Contests for children's birthday theme fairies. "Seven Rainbow Kings" - birthday script. Prizes, awards, souvenirs

What do you need to organize a children's holiday? Good mood and, of course, the script. I was lucky and I had a wonderful children's party script on the topic " Fairies and Wizards ". However, such luck is quite available to you;).

This scenario, as well as everything-everything-everything needed for our holiday was in a compact bright box. With the permission of the company Holiday in a cube »I will share the contents of the box in detail so that those who wish can collect everything they need themselves or also buy a box to organize a holiday.

The script for the children's holiday "Fairies and Wizards"

Message from the magical world

On antique paper (the easiest way to “age” the paper is to leave it overnight in strong tea) a message is written from the director of the school of magic that it is today that the doors of the magic school are opening to teach children the professions of fairies and wizards. Only the bravest people who are not afraid of magical trials can get into this school.

Test one - a lesson on creating a magic wand

The most important thing that every fairy and wizard needs is, of course, a magic wand. And children, under the guidance of a magician, can make it themselves.

And we need:

  • wire
  • colored beads, jingle bells
  • colorful ribbons
  • and ... a jar of soap bubbles

Let's get to the magic.

1. First of all, we bend the wire in half and in the middle we make a ring the size of a child's eye 🙂

2. Now we begin to string beads on the wire, endowing each with a magical property (understand the language of birds, turn into a cat, learn to dance, turn sand into sweets, etc.)

3. When all the magical properties are transferred to the magic wand, you need to tie a ribbon to the tip so that you can effectively wave your wishes.

4. Now we check the performance of the magic wand by trying to release rainbow bubbles through it. Everything should work!

Trial Two - A Lesson in Taming Magical Animals

All wizards have their own magical pets. And young fairies also need to get to know their magical animals.

For these purposes, you need to pick up several pictures of mysterious animals and cut them into pieces so that you can add different animals.

Parts of the pictures need to be numbered and write arbitrary syllables on each.

By collecting applications, fairies and wizards will choose their magical animals.

Each child should be asked to tell about his magical pet: where he lives, what he eats, what magical properties he has (passes through walls, turns rain into lemonade, ....) and what call he comes to.

Trial Three - Fortune Telling Lesson

You need to prepare a divination card (we had it in the kit). To do this, take an A3 sheet and stick-draw on it fortune-telling sectors that endow the students of the magic school with magical abilities.

On our divination card were:

  • bubble - whoever gets there will be an Alchemist
  • dragon - gives power over magical animals
  • magic flower - gives a person the gift of controlling plants
  • cloud - allows you to control the weather
  • the sun - gives the opportunity to command in the summer
  • centaur - gives power over centaurs.

Now the young wizards need to close their eyes and drop the Velcro flower onto the divination card. To get magic power, you need to complete a certain task:

  • depict a boiling kettle
  • growl like a dragon
  • show how a flower grows and opens
  • depict rain, thunder and lightning
  • show the sun with rays
  • run like a herd of horses

Test four - a lesson on creating a talisman

Our wonderful box contained magical ingredients: Sleepy Lake Water, Tears of Bergamot, and Magic Pollen. I don’t know what was hidden under these mysterious names, but the output turned out to be a funny jelly-like substance, which you can see from the photo and video in the article “Fairy Birthday”.

If you do not get such rejuvenating apples of elements, then take starch and tinted water in equal proportions - 150-200 grams each, place them in vials and sign intricately.

And then give the kids magical bubbles, and jars for storing talismans. And to stimulate the magic, let the young fairy wizards sprinkle their talismans with fairy dust (sparkles, multi-colored sand, ...)

Trial Five - A Lesson in Defensive Magic

Children - preschool children, and schoolchildren too, are often afraid of some kind of spider bugs or monsters, so they need to be taught special spells.

For instance:

  • "Paukatus runaway" - drives away spiders
  • "Mosquito repellent" - drives away all mosquitoes
  • "Ghost Uletakus" - will disperse the ghosts
  • "From a bad mood get rid of" - will improve mood.

You can check the effectiveness of the spell if you prepare a ghost in advance.

And for this, inflate a white balloon, tie a rope to it and throw white matter over the balloon. On matter, you can draw the eyes and mouth of a ghost.

When the children learn the spells, you need to quietly get the ghosts and ask them to repeat the spell. Then let the ghost go into “free flight” so that the children themselves play with it and make sure that the spell turns the ghost into an ordinary ball 🙂

In a few minutes, the ghost must be quietly removed in order to continue further studies at the school of wizards.

Test six - control testing of young wizards and graduation ball

Training at the school of wizards is coming to an end and you need to check the abilities of young magicians - how well magical knowledge is mastered. And for this, fabulous testing is used.

Our box contained the following questions:

  • What color was Malvina's hair? Golden or was she bald?
  • What did Cinderella's pumpkin turn into? In a cutlet or candy?
  • Who caught Ivan Tsarevich's arrow? Cheesecake or pampushka?
  • What is the flying boy's name? Peter Spoon or Mr Ben?
  • Who slept for 100 years? Dwarf or turtle?

After the fairies and wizards answer all the tricky fairy questions, they need to be given wizard passports and color-changing mood rings (you can buy them in special magic shops 🙂).

And after the presentation of passports and gifts, it's time to have a bite to eat and go to the ball.

An unforgettable rainbow party with a breath of fresh air and a ray of warm sun will color gray everyday life in bright colors! This is an original idea for a holiday with friends, within any budget and for holding in any room. Rainbow extravaganza of colors is a suitable party theme for both children and teenagers, and for those who want to escape from the daily worries of adults.


Boring transparent glasses will effortlessly turn into bright "minke whales" - acrylic, brush and an hour of time. Color the salt with crushed chalk, lay it out in layers in transparent bottles. If it's autumn outside, paint the maple leaves. Drip gouache into water, pour into jars and put plastic umbrellas or flowers on top - simply and completely on topic.

To decorate a rainbow party place, use:

  • paper garlands;
  • pompoms, corrugated paper flowers;
  • bright ribbons, fabric;
  • multi-colored cocktail tubes;
  • Balloons;
  • buttons of different sizes and shapes;
  • bright beads (can be assembled from colored pasta or the same buttons);
  • "Ribbed" colored pencils (perfectly glued to cardboard, original coasters, frames for posters or photos are obtained).

Almost all improvised materials are suitable for invitations: an accordion-rainbow in an envelope, an applique of colored buttons or cereals, a striped card in a cup with M&M's or Skittles, rainbow lollipops or popsicles. Such invitations, albeit paper ones, will surely excite the taste for the holiday and set you up for active fun!

Upside down multi-colored umbrellas under the ceiling and bright rubber boots instead of flower vases look funny. And if a children's rainbow party is planned, add elements of a fairy tale to the festive interior:

  • fairies in colorful buds;
  • ponies with striped manes and tails (if there are many girls);
  • bright huge swallowtails, mushroom birds;
  • in secluded places, hide the treasures of the leprechaun - chests with chocolate or sweets in gold foil.

Make a paper cloud and rainbow "drops" of rain. On the cloud, kids can leave handprints or wishes if this is a party for older children.

Kids can't have too much color- what is already too much for adults, causes great delight in kids! But for teenagers and adults, a rainbow party can be decorated concisely and stylishly - a few bright elements on the main background. Of course, consider the mood of the guests and the degree of desire to fool around.


One of the organizers' favorite options is to ask guests to come in clothes of the chosen color (you need to distribute it in advance, evenly covering the entire palette). As a rule, no one has questions about what to wear - a rainbow party involves a free dress code and comfortable outfits: T-shirts, light dresses, shirts. The photos turn out great! Especially if you ask everyone to stand up like in a counting rhyme about a hunter and a pheasant.

Another option is a rainbow in the sky. Blue denim will act as the sky - trousers, skirts, shorts. And the top is white t-shirts (clouds) with a rainbow image or, again, a shade chosen for the guest. An interesting "planetary" option: a green bottom and a blue t-shirt with a rainbow.

The image will be complemented by homemade accessories - striped ties, bow ties, horns, bows, wigs and glasses. Makeup to match and colored mascara will enhance the effect!

If you are planning a rainbow party for adults or teenagers, the third option will prove to be quite time consuming. Guests must be striped from head to toe! There will be no problems with socks, but the rest can confuse the invitees. But for children, buying or sewing such outfits is not difficult, you just need to give parents time to prepare.


Multi-colored plastic dishes, colored napkins, skewers and tubes, a striped tablecloth - The rainbow style of the party should resonate with the table setting as well.

Let it be just a few elements for integrity, and bright treats will complete the festive design:

  • tomato, bell pepper salad(red, green, orange, yellow!), red onion and purple beans;

  • fruit cut and kebabs, canapes, tartlets;
  • slides of dragees and sweets in transparent vases;

  • colored cocktails, juices in transparent decanters and bottles with flirtatious bows, ice cubes from tinted water;
  • colorful slides of marmalade and huge lollipops, ice cream, cookies and cakes.

Sprinkle cakes with small confetti or pour over with multi-colored icing. And for coloring dough, clear drinks, and sweets, use food coloring, jams, and colored juices. Here's how easy it is to make rainbow themed treats for your party:

colored popcorn- sugar, water, dyes. We prepare liquid caramel (melt sugar and water), add dye, pour over popcorn and mix well.

rainbow jelly- sachets for making jelly, water, dye or juice. Just add water, as it is written on the bag, but painted in the desired color. And then cool the jelly in layers: the first layer has seized - pour the second, and in the refrigerator, then the third, etc.

Striped popsicles- sprite, dye, molds. Like jelly, you need to freeze in layers. Add brightly colored fruit pieces or small gummies. Delicious fruit ice is obtained from freshly squeezed juice with pulp.


A rainbow party hardly needs a strict script.- the theme is conducive to unbridled fun and a bit of madness! Adult guests will almost certainly be happy with competitions from childhood: hitting a bottle with a pencil, tearing a newspaper with their bodies in a dance, biting off an apple on a string, running to the finish line with an egg in a spoon, etc.

And here a script is important for children- so the rainbow party will remain in the memory of the kids longer:

- Guys! An evil leprechaun has stolen our rainbow! He says that he will not show it to such lazy and bad children. Let's prove to him that you are not at all lazy, but very dexterous, smart and good?!

It's great if one of the parents plays the role of a harmful leprechaun. Let there be seven contests, like the colors of the rainbow:

  • Red(symbolizes strength) - tug of war, bursting balls with the fifth point, knocking down targets with plush balls.
  • Orange(energy) - obstacle course, blindfold racing, bouncers.
  • Yellow(observation) - riddles about colors, quickly name objects of a hidden color, etc. Rest after active competitions.
  • Green(flexibility) - “the sea is worried once ...” is perfect. And for teenagers and adult party guests, organize a rainbow twister (the one in which you have to take funny poses on the floor, getting your hands and feet into circles of the desired color).
  • Blue(dreaming) - let the children answer unexpected questions: “What would happen if you changed places with your parents, if all the trees became chocolate, if people could turn into anyone?”. One more minute of rest.
  • Blue(organization) - it's time to divide into teams and color the picture, assemble a puzzle or build a costume (out of paper, colored fabric, etc.) for speed.
  • Purple(creativity) - write together a congratulation in a rainbow style to the hero of the occasion (with colored pens or over a painted rainbow, for example).

At the end of each contest, give guests a matching color ribbon or large cardboard letters to fold into a rainbow for a souvenir photo. After completing all the stages, announce that now no one will doubt that guests deserve a bright rainbow life and good mood every day!

- Well done boys! All of you are strong, energetic, observant, etc.

Beat the finale as a congratulation - the leprechaun returned the rainbow in the form of memorable gifts to all guests (crayons, pencils, paints) and mountains of gifts for the birthday man (collect everything in advance, wrap it in colored paper and stick stickers with the name of the giver). Or maybe the returned rainbow will be a huge striped cake or colorful fireworks?!

Entertainment "Visiting the Rainbow Fairy"


"IN guests to the Rainbow Fairy»

Target: Development artistic and creative abilities of children.

Tasks according to educational areas:

To expand the knowledge of children about various types of art;

Raise interest in artistic creativity;

Enrich children's vocabulary.

Entertainment progress:

Children enter the festively decorated hall. There are seven colorful boxes on the table.

caregiver: Children, we have great joy today. We were invited to an exhibition of paintings. Do you want to know who sent us this invitation? Fairy sent it Rainbow. She commands all colors. The paints love her very much and are friends with her, so in the fairy palace rainbows There is always music playing and everyone is having fun. Fairy Rainbow sent us all colorful invitation cards. We will be allowed to the exhibition only with these tickets, this is strictly monitored by the cheerful elves Fairies Rainbow and her favorite colors. Grab your tickets and we'll hit the road guests to Fairy Rainbow.

The teacher opens the envelope and takes out tickets.

Instead of tickets, white sheets.

caregiver: Oh, what happened? Last night I held these tickets in my hands and they sparkled with all the colors rainbows, and now they have turned into white pieces of paper. What happened to them? Who will decorate our invitation cards?

An adult dressed as Kashchei the Deathless enters.

Koschei the Immortal: All paints, pencils,

I'll hide it later - look for it!

I forbid children to draw,

But all this doesn't count.

Something needs more

My wild fantasy!

I will order white

Repaint black.

And make flies out of you

And what will I do next

How do I think about it...

It takes my breath away!

caregiver: All clear! It was Kashchei the Deathless who hid the colors from our invitation cards.

Koschei the Immortal: Yes Yes Yes! Since childhood, I do not like all kinds of colors. I locked them in magic boxes. While they are there, you will never defeat me and get into the Fairy Palace. Rainbow.

I firmly believe in dullness

Happy cloudy day.

Any gray personality

I love and appreciate!

caregiver: Tell me, please, your Dimness, what keys open magic boxes?

Koschei the Immortal: Okay, I'll tell you, you still won't be able to open them. Only the correct answers to very difficult questions will help you open these boxes. Where can you do it! I myself do not know the answers to these questions.

caregiver A: We'll try. Our children are very smart, they know and can do a lot. Yes, and we really want to return the colors.

Children come to the table, on which there are caskets. Each box has a question for the children to answer.

1st box: My cheerful sonorous ball,

Where did you run off to?

Red Yellow. …

2nd casket: What is King Pea's favorite color?

3rd casket: What color do you get when you mix red and blue?

4th casket: What is the main color in the cartoon collection "Carousel"?

5th casket: The color of a signor from a fairy tale "Chippolino"

6th casket: Bright sunny color.

7th casket: Deep lake color.

Children answer questions. After the correct answer, the teacher takes out the appropriate paint from the box. Kashchei the Deathless gets angry, then becomes a little kinder.

caregiver: Guys, you all answered the questions correctly, so the boxes opened. Only here are the colors of the Fairy rainbows messed up. Let's make these colors rainbow.

Children are divided into two teams and each makes up

rainbow in the correct sequence.

A game "Compose rainbow»

Kashchei the Deathless sits in a corner, thinking, falling asleep.

caregiver: Guys, what kind of music does Kashchei the Deathless not like?

The kids are in charge (cheerful, joyful, perky, sonorous, mischievous, dancing and other).

caregiver: Let's listen to a few excerpts from musical works and choose the one that will help us get rid of Kashchei the Immortal.

Children listen to music excerpts works:

"Joke" I. Bach, "Turkish Rondo" W. Mozart, "Bold Rider" R. Schuman, "Waltz" I. Strauss.

Children: Kashchei the Immortal won't like it "Waltz" I. Strauss, because this is the favorite work of the Fairy Rainbow.

The teacher turns on the music loudly, Kashchei the Deathless wakes up, asks the children not to expel him from the kindergarten. The children leave him and offer him to go with them to the Fairy. Rainbow.

caregiver: Okay, stay with us. Together with the guys, you will complete the couplets.

1. The sounds lined up in a row, it turned out ... (scale)

2. Friendship of sounds is said, called a word ... (lad)

3. The bright world is spacious, opened to a number of …. (major)

4. The world, immersed in twilight, opened a row for us .... (minor)

5. From a roar to a whistle, three in music (register)

caregiver: Well, now the colors are free and we can go to the Fairy Rainbow. Let's color the invitation cards. And let's also turn Kashchei the Colorless into Kashchei the Multicolored.

Koschei the Immortal A: Thank you guys. I will be colorful! Why was I harmful, because I did not know colors.

Children draw flowers, cut them out and decorate with them the cloak of Kashchei the Immortal.

caregiver: Oh, guys, look what happened to our invitation cards. They are bright and colorful again.

The teacher distributes tickets to children,

one ticket is given to Kashchei the Deathless.

caregiver: And now we go to the Fairy Rainbow.

Fairy meets children near the colorfully decorated house Rainbow with a yellow cap in hand and paint (children in hats of colors)

Fairy Rainbow: Hello guys. I am glad to see you at my art exhibition. Here is my exhibition of paintings, they were painted by both artists and kindergarten children "Sun". Whom I put on this magic cap will be the guide at the exhibition.

Fairy Rainbow puts a cap on one of the children. The child begins a tour of the exhibition, talks about one of the paintings he liked.

Children looking at pictures "Ivan Tsarevich and the Grey Wolf", "Alyonushka", "Three heroes" and others.

caregiver: What is this picture?

On the easel is an unfinished painting depicting a cockerel.

Fairy Rainbow: And I have prepared a surprise for you. You need to finish the cockerel, paint his tail with multi-colored paints.

Relay game "Color the cockerel"

Fairy Rainbow: What a colorful and colorful cockerel you have! I will definitely hang this picture in my palace.

Koschei the Immortal: I also want to hang such a picture in my palace!

caregiver: Do not be upset, Kashchei the Deathless, the children will draw a picture for you too.

The teacher takes out an unfinished picture of a peacock.

Children coloring the peacock

Relay game "Color the Peacock"

caregiver: Here's a present for you.

Children give a picture to Kashchei the Immortal.

He thanks the children, says goodbye and leaves.

Fairy Rainbow: I'm glad that you visited me in away released my favorite multi-colored paints. Come to me again, I will wait for you very much. Goodbye!

The children say goodbye and leave.

First, we as parents celebrate every week since the birth of the baby (“Hurrah, our newborn is already two weeks old!”). Then every month. Then, when the child grows up, every year. Birthday is something that children look forward to. For parents, the holiday often promises only troubles and expenses. But if you wish, a birthday can become a real holiday that will be pleasant to celebrate (and cook!) And adults. That's what we'll talk about today.

Birthdays, like probably everything in the world, are subject to fashion. In recent years, traditional home parties with salads, pies and dumplings have been replaced by birthdays outside the home. There is simpler food on the table, the venue is a game room, a cafe, a kindergarten, a children's center... Of course, such outdoor holidays are convenient. No need to put things in order "before and after", no need to invent entertainment - the animator will do everything, no need to carefully think through the menu. The beauty. The only problem is that although this trend has appeared relatively recently, it has already become boring. Such holidays are too monotonous. Animators with the same set of jokes and contests wander from birthday to birthday. Their performances are predictable and no longer interesting.

But, as usual, there is a way out - exclusive children's birthday parties. Actually, in many families this tradition was still in the Soviet years. It was possible, for example, to go into the forest, to play Indians with the guests. Now this idea has developed - and birthdays are no longer only thematic, but also based on books, films, cartoons, computer games ... First you need to decide what exactly the child loves, what will be interesting to him. Then - a few days to think about the script and write it, a couple of days to prepare the props, father-assistant, mother-host, parent of one of the guests - also to help, and in the end - a memorable birthday.

So we started spending the birthdays of our children with friends almost four years ago. During this time, there were a lot of interesting things, and I will be happy to introduce you to some scenarios. And let's start with a story that has not yet been played, designed for girls and boys aged 6-8. They wanted to hold it last weekend, but due to illness it did not work out, while the case is being postponed. Therefore, I offer you only the text, without photos. By the way, it’s interesting that Yu-mother inspired the idea for me - apples fell on Newton’s head, and a fierce October discussion “When to start reading The Wizard of Oz” (and, therefore, “The Seven Underground Kings”) caught my eye. In any case, we still have a long way to go, and you can play now! (note that in the text what is underlined is not speech, of course, but a description of actions).

Scenario of the holiday "Seven Rainbow Kings"

LEADING: Hello guys. Today, at the birthday of XXX, I invite you to visit a fairy tale. But our fairy tale will be unusual. I will tell you its beginning, but its end will depend on you - on what you do. So listen. Long ago, in a land far, far away, there was the Rainbow Kingdom. As many as seven kings lived in it. They lived together, never quarreled among themselves, and it is not surprising, because each king had his own business to his liking, his own hobby:

- red king he loved beauty, he appreciated everything beautiful and could find beauty everywhere.

- orange king He was a doctor, he enthusiastically treated everyone who came to him.

- yellow king more than anything in the world he loved to cook and eat - he was an excellent cook.

- green king was, of course, a connoisseur of nature, he knew everything about plants, insects, animals, birds.

- blue king most of all he loved the sky and everything connected with it.

- Blue King built his castle near the ocean - he could not live without water.

And finally purple king most of all he loved riddles, mysteries and fairy tales.

Everything was fine in the country of the Seven Rainbow Kings, but one day an evil sorceress found out about them. Her favorite color was the Mud Swamp color (by the way, that was her name - Mud Swamp), and her favorite thing was to destroy all colors. Like this: she took red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple and mixed them. And in the end it turned out like this - something dirty and ugly ( show on the example of a pre-prepared sheet of paper and paints - ideal if there is an easel). And only at such moments did Bolotnitsa feel happy, she rejoiced, laughed and even jumped with happiness. But then she again saw something colored - a cornflower or a ladybug or a pear - and went to destroy this color too. So one day she reached the country of the Seven Rainbow Kings, looked around and even trembled - both with anger and joy. The swamp quickly turned the kingdoms into one dull, dim spot, and moved on. And the inhabitants of the country and, of course, the kings - remained. Only, having lost their colors, they forgot about joy, forgot about love, forgot about happiness. All day long they sat looking ahead, not knowing what to do. And so, guys, I suggest you help the kings. We need to help them remember what bright colors, laughter and joy are. It's impossible to do without you. Well, shall we hit the road? (kids: yeah!). It's good that you are so determined. Take this basket with you (it is covered so you can't see what's inside), it will still be useful to us, and let's go.

1. Red King (activity - minimal)

LEADING: First, let's visit the Red King. Remember, it was he who once loved everything beautiful. But now he sits in his castle dull, dull and sad. Not a single beautiful thing remained around him. There are only seven toilet paper rolls in his entire palace - and they are also dull and gray, like everything around. But I know how to make these rolls bright. We will revive the king, and everything will work out for us! Let's take out our magic basket and see what we have for this case (explain to the children how to make beautiful princess and prince crowns, thread pre-prepared hat elastic bands into holes - holes can also be made in advance, cut cloves, and let the children paint and glue rolls)

Well how are you? Great, what a great fellow you are, what beautiful crowns you have turned out to be! Shall we show ourselves in them to the king? Put on. One two Three! (at this moment make the children look in YOUR direction, and at the same time the assistant quickly turns the lock to the children with the red, bright side. Only after that you show the girls that the miracle has happened) Your magic worked! The castle turned red, the king remembered his color and gives you a hint on how to defeat the evil Swamp. (we take a strip of red paper attached to the lock (pocket ???), on the back of which the word “each” is written - let the children read for themselves at each stage). So, while nothing is clear, we go further, maybe there will be more clues (go to another room)

2. Green king (activity - maximum)

LEADING: And now we have reached the Green King. But in general, in this state, it is difficult to recognize the Green King in him - you can see for yourself what color his castle is. But let's hope we're lucky here too. At the beginning of our journey, I said that the Green King loves most of all: animals, plants, insects ... But he forgot them, can you imagine? Let's try to remind him of them, shall we? We again turn to our magic basket, and we find these cards there (on the cards at your discretion: a bird, a horse, a bunny, a frog, a squirrel, a cat, a tree ... We give each child a card). Let's take turns showing the king everything that we see on our card. Just, mind you, don't say who you're impersonating. Let the king and the other guys figure it out for themselves. (we play with tips from adults about waving arms for trees, climbing a sports complex, and so on). So, thank you, you are great, they showed different living creatures perfectly, and now let's repeat everything together (everyone shows, the children's attention is slightly distracted, they look at you, and at this time the assistant insidiously changes the lock again). So the Green King has recovered, he is again bright and cheerful, he remembered his hobby, and also gives you a hint. (look at a strip of green paper with the word "know" written on the back). No, these tips are not enough for us, let's go further for new adventures. (go to another room).

3. Yellow king (activity - medium)

LEADING: Aha, now we come to the Yellow King. He sits quiet, sad and thin in his castle. He doesn't feel like eating and has forgotten how to cook. And I forgot how to cook, because I forgot what food can be made from. And again we need to come to the rescue. Again, let's see what we have in our basket for this case. (we take out seven small containers, glasses, mugs - it doesn’t matter, as long as they are opaque). Now we will each take turns trying different goodies and loudly shouting out the name of what you tried. And others - mind you, don’t tell, let everyone guess for themselves (we blindfold everyone in turn, take small pieces from the container on a toothpick and give them to each his own. For example, orange, raspberry or Victoria (is there frozen?), Lemon, apple, pear , kiwi, pomegranate - in general, so that fruits and fruits are preferably multi-colored) So, well done, everyone guessed the tastes that they gave you to try, and now let's make a fruit salad with you. Dismantle each mug (???) with the ingredients that you tried, and pour it here, into a large bowl (we also take it out of the basket, ideally yellow, but not necessarily, but in the meantime, the assistant skillfully flips the lock). Oh look! The yellow king has come to his senses! His castle is colored again! And we get another clue - so what does it say? .. (consider a strip of yellow paper, on the back of which the word "desires" is written). Eh, while it’s not clear what we need to do, let’s leave the rainbow salad for the way back (according to the situation - if they look with hungry eyes - you can have a bite to eat) for now let's go to the next castle (go to another room).

4. Blue King (activity - medium)

LEADING: We are visiting my beloved king - Blue. Now it's hard to tell from him, but he is very interesting, cheerful, never sits still, and constantly flies on something. So we definitely need to remind him what flying is. See. Here we have seven balloons (ordered in advance, you can - hidden from the birthday girl and guests, but not necessarily, with good impregnation, and multi-colored. Ideally - like a rainbow, but at least just different colors), but we have seven puppet girls and boys (you can cut out silhouettes from cardboard in advance. For hair, you can use small scraps of woolen threads - you can again rainbow ones). Take apart the figures for yourself, color them, make them bright, iridescent, and then we will launch them into the sky so that the king looks at them and remembers what flying is! (we help children, you can only use felt-tip pens, or you can use threads for hairstyles - then you need a glue stick and scissors, you can use sequins and so on). So our girls are ready. One, two, three, fly! (each child releases a ball into the sky with "his" figure - it can be made to look like himself - a real child, the assistant, meanwhile, turns the lock) While the little men look around the room from a height, the Blue King came to life! And here's a new clue! ( consider a strip of blue paper with the word "where" written on the back). I wonder what "where"? We ourselves are interested in WHERE is the solution of our problem. Let's go to the next king. We already helped that, goodbye Your Majesty (go to another room).

5. Orange King (activity - high)

LEADING: And now we are at the fifth king - Orange. And he, like his friends in misfortune, sits sad and lonely. He was always cheerful, cheerful and healthy, and he treated others, and he himself never got sick ... And then ... No, we urgently need to help him. Just what? Look, there are seven sticks in front of the king. Perhaps they are magical? Well, let's try. Take a wand each and try to cast spells - those that you know, or those that you come up with yourself. So, we begin (to prompt the children or let them speak themselves, wave their chopsticks together and repeat in chorus: “sim-sim-open, abracadabra, crible-crable-booms, snip-snap-snurrre-snurrre-basilurre, krex-fex-pex, fuck-tibidoh-tukh-tukh, ani-beni-slave, sim-salabim "and what else is there). No, nothing is working. But! How could I forget! After all, we have our basket! Let's see how to turn these wands into magic wands! (we rummage in the basket, take out seven multi-colored ribbons from there, discuss with the children how they can be combined with sticks and suggest or follow their own guess - that the ribbons should be tied to the sticks) Guys, what a great fellow you are! You are real wizards. After all, these are not just sticks and not just ribbons! Now we can arrange a real magical rainbow salute! And this is exactly what is needed for the Orange King! He will look at you and remember that movement, sports, exercise are health. Have you ever seen how gymnasts perform? Here we will try now. (on someone's stick show the elements - rings, waves) Getting started! Magic fireworks in honor of the Orange King - launch! (children rage, the castle quietly turns over) Well, here we are again! The king recovered and cheered up, the castle became colored! And here is our next clue ( consider a strip of orange paper with the word "hunter" written on the back). So, I think I'm starting to guess, but I'm not sure yet. We have already passed five kings, we have received five hints, there are two more kings left. Let's go further (go to another room).

6. Blue King (activity - low)

LEADING: And now we are visiting the sixth king - the Blue King. It was not for nothing that he built his castle on the ocean. The blue king loves water more than anything. Here he is - the same as all the kings before meeting with us - sad, dull. He forgot how to enjoy water. But we can help him, right? But how would you do it? In front of him is a bowl of water, in front of him are seven jars of paints. But what are we to do with them? Pour into a cup? But then all the colors will mix - to the delight of the Dirty Swamp. No, something else needs to be done. Maybe our magic basket will tell us? No, it's already empty... What to do... So. Let's go back to the Blue King, but for now let's visit the last king - Violet. Maybe if we help him, he can help us too? (go to another room)

7. Purple King (activity - medium)

LEADING: Before Muddy Swampland visited the Rainbow Kingdom, the Purple King loved riddles and fairy tales more than anything. Now, of course, he is not up to secrets and not up to stories - look at him, he is not interested in anything. But we can help him. Look, a cave of riddles has been preserved underground near his castle. The swamp did not notice her, and did not destroy her. If you are brave, then you need to visit this cave, and perhaps we will find answers there. Let's climb into the cave one by one - its entrance is here, the exit is here. The cave is usually well lit, so everyone take something from there (except for candles, of course), get out, and we will think about what to do with it, whether it will help us. Well, shall we start? Who is first? (children take turns climbing into the cave and getting clues from there - see the “Preparation” appendix) Well, well, well... Very interesting... We have three jars of paint - red, yellow and blue, a jar of water, paper, brushes and some schemes. I think I know what to do! Guys, what kingdom are we in, remember? In Rainbow. Probably, the cave of riddles wants to tell us that we need to draw a rainbow! Except… Do you know how many colors the rainbow has? (we count-we name, NOT remembering "every hunter wants to know", just listing the colors). Yes, there are seven colors in the rainbow, but there are only three colors. But we have these patterns! And they will help us (we explain the principle of mixing colors, if the children do not know, and draw a rainbow on a piece of paper - make sure to draw on the side where the invisible word is written - each one semicircle so that, and fatter, so that the word can be seen more clearly). Look, look, we drew a rainbow, and a word appeared on it! Who can read? Yes, it says "Fairy"! That's it! We need to go to the fairy, and she will tell us how to save the Blue King! Yes, Lord Purple King, did we get it right? (by this time the assistant has already turned over the king and the castle) Oh look, this is so amazing! We have disenchanted the Purple King too! So, we are on the right track, and we need to go to the fairy as soon as possible. Well, what other clue does the Purple King give us? (look at the strip of purple paper) Hmm, pheasant... Okay, let's go. Our journey is about to come to an end . (go out into the hallway)

8. Chocolate Cauldron Fairy (activity - medium)

LEADING: I completely forgot to tell you. There is one fairy in the Rainbow Land - the Chocolate Cauldron Fairy. She is not very powerful, so she could not fight the Mud Swamp, but still she is a real sorceress, because she gives people joy. The fact is that when we eat chocolate, a special substance is produced in our body - endorphins. They bring us joy and lift our spirits. And this Fairy treats everyone with chocolate. Let's go to her and ask her for advice. But how can we find it? Where did she hide when Swamp Girl came to the country? (we search, we search, and we find, following the “footprints” of brown paper petals, a fairy who has settled down somewhere in the kitchen or in the corridor - if only there was enough space for the girls to surround and it was possible to create at least a little “twilight” - with a curtain or something else -to) Hello, dear fairy! We have already cured almost all the kings of the Rainbow Land, but we could not guess what to do with the Blue King. Could you give us a hint?

FAIRY: Hello, brave travelers, of course, I will be happy to help you. But first you need to refresh yourself a little, restore your strength. In your Russian fairy tale, an apple tree, a stove and a river offer a girl who is looking for a brother to try an apple, a pie and jelly, and I offer you, of course, chocolate. Move closer to my magic cauldron, eat a piece, and then we'll see. (children take pre-prepared sticks with marshmallows, dip them in chocolate, eat, and meanwhile the fairy asks them about what they have already passed) Well, well, I see that you are brave, quick-witted and simply wonderful children, thank you for being help our country and I will help you too. The secret is simple: rainbow rain! The blue king loves water, and it is necessary that rainbow rain pour over our country. Then everything will finally come to life, the Swamp will burst from anger, and will never harm anyone again. Here is your secret weapon (give two bottles of foam and pipettes), go to the Blue King. It was a pleasure to meet you!

LEADING: Exactly! Rainbow rain, how did I forget! Now I know exactly what to do! Let's go soon, and once again thank you, Fairy, for the advice and for the treat. (go to the room to the Blue King)

9. Blue King (activity - medium)

LEADING: Here we are again at the Blue King. But now we have everything we need to save him! Guys, where does the rain come from? (children answer) Yes, from the clouds, from the clouds. And now we need to make such fabulous clouds! (children take turns covering the entire surface of the water with a cloud of foam) And now we need to make rainbow rain. This is done very simply. Take pipettes, each take a jar of paints, draw colored water into pipettes and slowly sprinkle into the clouds, and then sit down next to it and watch the rainbow rain fall (children do it with the help of adults, the main thing is not to miss the moment when the drops begin to seep through clouds) Look, here it is, rainbow rain, and here is the revived Blue King! (the king is upside down by this time along with the castle). And here is the last clue: "sitting." Let's lay out all the clues side by side and think about what it turns out. (remember or learn “every hunter wants to know where the pheasant is sitting”). Understood! This is a spell. It must be said in unison. Come on, three or four chant but nothing happens. Hmm, strange. So we need to do something else. But what? BUT! Probably, we need not only the words on these strips, but these strips themselves. See what they look like (to suggest or confirm the guess of the children that they look like a rainbow) Yes! To the rainbow! So let's make a rainbow! Three-four: "Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant is sitting !!!" (make a rainbow according to the model, as in the link below, tie it to an air balloon and launch it to the ceiling, where the girls are already hanging on the balloons - after that, shout the spell together again. In general, at this moment it is ideal to start color music, or at least just turn on the music unexpectedly, in general, enchanting to do something.And it is also necessary that in the distance the cotton was heard, and everyone heard it) Did you hear the noise? It burst out of anger Swampland, just as the Chocolate Cauldron Fairy predicted! We won! Colors, joy and rainbows have returned to the Rainbow Kingdom. And it's all thanks to you. The inhabitants of the kingdom are very grateful to you, and now several flowers in this country will be named after you:

Rimma - pink;

Christina - red;

Light - blue;

Sonya - light green - pale green;

Seryozha - lilac;

Vasilina - cornflower blue - rich blue;

Yana - amber - orange.

Thank you guys, you are great! Well, now let's congratulate the birthday girl and celebrate her birthday - we will rejoice together with the inhabitants of the rainbow kingdom! (we bring in a cake with candles and so on)

A happy ending.

Actually, all our scenarios look like this. The actions, the expected reaction of the children, the words of the host are described in detail ... But the script must have an application that helps both in preparing and during the celebration. So take a look at the following as well.

Preparation and necessary props:

Basket (bucket) with a coverlet on top.

Seven castles (if there is no time to draw, there is no talent - print the coloring pages and just color them in one color, without any special details. But it is necessary that one side be bright, colored, and the other disgustingly dirty gray).

On each lock, on the colored side, there is a pocket, in it is a strip of colored paper of the corresponding length - vary, from long to short - see the link "final rainbow".

Seven kings - you can absolutely schematically, but again, so that on the one hand - black and gray with a dull mouth, on the other - colored and smiling. Place kings near castles.

A large sheet of paper and seven watercolors, a glass of water and a thick brush, you can put the sheet on an easel (Swamp).

Seven hat elastics - gold and silver are better, stickers, felt-tip pens, colored tape, scissors (Red King).

Seven cards with plants-birds-animals-insects - your choice (Green King).

Seven mugs, glasses, containers - opaque small ones and one fruit and berry ingredient in each of them), a toothpick in each of them, a large bowl (preferably yellow) (Yellow King).

Seven multi-colored balls, seven blanks-girls (paper-cardboard), scissors, glue, felt-tip pens, sequins, woolen threads (Blue King).

Seven sticks (you can use simple branches) and seven ribbons (length 2-3 meters, all different colors, three centimeters wide) (Orange king).

A bowl of water to the brim, shaving foam (the cheapest, you can use a couple of bottles), seven containers with liquid paint (food coloring, gouache or watercolor mix thickly with water), seven pipettes (you can use ordinary ones, you can use Nurofen, you can use shop for handicrafts - they are sold for soap making), a stool or a small table - so that the bowl stands on it (Blue King).

- "cave" - ​​a table and chairs covered with bedspreads - sheets and other things - to get a relatively spacious and long dark tunnel with an entrance and exit; luminous objects to illuminate its different angles (candles or something else), three jars of paints - red, yellow and blue, a jar of water, thick paper (for watercolor, for example), the word " fairy", brushes and color schemes (red+yellow=orange, red+blue=purple, blue+yellow=green, blue+water=blue) (Purple king).

- fondue pot, pieces of marshmallow, pre-melted chocolate (guessing to make sure it was melted), paper brown petals, a cape for a fairy - or anything, just to add some fabulousness, gifts to save the Blue King - see Blue King (Chocolate Cauldron Fairy).

- stapler, thread, you can glue and a couple of pieces of cotton wool, a balloon, you can - a light ball - see link (final - Blue King).

Next comes the section Buy Links. Due to the restrictions imposed by Yu-mother, of course, I won’t list the links, but I’ll tell you that all the props (adhesive tape, silhouettes of girls, light cubes or battery-operated candles, crystal luminous “disco” balls) and gifts for guests (gum bands of all colors rainbows for hair, a rainbow breeze, a rainbow bracelet, a set of "Rainbow of Aromas" and so on) can be bought inexpensively on a well-known website. By the way, in any case, guests will receive gifts from the holiday itself:

For a girl painted (with a ball);

According to the crown made;

By candle;



One or two assistants (a fairy before her appearance can also be one of the assistants).

It is desirable that both the birthday girl and the guests dress lighter, and that it is not a pity, if anything, to get dirty with paint.

You definitely need one or two partners to prepare the room for the next “king”, slip the balls in, fill the basket “on the sly”, turn the castles with kings quickly, remove unnecessary things, and so on. And they need to have a printed script. So that they know the sequence of actions.

Everything should be ready BEFORE the holiday. Paints are mixed, water is poured, scissors are ready, and so on. It is better if for each stage in neutral territory (kitchen, for example) there will be a separate pile.

If it seems long, you can relatively painlessly remove the Chocolate Cauldron Fairy. But it's a pity, painfully "delicious" character. Yes, and on it the children will rest a little.

Instead of an afterword

Such thematic meetings are contagious. Having visited them, I want to make a birthday and my child also special, interesting for the birthday man and his guests. You can find scripts on the Internet, but it’s better if they become only a hint for you, on the basis of which you can already create your exclusive holiday. There is even such a service - paid services for writing a birthday script. It costs about two to four thousand rubles.

Well, we and our friends (permanent authors and participants of these thematic “meetings”) are now preparing new birthdays and just holidays “for no reason” - according to Bazhov, according to a cycle of books about the Findus kitten, in the world of primitive people, according to The Gruffalo and the Lego galaxy... The theme can be anything. Dinosaurs, horses, "Angry birds", fairies, insects, the underwater world - there are no restrictions here. The main thing is the desire and imagination of the parents (and as practice shows, this is a reckless and addictive business), the script and the appropriate entourage, which can be created with the simplest improvised means. Paints, cardboard boxes, ropes, disposable tableware - let your children's imagination run wild and let the children PLAY. Often they are deprived of this, they don’t know how to build houses from tables and blankets, they can’t imagine that a stool is a circus lion’s pedestal, and a cardboard tube left from a roll of oilcloth is a tunnel in which you can launch lanterns-trains at speed. Yes, in this case, parents need more effort than if there was a playroom and an animator, yes, you need to think through everything - from invitations (in the form of a pirate card or a cake glued by the child himself) to souvenirs, which are now customarily distributed to all participants holidays. But in the end, you will be provided with the joy of a birthday person (who can partly help in organizing a birthday - and children are interested in this), a pleasant surprise for guests, and, most importantly, an exciting, memorable HOLIDAY.

P.S. In a few days, read another script for my daughter's last birthday. The theme was the book and cartoon How to Train Your Dragon.