How to erase a waterproof mattress cover. Correct washing of waterproof mattress holder Is it possible to wash a latex mattress

Many have a mattress in the house, it protects the mattress from pollution. To find out if you can wash it, you should learn the product label. This is very important, since the wrong wash can lead to a damage of the mattress cover. From the label you will learn about the washing mode recommended by the manufacturer, the ability to staining and the iron temperature.

Important! Please note what fabric is sewn the product. From this will depend on the frequency of washing, water temperature.

If the label is missing, then use only warm water, not above 30 degrees.

Washing (Mattress Cover) Mattress Manual

Most matages can be erased at home. If there are stains and contamination on the product, it should be removed before washing. There may be spots on the mattress from urine, blood, cosmetics.

  • Display stains from urine It is possible a mixture of salt and lemon juice. One dining room Spoon of salt mixes with juice of one lemon. The resulting composition is applied to the stain. for 2-3 hoursthen removed with a wet sponge. The same spots are well removed by a solution of household soap, dry children's powder. Fresh pollution can be removed with cold water, just shutting the surface.
  • Blood stains remove hydrogen peroxide. The liquid is poured on a dirty surface, and collected with a damp cloth. If necessary, you should repeat the procedure several times.
  • Lipstick stains Well removed with a cotton disk, moistened with ammonia alcohol.
  • Pollution from red wine Given salt and soda. The mixture is applied to a stain for 30 minutes, the residues are removed with a wet sponge.
  • From fat spots You can get rid of using salt, potato starch or talc. One of these funds is applied for 30 minutes.
  • Pollution from coffee, tea, juice Remove with cutlery vinegar.

After removing the stains, proceed to washing.

Washing mattress consist in a washing machine

Features of the filler of the mattress cover

Before washing, you need to make sure that the neat community can really be removed. It happens that when buying you assure you in this, and in fact there are difficulties.

You should ask the seller to take off the mattress and make sure it is easy enough to do it. Mattress covers can be with different fillers: cotton, synthetic, woolen, waterproof.

To choose a suitable product, you should know its main characteristics. Cotton Mattrices are hypoallergenic, eco-friendly. Synthetic can be freed. Woolen products make mattress soft and cozy.

Attention! Different types of fillers require a certain approach when washing.

How to erase a waterproof mattress

Before you buy a waterproof mattress staff, make sure that it is possible to wash it in the car. Otherwise, it will have to give in dry cleaning every time. In the waterproof mattress cover there is a moisture-resistant membrane. Such a product needs regular washing, as pollution will lead to the fact that protective properties are lost. Mattress covers are often used for patients, so wash is necessary.

During the washing of waterproof mattresses is prohibited:

  • use powder and other crystalline detergents, since the pores of the fabric can be clogged;
  • use the temperature mode above 40 degrees and welding;
  • press the product;
  • dry on the battery;
  • stroke;
  • use rinsers, air conditioners, means for removing stains.
  • for washing use liquid detergents;
  • stains should be kenned with soap;
  • the spin of the mattress holder is performed manually, but without twisting.

How to wash a woolen mattress

For woolen things need special care. With small pollution, you can use a sponge, moistened with a wool cleaning agent. The tool is diluted with warm water. Dirty woolen mattress staff better attribute to dry cleaning.

If you decide to wash it yourself, then some rules should be followed. The mode of the washing machine must be put on a "delicate wash" or "wool". The water temperature is not more than 30 degrees.

For washing, special means are suitable with Lanolin. The mattresser will be soft and elastic. You can not twist and press the wool product. It follows from both sides to press on the painted cover. Sew only in a horizontal position. You can only iron the mattress covers without fillers.

How to erase cotton mattress

It should be remembered that the mattress holder is bought to protect the mattress. The better the material, the better. And the right departure will provide products for a long life.

You will also use the video:

All mattresses are erased by hand or in a washing machine. Before starting, it is important to carefully examine the recommendations that the manufacturer indicates graphic form on a special birch. Basic requirements are reduced to the complete abandonment and use of the minimum possible temperature not exceeding 40 degrees. It is possible to use powders that are used for everyday things. After washing the product attach the most correct appearance and dried in a horizontal form.

Before you wash the mattresser from any fabric, carefully examine the requirements for washing this product proposed by the manufacturer.

What types of mattresses are erased in a typewriter

Mattress covers made from any material are suitable for washing, even from waterproof or waterproof fabric. Main types of Matatrutsnikov:

List of the most popular manufacturers:

  • Anderssen.
  • EllipseBed.
  • Geneva.
  • Kondor
  • Perrino.
  • Professor
  • Protect-A-Bed
  • Sleep & Fly
  • Mattress.
  • Protect.
  • Bed & Bed.

Before you start, carefully examine the manufacturer's recommendations that he. For each product, it is necessary to choose this washing mode and the temperature in which the washing powder will remove all pollution and does not harm the color and structure of the tissue.

What temperature to choose

During the washing case, the temperature should be the same during the entire procedure.

When choosing a program for delicate things, the minimum possible temperature is automatically exhibited - from 30 to 40 degrees. Otherwise, such a temperature is displayed manually. It should be constant throughout the wash.


If there is no choice of programs, then you must completely disable the spin and set the minimum wash time. Excessive revolutions during annealing is able to irreversibly deform the case from the orthopedic mattress of Ascona and other types of covers.

How to dry the case for the mattress

With the complete absence of spinning in manual and automatic washing, the neat mastery remains completely dotted moisture. It must be dried correctly so that he does not have time to recry and was not deformed. To do this, give it the most correct shape and position completely on the horizontal surface. For high-quality drying, ensure good air circulation so that the evaporated moisture does not delay in the room.

The best measures are preventive. If you do not allow the passage of the cover, it is often not necessary to erase it. For this, the mattress covers are usually covered with linen, which serves as a barrier for major pollution, including dust. Get rid of the habit eating or drinking in bed so that the crumbs and liquid do not fall into bed linen.

The manufacturer of each product provides recommendations for care for its product. It is usually enough to venture the Mattress company Askona (Ascona) and other manufacturers several times a year, periodically vacuuming it and remove minor pollution.

Below is a video, which shows the wash of the mattress cover in the washing machine.

Larisa, November 30, 2018.

How to wash the mattresser waterproof? Most people in the house keep such a thing, because he prevents the formation of pollution. Of course, they all demand clean over time so that they can use longer. But to find out whether it is possible to wash the mattress cover, you need to refer to the product label in which all this is spelled out. Basically get rid of stains can be 2 ways: manual and machine washing.

How to erase the water-repellent mattress? Almost all matages can be erased at home.

The nature of the spots of spots may be different: from the blood, to cosmetics:

  1. Eliminate stains from urine by mixing a hydrochloric solution and lemon juice. For washing the mattress you should take a spoonful of salt and a whole lemon. The resulting solution is applied to pollution, after which the product should be ruined for several hours. After this time, the residues of the mixture are removed with a wet sponge. In addition, such pollution can be derived to economic soap or children's powder. And the recently left stain is enough to be caught with cold water.
  2. Blood spots are removed by hydrogen peroxide. Liquid remedy It is necessary to pour into a contaminated area, and after immediately lay the residues with a damp sponge. With a strong need, this process is repeated several times until the stain disappears.
  3. How to wash the mattress post after traces of lipstick? Catering spots will leave if they are affected by the ammonia alcohol located on a cotton disk.
  4. Red wine is displayed with a mixture of salt and soda. The consistency is superimposed on a stain and dwells in such a state for no more than 30 minutes. Then the excess mixture is eliminated with a rag.
  5. Fat pollution rubs off with salt, starch or talca. Any of these means to choose is superimposed on a contaminated surface for some time.
  6. Dirty spots from the coffee beverage disappear after the impact on them vinegar.

In the presence of any contaminants, it is necessary to make them immediately cleaning, then it will be easier to get rid of stains.

Before buying a product, it is worth finding out whether it is to be washing in a washing machine. If you do not know about it in time, it will be necessary to make it cleaning in dry cleaning. And the fact is that the mattress holder has a moisture-proof membrane. That is why it is necessary to wash a thing at the slightest pollution, and otherwise it cannot be used for its intended purpose. They are manufactured for sick people, so cleaning should be done regularly.

In the process of washing the mattressus is not recommended:

  • apply powdered and crystalline cleaning tools, because it is possible to contaminate the products;
  • set the temperature exceeding the value of 40 degrees;
  • press the mattress;
  • produce drying indoors near pipes;
  • stroke;
  • add air conditioners and stains.
  • when washing, use only detergents, liquid consistency;
  • in the removal of stains can contribute soap;
  • you need to press yourself yourself, but it is impossible to twist the product.

Not recommended to wash the waterproof mattress cover together with other things. In particular, it is forbidden to do if there are fasteners and other additional elements on the linen. Also, to protect the child from an allergic reaction, it is desirable to erase it separately.

It is important to understand that the mattress holder is protected from various pollution. You can buy it in any shopping center specialized in such products.

However, it would be better if the woman was postponed immediately after the purchase.

Removable mattress covers allow you to maintain the purity of the mattress as long as possible, prevent the formation of stains. But they must be erased regularly, given the features of the cover, membranes and fillers. Many buyers argue: And "Is it possible to wash the mattress shop in the washing machine?" It's time to find out.

Mattress Case Runo Bamboo

Fundamental rules

Save the mattress record label. On it you will find all the necessary information about washing. In the case of his lost, contact the world Internet. If the product was previously purchased at the popular IKEA store, you will find detailed information on care for it without any problems.

In case of a complete lack of information, focus on materials and careful conditions of washing.

Please note that usually an external case is manufactured from materials such as:

  • Cotton fabric. (Temperature regime - 40 degrees, allowed to wash manually or mechanically);
  • Bamboo fiber. (The same water temperature, mechanical drying, ironing and bleaching) is prohibited)
  • Microfiber (approach 60 degrees).

Moistureproof covers

The membrane material needs special care.

You can erase the waterproof case, but at the same time it is unacceptable:

  1. Wash at over 40 ° C
  2. Whitening with special means.
  3. Mechanical or manual spin.
  4. Drying under the sunny rays.
  5. The use of auxiliary substances.
  6. Chemical cleaning.

If you have determined that the design includes a water-repellent membrane, in the future it can be erased only in a washing machine, with a delicate mode. You can use gels or shampoos are not aggressive substances that will help get rid of pollution on the case.

Moistureproof Mattress Supplies Protect Simple

After washing the drying. Mattress holder can be broken throughout the length. After complete drying, the surface can be treated with various means. This will allow return the initial quality of the goods.

Varieties of Czechs

If there are fillers in the mattressus - the fluff or pen, it is possible to wash it in a washing machine, but it must withstand no less than 7 kg of dried linen. Do not use bleach and air conditioning.

It is not more difficult to care for the mattresser from different wool. It is enough to wipe it with a brush, in advance moistened in the water, and add a few drops of the means for the washing machine. After that, it can be cleaned in a washing machine, with "for wool" and water temperature at least 30 ° C, but the spin should be on medium-sized turns.

Holofiber or polyester fibers are often used by manufacturers. They have similar characteristics and are able to withstand washing at high temperatures, but not spinning on high revs. Also should not be used aggressive substances.

Popular firms

The two most popular companies are Ascona and Ormaytek. They specialize in one product. Mattress covers are made of cotton fabric. A simple technology and proper care makes it possible to listen as long as possible in an attractive form. Askon's merry goods can be used in moderate mode with water temperature not more than 40 degrees.

Ormaytek is often used by Zaccard - satin material. His washing rules differ slightly from the rules assigned by Ascona:

  1. The product should take only half of the drum.
  2. The use of aggressive substances is prohibited.
  3. Turn on delicate mode.
  4. The water temperature should not be above 30 ° C.
  5. It is possible to iron the mattress on any side.

The purchased cover must be cleaned or ventilated. Washing should not be frequent, just once every six months. It can only be dried in a massive form and outdoors, but try to avoid direct sunlight.