How to give a gift for an anniversary cool. How to give a comic gift with poetry reading. unusual options that you have never heard of before

Hello our long-awaited day,
We didn't come here in vain
The table is set, glasses are poured,
Maybe an October holiday?
Maybe celebrate the New Year?
Or May came here?
celebrating a birthday
Our ... half a hundred and five
Among us is a newborn
We congratulate all of her
But, and she should drink from a glass,
The idea is not given!
We will give this pacifier.
Let it suck - it's time
And to us for her health
It's time for a drink!
Let it grow and not get sick,
Gathers us once a year.
If she had health
And the rest will come!

On this gentle and affectionate evening, When relatives are already all at the table
You accept my modest gift - a three-ruble handkerchief.
(We give the hero of the day a handkerchief prepared in advance.)
I bought it in Orenburg, I care about you like a mother.
I'm ready for you, dear, Not a handkerchief - give a towel.
(We give the hero of the day a towel.)
Let everyone envy you in the hall, We will not upset the guests.
So that my gifts are not stolen, I will ask everyone to distribute napkins.
(Napkins are distributed to all present.)
Age is not only years, When there is hot blood in the veins.
So let's fill the glasses For the Anniversary and faith in love!

Happy birthday, we wish you all the best. We give technology to you, And fashionable clothes. To quickly clean the apartment Take a marvelous car, It is very easy to handle Our "Roventa" vacuum cleaner. He will wipe anyone's nose, Remove all your chaos. Gently you will take it in your hands, You will wave it in different directions In an instant, the dirt from the whole apartment Will scatter - there is no dust. He won't take up much space, He'll fit into any crack. Saves kilowatts, No buzzing and lightweight. Everything in the house will shine, There is no place for dust to fly. (broom)

Here is the device "Just in case" In life, he is the best assistant, With him, and grief - it does not matter. He will always help you. And the name is sonorous Enema - in a scientific way. It is not difficult to apply it, We will attach the instructions. (enema)
Use it every day And your migraine will pass. Slags will remove everything from you. Your body will look slender. In general, we tell you, In life, he will not replace. With extensive sore throat You can gargle when repairing the same apartment You can spray paint. Once in the country with him, you spray the bushes And while the crazy ones Flowers bloom everywhere. I think you are convinced, What a miracle we are giving you And now you will boldly go through life together with him.

As for the outfit, you'll put it on soon. You'll be a gorgeous woman in it. And Madonna is just a shadow. Winter panties on wadding They will come in handy Because in November, the cold is fierce in the yard. Quickly put on Men to laughter lure. It's not so difficult to warm up together And it's impossible to freeze. Putting on hot leggings You will live through any cold. (diapers)

Here in front of you baby

The baby is naked.
We need to dress him up.
So that the child does not freeze.

To keep your head from freezing
We will pull on the cap deftly. (give a cap)

So that nothing else happens
And from below the linen would not get wet,
Well, what are you laughing at, who doesn't happen to?
Pampers, in general, will not hurt us (they give diapers)

And if a bad mood comes
How to soothe a child in an instant?
The pacifier in the mouth, so as not to scream
I knew that life would be silent more (they give a pacifier).

Blindfold the birthday girl
We are 100% intrigued!
What is a gift with delivery
So she's been waiting for a long time?

Desired, new, delightful,
What it is is still a secret.
Only to her, the captivating beauty
We will hand over what is not yet available.

Accept congratulations joking,
And be happy on your birthday
How long have we been tormented in search
The gift is just an obsession.

Well, open your eyes!
And here's a surprise!
He is yours! Hooray!

We give you a gift
He certainly from the heart,
He is handsome, useful, bright,
Hurry up to use it.

Remember your friends, of course
Invite more often.
Be a diligent hostess
Treat your husband deliciously.

To make your eyes glow with happiness
Lips swollen with love
And blush only from passion
Your cheeks burned!

(As a gift, accompanied by this poem, any kitchen utensils, crockery, household kitchen appliances, maybe a cookbook, tablecloth, etc.)

We thought we were wondering

The whole evening they talked:
What does a person need
Crossed - a summer milestone ???

Is happiness in trinkets -
In crystal vases, pillows?
In a small cottage by the river,
Or on a ring finger?

Of course not! That's bullshit!
Better than money - no!

We drove to the store
And we bought a present!

Miracle apron - wallet,
You try it on my friend!!!

The apron itself is good
You will find six pockets!

The first "FOR FRIENDS" pocket!
There is always a glass in it!
And a stash to drive
When there is nothing to pour!!!

For "LOVE" the second pocket!

there lies a big surprise!
So that the soul does not go out the stove!
Here's a candle earring for you!
And a banknote for flowers,
To be ready for sex!

Our third pocket "PARENTS"
Call them day and night!
And to always be in touch -
I need to buy a card!

And the fourth "OUR CHILDREN"
And keep a pocket for them!
Children need what guys?
Well, of course, money!

The fifth pocket here is "WORK"
Our main concern!
Buy a ticket for yourself!
Not one, but three at once!

And the sixth pocket is "YOUR"
The most affectionate, dear.
What will you take from it?
Spend on yourself with love.
We didn't skimp on you
Not even a ruble was hidden.

Accept a gift from us
Remember us with a kind word.
happy birthday congratulations
And we want to live richly!

Our beautiful birthday
Birthday dear,
We came to you with a gift
With a bag full, big.

What is there? You guess!
You've been dreaming about it for a long time
And enjoy today!
You became the owner...

Let the Rolls Royce wait at the entrance,
All the best to you, good luck,
Sign with the inscription "Hero"
At the two-story cottage,
Beautiful wife, friends
And mother-in-law that is not angry.
I wish this great day
Dance and have fun!

I wish you a sea of ​​​​adventure!
Cheerful, devoted friends!
Buying new ones - without torment,
A summer holiday - no fuss.
I want beautiful girls
Huge birthday cake
Chiefs - always courteous
And the birthday is top notch!

I want to smile a lot
Be a winner in everything
I want to dress stylishly
And be good at work!
I wish that on the horizon
There were no mother-in-law and clouds.
So that on any front,
You were all-powerful and mighty!

I want to be irresistible
Be an indicator of manners
I want to be irreplaceable
In any of the necessary areas in life.
So that chickens do not peck money,
For a career to go uphill,
In awe so that from your nature
Any girl came.

I wish to combine with good luck
Any woman's dreams.
Own a cool cottage by the sea,
Be the ideal of beauty
Giving diamonds indiscriminately
Be pumped up and slim
Wear a chic suit at the right time,
Stop wearing stubble...
Then all the women in the world
You will be subjugated.
But you don't need all these
Gadgets. You are a playboy!

May there be many adventures
Cars, cigars, beautiful ladies.
Let there be no grief.
And a whole kilogram of money
Let him wait in the safe at home
Let the house stand on the sea.
Let the Bentley sparkle in the garage
And in it is the key to the yacht.

I want to be handsome macho
And boldly conquer women!
I wish you joy, good luck
And never lose heart!
I want to win the lottery
Two million and a Porsche
For Jolie to be yours
And so that spring was in the soul!

I want to never shave
And so that the bristles do not grow.
I want to achieve a lot
Having scored, at the same time, on business.
Let everything in life succeed
Patriarchy reigns in the family,
May luck pour on you
Like Niagara Falls!

May your life be wonderful!
Let it be all type-top!
Efforts - but not in vain!
Roads - but no stop signs!
I wish you holidays - without weekdays!
And booze - without a hangover!
Work - monetary, easy!
And eternal fun!

In order not to be wise for a long time,
I decided to give
Precious Potion Root
For soul and health
"Fuck - oops", "fuck for a bit",
always put the hell on the table.
To forget our problems
Put horseradish in soup and porridge.
If a mondrazh torments you,
Horseradish on bread and roll smear.
And so that there are no problems
Fuck all things.
It has every vitamin
Will add vigor, strength.
To work until dawn
Fuck your head.
He is a balm from a beatner -
And if they come up
You can send everyone to hell!

Give beads from pasta

We cannot give you expensive gifts on your birthday,
Because with such and such prices We can't buy anything anywhere.
But do not think that we are not attentive, You are more precious than any gifts,
It's just that we have a wonderful day. It remains only to love you.
Although we can’t give you expensive gifts on your birthday,
But still, with great efforts, We were able to buy something.
And we want to wish you from the bottom of our hearts a Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bhappiness, health, love,
And we will give you a necklace, And we will put it on your shoulders.
You protect him from moths, frost, In him you meet the dawn and sunset,
In a hungry hour, boil it for yourself, And there is no need for huge expenses.
If sadness and sadness visit you, Disperse them with a miracle of miracles,
And sell this wonderful gift, And buy an expensive Mercedes.

"And we have a present for you!" After the words of the host, the guests should shout in unison:
"And we, and we have a present for you!"

We are here today for a reason
Gathered together, friends!
Everywhere jokes, congratulations,
Birthday wishes.
birthday girl just
Let's congratulate now!
Come on, guests, join
And scream with all your might
Like someone's got you for something
Bitten very hard.

Hello dear friend!
Happy Birthday to You!
We congratulate unusually
And the gifts will be handed out personally!

1.) Here is a gift for the soul,
Don't be surprised
Sponges tender make up,
Kisses will relish! (Pomade)

2.) And this gift is important!
Even if it's paper.
He always rescues
Never fails! (toilet paper roll)

3.) If a hole has appeared,
Something, somewhere lost weight,
That will certainly come in handy
Our gift for the girl. (Threads and needles, can be in a set)

4.) If everything is bad in the mirror,
The French say strictly:
Just wash your hair
Our shampoo is always with you! (Shampoo)

5.) So that the legs do not hurt,
Not cold, not sweaty
We give you slippers
Will they fit the leg? (Slippers)

6.) You have a big sweet tooth,
We know this for sure!
We give you candy
From my big soul! (Candies)

7.) So that the light burns in the house,
Our gift will come in handy
This is a light bulb for you
Our red girl! (Bulb)

8.) Don't go crazy
Here, take a comb.
Straighten the shreds in the mane,
Seduce the man.

9.) Finally, we give a pen,
To paint a paycheck!

Birthday has come
And the question before us arose,
What should we buy as a gift?
We decided to give a hat! (cowboy hat)

Oh, what a hat of tenderness,
Men to watch.
But it looks like it's out of season.
Summer style hat

Why won't I give it
And then I'll give you a bandana! (bandana)
Here in a bandana you are beautiful,
Just somehow so playful.

No, let's go in order:
We'll give you another hat.
Connection with sports will be strong,
If we donate a cap! (cap)

Why do you need a cap now
And she sits softly
Yes, and the color is not the topic at all,
No, let's drop this one.

To be funny then
Cap you need to give
Take it off, it's all nonsense -
Dressed up as a jester (cap)

He's not a troll today
And of course the king
Headdress for the throne
It's a royal crown! (Crown).

For a birthday, we give a basin, it will always be just right.

You can wash the floors in it, you can milk the cows,

You can pick berries, burp after drinking,

You can wash with him in the baths, he will come in handy there,

You can wash clothes in it, you can wash your ass,

You can sow flour in it and hang it on a bitch

You can ride down the hill, it will always come in handy,

And how will it be (.50.60 ...) we will come to you again,

Prepare okroshka for us, but find a bigger spoon,

We will pour okroshka into a basin, and we will celebrate the anniversary,

In general, you keep it, do not break it, do not crush it,

Do not leave it in the yard and put it away,

Congratulations on your anniversary, we want to drink everything now,

Who is from the pile, who is from what, and we will drink from it.

Congratulating men hold brooms in their hands, like bouquets, and gifts: a washcloth, a hat, a massage mitten, a foot brush, a bowl, a thermometer.
First: Who walks together in a row?
Second: This is a detachment of bath attendants!
Third: We'll steam everyone, warm them up.
Come on people, be brave!
Fourth: Very dirty people here ...
Fifth: Recording five years ahead!
Sixth: But today is an exception
And this message...
Together: There is more steam in our hall
In honor of (name) - hero of the day!

First: We give a friend a washcloth,
Trim harder, we don't mind
Unless you're a fool
You'll be red like cancer! (gives a washcloth)
Together: Oh, ah, eh, uh, emits, brothers, the spirit!

Second: We give a hat on curls,
And when there are no curls,
Cover your bald head with a hat -
You will be a fucking hero! (gives a bath hat)
Together: Eh, wow, ah, oh, and the park is not bad at all!

Third: To remove fat from the sides -
We urgently give a massager,
Oh sorry massager
So that you always rub your body! (give a massage mitt)
Together: Eh, uh, ah, oh, you quickly steam fat!

Fourth: If you decide to swim in the Thames,
Then use this pumice
Englishmen, simple guys,
No need to scare your heels! (gives penza)
Together: Ah, uh, oh, eh, it's not a sin for you to take a steam bath!

Fifth: We will give this gang so that,
If it gets hot
He drank beer from it,
This day would be remembered!
Together: Oh, ah, eh, wow, we would have a broom, like fluff!

Sixth: If suddenly you went too far
And more than succumbed to the park,
Our thermometer will show
Maybe even go wild!
Together: Wow, oh, oh, oh, the last stroke of the broom!

First: You, (name), our friend,
Pour a full glass!
We have something to pay -
We can give a broom! (they hand over their brooms).

Hello, well done man!
We're here for a birthday party!
Yes, with empty hands
And funny gifts!

1.) In the morning you get up from the couch,
And run to the bath
To shave your beard
There is no foam again, etit!

All in unison: - And we, and we have a present for you! (Shave foam included)

2.) Here he shaved, combed his hair
And looked at the shirt
Here are those times! Well, where's the tie?
Well, where do I do it?

All in unison: - And we, and we have a present for you! (As a gift a beautiful tie)

3.) Dressed up for work,
Now it's time for breakfast
Drink coffee, where is the cup?
Ugh you, in the sink, dirty ...

All in unison: - And we, and we have a present for you! (As a gift mug)

4.) You run to work,
Belatedly, you're trembling...
Get up before the sun
Start, don't forget!

All in unison: - And we, and we have a present for you! (As a gift an alarm clock)

5.) You came to work -
Documents - a bunch!
There is no handle, as for evil,
Well, sad case!

All in unison: - And we, and we have a present for you! (Gift ballpoint pen)

6.) At work you are tired,
Walked to the car
Oh how it snowed
Windshield glass!

All in unison: - And we, and we have a present for you! (Snow brush included)

7.) And so that the wife waits at home,
I was dying of desire
Here's what we give you...
Though you yourself: OH-GO-GO!

All in unison: - And we, and we have a present for you! (As a gift Viagra)

All in unison: - And we, and we have a present for you! (Calculator provided)

Finally, we wish
To make all dreams come true
And the gifts came in handy
And they came to the occasion!

All in unison: - After all, with us, with us, all the gifts are just class !!!

I want to plant trees
Alley, a company of sons
Bring up. village houses
Customize for your wife.
And after the righteous work
Rest from work will come:
No need to build companies anymore
Plant children, raise houses ...

Let there be beer and fishing!
Garage, hunting and football!
Scrap house junkyard
And with her immortal rock and roll!
Let it be with angelic patience
Your wife will take it.
Well, after all, at least on your birthday,
She will suffer a little...

I wish to live without knowing grief!
Have fun and don't grieve!
I wish to have a house by the sea,
But, basically, to live in a penthouse.
I want a huge limousine
And in it champagne with caviar ...
Such an immodest gift
Give it to someone else!

From far from Siberia,
From remote taiga places
A parcel has been sent to you.
There is even a description here.

Even though life sucks
And no glimmer is visible
But drugs from horseradish
Save everyone, obviously.
Smear this shit
Famous places,
and will be provided
Your life is up to a hundred!

Collection of herbs taiga herbalife
According to old recipes
This collection is ready.
He's just like a charmer,
Focus on it.

Garlic and onion
You are always friends with them.
Cherish this friendship.
And they will save you
From all diseases and ailments!

Living water (brine)
If the feast lasts at night,
And in the morning my head hurts
A glass is another such water
It won't hurt you at all.

Elixir of youth (moonshine)
And this drink is wonderful
Every day you take.
And five to six teaspoons
Add to tea or coffee.

He is more useful than pills or pills,
It helps from a hundred diseases:
From the blues, cholera, from typhoid and plague,
From fever, from scabies, scrofula
And all other dry things.

From insomnia, the evil eye and other infections.
Accepted at any time of the day
But not on an empty stomach.
Eats onion, garlic, lard,
Horseradish or potato uniforms!

Beets and cabbage
All vitamins are in vegetables.
This one goes ahead.
Smooths out all wrinkles
And the blush will bring.

Gifts, cards and congratulations
They evoke wonderful sensations.
To extend our holiday
Glasses should be poured.

Giving gifts is much nicer than receiving them. This is a pleasant chore when you decide what to give, pick up the packaging, anticipate the reaction of your friends.

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age.

Are you over 18 already?

What is the best way to present a gift to friends in an original way?

From time to time we all have to give gifts. The reason for this can be different (birthday, Christmas, New Year, housewarming, anniversary, birth of a child and much more). It is believed that the coolest gifts are those that we receive for no reason.

If choosing a gift is not such a big problem, then many people really do not know how to present it in an interesting way. The easiest way is to put the little thing in a standard gift paper bag and hand it to the hero of the occasion with the words: “Congratulations and wish you all the best!”. This is the most banal, most standard and very long used option. Therefore, you need to turn on your imagination and come up with something more original. But, if you really don’t know how to present a gift, what words to express your feelings or experiences, then use the tips from the Internet. Today we will share with you different ideas that you can use for individual holidays. Of course, a lot depends on what exactly you are giving, and to whom the present is intended. Agree, to congratulate your girlfriend and boss, you will never be the same.

How to present a gift for a birthday or a wedding in an original way?

Often friends invite us to a wedding or wedding anniversary. I would like to especially beautifully pack and present their gift. But apart from a money envelope or a standard packing box with a bow, we usually don't have any ideas.

The option that we will discuss below is most likely suitable for parents or those who are going to give a really expensive thing. For example, the keys to an apartment, a car, a honeymoon ticket. Take a gift and pack it in a small box, then another one, and so on. Make a kind of matryoshka. Let each box be wrapped in gift paper. Believe me, the whole room will watch how the perpetrators unpack the gift. Moreover, each time the capacity becomes smaller and smaller. A surprise will definitely turn out, and tears of joy, a sea of ​​​​positive emotions are guaranteed to you. Don't forget to capture the moment on video.

Often money is given for a wedding, but we will talk about how to creatively pack banknotes a little later.

Now a few words about birthday gifts. Here you can organize anything you like, if we are talking about a birthday boy from your friendly company.

  1. It will be fun to pack a small gift (for example, a watch, a wallet) in a huge box (from boots, a microwave, other equipment). Laughter and fun of the whole company is provided.
  2. Hide the gift indoors or on the territory, but encrypt its location into an interesting crossword puzzle. Let the birthday man guess with the whole company. Questions should be funny, understandable only to your friends.
  3. A gift to children can also be presented in an original way. For example, how old is your child, so many gifts can be prepared. Put one near the pillow, and then direct the baby to the next with notes.
  4. You can present a ring as a gift to your beloved girl in an unusual way. Birthday is a great occasion to propose a hand and heart. A very funny way is to give a ring in a Kinder Surprise box. Girls love sweets, but if there is also a ring in your favorite goodies, the effect promises to be just amazing!
  5. Another mega original gift for the second half can be an ordinary brick. Just tie it with a ribbon, attach a bow. At the enthusiastic and surprised look of the birthday man, explain that this is a solid foundation for your relationship.
  6. You can arrange a real paradise for a friend from balloons, for example, fill a room with them so that it is waist-deep. And in the balls hide the box with the present. It will turn out beautiful, fun and funny, especially if the balls start to burst.
  7. On an anniversary, a woman can be given a gift by courier or warned by phone. It would be cool to arrange a raffle, give a huge bouquet of roses, but for one to be artificial and say that you will love it until the last rose withers. It means forever.

How beautiful and unusual to present a gift to your beloved?

Today, there are many ideas on the Internet that will help you organize a gift in the right and funny way. The main thing is not to save on time and money. Put a little effort, and everything will turn out not only beautiful, interesting, but also cool.

For example, how to creatively give your beloved woman a ticket for a romantic trip for two? Arrange a phone call, let someone else say that tomorrow she is going to Paris. Of course, everything is perceived at first as a joke. But that's the point. You can order a courier in an unusual or fabulous costume.

For big fans of non-standard surprises, the following idea will come in handy: hide a box with a ring in a jar of your favorite jam. But here the main thing is not to miscalculate so that the decoration does not end up at the bottom of the jar, otherwise it may not be reached soon.

How beautiful to present money as a gift?

A cash gift is often considered the best, practical and effective gift. After all, newlyweds, birthdays or other heroes of the occasion will independently find the right use for them.

So here are some fun ideas on how to give money:

  • make it yourself or order a real money bouquet (bills in this case do not deteriorate, they just wrinkle a little);
  • hide the money in a beautiful canvas bag of small sizes, you can also throw a couple of coins for weight. Write a wish, tie with a ribbon;
  • buy a beautiful photo frame, and under the glass, instead of the image, place various banknotes in a chaotic manner;
  • you can pack money in slippers, tie it to a bottle of olive oil, hide banknotes in real cabbage;
  • pack the money in a jar (roll each bill with a tube and tie it with a ribbon);
  • you can make a garland of money and decorate it with lanterns;
  • hide bills in a portrait or family portrait, but find a way to warn future owners about this;
  • an original gift will be a money frog. At the same time, banknotes can be put inside or beautifully attached to a souvenir animal.

How to present a gift for different holidays (to mom on March 8)?

Choosing a gift for mom is not an easy task. It is best to find out in advance what your dear person wants to receive as a present. If this is something from dishes, then just pack it nicely in a box and decorate. Vacation tickets or money can be hidden in a luxurious bouquet of your favorite flowers.

New Year is another good occasion to give gifts. You can knit a sweater or scarf for your beloved guy. Handmade gifts are valued above all else. It is best to give such a gift in a cozy home environment, when you will be just the two of you.

If you are going to marry a girl soon, then make a beautiful proposal for the New Year. Beloved will be very pleased. Winter is the most romantic time of the year. Present the treasured gift at the skating rink, near the city Christmas tree. Invite a girl to go sledding in the forest, but prepare the area yourself in advance, scatter rose petals on the snow, make a heart out of candles, light a fire, bring rugs, organize mulled wine.

Children on New Year's Eve usually put gifts under the Christmas tree. You can call a snowman, Snow Maiden, Santa Claus, or other favorite cartoon characters of your child to the house. And so let them give gifts, because it is very important that children believe in a fairy tale for as long as possible.

When organizing a gift for a friend, be guided by her preferences. If a girl loves public attention, then attract as many people as possible to the organization, record a video wish with the participation of ordinary passers-by, arrange with the supermarket administration to congratulate her friend while shopping, attract security guards. Ideas can be many.

Well, you can give yourself to your beloved husband or just the man of your heart. Literally, pack yourself in a box, put on a funny costume. But this option is for big jokers and brave young ladies.

Give gifts always from the bottom of your heart!

Good afternoon dear friends! Let's talk about how to give a gift in an original way?

Soon we have Valentine's Day, which means you need to mentally select options for congratulations for this cherished date. Do you know how to give a gift to those you love and appreciate in an original way?

I think that every person likes not only to receive gifts, but also to present them to their relatives, friends and colleagues. But it is one thing to hand them over with a few boring symbolic words. And quite another - to present a gift in an original way. So that this tribute will leave joyful memories in the memory of the recipient for a long time.

There are many ways to present a present in an original way. Let's look at a few options, shall we?

Method number 1. Delivery by courier

You can present a present to the addressee by handing it over by courier. But not with the one dressed like a postman and handing it to the addressee in a monotonous voice. It is necessary to dress the courier in the costume of a character from a movie or cartoon that the future recipient of the gift likes.

If the present is intended for a woman, it is better to complement the gift with an armful of her favorite flowers and / or multi-colored balloons.

Method number 2. Delivery in the form of a quest

It is necessary to think over and draw on a piece of paper a plan for finding the gift you have hidden. The drawing can be a diagram or a drawing with hint images.

And the more complicated this plan is, the more interesting it will be for the recipient of the gift to look for it, and for you to observe this process (by the way, my beloved friend arranged such a quest for her husband on their wedding anniversary. Oh, and he wandered around the city that day! But ... an amazing reward was waiting for him, so he definitely did not remain offended 🙂).

It is possible to complicate the process described above. So, you should divide the plan into several parts and ensure that the recipient of the gift first searches for parts of the plan, and then the present itself.

This way of presenting a present will appeal not only to children, but also to adults. After all, even the process itself captures and adds excitement and mystery! And this is so valuable! We all miss a healthy dose of adrenaline in our lives.

Method number 3. Romantic way of giving

If you are giving a gift in the summer and you have enough spirit of romanticism and adventurism, you can lift your gift right to the recipient's window using helium balloons.

This is done as follows:

  • Take a long thin rope (you should calculate the footage depending on the desired floor)
  • Tie a beautifully wrapped gift to the rope (it should be light enough)
  • Attach a bunch of helium balloons to the gift (the more, the more spectacular, and the easier your gift will rise to the desired floor 🙂).

In addition, you can give a gift in this way even when the heroine of the holiday is at her workplace. In this case, pleasant emotions will increase several times due to the fact that all colleagues will see and appreciate the originality of the way you presented the gift.

In general, if you have a desire to make a special gift - experiment! As soon as you think about how to give a gift in an original way, your imagination will immediately give you many interesting ways! And then, believe me, the hero (or heroine) of the holiday will remember this day for a long time!

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It is very important not only to choose a gift, but also to present it in an unusual, original way. Not many can boast of indescribable emotions and delight from receiving a present. Consider 5 original ideas on how to combine a good gift with a raffle.

This option of presenting a gift is quite simple in execution and is suitable for a small and light gift - a movie ticket, money, trips abroad, a certificate for purchases.

It is necessary to take a large box (it is possible from any technique), decorate it beautifully and festively. The gift must be tied to a bunch of helium balloons and put on the bottom of the box along with them. When the recipient opens the box, a bunch of beautiful balloons fly out at him (usually a person starts catching them in a panic), and a long-awaited gift rises on the bunch. The hero of the occasion and everyone around will receive a lot of positive emotions.

Idea two

The idea is designed for students, but if it is slightly corrected, it can be applied in offices, schools and other institutions.

An announcement is posted near the dean's office stating that the person who is going to be played is asked to come to the dean's office about expulsion (transfer to another faculty). It is advisable to persuade the secretary, and if possible, the dean. The person who came to the dean's office waits for the dean for some time, worries. Instead of the dean, friends come out and present a gift. If a person does not understand jokes, then this idea will not work, because the hero of the occasion should receive positive emotions, and not resentment, chagrin.

Idea three

The idea is designed for a small gift that can be easily placed in an inflatable balloon.

The idea is this: you need to buy a large, dense inflatable balloon in advance, write a lot of wishes, poems on separate multi-colored leaves, buy serpentine, small sweets and “stuff” the balloon with all this and, of course, put the main gift inside. The ball is inflated and solemnly handed over to the hero of the occasion, who bursts it and, in the midst of multi-colored madness, looks for his gift, while reading pleasant wishes.

You can decorate the room with multi-colored ordinary balls. Put a gift in one of the balloons and invite the birthday boy to find it. A beautifully decorated room will already please a person, and the search for a surprise will only enhance the effect of surprise.

Idea four

To implement this difficult idea, you will need some preparation and a person with artistic inclinations.

Suppose a person has long dreamed of a beautiful vase, a set of glasses, a large piggy bank, a figurine, a frame, and so on. We carefully take the gift out of the box (it is desirable that the box is recognizable) and hide it in a safe place. We fill the box with glass or other material similar to the one from which this item is made. We pack carefully. It is necessary to wait for the right moment and solemnly take out a gift to the victim of the draw.

The idea is this: the person about to give the gift trips and drops the front box. Everyone hears the distinct sound of broken glass. The birthday boy unpacks the gift and sees the treasured box with the gift, which, according to his information, is unfortunately broken.

It is advisable to wait a few minutes, and then "reveal all the cards" and take out a whole and unharmed gift!

Idea 5

Surely, each of us has met a person more than once who walks from apartment to apartment with a bag of goods and offers to give them to you, subject to the purchase of one of the goods. This is the performance that needs to be played with the hero of the occasion. At that moment, when a person prays and says that he does not need anything, give him such a long-awaited gift.

Congratulators must be friends.

Congratulating 1:
You know how it happens, you don't expect magic, but it takes and happens. This is what happened at our party. Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, they brought us a magical package, the recipient of which is our beautiful birthday girl.
(Pulls out a large box wrapped in paper)

Congratulating 2:
We, as true friends, took on the role of customs officers and opened the package. Well, you never know what is there, suddenly a bomb!

Congratulating 1:
Don't worry, the bomb wasn't there! There was a message and precise instructions.

Congratulating 2:
So, for your beauty,
To never fade
Take lip gloss as a gift,
To always, everywhere shone!

(Give baby lip gloss)

Congratulating 1:
So that you don't get your feet wet
My dear friend,
To always be stylish
Take on fashionable shoes
This is happiness, yes, yes, yes!

(Shoe covers)

Congratulating 2:
And also, to always
You were satisfied
For there to be no doubt
May your soul blossom!

(Mirror. A funny picture is glued to the mirror (for example, a monkey paints lips) and the inscription "Always beautiful", or something like that)

Congratulating 1:
Here's a miracle, here's the deal
Two lies large wings,
Magic reigns everywhere
You must try them on!

(Fairy wings and a magic wand that the birthday girl must not take off until the end of the evening)


Birthday girl in the center of the table. Congratulations appear.

Congratulating 1:
Here I give you a bottle
And you save her
Will be a vase, will be a container,
Would you like to brew tea in it!

(Gives an empty bottle)

Congratulating 2:
Well of course she's joking
And the bottle is useless
Who will give a girlfriend
I bring you a coat!

(As an option, a herring salad under a fur coat, or a small piece of fur)

Congratulating 2:
In order not to freeze in a fur coat,
To make it easy to walk in winter,
To a woman so beautiful
Fashion item, I want to give!

(Brushed briefs)

Congratulating 1:
And we also give you
What is most important in life
Every housewife knows
And everyone has weight!

Congratulating 2:
Very important, very necessary
amazing item,
He is very necessary
And there are no analogues!

Congratulating 1:
Pies are tastier then
Obedient husband, silence,
We give women's happiness
You carry with you always!

(Handing a rolling pin)

Guests drink to creativity.

You can insert a funny comment after each gift. It is also recommended to play roles and pick up musical accompaniment.


The birthday boy sits in the center of the table. It is desirable that his friends take part in such a comic congratulation. So there are two people. One holds a small bag (several items are folded in it, for which certain lines are written. The item is taken after the rhyme is read), the other holds a box covered with a cloth in his hands:

Congratulating 1:
Congratulations sound, sound,
They rush to congratulate you
All relatives, all friends,
Well, how is it without me!
I was in a hurry, I was going
Maybe he's stuck somewhere
I chose gifts
Yes, I tried for you!
In general, here, now I will hand over,
I want to wish you
To make life beautiful
To luck, and so as not by!
I start, I get
I want to give you
So that you are more solid than all
So that success awaits you!

(Pulls out cool underpants, or a tie)

So that he does not know problems and evil,
There is a present for you!

(Toy pistol)

To keep the mind in order
For you to go to the bath
To have something to read
Write different letters!

(A collection of crossword puzzles tied to an air freshener. You can get by with a collection of jokes)

Congratulating 2:
For a long time I was looking for what to give you,
I thought congratulations to you for a long time
Decided, all of a sudden, to realize a dream,
The best gift for a friend!
I wish you good luck, good
For dreams to come alive so easily
So that there are always faithful people,
So that bad thoughts do not visit!
Well, in general, you, like a man to a man,
I give a faithful, steel friend,
(Raises a rag, under which there is a toy car in a box. If the birthday boy has a car, then you can choose any type of transport that he dreams of).
Let him decorate your life
What can't you do for a friend!

The birthday boy receives his gifts, the guests make another toast.


It is better that friends take part, but if the birthday boy has brothers or a son, they can also be involved.

Congratulations appear in the center of the hall.

Congratulating 1:
Phew, tired, so I was going to,
I tried so hard, I was in such a hurry
I even played sports
Jumped into the shop!

Congratulating 2:
I tried very hard too
Vaughn, I stroked my pants,
Put on a clean shirt
Even clean socks!

Congratulating 3:
Me too, as you can see
With a full parade, I
Happy birthday today
We congratulate you!

Congratulating 1:
Long thought, wondered
What to give you
And we collected a bouquet,
Be delighted, beauty!

(They give a bouquet of socks. Of course, such a gift requires some preparation, so you need to make a bouquet in advance)

Congratulating 2:
And you today
Prepared a surprise
To warm the soul
Evenings the main prize!

Congratulating 3:
So that later, you set up the brand,
To surprise people
To marvelous alcohol,
Sold all over the world!

(A bottle of alcohol with a photo of the birthday man and with a famous name. It is advisable to take the name based on the last name. Example: Ivanov, the name of the bottle is Ivanovka)

At the end of the number, friends can sing a few ditties.