As Sombrero actually looks like. Make Mexican Sombrero hat with their own hands. History of origin and name

For the sake of justice, it is worth noting that such a hat is owned by an extraordinary design of Spain, who already had a similar product in their homeland. Just being on the territory of the hot mexico, they had to fix it a little and modify. The word Spanish itself is part of the "Sombra" indicates the "shadow". On the territory of Spain, the term Sombrero applies to any kind of wide-rolled hat. Therefore, Sombrero is an original hat that has a high tool and ultra-wide fields that give an excellent shadow to the entire top of the body of its owner. The real Sombrero also always has a tape or a special cord that can be tied up under the head.

Such products are completely different in appearance, and their overall component lies in the mandatory manual manufacture of such an item. For example, the poor and simple peasants created Sombrero from straw, but more wealthy citizens could afford to purchase Sombrero, made from felt, soft felt or even velvet painted handmade embroidery. Sombrero's color can also vary significantly as its pattern. The top of the product may be rather stupid or bevelled, as well as very pointed. Models can vary greatly, depending on the place and style of manufacture.

The most initial mention of this magnificent hat appeared in the 13th century - hats Sombrero Loved to use Mongolian riders. Their Tulas were with pointed edges. When the hats began to quickly spread over states with a hot grill climate, their fields became wider. Later, "Vaquero" appeared (the term "shepherd" in Spain). Such products are more like cowboy, having no very wide fields. The Spaniards originally invented Sombrero for themselves with flat upper parts, which later became the progenitors of Mexican Sombrero.

Most often, Sombrero was made from ordinary straw, which made such a product not only budget, but also easy, despite their impressive sizes. Now the synthetic fiber is actively used for the manufacture of such hats, but natural material will make the accessory better. Almost every hat has a special belt or belt that will help to firmly fix it on the chin, allowing you to tightly keep the product even with wind gusts and active movement.


On the territory of the current Mexico, it is hard to meet the real Sombrero as a permanent detail of the local population wardrobe. The hat was only the accessory of musicians or calling at the time of Cowboys. But it will be simply inconvenient to pace along the modern streets of the hot roasting country now, especially since people are there not so long. People hide in houses and restaurants or simply arranged under comfortable canopies or umbrellas. But among holidaymakers in the open sun by the pool or reservoir Sombrero gets great popularity and now. Therefore, it is currently a traveler hat to hot countries with a sultry climate. More mexican hats Not strict, but unique, with original drawings. Now fashionable are bright and bright Sombrero with unusual combinations of patterns and shades. Ladies such a hat designers began to actively decorate various bows, ribbons and butterflies.

Mexican Sombrero is a practical and very atmospheric accessory

We are accustomed to assume that Sombrero is a Mexican hat. At the mention of it, the imagination involuntarily draws a landscape with hot deserts, high cactus, cowboy in wide-grade hats, jumping on horses. But the roots of the appearance of this head, are in the Spaniards. It was they who first put the hat that protects almost the whole body from the scorch rays of the sun. After all, the word "sombra" means "shadow" in Spanish. Hence the name of the National Wardrobe subject.

A bit of history

Over time, Sombrero has acquired a mass of varieties. Every people created it for himself, obeying its traditions and features of the region of residence. It is logical that his procession in the world hat begins with hot countries.

In the heat, Sombrero Widewife will replace your beach umbrella

In Spain, under Sombrero understand any hat with wide fields. In the classic version, it is inherent in a high tully and touches under the chin, sometimes the edges can be slightly turned outward. The hut was also poor, and rich. But if the first could afford a headdress only from straw, then the second wore Sombrero from all sorts of expensive fabrics (felt, velvet and others). It combines this item only one thing - it was always done manually.

Somibero straw can be painted in different colors.
Luxury velvet sombrero

In honor of Sombrero in Texas, the United States, the festival of hats is held. Since 1986, Sombrero Festival has been held annually in February. Do not forget about Sombrero and lead designers. The hat made of natural materials often complements exclusive author's collections, bringing splendor and chic in them.


As Sombrero used

In his homeland, the hat played the role of protection from the sun, wind, dust, rain and other weather conditions. In addition, thanks to its wide fields, the hat served other functions. For example, it is convenient to shoot down the resulting fire or vice versa, blow the glowing corners of the fire. You can protect yourself from a poisonous snake by throwing Sombrero on her. The cowboy was poured out of their huts, it was very convenient in those places where there were no rivers and streams.

Depending on the design, the hat could be applied for different purposes.

Closing Sombrero, you can remain incognito in crowded places.In Corrida, the hat is used to tease the bull. Also, this headdress is an excellent protection against his horns and good head protection at the time of falling the rider to the ground.Present Sombrero can save the life of its owner, a hat can be accessed by a machete or knife.

A kind of stereotype was the image of a Mexican bandit in Sombrero

Types of Sombrero

Born in Spain, fashion for wide-headed hats swallowed in Mexico. There, the kind of hats was transformed a little, the fields became even wider, and the Tully stretched out and became similar to a truncated cone. While the Spaniards wore a hat with a low flat tool.

  • SOMBERO CHARRO (Sombrero Charro) is the name of the Mexican headdress.

    Sombreo Charro is decorated with bright embroidery
  • SOMBERO VAQUERO (Sombrero Vakharo) is a typical cowboy hat with a low tool and bent up the edges. Initially, she was wore shepherds - Vaiko.
  • SOMBERO VUELTIAO - Colombian Black and White Sombrero. It differs from his ancestors to that shears the reed arrows. She is put on dancers on national speeches and worn artists.

    Source material in the sump and ready Sombrero
  • SOMBERO PINTADO. So called a hat with Panama residents. Her fields bent a little down. The rich is considered to be woven from the finest fiber, that is, the more turns made a master in the manufacture of Sombrero, it becomes more expensive.
    Sombrero Pintao Handmade

    Creating Sombrero Pintado.

Interesting the fact that the Spaniards there is a term sombrero russo - so they call the Russian Ushanku.

Widefield Hat and Fashion

Fashionable what you are. This famous phrase has and opponents and opponents. Only the famous couturier do not listen to anyone and create new images inspired by the awakening nature. It is now difficult to say that fashionable, and what is not. Collections are created for every taste. Even the most arrogant fashionists find something interesting for themselves.

Real fashion guards can afford bright experiments.

Sombrero has become a recent discovery in the fashion world. It would seem that in common, for example, urban style and this hat?Designers proved to all that the Mexican accessory can be combined with a large number of clothes, creating the brightest and notable ensembles. The hat is perfectly combined with a sundress, a short dress, a dress in the style of Baby Doll, a tunic with ethno motifs and poncho.

Choosing a trouser suit and putting on Sombrero, you will look elegant and sophisticated. All others will notice and appreciate the sense of style.

We are completed by a Mexican image of wicker sandals and the most open sandals.Hat do not wear in the cold season.

Although designers use Sombrero even in autumn shows

Sombrero for Mexican party

In modern world, real Sombrero is popular with tourists. In addition, a lightweight hat with large fields is salvation in summer.To hide from the Sun with this hat, it is not necessary to go to Mexico, you can make sombrero with your own hands.

Tourists often choose Sombrero more
Every year in Mexico for sale a huge amount of these hats

To do this, you will need: Elements of cardboard Sombrero

Stage I. Production of Tulley

For the manufacture of this item there are two ways.

  • Cut the paper cone and cut off the top. The Hat with a High Tulley will learn.
  • As a Tuli, you can use a plastic flower pot of suitable size. If you have chosen this option, then the pot must first be painted in white and leave up to complete drying.

Stage II. Field manufacture

For this item, you can use colored paper or white to paint it into the right colors.

  • In the center of the sheet, blacksuate the circle equal to the diameter of the Tulley (you can simply circle along the contour).
  • Inside the resulting circle, we carry out another, retreating from the edge of 3-4 cm.
  • The third circle determines the width of the fields.
  • Cut the smallest circle. We make cuts every 1.5-2 cm from this edge to the boundaries of the middle circumference. The resulting teeth need to be adjusted up.
  • We make cloves along the edge of the future hats, but cuts should be 4-5 cm. Bending up, glue the crossing places of the teeth.

Simple Sombrero from cardboard

III stage. Connection of parts

Everything is simple here. With the help of bilateral tape, we attach a tulle to the fields so that the teeth are inside. Sombrero is almost ready!

It remains to apply patterns. It can be a zigzag lines running around the entire circumference of fields or tools, ordinary colored lines. The hat is decorated with fringe, appliques, small pompons, all that is enough fantasy.

Mexican traditions admit a combination of the brightest colors

Now you can safely go to the thematic party or just play cowboys with children. And it does not matter if after the game the hat will be a one-time handicraft, because now you know how to make Sombrero. Maybe next time it will be stronger?

Sombrero is a great option for relaxing on the beach or in a funny company. In a straw hat, you can make an evening promenade, not attracting the attention of the passing passersby. Not chasing the style, aware of the relevance of each thing in the image, even the most distant of the fashion person will be able to express his personality.

A lightweight hat with wide, slightly rounded up soft fields and a tulle resembling a truncated cone, which is the mandatory component of the Mexican national costume.

This headdress managed to gain great popularity in many countries of the world. Since such a product perfectly protects against sunlight, most often it is used in countries that differ in hot climate.

The initial options for such hats made of straw were put back in the XIII century Mongolian riders. Similar models met in Europe. They were worn by Spaniard-Vacker (shepherds).

Initially, this kind of products had many similar features with head removes of cowboys, but over time the Spaniards have changed their appearance, adding a flat tool. This allowed Sombrero as much as possible to the modern appearance.

Reference! The word "Sombrero" in most people most often causes Association with Mexico, although this country is not home to this head.

In Spain, such a product was a pretty expensive element of the wardrobe. To afford a similar headdress was able only to wealthy seniors, because at that time Sombrero was made from valuable materials. A little later, when more cheap materials began to be used for the manufacture of products of this kind, Sombrero has become more accessible.

Great Distribution such hats got in Central America. One of the most sought-after to this day remains a straw product.

This head remove has a mandatory element - special lace, which is usually tied under the chin. This allows Sombrero to hold on his head at wind gusts.

The meaning of the word "sombrero"

The word "Sombrero" contrary to popular convictions are inherent in Spanish roots. It was the Spaniards for the first time who began to apply the product of this type to protect the face and shoulders from the burning sun. The name of this hat takes its origin from the Spanish word Sombra, translating the meaning "shadow".

In Spain in the word "Sombrero", it is customary to call various broad-grained lung hatsdefending their owners from wind, dust and direct sunlight.

To the classic option applies Model with rounded up volumetric fields and high tool resembling a cone.

There are several varieties of such hats:

  • sOMBERO VAQUERO. - Standard cowboy hat with low tool and bent up the sides of the fields;
  • sOMBERO CHARRO. - a headdress with high tulle in the form of a cone and quite wide fields;
  • sOMBERO VUELTIAO. - a national colombia hat, which is one of its symbols (is made from the cane and differs in black and white colors);
  • sompruro Pintado. - Traditional headdress of Panama residents (genuine hat of thin fiber).

Hats of this kind can be made of various materials: straw, leather, felt, felt, velvet, wool and synthetic fabrics.

Coloring are also very different. Saturated colors, contrast combinations, ethnic patterns, drawings from rhombuses, squares, strips and other options can be used for this purpose.

Application of modern sombrero

In the modern world, such hats are very popular with tourists, Using them as an original beach accessory while relaxing under the scorching sun.

Similar headwear often decorated with bows, fringe, ribbons, flowers, feathers and various abstract pictures.

Reference! Since 1986, in the United States, a festival is organized in February dedicated to this head leukem. Every year this event collects over 40,000 visitors.

Sombrero is a slight and practical headdress, reliably shelting from hot sunlight. Modern designers do not forget about this, successfully beating the hats of this kind in some of their collections. Recently, such hats have become a topical trend in the fashion world.

Extremely original execution these hats have in models from Just Cavalli. Stylish Sombrero from Jean-Paul Gauthier harmoniously complement the evening outfits (photo). In addition, such a headdress looks great with short dresses, sundresses and tunics. But the main manufacturers of these hats still remain popular craftsmen selling a variety of sombrero in places of tourists' cluster.

Everyone perfectly imagines that the Sombrero hat is. But some kind of difficulty led to attempts to understand the history of the creation of this hat for the whole world. It turns out that the subject that in our understanding with you has a fairly clear and associative connection with Mexico, in fact it has a Spanish origin. Only the rich could wear the classic Sombrero's classic hats. Model to the Spanish origin of the word "sombrero" - that in translating the root of the word "sombra" means "shadow". The word "Sombrero" in Spain is called any hat having quite wide fields. Classic "Sombrero" can be described only as it is a hat with very wide fields and with a high tulley. The fields of such a hat are slightly turned out and discard the shadow on the neck, head and shoulders of their master. Such a hat has a lace or a tape, which is typked, as a rule, under the chin. Sombrero's straw hats wore very poor people. Hats "Sombrero" can be very different. Common for all real Sombrero hats is manual manufacture. The peasants and the poor people were spilling them mostly from straw, and very noble people wore Sombrero from velvet, felt and felt, which were very richly decorated with a magnificent embroidery. Types, patterns and colors of the decor in the manufacture of such hats are absolutely used. The top of the Tuli at the Sombrero hat can be both slightly pointed-elongated and flat. There are several "Sombrero" models - this is directly related to the traditions of the peoples and the peculiarities of the regions that made this hat with their national - state symbol.

The first mentions about the "Sombrero" arose in the 13th century of our era - straw broad-colonged hats worn still riders from Mongolia. And with the time of Tuli, the Mongolian hats became a little pointed. As it spreads in the regions in which a hot climate was present, the Sombrero hat fields expanded. Then "SOMBRERO VAQUERO" - (VAKERO) appeared - is the name of the shepherds in Spanish. In the presentation of our people, this ordinary cowboy hat is rather not very wide and upside down on the sides of the fields. Sombrero with a flat tulish was invented by the Spaniards, which later evolved already in the Mexican "Sombrero" with a rounded and a little stretched riding. But the "Vaquero" hats also found their fans and connoisseurs, they became, mostly cowboys.Classic in our understanding of Sombrero, with very wide fields in Mexico itself called "Sombrero Charro", since they also have Sombrero - this is any hat that has fields. There is also "Sombrero Vueltiao" - this is the state symbol of Columbia. Basically, they are black and white colors (with black edging over the edge of the fields) and woven from the cane arrows. There are also "SOMBRERO PINTADO" - this is a traditional hat of all residents of Panama. They are also made (weave) manually, and their quality is determined by the number of turns - the more they are, as well as the thinner of the fiber itself, the fact that such a hat has higher. Due to the good development of trade relations with Mexico, Sombrero also occupies an honorable place in the history of the Philippines. It can be said with confidence that today Sombrero hat is a symbol, a tradition, an object that is bought by a huge number of tourists, and an integral part of the national costume. In general, it is an excellent thing, natural, easy and protecting from the hot summer sun. And modern designers do not forget this - in some collections of the designers famous for the whole world, Sombrero's hat is quite successful.

For example, in the collection of Moschino, which is presented in 2012 there are several suits that are very well complemented by black Sombrero. Prada's trendy house in his last year's Spring-summer collection also paid attention. Quite organically, Sombrero's hats look in the dresses from Just Cavalli. Jean Field Gauthier sometimes inspire hot westerns in Mexico - His Sombrero is simply transformed until unrecognizable, and also fit perfectly with evening costumes. But still the main manufacturers of Sombrero hats remain a huge number of "folk" craftsmen, and you can buy them in places of cluster of numerous tourists. I would like to note that the whole festival was dedicated to Sombrero's hat, which is called Sombrero Festival and passing annually, in February, in the United States in Brownswall, Texas. It was founded in 1986, and today it is visited by about forty thousand people every year.

Bright and motley mexican suit know many. Everything, one way or another, represent how huge sombrero hats and colorful Mexican poncho look like.

Hessus Halguer (1910-1971)

Do not forget about the Mexican style and designers of clothing. From year to year on the podiums of fashion weeks in Milan, London, New York and Paris, collections appear with elements of the Mexican national costume. Sometimes they remember the Mexican style and newlyweds.

Hessus Halguer (1910-1971)

Fashion for Mexican weddings is still relevant. Such weddings are unusual and colorful. The groom in Sombrero, the bride in a bright Mexican dress, and, of course, Mariachi - so in Mexico called musicians. The word "Mariachi" of French origin itself is from "Mariage", which means "marriage", "Wedding". And it is also not by chance, traditionally, Mariachi musicians play at weddings.

Diego Rivera (1886-1957)
Sleepiness about Sunday Day in Alameda Park. Central Yragment.

The origins of the traditional Mexican costume should be sought in the intertwining of traditions of many cultures. First, these are the Indians. The Maya and Aztec tribes once lived on the territory of Mexico.

Hessus Halguer (1910-1971)

Men of the Maja tribe wore, which was called Ash and decorated with feathers and embroidery. To this day, embroidery is a mandatory element of a Mexican costume, while its patterns are borrowed from different tribes of the Indians who once lived in Mexico. Including the Mayan tribe.

Ribbon (part of the Mayan female costume)

On clothes today, Mexicans can embroider squares, lines, diamonds, pyramids. In ancient times, the Indians believed that these patterns could protect and protect against evil spirits. In addition to the geometric shapes today, Mexicans can also see images of cacti, and cacti grow throughout Mexico, chrysanthemums and skulls. Images of skulls are also associated with another pre-Christian indigenous culture of Mexico. But thanks to Christianity on the clothes of Mexicans, you can see the images of the Virgin Mary.

Wall murals in Bonampack
In this area were found by the ruins of the city of Maya

In addition to the released bandage, Maja tribe men also wore a pati cape made from a rectangular piece of fabric. Maya of noble origin could wear a long shirt and another debacious dressing, something like a reminiscent skirt.

Maja tribe women wore a cube - this is a long dress. Sometimes the lower skirt could be worn with the dress. However, the skirt could be worn separately. In this case, the chest remained open. The Mayan tribe, like many ancient tribes, it was believed that women and men should close only the lower half of the body, while the upper body could be naked.

Hessus Halguer (1910-1971)

Also, Maja women, like men, could wear a cape. It was the capes of the Indian tribes that became a prototype of modern Mexican poncho. However, it is believed that the Poncho's tribe was the Mapuche tribe, which once lived in Chile. This clothing was borrowed by the Spaniards. And then spread to all American territories, which were once Mexican colonies. Including poncho began to wear in Mexico.

Poncho is clothing in the form of a large rectangular piece of fabric with a hole for the head in the middle.

Another tribe of the Indians, which influenced the traditional costume of Mexico, is Aztec.

Civilization of Aztec, who left behind a large cultural heritage, existed in the XIV-XVI centuries. The capital of Aztec was the city of Telochtitlan. Today in his place is Mexico City - the capital of Mexico.

Suit noble Aztec
Figure XVII century.

Aztec clothes, like Maja's clothing, as richly decorated with ornaments. It was on the clothes of Aztecs that could see images of cacti, which to this day are popular in Mexico, geometric patterns, animal drawings - snakes, butterflies, rabbits.

The men of the Aztec tribe wore a boiled dressing - Mashtlatl and a cloak in the form of a rectangular piece of fabric - Tilmatli. Also, men could wear a fitting quirky, which replaced the armor - itkupilla. Such a shirt was worn by warriors. And the tunic with short sleeves of Shikli.

Diego Rivera (1886-1957)
Women Tihuana

The clothes of representatives of different estates differed in color and patterns. So, the cloak (Tilmatli) of the priests was decorated with images of skulls and painted in black or dark green colors. The warriors wore red races, and the emperor's raincoat was green-blue.

Aztec tribe women wore long skirts. The representatives of the larger classes also put on long blouses with embroidery near the neck - Uypil.

To this day, the traditional version of the female costume Mexico is a blouse and a wide long skirt.

Also, women of the Aztec tribe could wear Pelterina Kechkemite. All clothes were bright and decorated with embroidery.

In the XVI century, the Spaniards landed on the shores of modern Mexico. In those times . And the influence of Christianity on the culture of Mexico was also great.

Diego Rivera (1886-1957)
Sons of my godfather

However, in the traditional costume of Mexico, Spain's effect was manifested in headdresses. National Mexican Headdress - Sombrero hat.

Sombrero (from the Spanish "sombrero" - "hat") is a headdress with a high cone-shaped fool and usually with rounded up the edges of wide fields.

The cheaper sombrero hats option is a hat made of straw. More expensive - a hat from felt.

In Spain, Sombrero called any headdress with wide fields. The name itself, most likely, happened from the Spanish word "Sombra", which translated "shadow".

Hessus Halguer (1910-1971)

In addition to Sombrero, poncho, lush skirts and colorful dresses to the traditional costume of Mexico, you can still take the costume of Charro - the costume of Mexican musicians Mariachi.

Hessus Halguer (1910-1971)

Elements of this costume were borrowed by Mexican musicians from clothes of rich landowners.

Cairro suit is a jacket, narrow pants and a hat with wide fields, as well as a cervical scarf.

The colors of this costume are black, as the main color, in combination with silver. As for Mexican musicians, in a black suit, according to the tradition, originated in the XIX century, they most often performed at the solemn events, for example, at the wedding or at the funeral. And dressed in white costumes, Mariachi performed songs for ladies.

Hessus Halguer (1910-1971)