Super congratulations to the team on the new year. New Year's congratulations on the new year to the team. Funny congratulations to colleagues at work Happy New Year

New original and comic congratulations to the whole team with
New Year 2016 in prose, beautiful and official New Year wishes
from the heart, a ready-made short text to colleagues at work in your own words
for every taste.

Beautiful congratulations to the team on NG in prose

Colleagues! Today we can finally relax and forget about urgent matters!

May all working days be light and cheerful in the coming year, and
The weekend is filled with bright emotions and new impressions!
I wish health to you and your families! To keep you warm at home
the love of your family, and at work - the love of our wonderful

Happy New Year 2016!

Dear colleagues, I wish you a career and salary in the new
flying uphill at the speed of light! Let at work and at home
everyone will be in harmony, and your life will cease to be a zebra, and in a new
year it will only have white stripes!
And let each new strip be whiter than the previous one!

Easy achievements and long-awaited victories!

Happy New Year!
Official New Year greetings in your own words

Dear colleagues! I want to wish our team a Happy New Year
professional and career growth, promising, interesting
projects and profitable contracts, new achievements and victories. to you and yours
relatives - excellent health, well-being, peace and warmth in family
May our team continue to reign
wonderful atmosphere of mutual respect and mutual assistance, and your
the mood will always be sunny and bright, warming you and everyone
surrounding. Happy New Year 2016!
Comic New Year's wishes to the team text Dear team! I wish that in the coming year the salary
raised ten times, and at the same time it would have to work ten times
smaller! So that all your desires come true, but be careful with them, otherwise
I'm afraid that in the new year we will miss half of the team.

Let the authorities tremble behind us, and not we in front of them. I wish that
you bathed in love, money, respect and recognition. But grab
lifeline to avoid drowning.

Happy New Year!

Colleagues! In the coming year, I wish you continuous bad weather:
so that wherever you go, you invariably fall under the monetary
downpour, found themselves in the epicenter of a hurricane of love and happiness, so that you
picked up and carried by a tornado of luck, and so that you stumble all the time
about happy occasions.

Happy New Year 2016!
Original congratulations on the New Year prose

Friends! Let's forget about work for now and think about what
awaits us in the new year. And I wish that this is what awaits you:
dreams come true and plans realized, happy smiles of relatives and
friends, colleagues and superiors, family well-being, only joyful
vanity, pleasant discoveries and surprises, career success and growth
material well-being.
May your health be excellent, and optimism and cheerfulness limitless.

New Year's greetings to the team

I want to congratulate the team now,

After all, the New Year has suddenly arrived!

I want to send all congratulations,

So that everyone instantly shines in a career!

To work a century was not too lazy!

So that there is no falsehood in our communion!

To rejoice in success every day!

To be the best team!

So that they could trust their secrets!

So that we are happy from work!

And to take care of each other forever!

The New Year is ready to embrace us

And on this day we will celebrate more fun!

We are all sisters and brothers!

And everyone found friends here!

May the new year bring us success!

Let the company's profits grow a hundredfold!

Let earthly milestones be a joy to us!

I wish everyone to be rich!

And let everything be as you dreamed!

Let the best happen soon!

Let all sorrows and sorrows go away!

May happiness and love find us!

I want to say a word to the team,

To congratulate you on the New Year from the bottom of my heart!

I want us to work happily

And to be able to reach great heights!

So that luck only smiles at us!

So that we can always, everywhere shine!

To remain the best team of the century

And so that we do not have to grieve!

May we receive more awards!

To make wages go up!

So that we live, work all the sweeter!

So that we only carry positive to the masses!

I wish the team a Happy New Year

Let only joy wait beyond the threshold!

May our client be forever satisfied!

May we all be happy in the moment!

Let the company prosper and flourish!

May success come to us soon!

Let's get the joy of work!

Let troubles and worries go away ...

Let everything be as you wish!

Let all our sorrows go!

May only joy remain in life!

Let everyone laugh very cheerfully!

What can I wish the team this year?

May the best await you every day!

Let all the bad things go away!

I wish you all a Happy New Year!

I want to be happy soon!

May good luck never pass by!

May your labor and care be glorious!

Let the work please you with a prize!

May your plans come true soon!

I want everyone to fall in love!

I wish you a lot of joy and laughter!

And in life and in business always success!

I sincerely wish the team

May the New Year come soon!

I only congratulate everyone from the bottom of my heart,

Wishing a lot of expensive ideas!

I want everything to happen and work out!

To make a profit!

To make all that only dream come true!

So that you do not have to lose heart in life!

So that the bosses indulge in bonuses!

So that everything was as we all wanted!

So that we can solve all the problems!

We didn't have any problems!

Happy New Year greetings to colleagues

Happy New Year greetings to colleagues in verse

Happy New Year 2017 to colleagues
Unintentionally gathered in the hall
Our close-knit team
Today we celebrate the holiday -
Weekends announcing.
Happy New Years to you colleagues!
May there be no dark days
For money to fall on you
Hurry up in the alley.
For clients to come
Without tediousness and whining,
To thank you
And they loved like themselves.
To last year's snow
Swallowed melancholy, sadness
To New Year's Eve
Everything came true, what we dreamed of !!! Happy New Year greetings to colleagues
Colleague, the New Year is in a hurry,
He only gives the best
May everyone cherish the holiday
The one that brings us the new year.
Let things go on for you
Let the work argue!
Well, today until morning
Let joy overflow! Happy New Year greetings to an employee
Don't be shy on New Year's Eve -
Pour a full glass
Have fun and joke, smile
And expect your luck!
Forget about work for a day
But don't forget me.
I wish to be in eternal flight
And reach the desired heights!
Outside the window, let the blizzards rage -
You do not be afraid of their evil for show.
New Year with the smell of spruce
A lot of happiness in store for you! Beautiful New Year greetings to colleagues
Colleague, what do you want?
Today, on the New Year,
Wish must be made -
And everything will happen!
Let women's happiness come
And dreams will come true
I wish you a New Year
Goodness and beauty! New Year's greetings to partners
The new year will come soon
Bringing a lot of ideas.
Congratulations, partners,
And we wish you better days!
May our ties be stronger
Will be next year
And any of the fantasies
Set the tone for your life!
Let the business grow successfully
And in frosts, and in a snowstorm,
Despite the whims
Multiplying your portfolio! New Year's greetings to the team
All our good team
Happy new year congratulations!
And career prospects
We sincerely wish!
Let the work flow with song
Wages are on the rise!
In personal life, everything will grow together,
And it will go right!
May Santa Claus be on holiday
Will knock on the door
And a whole load of gifts
Give to everyone! Congratulations to employees, colleagues on the New Year
You are a top notch team!
I really appreciate you
And I wish you a New Year
Know no hassle
Live beautifully and with soul
And with a big salary!
So that both at home and in business
Everything turned out like a dream!
To accompany success
Protected from mistakes! Happy New Year greetings from the boss to colleagues
happy new year
You bosses from the heart!
We wish you colleagues
Peak Conquest!
And gifts, and surprises,
And good good days
Prizes to you quarterly,
Anecdotes - funnier!
May you always be lucky
May peace reign in the family
Happy New Year!
Finally - a day off!

The team wishes you a Happy New Year

Happy New Year, colleagues, friends.
This year we have not worked in vain -
He brought us good seedlings.
So let's forget the troubles.
Let's step into the New Year with a pure heart,
Let's say wishes:
May it be calm, stable
And in finance always abundant!

And again a friendly team
We are celebrating the New Year.
I want laughter, positive.
May he bring us happiness.
May all plans come true
Great success in work awaits
And a pay rise
Let it happen soon!

We've been working all year
Hands do not work.
We've already waited for winter
We welcome the New Year.
It's time for us all to rest
Listen to congratulations.
Let's meet the holiday with a bang,
With wonderful vibes!

Here on the threshold of the New Year,
And we are in good company here,
May the year bring health
Love, kindness and prosperity!
I tell you, colleagues, "thank you",
For the fact that you worked all year,
That tired, without giving a look,
Achieved success for the company.
May the new year be blessed
For a friendly, native team,
Let it bring you profit
And the mood is positive!

Happy New Year!
We wish you not to spare warmth and strength.
We wish you good beginnings
So that labor brings you income.
Let the team be friendly
Do not hold your fist behind your back.
We wish you all prospects.
Love your work and colleagues!

Dear colleagues,
You have become like family to me
And on New Year's Eve
I hasten to congratulate you!
Wish you inspiration
Prosperity, luck.
May our glorious team
Forget the negative!
We are related in common cause,
We became one
And everywhere, and everywhere
We will be on top!
May good luck accompany
Problems are solved in an instant.
Let us this New Year
The sea of ​​happiness will bring!

We have been working all year
And tired of worries
The magic just happened
On the eve of the New Year!
We forget about work
Let's decorate the tree.
Let the weather not please
But we will wait for a miracle.
Happy New Year, colleagues!
We are big fellows.
There is no gap in the team
Everyone is united and friendly.
May the coming year be for all of us
Will be bright and happy.
In our class team
Let the positivity be.
Our friendly team
Can be called a hive
After all, like bees, we are hard workers,
And we do everything on "five"!

Happy New Year dears!
Let dreams come true.
We all became like family
There is no fuss with you.
I wish you all happiness
All smiles and warmth.
Let all bad weather go away
More magic for everyone.

New Year - that's it
The best holiday.
He always brings
Happiness and good luck.
If you don't have money
Prizes have been stripped
Santa Claus you
Write urgently.
Glorious Santa Claus
Will fix it right away
And a whole load of gifts
Will deliver to you promptly.
Money - a full suitcase,
"Audi" in addition,
Fur coat, tie, cardigan,
New house and cottage.

The most intelligent and hardworking,
Kind, smart and creative.
Those whose ideas are like the sun, brilliant,
Whose business plans are always promising.
Terribly talented, brilliant,
(It is a pity that the authorities are so blind),
Happy holiday! Let the new year unreal
Pleases all of you, colleagues, good luck.
Your bold dreams will come true
All cherished desires will be fulfilled,
Hearts will jump like frantic ones,
Feelings of love getting reciprocated.
Everyone will be stunned by the kids with success,
And finally, puffed up with pride,
In the summer of salaries the chef with open eyelids
The degree will be assessed by professional suitability!


Happy New Year greetings to colleagues at work

Dear Colleagues!
(You can just: guys!)
On the constant run
From advance to salary
Forget worries!
Don't lose the plant!
Lots and lots of everything!
Well, Happy New Year everyone!

Happy New Year greetings to colleagues
Happy New Year friends and colleagues!
Happiness is knocking on our door again!
So life will be good forever
So, we will all get through the hardships!
Rotating as a single mechanism,
Our business is moving forward!
And we follow him smiling
And keep going every year!

New Year greetings to employees
All my employees
From superiors to colleagues
Happy New Year
I can in a difficult age.
After a couple of days
Happiness is coming
And on a new run
Days for many of us.
Approaching a new plan
vacation waiting,
Maybe even getting fired.
Those who are not ready to live like this.
In the whirl of new days
I want to wish you
Ideal to be a colleague
And do not suffer from work.
A pile of different cases, papers
Consider entertainment
And the tasks are harder
Always decide with ease.

Colleagues, dear!
The New Year has arrived!
Let the holidays dashing
They will spin in a round dance!
Let's raise our glasses up,
For the winter, ice..
And with a pure heart we will accept
A lot of perks from the boss!
magic walk
Let it enter every house!
And this is the state
May eternity not pass!

Colleagues, Happy New Year!
Another stage is over
Paths of the worker that together we pass.
I am incredibly happy with the word "together"!
With a solid and friendly team
I am glad to work and I want to wish
Always do everything with the same positive
After all, we can do any plans!

Congratulations dear colleagues!
We've been working hard all year.
We submitted all reports on time.
And everyone was a little tired.
Let the New Year's corporate party
It will be fun and noisy
And award the chef to us today
Will give such nice and smart.
We sincerely congratulate the boss,
We wish him all the best,
Good luck to him and good health!
There is no better boss, we know!

Happy New Year
Dear colleagues!
Let it take away all adversity
This last year's snow.
Let your favorite work
You will always be happy
Only pleasant worries
You for many years!
Let the stars shine brighter for you
Lighting the way for life.
And let the family love it hotter
So, to drown in happiness!

Work in the forest will not run away, and the New Year is already outside the door.
It's time to collect your salary, run to the market for spruce.
After all, this holiday is once a year. As we meet the year, so we will spend.
So let it bring joy and a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bhappiness to every home!
Colleagues, Happy New Year to you! Health to you and all the best!
So that in addition to working days, there is time for fun.
And since this year is under the sign of a fluffy little white Sheep,
Let it be calm, quiet, the way you want!

Happy New Year! Friends and colleagues
May your dreams come true
And I wish you success in your work,
In personal life, so that everything is without water.
I know we can handle you for sure
We will all fly upwards in our careers.
Let it be difficult for us at work,
But we won't give up anywhere!
Our team, of course, is different,
The stronger we are friends together
So let's raise our glasses
For success, for enemies, for yourself!

Happy New Year, team! Everyone forget about the negative!
We are not afraid of a terrible crisis, the office is decorated with ribbons,
Tangerines and sweets - New Year's signs,
Cavaliers flatter the ladies, traffic jams fly into the ceiling!
Let's be happy, colleagues! We are the strategists of our victories!
Let the winged dragon bring us a good salary
And a promotion. From the authorities - respect,
From customers - gratitude, from partners - solidarity!

Dear colleagues, I congratulate you on the coming New Year! May it be successful and kind, happy and successful for each of you! I wish you new ideas and new strength, new feelings of joy and new achievements in life!

Dear and respected colleagues, I congratulate you on the coming New Year! I wish that all the troubles and troubles, troubles and problems are left behind. And let the coming year bring only joy, smiles, prosperity, pleasant surprises and great news! Happiness to you, love and great achievements!

Upcoming New Year
May it bring you great income.
The old year will take away all sorrows,
Let the chief praise you generously.
So that the salary is ever growing,
And luck is in the hands of the sailor.
So that the prizes are all added,
And more often they accrued.
I wish you love and good luck
To make things easy.
I wish you health and happiness,
Let the side bypass bad weather.
Let the storms, adversity dispel,
Happy New Year colleagues!

Happy New Year, my dear colleagues! I wish you a fun new year, and with it, let joy, happiness, and love come to your doorstep. Let the new year be filled with a sea of ​​successful ideas, high salaries, generous bonuses, the highest praise and significant achievements in work, an ocean of new opportunities, beautiful stories and wonderful achievements in life!

Dear colleagues, Happy New Year! I wish him to bring prosperity and peace to your families, wealth and comfort to your homes, peace and harmony to your souls, prospects and success in business!

Let this New Year
Everyone's income will increase
Affairs, worries will become less
And luck rules in everything!

Everyday life is light, carefree,
But successful and profitable,
Weekend active, bright,
The hottest entertainment!

Happy New Year, dear colleagues. I sincerely wish everyone to easily part with all their fears and prejudices, I wish to proudly and confidently step into a new history, into a new leaf of the calendar. Be happy, my dear colleagues, be loved by dear people and be successful in all your endeavors. I wish you all the best health, peace, prosperity and good luck in all matters.

Dear colleagues, I congratulate you on the coming New Year! I want to wish a huge charge of positive energy and health for the whole year, great success even with the smallest efforts. Be happy, and may something wonderful and beautiful happen to you!

My favorite team, I sincerely congratulate you on the upcoming New Year! Let your life in the new year consist only of happy minutes and joyful moments! I wish you great success at work and outside of it, consistently high salaries and, of course, career growth!

Happy New Year, colleagues,
I heartily congratulate you.
Enter the New Year with a smile
From the bottom of my heart, I wish everyone.

Let it be unusual
Bring love, success,
Career advancement,
A lot of money, children's laughter.

Will take the passing year
All problems, failures,
There will be strength and desire
New to solve problems.

Fortunately or unfortunately, for most of us, work has long become something more than a banal means of earning money. It is in the workplace that we spend most of our time, and for many, it even captures weekends. And this means that colleagues play an important role in the life of a modern person, and often we share the most valuable moments with them. And this means that original ideas for congratulating colleagues on the New Year are especially valuable. In this article, we have selected for you the best congratulations in verse for the team on the new year 2018. Choose!

Happy New Year greetings to employees in verse

May the New Year bring you
prosperity and income.
May success accompany
To know no interference in anything.

May health be strong
The mind is enlightened, tenacious,
In the world - peace, and in families - harmony.
All wage increases.

Lots of strength and optimism
Travel and Tourism,
In the souls - sunny weather.
All colleagues, Happy New Year!

Our dear colleagues!
A magical New Year is coming
And with him - about a miracle! - weekend,
Which are so lacking!

Let it be foldable for everyone,
Successful, profitable, encouraging,
And let the past year
Take your problems with you!

Let your worries leave you
And sickness, and adversity,
Hopelessness will go away.
And the desired hope will lead you through life.

We wish each other
Happiness, money, long years,
Stretching out their hands to each other
Let's sing to the whole world:

"With new happiness, Happy New Year!"
Clink of glasses, as always,
And burns above the sky
Star of Bethlehem!

Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!
New Year's time!
We decorate the Christmas tree together,
Decorate your office in style!
To a friendly team
It's great to celebrate the New Year!
For happiness to be with us
Let's get things done!
So that the boss loves us,
Allowances, premiums paid.
So that the trade union representative does not offend,
If anything, then defended.
And an accountant so as not to be greedy,
Sweet, kind and pleasant.

I congratulate you, colleagues.
I wish you creative victories
So that the boss does not get
He gave money without stint.
There will be a holiday, there will be a Christmas tree
There will be dancing, there will be vodka.
The wives will go crazy
And the husbands will thump.
This is how you celebrate the New Year
All the people are at work.
Well, if not,
The year just goes by.

Work constantly in such a team,
Where friendship and help will always be in force,
Where the joy of communication will replace the scandal,
How lucky I was with the work, I did not even know.
I hasten to congratulate you on the New Year.
Let us be friends without regret.
I wish you the sun under the sky!
Let me read a little congratulations.

Colleagues, I congratulate you on the New Year,
I sincerely wish you happiness, health,
God bless you for a whole year
Without sadness, sadness and worries.
Always work with success
Don't get sick and don't be lazy
Good luck in all your affairs,
And joyful smiles on the lips.

We won't work today
Expecting a magical miracle.
Happy New Year to each other:
Let the year be monetary, joyful.

Happy New Year, dear colleagues,
I wish you luck in entering.
May fate give you amulets.
I congratulate you on the winter fairy tale!

My favorite colleagues!
We are all running in the same race.
And in this New Year's hour
I want to congratulate all of you:

May our team be strong!
Let salaries grow steadily!
And let the peaks of labor
We will be conquered without effort!

Let the boss not be strict
Don't judge us for mistakes
And more often he gives an award,
And so let the whole year pass!

Congratulations to colleagues on the upcoming New Year in prose

My dear colleagues, I want to congratulate you on the upcoming holiday! All the gifts that the Monkey gave us can be left last year if they are not particularly valuable to you. We are now entering a completely new stage in our lives. The only qualities that still should not be left are dedication and hard work. Without which the successful work of our company would not be possible. I want to wish you to find your exciting, memorable project. And let all the surprises be only pleasant!

Dear colleagues! The outgoing old year is always a little sorry. However, should we be sad? Remembering this year, I want to immediately say about the leap that our company has made. This is some kind of incredible cycle of events - new clients, amazing partners, financial success, entering new markets ... You can talk endlessly. And all this is solely our merit. However, in the coming year, I would very much like this bonfire of events to ignite with renewed vigor. Let what we are still afraid to even think about become a reality. Happy New Year!

On this festive day, we traditionally congratulate the very best - beloved husbands and wives, friends, parents. And, of course, colleagues! Colleagues who have become like a second family to us. Let's be honest, this year has not been easy. But its value lies in the fact that together we managed to overcome hundreds of difficulties. This happened due to the fact that they were able to find a common language, hear each other, not be offended in difficult situations. And most importantly, to maintain our warm, friendly relations. In this composition, our team can only continue to develop and flourish. We remain the very team that can conquer any peak. For us! Happy New Year!

Dear friends and colleagues! We have all been looking forward to this year with great anticipation, because it will mark a completely new stage in our professional activities. My New Year's greetings to colleagues are filled with maximum warmth and sincerity, because we must enter this new stage, holding each other's hands and opportunities. Do not hesitate: the Dog will definitely bring with it new achievements, creative victories, success and prosperity. Congratulations!

Sometimes from the outside it may seem to ordinary people that people work in our company solely because of high salaries. But you and I know that every specialist of our company gets great pleasure and satisfaction from what he does. We have big goals that we are moving towards without seeing any obstacles. Agree that it makes sense to work furiously all year to now see our director in the Shrek costume, and the chief accountant in the image of the Snow Maiden? And how amazingly the secretary dances on the table, and how beautiful the programmers who fell asleep at the bar are! Let's continue this evening in the same spirit, so that there is something to remember! Happy holiday!

New Year's greetings to the boss

Dear our boss,
Sweet chef and nice boss!
In the New Year we wish you
May your business grow and grow.

So that sponsored colleagues
In our faces, so to speak
Everything could and everything was able,
For you to make a profit.

So that the year was without checks,
So that without crises and troubles.
We will help you, because, honestly,
There is no better boss in the world.

Happy New Year I want to congratulate
Wish inspiration and peace,
So that you get a star from the sky
And the apartment was filled with goodness.

Let everything be - honor and success,
Raise, pay raise
New Year's joy and laughter
The smell of the Christmas tree and the news by the way.

Prosper always, every day
Climb higher and higher,
To be remembered fondly
Everyone who is lower in rank and rank!

We hasten to congratulate you with the whole team,
We wish you a prosperous New Year,
And all of us are just as wise to rule
And solve all pressing problems in an instant,

We wish you great success in your career,
Luck, success for a hundred years,
We wish you to always be the first in everything,
We wish you valiant victories in your work!

And in the personal life of joy and happiness,
Welfare, family warmth,
To bypass your hearth of bad weather,
May your life be beautiful!

How to congratulate the leader on the New Year in prose

Dear leader! It is believed that there are three types of directors: those who ask to do something in a good way. Those that require something to be done in a rude manner. And there are those who know how to work and support their employees for real! That is who you are, and we will continue to look up to you. Happy New Year!

Our dear boss! We have already voiced New Year's greetings to our partners, and now we want to say words of gratitude to you. Indeed, without you, we would not have been able to reach such heights in our professional activities. Your leadership can be safely called fair, and this is very important for every employee. And although you are often very demanding of us, at the same time you are distinguished by an amazing consistency in your affairs. You supported us in any difficult situation, and we appreciate it. We expect only the best from this year. Happy holiday!

Photo: according to Google requests 3.01.2015

Both bosses and ordinary members of the office team want to please the people with whom they spend most of their lives -. Of course, you can give a postcard with a standard printed greeting, or another trinket, which seems to be a sign of attention, but it’s much better to say Happy New Year 2017 to the team in person so that you can bring your soul into it, your sincere intentions. But not everyone has sufficient eloquence to fully reveal everything that they feel and think in a speech to their colleagues.

Especially for such people, our website contains dozens of congratulations from the team on the New Year of the Rooster. Here you can find thematic ones, which are aimed at a certain type of activity of the office team, and congratulations on the new year of a general nature, for the team, and serious, poetic and even. Here, everyone will find exactly what he wants to say to his colleagues. Read and choose, because it is in the new year that the very holiday that unites everyone, and even if tense relations have developed with someone during the year, you can fix it all, forget about past grievances and enter the new year bringing only positive moments.

Let the glasses clink
Let the wine sparkle
Let the night starfall
He will look into your window.

On this wonderful night
Can't be without a smile
Pain and sorrow - away!
Happy New Year of the Rooster, friends!

Dear friends, Happy New Year!
May they please you this year
And health, and life, and weather,
And the awards are always for work!

May you live in peace and bread,
Warm love and family
Let more gratifying emotions
A snake brings you a whole year!

Let all failures remain
In last year's junk basket.
The New Year is coming and that means
Everything is OK. With new happiness, friends!

Happy New Year 2017! Friends and colleagues
May your dreams come true
And I wish you success in your work,
In personal life, so that everything is without water.

I know we can handle you for sure
We will all fly upwards in our careers.
Let it be difficult for us at work,
But we won't give up anywhere!

Our team, of course, is different,
The stronger we are friends together
So let's raise our glasses
For success, for enemies, for yourself!

Happy New Year
Dear colleagues!
Let it take away all adversity
This last year's snow.

Let your favorite work
You will always be happy
Only pleasant worries
You for many years!

Let the stars shine brighter for you
Lighting the way for life.
And let the family love it hotter
So, to drown in happiness!

We've been working all year
But the time comes
Give us all a big report,
Let go of this burden.

We forget about things
We can today!
New Year's Eve -
The holiday is immutable.

We no longer work
We rest in bliss.
Happy New Year gentlemen!
Congratulations, colleagues!

December came, arguing with the weather,
And on the threshold - the New Year.
Let there be a lot of success
And happiness - a full garden.

We congratulate you on the New Year!
Let it be sweeter than honey
Let the outgoing old year
It will take misfortune with it!

Colleagues! Joy increased,
Let luck come into growth
Health! Happiness! Years
And new creative victories!

All this difficult, painful year,
We were supported by one garden.
In a storm with a thunderstorm, we were together.
It's worth two hundred.

I wish everyone Happy New Year!
And, together with the white-bearded grandfather,
I wish you reach the heights.
It's worth a drink for five hundred.

Happy New Year friends and colleagues!
Happiness is knocking on our door again!
So life will be good forever
So, we will all get through the hardships!

Rotating as a single mechanism,
Our business is moving forward!
And we follow him smiling
And keep going every year!

Tired of a year with you too
And they did a brilliant job.
Let's take a breather at work
And we pass the year.

Let the bad sink into oblivion
Good is familiar to us.
We survived the end of the world
What could be more optimistic?

We do not have a friendly team,
We have enough energy for everything.
I wish everyone positive
And more zeros to the salary.

New Year's Eve with you
Became close friends
Our work has brought us together
Gave me joy in life!

We fill the glasses
And we dance to the bone.
One hundred weekends ahead
Let's take a break for them!

May the year give you
Money tight round dance,
May peace reign in the family
And love flows like a river!

It's time for New Year's corporate parties or just parties in the office with colleagues. Of course, you need to prepare a good congratulation for colleagues, people with whom you spend a huge amount of time, who have become a second family. On this page, hand-selected from all over the Internet, the best New Year greetings to colleagues in verse and prose. Good luck with your corporate party!

Order your friends and colleagues a funny audio greeting to your home or cell phone, which will come like a regular phone call on the scheduled day and hour, and will become the most memorable New Year's greeting.

Colleagues, colleagues, just friends!
Stepped into the threshold of the new year!
I wish our friendly family,
Carried forward for success!
Everyone, so that in business and life,
Stability reigned and harmony.
And a fabulous holiday any dream,
Today I was happy to perform!

Let the problems go away
With them - pain and hopelessness!
Together with happiness at the gate,
We are knocking - New Year!
New plans, ideas,
Reaching a new goal!
Many different achievements
Only smart decisions!
And you have big income
Good working days!
Home - joy, warmth,
Lots of good stuff!

Colleagues, I heartily congratulate you
Happy New Year's Eve!
I wish you success, joy,
May your home be filled with happiness!
May peace, prosperity, good luck
Accompany on the journey of life.
Let it be happy - and never otherwise,
Your mornings, nights, days pass.

Our team is small
But with a big heart
Meet the New Year together
What is knocking at the gate
Santa Claus do not be stingy
For gifts. And strives
Give a bonus to everyone for a year,
For the people to be happy.
For the team to work
Summer and winter
And so that everyone has enough strength
Be yourself!

In the New Year, everyone, a friendly platoon
We will escape to the future!
I want to wish you a Happy New Year
You, my dear colleagues!
Let's take the good times with us
Clients that will bring us profit,
From transactions the highest interest,
And a profitable route for business!

We are with you in a friendly team,
Spent a lot of days
Always with kindness, positive,
We boldly walked towards a common goal!

I want to congratulate you colleagues
And wish you a Happy New Year
Merits, victories and privileges,
Do not count happy hours!

Happy New Year, colleagues,
What's coming now!
Let him make money snow
Pampers you more often

Let the fun swirl
And brings good luck
So that the team is friendly
Everyone reached the heights!

In the New Year at work hard workers.
They don't laugh, they don't joke.
They don't drink and don't even smoke.
At a serious post, everyone is on duty.

Excited to the cold, to shiver
Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden too:
Let the hard workers not be offended -
Happiness to you, how much ice is in Antarctica!

The routine of all work affairs,
Gone to the background
Snowflakes took us prisoner
I hasten to confess to you

What is sincere and from the heart,
We want to say the words:
Happy New Year everyone, love everyone,
All happiness and goodness!

Dear respected colleagues!
I congratulate you on the New Year!
And I wish you much success
Interesting, sincere work!
Promising and new projects,
And in a career - great achievements,
Joyful mood to all of you
And great, great achievements!

Colleagues! We worked together, I will not hide
I'm happy to go to work
And I really want to tell you sometimes:
I won't find another one like it anywhere!

May the New Year fulfill wishes
Good luck - no one will bypass!
Champagne we will fill the glasses with everything,
Drain them now for the New Year!

As streams and rivers run into the seas,
So the past year has sunk into eternity ...
Happy New Year! Merry Christmas, colleagues,
Let's go on a new trip.
Let you on different new paths
Awaiting discoveries of joyful delight,
Let rich experience help you,
To have a successful new year.

We've been waiting for a miracle all year
Worked for fame
Just a little more, that's it
Let's raise a glass

And we'll drink to the New Year
He will be better than others
May we all be lucky in business,
Both personal and work!

Happy New Year to my colleagues
Much to be desired:
To have less work
To not get up early.
To get a bonus more often
The team was awarded
To happen every day
Small but positive.
For us to work together
Because we have one goal.
To be released in the summer
All of us together to the south.

Colleagues, Happy New Year to you!
I wish you peace, happiness,
Huge bonuses, weekends,
Praise - all at once
To make everything easy
Both in life and in work,
So that your every day passes
It's like being in a resort!

Your work colleague
I want to say kind words
Leave everything and worries for a moment
After all, it's New Year's Eve

And that means a week, even more,
Rest your body and soul
Happy New Year, may the holiday last longer
You spend it with your beloved family!

Happy New Year, my colleagues,
With new happiness, friends at work.
I wish the team in love,
In respect to live and in honor,
Forget all the insults and sadness,
Drive away problems, bad weather,
And let the glasses be filled -
Happy New Year friends, happy new year!

We have worked hard and will have a good rest.
We practically live at our work.
And on New Year's Eve I want to wish you
There are five salaries of millions and vacation pay per year.
I wish my colleagues more weekends,
Logically believing that there are very few of them,
Feasts and fun at noisy celebrations,
And mornings without a hangover, and clarity in the eyes!

Happy New Year
I am my priceless colleagues!
I wish you much happiness
And success indispensable!
And good luck at work
And happy days of the year
To look decent
If suddenly you are in sight!
Romance and happiness
Very quivering love
To be able to do a lot
To be able to do a lot!

Let difficult problems be solved
May plans and dreams come true
Let's forget all the problems, failures,
And we will celebrate the holiday with all our hearts!

And sincerity will decorate wishes,
All words are spoken from the heart
Salute let the sky colorfully paint,
Happy New Year! Happy holiday! Hooray!

How many years have we met
He's like family anyway
In the New Year we do not miss
Not one second!
I wish you all privileges
Let success not leave
Happy New Year to you, colleagues,
I heartily congratulate!

Happy New Year, colleagues!
I love you madly!
Holiday wishes
I give you my poems!
Let the fireworks roar
Let the smoke flow
On this day comes happiness
Every office, every home!
It will look to you too
Wait with trepidation
I wish you good luck
And all the best!

Happy New Year greetings to colleagues in prose

Happy New Year, my dear and respected colleagues. I wish you to be at the forefront of promising ideas, to find new opportunities for the implementation of all plans. I also wish you absolute confidence, worthy victories, true respect and high prosperity in the new year.

Colleagues, Happy New Year of the Pig. I would like to wish you to always find a way out of any situation, to achieve success and recognition of your talent with every business. May the coming year bring a lot of opportunities, ideas and good luck, may every day be a day of professionalism and significant achievement.

Dear Colleagues! I congratulate you on a wonderful holiday - New Year! May this year bring you only happy moments, positive mood and success! I wish our joint work to be productive, efficient and prosperous, and our business to develop in the right direction, bringing profit to us and our clients!

I hasten to congratulate all those with whom I share my working days on the New Year. Let our profession be always in demand and adequately paid, the results of the work be obvious, and the contribution to the development of the Motherland be very significant. Happy New Year, gentlemen colleagues, with new happiness!

Dear colleagues! I congratulate you on the long-awaited holiday - New Year. I wish to remember all the pleasant things that happened last year under the chime of the clock and thank him. And in the coming year, take with you good luck, prosperity and love. Let everything be fine at work and at home!

I wish you, dear colleagues, to catch luck by the tail in the midst of the New Year and hold it tight until the next holiday! To get caught in the net of a happy fortune and not get out of it all the long and joyful life path! Happy New, certainly magical and sparkling, you year!

Accept New Year's greetings, The person with whom I share all hours of work and lunch breaks. Thank you for a good working atmosphere, reliable support, a calm working condition and confidence in achieving our goal. May your every working day be better than the previous one in the New Year, and each salary be higher every month.

I congratulate you, my colleague, on the magical holiday of the New Year. I wish you to find inspiration, creative ideas, healthy ambitions, financial prosperity, career growth and everything that makes our work a pleasure under the Christmas tree.

Colleagues, we are all in anticipation of the New Year, in anticipation of the upcoming holidays and the long-awaited weekend! But besides this, we all, regardless of age, still believe in miracles in our souls. And I wish everyone - to the sound of the chiming clock, make one, or better, several wishes at once. And let them come true, no matter how crazy and unrealistic they may seem at first glance. I wish you all healthy optimism and faith in the best! May the coming year bring more positive and make us all believe in miracles!

My dear colleagues at work, we have worked well and together this year! Thank you for accepting me well into your team and thanks to you I easily improved my professional level. Found among you new and good friends. I want our team to be even stronger and more harmonious in the new year. So that the hours of our work bring only joy and pleasure! Let our cooperation with you last for many more years, let's forgive each other mutual insults, happiness to you in the family and at work.

Colleagues, I congratulate you on the New Year. I wish you good health in the new year, and there will be health, there will be strength for work, and there will be work, there will be aspirations, and there will be aspirations, there will be successes, and there will be successes, there will be prosperity. Well, let Santa Claus give everyone happiness and love.

Corporate Happy New Year greetings to colleagues

There would have been no question of any success if our team had not taken up the matter! The time has come for annual reports, reconciliations, approval of a business plan... but behind all the figures and calculations is the painstaking work of professionals, without whose skill no process is conceivable and no idea is embodied. The outgoing year was successful thanks to your knowledge and experience, patience and mutual assistance, ability to work in a team, respect for each other and dedication to a common cause! May the coming year be reliable and stable for you and your loved ones, and may your dreams and goals come true! We wish peace and comfort to your families! Your well-being is the key to our common success! Happy New Year, friends!

Dear and respected colleagues! Happy New Year! May it be even more fruitful and joyful than the outgoing year. May all our plans come true, and every day be successful both in the family and in work. Good luck, peace and kindness!

Dear Colleagues! Another year has come to an end! It's a bit of a pity, because those wonderful events that rallied our team are becoming a thing of the past. But do not be discouraged, because there is still a lot of new things ahead that we have to go through together! May everything that comes in the New Year bring only changes for the better, prosperity and income growth to our team! Happy new year dear friends!

When the old year passes, we all feel sorry for something. But do not be sad, friends, because everything that is lived remains in us forever. And let all the best that has been lived in the outgoing year become a small spark compared to the bonfire of bright events awaiting us in the coming year. Even if what we were afraid to dream about will wait for us in real life! Let every sparkler pour into the river of smiles and joy of our entire multinational Russian family!

The New Year is definitely and irrevocably approaching. Therefore, dear fellow friends, I wish you to put aside the hustle and bustle and focus on your desires, because all of them will certainly come true! New bright victories to all of us in the old reliable team.

Dear Colleagues!
I think that many of you will meet the coming year at the festive table in the circle of your closest people, because the New Year is a family holiday. I want to raise a celebratory glass for the warmth and comfort in your home, for peace and prosperity in every family!
May the New Year be successful and fruitful for you! Happiness, festive mood, health, love to you and your loved ones!

Dear friends! The New Year is coming - the time of new hopes, successes and victories. What will be the coming year depends on each of us. Therefore, first of all, I want to wish you all faith in yourself and your strengths, great achievements, discoveries and hopes. We will definitely bring them to life! Let the coming year only multiply the number of happy moments, people dear to you will be nearby, and the warmth of the family hearth will attract welcome guests. Encourage the tired, smile at those who are lonely - and life will repay you a hundredfold for your care. Please accept my heartfelt wishes for health, well-being, happiness and prosperity! Have a great mood and happy New Year holidays! Happy New Year!

Dear and respected colleagues! Last year we conquered new peaks! Today I want to wish you a Happy New Year! We look to the future with bright hopes, but in order for them to come true, it is necessary to make every possible effort. Stay positive bright people in any work situation, no matter how difficult it may seem. Support a teammate with advice or help in your spare time! And may your home always be warm and cozy, so that you come to work with joy and a gleam in your eyes!