How to name a wedding anniversary 5 years. Wooden wedding is the first anniversary of family life. Gifts from parents for a wooden wedding

The fifth anniversary is the first "serious" anniversary of a young family. She went through her chintz, paper, leather and wax, coming up to a more durable and solid material - wood. So what's the name? It's easy to guess - this is everything that is associated with the concept of a tree, always evokes associations with reliability, stability, prosperity and calm well-being. If you have not yet reached this milestone, and your friends or relatives are having a "wooden" anniversary, then find out what to give and how to celebrate this anniversary.

How a wooden wedding is celebrated

It is customary to celebrate five years of marriage with relatives, close friends and, of course, parents.

In short, invite those who have witnessed how your family relationships have grown and developed over the years. Guests are usually called out of town, to the dacha or to a restaurant in the style of country or Russian architecture. The venue should display the name of the anniversary and contain wood trim. If the anniversary is celebrated in a country house or in a cafe in the city, then it is enough that there are many trees growing around. A stylized establishment is also suitable, where the cutlery is, say, completely made of wood. Celebrating at home is conducive to more relaxed and free behavior, so many people opt for it. If before that there was no hint of wooden products in the apartment, then the appropriate atmosphere will be "supported" by various accessories and decorations made of this material: stands, statues, panels. They symbolize and personify five years of marriage.

What is a wedding without gifts?

True, no matter what anniversary overtakes a cell of society, it is customary to give gifts always. Of course, there are differences in, for example, what parents should give, and what friends and other close people.

Father and mother often give serious gifts in an attempt to support a young family. Although a wooden wedding implies that she has a well-established life, her own home and everything that is attached to it. But money, home appliances, or home textiles never hurt. Friends, on the other hand, can present various objects, decorative elements and decorations for the house made of wood or vine. These can be minor souvenirs, for example, kitchen stands for dishes, a set of wooden figurines, tubs for pickles or storage of bulk products, frames for photographs. cigars, jewelry and money. If the spouse is a smoker, then a new pipe will be appropriate. An unusual and memorable gift is a handmade decorative cane, but it must be appropriate.

First Round Date: Five Wedding Years

We have already learned what the celebration is called. We also figured out the topic of gifts. And what should the spouses present to each other on this day? Previously, the husband brought home furniture made with his own hands, and the wife had to varnish it. The ritual is very symbolic when a spouse plants a tree for five years of marriage. What is the name of the anniversary - such gifts should be given. Therefore, it will be great if the wife thanks her husband for the years he has lived with a beautiful wooden frame for a photo, a smoking pipe, a box for storing cigars or a carved souvenir decoration. He, in turn, can present wooden jewelry (beads, earrings, bracelets), a box for them. Buy amulets, charms, pendants or a piece of bedroom furniture, for example. What could it be? A framed mirror, a beautiful table, a chest of drawers. That's all about the five years of the wedding: what is the name, how it is celebrated and what is given on this day.

140 721 0 Tradition is very important for every family. Some families form their own traditions, someone turns to the traditions of their ancestors. But perhaps all families, once a year, remember that solemn day when they united their family stories and became one. A wedding anniversary is one of those holidays that is celebrated from year to year, from generation to generation. What to give and how to celebrate anniversaries by years, more on that later.

Wedding anniversaries by year - celebration features

Table 1: Wedding anniversaries and their names by year

Year Wedding anniversary name Peculiarities
Marriage dayGreen *It is called that because the family is still immature, so to speak "green". Young people still have a lot to go through, and most importantly, it is to create strong bonds of marriage and live for many, many years.
Flowers are the symbol of the wedding, which is why they are used to decorate the premises of the wedding and the subsequent celebration. Flowers should also be in the bridal bouquet and boutonnieres.
1 yearCalicoAnother name is gauze. And it went from the nature of married life in the first year. In fact, in the first year of marriage, the spouses began to get to know each other better, and their family bond is more like a thin fabric, such as chintz. Another definition of the name speaks of the too active intimate life of a young couple, which leads to a thinning of chintz linen to the state of gauze.
On the first anniversary, you should drink light alcohol: wine, liqueurs and you should drink champagne left after the wedding. It's better to celebrate outdoors.
2 yearPaperPaper is also a fragile item, which is why the second year of marriage got its name. Only when they are together, the spouses create a strong union, it is advisable to have offspring by this time, which will further strengthen the family. It's better to celebrate outdoors.
3 yearLeatherThe symbol of the anniversary is leather, it is already a more durable material. The marital relationship at this stage has become stronger and more durable. It's better to celebrate outdoors.
4 yearLinenAnother name for rope or wax. It is not for nothing that flax has become a symbol of four years of family life. It symbolizes wealth, purity, and the strength of family ties. You can celebrate the anniversary as you like.
Linen is a durable material. After all, the couple lived together for 4 years, they learned to listen and hear each other, which means they are ready to continue their journey hand in hand. If the anniversary is celebrated, then there must be a linen tablecloth and candles on the table.
In the old days, it was believed that for the fourth wedding anniversary, you need to weave a rope from flax, tie her hands to the spouses. If they get out, then the marriage will be long and happy.
5 yearWoodenThe first round anniversary date of the family. Wood is a durable material, which means that relationships have found their steadfastness and strength. By this time, the spouses probably had a child, perhaps they already have their own home. There is such a sign that for the fifth anniversary of the family, a husband and wife should plant a tree. This will become a memory for their descendants, and also "root" the union.
6 yearsCast ironThis material becomes the first durable metal symbol of family ties. Having a lot of years together means that the relationship has some weight, it is important to you. But this does not mean that the relationship can be left to chance, if the cast-iron product is dropped, it will break, and so in the relationship. Any misunderstanding, understatement and troubles can destroy a marriage. A good attitude, love and respect will hold him together.
A cast iron wedding also symbolizes a strong home.
6.5 yearsZincNo matter how many holidays there are, they will always commemorate something. And the day when the new family was born is of particular importance for the spouses. It would seem that this is not such a holiday, but you can make yourself pleasant even on such a day. This little celebration speaks of a relationship that is as pure as zinc. A small rest is arranged at home, in the circle of the most dear ones, or just to be alone.
7 yearsCopperEach anniversary is marked with certain symbols. And this is all for a reason, the symbol speaks of the stage of building a family, the relationship between spouses. Seven years is marked by a durable and valuable material - copper. This suggests that spouses are of incomparable value to each other.
The most important goal of spouses for the future is to bring their relationship to the silver and gold wedding, that is, to make the relationship even more precious and stronger.
8 yearsTinYour life together is 8 years, this is already a lot, but not so much to forget about each other. This period of time allowed each other to get used to the interests of each. Relationships at this stage enter a new channel. Family relations at this stage are completely normalized, filled with warmth and understanding.
9 yearsFaienceFaience means a lasting union. This means your relationship has become even more connected and strong. This material is not strong, therefore, for the strength of family relations, you need to express all claims to each other.
Another symbol of the nineth anniversary of the family is chamomile, a home, summer and pure flower that blooms only in the warm season. It is a great symbol for family life, which also flourishes when you give each other warmth. Do not forget that the family is built on the brightest and warmest feelings.
10 yearsPewterIn another way, this anniversary is marked as pink. Tin is a flexible material that is very suitable for family relationships, for fortresses, which need to be adjusted to the interests of the partner. But the rose means passion and love, which has been kept for so long and has not yet faded away. This day should be celebrated on a grand scale.
11 yearsSteelSteel is a strong and durable material, which means that family relationships must correspond to it. The married couple has already overcome the difficulties of the first years of marriage, now the spouses have become closer, dearer and more united. This event is usually celebrated with the family.
Having overcome the path of eleven years, the couple proved that their marriage is strong, resilient, as it were, like steel.
12 years old or (12.5 years old)NickelSometimes this date is marked with silk. Nickel means that the married couple's family life has become stable, most likely they have their own home, child, and even several. The family has already passed many tests, but it remains like nickel, shiny, durable and strong.
13 years oldLaceThe symbol of the wedding is lily of the valley and lace. Both symbols are very gentle and quivering, exactly what should be present in both spouses. Lily of the valley indicates devotion and purity of the bonds of marriage.
Refinement, tenderness and beautiful appearance are inherent in lace. The same can be said about the close connection of the spouses, it is like lace, the same quivering and skillfully carved by both founders of the family. Despite the fact that the number "13" is unlucky, it has no meaning for the celebration of the wedding anniversary.
14 yearsAgateThe symbolism here is agate, a hard and durable stone. It means the longevity and health of the husband and wife. On this significant date, the "young" must again confess their love for each other, as well as talk about their innermost dreams and secrets. Agate is designed to protect the family life. This day is usually celebrated in nature.
15 yearsCrystalDespite the fragility of crystal, this anniversary speaks of the strength of family ties, great love and understanding between husband and wife. This date shows the purity of family relationships and the happiness of two loving hearts. At the holiday, there must be crystal, as the main symbol of the anniversary.
At the celebration, the husband and wife should exchange crystal glasses. Guests will be required to break a plate, glass or something else made of glass.
16 years*—— ——
17 years*—— ——
18 yearsTurquoiseA beautiful and strong stone that has become a symbol of the 18th wedding anniversary for a reason. All passions, quarrels and resentments have passed, only a bright future lies ahead, there are fewer problems in everyday life. Turquoise commemorates calmness and happiness. Your relationship by this time will sparkle with a new, turquoise color.
19 yearsPomegranatePomegranate is a red fruit and in the nineteen-year-old lives of spouses, it personifies love, sincerity in marital relations, and respect for each other.
20 yearsPorcelainPorcelain is a very expensive material, it glows very brightly in the dark, thereby illuminating the right path in difficult times. It symbolizes a strong family in which there is always prosperity, comfort, warmth and a pleasant atmosphere.
21 years oldOpalThe opal stone symbolizes a long, strong and good relationship between spouses. Traditionally, this holiday is celebrated by spouses alone at home.
22 years oldBronzeBronze, an alloy of two metals, symbolizes the combination of two different personalities into one whole and inseparable, as well as their plasticity, the ability to make concessions. By this time, the couple had learned to adjust to each other.
23 years oldBerylBeryl is a symbol of renewal. It is believed that the relationship of spouses is taking a new level. The stone symbolizes wealth, comfort, prosperity and love. If, after walking together for so many years, the couple remained united, then the relationship is really strong and durable.
24 yearsSatinAtlas is a light fabric, so the relationship should be the same. Having lived together for so many years, the spouses already understand each other perfectly. You already have everything, the children have grown up, life is settled, all that remains is to live and enjoy every minute with your loved one.
25 yearsSilverThis is already a big and significant day. Silver is one of the most expensive materials that speaks of the long journey traveled and the strength of marital ties. Such an anniversary should be celebrated on a grand scale. One of the traditions of the celebration of the anniversary is the exchange of silver rings between spouses, which are worn with gold ones.
26 yearsJadeJade is a very mysterious stone, it symbolizes strong bonds, warm relationships. And also he is entrusted with guarding the sacrament of marriage. This is the first year after the Silver Wedding that you can celebrate with your family or alone with each other.
27 yearsMahoganyBy this time, the spouses had already grown up children, possibly grandchildren. The name of the wedding is associated with the growth of the family tree. Mahogany is very expensive and durable, it can only be compared with the priceless minutes spent with the family at the hearth of the parents.
28 years*—————— ———————
29 yearsVelvetThe name of the wedding symbolizes warmth, love, tenderness between spouses. At the party, your spouse should wear something made of velvet. The symbolizing material represents wealth and prosperity in the family.
30 yearsPearlThe anniversary date symbolizes the solidarity and greatness of a married couple like a precious stone, whose beauty is created by nature itself and years of life are spent on this. Pearls symbolize the nobility and beauty of spouses, their rich life experience, an example to follow and an ideal. It is customary to celebrate an anniversary in a restaurant with an invitation to a large number of guests.
31 yearsSwarthy (sunny)The past years of family life symbolize the warmth and comfort of the hearth, the closeness of the spouses and their resilience to any troubles that arise.
32 and 33 years old * —————————- —————————
34 yearsAmberThe wedding date, like the stone itself, show the greatness of the spouses who went through all the difficulties of life and formed a real strong family. In addition, amber, as a mineral derived from the sun, also symbolizes the warmth and openness of the parental home.
35 yearsCoralThis anniversary also has other names - linen or linen, but their names are rarely found so as not to be confused with other dates. Corals represent a special formed world of longevity, tranquility like ocean serenity, a symbol of grace and well-being, health.
36 years*————— ———————
37 yearsMuslinovayaThe years of living together have created a special stamina and strength of family relations, like muslin material, which is a beautiful thin fabric that cannot be torn by hands, which indicates the continuity of the relationship between spouses and resilience in the face of danger.
37.5 yearsAluminumIt is customary to celebrate thirty-seven and a half years so that the spouses have an easy relationship and an easy life, because the symbol of the holiday is aluminum, as the lightest metal.
38 yearsMercuryAlthough mercury is a poisonous substance, at the same time it is a material capable of acquiring any shape of a vessel, which undoubtedly symbolizes the ability of spouses to smooth out all problem situations and find compromises in any life situation that has arisen for them. Mercury on this anniversary is a symbol of understanding and compliance.
39 yearsCrepeIn view of the complexity and versatility of life and the nature of the spouses, thirty-nine years of life together symbolize the presence of a solid trusting relationship between husband and wife that appeared over the years of life together and whose fates are intertwined like threads of crepe material.
40 yearsRubyThe red stone symbolizes the long years of love and mutual respect of the spouses, the feelings that have passed the test of time will never fade away despite the adversity of fate and the thunderstorms of life.
41-43 years old *——————- ————————
44 years oldTopazForty-four years of family life symbolize topaz, which is known for its purity, beauty and strength, as a mineral it personifies the purity and openness of marriage, like the most beautiful and precious feeling - love.
45 yearsSapphireSince ancient times, sapphire symbolized eternal love and was a talisman against evil. And that is why this stone is entrusted to accompany the forty-five years of life together. Like this precious stone, spouses must protect each other from all the misfortunes of life and show everyone their resilience to the coming difficulties of life.
46 years oldLavenderLavender is a mountain flower that can only be picked by climbing to the top of the mountain. A kind of exotic name for the anniversary date is associated with the tenderness, kindness and care of the spouses for each other over a long period of life together.
47 yearsCashmereCashmere is one of the most expensive fabrics, it takes a lot of effort and patience to create it. Such work is comparable to the efforts of spouses to create an ideal family and achieve harmony in it and tranquility.
48 years oldAmethystAmethyst is one of the precious stones destined to accompany the forty-eighth anniversary of marriage. It is a symbol of uniqueness and respect for marriage, the ideal of the family.
49 years oldCedarSince ancient times, the cedar has been considered a long-lived tree, therefore, an honorable role has been assigned to personify the long years of the spouses' life, their good health and resistance to all the misfortunes of life.
50 yearsGoldThe anniversary date is considered golden because the spouses value each other more than gold for many years of marriage. Therefore, gold is the symbol. It is customary to celebrate the anniversary on a large scale among friends and relatives.
51-54 years *————————— ————————
55 yearsEmeraldThe symbol of the anniversary is the emerald gem, which symbolizes the eternal happiness and well-being of the spouses. The anniversary is celebrated with close relatives. The main wishes are never to grow old, to love each other.
56-59 years old *———————— ————————
60 yearsBrilliantThe most durable mineral in the world is a diamond, it is he who is destined to personify the sixty years of marriage. The diamond itself says that the hearts of the spouses will no longer be able to share any of the hardships and difficulties of life.
61-64 years *———————- ————————
65 yearIronThe years spent in marriage, like iron, show how strong the spouses turned out to be to all the hardships of life and how strong their marriage turned out to be.
66 and 67 years old *——————- ———————-
67.5 yearsStoneIt is known that the stone never changes even under the pressure of time, spouses who have been married for 67.5 years show future generations that their relationship, like a stone, is indestructible and inseparable. The anniversary is celebrated with the family.
68-69years *————————— —————————
70 yearsFertileOn this anniversary day of the wedding, the spouses seem to thank each other for all the years they have lived together, their children and grandchildren.
71-74 years *———————— —————————
75 yearsCrownThe crown shows the highest position of the spouses in the family hierarchy, their wisdom and steadfastness in all life's problems. Celebrated with the family.
76-79 years *——————— —————————
80 yearsOakThose who are lucky enough to meet this date compare it with an oak tree, as a symbol of nobility, power and longevity.
81-89 years old *——————— ———————
90 yearsGraniteGranite is a long-lived stone, like those who have lived and celebrated the 90th anniversary of their marriage. There are no special traditions of celebration, as a rule, close relatives, close friends of the family, gather for the anniversary.
91-99 years *——————— ———————
100 yearsPlatinum (red)The tradition of celebrating the centenary of marriage came to us from the Caucasus mountains. Platinum or red color shows the sublimity of the spouses' feelings almost to heaven, both to each other and to their children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren.

* - these wedding anniversaries have no titles. They are usually not celebrated due to the fact that it was previously considered a bad omen.

Today, more and more often, the anniversary is celebrated with a magnificent celebration, some even repeat their vows given on the wedding day, with a large number of guests. In fact, a second wedding is being arranged, with the same groom and the same bride, with gifts and guests.

Someone celebrates anniversaries together at a romantic dinner or with family, reviewing photos and videos from the wedding.

Photos of pensioners who have lived a long life together and decided to celebrate this event by arranging a photo session in the style of "Lovestory" look funny.

Table 2: What to give for your wedding anniversary

Wedding anniversary name Anniversary gifts
GreenNowadays, the most important gift is money. And there the newly-made family will decide for itself what to buy for them. Together with the desired envelope, you can give amulets to dolls or bags of incense. This will help protect the newly-made family from adversity and envy.
CalicoBed linen is great as gifts to replenish the supplies of a young family. It is unlikely that in a year of living together, they acquired a sufficient number of them. Pillows, aprons, towels, etc. will also work.
PaperTwo years of married life have long been compared to paper. This is because a lot of troubles and worries appear, which unbalances the spouses. Paper tears and burns easily, which is why it is better to present something paper as a gift to replenish its supplies. Money, books, albums, paintings, etc. will help to cope with this difficult task.
Do not forget about gifts between spouses, this should generally become a tradition for a newly-made family. In this case, you can present money that everyone will spend on their own needs, or something made with their own hands, preferably out of paper, for example, a wedding album.
LeatherAs a gift, it is best to present something leather: a key chain, wallet, bag, furniture, etc.
LinenLinen is a durable and expensive material. This is considered the fourth year of living together, many problems have already passed, the spouses have got used to each other, perhaps a child has appeared, or even two. For the anniversary, it is customary to give something from flax. These can be tablecloths, towels, etc.
WoodenAs the name implies, the tree becomes the symbol of the wedding. Accordingly, gifts should be made of wood. If the couple already have their own home, this is great for household use. Wooden furniture, toys, jewelry, wooden photo frames, dishes, boxes and other items can be used as gifts.
Cast ironOn this day, a couple should be presented with something made of cast iron. This can be a frying pan, which is very useful in everyday life, or other products made of this metal.
ZincIf you decide to invite loved ones and relatives to this holiday, then it is better to present them with the appropriate things made of zinc as a gift. It can be dishes, kitchen utensils, etc. In everyday life, it will definitely come in handy, especially for a young family.
CopperOn this day, it is customary to give something that contains copper: a horseshoe, belt, candlesticks, etc.
TinOn this day, you can give anything, but so that it is in a tin box or made of tin. Baking trays, trays, tin cans, etc. are perfect.
FaienceAs already mentioned, earthenware is a fragile material that can break easily. To hint about this to a married couple, it is boring to give something fragile that day, which, if handled carelessly, can break. Spouses should match their relationship with this gift and keep it safe in the future. As a gift, you can choose a service or crystal glasses. It is desirable that the gift is fragile.
PewterIt is customary to celebrate this day on a grand scale. Accordingly, gifts should be expensive and worthy. On this day, the spouses can be presented with a huge bouquet of red roses, which symbolizes passion. It will be difficult to present something pewter, so you can limit yourself to flowers. In addition to them, various souvenirs, bed linen and other red items are suitable.
SteelOn this day, it is customary to give souvenirs, dishes, steel cutlery. You can also buy something with a steel shade, it is also perfect as a gift. Do not forget about the packaging, it should be bright and colorful.
NickelOn this anniversary, spouses should be reminded of the purity and shine in the bagasse, thereby hinting at their relationship with each other. as a gift, you can present nickel items (jewelry, candlesticks, etc.).
LaceOn this day, it is customary to give something tender, with a pleasant aroma. Do not forget about a bouquet of lilies of the valley, if the anniversary is in the season of their flowering. If not, then fine interior items, lace underwear, napkins and much more will do. You can also knit something with your own hands, it will be a great gift.
AgateOn this day, you can give agate products, caskets, jewelry, etc.
CrystalYou can donate a panel, painting, glasses or other crystal products, etc.
TurquoiseAny item of turquoise color can be presented as a gift. These can be decorations, household items, etc.
PomegranateAs you can see from the names of weddings, her symbol is given. Well, do not give the same spouses pomegranates. Therefore, something red will be an excellent gift, and what it will be is up to the guests to decide.
PorcelainDespite the fragility of porcelain, this material is considered expensive and noble. The spouses have lived together for many years, a lot has already been experienced, it seems that everything is already there. What to give to the guests who come to the celebration? Something made of porcelain will be an excellent gift, after all, for so many years the family already needs an update of the dishes.
OpalIt is believed that opal is a repellent stone. However, opal products should be given as a gift. Probably because two opals are capable of being attracted to each other.
BronzeIt is customary to give bronze items.
BerylFor the holiday, they give a blanket, a calendar, dressing gowns with photographs of the spouses, beryl products, etc.
SatinIt is customary to give something from satin: ribbons, decor, pillows, etc.
SilverGuests must donate something made of silver. This can be jewelry, cutlery, collectible coins, etc.
JadeGive jewelry with a jade stone.
Mahogany weddingAs a gift, you can present mahogany products, pieces of furniture on which this tree is depicted.
VelvetYou can donate velvet products.
PearlOn this anniversary, the wife, as a rule, is presented with pearl jewelry, the man is decorated with mother-of-pearl or pearl decoration.
Swarthy (Solar)It is customary for children to buy vouchers for their parents to southern resorts, as a symbol of the anniversary date, sun and warmth, or give coffee and chocolate.
AmberOn the anniversary date, it is customary to give each other, as well as guests, amber gifts (interior items, jewelry)
CoralThey give coral products (beads, bracelets, decor items). Quite often there are gifts from various paintings. The wife gives the husband a linen shirt on this date.
MuslinovayaThe most common gifts given on this date are curtains, muslin curtains, clothes.
AluminumIf you are invited to a celebration, then you should grab gifts made of aluminum (ashtray, vase, etc.)
MercuryAn anniversary gift is a cake with confectionery elements in the form of mercury droplets, as a symbol of the holiday.
CrepeOn this wedding anniversary, shawls, tablecloths made of crepe material are presented.
RubyThey give jewelry with a ruby ​​stone (earrings, rings, pendants, bracelets).
TopazIt is customary to give jewelry with topaz stones.
SapphireOn this anniversary date, the spouses and guests donate products and decor items with sapphire.
LavenderSince lavender is a southern plant, it is customary to give flowers to a spouse of southern origin, ideally a bouquet of lavender flowers. Guests present gifts of their choice, but the attribute of a flower bouquet is required.
CashmereChildren give their parents cashmere garments, guests of their choice.
AmethystDecorations made of amethyst stone or any other similar in color to amethyst are given.
CedarRelatives and guests at the cedar wedding present products or pieces of furniture made of cedar. A pitcher of pine nut oil is the perfect gift.
GoldFor the anniversary, the spouses buy new wedding rings made of gold; it is also customary for relatives or friends to give gold rings.
EmeraldThe couple exchange emerald products.
BrilliantFor the sixtieth anniversary of the wedding, it is customary to give children jewelry with diamond jewelry. Guests are allowed to give crystal items.
IronOn this rare anniversary, it is customary to give home furnishings with iron elements. A horseshoe is considered a blessed gift - a symbol of good luck and happiness.
StoneSpouses are supposed to give products made of natural and noble stone, which is marble, malachite or phosphoric stone.
FertileRelatives and guests are not limited in the choice of gifts, gifts are given that show the love of the heroes of the day. But most often, gifts for the anniversary are selected at the request of the couple.
CrownOn a rare anniversary date, they give a joint portrait of the spouses or gold rings in the form of crowns, as a symbol of the holiday.
OakSpouses are presented with products or interior items, or oak furniture.
GraniteThe best gifts for the ninetieth anniversary are granite products - vases, figurines and the like.
Platinum (red)Due to the fact that the symbol of the anniversary is red, gifts should also contain shades of red. The only exceptions are gifts made of platinum (rings, bracelets, chains).

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary

Anniversary invitation received. But how to congratulate the heroes of the day? Here are some options for congratulations in poetry and prose. Perhaps this will inspire you and you will come up with your congratulations, match the heroes of the occasion.

It is generally accepted that marriages are created in Heaven, and celebrated on Earth. It seems that the holiday was recent, but 5 years of the wedding have already passed. What kind of wedding, what to give for an anniversary and how to present a gift are questions that mislead every person. So five years of marriage is considered to be a grand event in every family.

Each corresponds to its own symbol, which personifies the strength of the union of spouses and family relationships. Often people ask the question: what kind of wedding is it if they have been married for 5 years?

According to tradition, a married couple has already taken root like a tree, firmly settled on the ground, and blossomed leaves. The tree can rightfully be considered a symbol of family and love... Where the strong roots are the parents, the trunk is the young spouses. And fragile branches and leaves - a new generation, gradually gaining confidence and stability in life.

The family is already firmly on its feet, but is still young. Just as frosts and winds are not terrible for a tree, so misunderstandings and quarrels cannot destroy the union of love.

Over the years, the tree grows, becomes wiser and stronger, and the family hearth expands and blooms. Wood is popularly considered a warm and durable material, hearth symbol, peace and comfort. It's not for nothing that churches and huts in Russia were built from this rich material, the smell of which soothes and relieves stress.

Before deciding on a gift for a 5-year wedding, what kind of wedding and how to congratulate correctly, you need to competently think over the whole process in advance. Of course, the focus should be on natural wood products.

A wedding anniversary is an event that is usually celebrated on a grand scale, and congratulations should be appropriate. The following tips will help you decide what to give your parents for 5 years of marriage:

  • A table in an expensive restaurant will create a unique atmosphere of love and romance that will be remembered for many years.
  • There are many interesting souvenirs made of natural wood, which can be presented as a symbol of love, health and a strong marriage.
  • Furnishing the apartment with furniture will not only delight the spouses, but will create coziness and comfort in the room for many years.
  • A gift in the form of a holiday abroad by the sea is the best surprise, the joy of which cannot be hidden.
  • Many spouses have memorable places where the first meeting took place, the first flowers were presented. By organizing a secret meeting of the spouses, you can see joy and love in their eyes.

What to give friends for a 5 year wedding

Choosing a gift is always an unusual and interesting experience. Complete freedom of imagination and thoughts is provided, and the mood of loved ones depends on a competent decision. A coffee table, a wall clock with a wooden edging, a flower stand and handicrafts made of natural wood will harmoniously blend with the interior.

Doubts about giving 5 years to friends for a wedding will be dispelled by a decorative box, a vase and a wine jug. If the family has children, then you can make a surprise in the form of a wooden horse. Paid attention to the child and happiness in the eyes of children will be a wonderful gift for parents.

For inexpensive gifts, it is recommended to choose beautiful photo frames, paintings by great artists, a stand for board games, or natural tableware. An excellent option that emphasizes symbolism and good luck in the house, is a horseshoe made from natural material.

When the 5th wedding anniversary comes, what kind of wedding can do without jokes and fun. A sense of humor has never let a person down and in all situations helps to find the right solution. Friends with a smile will accept a hanger, chair, rolling pin or wooden spoon as a gift. If you have a country house, a birdhouse, a volumetric decorative vase or a mill, as well as a dog booth are perfect. The perfect gift that will delight spouses is a mini-bar made by made of natural wood... For a greater impression, you can fill it with the favorite drinks of the heroes of the occasion.

The first jubilee year of the marriage union is accepted celebrate... As a rule, women are more inclined to present surprises at pleasant moments. And they try to take seriously what to give to the husband from the wife. Funny congratulations to her husband on the wedding anniversary of 5 years can be presented not to every loving wife. But showing imagination, you can decorate any family holiday.

For a man, a wedding is an important moment in life, the day of which every year will be remembered with a smile and pleasant impressions. The usual serious congratulations are not always satisfying. Comic gifts have a more weighty and special meaning. An interesting and rather original gift will be a certificate, according to which the husband undertakes to give flowers to his wife every day and follow all instructions: bring coffee to bed in the morning, kiss at every meeting in the apartment, cook dinner and constantly throw out the trash.

Many items can be made from wood. The husband is the breadwinner and head of the family. As a present, you can give a bow and arrow or a wooden pistol, which will help in obtaining food and protecting the family hearth. A man with dignity and humor appreciate the original surprise... A shield with a sword will not interfere with the defender. Now the man is fully armed and ready to resist attacks from the outside.

In the life of spouses, the family budget takes an important place, for which the man in the house is responsible. So that your savings never run out, a wooden piggy bank is ideal as a gift. Or miniature safes, divided into two halves with the words "husband" and "wife". The essence of the surprise is that a man should throw his savings into his wife's department.

  • a set of wooden tools;
  • board games (chess, backgammon);
  • bath accessories;
  • notebooks with a gift cover made of wood;
  • wooden spoons with patterns;
  • smoking pipe.

A man should not forget about what is a married man with experience so you can order a busy T-shirt.

Women are the beautiful half of humanity who deserves the best gifts and gentle words. A man should consider in advance what to give his wife for 5 years of family life. For a long time, a lot of things have accumulated in the house, but not a single woman will refuse another intriguing gift.

Products made of expensive wood - mahogany - are considered valuable and worthwhile gifts. Wives love changes in the apartment, therefore, new furniture made from natural materials will be a good gift. Such attention will come as a surprise, bring comfort and coziness.

The fair sex has always been not indifferent to jewelry. A rich necklace made of natural wood will be an excellent gift. If a woman prefers products with natural stones, then the decoration can be pack in wood box.

The most popular anniversary gifts are:

  • Furniture for kitchen;
  • wooden kitchen utensils;
  • photo frames or collage;
  • funny souvenirs;
  • jewelry, earrings, bracelets;
  • set of dishes.

Many wives love to do indoor floriculture. An originally presented tree in a pot, as a symbol of a strong family, is the most touching and romantic gift from a man.

When going to a celebration, guests should definitely pick up a symbolic gift, which after many years will serve as a pleasant memory of an important date. Traditionally, it is customary to pay attention to a beautiful design and a postcard with a touching congratulation. It is necessary to congratulate both spouses giving a gift to her husband, which the wife will unfold. In winter, instead of flowers, a bouquet of spruce branches with cones will perfectly cheer you up.

To choose funny congratulations for a wedding anniversary of 5 years, you need to show patience and ingenuity. A rolling pin with the words "advice and love" is a common and fun gift. They donate it not with the aim of improving the culinary abilities of girls, but as a regulator of family relations.

Wedding photography do not leave the limits of the digital world. Therefore, you can help the heroes of the occasion remember the funniest moment captured on their wedding day, and print on canvas in an original wooden frame. Such a masterpiece will become an interior decoration, and will remind you of a wonderful day every day.

5 years of wedding statuses with a joke for classmates and not only

A wedding is a joyful and interesting event. The original statuses on social networks can only complement the wedding photos. Remembering the wonderful wedding day, there is a desire to establish statuses with a joke for classmates for 5 years of the wedding. And not only to remind you of the anniversary date, but also to cheer you up.

It is not at all necessary to write poetry and eloquent congratulations. Statuses in the form of cool expressions and phrases will instantly cheer up the heroes of the day. It is proved that comic wishes are remembered longer rather than solid words.

Classmates can be congratulated with cool and unique statuses, which will be appreciated:

  • “There were women who dreamed of living in his thoughts and heart, staying in bed. And I have been living in his passport for five years! ”;
  • “We've been together for five years! What's the secret to a happy marriage? Do what your wife says ”;
  • “Girls, don't look for a wonderful man! He has been living with me for five years already ”;
  • “In family life, five years later, everything is divided equally: for men - shaving foam and shower gel. And for women - a fur coat and rest at sea ”;
  • “A wooden wedding is a long time, and a tree is a symbol of strong relationships and love that do not sink in water, but fire is still dangerous. Spouses, be careful! Don't light a big fire in the forest! "

A wedding anniversary is a significant day not only for spouses, but also for close friends and relatives. Congratulations and gifts, love and attention on the anniversary day will bring joy and leave the warmest impressions. A tree as a symbol of five years of marriage

The name of the fifth anniversary at first glance seems unpretentious and too mundane: "wooden wedding". No romance! This is not the luxury of the Golden Jubilee, nor the radiant shine of the Diamond, and not even the cheerful colors of the Calico, which marks the first year of marriage.

The wooden wedding is celebrated on the fifth anniversary. The spouses should plant a “wedding” tree, show the guests that they have learned to hammer in nails and, of course, drink champagne!

In fact, the Wooden Wedding is one of the most important dates: this is the time to sum up the main results, the moment when it is time to make serious plans for the future, based on what has already been achieved.

Wooden wedding is done in a wooden interior

Yes, and also a wooden wedding is a reason to receive wonderful gifts: and what, they deserve!

About the importance of the Wooden Jubilee and why it is Wooden

Why are we talking about the "main" results for the fifth year of marriage? After all, they did not live together for fifty years. But because the tree begins to bear fruit by the age of five.

In the first five years of marriage, most families have children. By this time, as a rule, they acquire their own apartment or house. Well, psychologists-sexologists also talk about the importance of the five-year milestone: it is at this time that a deep feeling comes to replace passionate, but far from solidity, falling in love, responsibility for loved ones comes to the fore.

That is, by and large, only after five years the union of two lovers can be called a family.

A marriage in five years is like a tree: fruits appear in a lush crown, and a reliable trunk withstands adversity

There are many versions of why five years are called "wooden". An analogy is drawn between the strength of wood and the strength of marriage. The first year is frivolous chintz, the second is paper that is easy to tear, the third is capricious skin, and the fourth is delicate linen.

A tree is yes, it is already something strong on the one hand, and, at the same time, in need of care and protection - on the other: a tiny spark is enough to instantly burn everything to the ground by negligence.

There is a "gift" version: the couple already have their own home, it's time to donate furniture. Life is settled, there is enough space to put dressers-wardrobes, and the family has become larger, there is a need for cots, new tables and chairs.

And yet, marriage in five years really resembles a tree in form and essence: the roots have gone deep into the ground, the crown has grown. A tree is not a beautiful flower of love for you that will wither on the third day! It is reliable and solid, knows how to withstand adversity, and in its branches birds sing and fruits ripen ...

What to give for a wooden wedding

Any wooden products are suitable as a gift. In Russia, the husband for this anniversary carved something out of wood with his own hands, the wife varnished or painted.

You can give anything! Decorations, dishes, boxes, frames - the main thing is that there is a tree

The product was displayed and carefully preserved. But what if the husband is an excellent sysadmin or programmer, and the woodcarver is not? - Go to the store!

A thing bought with love is no worse (and maybe even better) than a cutting board cut with cursing. The wife also gives her husband something wooden: a cigarette holder, a keychain, a set of rolling pins ...

The wife may well give just such a rolling pin: a funny thing, and it will come in handy on the farm

Dear guests can give everything: from wooden spoons and linden barrels with honey to wooden cottages with oak furniture. It is clear that cottages and headsets are in priority, but any wooden utensils, beautiful and useful in the household, are an excellent gift! For example, caskets, photo frames.

By the way, you can find jewelry inlaid with wood. There will be three in one: stylish, luxurious, symbolic.

There is another type of gifts that are customary to present this day: everything that is somehow related to health. We are not talking about a pack of analgin or a tonometer, of course. But anyone will be happy with a ticket to a sanatorium or a subscription to a gym (or spa).

Rituals and scripts for a wooden wedding

At a classic wooden wedding, they repeat the real one, but in a humorous tone. They invite the same guests who were at the wedding five years ago.

All types of verification of spouses for consistency of actions, the ability to collectively fight back in any situation are welcomed.

Quizzes and contests on the topic “how well a husband knows his wife”, “how well a husband’s wife knows”, contests where the ability to understand each other without words is required - this is what will be appropriate at this holiday.

It is customary to celebrate a wooden wedding in the open air, under the canopy of trees. In cold weather, it is better to transfer the celebration under a roof; the ideal option is a hall of a cafe or restaurant, decorated with wood.

An important component of the scenario is the planting of a seedling. Oak means reliability and longevity; maple - wealth; birch - fertility, light, purity; linden - eternal love.

You can plant a whole grove so that everything is in abundance.