How to dress properly for an interview. How to dress properly for an interview - practical advice How to dress for a job interview for a man

It takes effort to look beautiful every day. The effort will fully pay off if you become more confident and happy. If you want to look great every day, then you should rethink your wardrobe and get classic outfits. To look beautiful, you also need to learn how to combine various accessories, as well as combine clothes. It will take a while, but you will end up looking stylish and pretty.


Updating the wardrobe

    Buy classic outfits that never go out of style if you want to dress beautifully. Classics are clothes that don't look eccentric or outdated. Such clothes are always elegant and simple. Classics include, for example, a navy blazer or a black V-neck shirt. It may seem that these are very simple things, but they can always be dressed with accessories.

    • Classic items are easy to combine, so you can always look different with them.
  1. Buy some bold garments to pair with the classics. These can be garments in bright colors or unusual cuts that you usually don't wear.

    • For example, you can wear a white blouse with a navy skirt and dilute that outfit with a patterned sweater.
  2. Buy clothes that can be combined with each other. When looking through your wardrobe, make sure that each individual item can be combined with at least two others. Mixing is an important part of your daily wardrobe.

    • Most likely, you will not be able to buy clothes for every day of the week. However, it is possible to buy items of clothing that you will combine with what you already have. This way you can create a completely new outfit every day.
  3. When choosing clothes, be guided by the features of your figure. Some cutouts look different on different shapes. Look for clothes that look best on you. Each of us has our own ideas about what suits us, but spend a little more time trying on clothes of different styles. For example:

  4. Get rid of old or torn clothes. Clothes wear out, especially if you wear the same thing all the time. Worn out clothes can't look stylish unless you specifically choose an outfit for some occasions that involve wearing faded clothes and ripped jeans.

    • If there is a stain on your shirt, try to remove it, otherwise throw it away. Clothes with stains look sloppy.
  5. When shopping for clothes, match the color to your skin tone. Of course, you shouldn't buy clothes in colors that you don't like. Dressing stylishly means feeling confident and comfortable. If a color matches your skin tone, but you don't like it, don't buy such a thing. Here are some basic principles:

    • Very light skin: cool tones, pale pink, shades of gray, cyan, navy blue and grassy.
    • Medium-light skin: pastels, cool reds and blues. Avoid orange.
    • Medium dark skin: metallic shades, plum, wine red, bright blue and deep purple.
    • Dark skin: rich colors such as dark green, blue, pale yellow, and warm red.
    • Dark Skin: Vivid colors such as burgundy, cobalt blue, bright orange, and red.
  6. Try a variety of jewelry. With accessories, you can give your outfit a completely different look. When you think about an outfit, try to match it with jewelry that will accentuate its beauty. Sometimes an outfit can be transformed from classy to chic by adding a necklace or dangling earrings.

    • However, try not to overdo it. For example, if you plan on wearing a bulky necklace, choose stud earrings to avoid looking overly cluttered with jewelry.

The rule "meet by dress" works always and everywhere, especially in such an important issue as an interview with a potential employer. The first impression you make on your future boss will determine whether you get a chance at all to start the trial period or not. This is why it is very important to choose the right outfit for your interview.

We all understand perfectly well that coming to a meeting with an employer in ripped jeans and a T-shirt is pure madness, but besides the obvious things, there are many more rules for choosing the right clothes for an interview.

The main rules for choosing clothes for an interview:

The most important thing is to keep your job interview attire clean, tidy, and tidy.

This means that you should wash your chosen outfit before the interview, iron it well and check for spots, holes, arrows, scuffs and visible pills. It is absolutely impossible to wear clothes with any defects for an interview! Otherwise, the employer or his representative authorized to conduct the interview will think that you are an inattentive, sloppy and irresponsible person.

The second rule is that the clothes for the interview should be the right size for you and fit well on you.

Do not think that if a beautiful business suit of classic style is gathering dust in your wardrobe on the far shelf, then it's in the hat. During the time when you were not working or wearing it, your figure could change. Clothes that are small for you not only cause discomfort and hinder movement, forcing you to behave accordingly, but also give all kinds of folds and unnecessary tightness. Both will present you to a potential boss as a stingy woman who saves on herself, and, therefore, will not be able to give all her best at work, since she will also save her strength and inspiration there.

Clothes that are too big for you will hide your figure, and it will look very ridiculous, as if you are wearing someone else's thing. The effect in the employer's assessment of you will be the same as for small clothing.

Clothes that don't fit your body are also not suitable. In such an outfit, you will feel insecure, and the employer will immediately feel it. And looking at your appearance, the future boss will perceive you as a person with bad taste, who cannot make the right decisions and assess the situation sensibly. Who needs an employee with such qualities?

Dress for a job interview should be comfortable.

Don't wear clothes that make you feel uncomfortable or shoes that are too tight for your interview. Do not wear new clothes and shoes that have not yet been tested to be worn. Do not wear shoes with very high heels, so that you do not suffer later and do not stagger when walking.

All items of clothing, shoes and accessories must match each other in color and style.

Colors in clothes, shoes, accessories and jewelry should be combined with each other and complement each other. You cannot combine things of different styles and complement them with inappropriate accessories (for example, earrings in a rocker or gigantic style will not be combined with a business suit at all).

The attire for the interview must match the business dress code.

Whatever the rules in the organization where you work, the clothes for the interview should be business style, which means: laconic cut, without unnecessary details and decor, classic colors. Common color for interview clothes: black, shades of gray, dark blue, brown, dark green, optionally beige, ivory, white and pastel colors. However, if you have the opportunity, it is better to find out what rules regarding clothing are welcomed in the organization where you work - this will allow you to adjust your image in accordance with these rules.

If in this organization everyone walks in a strictly business style, then you should look the same at the interview, and if a conditionally business style of clothing is allowed in the chosen company, then you can experiment a little with the image. But even if it turns out that the future employer allows his employees to walk in anything, just not defiantly and not too extravagantly, you should still not be frivolous with an outfit and dress for an interview in casual clothes. In jeans and a sweater, you will still have time to walk around the office, and for the first meeting it is better to dress in a classic style in order to create the impression of a businesslike and self-confident person who is serious about getting a new job and does not neglect the first impression of himself.

Interview clothes should not look sexy or extravagant.

I would like to repeat myself and note once again that it is not good to come to an interview in clothes that look sexy and, even more so, vulgar. Therefore, no miniskirts, shorts, stockings, guipure things, tight-fitting trousers, deep neckline, transparent fabrics and short dresses, especially with bare shoulders. Shoes with an open toe and an open heel are also not welcome (except that in the summer you can afford shoes with an open heel and a closed toe, and even then, provided that the employer allows his employees to wear a conventionally business style of clothing).

Extravagant things are also not suitable for a job interview. The employer may appreciate your creativity and non-standard approach, but the stereotype of a frivolous person who creates this kind of clothing will still outweigh. If you want to add individuality to the created image, then do it with the help of suitable accessories: a beautiful scarf, belt, brooch, wrist watch, stylish jewelry (only not massive and not bright), business folder or briefcase, hair clip.

The attire for the interview should be appropriate for the position you are applying for.

This applies not only to the style of clothing itself, but also to its cost. If you are looking for a job in the economic, legal and commercial sphere, then this must certainly be clothes of a strictly business style, preferably dark shades, made of high-quality material, with suitable accessories and jewelry (in small quantities and discreet). The best option is a classic suit (trouser or skirt + jacket), a white shirt and a pencil skirt in dark colors, a strict business dress is also preferably dark.

For work in the field of medicine, pedagogy and social professions, you can choose a softer option: a blouse or shirt of a simple cut in pastel colors, a pencil skirt or a straight skirt to the knees or to the floor, a jacket, an official dress (you can also light, checkered or with an inconspicuous appropriate print).

Whether you are interviewing at a clothing store or applying for the position of a designer, stylist, fashion and beauty manager, you can get a little creative by diluting your business image with stylish accessories that highlight your creativity and personality, which are highly valued in this field of activity.

If your vacancy belongs to creative professions, then it is still better to give preference to a restrained image of a serious person without unnecessary pretentiousness, expressiveness and extravagance. Interesting details and casual dressing are welcome, but don't overdo it.

The cost of the outfit also plays an important role. If you are applying for the position of a top manager, head of department, administrator and leading specialist, then the outfit should be an expensive, well-known brand. This will emphasize your status and show that you have earned good money before, as you were appreciated in your previous position. And if your future position is more modest, and you plan to become an ordinary employee in a large corporation, then you should not dress too expensive and pretentious. Otherwise, the employer will think that you either live beyond your means and will often demand higher wages, or you are the daughter of wealthy parents, which means that your motivation may be reduced.

Regardless of the season, the dress for the interview should be classic business style, without any liberties.

For summer, an ideal option would be a shirt or a strict blouse tucked into a pencil skirt, a strict business dress made of light cotton or chintz, classic straight-cut trousers and a shirt or blouse, and, of course, black shoes with a closed toe with low heels (thin or medium thickness).

For autumn, you can choose two different clothing options: a lighter one for warm dry weather and a warmer one for cool or rainy weather. For the first option, classic black or beige pumps with medium heels are suitable, for the second - business low shoes or ankle boots. In cool weather, you can wear a stylish raincoat in a classic style and colors or a classic fitted coat as outerwear. For warm weather, you can wear a stylish jacket or vest with a deep neckline over the shirt.

In winter, you need to think over not only the basic outfit for the interview, but also outerwear and warm shoes. In shoes, it is best to give preference to classic leather or suede winter boots with wedges or steady heels. For outerwear, choose a warm cashmere or wool coat, a modest fur coat, or a muffled down jacket tailored like a classic fitted coat. Do not forget about warm black tights, which you wear under a classic skirt, or straight-cut trousers made of warm material.

In the spring, you can use pastel-colored blouses and shirts for your interview, which will once again emphasize the renewal of nature and the special tenderness of this time of year. A good option is an elegant knee-length or slightly lower dress. In the spring, it is permissible to play with the colors of the dress: we are not talking about bright colors and prints, but it is quite possible to choose a dress that suits your color type. For example, blue-eyed blondes will suit a dark blue dress, red-haired ones - a dark green or emerald green, brunettes - a chocolate or beige dress. It is better to use classic high-heeled shoes as shoes.

The attire for the interview should speak volumes about your loyalty to the employer's company.

In order not to get into a non-standard situation, it is best to study the corporate colors of the company in which you are applying in advance. If there are no such colors, then choose clothes using the above recommendations, and if they do exist, then ideally if your outfit will have at least one accessory of the desired color or colors. For example, if the company logo is in purple, and all employees of the company wear special uniforms of this color, then it will not be superfluous to wear a purple jacket for an interview, tie a purple neckerchief, or take a purple folder for papers. So you will once again prove to the future boss that you were interested in the company and want to become a part of it, and such dedication will flatter him from the first minutes.

It will not be superfluous to study the corporate colors of competing companies. By excluding them from your outfit, you will not annoy the potential boss once again and also show your loyalty to his company. It is very good if red is not included in your "black list" of unacceptable colors - then with the help of some red accessory you can add confidence to your look. It has long been known that red in clothes and accessories speaks of self-confidence, leadership qualities and a strong character of a person, and any management values ​​these qualities.

Finally, I would like to say that your impeccable appearance at the interview must be complemented by high professionalism, rich experience in this area, useful knowledge and skills and, of course, self-confidence and that this job really needs you and will bring you career satisfaction. Website designers offer several images:

With the onset of winter, many runners are wondering how to dress properly for a workout if they want to be outdoors instead of in the gym. In order not to stop jogging in the open air and in the cold season, we will tell you how and what to wear in order to be comfortable and warm. An ideologist and a permanent member of the running club shares his personal experience Run For Fun Voronezh Julia Mokhova.

Running when it's cool outside is much more comfortable than running when it's hot, but you need to think about your clothes correctly. First, don't dress too warmly. During a run, you will definitely sweat and feel uncomfortable, but after a workout, the heat will quickly go away and you will freeze. Dress as if it's 10 degrees warmer outside than it actually is. Second, dress in layers. An air gap forms between them, which helps to keep warm.

Zero layer. Linen

In the cold season, it is better to wear light synthetic clothes, they remove moisture well and quickly heat up from your body. Summer cotton fabric is not suitable now, it will get wet immediately and you will be cold. For a zero layer, you can use ski thermal underwear, but if it's up to five degrees of frost outside, then you can do it without it, a synthetic T-shirt and panties will be enough.

First layer. Outerwear

The length of the tights and sleeves depends on the weather, but it is better to immediately use more closed clothes and not get too cold. Here it is also best to give preference to synthetics, or materials with the addition of fleece and its varieties. For dry weather, it is quite possible to limit yourself to long tights and long sleeves.

Look stylish in the modern world, where you are greeted by clothes, is a must. However, you also need to know how to dress correctly so as not to be a black sheep, to correspond to your status, age and situation.

How to dress for work

It all depends on the type of activity. People working in the field of culture are allowed a lot in some creative groups. They can combine the most unusual things, allow themselves to be extravagant. For example, a dress or skirt can easily be combined with sneakers and a shoulder bag. The coat may be one size larger than necessary. Such kits look unusual, but they emphasize the originality of the personality.

How to dress properly for educational or medical workers? They need to always look in such a way as to inspire respect and a desire to listen and trust. Therefore, it is better to stay on strict classic clothes. The same can be said for office managers, deputy directors, directors and other people who work with business partners and must always look presentable.

Basic clothing styles

  1. Rock style. Suitable for young people. A very noticeable style dominated by dark clothing. The set must be present: a leather jacket or vest, some metal accessories. This style is somewhat aggressive, so it is necessary to dilute it with softer details.
  2. Glamor. Clothes of this style are intended for publication. An indispensable attribute of a glamorous outfit is rhinestones, sparkles or bright colors.
  3. Zen. This is an oriental style. This type of clothing includes harem pants, multilayer sweaters, tunics, sweaters with oriental patterns, turbans, active accessories.
  4. Sport. These are clothing designed for sports activities. However, within reasonable limits, a similar style can be present in any set in the form of sneakers, sneakers, T-shirts, sweatshirts, etc.
  5. Casual. These are clothes designed for everyday wear. This should include flat-soled boots, jeans, scarves.
  6. Classic. These are clothes that look beneficial in almost any situation. The classic is a straight or tapered skirt, sheath dress, trousers with arrows, shirt-type blouses.

To understand how to dress properly and beautifully, you need to navigate these styles. The list of them may be different, each of the designers offers its own classification. In addition, sets that combine clothes of different styles look the most advantageous. For example, a glamorous long skirt looks stylish with a rock-style leather jacket. There are a lot of such combinations.

How to choose clothes to please men?

If you want to always look elegant and stylish, as well as attract the eyes of men, there are several important points to remember about how to dress correctly. Numerous sociological polls have shown that most of all men prefer ladies in dresses and skirts. They also dislike overly sexy, revealing clothing. Therefore, it is worth choosing skirts of medium length, not very short and not too narrow. It should also be remembered that any pattern on clothing distracts attention from the contours of the body, so you need to be careful with prints and ornaments. Fitted, slightly tight-fitting clothing favorably emphasizes feminine forms, which is also very popular with the stronger sex. As for the trousers, it is better to choose monochromatic models, classic cut or tapered to the bottom. Men don't like it when women wear wide sweatpants or corduroy pants. Shoes, of course, should be heeled. Let it be not very tall - 5-6 centimeters, but it will give additional growth, make the figure more slender.

Overweight girls with some figure flaws experience particular difficulties in choosing clothes. This is due to the small selection of fashionable outfits for young girls with curvaceous shapes.

There are a number of tricks thanks to which all figure flaws can be hidden.

How to match colors in clothes?

An important point when shopping for clothes is the selection of colors. There are several rules to follow.

  1. A set of clothes should not contain more than three colors. Only virtuoso designers will be able to create an outfit in which there will be more colors and shades; non-professionals should not risk it. One of the colors should be basic, basic. And all the others are designed to highlight accents and make the image more intense.
  2. Warm shades are best combined with warm, and cold shades with cold. However, there are exceptions to this rule. Red can be combined with bright green, blue. However, you should not mix green with pink or red with blue in one set.
  3. All bleached shades (pastels) harmonize well with each other. Therefore, if you want to create a set of bright, unusual colors, choose clothes in pastel colors.

So, let's take a look at some color combinations to figure out how to dress properly. Full girls should pay special attention to the color of their clothes, because it can get fat.

Red and green

The combination is bold and exotic, but perfectly acceptable. Such an outfit always looks bright and not beaten.

Blue / light blue and brown

This color combination always looks stylish, and most importantly, it suits all occasions. You can add beige to this combination. A blue blouse always looks spectacular with cream-colored pants. You can add accents with a dark brown belt, a dark blue bag.

Gray and blue

The classic combination for the office worker. Such clothes can be easily put on for an interview, as such colors give a person a serious and reliable look. Having bought a pair of gray trousers and skirts, blue blouses, you will always know how to dress properly. This kit is also suitable for all occasions.

Black with other colors

If you do not know how to dress correctly, then it is better to choose black as the basis, since it is universal and combined with other shades. In addition, black is also suitable for overweight girls, as it hides figure flaws. Black goes well with pink, red, lilac, gray and white. It is best to avoid bee coloration and avoid wearing black and yellow or black and orange clothes.

How to dress properly to look slimmer?

All dark colors visually slim down, but light ones, on the contrary, reflect light and give extra pounds. So, to look slimmer, you need to wear dark blue, dark green, gray, brown, purple clothes. It is also believed that plain clothes make girls outwardly more slender. Indeed, it is better not to take risks with prints, because some of the patterns on clothes expand, deform the figure. You need to combine colors wisely. Dark accents should be placed on problem areas: in the waist, hips. For example, black sides on a dress or blouse make the torso much smaller. Dark trousers hide excessively wide hips. Overweight girls are strictly contraindicated in shiny, mother-of-pearl things. Attracting the sun's rays, they visually add a couple of kilograms.

Thus, in every situation it is necessary to know how to dress the girl correctly. After all, clothes are hers

It often happens that a purchased dress or a purchased business suit at some point turns out to be completely irrelevant.

Why this happens, how to deal with it and according to what principles to choose clothes, you will be prompted by the advice of stylists.

By the way, on the Internet you can find many tips from stylists, most of which are rather vague, but this is not because stylists do not want to reveal professional secrets and are in a conspiracy, but because it is very difficult to give universal advice that will be equally useful to everyone.
Some advice can be salvation for one and disastrous for another, which is why stylists are so careful in mass recommendations. The post contains the most universal, but at the same time useful tips that can give something new to those who are seriously keen on shaping their personal image.

How to buy clothes

1. If you are in doubt about buying a thing or not, then it is better to buy, but be sure to keep the check so that if you change your mind you can return it. It is better to buy and then hand over than to suffer from the fact that you did not buy the thing you liked at the right time, and then it was no longer there (this will make it seem even more necessary to you), and not buying this thing will seem even more annoying ... Keep in mind that if you pay with a card, then the money will be returned to your card within two weeks, so if you are unsure of the purchase, then it is better to pay in cash and check with the seller for possible details of the return.
However, this advice does not apply to the purchase of underwear, you will not be able to hand it over.

2. When buying, it will not be superfluous to ask about a discount, almost always in any store they can make a discount of at least 5%, you just need to feel free to ask about it.

3. In order not to carry with you a huge number of discount cards (and they are now issued in every store), some of the cards can be photographed on the phone, in most cases it is enough just to name the card number.

4. At the beginning of shopping, do not rush to buy the first thing you like, it is better to ask to postpone it for you for a couple of hours, perhaps in other stores you will find something more interesting, and if not, then with the confidence that you have chosen the best, you will purchase the previously postponed thing.

5. If you are not sure of your taste, then do not combine more than 3 colors in the kit and accessories (black, white and gray do not count).

6. "Do you have the same one only with mother-of-pearl buttons?" If the thing suits you, but the buttons are embarrassing, then besides the fact that you can simply sew on other, sometimes existing buttons, it is enough just to "cheer up" with colored nail polish. The main thing in the process of painting is not to forget to secure the fabric around the button to be painted with tape.
By the way, sometimes you can also improve jewelry in this way.

7. The formula for good style is creativity divided by adequacy. That is, your image should not be bland - it is boring and uninteresting, at the same time, excessive creativity gives rise to fashion freaks. Good style is always adequate. Adequate to the person's appearance, fashion trends, relevance and does not contradict the goals.

8. Do not get hung up on lists, otherwise you risk getting a boring and banal set of things.
Each has its own base.

9. Invest in accessories. Expensive and high-quality accessories can increase the value of even the simplest and most inexpensive outfit.

10. Do not go to the store with your friends - they are bad counselors.

11. Consultants and stylists at stores are the same sellers whose main function is to provide additional service to sell the goods of a particular store. Therefore, be vigilant when listening to their advice.

12. When choosing a thing, think about what you will wear it with, if there is no set for this thing in your wardrobe, then think about whether you need it or see paragraph 1.

13. Do not buy trendy things at sales: they are sold out only because the fashion is already passing.

14. The expression "prepare the sled in the summer and the cart in the winter" is not suitable for fashionistas. Buying summer clothes at the beginning of autumn with a 70% discount hoping that you will wear them next summer, in a year you risk forgetting about them, and if you remember, they may no longer be relevant or you just won't like it, so it's dubious saving.

15. Throwing old things out of the closet you have an incentive to buy new ones, do not show excessive trepidation for old clothes, these are just things.
Image Industry

How to choose the right clothes

It is rare to find a woman who is completely satisfied with her figure. More often than not, girls just sigh at the glossy pages of fashion magazines or TV screens. However, anyone can look chic, you just need to choose clothes that hide flaws and emphasize the advantages that are in each figure.

One of the first rules of good manners in clothes - selection of clothes into a "whole", that is, the whole set should be designed in the same style and look complete. In order to independently deal with this issue, you can use clothing catalogs and fashion magazines, they will tell you what to wear with.
When choosing a wardrobe in a store, try to look at the entire collection and choose the combinations that are most suitable for you.

Another highlight when choosing clothes is clothing size... It is unacceptable to wear clothes of a smaller or larger size, in both cases it looks comical.
And psychologists say that this can say about your attitude: people who want to look or be better than they actually wear clothes that are smaller than what they need to wear, and larger clothes are usually worn by those who have low self-esteem.
It turns out that you need to choose the right size of clothing in order to hide your complexes.

Don't forget and about the color scheme, color can "kill" or, conversely, transform a person.

  • Pastel and beige tones are more suitable for dark-skinned people with bright facial features.
  • Blondes and fair-haired women go with bright colors.

The easiest way to determine which color suits you is a mirror and several plain fabrics of different colors. Try to remember which shade is yours and in stores it will be much easier to choose things of a particular color scheme.

When choosing clothes, you should pay attention per type of fabric:

  • firstly, the fabrics in the kit must be matched,
  • secondly, the fabrics must match the figure.

For those with curvy shapes, outfits made of dense and well-structured fabrics are most suitable. And for a lean type of figure, soft-tight knitwear and fabrics with padding that will create the effect of volume are more suitable.

Well, and perhaps most importantly, clothes should be chosen according to the characteristics of your particular figure. Here are some general guidelines

1) Short legs visually lengthen beige shoes and a short skirt
2) The fullness of the hips will be hidden by trousers or straight-cut jeans
3) If you have a thin waist, but wide hips, then flared jeans and a belt at the waist will be perfect for you
4) Small drawings visually reduce, large ones, on the contrary, increase
5) Maxi dresses and skirts make you look lower
6) Shapeless clothing disfigures any figure
7) Shoes with thin heels or stilettos with a round toe make the foot visually smaller
8) Pointed shoes make the foot visually larger
9) Black tights (no more than 50 den) will make your legs a couple of kg slimmer and a couple of centimeters longer, and in combination with black shoes (or dark colors) will make you the owner of the legs from the ears.
10) Light tights, on the contrary, make legs fuller and shorter. But! Longer with beige shoes.
12) Sheer blouse makes your top part open to others and shows your strengths and weaknesses
14) If you do not know how to combine things correctly, then follow the classic canons of fashion and style.
15) The rule of three colors: do not use more than three components in your image, otherwise you risk looking funny
16) Hairstyle should be combined with all the components of your wardrobe
17) Do not spray perfume on clothes, unless you are using
spirits alone. The smell can persist for up to a month.
18) Chubby girls will go for V-necklines, round necklines for girls with an oval face.
19) Avoid getting hung up on something, or risk being the owner of a wardrobe with only black things or things of the same style, for example.
20) Treads shorten your legs!
21) Sheath dress goes equally well for thin girls and with curvaceous forms. But on girls with a thin waist and feminine hips it will look better.

Clothes that make you slimmer

About, , I have already written repeatedly, because the topic is relevant to me. Today we will just "go over" the basic tips of stylists.

1) increase growth
If you want to look slimmer, then the easiest way to achieve this is to visually increase your height. In this case, the width of the body will be balanced by the height. This is all related to optical illusions.
To increase growth, it is worth using:

  • long beads,
  • vertical stripes,
  • heels,
  • high hairstyle,
  • elongated clothing silhouettes (for example, not a short jacket, but an elongated jacket).

In shoes, it is better not to use shoes with an ankle strap or ankle boots, because they visually shorten the legs and reduce height.
High boots are great.

2) Heels
Among personal stylists, there is such a rule: 1 cm of heels visually removes 1 kg of weight.
Heels stretch very well and slim the figure.
Of course, you should not choose very high heels (at the rate of 20 kg weight = 20 cm heel), it is better to prefer a wider, stable heel.

3) Dresses and sweatshirts with v-neck
A must have thing for those who want to look slimmer is clothing with a v-neck. Such a neckline on one side visually stretches the figure, on the other hand it focuses on a beautiful breast.

4) Long sleeves
When we gain extra pounds, they are distributed throughout the body: not only the stomach or hips grows fat, but also, for example, the arms.
Full arms are best masked with long sleeves or wearing a shawl. It is believed that for women with full arms, it is best not to wear dresses and tops with straps or sleeveless.

5) Flared clothes
Best of all, figure flaws are masked by Empire-style clothing (dresses, sweaters, coats) - flared from the chest or trapezoidal in shape. Such clothes perfectly mask the belly and full hips.

6) Black color
Any woman knows that black is slimming. These rules should not be ignored if you want to look slimmer, even if you are black and seem boring.
This is due to the fact that black absorbs the sun's rays and visually reduces the volume of the object. In addition to black, all other dark colors (dark blue, gray) are thinner.
Black is also the color of elegance.

7) Solid color sets
One of the almost magical ways to look slimmer is to make your bow monochrome. combine items of only one color in a set.
The more patterns in clothes, the larger their size, the more kilograms you visually weigh.

8) Sunburn
On the one hand, the skin on fire looks more toned, and on the other hand it hides the defects of the figure.

Experiment, love yourself, but do not forget about others, many people are envious and unfriendly, do not let them notice your oversights in the wardrobe ...

I wish you good luck finding your own unique style of clothing!