Pea masks for skin face - recipes at home. Peas - Face Beauty Source Face Mask Masks Rejuvenating

A rejuvenating mask of pea flour for a person is available today for every beauty that wants to ensure its skin proper care at any time of the year. Pea flour is sold in the finished form in any of the stores, so you will not arise problems with the preparation of this cosmetics, but the result will be very pleased.

Pea flour is a very valuable product rich in all sorts of vitamins and microelements. Their integrated effects on the skin cells and gives the stunning rejuvenating effect that masks from pea flour are possessed:

  • vitamin E regenerates damaged areas of the skin, heals the microcracks and is considered to be vitamin beauty;
  • vitamin B 1 will not give your cells to make up, forming a protective film around them, which protects them from the aggressive impact of external factors (ultraviolet, temperature drops, etc.);
  • potassium regulates the level of moisturizing in cells;
  • calcium makes skin silky to the touch and very smooth, having excellent cleansing properties;
  • zinc - an excellent antioxidant, which also contributes to skin rejuvenation;
  • iron will provide cells of your skin with oxygen, without which disruption of regenerative processes and rapid aging.

Using a mask of pea flour constantly, after a couple of week, the skin will be transformed, as it solves many skin problems.

Masks from pea flour: testimony and contraindications

Given the beneficial properties of pea flour, the mask from it can be recommended in the following cases:

  • it will be useful to be such a mask primarily for fading skin, as the pea flour for the face is an unsurpassed cosmetologist, which will improve the color, and wrinkles will smoke, and elasticity will give;
  • dry skin will get the necessary moisture and stop suffering from peeling;
  • with contaminated pores, the mask of pea flour will give the extraordinary effect of purification, possessing the peeling properties;
  • being a treasury of vitamins and trace elements, a mask of pea flour will become an indispensable nutritional cosmetic tool for skin care of any type.

Wonderful masks of pea flour do not have absolutely no contraindications, so you can safely apply them on the skin, but the main thing is not to overtake: 20 minutes will be quite enough.

Masks from pea flour: Best recipes

You can choose a classic recipe for making masks from pea flour, which comes without additional ingredients, and you can dilute the main mask by other components.

  • Classic mask

Pea flour (2 tablespoons) dilute with warm water to a porridge state.

  • Sour cream

Pea flour (2 tablespoons) is to dissolve with a small amount of warm water and mix with sour cream (2 tablespoons).

  • Dairy

Pea flour (dining room spoon) to dilute with a small amount of warm milk, add olive oil (tablespoon).

  • For washing

It will be very effective to wash the pea flour, which will replace your usual gel or foam. Flour to dilute to the consistency of Cashitz, put on a slightly moistened face, rub and washed away.

Masks made of pea flour - these are the natural means that our grandmothers used and looked even in old age for all 100.

What is the benefit of pea for the skin? The fact that this sowing peas has starch and almost 2.5% ash, which contains copper, manganese, molybdenum, cobalt, iron, zinc, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus. In addition, beta carotene, vitamins A, C, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, B9, B9, B6, B9, B9,

Vitamins in a complex with zinc confront inflammation and the action of free radicals - so that skin cover remains healthy, smooth and elastic. Vitamin B3 helps the skin to remain moistened, relieves irritation and improves its color; Vitamin B5 stimulates metabolism in epidermis cells; Vitamin B6 removes skin irritation and itching; B12 is known for its regenerating properties; Vitamin A helps reduce wrinkles and age spots, and vitamin C protects epidermis cells from peroxidation oxidation and thus slows down its aging.

Also, peas contains a set of amino acids, including cystine, lysine, tryptophan, arginine and methionine, in green peas also choline with insteps. The active floral extract Pisum Sativum (PEA) extract obtained from peas peel contains a specific phenolic antimemental complex, the overwhelming action of proteases that activate the aging of the skin and brake the synthesis of collagen and elastin epidermis.

Thanks to this, peas in face masks not only deeply cleanses the pores and increases the level of humidity of the skin, but also gives the skin elasticity and elasticity.

Recipes Masks for Pea face

What is good peas for home cosmetic procedures, so it is its availability and versatility. That is, the simplest, but very effective face mask of pea is prepared by mixing two tablespoons of pea flour with a small amount of warm water (flour is obtained by grinding of ordinary dry pea in a coffee grinder).

The resulting thick mixture covers the skin of the face with a thick layer, withstand about 20 minutes and washed off with warm water (and rinsed cool). Such a mask is very popular among the Americans, and they consider it an indispensable tool for no longer very young skin ...

If you suffer from skin problems, such as irritation or itching, then this mask will help you. Even the ready-made mask for fatty skin (with rotting and pink eels) with green pea flour - Green Pea Purifying 3D Mask. Its regular use helps to clean the pores from excess skin, prevent clogging and ensure sufficient skin moisturizing.

Mask of pea from wrinkles is also very simple: in a mixture of pea flour with water, you need to add a teaspoon sour cream, and with very dry skin - as much olive oil. And if the skin is fat, then you need to take or degreased sour cream, or low-fat kefir.

Pea face mask with milk is suitable for mixed skin type. A pea flour from dried green pea, mixed with olive oil (in proportion 2: 1) - an excellent means to increase the elasticity of dry skin in women of mature age.

Useful masks from fresh young peas, which is crushed by a blender and connect with the same ingredients.

Finally, we reached the mentioned Roman mask: they argue that it was made by the beauties of ancient Rome two thousand years ago ... their feedback on face masks from pea, alas, not survived, but the recipe for this classic mask reached us. For her preparation, it is necessary to combine flour from green pea with milk serum in a 1: 1 ratio and put the resulting mass on the face. Keep a mask before it is complete drying, and then wash off with water.

In India, women have imprinted the recipe for this mask from pea, and her makes every bride in front of the marriage ceremony. We open up the secret ingredients of this magic tool: pea flour (two tablespoons) should be mixed with turmeric (tablespoon) and almond oil to pasta state.


Dear readers, did you try to apply for your beauty mask for a pea face, what do you know about it? If they never applied them, I advise you to pay your attention to them. I suggest today to talk about them on the blog.

The Roman ladies were confident that pea flour possesses anti-aging properties, and at that time it was exactly the most progressive and acting means against the boring wrinkles. The recipes of pea masks from the Romans are very popular with modern young ladies, which keep up with the times and accept only peeling therapy.

Shining fresh matte leather peach shade is the result of a full care for her. Cosmetologists are convinced that to give the skin a well-groomed look, as well as give her softness, run the processes of regeneration and return the tone capable of peas.

How are such pea masks for the skin of our face?

  • Such masks have an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Have a rejuvenating effect.

What problems Can we solve with pea masks?

  • Thanks to the amino acids, the skin of the face becomes more elastic, pulled and smooth.
  • Thanks to the vitamin C, our skin is rejuvenated.
  • B vitamins B helps to struggle with aging of the skin of the face.
  • Starch softens our skin.
  • Carotine will moisturize it.
  • Holine will calm her.

For what type of skin are such pea masks?

First of all, for problem skin, for oily skin, they are also good. But with dry skin, it is still not to apply them due to the fact that the mask has a dry effect. But thanks to other components that can be included in the mask, it is possible for this type of skin to advise it. Such masks are well helped at the first age changes.

What results do we get as a result of the use of masks from pea?

Angry rash and acne will slowly disappear, wrinkles will smash, our skin will suit.

What kind of peas will we use for masks at home?

Fresh, dry, frozen. But in no case can the canned polka dot.

In recipes, it is often found - dry peas should be crushed. You know, I have advice: you can use for this coffee grinder, grind it, after washing and having heard. But it is easier to buy just a pea flour. It is sold in supermarkets.

Also, dry peas can be boiled for some recipes, make mashed potatoes and apply it in this form.

Fresh peas you just need to stretch carefully for a fork.

Before applying a face mask from pea skin, it is necessary to clean the skin and it would be good to apply a steam bath. If your skin is prepared (sunken), the effect will be maximum.

And make a simple test, whether such a mask is suitable for you. We are all different. And even here are such innocent components can cause an allergic reaction. Apply a few masks on the wrist, hold for 10 minutes. If everything is fine, there is no redness, you can apply on your face.

Masks to spend the best course - 5-7 -10 masks. Apply them every three to five days.

The recipe for pea masks for the face at home for young leather from black dots and acne.

Redness, systematically emerging pimples, black dots and acne may arise at the most decisive moment and spoil the mood with their appearance. You need express - tool that can cope with imperfections in 2 accounts. To do this, take:

  • 2.5 spoons of dry crushed pea
  • 2 tbsp. l. Dairy serum.

The proposed components need to be carefully taken to the creamy mass. Next, apply a remedy for deeply cleaned skin for 20 minutes, relax, inhaling healing evaporation. After the expiration, wash the remedy for water and enjoy a soft, matte and smooth face with a natural blush. At the end of BEAUTY - Procedures apply light nutrient cream.

Petrice recipe for pea for face.

In order to prepare this miracle - a means ending with the healing properties, it is necessary to accurately mix 2.5 tbsp. l. Pea flour with fatty (rustic) milk. Mass must be applied to the skin with a smooth layer and leave the tool until it does not dry. Cosmetologists are convinced that after the first procedure, the skin acquires a tempting well-kept species, softness, velvety and smoothness, which is especially relevant for dry skin, prone to dryness.

Recipe express - means for restoring very dry skin.

It is necessary to combine thoroughly:

  • 3.5 tbsp. l. Peas (ground)
  • 2 tbsp. l. Rustic sour cream (30%)
  • 1 tbsp. l. Mineral purified water (without gas)

All ingredients must be thoroughly combined to get together to obtain a homogeneous mass. At the next stage, apply thick on the skin and wait that it penetrates in the deep layers, activating the regeneration processes. Next, wash and sprinkle face with thermal water.

Recipe pea mask with berries.

It is necessary to add 2.5 tbsp. Spoons of pre-crushed pea with puree cooked from black currant berries. The spa means must be applied to the skin, after which it is thoroughly washed after 15 minutes. Instead of black currant, you can use an orange aromatic essence in a duet with olive oil. Cosmetologists warn that when applied, allergies may occur, so you first follow the wrist test. In the event that before removing the tool you perform a massage, you can achieve the effect of peeling, which will eliminate dead cells, and at the same time will return the skin shining tint.

Mask, possessing peeling - effect (made of dry pea) from wrinkles.

Such a mask is recognized as an incredibly effective anti-aging agent against dry skin. It contributes to an increase in skin elasticity, as well as in 2 bills smoothes nasolabial folds and even deep wrinkles.

Ingredients and preparation method:

2.5 tbsp. l. Pea is recommended to rinse, as you should dry and skip through a coffee grinder. Next to the resulting mass you need to add several spoons of non-cool water and insist 10 minutes. The last ingredient - yogurt should be added to the mass at the final stage. Apply a means for 17-22 minutes.

Homemade pea masks have two options for cooking: in the first case, the casher from the young peas is used, in the second - crushed in flour dry mature beans. Fresh green peas is not only satisfying, but also very tasty. In the cooking, it is valued for the high content of protein and nutrition. In the beans themselves, potassium, iron, phosphorus salts, vitamins and antioxidant substances, which slow down aging. It is logical to use these properties for skin care. Folk masks from peas are rejuvenating and contribute to smoothing wrinkles. They also nourish, clean and tone the skin, which helps to improve the complexion. Classical pea mask prepare very simple. To do this, you need a young green peas in Kashitsa and mix it with sour cream. One mask is enough two large spoons of pea mass and one spoon of fatty sour cream. The resulting mixture should be applied to clean skin (can be applied on the neck), to withstand the mask for at least 20 minutes and washed off with a warm water. This tool is universal, as it suits all types of skin and simultaneously nourishes, tones and softens. For problem fatty skin, mix the pea mass is recommended with low-fat sour cream, and for fading and dry skin it is better to use a homely fat product. Sour cream can be replaced with egg yolk, cottage cheese, olive oil or milk cream, homemade mayonnaise, if the mask is intended for dry skin type. Or yoghurt, egg protein and degreased cottage cheese - for fatty skin.

Pea-based rejuvenating mask:

Young polka dot grind in a blender or meat grinder. Next, two tablespoons of the resulting puree mix three tablespoons of heated milk. Add one tea spoon and two tea spoons aloe juice. Stir the ingredients and apply on the skin. Keep a mask of 20-30 minutes, wash off non-rigany water.

Another option pea mask for smoothing wrinkles:

Grind ripe dried peas in flour. Next, two tablespoons of flour from the peas mix with a warm milk (to care for more oily skin, replace serum milk) so that it turns out the flowing thick composition. Apply the finished mask on the cleaned skin, where there are wrinkles and leave for 20-40 minutes. Then be aware of non-neutral water and lubricate your skin with a nutrient cream.

Pea wrinkle mask:

Grind peas in a coffee grinder. Next, two tablespoons of the resulting flour mix with a tablespoon of carrot juice. Add a tablespoon of warm puree from potatoes and mix the ingredients thoroughly. Apply a mask abundantly on the skin of the face, except the area of \u200b\u200bdelicate skin around the eyes. After 25-40 minutes, wash off the remedy with a warm water. At the end of the procedure, it is necessary to apply a nutrient cream.

Pea-based scrub-mask:

Mature dry peas shredding in a coffee grinder to make a very coarse flour. This will be the main increasing ingredient. Adjust the makeup need products that fit your skin type. For dry type, use sour cream, yolk, vegetable oil, warm porridge from mankey or oatmeal. For a bold type of skin, take a kefir, prostroprious, low-fat sour cream, cassea from the pulp of fresh tomato. Next, mix the croup of pea with, for example, sour cream to get a thick scrub. Apply a mass on wet clean skin, massage with finger guns for two minutes. After that, leave the composition on the skin for another quarter of an hour. At the end, rinse the agent of the summer temperature, blot your skin and smear the moisturizing cream.

Recipe for a matting mask for combined and oily skin:

Fresh green polka dot spread in mashed potatoes. Next, mix two tablespoons of the resulting mass with the same amount of serum or sour milk. This composition must draw about ten minutes. After that it is necessary to move again and apply to the skin. Keep a mask about 20-25 minutes. Then wash the cool water. In this recipe, you can use flour from ground ripe pea, so this matting procedure is available all year round. It is also useful to read about

Recently, many talk about the benefits of green vegetables and fruits. They contain "deficient" substances, for example, folic acid, which are very small in other products. The most affordable of such vegetables is peas. His cosmetic advantages were known in Ancient Rome. Women already knew a lot about the preservation of youth and beauty. Invented by them mask for the face of pea is used today. In our article, we will tell you how you can prepare such a composition, as well as tell about other popular recipes with this garden miracle.

How to prepare peas

The first question arising from women is associated with the choice of product. After all, peas can be fresh from the garden or dry with shop counters. Pea face mask can be prepared from any of them. The difference will consist only in the preparation of the product to further "use".

So, having prepared Cashitz from the "green handsome", you can proceed to the preparation of therapeutic compositions. Let's start with the most famous mask.

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Roman skin elastic mask

She is preparing surprisingly simply. Pea flour (2 tbsp) must be seen on sour milk, serum or kefir (2 art. L.). The resulting cracker is imposed on the face, as well as the neck and area of \u200b\u200bthe neckline. Its time is approximately 20 minutes. When it completely gets up, it is necessary to erase with the faces of the circular movements of the fingers, and then rinse first with warm, and at the end of cold water.

We need to do the procedure lying, completely relaxing the muscles of the face. The effect of it amazing - the skin is smoothed, becomes gentle, velvety and elastic.

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Verified folk recipes for face

  • For inflamed skin

In this recipe you can use only young milk polka dot. You need to cook it (1 tbsp. L.) And make a puree from it. Pour into it milk or cream (2 hours l), mix well and apply Cashitz on the face. After 15 minutes, rinse it with water. Such a mask for the face of green peas makes the skin noble matte, normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands and relieves irritation. After its regular use, the line of cheekbones and chin pulls up, that is, the face is returned to youth.

  • Against wrinkles

Take 2 tbsp. l. The cooked pea powder and dilute it with warm water and natural yogurt (with oily skin it can be replaced with kefir or sour milk). Leave the mixture for swelling approximately 5 minutes, then apply on the face and after 20 minutes, rinse with ordinary water. Since leggable crops contain substances with regenerating properties, a pea mask from wrinkles is well restored by the elasticity of the skin. To obtain the effect you need to make procedures for 1 month 2 times a week.

  • From acne

You need to pour 0.5 glasses of pea flour boiling water and give her time to cool and thickening. Add cream to it (100 g) and mix well. Clean your face, apply cooked crawls on it, and after 20 minutes, wash it with warm water. This face mask from pea flour perfectly cleans the skin, moisturizes it and is protected from harmful effects of the environment. It is recommended to do 2 times for a week.

  • Hair care

Fill the flour from peas with warm water and leave for the night so that it is blown away. In the morning, apply it on your hair, and after half an hour, rush, using warm water. A pea hair mask at the same time is an excellent natural shampoo. It blews fat and dirt perfectly, and also beneficially affects the appearance and health of the curls.

Many therapeutic compositions came to us from the past, but today they have excellent reviews. If you are applied regularly, it is very soon forget about the shortcomings of your skin and hair. Be beautiful!

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Video instructions for cooking pea mask