. Such a manicure looks especially impressive if a drawing is applied over it with a more saturated shade of the second color.

The video below will tell you how to perform a manicure with an ombre effect at home.

The popularity of ombre

This painting style is used almost everywhere in manicure. It can be made both vertical and horizontal and diagonal. Special craftsmen even manage to make it semicircular. It can be used to decorate one nail or all.

"Aerobatics" can be considered a vertical ombre, made in six colors, passing from finger to finger. So on the little finger we see a transition from red to orange, on the nameless one - from orange to yellow, on the middle one - from yellow to green, on the index finger - from green to blue and on the large one - from blue to purple.

Ombre manicure on nails with a jacket, as we see in the photo, is also possible. A free edge or a nail bed can be decorated in this style. It is also possible to cover the entire nail with light nuanced transparent shades.

The number of colors that will change within one nail can be limited only by your skill. Some people manage to use up to four shades on one plate. It can be performed both in bright and saturated colors, and in similar shades. For example, a good option for the office is a smooth transition from a soft pink tone to a natural beige.

Ombre manicure

You can decorate such a manicure in a variety of ways. The most interesting option seems to be placing the pattern of the first color on the tip of the nail, that is, against the background of the second color, or vice versa. Stickers or drawings by hand in other colors and shades also look quite aesthetically pleasing, provided the correct shade and tone are selected.

Decorating with sparkles also seems appropriate. For example, you can make a smooth transition from heavy glitter at the free edge of the nail to sparse at the base, similar to the color transition. This design can also be varied with rhinestones. You can place them on one nail in the form of a complex pattern or on all in a small amount. You can see one or another ombre nail design in the photo below.


In order for the result you get to be comparable to that of a salon, you need to know a few simple secrets of such a manicure.

Color transition

  1. When performing a manicure using the first technology, you need to ensure that the density of both varnishes is the same. Otherwise, a smooth transition will not work;
  2. When working on the second technology, on the contrary, it is better that the second varnish (that is, the one that is applied to the sponge) was more liquid. This will make the layer smoother and the transition uniform;
  3. If you want the ombre effect on nails, such as in the video, to be as smooth and natural as possible, then it is very important to choose the right sponge. Usually, sponges are best for applying foundation. However, it all depends on the thickness of the varnish. Sometimes you should opt for a more porous sponge. But it must necessarily be, as it were, rubber (rubber) to the touch. Synthetic sponges such as those used for washing dishes, as well as natural ones, will not work, since the varnish will not adhere well to them and dry quickly.

Ultimately, the quality of your manicure and its professionalism depend on how correctly you select all the fixtures, tools and materials.