How to form skin at home. Effect of Waste - Fashion Print Sene Soberous Effect of Ancient on Skin

Losts have long been leading on worldwide podiums. They are decorated shorts, pants, skirts, jackets. Today, fashionable effect can be found even on shoes and boots. Things with this print will not leave their owner without due attention to others.

Lost in jeans

Denim things are the perfect foundation for creating scuffs. Designers and handmakers know perfectly about this and use in the creation of unique images. Binding jeans in factory conditions - a multi-step process in which massive presses and complex chemicals are involved.

However, it is possible to get a fashionable effect at home, sufficiently stock:

  • dense jeans
  • chalk
  • fine-grained emery paper / pumice
  • skid or plywood
  • pulverizer
Create threaded on jeans is better in those places that are not very wearing, so the thing will last longer. When implementing conceived, avoid elbows and knees

Put jeans and mark the chalk of the places you want to make lighter. Spread the product in front of you. Under the scene for future wipes to lay the plywood or a skid - so it will work easier, and you will not wipe the chance of a second layer (for example, on a pantone or sleeve).

Place for processing a little moisten with water. It is best to use a pulverizer for this, but you can do with a soft wet cloth. Attach it literally for a minute - the surface should not get into the throat. Arm yourself with pembed / sandpaper and start processing. It is best to move in one direction: so make a neat failure effect will be easier. During the work, stop and trying on the thing to understand when you should stop.

To create beautiful "shopping" holes only with transverse threads require a special breakout. Second option - remove all vertical threads manually with manicure scissors

The noble effect of antiquity on the skin

The fashion print of the season was awarded not only jeans. Designers presented not one collection of women's clothing, where the important place is occupied by spectacular leather things, artificially aged. Create a stylish wardrobe highlight you can independently.

Use pembes in this case is inefficient. The surface will not be stylishly shabby, but unsightly stray. Lost on the skin is better to create, focusing on the secrets of professionals.

If you wish to become a winner, for example, a vintage jacket, it will have to be fully composed. First, soak the thing in a strong salt solution for 24 hours. When the skin softens well, let it drain and impose with elastic bandages or rags for another 12 hours.

Heat the oven to 100 degrees and place the product there. Prepare a pelvis with cold water. As soon as you feel the smell, urgently remove the skin and dip. Repeat actions need minimum three times. Next lay out the thing in the sun and expect complete drying.

However, the above-mentioned procedures can do not fulfill each Fashion. Especially since it is necessary to wait for two-three days. If you want to get a stylish print of the season in a shorter period, use the solvent.

Spread on the surface prepared thing. Jump gloves and a medical mask, take a metal sponge for washing dishes (from small metallized villi). Perch the sponge into the solvent and spend it on the skin with a light pressure. You will quickly remove that the initial structure of the material changes and acquires the desired appearance.

Leather. Shabby and covered with a network of small wrinkles, the material comes out of the hands of the wizard as textured and unique. From it there are bags, shoes and upper clothes, specially processed upholstery pull furniture in retro style. Similar things are more expensive than brilliant and smooth products. wear out skin You can both with your own hands using some mechanical and chemical methods for processing this material.

You will need

  • - cut of genuine leather;
  • - sketch of the future product;
  • - plywood stretch, small nails and hammer;
  • - razor blade, press, rigid brush and emery;
  • - pulverizer and water;
  • - medical and ammonia alcohol;
  • - glycerin;
  • - Castor oil;
  • - wool and rag;
  • - varnish crane or paint for leather;
  • - Sponge and brush;
  • - Salt.
  • - Gutalin;
  • - old iron;
  • - hot wardrobe;
  • - wooden form;
  • - Marble powder.


Examine a piece of genuine leather. Some natural material defects can even play your hand. Small scars, traces from and other insects, inhomogeneous color, - all this try to beat and create a truly unique thing.

Carefully think over the appearance of the future product. Sometimes it is sufficient to simply untake skin, thoroughly stretch it diagonally in different directions. With the help of sandpaper, you can make a ready-made product more or less scorched in certain places (for example, on elbows or knees). For clarity, draw on paper a network of decorative chances and cracks, which can even be outlined cuts.

To create a reinforced effect of antique skin, it will have to pre-prepare it, make it softer and militant. Mix the cut with water from the spray, pull it on the paneur with the help of nails and dried in the sun.

Wrap in the surface of the leather canvas castor oil, or glycerin. After drying the material, wipe it with alcohol and begin to knead and perform a thoughtful wrinkle pattern. Scratching can be made with a rigid brush, and the chances are using the press. Work carefully and leisurely, because the process of creating artificially made up the skin is irreversible!

Wipe the apparatable material with clean water, dry wind and recycle it in a stretch. While the pores of the canvas are slightly moistened, soak them with castor oil with a small amount of ammonia alcohol. After gravity, the material must dry, and it can be removed from plywood. Once again skinSo that fat is penetrated between collagen fibers.

To styling the leather thing under the antique, you can take advantage of a special tinting agent for leather from the store for designers and artists. Carefully read the information on the package and proceed exactly according to the instructions. The composition of the varnishes of Kraklok turns a new product in cracked, as if from time to time.

Try the paint for the skin by making the color of the thing inhomogeneous, with dimming and discolored stains. This can be achieved, rubbing the surface with a sponge, brush and sandpaper, as well as using a combination of different colors of paint.

Finally, use the skin makeup method from shoe masters. Take a cut of brown and soak it in salted water (50 g per liter) for a day. After that, get it out of the container with the solution, give the fluid to drain and wrap the soft wind for drying. The surface of the web should be a little volgar.

Lubricate skin Gutalin and intend at a temperature of 120 degrees, trying not to burn the material. For these purposes, folk craftsmen are specifically held at hand old iron. When Gutalin stops sticking to the hands, remove the remnants of the means using glycerin alcohol. You can prepare it yourself: Mix the glycerin and alcohol 2: 1 and a little warm the mixture in a water bath. As a result of your manipulations, brown skin should refund.

Tension the painted material on the desired shape (for example, on the floor) and place it in the hot wardrobe (120 degrees). After the emergence of a strong unpleasant smell, remove the material and quickly plunge it into a cold water container. After two or three repeated procedures, the skin will cover the network of intricate cracks, and in the seams between them will manifest a brown color. For the effect of scuffs, additionally process the web with marble powder.

Helpful advice

The process of shaking the skin with the help of various paints and varnishes requires a certain skill. It is recommended to first try this or that means on a small sample of the material, and only then begin to decorative processing of the rest of the web. Protect the skin of the hands from chemicals with rubber gloves and work in a ventilated room, so as not to breathe harmful evaporation.

There are brands of shoes and bags that apply a wonderful patina to their products.
Patina is an artificial formation of the skin.
The coating that gives the leather products an aristocratic, noble, very expensive view.

Patina is an artificial composition of the skin, which has become very popular lately. We are talking about the game of contrasts and shades, which allows you to give shoes of uniqueness.

The invention of artificial patina we are obliged to Olga Berluti. According to her legend, she had an idea to produce men's shoes from the so-called "living" skin, which is able to perfectly absorb paint.


Before you know in the details on how you can perform a patina, you need to familiarize yourself with some precautionary measures.

  • If you did not have to hold this procedure before, we recommend doing it on the old pair of shoes, which will not be sorry to throw out.
  • Be careful with the amount of paint used.
  • It is much easier to apply a patina on light shoes.
  • Patina application is a very long and time-consuming process, so you will have to gain patience. Do not hope that the whole process will take you 30 minutes.
  • If shoes are made of poor quality leather, do not even try to apply a patina.
  • Before applying a patina to the entire surface of the shoes, try to apply a small amount for a not very noticeable area of \u200b\u200bshoes.

How to perform a patina

For patina you will need:

  • a pair of shoe shodes
  • rag
  • solvent
  • 90% alcohol solution
  • various paint.
  • cream and wax for shoes
  • thin, wide brush, as well as brushes with rough and soft bristles, rag, sponge, sponge, cotton phytili

Before applying a patina on shoes, cover the work surface and do not forget to put on apron, gloves, as well as safety glasses. Pattern is needed in a well-ventilated room. With the help of painting scotch, you can protect the sole and the inner part of the shoes from the ingress of paint. First of all, you need to carefully clean the shoes. This is a mandatory step, which will remove the old layers of the fracturing, the cream in order for the paint better penetrate into the skin. Before applying the solvent, pass the brush to remove dust, and then clean the surface of the shoes using a damp cloth. After each application of the solvent, let the shoes dry for 15-20 minutes.

Apply the solvent is very careful:

  • it is better to use a small brush that makes it possible to apply a means in a small amount and will allow focusing attention directly on those zones you want to discier
  • if you are not satisfied with the degree of discoloration, apply the tool again
  • after some time thoroughly rinse shoes
  • give shoes well to dry at least overnight
  • do not get carried away by a solvent, as it spoils the skin

After the shoes dry, apply the paint that will act as the basis. It is better to apply paint with a tassel, a sponge, a sponge and so on. Paint proper dry for 15-20 minutes. You can apply a second layer of paint if the tone seems too light to you.

Applying patina on shoes completely depends on your imagination and your taste. All you need to know is that the paint layers are applied from light to darker (use different tones of patina). For example, you can apply a black paint on the seams. With the help of a sponge, you can also create a marble pattern on the shoe sock or its entire surface. The most difficult moment is the tone mitigation technique. To do this, you can take advantage of a tassel or cloth. Please note that you should not apply a lot of patina on shoes, otherwise it will be too rushing into the eyes.

After the paint is driving, do not forget that the skin requires care, it is necessary to feed it and moisturize. To do this, apply universal cream on shoes. It is not recommended to use a colorless cream, it is better to use a cream that is a little lighter paint. After the cream is driving off (15-20 minutes), soda shoes to shine. At the end, you can apply wax for shoes.

If you want to give your shoes originality using a patina, but you are afraid to do it yourself, refer to the specialists in this area.

You will need

  • - cut of genuine leather;
  • - sketch of the future product;
  • - plywood stretch, small nails and hammer;
  • - razor blade, press, rigid brush and emery;
  • - pulverizer and water;
  • - medical and ammonia alcohol;
  • - glycerin;
  • - Castor oil;
  • - wool and rag;
  • - varnish crane or paint for leather;
  • - Sponge and brush;
  • - Salt.
  • - Gutalin;
  • - old iron;
  • - hot wardrobe;
  • - wooden form;
  • - Marble powder.


Carefully think over the appearance of the future product. Sometimes it is sufficient to just stretch the skin, stretch it to stretch it diagonally in different directions. With the help of sandpaper, you can make a ready-made product more or less scorched in certain places (for example, on elbows or knees). For clarity, draw on paper a network of decorative chances and cracks, which can even be outlined cuts.

To create a reinforced effect of antique skin, it will have to pre-prepare it, make it softer and militant. Mix the cut with water from the spray, pull it on the paneur with the help of nails and dried in the sun.

Wrap in the surface of the leather canvas castor oil, or glycerin. After drying the material, wipe it with alcohol and begin to knead and perform a thoughtful wrinkle pattern. Scratching can be made with a rigid brush, and the chances are using the press. Work carefully and leisurely, because the process of creating artificially made up the skin is irreversible!

Wipe the apparatable material with clean water, dry wind and recycle it in a stretch. While the pores of the canvas are slightly moistened, soak them with castor oil with a small amount of ammonia alcohol. After gravity, the material must dry, and it can be removed from plywood. Once again, break the skin so that fat penetrates between the collagen fibers.

To styling leather items, you can use a special tinting agent for leather from the store for designers and artists. Carefully read the information on the package and proceed exactly according to the instructions. The composition of the block turns a new product into cracked, as if from time to time.

Try the paint for the skin by making the color of the thing inhomogeneous, with dimming and discolored stains. This can be achieved, rubbing the surface with a sponge, brush and sandpaper, as well as using a combination of different colors of paint.

Finally, use the skin makeup method from shoe masters. Take a cut of brown and soak it in salted water (50 g per liter) for a day. After that, get it out of the container with the solution, give the fluid to drain and wrap the soft wind for drying. The surface of the web should be a little volgar.

Lubricate the skin Gutalin and plot at a temperature of 120 degrees, trying not to burn the material. For these purposes, the craftsmen are specifically held at hand old iron. When Gutalin stops sticking to the hands, remove the remnants of the means using glycerin alcohol. You can prepare it yourself: Mix the glycerin and alcohol 2: 1 and a little warm the mixture in a water bath. As a result of your manipulations, brown skin should refund.

Tension the painted material on the desired shape (for example, on the floor) and place it in the hot wardrobe (120 degrees). After the emergence of a strong unpleasant smell, remove the material and quickly plunge it into a cold water container. After two or three repeated procedures, the skin will cover the network of intricate cracks, and in the seams between them will manifest a brown color. For the effect of scuffs, additionally process the web with marble powder.

Helpful advice

The process of shaking the skin with the help of various paints and varnishes requires a certain skill. It is recommended to first try this or that means on a small sample of the material, and only then begin to decorative processing of the rest of the web. Protect the skin of the hands from chemicals with rubber gloves and work in a ventilated room, so as not to breathe harmful evaporation.


  • How to form a leather jacket

The formation of a person is the retouching of high difficulty, which is performed by highly qualified specialists. But Adobe Photoshop allows you to make an old face in a simple way available even to beginners.

You will need

  • Tools: Adobe Photoshop CS2 or higher


You must prepare: the original - the person on which you want to create, and the photo on which an old person is captured.
Open an image with an old man in Adobe Photoshop (Ctrl + O), and copy it to the clipboard. It makes sense to copy not all the image, but only a face. To do this, select the Lasso (L) tool and circle the desired area. When you release the mouse button, a thin dotted line around the selected area appears. In the Editing menu, select "Copy" (Ctrl + C).

Open the image with the face you want to form.
Click on the "Edit" menu item "Insert" (Ctrl + V).
Since images may differ in size, it is necessary to scale the upper layer. To do this, select "Free Transformation" in the Editing menu. Markers will appear around the illustration, pulling for which you will get the opportunity to increase, and stretch the image.
Make sure that the slope on both portraits coincides. To do this, remove a little mouse cursor from one of the markers until it change to a double arcuate arrow. Then use the left mouse button to change the tilt of the illustration. To accept changes, press the "Enter" key.