Sterilization of children's dishes - than washing children's bottles. How to sterilize and wash bottles and nipples !!! How to wash children's bottles

Dishes for feeding babies it is necessary to disinfect after each use. This eliminates the appearance of disorders and serious problems with digestion. It is important to correctly pick up the agent. Effectively and absolutely safe sterilize the inner of the bottle and nipples natural liquid compositions. They do not contain chemistry, made of eco-friendly components. How to wash children's bottles and pacifiers and to what secure detergents to pay attention to, experts will tell the online store "Daughters-Son".

How to wash baby bottles

Modern fluids on natural extracts easily wash the dried residues of milk, mixtures, mashed potatoes, or cereal even in cold water. The foamed composition is completely washed away from the surface.

Excellent proven tool for washing bottles from the Pigeon brand. In its basis, the food ester of sucrose, which, with a random hit in food, the baby is not at all dangerous. Even fruits and vegetables are smelled by bioactive components.

What can wash children's bottles and nipples:

  • facilities on vegetable oil;
  • composition with citrus essential oil;
  • sugaroza ester products;
  • substances with an extract of the healing chamomile.

Products for daily care for children's dishes are carefully tested. Practice shows that such funds do not cause allergies, do not drown the hands of the mother and have a 100% antimicrobial effect.

Table 1. Features of the most popular means for washing children's dishes
Brand Features Detergent
Aqa Baby. Used from the first days of the newborn life. It is very easy to wash off the remnants in cold water. Collection of herbal extracts. Liquid based on purified artesian water.
Pigeon. Successfully used for high-quality flushing of various products intended for feeding babies from birth. Bioactive ether food sucrose. Does not harm the gastrointestinal tract.
NUK. With biologically active substances. Quickly cleans the children's accessories and dishes from food residues. Made with the use of safe vegetable raw materials.
Biomio. You can wash both stickers and food. Delicately affects the skin of the hands. It has a pleasant smell. Based on the edible essential oil of mandarin.
"Umka" It is completely washed off in any water. It has a good antibacterial effect. Leaves my mother's hands gentle. As part of an antibacterial extract of plant origin.


What is best to wash children's bottles

Moms that have a tendency to allergic reactions are used for washing dishes of kids detergents with anti-allergenic and antimicrobial effect. For example, the Sodasan brand offers a Sensitive tool for parents who have allergies to non-human components. Natural extracts that make up these products kill microbes dangerous to the child.

To the question, is it possible to wash children's bottles of soda, qualified experts give a negative answer.

Opinion expert

For many parents it turned out to be the news that we do not recommend using for washing soda. If you are an adherent of traditional methods, you can use this product, but know that it will not provide the desired effect. Soda can only wash the rink from food. However, this nutritional supplement does not destroy the bacterial infant dangerous to health, no matter how much you are spent by Soda. Clear dishes from microbes can be possible only with a special disinfecting fluid.

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Antonova Ekaterina


It is safely and effectively to wash the hopes, bottles and pacifiers using funds that are intended for cleaning children's dishes. These compositions include only natural bioactive components - essential oils, sucrose, extracts. Such substances are absolutely harmless. The soda purifies, but does not disinfect the tank.

Who has a small child in his family, he is not a doubt familiar with bottles for feeding, nipples, diapers, dummy and certainly knows how and what to wash children's bottles and other items surrounding the baby. Such knowledge is needed by absolutely all young parents, because the wrong actions regarding the purification of the objects of children's use can not only damage the things themselves, but also to entail the negative reaction of the child's body. The thing is that the newborn baby has not yet managed to develop its immune system completely, and this makes it more susceptible to bacteria that are on incorrectly processed surfaces.

Important! When buying plastic bottles for newborns, make sure that the bisphenol chemical is not included in the plastic. It is very toxic and can lead to a serious toddler health. Many countries have already forbidden the release and sale of children's items with an admixture of this chemical. Unfortunately, while our country is not included in this list. Therefore, parents need to be more vigilant, buying children's goods.

  1. Immediately after feeding, rinse the bottle in the sink:
    • Even if you do not have time for a more thorough wash, just rinse the ass. It will not give the dried milk and dirt to accumulate on the walls and the bottom of the bottle.
    • Use hot water to rinse. Thus, rinsing will be more efficient.
  2. To make the process of washing the most productive, you need to know what to wash bottles for newborns is best. Buying a bottle for feeding, immediately acquire the following means:
    • Ershik for washing children's dishes and a special brush for washing rubber nipples. Some bottles are difficult to launder near the bottom and in the neck area, the rash will help in this. Brushes for cleaning the nipples have properties to collect bacteria from their surfaces.
    • Means designed specifically for washing children's bottles. It differs from the usual means for washing the dishes with a more gentle and soft effect. It is hypoallergenic, non-toxic and, which is no less important - does not leave on the surfaces of the soap remnants after rinsing in hot or cold water.
  3. To eliminate the possibility of falling into children's dishes of foreign bacteria and chemicals, it is recommended to wash the sink itself before it.
  4. For a better effect, use a rigid sponge, food soda or other disinfectant of natural origin.
  5. After processing the sink, fill it with hot water to the maximum possible temperature and soap.
  6. Before washing bottles for feeding, you need to fully disassemble them. Each part of them is a bottle, nipple, ring, cap, wash separately.
  1. Immerse each part in hot soap water.
  2. Use the brush for a bottle and brush for the nipple, which can also be washed and the ring.
  3. If the instructions for use of a feeding bottle says that it can be washed in a dishwasher, then use this way that will significantly save you time.
  4. Place the bottle upside down on the upper shelf of the dishwasher, away from the heating elements.

Important! Today, children's goods stores can offer their customers a special basket for washing the rings and nipples that are installed in the dishwasher.

  1. To get rid of soap residues on the surfaces of the bottle and its elements, after washing, they should be thoroughly rinsed under running water the maximum possible temperature.
  2. Place all parts of the bottle for a newborn on the shelf for drying.

Important! Dry the bottle is needed in a well-ventilated room, so that it quickly dried completely. Otherwise - on its surfaces can begin to develop fungus and mold.

  1. Wash your hands carefully with soap before taking a dry bottle for feeding the baby and offer her baby.
To content

Sterilization of the bottle

This method is very effective for the destruction of all possible bacteria on the surfaces of children's dishes. If earlier, after each use of the bottle, it was advised to sterilize, now this process is considered not so necessary.

Important! Recent studies of the medical community have shown that washing bottles for feeding hot soap water is quite enough to clean. The main condition remains cleanliness of water and her suitability for drinking.

And, nevertheless, without sterilization, no way do in the following cases:

  • Before the first use of dishes for a newborn immediately after purchase.
  • After each washing the bottles of water from the well or well.
  • After the child's illness.
  • After long use.

Electric and microwave sterilizers

The principle of sterilization in these devices is the processing of dishes by ferry temperature +100 S. pairs with such a high temperature kills all bacteria and microbes on the bottle surfaces. To properly use these devices:

  • The electrical sterilizer should be filled with a small amount of water. Place inside the rings, nipples and bottles at some distance from each other. By time, sterilization takes approximately 10 minutes.
  • With a microwave sterilizer, the action is essentially similar. After placing all the items that require sterilization, place the device in the microwave oven. Select the mode of operation of the microwave with full power and turn it on for 4-8 minutes.

Important! The operating time of the microwave depends on the power of the device itself.

Sterilization in the steamer

Steamer is a fairly common subject in the kitchen of a young mistress. With the help of it, it is possible not only to prepare a useful and delicious food, but even if you need to sterilize children's dishes. For this:

  1. Pour water into the lower steamer compartment.
  2. Place the bottle of the neck down.
  3. Other bottled elements for a newborn can be placed in the upper part of the double boiler.
  4. Turn on the device in the "Vark" mode for a while from 5 to 15 minutes.
  5. Wait for the steamer turns off and cool.

After that, children's dishes can be used for its intended purpose.

Sterilization in a slow cooker

Sterilize in a slow cooker is very easy:

  1. Fill in the main container of multicooker 1 liter of water.
  2. Put all the items of children's dishes that require sterilization, on the grid for cooking for a pair.
  3. Turn on the "pair" mode by setting the time for 7-10 minutes.

Sterilization in microwave

  1. To implement this process in the microwave oven, it is better to use special packages or additional containers with a lid.
  2. Children's dishes are placed in a container or package and poured with cold water.
  3. After 7-8 minutes of the operation of the microwave, a children's bottle will be sterilized.


Moms, grandmothers and their predecessors were not familiar in their youth neither microwaves nor with sterilizers. Nevertheless, they are not worse than modern moms cared for their children. Today, a large number of young parents use the old and proven sterilization method - boiling.

It is done very simple:

  1. Pour into a large saucepan of water and bring it to a boil.
  2. In a boiling liquid, place all the parts of the feeding bottles.
  3. Cover the saucepan with a lid and boil the items - the strongest 3 minutes.

Important! This method of sterilization is most suitable for glass bottles. If the plastic bottle does not contain the above harmful component - bisphenol-A, it can also be processed in this method.

Sterilization in cold water

This process can be carried out with the help of cold water and a special preparation, which has antiseptic properties. In this case, washing children's bottles to get the sterilization effect, you need to use such means as Milton or Bebe Comfort. They are sold in pharmacies. According to instructions?

  1. They are dissolved in cold water and placed in a solution of children's dishes.
  2. After half an hour, the dishes are taken out of the solution and is thoroughly washed with boiled water.

Important! This method protects the children's dishes from microbes, without damaging it.

Important! Best of all the rash is placed in a sealed zip bag. So you will save it from unnecessary external bacteria.

How to act:

  • If there is a bottle wash agent and rash, you can wash the children's dishes in any sink.

Important! Remember the rules of how to wash bottles for newborns. Strictly follow them, even if you are far from home.

  • While traveling you will use one-time sterile bottle liners. With their help, you can do through the entire trip with one bottle and wash it only once a day, for example, in the evening.

Important! Inserts must be changed after each tower of food.

  • Find out if you have a microwave ovens in the places of your bed and stop. If they are available, then take a sterilizer for the microwave of a portable type on the journey.
  • If the microwave for you is not available or for other reasons you can not use the sterilizer, then you can do the ordinary kettle with water. Throw steep boiling water all the washed pieces of a bottle for a newborn.
  • After washing, decompose the bottle and its elements on a clean towel for drying.

Important! Use this towel only for these purposes.

Taking care of the health of your baby, be sure to succeed about the purity of items that surround it. This is especially true for children's dishes, which the child enjoys in the first months of life. If you correctly approach this issue, the washing of children's bottles does not take you a lot of time and strength, and the baby will be protected from the microorganisms unnecessary to it.

How to sterilize feeding bottles: Rules and Tips

If the child is on artificial feeding, it is important to ensure security and follow the rules of feeding. Pediatricians are recommended to be carefully soaked and sterilized by a bottle of a newborn before each new feeding! In this article we will analyze how to do it right.

How to prepare dishes for sterilization

Before sterilization, the bottle is thoroughly washed and removed from the inside of the milk mixture. The mixture remained in the dishes cannot be left, stored and used with the next feed! To clean the bottles use ordinary soda or children's hypoallergenic detergents.

It is important to choose detergents to make sure that the newborn does not have an allergy. Today, the market presents a large selection of trademarks of such products, but not all of them are safe. Therefore, carefully learn the composition, advise with the pediatrician and read reviews of other parents.

The greatest demand is recently used by Japanese stamps, but they differ in high cost. Yes, and find such funds difficult. Choose products without a sharp smell that comply with the requirements of GOST. The composition should not include synthetic dyes, fragrances and hazardous chemical compounds (parabens, sulfates, phosphates, etc.). Such tools may contain vegetable agents and glycerin. With it, they should be well flushed with dishes at any water temperature.

A good detergent for washing the dishes of the child will be the food soda. Apply the powder on the sponge and boldly wash the bottle! After that, thoroughly rinse the container. Soda is safe for a newborn, while it will easily eliminate even old spots. At the end of washing, we carefully rinse the container in running water.

To rinse the bottle until the bottom and clean the remnants, use a special brush or the rash. Do not forget to remove and process the nipple! If you use a dishwasher, wash the dishes of the newborn always separately from the adult and choose soft safe detergents. The optimal temperature for washing in this case is 80 degrees.

Sterilization methods

  • Boiling - traditional and most affordable way to sterilize bottles and pacifiers. Put several bottles in a separate saucepan with boiling water and leave to boil at least 5-7 minutes. Then remove the dishes and put on a dry clean towel. A bottle can be used for feeding after it cools.
  • Microwave oven is a modern and convenient way. Bottles are placed in a saucepan, poured with water and closed tightly with a lid. For sterilization in the microwave is enough 6-7 minutes.
  • The use of antiseptic tablets is a cold sterilization method. It is easy to use the use and high quality disinfecting of children's dishes, but will require more time. Antiseptic tools effectively eliminate harmful bacteria. In addition, this method gives a guarantee that the products will not be ruled under the influences of high temperatures. To prepare a solution, one tablet is lowered into a saucepan with cold water, and then lower the dishes. Sterilize objects needed under a closed lid for half an hour. After that, the bottle is rinsed in boiled water.

  • The electric steam sterilizer is a modern and convenient technique that provides high-quality disinfection of the dishes of the newborn and protects objects from the deformation. You just need to put a bottle into the device, pour water and turn on the desired mode. The steam sterilizer accommodates at the same time up to six objects, and the time of sterilization takes about 10 minutes.
  • A steamer will allow to sterilize the dishes of the newborn in 5-15 minutes. For this, water is poured into the lower compartment of the device. Bottles put the neck down, and jars, nipples and spoons are cleaned into the upper part. For sterilization, the "Cooking" mode is chosen. Dishes take out when the steamer cooled a little.
  • Multicooker is also suitable for sterilization. The procedure is very easy to carry out. Bottles and other accessories are laid out on a special grid, poured a liter of water into the cup of the apparatus and include the "pair" mode. Sterilize dishes in this case need 8-10 minutes.

Dishes and nipples sterilize for each feeding! At the same time, pacifiers and bottles are better sterilized separately. Before the procedure, be sure to wash the container and remove the residues of food with the help of the heroes, sponges and secure means. Thoroughly rinse every item.

Note that not every bottle can be boiled repeatedly. So, plastic products after several procedures are deformed. But many mothers choose plastic, as it is a light, comfortable and safe bottle for the newborn. If you chose such a material, choose high-quality food plastic and use the cold sterilization method.

Glass bottles withstand multiple boiling, so they will serve longer. However, they weigh harder. In addition, products can easily break. Read more about each material and how to choose a bottle for a newborn, read the link

Wash the bottle immediately after feeding or pre-boil a few pieces .. Remember that it is necessary to prepare a mixture for a newborn right before feeding. Thus, sterilized dishes for feeding will be at hand!

What to wash children's bottles?

This question today worries many parents. Some wash seems tedious, boring classes, without which it is quite possible to do. However, it is impossible to skip this manipulation. The absence of it can affect the health of the child. If you need to know what to wash children's bottles, consult advice to the doctor. He will give all the necessary recommendations. Help this question may also have a sister who visits the baby.

What is better to wash children's bottles?

The main rule is to do it immediately after feeding. It is very important to monitor the purity of the dishes, newborns are susceptible to different infections.

After buying a bottle, sterilize it. This action does not have to perform after each meal, it will be enough to wash soap and rinse. The main task is to thoroughly wash children's bottles and pacifiers by the rams, to use boiling water.

What to wash bottles for newborns:

  • baby soap;
  • soda mortar;
  • boiling;
  • sterilization;
  • children's detergents;
  • under running water.

Some parents on the advice of grandmothers wash dishes by folk remedies. So they are fighting bacteria that can settle there. When it is necessary to figure out how to wash children's bottles, hostess resort to mustard powder, soda, lemon.

The older generation is absolutely denying the use of other detergents. Nevertheless, there is a whole list of ways.

It is necessary to do it after each feeding. First, the dishes are exempted from food residues. If necessary, the Ershik is used if the mold in a children's bottle was formed. In such cases, wash with soap and warm liquid.

How to wash children's bottles:

  1. pay attention to the bottom. If a dirty bottle with a children's mixture stood for a while, there will be a deposition that needs to be scratched;
  2. when the house has a means for washing children's bottles, you can use it when soaking;
  3. thoroughly flushing and rolling the dishes, wipe it dryly specially intended for these purposes with a towel;
  4. wash children's bottles and nipples are allowed in a dishwasher. However, this way is recommended to avoid if the mother doubts what a means for washing children's bottles is better to choose. Conventional detergents for such samples may cause allergies.

Many parents, raising the child, did not determine what the best tool for washing children's bottles, for never used anything. In each detergent preparation, there is a chlorine, phosphates and other harmful organism of the baby in one or another. In order not to harm the baby, they are soapped with folk remedies, rining them under running water.

Is it possible to pour boiling water into a children's bottle? Yes, if they are glass or plastic, but without the content of bisphenol A. The old way of sterilization is also dipping the container in boiling water and keep it there for some time. You can wash the baby bottles, leaving them then for drying.

Ershik for cleaning baby bottles

It has been proven in practice that this subject easily cleans children's dishes from deposits accumulated in it, pollution.

There are the following varieties of rams:

  • brush with a foam tip. It produces delicate cleaning, does not scratch. A button is placed in the handle for its extension;
  • yershiki firm Dr. Brown`s combines a combination of bristles and sponges. The risk of damaging the inner surface is completely absent. Based on the suction cup facilitating storage;
  • brush for washing the nipple and bottles with sponge. Easily removes from the inside the residues of food;
  • yershiki "2B1" are designed for washing bottles, nipples. Bristles has antibacterial processing;
  • chicco enshik is distinguished by multifunction. In addition to its main activity, it freely turns into a forceps, exciting the bottle after sterilization.

How to choose a rash for washing baby bottles? Pay attention to the length of the tank, the hand should not fall inside. Also important width. For narrow dishes, choose a thin rash for children's bottles. Masive shape of the product. If the tank with bends, then the washing of children's bottles is better to carry out curved rams.

What is the life of children's bottles? If everything is in order with the container, it can not be changed. First of all, such a statement concerns glass dishes. When it is in excellent condition, lasts for a long time. Avent bottle is recommended to change once a year. If a crack appeared on the container, it is subject to immediate replacement. The shelf life of children's bottles is determined by their worn, they begin to distinguish toxic substances.

It is very important to wash children's bottles correctly. This is the first breastware, where bacteria are able to originate in the dairy environment, and harm the health of the crumbs.


How to sterilize children's bottles at home?

With artificial feeding, mom use bottles for babies.

In order to avoid infection of the kid in intestinal infections of women disinfect the tanks.

Young mothers are first faced with such a problem.

They are looking for various ways to sterilize bottles for newborns at home and keep the health of the child.

For which the bottles are sterilized

Even after careful washing in the dishes, the remains of the dairy mixture remain. They accumulate in the place of attachment of the nipples where the thread is.

Food residues become a pathogenic microflora, that is, a source of reproduction of pathogens of various infections: fungi and bacteria. In the first months of the life of newborn microorganisms are a special danger to his health.

  • insufficiently strong immunity;
  • susceptible flora of the stomach and intestines;
  • in case of artificial feeding, the body of the child is more susceptible to infectious infections.

Pediatricians insist on mandatory sterilization of dishes for infants. Disinfect feeding accessories can be without a sterilizer, and with boiling or home appliances.

The main thing is to know how to correctly carry out the process of cleansing.

Preparation for sterilization

Before sterilizing children's bottles at home, they wash them with the use of drinking soda or household chemicals that are designed to care for children's dishes.

Pay attention to the cleaning of the bottom and the portion of the nipple connection with the container. You can wash your feeding and dishwasher, but separately from adult dishes.

The device facilitates care of the baby.

Bottles are installed in a special sterilizer compartment. After a certain period of pasteurization - the removal of microorganisms is complete.

The dishes are used to feed the newborn immediately after cooling or when it is necessary. In the sterilizer compartment, it remains clean.

We produce various types of devices depending on the processing method: steam, ultraviolet, chemical.

Sterilizers that destroy up to 99.9% of microorganisms with water vapor treatment were obtained.

Using a steamer

Beautiful replacement of the sterilization is a double frame. In the device filled with water compartment, and bottles are placed in the neck block.

For pasteurization, it is enough to use the standard mode ("cooking"). Sterilization time in the steamer - 10-15 minutes.

Sterilization in microwave

Before sterilizing bottles in the microwave, place them in a separate container.

For this purpose it will suit the spacious plastic dishes. After installation, pour water there and close the capacity with the lid.

For sterilization, 5-7 minutes of operation of the device under standard mode.

For processing, children's dishes are strictly forbidden to put on the pallet of the microwave!

Application of multicookers

Another instruction as sterilizing bottles in a slow cooker at home:

  1. Capacity is put on the steam grille.
  2. The bowl is filled with water volume 1 liter.

With a "pair" mode after 10 minutes of processing, the dishes becomes absolutely clean.

Boil supplies

The method used by our grandmothers is tested by time.

Bottles are placed in a saucepan with water and put on the stove. After boiling a liquid after 5-7 minutes, the dishes becomes disinfected.

In the pan of the closed cap, the bottles remain clean.

At the right time, they are taken from a sterile medium and used for feeding.

Cleaning dishes using antiseptics

The mammies can take a way to disinfect with antiseptics.

  • Tablets acquire in a pharmacy.
  • They are dissolved in water according to the applied instructions.
  • Bottles and nipples are placed in the solution. Time of soaking - 30-40 minutes.

A finished solution for sterilization is stored no more than a day. It is convenient to displaced the bottles on the trip, when there are no household appliances at hand.

After the disinfection process, feeding accessories thoroughly rinse with clean boiled water.

What kind of sterilization is better?

Practice has shown that the effectiveness of all methods is the same. The difference is in time spent and effort.

  • With the strong employment of the parents, household appliances will be a good helper.
  • Boiling - simple and accessible method for all.
  • The sparing method of processing the bottle is an antiseptic solution.
How often do you need to sterilize dishes?

Often women are interested in whether it is necessary to sterilize the bottles before each feeding of the kid. An invisible film from the dairy mixture remains on the tank even with a thorough wash.

To grow a healthy child exclusion from the rules should not be - every time before feeding the adaptive mixture of the bottle is sterilized!

Young mothers also carefully the question: until what age sterilize bottles for the baby? Pediatricians believe that up to six months, and when the child reaches six months, it is enough after thorough wash with boiling water tanks.

When the child has achieved a year old age in his body, the immune system begins to produce its own antibodies, and before that time it is better to progress.

On the forums on the Internet, Russian women hold different opinions, relying on their own parent care experience or son:

  • "We boiled dishes until five months (I had to regret), after just hung up with boiling water, once every 2 days was washed with soda."
  • "We have a year and three months, I still sterilize them, throw in a saucepan, water boats and turn off."
  • "I always just looked at boiling water, I do not see expediency to strain especially strain. Familiar under the crane wash.
  • "We are 7 months old, but still boiling bottles, nipples, dishes for the baby. It takes a little time, but calm for the health of the crumbs. "

In the issue of sterilization, the bottle for the newborn, follow the authoritative opinion of the doctors. In the care of the child, things should not be, but in the care of health, especially. Baby tumors cannot cope with infection.

Therefore, you must sterilize the bottles by choosing a convenient way. Let feeding be useful and safe!

Each mom, especially waiting for the first child, should know how to sterilize bottles for newborns

The appearance of a baby in the family always translates the life of home to a special mode. A children's bottle becomes an ordinary object of everybody, her wash becomes a routine procedure. Some moms belong to this extremely responsible, and seek not only wash, but also sterilize the dishes after each feeding, Zano is guarding your child from microbes.

Newborn kids often suffer from colic and stool disorder, the reason for this is the imperfection of the digestive system, which in the first months of life has an increased load, learns to digest the incoming food. Falling pathogenic flora with dishes or dummy will create additional pressure on the body. What bottle for newborns at home is the easiest way to maintain clean?

What is the bottle better?

A huge variety of accessories for babies allows parents to choose the appropriate dishes in shape, size and price. Inexperienced parents primarily attract the appearance of a product or an interesting form. A bottle - dishes for a child, buying it must be guided only by the questions of practicality. Best dishes for a child:

  • should easily wash;
  • not to lose appearance during sterilization;
  • withstand a large number of treatments;
  • be resistant to shocks and drops;
  • have a shape that allows it to hold in hand.

Easy to clean the bottles of simple shape, with a capacity of up to 200 grams. Brush must be separate, used only for this purpose.

Liquid for washing children's dishes use many mothers, but there is no practical need for this (this is not a saucepan with fat, which cannot be washed with another way).

Although the manufacturer assures that such household chemicals are well wash off, in the first months of the child's life, laundering the bottles without much effort can be ordinary drinking soda, without loading the body of the kid by the residues of chemicals that may not be completely harmless.

Glass bottles are a bit harder plastic, but they are well clean and sterilized in any way without changing their properties. They can break up, but in the first months of life, parents are followed, so the risk for the child is minimal.

Plastic bottles have many advantages:

  • they are light;
  • they are easy to wash;
  • do not fight;
  • their cost is much smaller than glass.

But there are many minuses such:

  • the use of Tara of an unknown manufacturer may result in emission of toxic substances in baby food;
  • it is difficult to sterilize - plastic does not withstand the actions of high temperatures, receiving microcracks and loses shape;
  • because of the cracks and frequent washing loses appearance.

Have 2 different bottled bottles from different material - you need, even if the child is breastfeeding, sometimes there is a need to see how milk. If a child on artificial nutrition has several different bottles - the need.

Do you always need to sterilize?

The young parents of firstborn who have no own experience are forced to choose between the advice of progressive pediatricians and tough pressure of pediatricians of the old Soviet school and grandmothers with the aunties that brought up their children in Soviet traditions.

According to this concept, the child can not independently defend themselves from infection and it needs to be surrounded by maximum sterility. Therefore, bottles and all children's dishes need not just wash, but sterilize.

Completely different position at the Ukrainian pediatrician Komarovsky, a number of new school pediatricians - they believe that parents should not interfere with the child to form the immune system with an excessive fence from those microorganisms, among whom he will have to live.

Clean - needed, but unnecessary zeal is harmful. It is the excessive purity to the use of disinfectants is a trigger for the development of allergies, it does not allow the child to form sufficient immune defense at the moment when it is provided for by nature - in the first years of life.

According to Komarovsky, sterilization should be subject to only dishes for the storage of milk, which is an excellent medium for the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms.

Whatever the point of view did not support the parents, sterilize the dishes for children you need from time to time. Young mothers should be known how to properly sterilize children's bottles at home and how often do it.

How old do you need sterilization?

For a child, which is on breastfeeding, and which is enough milk, only a bottle of water may be needed up to 6 months. It is enough to wash hot water and sterilize 3-4 times a month.

For a child who is pamped with milk mixtures, sterilization in the first month of life is carried out on the choice of parents, daily or once a few days. As the sterilization is consistent, it is possible to carry out less frequently.

The pediatricians of the new school denied the need for sterilization after 6 months, the doctors of the Soviet school recommend sterilizing bottles for feeding and dishes until 18 months (this is motivated by the late maturation of the child's immune system).

What else do you need to sterilize?

For feeding a child, not only bottles are used - cups, dishes for mixing mixes, spoons, spare nipples. From time to time these items can be sterilized. It is carried out with the bottles, the objects before sterilization are washed.

You can sterilize:

  • milk suction;
  • spare pacifiers;
  • rings for teeth, toys for glaring;
  • toys that gnaw a child when teething teeth and which can carry boiling.

Many are interested in how to sterilize nipples? If these are silicone products to the bottle, they put them for sterilization along with another kitchenware, a cap from the bottle and dummy (on the upper shelf of the steamer, for example). If the nipple needs to be replaced - you can use separately boiled in the cafeter of the product. Some moms keep sterilized pacifiers and nipples in a separate hermetic dishes.

Brightly painted Chinese-made toys to give a child to nibble should not.

Preparation for sterilization

Children's kitchenware after feeding the child is immediately washed - it is impossible because of fatigue, or lack of time, it is to postpone. Bottles from the dairy mixture after use:

  1. Spin, separated the lid and the nipple, they are also separated;
  2. Devastated from an inspired mixture, milk or porridge;
  3. Washed the first time with cold water - so glass is better cleaned from milk residues and becomes transparent;
  4. Washed with hot water using a liquid for washing children's dishes, a special soap or drinking soda;
  5. Pollution at the bottom ished by the hero;
  6. Food remnants on a carving for nipples are laundered with a special brush;
  7. Nipples are washed using the same means and brushes for washing children's dishes;
  8. The children's dishes are rinsed first warm, then with cold running water, turn over to a clean towel or folded gauze and give a stance of water.

Types of sterilization

When is sterilization is necessary? First of all, after buying dishes, then after:

  • bottles have not been used for a long period;
  • after the child was sick;
  • periodically after too long use.

There are many ways to sterilize bottles and nipples - from traditional boiling in a saucepan to tablets-disinfectants. To sterilize bottles and nipples, you can use all household appliances that are able to heat the content to boiling point.

Babushkin fashion

The easiest way to sterilize children's dishes is elementary boiling. How to do it right and how long do you need to boil objects?

  1. In a large saucepan with a lid on the bottom lay a folded in several layers of gauze.
  2. For gauze neatly laid the washed baby dishes, which is subject to sterilization.
  3. Fill the pan with water so that it covers all the dishes by 3-5 centimeters.
  4. On average fire, water is brought to a boil and withstand 15 minutes.
  5. Water after cooling poured, sterilized bottles are stored until they need them.

The method can be used for all types of dishes.


The industry produces many species of special sterilizers:

  • single;
  • multiple;
  • steam;
  • electrical;
  • constructions for microwave.

The washed children's dishes are installed in the sterilizer compartments and operate according to the instructions. Bottles can be in the device until the moment of use.

Most often for sterilization, steam sterilizers operating from the Philips Avestment network are used. It is designed to process multiple bottles (6), and can also serve as a container for storing clean sterile products up to six hours. For sterilization you need:

  1. Prepare dishes and sterilizer;
  2. Pour water into the tank compartment;
  3. Install bottles into a sterilizer;
  4. Enable and install mode.

Sterilization time - up to 12 minutes, utensils need to be used for needs.

Double boiler

The question of how to sterilize bottles in the double boiler is quite relevant - now there is almost such a device in almost every kitchen. For this you need:

  1. Pour water into a double boiler;
  2. Install the washed dishes, sending the neck down;
  3. The remaining small dishes and nipples are installed in the upper part of the double boiler;
  4. The cooking program is installed for 15 minutes;
  5. After cooling the dishes can be used.

Bottles can be used as needed.


This device is now in almost all families. The kitchen helper will perfectly cope not only with the preparation of dishes, but also with sterilization. How to sterilize bottles in a slow cooker?

For disinfection of dishes:

  1. A liter of water is poured into the device (bowl);
  2. Prepared children's bottles and pacifiers wash and installed on the pairing lattice;
  3. Select steam mode;
  4. After 15 minutes, the device is turned off.

Finished bottles are used as needed.

Oven microwave

Know how to sterilize children's bottles in the microwave, each mom should. This method is used for all the dishes, which should be disinfected without a sterilizer. In order to ensure the sterile mode for a while after processing, the bottles are placed in a special package or a container that will sterilize in the furnace together with bottles placed in it. Capacity is poured with cold water, put in the oven, and include for 10 minutes.

Tablet disinfection

For "hiking" conditions, on a trip, when there is no opportunity to use sterilizers or boil children's dishes, you can use disinfectants in tablets (Milton, Bebe Comfort). This is a proprietary pharmacy that does not harm the body of the child. For disinfection, the tablets are poured with cold water and withstand bottles in it for at least 30 minutes, there is no longer necessary. The drug can be used for dishes, which does not withstand boiling or steam.

Children's bottles need to be washed very carefully: the body of the kids is very susceptible to the pathogenic bacteria, formed in the residues of food, while chemicals should not fall into the body of the baby.

Although some pediatricians oppose the frequent sterilization of children's dishes, none of them denies that breeding bottles need to be maintained in perfect purity.

Kid's dishes need to wash in a definite order:

  • Immediately after feeding, the bottle is disassembled and rinsed as hot water, removing the raids and the remains of milk or porridge. After that, if there is no free time, you can leave it in the sink. If the dishes are too dirty, it is poured with a soda solution.
  • Next, the rod or brush is carefully wash it, paying special attention to the thread and the bottom. Pacipple, ring and removable handles are also working with a special little brush.
  • Then the bottle is well rinsed with hot water.
  • After washing, it is put on a clean towel in a well-ventilated place for complete drying. Behind the drying process, it is also necessary to monitor, because bacteria can also appear in poorly dried dishes.

If an appropriate permission is given on the dishes itself, you can wash it in a dishwasher using a children's detergent. However, nipples are still better cleaning manually.

Is it possible to use detergents?

When washing is allowed to use detergents, namely:

  • means for washing children's dishes;
  • baby soap;
  • shopping soap.

Some conservative parents do not use detergents, applying food soda, mustard powder or cook salt.

However, modern means for washing children's dishes contain a minimum amount of harmful substances, which cannot be said about ordinary detergents.

Sterilization of the bottle

Sterilization is a set of measures aimed at the complete destruction of all types of microorganisms.

Until recently, it was believed that the sterilization of the newborn bottles should be carried out before each use, and by 6 months the sterilization rate can be reduced.

However, modern pediatricians claim to sterilize the dishes of the child only before the first use or after a long interruption in use.

Sterilization is carried out using:

  • boiling;
  • ferry processing;
  • special sterilizer;
  • multicookers or steamers;
  • microwave furnace;
  • special tools (tablets, solutions).

For sterilization by boiling, children's dishes are placed in a pan with filtered water and boiled for 5-7 minutes. Then they get it with forceps, lay out on a clean towel and give it well.

Rubber nipples after such sterilization quickly deteriorate, silicone nipples in this regard are more durable.

Sometimes bottles are kept over a steam rising above the kettle or pan. Some parents pour water into a multicooker's bowl or a double boiler, and the dishes are placed in a special compartment over the bowl. This method is considered more gentle, rather than boiling.

If sterilization is carried out regularly, it is more expedient to acquire a special sterilizer.

Water poured into it, several bottles are placed in the container immediately.

Some parents for sterilization are immersed by dishes in a glass bowl with water and put in a microwave for several minutes.

Also on sale there are special reusable packages, which flows water and places the bottles. After that, the package is hermetically closed and put in the microwave.

In the microwave you can sterilize only dishes that do not contain metal parts.

Sometimes in the absence of the possibility of boiling or using a sterilizer, microwave or multicookers, parents use special solutions and tablets. Water poured into a bowl, they dissolve the means and immerse the bottles for half an hour.

How to wash children's bottles while traveling?

Preparing for traveling with the baby, you need to put the lubshik for the nipple, the brush and the detergent into sealed packages.

Wash children's bottles are best in water suitable for drinking.

For the lack of way, it can be done under running water, pre-wash the sink.

Since the quality of the water used is unknown, after such a wash, dishes need to be sterradized.

If this is not possible, you need to rinse it as hot water.

Traveling also use special aseptic pills, which may be sterling children's dishes in cold water.

For travel lovers, special sterile bottle liners have been created: after each feeding, they are removed by the same clean.

Thus, to the question of the purity of children's dishes, parents must be achieved with full responsibility. The inconscable immunity of the kid may not cope with bacteria that appeared in a curly washed bottle for feeding.

Video on the topic

Children's bottle - the very first utensils for the baby. Behind her, as well as the rest of the children's dishes, is needed regular and thorough care. But the thing is that the milk medium is the best place to reproduce harmful bacteria and microbes. And everyone knows that young children, especially in the period of newborn, bacteria are better "in food" not consuming. At such an early age, immunity is not yet fully formed, and the intestine is not yet populated by the necessary "good" bacteria that help digestion. In this situation, the body may simply not cope and respond to pain in the tummy, colic, bloating and other disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. To avoid the above problems, regular bottle care is needed using the herox and a special detergent.

There is a new problem: is it possible to wash children's dishes with the usual detergent?

It is not recommended to do this, as in such liquids and gels for dishes contain heavy chemicals, surfactants, sodium lauryl sulfate, flavors, dyes. Even with additional rinse under running water, traces of harmful components of the detergent will remain on the bottle surface, which fall into the organism of the crumbs, accumulate and can affect the health of the baby, causing the disorder of the gastrointestinal tract, problems with the liver, kidneys and other no less dangerous consequences .

How to wash children's bottles and not harm the health of a newborn?

Many parents enjoy folk remedies to combat bacteria and hygienic bottle cleaning. The most common one is mustard powder. It is first bred in water or used dry as abrasive. Another popular way is the use of soda. You can make a soda solution or apply powder directly to the sponge. For cleansing, lemon often use. It effectively copes with unpleasant smells and gives shine with glass bottles.

It seems to be everything wonderful, and young mommies can be armed with these home products to purify children's bottles. But there are several substantial minuses - these funds are also poorly flushed with water, it is necessary to use a lot of effort. And the bottle is small - the hands are inconvenient to wash, you have to soak it, it takes a lot of time and means. But mom has little time! You need to have time to redo the bunch of things besides washing the bottle - and the baby to sleep to bed, and dinner dinner cook, stroke, things in a washing machine throw. Where is it here to find extra five minutes to even drink tea?

In such conditions, you need to look for another way for washing children's bottles.

It would seem that we are in a dead end - modern agents for adults are not suitable - there are many harmful components in them, folk methods are very powerful and occupy a lot of time. But there is a third option - special children's detergents. Their choice is huge, eyes scatter. But the amount does not mean quality.

We must be very careful about the choice of kindergarten, be sure to read what is written on the label. It is also necessary to estimate the detergent for the most important parameters:

  • whether the chemical components are as part of "adults";
  • the full composition is specified or written by abbreviated, foggy phrases, such as "antibacterial components", "Special component";
  • as part of a large number of chemicals and few natural components;
  • remedy is poorly washed with water;
  • too liquid and quickly ends;
  • inconvenient to use;
  • it smells greatly - the odor sharper, the nonsense means.

Taking into account all these requirements for the children's bottle washing, as well as quality, safety, efficiency, convenience and price, it is recommended to use. It combines all the necessary qualities, remaining at the same time absolutely safe for washing bottles of newborns.

When choosing a means for washing the bottle of mom, it is necessary to take into account many factors, the most important of which, of course, is the safety of this tool for the health of a small child. But at the same time do not forget about convenience and economy - it will make the life of Moms more comfortable and pleasant.