Scenario: New Year's adventures of a plush puppy and other toys. Fairy tale: Adventures of a cockerel and dogs for the New Year Download the script for the new year of the dog for children

The idea of ​​the script "Under the Sign of the Yellow Dog"

The whole scenario of the festive evening can be dedicated to the symbol of the year. For many, a dog is a very close, sweet, good-natured creature and evokes clear and bright associations.

You can start by telling the guests about which animal will patronize the coming year. 2018 is the year of the Yellow Earth Dog. You can find information on astrological sites and make a short story about what qualities the symbol of 2018 has, what can we expect from 2018. Even the most skeptical people on the eve of the holiday tend to believe in miracles and various fables.

Compliments to the Dog

Each guest (if the holiday takes place at the table in a small company of 5-10 people) is given a sheet of paper with block letters


The task of the participants: for each letter, come up with a word-compliment on the topic of what it is - a Dog. For example: sunny, optimistic, impeccable, artistic, sociable, ambitious.

Then each in turn reads out what happened. And the host can sum it up with a toast: Let's drink to the fact that the symbol of the year - the Yellow Earth Dog - has all these wonderful qualities and is happy to share them with all of us!

dog portrait

Popular holiday competition. But at this holiday it is interesting because we will portray a dog.

1 option. Picture.

The participants are blindfolded in turn, given a felt-tip pen and the task to draw any part of the dog's body. As a rule, a very funny picture is obtained, and in the end, you can arrange a photo session next to it.

Option 2. Application.

The meaning is the same. But on a piece of drawing paper, a silhouette of a dog is drawn in advance. Details are cut out of colored paper: nose, ears, tail, eyes, etc. Behind the parts is glued double-sided tape. The participants are blindfolded in turn and each must attach their part in place. Because the eyes are closed, the doggie's body parts end up in interesting places. It also turns out to be very funny.

feed the dog

The competition can be held in the form of a relay race. Participants are divided into 2 teams, and then the relay is held at speed. Or everyone can line up, and then the competition will be just for fun.

What is the point. In a bag, go to a large basket, food is placed that can potentially feed the dog and those that the dogs are by no means appetizing. For example: a bone, a can of stew, a cucumber, a cookie, a mushroom, vodka, etc. It can be both real products and dummies, toy food.

Each participant runs to the basket, selects the desired product, runs back and puts it on the team's plate. At the end, the presenter checks the team's plates and gives a point for each correct product. Since, the task for speed, the most unexpected things may turn out to be on the plate. The competition will be very interesting for children.

Riddles about dogs. Competition for 2018

We found riddles in a presentation on one of the educational portals and on the site The authors of the riddles: Vera Shcherbakova, D. Chemankov, V. Laktionov. Request to the authors: if you are against the publication of poems on the site, write to me. But we would be very happy if other readers who are looking for Contests for the New Year of the Dog 2018 found out about these riddles.

Riddles are just wonderful, rhymed, the answer can be understood from the rhyme, so they are also suitable for children.

Excess skin hanging down
And passers-by are surprised.
Let's say we answer soon.
- That dog is called ... (Shar Pei)

It flies forward, the back is an arc,
The hunter is on horseback.
Participates in running. Not evil.
What is the dog's name? ... (Borzoi)

For the prey of any
An arrow flies through the fields.
free space symbol,
The pride of the Russian nobility!
Cutting kilometers
Rushing tirelessly ... (Greyhound)

Sneaky look, short muzzle,
Rosy ears, barking bass chords.
The coat is short, plump side.
Who is in front of us? Of course… (Bulldog)

Curly hanging ears
He is cheerful and kind.
On the hunt - the best animal.
Of course, this is ... (Spaniel)

The dog got out of the reeds -
Streams flowed from the ears.
Where is duck hunting
His work is in full swing there.
Easily find the target
Red Cocker - ... (Spaniel)

Short tail, mustache, beard.
For the trainer - a godsend.
Smart, flexible, not capricious.
What is the dog's name? ... (Rizen)

He is muscular and tall
This dog is German ... (dog)

Handsome white in black spots,
Cheerful and so pleasant
Not a giant among dogs
Children's favorite ... (Dalmatian)

Hatchet ears, nose button,
And the dog is in high demand,
Great Dane seems to her a giant,
Baby breed - French ... (bulldog)

Runs through the forest, barks loudly,
And every animal, of course, knows:
Bear and elk, fox and bunny,
That a formidable enemy is a dog ... (Laika)

She has a ring tail
And a very subtle flair
In the taiga with the hunter the hostess,
The dog embraces everyone ... (Laika)

Tail bagel, warm fur.
He is the best at hunting.
Seeing game on a branch,
Barks, head up.
Guess the breed.
Well, of course, this is ... (Laika)

It weighs quite a bit.
As much as a cat weighs.
He's so charming
And his name is Stepashka!
Its small size
This is a Yorkshire ... (terrier)

From an open window
A white mop is barking.
Greets the owner loudly
His favorite ... (Bologna)

blonde beauty
From ears to tail.
Loves to hit the balls
On the couch, among the pillows.
Says very loudly
What is her name ... (Bologna)

Energetic and cheerful
good-natured, mischievous,
reddish, bearded,
Wool in a beautiful wave.
The most curious animal
My black-backed friend - ... (Erdel)

Sleeping peacefully at night under the snow
Having a fur coat with warm fur,
Big heart full of affection
In the northern dog ... (Husky)

What a miracle of miracles
Ran for a walk in the woods?
Yes, after all, this is ... (Pekingese)

Removed from the box.
Sleeping in it now
A dog named Chip.
Its size is very small
This dog ... (Toy - terrier).

The dog is black, shaggy
And very big!
And meanwhile,
He's not evil at all!
He rescued a drowning man
This dog ... (Diver).

Plays, swims in the water,
Help those who are in trouble
Easily dives many times
Shaggy black ... (Diver)

Have a puppy that I love!
A white spot on the forehead!
Sprawled on the pillow, like a master,
Indoor dog, thoroughbred ... (Hin).

Curious long nose
It fumbles like a vacuum cleaner.
Let the legs be short
But they row like two shovels.
Tail upright, wax on the muzzle -
Meet - this is ... (Dachshund)

Let it be very long
The length of the breed is given to her.
When such a blot runs,
People are laughing, this is ... (Dachshund)

Subtle scent, keen hearing -
He is both a watchman and a shepherd.
I'm afraid that you hardly
The dog was seen more seriously.
Hello big and hot
Send German ... (Shepherds)

She guards the border
On the trail of a crook will catch
They let her in where it's hot
And the name is German ... (Shepherd)

He is neither small nor big
Wears a white collar.
By nature - good-natured,
And by design - a shepherd.
But, today, in this role
You don't often see... (Collie)

Came to us from Scotland
And the children became the first friend
Big friend Petya, Olya,
Scottish Shepherd… (Collie)

He chases foxes from holes
And skillfully catches rats.
And in the apartment on the parquet
It flies like a rocket.
Energy example -
Our cheerful ... (Fox Terrier)

Despite the ominous appearance,
He's not angry at all
But, at the same time, you are protected
Without the slightest flaw.
Many exhibitions winner -
Our illustrious ... (Boxer)

Ladies in hats and furs
It is worn in the arms.
And not alien to her at times
Royal quarters.
This noble coquette
It is called ... (Levretka)

The memory of the ancestors is still
It beckons to space.
But alas, in the real world
He sits in the apartment all day.
A giant named Earl -
Our Irish ... (Wolfhound)

Rumor goes around the world
What is a dog stronger than a lion
And he was portrayed
Like the Hound of the Baskervilles.
This may be a myth
But he himself is real ... (Mastiff)

There was a bark outside the window,
At least plug your ears!
This is little Totosha,
Chasing cats in the yard.
Extremely energetic
Naughty - neighbor ... (Pincher)

Graceful as a deer!
He does not know the word "laziness"!
Like a compressed spring
Rushing into battle uncontrollably -
Loyal service veteran -
Policeman ... (Doberman)

Bloodhound is just a standard
He is also an excellent watchman
And don't fall for deceit
Serious, brave ... (Doberman)

What is this shorty
Big-eyed tough guy?
Walks very smartly
And he looks a little angry.
He sneezed, wrinkling his nose,
Meet - just ... (Pug)

In the depths of gray centuries
He worked for the butchers.
Protected herds and meat
And he wore a cash register around his neck.
And now the road trailer
Protects our ... (Rottweiler)

Who, tell me, is so familiar
Dark blue tongue?
And who sometimes neighbors
Taken for a bear?
It walks majestically
Our shaggy ... (Chow Chow)

He's a born rock climber
The lifeguard is first class!
In the mountains, the orderly will help:
Will come to the rescue ... (St. Bernard)

The dog in the rack froze
And raised her paw up
Jump - and the red wind rushes,
Hunting dog ... (Setter)

What breed is unknown
But their habits are so charming
Big smarts, kind people,
Favorite children ... (Mongrel)

New Year's chants

A great way to stir up, cheer up and activate a walking company is to give plenty of shouting. New Year's chants will help us with this. There are many of them, on any topic: just New Year's and especially for the New Year of the dog. For example:

Will not list them all. We have already prepared a document for printing in order to print it closer to New Year's Eve. Maybe you will need it too 😉

By the way, the riddles about dogs listed above can also be used as chants.

Sobriety check

Hide a caramel on each cheek and say a tongue twister:

  • Two puppies, cheek to cheek, pinch the brush in the corner.

Tried with other tongue twisters - it turns out funny.

Dog Polka

Dance warm-up for the company of adults and children. I remember from childhood such a song with simple movements:

1 couplet:

Sharik took Zhuchka by the arm, began to dance the polka,

And Barbosik-black nose began to play the pipe: (they stop at the word "barbosik" - put their hands to their chest, like paws of a dog, "black nose" - touch the nose with a finger, play "on the pipe" - bring their hands to their mouth, imitating playing the pipe).


Doo-doo-doo, woof-woof-woof, Doo-doo-doo, woof-woof-woof, (imitating the game on the pipe, on “dududu” - lean forward towards the partner, on “gavgavgav” - lean back)

Doo-doo-doo, woof-woof-woof, Doo-doo-doo, woof-woof-woof. (on “dududu” - lean forward towards the partner, on “gavgavgav” - lean back)

verse 2:

Even the Pussies laughed as the Dogs danced. (the dancers become pairs, join hands and spin)

And they forgot about the mice that were sitting at the cracks: (they stop, put their hands to their chest, like mouse paws, and each spins around its own axis)


Hee-hee-hee, ha-ha-ha, Hee-hee-hee, ha-ha-ha, (they stop, and, putting their hands on their stomach, as if laughing, on “hihihi” - lean forward towards the partner, on “hahaha” - lean back)

Hee-hee-hee, ha-ha-ha, Hee-hee-hee, ha-ha-ha (on “hihihi” - lean forward towards the partner, on “hahaha” - lean back)

We found this song, but the words are slightly different:

dog song

We danced, now we can sing. Guests are allowed to draw a "lot" - notes with the name of the song. The phonogram is turned on, and everyone has to play this song like a dog. Song examples:

  1. Oh frost, frost...
  2. There are fogs in my head, mana ...
  3. The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree…
  4. Oh god what a man...
  5. Only a glass of vodka on the table ...

Dog is man's best friend

Guests participate in pairs. One person in a pair is a dog, the second is the owner. The host playing the role is given questions that he reads out loud one by one. The task of a true friend is to answer them, but without words (dogs can’t talk, after all). You can bark, whine, squeak, snort, use facial expressions, use intonations ... The owner must guess what the dog answered. Sample questions:

1. My friend, you must be hungry. Will you be Olivier? Or is bone better?
2. My friend, how much is 2 + 2?
3. My friend, what will you give me for the New Year of the Dog?
4. Dog, what do you dislike more than anything in the world?
5. What do you like?

acute scent

2 participants are selected who will play the role of dogs. They blindfold them and alternately bring various foods, drinks ... Everything that can emit unusual, pleasant and not very smells:

  • mustard, vodka, diapers, garlic, candy, baby cauliflower puree, car flavor, plain water, whatever.

The task of the participants is to guess what is in front of them. The owner of the sharpest sense of smell can be given some kind of dog attribute, for example, a bowl or a bone. Or a comic medal "For the sharpest scent."


You can hide something: a prize, a birthday cake, champagne ... Give guests tips or make a map in the form of a puzzle (and hide the pieces in different places in the apartment). Let them look for Another option: to make one guest a "thief" - give him a chocolate coin or a keychain in the form of a dog. Give guests hints with a description of the guest, by which you can guess who the "thief" is.

Fairy tale dramatization

Collective staging of fairy tales, skits and various humorous stories always go with a bang. We found two Russian folk tales with dogs as heroes. It is necessary to print the text in advance and distribute roles, elements of costumes. In the scenario of a fairy tale, you can add elements of humor, remake it a little in a modern way and you will get a fly away

Fairy tale "Like a dog was looking for a friend"

A long time ago there lived a dog in the forest. One alone. She was bored. I wanted to find a friend for my dog. A friend who wouldn't be afraid of anything.

The dog met a hare in the forest and said to him:

- Come on, bunny, be friends with you, live together!

“Come on,” agreed the bunny.

In the evening they found a place to sleep and went to bed. At night, a mouse ran past them, the dog heard a rustle and how it jumped up, how it barked loudly. The hare woke up in fright, his ears trembling with fear.

- Why are you barking? says to the dog. - If the wolf hears, he will come here and eat us.

"That's not a good friend," thought the dog. - Afraid of the wolf. But the wolf, probably, is not afraid of anyone.

In the morning the dog said goodbye to the hare and went to look for the wolf. Met him in a deaf ravine and says:

- Come on, wolf, be friends with you, live together!

- Well! the wolf answers. - Both will be more fun.

They went to bed at night. A frog jumped past, the dog heard how it jumped up, how it barked loudly. The wolf woke up in a fright and let's scold the dog:

- Oh, you are such and such! If the bear hears your barking, it will come here and tear us apart.

“And the wolf is afraid,” thought the dog. "I'd rather befriend a bear."

She went to the bear:

- Bear-hero, let's be friends, live together!

“Okay,” says the bear. - Come to my lair.

And at night the dog heard how he was already crawling past the lair, jumped up and barked. The bear got scared and scolded the dog:

- Stop it, stop it! A man will come and skin us.

— Nu and affairs! the dog thinks. And this one turned out to be cowardly.

She ran away from the bear and went to the man:

- Man, let's be friends, live together!

The man agreed, fed the dog, built a warm kennel for her near his hut. At night the dog barks, guards the house. And the person does not scold her for this - he says thanks.

Since then, the dog and the man have been living together.

How a dog and a wolf visited people at a wedding

One day a wolf and a dog met in the forest. The wolf attacked the dog, grabbed his teeth and dragged him into his lair.

Don't eat me, wolf, - the dog whined, - let's go to people's wedding.

To the people at the wedding? the wolf wondered. - How can I get there?

Together with me. Come to the barn in the evening, let's sneak into the hut, no one will notice.

The wolf waited for the evening, crept to the appointed place, and then the dog arrived in time.

The wedding was in full swing. The dog and the wolf slipped through the door and darted under the festive table. They sat and sat, the dog began to whimper softly. The guests heard and began to throw treats to her: meat, bones, and pies - there was a lot of everything, the dog and the wolf ate to satiety. And then there was a tub of kvass standing next to it. The dog pushed the dish under the table, and friends, well, indulge in kvass.

The wolf is happy, full, completely forgot that there are people nearby. So he offers the dog:

Can we sing?

What you! - scared dog. “People will immediately recognize you by your voice.

The wolf was silent for a while and again asks:

Can we sing?

Do not even think about it! the dog warned again. The wolf took her advice this time as well. He was silent for a minute, another, and on the third he could not stand it:

Then I'll sing alone! - And how he began to howl: - Wow! Woo! Woo!

The guests made noise, squealed, they asked each other:

Why is there a wolf in the house?

Why is there a wolf in the house?

One guest grabbed a poker, another a log, a third - an iron rod and let's look after the wolf - he barely gathered his courage and how he set off into the forest!

cartoon dogs

Invite guests to name as many cartoons as possible, where dogs appear in the main or secondary role:

1. Three from Prostokvashino (Sharik)
2. Kitten Woof (and puppy Sharik)
3. 101 dolmatians
4. Catdog
5. Once upon a time there was a dog
6. Bobik visiting Barbos
7. Scooby-Doo
8. Dog in boots
9. Chestnut
10. Belka and Strelka
11. Goofy and his crew
12. Barboskins
13. Paw Patrol
14. Pluto
15. Kung Fu Dog
And others.

Well, that's all Dog Contests, which may be interesting for the company of adults and children for the New Year of the Yellow Dog 2018. Share your ideas for the New Year's scenario (in the comments), we will be happy! 😉

Santa Claus ,
Dog ,

Props: gifts for participation in competitions, "snowballs" (paper balls), bags, a ball.

Parents take their places, the music stops, the Storyteller appears, in whose hands is a small chest.

Time of magic, miracles and good fairy tales. Hello my dears, I have prepared for you one amazing story that has been waiting in the wings for many years. Please sit back, put aside all negative thoughts, while I prepare (digs in the chest for a few seconds and pulls out a scroll) .

In our hall there are not enough main listeners, for whom we actually write our magical stories. (doors open and children enter, taking their seats).

In a distant country, many years ago, there lived a girl who terribly did not like the New Year. But, one day everything changed, because it is not for nothing that miracles come to life at this time of the year.

(Zlyuchka appears)

What a nightmare! All these toys, gifts, garlands, sweets, costumes! How does this make me angry! How can I not love this! That would take and cancel this New Year! Who needs him anyway?

(Children respond in unison)

Why? Why do you need this holiday?

Child 1:
We receive gifts
We are waiting for Santa Claus
We sing sonorous songs,
And we spread smiles!

Child 2:
We decorate the Christmas tree at home,
And congratulations to each other
And we chew sweets
We all have fun!

Child 3:
And also, we are round dances,
Together we drive everything in the garden,
And we play and we laugh
I love this holiday!

Child 4:
We also learn poems
And we put on costumes
Waiting for fireworks and crackers
We love this holiday!

Child 5:
And beautiful toys
And garlands and little animals,
The fires are burning, burning
The bells are ringing!

So what? You can hang garlands every day, just think!

(Bells ring, the door swings open, Santa Claus appears with a Dog)

Santa Claus :
What is it, what happened?
Not enough magic?
How could this happen?
Where is the faith in miracles?

Lost a long time ago!

Santa Claus :
Not good things
Also, baby, you can’t
New Year, special holiday,
It's time to celebrate it!

Think, sit
Write down all your wishes
And we with this kids,
Let's drive away all sadness!

Also, my new friend
Everyone knows him around
Will help with this
Return faith in miracles!

Dog :
I am the symbol of the coming year
And here I am at the threshold
I'll fix my fur coat and my ears,
And I will fill your days with happiness!

Santa Claus :
Guys, are you ready for the New Year?

(Children respond in unison)

Dog :
I'm so perky
And I love to play, I love
And today with you children,
I want to play, I want to!

Game "Catch the snow".
3-4 children are selected. Everyone gets a packet. The host throws "snowballs". The task is to catch as many "snowballs" as possible. The winner will receive a symbolic prize.
Props: "snowballs" (paper balls), bags.

Santa Claus :
It's definitely going to be a fun year.
All sorrows will go away
There will be joy, sweets,
Miracles are waiting for you!

Dog :
I will protect you
Protect from adversity
I will help you
And spread smiles!

Santa Claus :
I know, I know that kids
Prepared a surprise
And today our Zlyuchka,
They will have fun!

Dog (referring to Angry):
How are you? Improved?

I'm like a cloud
And in the soul everything is that thorn,
I don't want a holiday
I don't like New Years!

Santa Claus :
What offended you?
Why isn't it fun?
Why are you so angry?
You need to have fun!
Tell me why
Maybe I can help!

Yes, I have never received a normal gift in my life! Why should I love this holiday?

Santa Claus :
Or maybe you misbehaved?

Who is bad? Am I bad? Yes, I'm just a golden child! I'm out, last year I stole tangerines, and the year before last, in general, a Christmas tree!

Dog :
I would bite you! Okay, tangerines, but a whole tree!

Santa Claus :
And now the guys will tell us how to behave in order to get on my list of good children!

Riddles about good deeds and politeness (you can use others, for example,):

1. I am for good deeds
What do I always say?

2. I'll take the paper
Where will I take her?
(Into the urn)

3. For candy, for a toy,
And for the sweet cheesecake
I will say a good word
(Thank you)

4. I'll start the day with a smile
What will I tell everyone?

5. When I leave
I will say a word
I'll say goodbye to everyone,
I'll try to be polite!

6. Elders must be respected
Seniors need...
(To help)

7. I won't be disobedient
And I won't be rude
And before eating
Hands with soap will ...

Never done anything like it!

Santa Claus :
But in vain, I give gifts to obedient children and then help them all year round.

Dog :
Like the next symbol of the year. You know, you need to be kinder, more careful, more polite.

It's all boring!

Dog :
You think about your behavior for now, and I'll play with the guys!

Yes, think!

Competition "What is the New Year?"
The presenter takes the ball and, asking this question, throws it to the child, the one with the answer returns the ball.
Props: ball.

Santa Claus :
And to finally convince you, the guys have prepared something else!

(Children's number. Children can read, sing New Year's songs, or dance a dance)

Tell me, are there dances on New Year's Eve?

Dog :
Of course, such, for example!

(Starts to dance, and the kids have to repeat)

And tell me, do they give sweets?

Dog :
Of course they do! Do you know what kind of sugar bones are waiting for me in the kennel?

What do you need to do to receive a gift?

Santa Claus :
Change! Stop dirtying, stealing Christmas trees, being sarcastic, being rude, spoiling things.

And you can, I'll do it all next year, and this year I will receive a gift. Take my word for it! Simply, after all these poems and such a warm atmosphere, I wanted to celebrate the New Year, as expected, with a Christmas tree, tangerines, gifts, crackers. Please believe!

Santa Claus (referring to children):
Will we believe?

(Children answer)

Do you need to lead a round dance?

Dog :

(Music sounds, and the children dance)

Santa Claus :
Zlyuchka-thorn, but do you want a real New Year's miracle?


Santa Claus :
Then, on the count of three, Christmas tree, burn!

(Christmas lights on the Christmas tree are lit)

Dog :
What a beauty!

(Story teller appears)

So, one girl was restored to faith in magic and miracles. New Year should be loved only for the fact that the whole city and the whole country is filled with the warmth of multi-colored lights, the aroma of tangerines and goodness. Our fairy tale has come to an end, and in conclusion, I would like to wish you all the best, bright, joyful! Be happy and don't be sad!

Dog :
Oh Grandpa, haven't we forgotten anything?

Santa Claus :
Gifts in my bag
I'll give them to the kids
And much, much joy
Now I will give them!

And I won't offend Zlyuchka,
After all, I am very kind,
I give gifts to everyone
Hold them guys!

(Gives Christmas gifts)

The scenario of the New Year's party for the year of the dog is suitable for kindergarten, elementary school, orphanages, as well as theaters for young viewers. This scenario could also be called: "New tricks of Baba Yaga."

Script roles:

1. Santa Claus
2. Snow Maiden
3. Dog Antoshka
4. Grandma-Yozhka
5. Kikimora
6. Crow
7. Koschey

Scene 1

Baba Yaga comes out to the hall for a matinee to the music (backing track, without words) “And I’m going like this all in Dolce Gabbana”, with an offended look, proudly walks around the hall and stops in the middle.

Grandmother Yozhka:
- I quarreled with Koshchei, I can’t see him, he promised to marry me, he only deceived Yaga. He says: it’s too old, I’m only 300 years old! Himself like a crooked stump, rotten, a real old grandfather!
Proudly spat at Koshchei and I left him. Let him now sit, yearn, I'm not bad without him. I'll call my friend...

/Pulls out cell phone and dials/

Grandmother Yozhka:
- Ale, ale, Kikimora. How are you? Where are you dressing up? On the holidays? And I want too!

/Hangs up the phone/

Grandmother Yozhka:
- Here are those times. Kikimora then gathered for the holiday. He says that the new year, the year of the dog is coming. Santa Claus is coming to visit us, great news! I want to misbehave and annoy Koshchei. Maybe I can steal gifts and put them on Koshchei. Santa Claus will punish him, freeze him to the bone. Well, for me, like honey for the soul, it will immediately become more fun.

Grandmother Yozhka:
- Oh, Grandmother-Yozhka, bone leg, clever, beautiful, I really like the plan!

/leaves the room/

Scene 2

The script continues. Ded Moroz, Snegurochka and Dog Antoshka appear on the stage.

Snow Maiden:
- Grandfather, how many gifts we bring to the guys today. How many good girls and boys live in this city. We need to be more careful not to lose gifts along the way, our sleigh is small. And the horses are dashing, they gallop quickly, they scatter the snow, you can’t see anything.

Santa Claus:
- And we will instruct our glorious dog Antoshka to make sure that the gifts do not fall out and are not confused. After all, even if one gift is lost, one of the children will remain offended, and we cannot allow this to happen.

/Because of the bushes peeps and eavesdrops Grandmother-Yozhka/

Santa Claus:
- So, Antoshka, the Snow Maiden and I sit in the sleigh, and you run behind and look at the path so that not a single gift falls out.

Dog Antoshka:
- All right, Santa Claus! I will not let you down! Woof!

/ Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden leave, the dog follows them /

Scene 3

Grandmother Yozhka:
- Yeah, here they are doves. So, the dog will follow the gifts. This complicates matters. We'll have to outwit them, catch the dog, twist, tie, pick up gifts, drag them off, annoy Koshchei!

/Takes out the phone and calls his friend Kikimore again/

Grandmother Yozhka:
- Ale, Kikimora, there is a case for a million! No, not dollars, more important. Come to me quickly. Write down the address: Lesnaya street, pine number 3, but hurry up and run.

/ Kikimora runs into the hall /

- What's the matter, confess, deceive and don't try. Even though you are my friend, you are always on my mind. What's up, Yaga?

Grandmother Yozhka:
- I'm very angry with Koshchei. I want to take revenge on him. So that he knows how to joke with me. Steal gifts from Frost and put Koshchei so that Santa Claus will freeze him later without sparing. Gifts are carried in sledges, they shake through the pits and hills. But the dog Antoshka watches over them, he already angers me a little. Task: to grab the dog, twist it, get all the gifts!

- The idea is clear, I will help, I will distract the dog Antoshka. And you grab gifts on the sly, so that they don't see you. Don't forget about the fee, get me one gift.

Grandmother Yozhka:
“Great plan, go ahead!” This is New Year's Eve!

Scene 4

Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden are standing next to the sled. The dog Antoshka sits nearby.

Santa Claus:
- Tired, my friend, rest. There is still a long way to go. Antosha lingered, our good dog. We will soon be back on a long journey, we need a little rest.

Snow Maiden:
- Grandfather, I'll take a walk in the forest and check if all the animals and birds managed to hide in their holes, if no one froze.

Santa Claus:
- All right, granddaughter, take a walk. And you, Antoshka, rest. I also have something to do, I need to wrap the Christmas trees and birch trees with snow so that their branches do not freeze.

/ Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden leave /

Scene 5

/According to the script, some ominous music is turned on/

/ Kikimora and Babka-Yozhka sneak into the hall from different sides /

Kikimora walks around the sleeping Antoshka and conjures over him with his hands:

- Chufyr, chufyr, sleep, don't wake up, until spring, doggy sleep, Antoshka, enjoy!

/ Meanwhile, Grandmother Yozhka lifts the veil under which the gifts are hidden, takes the gifts for herself, and puts rags in their place and closes the veil again. /

/Kikimora and Babka-Yozhka run away./

Scene 6

Ded Moroz and Snegurochka are returning to the hall.

Santa Claus:
- Well, as a granddaughter, all the animals hid for the winter, no one froze?

Snow Maiden:
“It's all right, grandpa. Everyone sleeps in the burrows. Have you done your job?

Santa Claus:
- And how, dear! Each branch was carefully wrapped in snow fluff.

Snow Maiden:
- Where is Antoshka? Ah, here he is. Everyone is asleep, tired to see. Time to wake up the dog and hit the road.
- Antoshka, wake up!

/But Antoshka did not move/

Santa Claus:
- Antoshka, it's time for us!

Snow Maiden:
- Asleep! Soundly!

/She goes to the dog to stroke it, but the dog does not move/

Snow Maiden:
- Santa Claus, something happened to our Antoshka, it looks like he froze!

Santa Claus:
- What are you, Snow Maiden! I don't freeze my friends. Let me check. And he really doesn’t wake up, but it’s not from the cold, it looks like witchcraft, it’s clear that while we were gone, trouble happened to him. Oh, woe to me, the old one, did not keep track ...

/Starts to cry/

/ A crow croaked from a branch /

- Kar-kar! And I saw who bewitched your dog, this is the evil Kikimora and her friend Baba Yaga! And also, kar-kar, they stole your gifts!

Snow Maiden:
How was it stolen? We have a full sleigh, there is a mountain of gifts, under a veil.

/Santa Claus looks under the covers/

Santa Claus:
- Indeed, there are no gifts, only rags. Oh, insidious, oh, scoundrels, well, get caught by me, I will freeze you into blocks of ice! Snow Maiden, it's time for us to go in search of Baba Yaga and Kikimora, for one and we will look for gifts. And the robbers must be punished! They have no place in this fabulously beautiful forest. Put Antoshka in the sled. Let the darling sleep for now. I will make Baba Yaga disenchant our friend.

/The scenario continues with the dance of forest fairies or snowflakes/

Scene 7

/ Meanwhile, Babka-Yozhka and Kikimora crept up to Koshchei's castle and looked into his window, where he peacefully drank tea with bagels. According to this scenario, Koschey was a kind old man who did not pose a threat to society /

/ You can include Koshchei's song in the music program /

- But how can we put gifts to Koshchei? By the way, I already chose one box for myself, the biggest one!

Baba Yaga:
- And let's dress up as Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden!

- Let's!

Baba Yaga:
- Only me, chur, Snow Maiden! Of us, I am the most beautiful.

- No, I am!

Baba Yaga:
Don't argue, I'm prettier!

/Start to fight. Tearing each other's hair./

- Okay, you got it. I'll be a grandfather ... Let's go dress up!

Scene 8

/ Meanwhile, Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, on a tip from the Crow, reached the kingdom of Koshcheev. /

Snow Maiden:
- Santa Claus, it seems we have come. Look what an ominous place. Ahead is a high mountain, on the mountain there is a castle. You need to go up there and find out if Baba Yaga and Kikimora are there.

/ Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden temporarily leave the hall /

/Meanwhile, disguised Baba Yaga and Kikimora run up to the castle and knock on the door/

/ The doors are opened by the unsuspecting Koschei the immortal /

- Who's there?

Baba Yaga:/ dressed as a Snow Maiden, but it is clear that this is Babka Yaga /
- Koschey, this is Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, they came to congratulate you on the New Year!

- Gifts - brought a mountain!

- So glad! No one has ever congratulated me, and even more so, Santa Claus himself, and even with the Snow Maiden!

Baba Yaga:
- Hold on, this is all for you / and gives a lot of gifts /

/At this time, the real Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden come to the castle. Antoshka remained in the sleigh./

/ Babka Yaga and Kikimora see that the real Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden are approaching them, get scared and want to run away, but Santa Claus stops them with his magic staff and freezes them. grandmother Yozhka and Kikimora freeze in unnatural poses. So they stand, not moving /

- What's going on here? Two Santas? Two Snow Maidens? /and faints/

/ The Snow Maiden runs up to him and starts waving a handkerchief in front of his face. Koschey comes to his senses./

- What was it? Am I sleeping? Or did I dream it? Where are my gifts? /looks for them/
- The gifts are in place, so this is not a dream. Are you real? Who are those then?

Santa Claus:
- And “those” are Baba Yaga and Kikimora. And the gifts are not yours, they are stolen and intended for children. And if you are with these villains at the same time, then we will...

– Oh, that's it… No, I'm not friends with these villains. You know, I changed a lot after Ivan Tsarevich threatened to break the needle, that is, Koshcheev's life. Now I do only good deeds, I did not succeed in re-educating Baba Yaga. She's very harmful. And Kikimora is with her. Let them remain as statues. Forever.

Snow Maiden:
- We would leave them as statues, but they bewitched our friend, the dog Antoshka, and only they know the spell.

Santa Claus:
- We'll have to disenchant the villain ..

/Takes a staff and touches it to Baba Yaga and Kikimore. They come to life./

Santa Claus:
“Come on, you scoundrels, now disenchant our friend Antoshka the dog!” And promise never to conjure or steal anything again!

Grandmother Yozhka:
- Have mercy! We won't do it again!

“We agree to everything, just don’t freeze us!” Chufyr, chufyr, dog, wake up and turn into a living one!

/ A dog barking is heard here. The dog comes running./

Dog Antoshka:
- How long I slept, slept through all the work. Gifts stolen!

Santa Claus:
- Antoshka! Everything is fine. The gifts are here, safe and sound.

/Father Frost and Snow Maiden pick up gifts./

“Can I keep one present for myself, please?”

Snow Maiden:
- Leave it! /Laughing/

/Kikimora unwraps a gift, and there is just a balloon./

Santa Claus:
- And to you, Koschey, for the fact that you have corrected, we will give entertainment. A cure for boredom, a cure for sadness. /give a big box. In it: accordion /

- You will play, entertain yourself. And you, old women, sing and dance! But I will look after you, so look, I have everything! /threatens finger/

Snow Maiden:
- Grandfather Frost, the guys must have been waiting for us, it's time for us to go to the city, to the holiday.

Santa Claus:
- Of course, granddaughter, oh you are my clever girl!

/Everyone leaves the hall, including Antoshka/

Scene 9

- The night has come, dark, we got lost in the forest, apparently, the holiday will begin without us. The kids will be upset if we don't come. and we all have gifts ... Oh, oh, oh.

Dog Antoshka:
- Santa Claus! I can find my way to the city even in the dark. I'm a dog, and dogs are known to have a great sense of smell!

/begins to sniff and search/

- Found! I feel our guys are here!

/The light turns on. Our actors appear before the kindergarten group /

Santa Claus:
We're glad to see you guys! We have come to you from afar! And there were so many adventures ... There are a lot of things: good and evil.

Snow Maiden:
- Today, grandfather and I did not come to you alone for the holiday. After all, the symbol of the coming year is a dog, look! His name is Antoshka, he is a little mischievous!

Dog Antoshka:
- Woof! Guys! Let's be friends! Together we will have fun. And I will honestly serve the guys, guard the kindergarten, play, carry you on a sled!

Santa Claus:
- And now it's time to light the lights on our beautiful Christmas tree!

Snow Maiden:
- But this Christmas tree is magical and the lights light up only for those who know how to do everything together and harmoniously! Tell me, guys, is your group friendly?

- Yeees!

Snow Maiden:
- Then let's all say together: Christmas tree, Christmas tree sparkle and play with lights! / repeats 3 times, the third time the Christmas tree lights up /

– Hooray! The tree is on fire!

Santa Claus:
- And now let's stand around the Christmas tree and dance a round dance! Who is the bravest? Come to me!

/ Babka-Yozhka, Kikimora, Koschey, Crow, Dog Antoshka and, of course, Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden also go to the round dance /

A cheerful, familiar song plays: "A Christmas tree was born in the forest."

The scenario of the matinee comes to an end. After the round dance, children are given gifts and, if desired, are photographed with the characters.

Scenario New Year's party in the preparatory group



Santa Claus

Snow Maiden

Baba Yaga


Street cleaner



Felt boots


New Year is coming

May he bring joy!

New songs and poems!

And a hundred pounds of health!

Children to the music of "Bells" enter the hall and dance


Bright, light and magical

Comes to us confidently

Joyful and snowy holiday

long awaited


New Year!


Hello fairy tale! Hello tree!

Hello, D.M.!

I'm not afraid of the wolf today

I even pull my tail.

Suspiciously not evil

Today grandmother yaga.

The mouse hugs the cat

And the fox is a bun

Even Koschey himself is harmful

Singing songs loudly

Because the holiday is the best

Because New Year!

Child :

And the clock will strike twelve

It's already dark outside

Do you hear? Here is someone quietly

He knocked on our window.

The gate creaked

It's the new Year

He is with him a fairy tale

Leads by the hand.

Child: Polina F.


Hairy snow is silver

And glass balls

You are to the delight of all the guys

Our Christmas tree is on fire

(Christmas tree lights up)

The song "Holiday Tree" is performed (after the song they sit down)


Tell us what you would like to receive for the New Year as a gift from Santa Claus?


I would not have a simple doll

Clockwork barbie doll

In the most fashionable dresses

With golden strands.


I would like a computer

I would sit with him all day

I would study the alphabet

Played different games.


Guys, I know what needs to be done for this. More than anything in the world, I love miracles, and inNew Year's At night, something extraordinary always happens. And so, having climbed into my grandmother's chest, I found an oldrecipe :

"How to Prepare New Year's miracles »

He rolls out a table, on it is a jug of water, a beautiful pot and a large wooden spoon. So let's get started! Pour boiled water into the pot and add a thousand smiles to it. One grimace for witticism. Amazing. Now pour laughter from"hee hee hee" before"ha ha ha" . And now - conspiracy words.“A miracle, a miracle appears. A fairy tale, tell a fairy tale!

Brownie enters with a flashlight.


Ehehe! Settled down, finally. Everything is the same everyday : turn off the light behind them, pick up the papers. I'm not young anymore, I've been living in the world for 300 years. Is it easy for us, Brownies? All economy is on us inkindergarten : then the children will not close the tap, then the doors will start to creak - it is necessary to lubricate. And now the New Year has been invented. The tree has already been decorated. Yes, good! Oh, I love music, I even composed a song about myself.

I am Brownie, I am Brownie

You won't meet me during the day

And I'm sitting in the barn

And I sing songs...


Oh guys, I messed something up.


Oh, what a disaster. And no slits, holes. Nowhere to hide Well, you didn't see me, and I didn't see you.




It is impossible for us, Domovoi, to appear in public. If they find out about me, I'm lost. They will immediately call the police, they will demand a passport, but I don’t have a passport.


Don't be afraid, Brownie. We won't tell anyone about you.

Guys, let's please Domovoy. Let's sing ditties.

New Year's ditties are performed

Madina, Milana, Alice, Roma, Aska, Yulduz.

We are all our toys

Decorated a Christmas tree.

She has no free

Not a single needle!

In our hall noise and laughter

The singing doesn't stop.

Our tree is the best!

There is no doubt about this.

In my kindergarten

We'll go to the matinee

And for Santa Claus

Let's sing a song together.

New Year is knocking on the window

On the way, the trio rushes,

The bells are ringing,

Winter holiday for children.

Oh, and the Frost pinches,

Old bully.

Have Irishka on cheeks.

Two poppies bloomed.

May any of your dreams

Come true, come true.

Let the lights on our Christmas tree

They light up brightly.


Guys, let's do some more magic. Yes, there are smiles. Not enough imagination. Let's close our eyes and dream a little. And nowwords : “A miracle, a miracle appear. Fairy tale, tell a fairy tale.

(2 felt boots run out into the hall, dance and leave)


What is it? I don't understand anything. Guys, let's do some more magic. Now let's add the help of your parents to witchcraft.(Stirs the potion)

Parents, speak loudly : “A miracle, a miracle appears. Fairy tale, tell a fairy tale

Music sounds, the Snow Maiden enters the hall

Snow Maiden:

Hello dear friends!

Came to visit today

For a holiday at this hour

Let me Happy New Year

Friends, congratulate you!

Santa Claus:

Snow Maiden, where are you?

Snow Maiden:

I'm here, grandpa.

(Santa Claus comes out in slippers)

Santa Claus

Snow Maiden, where have my felt boots gone?

Snow Maiden:

Grandpa, they are standing under the bench

Santa Claus

They are not under the bench, they are not anywhere.

Year prepared gifts for the guys

Put it in a bright bag

Carried out all the hotels in the sleigh

Took a sash, took mittens

But I went around the whole house, I did not find felt boots

What should I do, how should I be

Where can I get boots?

Snow Maiden

Grandpa, don't worry, your boots will be found. Let's better start the holiday and congratulate the children.

Santa Claus

Granddaughter, what are you talking about! How can I celebrate a holiday in slippers. Until the boots are found, don't even call!(leaves)

Snow Maiden

Grandpa, don't be angry, I'll find your boots right now!

snowflakes hurry up

Spin in a light dance

Fly fast fun

Find Santa Claus.

Performed "Dance of snowflakes with ribbons"

1 snowflake

We flew high, we flew far

We found Santa Claus, asked to come to you

2 snowflakes

Only he doesn’t go with us, he’s waiting for boots in the hut

There sits one sad, he looks sad.

Snow Maiden

You know, I'm very worried. There are really no boots. I put them under the bench myself, but now they are not there. And without Santa Claus, the New Year will not come. What to do? Shouldn't we call the police? What, let them look. "A miracle, a miracle, appear. A fairy tale, tell a fairy tale."

(policeman enters)


Were the police called? I'm your new precinct.

Snow Maiden

They called, our boots were gone.

We can't find them


Here is a holiday, like this, like that.

Is the attic secured? Who is on duty in the basement?

Yes, you have a lot of worries

I must check in person. How are things going...




So. Place posts everywhere. And it's okay to celebrate the holiday. Now let's get down to business. Citizens of the audience, show us your legs. No, we can't do without a service dog. Mukhtar, come to me!


On duty day and night, winter and spring

So that there is order and peace, do not argue with me

I guard your peaceful sleep, I guard houses

So as not to be afraid, your Mukhtar drives the bandits away.


Mukhtar, look!

(Mukhtar pulls Baba Yaga out of the audience)


Let me not go! Where are you taking me? Let go! Yes, I will report you to the police! What do you want from me?


Are you a citizen, Baba Yaga, did you steal boots from Santa Claus?


What boots? I never wore them, I now dress in fashion(shows shoes) .

For once, like a normal pensioner, she came to see the holiday, and they set the dog on me.(To the dog) What are you looking at? I am not tasty


So, citizen, the matter is clear that the matter is dark. Come on, let's write the protocol.


Snow Maiden, it's not my fault!(The policeman takes B. Ya. out the door)


While the police are dealing with Baba Yaga, we will remember what we know about Grandfather Frost. I will ask you questions and you answer"So" or"Not this way" .

Santa Claus covered the winter forest with snow. So?

And then suddenly he climbed onto a large pine tree. So?

He lives there like a squirrel in a hollow. So?

He is the nephew of grandmother Yaga. So?

He has gifts for the children in his bag. So?

Two buckets of heavy bricks. So?

He has toys in a bag for everyone. So?

He looks like a mischievous old woman. So?

Well done boys.

(At this time, Yaga leads out a policeman with a gag in his mouth and his hands tied. A policeman in felt boots)


Caught a thief!


Baba Yaga, why did you tie him up?


You look at his feet. He stole the felt boots himself, but he dumps them on me.


Baba Yaga, these are not those boots.

(Baba Yaga removes the gag from mouth : an error occurred)


You know that a citizen, you will answer for this. I'll take care of you.


Go, go, start. He won't find these felt boots, he will write the protocol until next year. What to do? Something I was upset about. Eh, they didn’t let people meet the holiday. I'll go look for myself.


Well, while Baba Yaga went to look for felt boots, we will sing a song with you

The song "Tick-tock" is performed

(Yaga brings out the janitor with a broom)


Let's go, let's go, dear.

Street cleaner



We followed you(yelling)

Street cleaner:

Lots and lots of snow

Yaga :

Why did you steal boots?

Street cleaner:

Yes, yes, the frost has already bound the river.


Give me the boots, period.

Street cleaner:

Uh-huh, sprinkled everything with sand.


No, I can't bear it anymore.

Street cleaner:

As? Meta, honey, meta.

Snow Maiden

And these boots are not the same.


It's Mukhtar's fault. He apparently froze his nose and can not find anything.

Snow Maiden

Yes, you and I will freeze soon too. Let's Play.

Dance - the game "We will hang the balls"

Snow Maiden

Baba Yaga, what should we do with Father Frost's felt boots, because he lost them, and refused to come in slippers.


What haven't you done yet?

Snow Maiden:

Yes, everything seems to be. The police were called with a dog, they looked for the janitor, we even brewed a potion.


Well, show me.(Snow Maiden shows a pot of potion) . Ha, cooked something cooked, and then?

Snow Maiden


I'm sorry, what? You have to try.

Snow Maiden

Something scary, the guys and I have not yet tried dishes according to such recipes.


And what is there to be afraid of, the police are with us. Come on, go to the round dance. Now we will taste the potions, call Santa Claus, and if the recipe is correct, then there will be felt boots right away and Santa Claus will come.

(Yaga sprinkles everyone with confetti from the pot)

Performing "New Year's Polechka"

On the second verse, Santa Claus enters and dances in a circle with the children, after the dance the children sit down

Santa Claus

Happy New Year to you friends

I am very glad to see everyone

It's good that everyone is here

INNew Year's light hour

We haven't met for a whole year.

I miss you

Hello my dear

Small and big!

Leading: dear Grandfather Frost, you are from a long road, sit down, sit down, and rest, and the children will read poetry to you


Snow Maiden

Grandpa, so nothing has changed, have you found your boots? And we tried so hard...

Santa Claus (sad)

Thank you dear friends

Thank you my granddaughter

Thank you Grandma Yaga

For the fact that everyone was looking for boots you told me.

Thanks to the district police officer and the janitor with a broom,

Now I will treat you all with such yummy.

Well, I open the bag and treat the kids.

What else is this?(Takes out a felt boot from the bag)

boots (voice) : Valenok I!(Santa Claus gets scared, throws the boots aside)


What are you throwing!

Santa Claus

Are you a speaker?


Do you think only Santas can talk?

Santa Claus

Well, I don't know... Well, what's your name?


I say, I'm a boot!

Santa Claus

I have never seen such a thing.


Don't worry about your age.

Santa Claus

Or maybe you can still sing?


Can. (starts to sing out of tune"Oh, frost, frost"

Santa Claus

Better not. Let the guys show you how to sing.

A song is being performed "Under the New Year as in a fairy tale"

Santa Claus

What else can you do?


I can invite my friends.

Santa Claus

Do you have friends too?


There is.

Santa Claus

And who are your friends?


So boots.

Santa Claus

Well, call.

(The boot whistles, another boot flies out)

Santa Claus

Ouch(looks at boots) Is this one talking too?


No, this one just learned to run.

Santa Claus

Is he running on his own?

boots :

Well, you give, Grandfather. Where did you see boots running by themselves, they need legs for this.

Snow Maiden

Grandpa, look how many legs we have, let them run around in felt boots.

A game "Running in felt boots"

Santa Claus

We got very funny frisky felt boots. Only they are painfully familiar to me.


So we are yours.

Snow Maiden

Grandpa, put on your felt boots as soon as possible, continue the holiday.

Santa Claus

There are a lot of guests here, all smart, all beautiful, both children and parents. Only children dance and frolic. But the parents are probably cold. Come out, let's warm up.

Playing with parents "Rides, rides a steam locomotive"

Santa Claus

Well, how are the parents, warmed up a little?

Snow Maiden

Grandpa, it's time to give gifts to children.

Santa Claus

After all, I didn’t just sit in my hut and wait for the felt boots to be found. I baked a cake for you, bring it here.

(A large fake elegant cake is brought into the hall)


One cake, but many guys! I won't have enough...


Don't worry guys. Now our magic potion will again create a miracle and get gifts for you

Let's all say magic togetherwords :

“A miracle, a miracle appears. Fairy tale, fairy tale end (He conjures a potion over the cake, the lid of the cake opens and gifts for children are taken out of it)

The song "I'll look into the New Year's fairy tale again" is performed

Snow Maiden:

You guys are fine, but it's time for us to leave.

This festivalNew Yearwe shall never forget.

Santa Claus

The hour of parting comes

Let the tree live in memory

Let's tell each other"Goodbye"

Beforea new meeting in the New Year!

We are all our toys
Decorated a Christmas tree.
She has no free
Not a single needle!

In our hall noise and laughter
The singing doesn't stop.
Our tree is the best!
There is no doubt about this.

In my kindergarten
We'll go to the matinee
And for Santa Claus
Let's sing a song together.

New Year is knocking on the window
On the way, the trio rushes,
The bells are ringing,
Winter holiday for children.

Oh, and the Frost pinches,
Old bully.
Have Irishka on cheeks.
Two poppies bloomed.

May any of your dreams
Come true, come true.
Let the lights on our Christmas tree
They light up brightly.

I got up early today.
She ran straight to the tree.
Thank you Santa Claus
What gifts he brought me!

I sit on the sled
I boldly roll from the hill,
Let it be white from the snow
But what a bold one!


1. Song "Holiday tree"

2. New Year's ditties

3.Dance of snowflakes with ribbons

4. Word game "So and not so"

5. The song "Tick tock"

6. Dance - the game "We will hang the balls"

7. Dance "New Year's field"

8. Song "Under the New Year as in a fairy tale"

9. The game "Running in felt boots"

10. Game with parents "Rides - rides a steam locomotive"

11. Song "I'll look into the New Year's fairy tale again"

Irina Gavryushina
The scenario of the New Year's party in the senior group "Year of the Dog"

1. Heard "call signs"(minus, to the song "The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree". music by L. K. Beckman, lyrics by R. A. Kudasheva


Colored lights

This room sparkles

And invites all the children

On the New Year's ball.

So let the music play

The holiday time has come

And calls everyone in a circle to dance

Merry carnival!

1. Under a cheerful musical phonogram: "IN New Year's forest» (Squirrels are jumping, hares are jumping., Children in carnival costumes, enter the hall, surround the Christmas tree, walk in a circle and sing.


1 verse:

New Year's stars hung on a tall Christmas tree

And the bear is cheerful today and the wolves are dancing.

Again Santa Claus walks through the forest apartments,

He treats with lollipops, creamy ice cream.

Chorus: (movements in the lyrics)

Squirrels dance, hares dance

The forest people are very happy.

Meet with song, meet with dance

New Year!

Chorus: same


Children perform dance movements at the choice of the music director-

After the round dance


It happens in the world

That only once a year

On the Christmas tree are lit

Great lights.


The star burns, does not melt,

Shiny magic ice

And immediately comes

Happy New Year!


We give hands to a friend,

Let's go near the Christmas tree!

3. Children sing a round dance song: « New Year's song» music by I. Kirillov, lyrics by N Shakhin.

Journal "Music Director" No. 10 - 2016, p. 50


1. Blizzard, yes blizzard,

Snow falls on the ground

A beautiful winter has come to us.

And on every street

Santa Claus is playing around

Frost decorated all the houses.

2. And in houses today

Celebration New Year-

Christmas trees were dressed up for children.

stars, lanterns,

Beads and balls

Everything shines with many lights.

3. Christmas tree fluffy,

Fresh, fragrant.

We are leading a round dance at the Christmas tree.

Songs and dances,

Games and fairy tales

Happy New Year!

After the round dance


The tree will shine with lights,

All covered in silver dust

To us from Santa Claus

They brought this tree.


Our Christmas tree is full of toys

And the balls on it shine.

Our Christmas Tree

Congratulations to all guys!

Hold hands tightly


Together: Christmas tree, light up!

4. Performed by children round dance song: "Christmas Tree"

music and lyrics by N. Goldina. Journal "Music Director" No. 10-2016, p. 51


1. We will join hands, we will go to the Christmas tree.

We will sing a sweet song about her.


Christmas tree, coniferous aroma,

A cheerful round dance of children is spinning.

2. Christmas tree, waving a twig affably

And light the magical bright lights!

Chorus. Losing.

(movements in the lyrics)

3. Christmas tree-beauty, the joy of the kids.

Stars and balls sway on the branches.

Chorus. Losing.

(movements in the lyrics)

-After the song: children, fun new year song: "I, one night, dreamed of the New Year" (phonogram) sit down in their seats

(after the dance, the children go to their places in pairs)


Showers the New Year

Land of miracles.

Here is the tale at the gate

Looking forward to meeting you!

5. Surprise moment "Letter from Santa Claus"

The musical insert of their program sounds "Visiting a fairy tale",

(in the door "flies" new year envelope)

The facilitator draws the attention of the children to the letter -


Guys, I wonder who wrote this letter to us? (is reading)

Yes, this is a letter from Santa Claus! I wonder what he wrote to us? And why didn't he come to us for the holiday?

(opens envelope and reads)

“Dear children! Santa Claus is writing to you.

My Ice Kingdom is in trouble! My beloved is sick Dog. And without her, I can’t get to you on a holiday, because she has to take the baton new year from Cockerel-Ku-ka-re-ku!

6. Surprise moment: "Snowman" (adult)

Music soundtrack sounds (1 verse and chorus): "Song of the Snowman"(words songs: “Every Snowman knows - Snowman, children sculpt only for a moment, not for centuries”.

The snowman enters staged in motion lyrics


Exactly! And what am I trying to tell you for an hour! You don't want to just listen to me!

Santa Claus is in trouble! We have trouble!

Dog Santa Claus is sick!

Looks like I overate ice cream yesterday.

And Santa Claus said that without this dog,

Can't New Year

Enter your correct turn!

After all, it is necessary that the Cockerel,

Meanwhile, dog barking loudly,

I was able to enter into my legal rights -

And take this year from the Rooster!

And the poor dog does not bark, only is silent.


But what about the New Year?


Will have to cancel!

After all, without dogs-

The year won't come!

(Snowman leaves)

Leading: (confused)

Blimey. Affairs. How to cancel?

After all, the New Year must come!

(approaches the Christmas tree, notices the envelope again)

7. Surprise moment: "Second message from Santa Claus"


Guys, look, again some kind of envelope!

Probably the Snowman forgot it on our Christmas tree.

Leading: (reads letter)

Written: « New Year's message for older children»

“Dear children!

With my dog grief happened again.

She not only had a cold in her throat,

But she also broke her paw on the rink.

Help in this trouble - probably

Nobody can me!

I ask your forgiveness for this

And my new year's apology»

Your Santa Claus


Well guys?

It turns out,

What New Year's performance is really

From me?

8. Surprise moment "Snow Maiden visiting children"

Under "Song of the Snow Maiden"(phonogram, the Snow Maiden enters - an adult character.

(The beginning of the words of verse 1: “I came from a wonderful fairy tale, snowy aunt-Winter”.)

-staging Songs by the Snow Maiden near the Christmas tree

Snow Maiden:

Hello guys!

I'll tell you frankly.

Nothing is canceled

Our holiday continues!

Snowflakes are my favorite

Fly to me soon

Let's dance more merrily!

Music soundtrack sounds minus: "Because winter is great!" from New Year's musical

(5-6 snowflake girls run up to the Snow Maiden)

9. Performed "Dance of Snowflakes and Snow Maiden" (after the dance, the snowflakes run away to their places)

Snow Maiden:

(referring to children)

I am the Snow Maiden, the granddaughter of Santa Claus.

Happy New Year, you friends!

I wish you all good health!

I know about your situation

And I promise to help you.

We will definitely fix everything

And the year let's make the dogs step!

I want to tell you a secret.

Rooster, decided not to give up his year

And do not give up your power!

dog he fed with ice cream,

Then, he gave away his skates.

After all, he knows, a kind of prankster,

What a year the dog didn't come.

Here is the result: broken leg

The guys sit sad

And they look at the Snow Maiden.


Blimey! So it means Rooster

Decided to spoil the children's holiday?

Snow Maiden, what about us?

How can this be wisely resolved?

Snow Maiden:

What to be wise? Get in the circle!

Come out soon friend

Clap your hands loudly

Don't spare your hands today!

Children go out one after another, surround the Christmas tree -


A happy holiday has come to us -

Dreamer, joker, prankster!

He calls us to dance


Hello, hello New Year!

Arrange in pairs, turning to face each other

10. Movable steam room dance: "Snow Ball" (phonogram)

Baby New Year's songs"Christmas Tree Lights" "Carnival"

(Dance movements according to the song)


1. Fluffy snow is spinning, the holiday is coming.

(children, connecting their palms with each other, perform circular movements)

Everything froze with happiness, the New Year is coming soon.

(press hands to chest)

Snow knocks on the window and lies at the door,

(knock with the right fist, then spread their arms to the sides)

Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden,

Hurry to visit you.


New Year is a holiday

(children, joining their hands in a boat, walk with an added step to the right)

New Year's Carnival.

(return with an added step to the left)

The snow is spinning, flying,

(circling in pairs)

We are starting the ball.

(repeated twice)

Losing. (clap right, left)

2. Fluffy snow is spinning, everything is spinning around.

The snow ball flares up and the guests are just waiting.

Here you and I are wearing masks, no one will recognize us.

It's like you're in a fairy tale stage, or in the movies.

Chorus is the same:

After the dance, the children surround the Christmas tree

Snow Maiden:

How fun you danced, and now we will all call Santa Claus together!

Let's say it out loud words:

"Santa Claus, come quickly,

Give the children a holiday!

Children repeat words:

11. Sounds new year song(phonogram) "Santa Claus is fooling around"

Children sing the words of the first verse songs:

1. Do you hear someone coming?

He hurries up the stairs to us.

And sing softly

Festive song.

Knock on the window

Stay and hide

This is Santa Claus

Fooling around with us!

2. He worked all year,

So that without delay

IN new year's eve

All wishes came true.

This holiday of miracles

The children really like

Nobody without gifts

Definitely won't stay!

12. Surprise: Santa Claus and a child enter, in a suit dogs

Santa Claus:

I hear, I hear! I'm coming!

Santa Claus and baby dog, come to the fore, and

The Snow Maiden at this time quietly leaves the hall

Santa Claus:

Hello children! Hello guests!

Happy New Year! With new happiness!

I came, were you waiting for me?

Children's answer:

Santa Claus:

Here with me - my greyhound, not lame and not angry.

I treated the dog's paws, I took him to the doctor.

Faithful dog is with me everywhere, because it is not for nothing that he is a hero!

And now.

Take it guys

And me in your round dance,

Let today in this hall

Every song will sing!

(Santa Claus with dog- become a child in a circle)

13. Song-dance " "Hello, Santa Claus!" music by V. Semyonov, lyrics by L. Dymova (phonogram, minus)


Grandfather Frost, we have been waiting for you for so long, play with us!

Santa Claus:

Are you afraid of the cold?

Children's answer: Not!

Santa Claus:

Well, then everyone beware!

The game starts!

14. A musical game is held with Grandfather frost: "It's cold, your hands are cold!". (We hear sounds in the distance.)

After the game, the children, holding hands, sit down in their seats.


Sit down and you rest, Santa Claus, probably tired from the road?

Santa Claus:

Oh, I'm tired, I'll sit down.

(Santa Claus sits down, child- dog standing next to)


Santa Claus:

Okay, I'll tell you, just listen carefully.

This year is a symbol dogs.

Only here is mine dog can't bark,

I've caught a cold!

Help us guys

New Year to recapture us from the birds?


Oh if that's the only reason

Then the guys and I will chase away the chicken year!

'Cause we're screaming and barking masters,

Tell kids, huh?

Children: Yes!

Santa Claus:

You get ready for now.

You need to quickly bark loudly

And silence the Rooster!


Santa Claus:

Well then, get down to business

To The dog took over the year!

15. The phonogram turns on: "Cry - a rooster"

(Children should bark loudly to drown out the crowing of the rooster)

I felt like I was sleeping and then I woke up!

I could not bark, sing, dance

And even celebrate the New Year!

(bows and sits down to the children)

Santa Claus:

Thank you guys for your help

Helped my dog.

Now the real New Year is coming,

Happiness, health and friendship will bring you!

Happy New Year!


Santa Claus, did you bring gifts for the children?

Santa Claus:

First, tell me poems,

And then talk to me about gifts.


Well, Santa Claus, listen to our poems that the children have prepared for you.

16. Reading poetry:


I've been waiting for the new year for a long time

I blew on snowflakes through the window.

In the yard of a growing Christmas tree -

Snow sprinkled needles.

If Santa Claus knocks -

Yolkin's nose will not freeze.

Two kids come out


Outside the window a blizzard swirled

We worked for an hour

To take - and get

We have a snow woman;

2. Child:

So that, as in a fairy tale, she came to life,

To come to us for the holiday

And to the delight of the children

Didn't melt in the heat.


When ice-

Does not go and does not go

Falls well!

Why is nobody

Not happy?

Several children come out

« new year letter»

Vladimir Stepanov


Got Santa Claus

Letter from children.

The kids ask him

Fairy tales and sweets.

Asking Santa Claus

They brought gifts:

Teddy bear - locomotive,

Squirrel-bow bright,


So that the Christmas tree has

Top of the sky,

Where would I wind the clock

New Year's cuckoo.


In warm big boots,

He winks his eye

And they will be fulfilled

All desires at once.


Waiting for him to dance

He will rise with the Snow Maiden,

Otherwise New Year

It won't be long.

Santa Claus thanks the children for wonderful poems, treats them with candy

17. Surprise moment: "Return of the Snow Maiden"

Santa Claus:

Well, since the New Year will not come without the Snow Maiden, let's call my granddaughter and have some fun!

Children scream:

Snow Maiden! Snow Maiden!

18. The Snow Maiden enters

Sounds like new year's merry potpourri:»Baby new year songs» ( Start: "The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree").

The Snow Maiden and Santa Claus invite the children to round dance:

19. A musical game is held with acceleration: "Shoveling snow with our hands" (phonogram)


Grandfather Frost, Snow Maiden, play with the children again!

Santa Claus:

Here are the restless people, these kids!

Let's play some more!

20. Musical a game: “If it’s fun at the Christmas tree, do it!” (phonogram)

After playing, the children sit down


Everyone knows: New Year's Eve

Each of us is waiting for a gift!

Santa Claus:

Yes, I'm in store for you Christmas gifts! (looks around)

Snow Maiden, it's time to hand out gifts to children, but I don't see a bag of gifts.

Snow Maiden:

Or maybe you left it in the forest?

Santa Claus:

No, I know for sure that I put the bag somewhere here, but I can’t remember where? (They go looking for a bag around the Christmas tree)

Snow Maiden:

No, the bag is not visible here!

Grandpa, what a shame!

Is it without gifts?

Are the kids leaving the party?

Santa Claus:

How will they leave? I won't allow

I will find gifts!

Wait kids, we're coming

And we'll bring gifts!

(Father Frost and the Snow Maiden go behind the Christmas tree)

21. Surprise moment: Any surprise melody sounds (phonogram)

Baba Yaga and Koschey appear. Koschey carries a bag with gifts -

Baba Yaga:

Cat, come here quickly! Yes, carry the bag carefully.


Wow! Barely brought the bag! And why is he so heavy? It must have been a lot of gifts!

Baba Yaga:

Come on, come on! Here, here! How will we share?


And so! Did I carry a bag? I! So, most of the gifts are mine!

Baba Yaga:

Look you! What a smart guy! And who inspired you to do this?

(Baba Yaga and Koschey are arguing, fighting slightly)

The Snow Maiden comes out from behind the tree

Snow Maiden:

It's you again! Why are you arguing? (saw bag)

Where did you get this bag?

Baba Yaga and Koschei are blocking the bag-

Baba Yaga:

We found a bag in the forest,

I had to outsmart the fox.

Now he's ours, and no way

No one sticks their nose into it!

Snow Maiden:

Yes, it's a bag of Santa Claus!


We don't know anything!

This is our bag!

Snow Maiden:

Well, let's see. Santa Claus is coming, then speak differently!

Grandpa, come here!

Santa Claus comes out from behind the tree

Santa Claus:

What happened, Snow Maiden?

Snow Maiden:

Santa Claus, found, found! Here's your gift bag!

Baba Yaga and Koschei:

We won't give you a bag

We ourselves will eat everything that is in it!

Santa Claus:

Well then, eat up!

Baba Yaga and Koschey quickly, pushing each other away, take them out of the bag and take them out. cotton wool snow.

Santa Claus:

What you deserve is what you get!

Who touches my bag with unclean hands,

That one of the gifts has cold snow.

Baba Yaga:

Is it possible that Koshchei and I will pass the New Year without gifts?

Santa Claus:

I'll deal with you later. And now, (staff taps) go away with new year holiday until it freezes!

Baba Yaga and Koschei:

Santa Claus sorry! Santa Claus do not lose!

(cowardly run away from the holiday)

22. Surprise: the miracle of Santa Claus

Snow Maiden:

Santa Claus, is it New Year's Eve?

Will it work without gifts?

You are a magician

Create a miracle for children.

Santa Claus:

I'm a magician, it's true

I tell you without embellishment.

And I want guys

surprise you today.

(Santa Claus begins to make circular movements near the bag with his staff, saying)

Snow is cold, snow is sparkling

You are beautiful, white, pure.

Turn into gifts soon

For guys in bright packages!

(Santa Claus takes out a gift from the bag)

Here are the miracles

Happen on New Year's Eve.

Happy New Year, you friends!

Eat up, kids!

23. Under the fun new year song, Father Frost and Snow Maiden distribute gifts.

Santa Claus:

I wish you all to grow and not be bored.

Well, next year

I'll come visit you again!

Goodbye, guys!

Happy New Year!

(Father Frost and the Snow Maiden leave the hall)